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A thought

  • Thread starterJosetta
  • Start date
Will & Eve said:
What you are saying makes sense except for the problem that history doesn't reflect that analogy.

In fact, almost everything economically that's been proposed to help black Americans has in fact HURT them.

Economically speaking, African Americans were coming along smartly before the Great Depression and even in the fifties, outside of poor regions where EVERYONE was poor (the Mississippi delta for instance) blacks were prospering at roughly the same rate as whites (segregation notwithstanding)

Johnson's "war on poverty" has decemitaed the black family in America and is probably THE major factor in the remaining economic inequality.

Sociologists can debate WHY those policies disproportionately impacted blacks, but the stats prove it.

The bottom line I'm getting at is this - the disadvantage SOME blacks still have economically does NOT derive from slavery and it's aftermath.

Furthermore, the very fact that virtually ALL of the well-to-do black people in America reached their station after beginning in a relatively impoverished state reinforces the point that it's NOT the poverty you start in that prevents your success.

IF it were true that slavery, and racism after the war, started the black "runner" 200 yards behind, then how do we explain Oprah? Condi Rice? Herman Cain? Colin Powell? Barak Obama? Clarance Thomas? and a multitude of others?

Almost without exception they started in the same conditions of poverty that our poorest black neighbors experience today - what made the difference?

With the exception of education grants, in pretty much NONE of those cases did federal dollars and programs make the difference.

Where are these stats. from? Fantasy Island?

I'm sorry to be glib...but you couldn't be further from the truth.

The fact of the matter is that racism still affects us today...and yes the lingering effects of slavery are still around today.

Does this mean that black people can't overcome this and still achieve great things...HELL NO. Of course we can.

But to act as though it doesn't exist seems downright silly.
The question is not "How do you help people succeed?" The question is "How do you help people who have already failed?"
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DE_BBC said:
Where are these stats. from? Fantasy Island?

I'm sorry to be glib...but you couldn't be further from the truth.

The fact of the matter is that racism still affects us today...and yes the lingering effects of slavery are still around today.

Does this mean that black people can't overcome this and still achieve great things...HELL NO. Of course we can.

But to act as though it doesn't exist seems downright silly.

Glad to see that you blacks will no longer stand for whiteboys to dictate to you.
Elizabeth T said:
What Massive Contribution has the black man givin other than having children and not being fathers to those kids. A welfare system that is about to bankrupt every state in the United States. You are proud of that. The white man will never be driven out of extinction. When the white man turned over power in South Africa to the black men, what happened. They now have the highest unemployment and crime rate around. Both races need to work on uniting but for one race to want to extinct another is pure racist. It will never happen. Name me a great Black Leader. The only one that can come to mind is Martin Luther King, but he didn't get a chance to prove his worth. The only other leader is Conolessa Rice and she is a female. and she has proven herself. We will see what the new President is worth and if he can talk the talk and walk the walk. I pray he doesn't drive this country deeper in debt as the current Democratic House is doing. The people helped get Obama elected, and the people can also get him unelected. Oprah's home, well she got lucky the wind changed directions. Nothing to do with God.


I can't wait to hear what great contribution you've made to human achievement.

Have you written Nobel-winning literature like James Baldwin or Toni Morrison? Have you created new musical forms like blues, jazz, or hip-hop? Are you responsible for classic inventions like the stop light or peanut butter? Are you a poet or political thinker like Langston Hughes or Booker T Washington? Are you a famous scientist or CEO?

No? You're living a minuscule life of no importance in Alabama? Spending your time posting on porn sites?

Well then shut the fuck up about anyone else's achievements you waste of skin.
Will & Eve said:
Absolutely - on an INDIVIDUAL level - and it cuts both ways, there are just more whites so there are more, in total number, white racists.

Not that you would notice or probably even accept the reality of blacks who are racist against whites and Mexicans.

This on the other hand is absolute nonsense.

The ONLY sense in which the existance of slavery still affects anyone is the extent to which the economy in some parts of the south is still affected by the stupidity of Reconstruction - and that hits everyone in the south.

But you see, sir, EVERYONE who achieves great things (with the RARE exception of moneyed families like the Kennedys and Rockefellers) has big barriers to overcome, racism sometimes among them.

where is it written that society must clear a straight and easy path to success for everyone?

All a society can do is eliminate institutional discrimination - which they not only have but in fact institutions now routinely discriminate against whites.

Just a couple of days ago I was reading about a lawsuit concerning the New Haven Fire Department which chose not to promote ANY one to new officer positions because the best candidates didn't include a sufficient number of black firemen.

Highly qualified and highest scoring applicant and happen to be white? tough shit for you.

So please, do NOT try to tell me about the evils of institutionalized racism. THAT, like slavery, is for the history books.

INDIVIDUAL racists absolutely do exist and do negatively impact lives occasionally.

but that is generally beyond the laws ability to remedy.

This is in NO way true...wow man, just look around whites are in power in 95% of places... be that government or business(insert your "but what about Obama" line here)...YES it's WONDERFUL that a Black man is President, but it doesn't change all that much. it just shows that a Black Man can achieve great things...but I already knew that...It does not mean that racism even the institutionalized version is erased.

