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Advice for New side of wife

  • Thread starterjakeandkate4ever
  • Start date
April 4 Wednesday – A car came and got Kate around lunch. Little did she know Todd’s boss’s wife was in the car as well. It was a nice surprise. They went and got their hair and nails done. Then they did a little shopping. She bought a black dress that clung to her really well. She also got some high heels that apparently made her legs look amazing. They met the guys at a nice restaurant.

Afterwards they went to the country club for drinks. By the time they got back to the house Kate was really buzzing and didn’t quite make it to the bedroom and just made the rounds in our kitchen. They then went to the living room lying around naked before they got another round in and fell asleep with her on top of him.

April 5 Thursday – Kate called in to work and told them she needed to cut her hours and after talking with our friend decided just working when he was short was best for her. He was ok with that. That night they were both tired and just went to bed.

April 6 Friday – Kate called and was pretty adamant about when I was going to be home. I thought something might be up but she said she would be here when I got home. I said ok and told her I would call when the plane landed.

She gave Todd a good bye sex just before I got there. I called and she had the sheets in the wash when I got there. I thought I could smell something in the bed room, but at this point I had no idea anything was going on. Kate was distant, but I assumed it was from me traveling. I also noticed her wedding ring was on her makeup table.

April 7 Saturday – I got up and went to work to get some papers I needed and Jill met me to get the items she needed for next week. We went to get a quick bite and that is when she told me everything. There was a good bit more and some of it I will list below.
1. Kate felt weird after Todd left knowing I was coming home.
2. Kate was probably going to be weird for a while till all of this got more normal for her
3. Jill thought I should be encouraging for her to do whatever she wanted. This was going to be hard since she didn’t know I knew.
4. I needed to understand that things were going to be a little different and just ease in to things.
5. That I should be more open to going to the club that Sandy and Mitch are a part of.
6. Talk to Mitch and her about how I am feeling and if I need any advice.

That night we had dinner at a place she really likes. I asked about her week and she was pretty shy. She did mention seeing Todd while I was gone. I told her that was good since she needed some company. I told her to enjoy herself and let things go the way she wanted. I was very encouraging and tried to make her feel comfortable but it was still a little weird.
April 8 Sunday – Things were still weird around the house, but I had an early flight so we were ok. I did notice as I left that her ring was off again.
So is there even a need to post updates? Now that I am a cuckold? Anyone even interested?
HELL YEAH...... keep going, she doesn't really know that you know yet, i would love to hear more.
Thank you for the update. It sounds a little scary that you 2
have to communicate through Jill. Did you go down on your wife
after you heard everything? What did you feel when you heard
what had happened?

Please, definitely bring us up to date on what's going on.

Congratulations, it is all happening and she might be pregnant. The thing is for Kate to keep this going for a few months, so there is no turning back to vanilla. She is getting high-quality sex, and the day will come when she admits what has happened. She will be going through an emotional re-adjustment for awhile, then things will ease off as fucking other men becomes a normal part of her life (and yours).

You are very clever with your writing skills, and you have made the story so interesting, that we need you to keep us updated in the months ahead. Thank you for all you have written so far, and "for what we are to receive" in the future.

Heaps of guys will be reading your story, even though most of them are too shy (yet) to post.
hiki said:
Thank you for the update. It sounds a little scary that you 2
have to communicate through Jill. Did you go down on your wife
after you heard everything? What did you feel when you heard
what had happened?

Please, definitely bring us up to date on what's going on.


It has been a mix of emotions. Fear mixed with relief that it is over. Well the initial first time is over. No I didn't go down on her then.

I think the biggest thing was glad it was finally happening. That she was happy and that she was now taking that step to be more in control or our relationship. Thanks for the questions and please feel free to ask more. I'm not great at this writing thing.
Saraha said:
Congratulations, it is all happening and she might be pregnant. The thing is for Kate to keep this going for a few months, so there is no turning back to vanilla. She is getting high-quality sex, and the day will come when she admits what has happened. She will be going through an emotional re-adjustment for awhile, then things will ease off as fucking other men becomes a normal part of her life (and yours).

You are very clever with your writing skills, and you have made the story so interesting, that we need you to keep us updated in the months ahead. Thank you for all you have written so far, and "for what we are to receive" in the future.

Heaps of guys will be reading your story, even though most of them are too shy (yet) to post.

Thank you Saraha. I always appreciate your comments and advice. You are correct on both our feelings. It gets essier to accept, but some things still shock you from time to time.
April 8 Sunday – Things were still weird around the house, but I had an early flight so we were ok. I did notice as I left that her ring was off again.

