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  1. 10 Years a Cuckold

    10 Years a Cuckold

    In fairness to others, I begin this description of how I came to realize I had been cuckolded multiple times by my ex with an apology to others in similar circumstances. I do not present myself as an expert. As will be seen, it is more accurate to describe my performance as pretty amateurish in...
  2. EroticWriter

    My Wife, Pinned Beneath My Boss's Expensive Bulk

    My Wife, Pinned Beneath My Boss's Expensive Bulk Written by someone in England named Ace / Nov 13, 2008 and extensively modified byEroticWriter with his knowledge with some story line modifications, heated up sex and a title change. Formerly this was called Rich Old Man And My Wife...
  3. The Dating Years

    The Dating Years

    The first time I was a witness to KK’s cheating, an event in which I was truly physically present and in close proximity, took place while we were still dating. We were in a committed relationship by most standard definitions, allegedly exclusive to one another. We were contemplating our...
  4. ezgif-5-e5de7fd575.gif


  5. FoxRippey

    Lauren the Cheating Housewife

    Lauren Elwood was a woman who has always played life by the rules, never deviating from the path laid out in front of her. She was well educated and held nothing but professional jobs in her career. Lauren graduated college at the age of 21 and quickly became a successful analyst at the local...
  6. My Husband's Boss

    My Husband's Boss

    So my name is Jennifer and I live with my amazing husband Frank. He was an engineer that worked for some big company doing super secret stuff that he never really told me much about. But one day when we were eating dinner, he got a call from someone from Human Resources telling him that the...
  7. Naughty Marie, The Night Before The Wedding

    Naughty Marie, The Night Before The Wedding

    Marie tells her husband-to-be how it's going to be
  8. Memories...


    Not exactly the day I’d planned for… still sitting in a shitty motel near the FBO, weathered in until maybe Wednesday.I texted my wife KK to update her, got back a curt response, “Busy fuking” - it wasn’t even autocorrected, because whatever magic is in that has her misspelled shit figured...
  9. T

    cum tribute my cheating wife

    cum tribute
  10. cheating wife

    cheating wife

    cheating wife
  11. cheating wife

    cheating wife

    cheating wife
  12. cheating wife

    cheating wife

    cheating wife
  13. cheating wife

    cheating wife

    cheating wife
  14. cheating wife

    cheating wife

    cheating wife
  15. cheating wife

    cheating wife

    cheating wife
  16. cheating wife

    cheating wife

    cheating wife
  17. cheating wife

    cheating wife

    cheating wife
  18. cheating wife

    cheating wife

    cheating wife
  19. cheating wife

    cheating wife

    cheating wife
  20. cheating wife

    cheating wife

    cheating wife