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A thought

  • Thread starterJosetta
  • Start date
toni said:
Is that why they live in huts made of mud and cow dung?

Have you considered that a hut made of mud and cow dung is environmentally friendly compared with a USA style home that needs a huge mortgage and continued maintenance, electricity and insurance and property taxes ?

I have never heard of a mud hut being repossessed for debts or the mortgage foreclosed. No need for fancy curtains/drapes in a mud hut. Only takes 5 mins to sweep the floor. Most of the home chores are shared by a number of people. Food is cooked slowly and not zapped instantly in a microwave.

It is easy for us all to get sucked into the concept that the western world has all the answers to happiness. Plenty of unhappy rich people, and there are many happy people amongst the poorest people on earth.

It depends how we measure success. The top endurance runners in the world don't own a car, and they mostly come from Kenya and Ethiopia.

Americans might easily notice a huge improvement in their health and positivity levels if the oil wells ran out of oil and they had to cycle and walk or run everywhere. Would be a shock at first, but eventually an emotional adjustment would be made as the rich had to take some exercise if they still wanted to hold their place in society.
I am probable the most prolific poster on this website in the last few years, and this thread I started has had 74 replies. My style of writing is different, but not confrontational.

Racism is really a refusal to accept that others are entitled to hold a different point of view. God gave man FREEWILL.

A lot of energy has been expended on this thread of throwing spears at each other. That is what keeps the wars ticking over, the smouldering anger of trying to force others to change their view and "come on board" with our thinking.

6.6 billion people in this world, and it is likely to take quite a few more years before mankind learns to "pull together" and accept each other for our differences and similarities.

Are we not all wanting the same things in life, with a bit of friendly rivalry and some kinkiness to make life interesting? I always liked the theme of the 1960's which was I believe, "make love not war". The Hippies got swags of sex because they were knew what they wanted and were not afraid to share their bodies with each other.

I don't think many of the 74 replies are from people looking to have fun together - more like FLAMING EACH OTHER. I think that if God is looking down on us from Heaven, he will probably be feeling some degree of disappointment that we (after 2,000 years) are still not ready to go back to Heaven.........because if we can't create Heaven on Earth, we are not likely to be able to change our behavour if we line up at the Pearly Gates.

I think we are all susposed to get along with each other in Heaven if we want to not be sent back to Earth for "further training".
Hello All,

I have read through this thread with some interest.

Race is not the bringer of greatness ... the willingness to give of oneself is.

There are great men and women of every creed and colour ... and it is never either of these things that make them great.

There will always be rich and poor in any society.

Poverty and lack of education will make a criminal of any man, woman or child. Fair distribution of wealth and an education system that is open to all at all levels will ... overtime begin to increase the middle class and reduce the gap between rich and poor. However it will never close the gap entirely ....

Our lives and this world is what we make it ... the more you put in ... the more you get out ...

I love this site because it brings alot of people that share a common interest together ... I also find it very amusing when people that share one interest are so unable to accept that on so many other areas we wil differ and must agree to differ ... after all variety is the spice of life !!

Have fun :)
Pauldark said:
Poverty and lack of education will make a criminal of any man, woman or child.

All poverty stricken people do not turn to crime, but I agree that poverty is a factor and so many people treat black folks so badly in this country.
Many rich people including Elizabeth, the Queen of England and Bill Gates lead a charmed life, almost oblivious of the fact that every day children die from drinking contaminated water and their struggle to find food. ("Blessed are the meek because they will inherit the earth").

The problems of Africa are caused by the misguided Rulers, not the poor people struggling to "put food on the table". The sad thing is that the Rulers mostly have been educated at UK Universities like Eton and Oxford, which enabled them to use this higher education to take legal advantage over the ordinary African people.

Bush moved into Iraq to "take out Saddam Hussein" but left Mudgabe and Idi Amin and others to brutlise the peoples of Africa. Double standards stuff, because there was no oil involved.
Josetta said:
Have you considered that a hut made of mud and cow dung is environmentally friendly compared with a USA style home that needs a huge mortgage and continued maintenance, electricity and insurance and property taxes ?

I have never heard of a mud hut being repossessed for debts or the mortgage foreclosed. No need for fancy curtains/drapes in a mud hut. Only takes 5 mins to sweep the floor. Most of the home chores are shared by a number of people. Food is cooked slowly and not zapped instantly in a microwave.

It is easy for us all to get sucked into the concept that the western world has all the answers to happiness. Plenty of unhappy rich people, and there are many happy people amongst the poorest people on earth.

It depends how we measure success. The top endurance runners in the world don't own a car, and they mostly come from Kenya and Ethiopia.

Americans might easily notice a huge improvement in their health and positivity levels if the oil wells ran out of oil and they had to cycle and walk or run everywhere. Would be a shock at first, but eventually an emotional adjustment would be made as the rich had to take some exercise if they still wanted to hold their place in society.

mud and cow dung is your ideal dinner.
toni said:
mud and cow dung is your ideal dinner.

Most insects would agree with you, and then they might get cooked in a pot of water over the camp fire to release their vitamins and minerals as soup to warm the cockles of the heart of the eater.

Might this be part of the reason that Africans have more runners per head of population than any other country of the world?

Please Sir.....Call in the bug man, America needs help to lift its performance at the next Olympic Games. Chinese runners were once accused of eating a special beetle to break world records, but behind the scenes the truth was they trained 7 days a week for many hours per day. Others tried the beetle juice and found it was not the elixr of youth they expected, but rather their bank balances dipped quite a bit from buying the juice.
Josetta said:
Might this be part of the reason that Africans have more runners per head of population than any other country of the world?

M'aam, Africa is a continent the size of twenty USAs.

Not a country.
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Africa just needs some Leaders who care passionately about its people, and then a good education programme can be installed to expand the economy quite quickly. Mugabe won't live forever, no one will cry when he passes over.
Josetta said:
Africa just needs some Leaders who care passionately about its people, and then a good education programme can be installed to expand the economy quite quickly. Mugabe won't live forever, no one will cry when he passes over.

Problem solved! Why did no-one else think of this?!?
I would like America to one day resemble sub-saharan.

They are at one with animals and the environment and they have more respect for the world.
Used to be 500,000 lions, but lately the estimated count is 30,000. Where there are sheep and cows, lions get shot.

Reverse and let the lions multiple and humans get shot.

Humans are not as intelligent as they think or they would share the planet - what was the point of having Noa save the animals in his Ark if humans want to exterminate them?
Your posts always baffle me. Then I have some sherm and it all makes perfect sense :pimp:
Will & Eve said:
I'll pay you one million dollars for what I personally did five centuries ago.

I won't pay you one red penny for what someone else did yesterday...let alone any time before that.

Deal with it.

Very interesting viewpoint.
Thanks everyone, whenever I post I get lots of replies. It is so heartening to know that there are so many different opinions to help us all grow in thought, knowledge and experience.

From all these posts, the truth should bubble up to the surface, and rise up like an Angel walking on the water.

Even silly posts are needed, because they help us to see more clearly what we don't think is true.
90 replies to my posts, so I am pleased that no one missed out on the chance to have their say.

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