Todd did come over, but it was a little late. They still got some sex in, but it was more of a quickie.

April 9 Monday – Kristen, Kate’s younger sister, called me and made small talk around 6 in the evening. She then got to the subject of Todd. She asked if I knew Todd was in last week. I didn’t want her to know Jill told me so I said no. She said well he was and Kate spent the week with him. She informed me she knew what was going on with us and wanted to break the news that Kate had finally done the deed.

Kristen knew the situation, but her sisters and mom didn’t. I said mom? She said yeah sorry, but her sister called her a while back when she thought we were separated. That was what they thoughts since she told them that. Her mom would prefer it not be like this, but since we are separated she is leaving it up to her. All the sisters are ok with it though. I know her other sisters and knew this wasn’t something they could keep their mouth shut about. She said Kate asked them too, but she knows they have talked to some others. Those others included my sisters. That meant it was out for sure.

When I got off the phone I just sat there in a daze. I couldn’t believe it had all happened so fast. I figured it would get out to a point I guess, but this hit at home literally. I then signed in to facebook and sure enough I had 10 messages from sisters to some of my best friends. I didn’t know what to do, so I turned to Jill.

Jill said she just found out from Kristen as well. She didn’t know it would happen like this and especially so quick. But she did point out that it was better than it could be. I could have been outed as a husband letting his wife have sex with others and he was impotent. I agreed on that. She then said ok, here is what you do. Call Kate and you talk it through. Tell her this is what you were thinking. It is the only way to deal with this really.

First we post on facebook we are separated. Didn’t know that was even an option, but apparently so. Then we call our families and explain we are still living together and that you don’t want it to end. She will tell them she is seeing others. She told me my youngest sister Nicole would probably have a ton of questions. She then told me it would be ok and sorry it came on so quickly.

I called Kate about 10 and she was upset thinking something was wrong since it was so late and I never do that. I started telling her I talked to her sister and then told her about the messages on facebook. She said she had not even checked her and when she did she had 47. How do you do that? Anyway, we both knew we had to do something. The first thing she said is do you want it to stop. We could tell everyone it was a short spat and now we are back together. I said no. Not at all. I am all for this since I know she needs it. I told her I wanted her to do this. She said ok and asked what to do. I told her and she said ok, but wanted to make sure I was ok with this. I said yes. We need to sell it at this point and to go for it. She said she would sale it. She asked me a few times if I really wanted to be separated since I was encouraging her. She was also assuring to me.

So she posted we were separated and I confirmed it on mine. I answered all the emails that were sent to me. I also typed up an email to my mom and sisters. Here is the basic message to everyone.

“Right now Kate and I have decided to separate. This doesn’t mean we are getting divorce as we are still working through many of our problems. I still believe in our marriage and will work at it. We are still living together. Sorry I didn’t tell anyone earlier, but you can imagine this is a very private moment for us.”

Jill told me later that after Kate did her post, she told Todd. He wanted to go at it again and she said he was really aggressive with her.
April 10 Tuesday – Ok I am trying to type all this from memory on a day that went crazy right at five. First I know that Jill woke up to Todd fingering her. He was still turned on from the night before. She told Jill after that she knew she made the right decision.

Here are a couple things she said. The first was a general break down for those she isn’t really close too.

“Thank you for the email. Jake and I are taking a break and decided separation was the thing to do at this time. For now I am still living with him and the door to fix things is still open, but I have decided to have a life separate from my current one. I still love him, but this has been coming for a little while. Sorry for not telling everyone before now.”

She told her old girlfriends from high school that it happened right before Todd started coming to visit. She also confirmed to them that she was dating him now and that they had slept together.

A couple guys from college have started contacting her. One guy that works with me. She made sure to tell him that was out of the question.

She also posted about 50 pictures of her and Todd and about 100 or 200 of her out with her gfs at bars. All of the ones with Todd she didn’t have her ring. She got about 10 comments on the one where her left hand was on Todd’s chest at a party where her ring was gone. She got stuff from that is awesome that you have found someone to best of luck and noticed the ring.

She changed her face book main photo to one of her and Todd. Only I knew it was in our bed. It was just a head shot. I was pretty sure they were nude and Jill confirmed it was after they hooked up again after my phone call. I know people have asked me to tell how I felt. This was really weird. I was a little scared of course. But, I knew this way she would be able to do more stuff.

