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who should be moderator here?

  • Thread starterimported_dig420
  • Start date


Obviously the forum has grown to the point that it desperately needs moderation, but who should get the job?

I'm taking names into consideration, if you have a nomination list it in this thread. Mods must be fair, tolerant and vigilant. You need to stop fights without taking sides unless someone is clearly in the wrong - but without stifling discussion. Of course immediately delete threads featuring questionable (ie illegal) content. I'd like to make this a more friendly environment, get more women posting here and maybe open up some more forums.

So what do you guys think?
2 NOTS and a Yes

Definitely NOT Pimpology101 NOR Restitutor nor any other name-callers,nor put-downers nor haters.

If he would accept, kdawg68 would probably be a great choice.

Thanks for your concern both in your efforts to make this an even better site and for seeking our input.

I cast my vote for any of the following:

Will & Eve

Good luck with the ambition of getting more women to post. A tall order indeed when a great percentage of the "women" posting now are likely men.

And I've have nominated myself but didn't wanna give a certain faction of people that much of a fright this late at night.
Apologies to Pimp and Rest'r

RoamingWifeAndHerHubby said:
Definitely NOT Pimpology101 NOR Restitutor nor any other name-callers,nor put-downers nor haters.

We did NOT mean to call either Pimpology101 nor Restitutor haters. We just think that what we DO NOT want in a moderator is someone who goes on and on, nor does the site probably need a moderator that is easily drawn into a battle of words (lots of words!).

Just our opinions.

Amanda and Mark
pimpology101 said:
It's ok. Hater was a fair term. I do hate many of the things that are permissable and take place here. ;)

'Pimpy.' You would think 'hater' is a good term. All dict-hat-ors do!!!

By the way everybody. Somebody must deal with demeaning and hurtful language perpetrated by those against different views designed to hurt no one.

I'm just sorry it had to be me. Its in my nature to either instruct or ban such behavior after serveral private warnings.


pimpology101 said:
It's ok. Hater was a fair term. I do hate many of the things that are permissable and take place here. ;)

'Pimpy.' You would think 'hater' is a good term. All dictators do!!!

By the way everybody. Somebody must deal with demeaning and hurtful language perpetrated by those against different views designed to hurt no one.

I'm just sorry it had to be me. Its in my nature to either instruct or ban such behavior after several private warnings.

i think also that pimp or muleman are good choices i very seldom post on here because of the dumb things people say as far as one race or another as being all that and a box of crackerjacks LOL but at least they do seem to put forth both sides of the arguement in this forum. although sometimes it does get to out there on some issuesLOL just my two cents worth
mostly i don't post here because hubby and i are swingers and have been for over 20 yrs and my opion would go aginst most others on here as far as sex goes so i keep my mouth closed most of the time about things
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Have people apply to moderate. Have a reporting function so that the moderator isn't the "be all, end all". The site admins should then make a decision if the moderator is doing a good job or not. The moderator should be fair and impartial in all cases. Just my 2 cents.
Agree with roamingwife. Really no good choices have been mentioned so far. I'm a bit disappointed that political threads are even permitted here. If I wanted politics I'd look for those blogs or turn on the tv.

Find an outside poster who is objective and hasn't attacked anyone , hasn't used hateful language and hasn't started threads whose only purpose is to create tension among posters by drawing out the ignorant and uninformed hate mongers.
ok I've made three choices so far, and we'll probably add at least one more later, maybe two.

Mods, the job is not to pick and choose what gets discussed, but to limit truly offensive and gratuitous personal attacks, ensure that no private information is posted about anyone, and no illegal pix are posted. Oh yeah... delete spam :) It is not in the best interest of the Cavern to send people to other sites, but if the site in question is clearly worthwhile of note let the link stand.

I'd like to see the board forums expanded into more specific sections... for example we could have a forum kind of like 'fan signs' but better executed, and give the title 'certified' to posters who are proven female or who have at least proven they have a willing female on board. I'm open to any other suggestions.

Pretty soon we're going to have a flash chat installed that will allow communication via web cams and all kinds of good stuff, so hopefully this board will continue to thrive and grow in the future. I think responsible, restrained moderation will help us in that area.

Congrats mods!!
Thank you for naming me a mod. I'll take it seriously and do the best I can at it. I do have a question.....how do we expand the forum into sections like you suggest? Many of us have thought that a good idea for some time.
hunny said:


Mods are:

will & eve

any complaints re the mods can be directed to me, but be aware you better have a very good case to make before pressing 'send'. The benefit of the doubt, if there is any, go to the mods.
New Mods

Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations Newbies!

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