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What do I say?

  • Thread starterMaker
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Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Oct 1, 2006
I would like some advice.

I have been fantasised about being cuckolded for years, but have done nothing about it, because I am scared that my wife would think I am mad, or leave me, or just say no.

Can anyone advise me how I might convince her to have sex with another man? My wife is dominant towards me and has spanked me. (I have never spanked her) She had two lovers before marrying me, and has not had sex with any other man since, or has not told me about it if she has. I do not need to see her properly 'manned', but want her to share the experience in some way.

Realistic help please - not just 'show her a picture of my thing, that'll convince her'

Take it slow. patience. Bring up the subject in sexual and non sexual situations.

Thanks for the advice - if any further suggestions come to mind, please let me know. I have a plan........

I am going to talk with my wife when we have time for a long lovemaking session at the weekend, and get her hot on the idea, and hot on the idea of being hot, and hot on the idea of me being hot at her being hot. If you see what I mean.

If anyone else wants to suggest good arguments, or strategies, please respond.

Hi maker, what’s new? Did you continue to tell her what you like her to experience?
I send you another PM.
Well - I tried, but it did not go quite to plan - I didn't think and did not plan ahead well enough.

If you want more details I can give them, but basically, as we made love on Saturday morning I talked a lot about how sexy and beautiful she is, and how I was lucky to have her. I said I felt greedy having her all to myself and asked her why she had never taken a lover. I said I would not mind if she did - I would understand. All this was as we were making out and making love, and she was obviously enjoying the attention and praise. I said she ought to - that I would feel even more proud to see her appreciated by another man, and to know she was my wife and was so hot and sexy. As we were kissing and cuddling afterwards I said she should do it for real. She said she would think about it.
That night we went to a fireworks party with neighbours. Beforehand as we were dressing I said how lovely she was looking and hinted that the neighbour we were going out with would thinks so too - and maybe, she should test out her 'maybe' from the morning.
She got really cross - said that was just sex talk and she wasn't a slut like that and that I was being weird. I got her to calm down in time for the party, but when we were there I know that she talked about her quarrel with one of our (her) friends. I seem to be no further forward, and yet have been outed as a perv to her mates.

Any ideas what I should do next?


Who knows maybe her friend advised her to do it. Maybe she said she would jump at the chance to do it if her husband would ask her. Maybe her friend is already doing it. The best way to get your wife to try it is with the help of a friend. Hers or yours. Also try and put her innocently in positions where it could happen. There is not a woman in the world that cant be laid. If they say different they are not being truthful. Same for men. Afew too many drinks under the right conditions will be the fastest tool you can use. She at this time still doesnt believe you really want this. What can you expect, that she will jump up and say she will, just because you asked her. She is very unsure and probably thinks you are trying to trap her. Liquor, friend, timing, place, opportunity, trust, encouragement and she will fuck. How you put this all together is up to you. But it will work and all the effort will be worth it. You have got to prove to her that you are really serious and will love her even more for fulfilling your fantasy. Go to work man it can happen. Good Luck okdeacon
Hi maker.
So far everything went the expected way. You should slow down. Always slowly forward. If you touch the subject once a week you will eventually succeed. Okdeacon is right; there is no woman that can not be seduced. Most of them do not admit it. After all that’s not what their mothers thought them to be proper. You have to be persistent, to reeducate her without being forth full. If you find a suitable story or article on this or any other board, print it and give it to her to read or leave it laying around so she find it und reads it.
Most or many husbands like to see their wives to be desirable to others. That’s an ego boost, a confirmation that he has a beauty.
Most or many husbands like to see their wives to play with another male. I use the word “play” because the range, a wife or a husband are able to tolerate, is huge. It is another truth, most men will never admit this. Because it is not manly to give sexual freedom to a wife.
How old is your spouse? How many years do you have to get her to become a hotwife? I don't think you want to go into cuckolding. That would too big a step for your wife to jump. So speaks enser.
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Thannks for support

Hi Enser

Thanks for your support here.

My wife is only 29, so there is plenty of time, although I would love her to be a 'hotwife' whils she is still in her twenties.

I have thought the weekend over, and am not dispirited. She is keen, I know it. And she told her friend - that suggests something, doesn't it? (not sure what, though)

She is okay again with me now. I apologised last night for freaking her out. I made it part of our sex/punishment play, but I told her that it is really a fantasy of mine, and that I think she deserves to be appreciated by someone else as well as me. I suggested that she might enjoy the attention of two guys at the same time, and as she was not unkeen on this, I will go back to this line again when the opportunity offers itself. I am concentrating on buying her presents which make her feel appreciated and sexy at the same time.

I am very close, I know it. After all - she is talking a little about it, she is letting me go down on her after we make love, she spanks me for fun and for kinks. How much does she have to change before she will let me encourage her to play out with my permission?


enser said:
Hi maker.
So far everything went the expected way. You should slow down. Always slowly forward. If you touch the subject once a week you will eventually succeed. Okdeacon is right; there is no woman that can not be seduced. Most of them do not admit it. After all that’s not what their mothers thought them to be proper. You have to be persistent, to reeducate her without being forth full. If you find a suitable story or article on this or any other board, print it and give it to her to read or leave it laying around so she find it und reads it.
Most or many husbands like to see their wives to be desirable to others. That’s an ego boost, a confirmation that he has a beauty.
Most or many husbands like to see their wives to play with another male. I use the word “play” because the range, a wife or a husband are able to tolerate, is huge. It is another truth, most men will never admit this. Because it is not manly to give sexual freedom to a wife.
How old is your spouse? How many years do you have to get her to become a hotwife? I don't think you want to go into cuckolding. That would too big a step for your wife to jump. So speaks enser.
Take it slow, encourge your wife, talk to her, let her know you love her and don't want to fuck anyone else... Good luck.
Cool it for a week or two, be nice to her, and then carefully bring it up again.
How are you a week later?
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You never acknowledged any of my advise but I am very happy for you as it is going to work out. Someone advised you to go to the girlfriend and just ask for her help. How let me see who was that? Thank You Very Much. okdeacon
Very careful now, I send you a section of my story. I never published it before. Most of it has happened part is fantasy. The part of her delivering a cake, is true. Look for a private messages.
okdeacon said:
You never acknowledged any of my advise but I am very happy for you as it is going to work out. Someone advised you to go to the girlfriend and just ask for her help. How let me see who was that? Thank You Very Much. okdeacon