I got calls from family and friends. Nicole was asking me all kinds of stuff. She told me before she got off the phone that she thought there was more to this. I knew she was going to call Jill and Kristen.

Before I went to bed I checked her site and there was a ton of post. She is popular and word had gotten around for sure. She was tagged in a lot of photos by friends who knew she had been going out to clubs. There were some of her kissing guys and stuff. Nothing too bad, but it was obvious that she had started going out and sowing her wild oats.

Her last post was that she was out with friends and Todd having a drink. They were girls that she worked with recently. They all posted replies like he is so hot and hang on to him and keep having fun and be careful.

I sent her a message on Facebook to kinda let her know I had seen everything. “I love you so much. I hope this is everything you want it to be. I am here for you. You are my everything”

April 11 Wednesday – Kate sent me a message via Facebook. She said” the message meant more to me then you will ever know. I was worried this would hurt you in some way, but I know feel like you are at piece with things. You are my world, moon, sun, and stars.”

The emails slowed down. I got a few post on facebook, but nothing much. She got some post on hers but it was more of the same.

Mitch called me and invited us to the clubs normal meeting. I told him it was up to Kate and he said she was already in. What he didn’t tell me was what all was involved. We talked about a ton of things, but, I will leave it this for now.

Kate and Todd went out with his boss and wife to dinner. They stayed at their house afterwards since they were to ***** to drive. Kate didn’t want to do anything according to Jill, but they wound up having sex twice, but really quietly.

Thursday 12 Thursday – was uneventful. Kate and Todd just stayed in.

April 13 Friday – Todd went back early so they just had a morning quickie. Todd posted that it was a great morning and tagged Kate. I knew what it meant and so did most of her friends. I got in really late and was exhausted. I went in and to bed. I didn’t wake Kate since it was so late.
April 14 Saturday – Kate woke me up around two yelling to get up. I was still tired, but got in the shower. She said we had to get everything ready for the party. I said ok and got to the shower. She followed me and handed me a bottle of Nair. I was like what is this for. Well it’s either this or the razor. She said everyone had to be hairless below the neck. Now I wish I could say this was a first for me, but my sisters dressed me while I was growing up. I was their little doll. Long story, but anyway I knew how to use a razor where more guys don’t. So I got everything except a couple of spots that Kate got. She then gave me a kiss and said thanks for doing this.

I told her I would do anything she asked and she should know that by now. She said she was getting there and gave me another big kiss and played with my balls. I asked if she wanted to mess around before and she said no. When I got out of the shower she handed me a thong pair of panties. I said what is this for. She said did Mitch not tell you anything. I said no. She said well you are going to be surprised.

When we got there she was taken to the back to change. I was taken in a room with other guys who were in the same boat almost as me. We each had tables and stuff laid out for us. My table was really neat with a makeup bag. This obviously gay guy came out in drag. He proceeded to show us how to dress. Some of the guys were pros. I declined to dress and was sent in to the next room to wait. Mitch came in in just a bit. He wasn’t dressed. He said about half of the guys do. Usually their girlfriends want them too. I just sat there in the panties waiting. Mitch did at least give me a warning that the next part was a little shocking, but nothing to worry about.

What I didn’t know was that Kate was picking out my little cage. I had never seen one of these, but had heard about them. The other thing she picked out was a band. Both were pink. There were different bands by colors that were put on the guy. If he wasn’t able to get hard, then he could have a really tight band. I latter found out they were based on the bands for castration, but only a couple of them could do it. It would also take much longer than it would be left on. So I was given one towards the middle. It got put on in front of all the people. The band was first and it felt really tight. The lady checked it after it popped on. The crowd cheered. She told me if my balls got really cold to let her know and they would take it off, but I should have no problem. It was tight but nothing like cutting the circulation off. One of the guys got the tightest one. By the end of the night it almost looked like it was going blue. What I found out was that he had had his testicles removed for medical reasons and he wasn’t hurting himself doing what he did. Just fake testicles. Didn’t even know they had those.

We were there for about four hours. I was in the panties the whole time with the little cage on. It was really weird for about the first hour then I kind of forgot about it. I met some really nice people. A few of them were in my spot and some could get an erection, but chose to be sub to their wives. Some of the stories were pretty normal, but some of them were almost extreme.

The night started off pretty calm. Most of the women were dressed pretty sexy by now. Some had nighties, some bikinis, and some like Kate had on short skirts and small tight tops. There were some really hot women and some not so hot. After a couple hours I saw some of the people breaking off and going to rooms.