You as a White man really have no clue as to what I'm speaking of.
The same way I as a Man wouldn't presume to know what it's like to be a Woman.
DE_BBC said:
You as a White man really have no clue as to what I'm speaking of.

This type of comment infuriates me and sets everything back 10 years. It assumes everyone stays ignorant and unfeeling/uncaring. "Because you are not like me you don't know"

Over in the UK, I live in an area that is officially 48% Asian, 8% Afro-Caribbean, 6% Eastern European. I am the ethnic minority. Does anyone in authority recognise or even mention it ?- of course not - they are too busy being proud of their diverse community. The Asian and Afro Carib community are the groups that get the handouts, the government support for their business - they have even just launched a business initiative for "Migrant Communities". If you are a white male you are as low as they come and get nothing. Everyone has their own issues

I don't feel a victim - yet ! You just deal with what you have. As long as you can sleep at night, who cares what others think
Josetta said:
America would be one of the poorest countries in the world if it had not been for the massive contribution by the African race. Native Indians were pushed into Reservations, but the black man could not be stopped. His spirit was unstoppable, and Barrick has now been trusted to the most powerful office in the world, and a black man has won the world F1 motorcar crown.

Just ask yourself this question: "if the white man had been less selfish and given black people the vote 100 years ago, do you not think all Americans would be light years ahead in wealth from where they are now ?

Divine Intervention stopped Oprah's house burning to the ground. Is this the payoff from God for rooting for Barrick ? Makes us stop and think what else God has in store for America.

Where you get this shit?
Will & Eve said:
Maybe in Delaware....

As long as you are conditioned to victimhood, you'll be a victim.

No one can help a person who's committed to being a victim.

"Maybe in Delaware"?!!!!?
Come on ....no matter what your believe, facts are facts.

Victim-hood has no bearing on anything.

Instead of trying to act like things are all hunky-dory....why don't we work on trying to make things better.

I feel we are just going to have to agree to disagree.

Thus ends my sermon on this topic....for now.
mhall said:
DE_BBC said:
You as a White man really have no clue as to what I'm speaking of.

This type of comment infuriates me and sets everything back 10 years. It assumes everyone stays ignorant and unfeeling/uncaring. "Because you are not like me you don't know"

Over in the UK, I live in an area that is officially 48% Asian, 8% Afro-Caribbean, 6% Eastern European. I am the ethnic minority. Does anyone in authority recognise or even mention it ?- of course not - they are too busy being proud of their diverse community. The Asian and Afro Carib community are the groups that get the handouts, the government support for their business - they have even just launched a business initiative for "Migrant Communities". If you are a white male you are as low as they come and get nothing. Everyone has their own issues

I don't feel a victim - yet ! You just deal with what you have. As long as you can sleep at night, who cares what others think

Wow..I didn't know white people were in the minority in the UK.
Elizabeth T said:
What Massive Contribution has the black man givin other than having children and not being fathers to those kids. A welfare system that is about to bankrupt every state in the United States. You are proud of that. The white man will never be driven out of extinction. When the white man turned over power in South Africa to the black men, what happened. They now have the highest unemployment and crime rate around. Both races need to work on uniting but for one race to want to extinct another is pure racist. It will never happen. Name me a great Black Leader. The only one that can come to mind is Martin Luther King, but he didn't get a chance to prove his worth. The only other leader is Conolessa Rice and she is a female. and she has proven herself. We will see what the new President is worth and if he can talk the talk and walk the walk. I pray he doesn't drive this country deeper in debt as the current Democratic House is doing. The people helped get Obama elected, and the people can also get him unelected. Oprah's home, well she got lucky the wind changed directions. Nothing to do with God.

No offence Elizabeth T, but I think you're pure bullshit. I've seen you argue this stuff on other threads and I'm beginning to think you're racist. You've stereotyped an entire group of people in your first sentence. It's not only unfair, but ignorant. As for your two black leaders, I say you need to brush up on your history, there have been many many more and will be many to come.
white_man_loves_ir said:
DE_BBC said:
i am a white guy and i want it.

what is wrong?

how can i be racist towards white people if i am white?

It was tempting to not even dignify this with a response but it does reflect your ignorance. Despite what many people think, of course you can be racist, no matter what your colour and no matter who you are racist to. Racism is simply thinking, believing or spouting that a particular racial group possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race. It has nothing to do with colour. Colour is just a useful label to use. Perhaps you are referring to ethnicity? Whilst, simply for ease of drafting regulations, the governments of most countries combine race and ethnicity, the two have for many, different meanings albeit similar ones.
lil_miss_buttslut said:
No offence Elizabeth T, but I think you're pure bullshit. I've seen you argue this stuff on other threads and I'm beginning to think you're racist. You've stereotyped an entire group of people in your first sentence. It's not only unfair, but ignorant. As for your two black leaders, I say you need to brush up on your history, there have been many many more and will be many to come.