I am sorry okdeacon - I do appreciate your advice and as you see I have used it to some effect. I am following a course set by events rather than leading my own way, so it is hard to know what to do next, but I am applying principles based on everyone's advice.

enser said:
Very careful now, I send you a section of my story. I never published it before. Most of it has happened part is fantasy. The part of her delivering a cake, is true. Look for a private messages.

Enser- thank you very much for the story - it was a great story, thrilling and I can see the need to step carefully.

I will update - I am in for a spanking tonight and that normally gives a chance to talk about sex and fun, so......

A Big Week

This has been one hell of a week, and I have not been able to get in to post news to okdeacon and enser and the others who have made suggestions as to how I should guide my wife into becoming a hotter, wilder and more promisuous lady. Much has happened. This could be a longer post. I will try to keep it short, but if anyone wants more details, just pm me. It has all been very exciting and I want to share.
Saturday night I got my spanking. While I am spanked I am normally told off for the things I have done wrong. This time my wife spent a lot of time telling me that I was being punished for trying to break my marriage vows to her. When she had finished, I asked what she had meant and she said her friend had told her that I was trying to hit on her, and that getting her to go off with her husband was part of my plan to justify it to myself. (I thought at the time - thanks so much okdeacon!) I explained that I did not want her friend - I only wanted her to have fun, that I loved her and thought her sexy and wanted to encourage her to be as sexy as she liked. She didn't undesrtand, so I said that some women are beautiful but not sexy. Some women are beautiful and sexy, but not 'hot'. I told her she was already beautiful and sexy, but I wanted her to be hot - to really enjoy her sexiness and play with it. I explained that the hotter she was the hotter our sex life would be too, so it was good for me, but really I just wanted to encourage her to enjoy herself, and to show off how wonderful she was and to let her know that I wanted her to enjoy her sexiness as much as she could. I could have put that better, but I think she got the point. I said quite straight- forwardly that what I wanted was for her to have sex with another man - to cuckold me. I told her how sexy it had been for me to kiss her after she had kissed her friend's husband the last weekend )and she admitted that she had found that sexy too). I told how much sexier again it would be for me to know that she had been with another man and to feel that mixture of jealousy and humiliation and desire on a larger scale. I said that if that was wrong she should punish me for it and I would never mention it again. She made me fetch the riding crop, but when she had finished with me, she said she thought I was sweet.
Sunday I called her friend to complain - but she made it clear that she had deliberately set the idea of the swinging behaviour so that it would bring things to a head with sue. (so okdeacon was right again!) She said she knew my wife was keen, but needed to have an excuse to be angry with me to get going. She told me that she would invite us all for drinks on Friday at her house and that she would make things happen. I was to flirt with her a little, but not so much as to make sue really think I meant anything by it. It would encourage her to flirt with her husband in return. She told me she would talk with her husband and my wife and make things happen, but I was to trust her. Her husband came round that evening, apparently on his way back from the sports club.
I have to go as my laptop is running out of power and it is very late. I will carry on in the morning.

Last post

Okay - this time I wil be brief. Nothing but the bones - I get carried away with the telling and put in too many flowery words.

Saturday my wife got all dressed up for her big date - and went to the pictures with David. She said she likes the idea that it is like being a teenager dating again. She held hands and cuddled during the film, and then went for a drink with him. On the way home they stopped off in a quiet lane to pet, and she did, indeed, give him a blow job. Then she came home, kissed me and told me all about it whilst wanking me off. I was very warm and affectionate with her and got her off twice with my tongue before she was tired and went to sleep.

On Sunday we talked more - she said he has a very big dick, and she is scared it will hurt "after your's". I was extra considerate and kind all day and ran a bath for her and washed her hair and her body in the evening. I asked her whether she was going to carry on and let her know that I wanted her too and that I was excited by how hot and sexy she was. She said she hadn't decided - it would depend how nice I was to her. I am going to be very nice to her all week.

So - I am I home and dry? Is there anything else I should do. I do not want to fall at the final hurdle.

Without you......


Hi Maker, Very nice, excellent, so far so gut. Its very critical now. You are balancing on knives edge. Now it’s three people you have to watch out for. Your wife, David and David’s wife. Towards your wife and David, -David’s wife is taboo. It’s a tightrope walk. But, I think, David’s wife expects a little bit or a lot of attention. Or she plans to treat her husband to a three-some, with your wife being the third person.
Your wife seems to be comfortable with David, so you do not want to scare him off by getting too close to his wife.
It would be nice if his wife had to go on a weeklong trip, then your spouse could deliver something to him and get the dirty deed done.
Hi Maker, Just read the third part of your posting. You are on the right track. You will
get your Christmas present.
When you get time, take your wife shopping for fancy lingerie, just to be nice to your honey, to show your appreciation for her cooperation. Maybe an appointment in a day-spa. To get coiffured, massaged, manicured, pedicured and a facial. An other facial than the one she can get in bed.

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