About midway through the lady that had put the band on me came to check me. She was able to get her finger in between the band and me. It felt weird standing there with her doing that, but with the other crap I was seeing I figured it was nothing. She mentioned it to Sandy and Kate. Sandy suggested a tighter band and Kate looked at me. I didn’t say anything so she said ok. The lady cut the band on me off and it kinda snapped. I will note it wasn’t the most pleasant feeling. Sandy told the lady that we only had a couple more hours so she could use one of the real ones. Basically one of tighter ones. She got one of the bands and put it in the thing and it popped me good when it went on. I wasn’t able to stretch it out like the other one. Sandy said it was good.

Sandy then pulled Kate in the other room and I went back out with Mitch. I wasn’t even thinking about me, but about what was going on with Kate. They came out later with a few guys laughing. I found out later that she was a fluffer with Sandy for the guys doing one of the newest members. She sucked two black guys and gave a few handjobs while they waited their turns. When it was time to leave the lady came back over to remove my band. She made a comment that by balls were getting a little cool and Kate felt them and Sandy said it is so cool. When she cut the band It was like a little rush of pain, but also warmth. She assured me no damage was done and if Kate wanted to go tighter next time she could, but to just make sure we kept a good eye on them. The cage came off as well. It was weird being in that thing. It was suppose to make you see that your wife was in control and you were in lock down. Since I can’t get hard, I didn’t really see the purpose. But whatever.

Needless to say that was the wildest night of my life. On the way home Kate told me she thought the panties were hot on me. I blushed and she giggled. I was caught off guard by her comment. When we got home we both hit the bed since we were give out.

April 15th Sunday – When I got up Kate was gone to the gym with Jill. They finished there day getting mani/pedis. Jill came home with Kate and then we went to lunch and then to work. At lunch she told me about the week. She said Kate is a lot more comfortable with Todd now. She told Jill it was more normal feeling. She admitted having sex again was great, but was worried since her period was due this week. She said she didn’t know how she would tell either of us. Also, mentioned that she was disappointed I didn’t dress at the meeting. Jill suggested that next time I just relax and go for it. She told me Kate really wanted to join after this past time. She apparently liked what she saw in the room. Sandy really wants her to join as well.

I got home around 5 and rushed to get ready. We went out with Sandy and Mitch. It was on our company. We talked business for a little while, but the girls said it was enough. They said they looked way to pretty to have to set here and listen to business talk.

Sandy said the group wanted us to join the club. Kate was pretty excited, but said we would talk about it. They talked about Sandy and her pregnancy. Sandy just dropped a bomb when she made a comment about us starting a family soon. Kate just blushed and Mitch changed the subject. He told me later that Sandy has a habit of doing that. They talked about the club and other things, but those are the high lights. Sandy did mention she was surprised I didn’t dress at the meeting, but maybe next time I could. Kate just took my hand. Not sure if I am ready for that again.

Kate took me straight to the airport and I had a little time before my late flight left so we wound up making out for almost an hour like teenagers in the parking deck. It was great.
I guess it is the same story. No one wants to chat about what is going on or how to handle things. Still no interest?
Please post more. I have just read the whole story and truly enjoy it. Just be careful of the bands - they can be dangerous.
Loving your story! So familiar to ours.... though I don't have your erectile difficulties!! Very hot!! Love to have you catch us up to current!!
I am really enjoying your story. I look forward to further installments.
I hope this story is true. I'll trust that it is but I have to admit there has been times I get to wondering about it though (for various reasons). Something just doesn't seem right but hey, what do I know?

Don't freak out, it's just my opinion.
April 16th Monday – Todd wasn’t getting in town till late that night due to a meeting so Kate had dinner with Sandy and Jill. Jill gave me the low down via an email. So its just easier to copy and paste.


I had dinner last night with your better half. Ha ha. We went with Sandy to this new place near work. We ran in to Jeff and Tim from work. Jeff was his typical smart ass self. Tim was still looking hot. Lol Sandy and Kate both thought so too.

Anyway, we had a really good chat. Kate is a week late. She said she has never been late. We tried to get her to take a test when we were leaving, but she wouldn’t. She is scared, but I can tell she is a little excited. She hasn’t told Todd and isn’t going to till she knows for sure. She said till she knows for sure he was going to be the only guy she was with.