"She" is quite full of it.
I'm happy others are starting to notice as well.
supreme_black_man said:
I think white people must now think long and hard about what is morally right and think about how they can atone and repay us for what they all did just four or five centuries ago.
Ya maybe they can bail out the poor black race like the the car makers a big payout plan because we live in poverty and it is their fault for what they did to us four or five centuries ago as I have said before you are one black man that gives us all a bad name and it is people like you with your comments that keep the race card playing of all the people in the DC you are the one that I dislike the most. People give gays cucks and trannys shit about what they are but look in a mirror they are honest with themselfs you just a crying jackass about race issues and all your post show it now you are one that should of been born 4 centuries ago so we now wouldnt have to listen to your racist bullshit.
muleman said:
Ya maybe they can bail out the poor black race like the the car makers a big payout plan because we live in poverty and it is their fault for what they did to us four or five centuries ago as I have said before you are one black man that gives us all a bad name and it is people like you with your comments that keep the race card playing of all the people in the DC you are the one that I dislike the most. People give gays cucks and trannys shit about what they are but look in a mirror they are honest with themselfs you just a crying jackass about race issues and all your post show it now you are one that should of been born 4 centuries ago so we now wouldnt have to listen to your racist bullshit.

You, kind Sir...are the MAN

Josetta said:
America would be one of the poorest countries in the world if it had not been for the massive contribution by the African race. Native Indians were pushed into Reservations, but the black man could not be stopped. His spirit was unstoppable, and Barrick has now been trusted to the most powerful office in the world, and a black man has won the world F1 motorcar crown.

Just ask yourself this question: "if the white man had been less selfish and given black people the vote 100 years ago, do you not think all Americans would be light years ahead in wealth from where they are now ?

Divine Intervention stopped Oprah's house burning to the ground. Is this the payoff from God for rooting for Barrick ? Makes us stop and think what else God has in store for America.
WHAT A CROCK OF RACIST SHIT! And, BTW, why is josetta allowed to spew her views, but Elizabeth T isn't? One more thing: how many black motorcycle world champions have there been... that's right none! Guess balance and coordination isn't one of their "superior attributes". ALso, Barry Obama, Oprah, Halle Berry, Tiger Woods and F1 Hamilton (the most succesful of all "blacks") are ALL HALF WHITE! Seems to me if you add this all up it is the WHITE GENE that is superior. And, I will be called racist, but the thin-skinned "black superiority" crew are NOT called racist. Proving, I believe, that blacks are FAR superior at being racist! I am not racist, just honest!
zulu said:
WHAT A CROCK OF RACIST SHIT! And, BTW, why is josetta allowed to spew her views, but Elizabeth T isn't? One more thing: how many black motorcycle world champions have there been... that's right none! Guess balance and coordination isn't one of their "superior attributes". ALso, Barry Obama, Oprah, Halle Berry, Tiger Woods and F1 Hamilton (the most succesful of all "blacks") are ALL HALF WHITE! Seems to me if you add this all up it is the WHITE GENE that is superior. And, I will be called racist, but the thin-skinned "black superiority" crew are NOT called racist. Proving, I believe, that blacks are FAR superior at being racist! I am not racist, just honest!

Since when is Oprah half-black?:asshole:
DE_BBC said:
Since when is Oprah half-black?:asshole:
Sorry - 1/4 white. Still makes my arguement very compelling, huh asshole?
it is amazing to me how people can misunderstand our system as for the share holders at g m they are whitre and black and were mostlyinsurance companies pension plkans and peoples 401 ks in mutual funds and they didnt get a bail out they were wiped out the only bailout given was to the unions my gm stock went from the high 50s to 3.25 and is now owned by the government our first black president ( a great thing by the way had it been the right man ) is in the business of rewriting our bankruptcy laws ( secured creditors like bond holders are supposed to come first before the unions not get 23 cents on the dollar while the union gets an ownership share this abuse of our system continues to frighten investors and slow down the flow of credit , barack 's first term will be a disaster financially lets hope he doesn't get a second term . why cant a conservative black man rise to the top in the rep. party oh wait micheal steele has before barack was even on the scene . the problem w/ barack is not a racial one it is an ideological one.
josetta said:
america would be one of the poorest countries in the world if it had not been for the massive contribution by the african race. Native indians were pushed into reservations, but the black man could not be stopped. His spirit was unstoppable, and barrick has now been trusted to the most powerful office in the world, and a black man has won the world f1 motorcar crown.

Just ask yourself this question: "if the white man had been less selfish and given black people the vote 100 years ago, do you not think all americans would be light years ahead in wealth from where they are now ?

Divine intervention stopped oprah's house burning to the ground. Is this the payoff from god for rooting for barrick ? Makes us stop and think what else god has in store for america.

lmao!!! Best internet fiction ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
supreme_black_man said:
We all know that the African race (black people) has a certain physical and intelectual superiority compared to all other races (white, asians, hispanics etc.).

Is that why they live in huts made of mud and cow dung?
the original poster of this topic may be retarded for the mindless rant in the first couple posts. what's weird is that this person is prob white and male.

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