Our first threesome

Our first time happened in two stages, the first was at a party in our home when My friend and I were in our bedroom getting changed from our swimmers when my wife walked out of the bathroom with just a towel around her, both he and I were naked. She stood by the mirror and asked us to hurry up and get dressed so she could do so as well. I walked up to her and as a joke told her, we were naked so she should be as well as I pulled the towel off her to ****** all of her charms to my mate.

She was trying to resist me but I was able to turn her around so Jim could see more of her, he complimented her on have a great pair of tits so I asked him if he would like to have a feel, Carol was protesting at first but as I had her arms trapped she couldn't stop him taking them in his hands having a good feel, holding them as he stroked her nipples with his thumbs.

By now we were both sporting hard cocks I sat her on the bed between us, took her hand and placed it on his cock, her other one on mine.
She became receptive to our ministrations as we kissed her on the mouth then each of us kissing a nipple each, suddenly there was a knock on the door, it was Jim's wife wanting to know if he was dressed yet as they had to get home, my wife had bolted into the on suite and closed the door.

Jim and I dressed leaving Carol alone, it was only a couple of minutes later when she rejoined the few people left as the party wound down. When everyone had left I asked my wife if she had enjoyed seeing Jim's erect cock, she admitted that she did get excited holding us both also having the two of us playing with her.

I asked if she would like to do it again she said she wasn't sure as she didn't want it to go any further than just playing so I organised for Jim to visit on his own told him he wouldn't be able to fuck Carol as she had decided she didn't mind kissing and stroking his cock but didn't want to have him penetrate her as she wasn't using birth control as I had a vasectomy after our two children were born.

The night arrived and I asked my wife not to wear a bra and to put on a blouse with buttons, Jim turned up with a bunch of flowers and a bottle of wine, he was towering over Carol as he is six three, she five four, they kissed then she left to put the flowers in a vase bringing a glass of wine for Jim and herself, I already had a drink on the coffee table.

Jim sat next to me as Carol put the drinks down we both got an eye full of her bare tits before my wife sat opposite us in an arm chair.

We made small talk before I got up and asked Carol to sit with Jim, she seemed a bit coy at first till I said “It's fine love, sit with Jim”, she did so though nothing was happening so I needing another drink asked if they wanted another and went into the kitchen to refill the glasses, when I came out Jim had one arm around my wife kissing her the other hand on her breast feeling through the thin material covering it.

They appeared oblivious to me till I put the drinks down and sat watching them, it was my wife who noticed me first raising her eyes as if to say, “ Is it OK? I gave her a smile nodding my head to her.

She now had her arm around him the two of them now tonguing each other as Jim started to undo the buttons on her blouse baring her tits once again to his view, by the time he had her blouse off my cock was bursting to get out of my pants.

Carol undid his pants and with some difficulty extracted his cock then bent down to take it into her mouth.

My wife is a great sucker of cock so I knew what Jim was feeling when she did so, as he slid his hand up her skirt, she opened her legs for him revealing to me the wet patch she had on her panties, which Jim quickly slid to one side to reveal a very wet pussy.

They finally stripped each other naked lying on the floor, it was as though they had done this before as Carol laid back and allowed Jim access to her cunt as she opened her legs wide inviting him to suck her which he most certainly did, giving her a couple of orgasms as he thrust his fingers into her while licking her clitoris.
By now I was naked with my pre-cum dripping out of my hard cock as I stroked myself.

It was after Jim had given Carol another orgasm that she rolled away from him and turned to suck his erection which appeared to be a bit bigger than my seven inches. I couldn't help myself she was on her knees leaning forward as she stroked and sucked his cock, I got behind her and slid my aching cock into her well lubricated cunt in one hard push to the hilt.

She was moaning as I fucked her as she kept on sucking our friend, it didn't take me long to fill her with my cum as I was so turned on by what was happening especially seeing my darling wife sucking another man's cock as I slid my own deep inside her.

I pulled out and sat back to see my cum dripping out of her pussy, she still on her knees sucking Jim's prick, which she did with gusto, I think she must have been trying to get him off but it didn't seem to work.

I couldn't believe myself when I asked if they wanted to screw each other? Jim said “No Bob we promised Carol” I asked Carol, she was hesitant at first in her answer, I believed then that she wanted to but was afraid of what I would say later.

“Carol, it's OK, I don't mind, I'm sure Jim wants to, you do don't you Jim?” he replied he did.

I lay down next to my wife and started to kiss her, holding her in my arms and whispering that it would be OK that Jim wouldn't cum in her, he too telling her he wouldn't.

I watched as Jim opened her legs as I was still holding her and guided his cock into her, thrusting up to his balls inside my wife.

I moved away as Carol folded her legs over his back now thrusting up as he thrust down, they were now lost enjoying fucking each other.

I heard her tell him to fuck her as she started to cum, he plunging harder and harder into her, she reach her climax just as Jim let out a wild “Fuck,” pulling out, shooting his cum all over my wife's body then rolling onto his side taking her in his arms and passionately kissing my well fucked wife for the first time.

I fetched them a towel to clean up then Carol left us leaving Jim and I alone just looking at each other before Jim asked if I was alright with what just happened, I told him it was the best thing I ever saw. me.

My wife rejoined us, it appeared she had showered she was now wearing her housecoat, still naked underneath, the first thing she said is Bob, I need a drink” the second was, “Well I didn't think that would happen.

Jim dressed gave Carol a big hug and kiss before leaving, I asked if she was OK with what had transpired, she asked me if I was?

We both agreed we were both happy with it, when I asked if she would do it again she said “I don't know Bob, what would we do if I got pregnant?”

I told her we could get him to wear a condom, it was then she said “Maybe I could go on the pill again?” it was then I realised that I would certainly be seeing her and Jim fucking again in the future.
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