Sandy asked her about the club and she was on her third glass of wine and spouted off that if she wasn’t pregnant she would join the club for sure. She said she thought I would join as a cuckold. (Now this is the first time anyone had used this name.) Apparently a cuckold is someone that has a spouse that wants their significant other to have sex with others. I never knew they had a name for what you were doing. Now we have a nick name for you. Cuckold, Cuck, or my favorite cucky. Now I like the last one.

Anyway, Sandy asked her about you dressing and Kate said she knew you had when you were younger with your sisters. She said she wanted to see you do it again. I think you should at least once for her. I know she would love it. You know you looked cute when you did. I can help you get ready and maybe surprise her. If you keep losing weight you will be able to fit in some of my clothes. Anyway, I think you should let the nails grow for the next couple weeks. If they aren’t still long. ( I have always had longer than normal nails because they grow like crazy. Even my sisters were jealous of that. ) Even your long hair will come in handy. ( I have always had long hair, but its much shorter than when I was in high school when it was down to my mid back. Now it is down just past my shoulders and straight. It doesn’t look feminine at all.)

Todd was at the house waiting on her and she was pretty bubbly when we let her out. I know he was going to get it. Well I have to get some sleep my boss is a real slave driver. Lol

Good night cucky!!! Yep it is sticking.

Jill told me later on that they did have sex twice. The first time was clothes getting shed on the way to the bedroom.
April 17th Tuesday – Todd came back to our house after work and Kate made it all about him. She gave him one of her famous blow jobs and swallowed as she always does. He also got a great dinner.

April 18th Wednesday – They went out to dinner with some of her friends. They wanted to meet Todd. I know all of them and it was kind of weird for me. Jill said they really like him. They all went to get drinks. She got a lot of comments about how lucky she was and how cute Todd was.

When they got back to the house they both agreed they felt like a couple. Todd liked it and Kate did too, but was a little weirded out by it she told Jill. Not use to the idea she said yet.

April 19th Thursday – Todd had to go back early so Kate gave him a good bye ride as Jill put it. She was a little upset since he didn’t know when he would be back from his business trip.

April 20th Friday – I came in early and went straight to work. I was worried about going home and what the situation would be since I didn’t know Todd was gone. But Jill knew he had left and let Kate know that my flight was in early so she could straighten up. When I got home the sheets were in the dryer. As I was leaving work Jill pulled me over to her car. She told me to show her my nails and she said they were long enough already but let them keep growing. I mentioned needing a haircut and she said to hold off till I knew something for sure on the party and she would set something up for me. I said fine.

She also informed me that Kate was still late and they were going to take the test at Sandy’s tomorrow. She promised to let me know something right after. When I got home Kate was cooking a really nice meal. We ate and talked in general about the week. Really all she said was that Todd came over. That was more than she had been saying. We watched a movie and cuddled. When I went to get a shower she snuck in behind me. That gave me a chance to look over her body. I saw a little scratch on her chest, but that was really it. We made out while showering and then got out. I thought it might carry over to the bed, but she said she wasn’t feeling so well when we made the bed.

April 21st Saturday - The next morning I slept late and got up to find Kate crying. She told me she didn’t want to talk about it. I assumed it had to do with the pregnancy test. I wanted to tell her I knew and I loved her no matter what, but I knew she would know Jill told me.

Well she left out in a hurry and around one I got a text from Jill that said she was NOT pregnant. She got her period last night and that was what had her so upset. She was having a problem figuring out how she felt about it. Sandy told her it was because she was nesting with Todd. Well that led to them hitting the club. I told Jill when she called that it was fine. They were listening and she told me they needed a girls night out. I sent Kate a message to have fun and enjoy her girl time.

They did just that. She got in around 2 and was hammered. She got in bed without changing. She woke me up and I asked if she was ok, but she was out. I took her shoes off and then got her short skirt and top off. When I took her panties off I had to check them. They were clean. She also had a tampon in. I found out later from pictures Jill and Kate posted on Facebook that they had made a bunch of friends that night.

April 22nd Sunday –Kate woke up around two and apologized for going out for so long. I told her it was fine and she deserved a girl’s night out. As the day went on I could tell something was bothering her and asked her. She said ok. You know how we have been going to the club with Sandy and Mitch. I said yes. Well I kind of told Sandy we wanted to join this Saturday since it was the next time they were taking members. I know this isn’t easy, but I would like to do it. I just said ok like it was nothing big. She said ok a little confused. She said Mitch would call me this week with details. That was all that was said. She took me to the airport and I was off.
Glad you were able to provide an update! We do look forward to hearing more as you bring everyone up to date!!

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