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Big Brother will soon be watching you!

  • Thread startermissouri_hubby
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Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Sep 29, 2007
This should scare the crap put of every American, but especially those of us that surf the web in search of others who share our "private" interests.

It has now been reported that Homeland Security is now seeking authorization to track every American's movement on the web. That includes the authority to read every email, track and identify every file transfer, track every site you visit. This secret plan was leaked to the media... I heard about it on CNN. Apparently they were (and still are) hoping to push this through as early as February... next month!! The stated reason for this invasion of privacy is to track "terrorists." Amazing! They refuse to close the border to keep the terrorists out, but they'll intrude into the private lives of every American because they're so concerned about it. Anyone who believes that's what it's about is a fool. It's about monitoring what YOU look at.

I urge everyone who uses the internet for ANY reason to spread the word so EVERY American is aware of this latest power grab, then back up your concerns by CONTACTING YOUR CONGRESSMAN. If this becomes law we are well on the way to the world of the book "1984," and you can expect a visit from the "thought police" if you visit sites the government doesn't approve of. I'm sure they'd have a hayday with the interests expressed here.
HITLERY--I like that.
Why's that? Because they will tax us to the point we cannot afford the electricity it takes to run our computers. And that is just for starters.
Interracial_Voyeur101 said:
yes I seen it on CNN to would they put you in jail for visiting a site like this .

It is not against the law to watch a big black man fuck a white woman. Of course, it used to be....which is probably why it is so hot now...;)

Now when the terrorists start fucking our women we're ALL in trouble!...lol
Tax us?? And like the republicans hadn't put this country in the poor house beyond paying it off?? I mean come on, Im still waiting for those Weapons of Mass Destruction!!! Gas prices are at an all time high for no reason (and you better bet it is passed on in everything you buy!) All Bush and the republicans know how to do is use scare tactics!! Now saying that, I have to admit I am liking what I hear Huckabe say (yes I know hes a republican) but he don't seem and I make that clear "seem" to think the same way they do!
My ex-wife was fucked by terrorists. Of course she did not know it at the time. Mostly arabs but a couple turks and a persian. I was away fighting the cold war at the time.

She was very horny and I understood. But the first turk met her somewhere and got her inhibitions lowered with some dark beer. After a few dates he got her with he arabs. They got her into really big cocks. She divorced me three or four years later after she and her new friends got Me into big cocks too. I wish I had recognized what they were up to a lot earlier. Not the sex part. I am dense but obvious things eventually occur to me.
Luv, MsGary
The mess this country is in is NOT the sole responsibility of either the republicans or democrats. It is the culmination of years of fiscal irresponsibility by BOTH parties. As far as I'm concerned, both are equally worthless. Democrats want to TAX TAX TAX (we already have the HIGHEST CORPORATE TAX RATE IN THE WORLD... Bye-Bye good jobs!! See ya south of the border where taxes AND wages are low!), and they literally cream themselves at the thought of giving amnesty to millions of potential Democratic Hispanic voters who've snuck across the border to compete for the few good jobs left. And Republicans? Where the Hell are they? They don't seem to care either, or they would've addresses these problems over the last eight years, instead of dreaming up ways to make "1984" reality.

Judging by the primaries so far, it's looking like it'll be Hillary vs. McCain this fall. If that happens, I won't bother to vote (not that the other options are a Hell of a lot better!).
Thats a shame. the Huckster used to be my gov. and all I know is when he left office we had a surplus. Yeah thats right a surplus!! not a trillion dollar debit from a war we have no business in!! Plus I like his theory on a flat 10% tax!! Make the people with the money pay, trickle down does not work! Give the small people a break (theres more of us than the rich) I will not go thrid party thats just throwing your vote away. And as far Bushy boy, he has vetoed everything since the dems took over congress!! Up until then he never voted anything, why should he, he and the repubs had things were they wanted it...in their pockets!! Recession...hell we have been in a recession for the last 2 years, and the rich repubs have denied it, now Busy goes over to Saudi and beggs then to produce more oil so the economy will get better, now he wants to give people back more money on their incomes taxes to help stimulate the econmy. Now that will cost US approx. 152 billion dollars. Where does he think all this money is coming from..oh wait a min I know where its coming from..China..we are borrowing money from China than we can ever pay back!! You better learn to speak Chinese cuase at this pace they will own our ass!!!
We no longer have true leaders running for office. No one with good sense wants to open up their past, present, and future to the campaign spin doctors and 24 hour news channels' microscopes of scrutiny. Even if there is nothing bad to find, the spinners will event something. Both sides have become the masters of character assassination.

The voters have thier share of blame as well. Too many go and cast a vote uninformed. Too many look for the (R) and the (D) behind the names. Piss on the candidate and what he stands for, " He's got the right letter behind his name and that's good enough for me!" Very sad.
well said

I would have to agree that Thompson would be a better than average president but people just are not willing to make the sacrifices necessary to straighten this country out.
Althought Thompson's positons on the issues may be great ( I really don't know them since he's not really in the running), his fatal flaw speaks a lot about him.
If he can't grasp the reality of politics today nor execute a strategy to get elected then he's not qualified to be president. A president must be able to work within the reality of the world today NOT what he wishes it was. No matter how good his stance on issues without a grasp of reality to execute his solutions he becomes irrelevant, both as a candidate or as a president.

(this is not an endorsement of any other candidate,lol)
RoSquirts said:
Althought Thompson's positons on the issues may be great ( I really don't know them since he's not really in the running), his fatal flaw speaks a lot about him.
If he can't grasp the reality of politics today nor execute a strategy to get elected then he's not qualified to be president. A president must be able to work within the reality of the world today NOT what he wishes it was. No matter how good his stance on issues without a grasp of reality to execute his solutions he becomes irrelevant, both as a candidate or as a president.

(this is not an endorsement of any other candidate,lol)
You are right Ro and I myself hopes Romney will not make it or I will move to the UK for four years.
The richest 40% paid?? your living in a fanasty land...it's the middle class that pay!! The idiot vice president went public last year on the taxes he paid...do you remember how much it was compare to how much he made??? He paid nothing compared to what he made!! And yes I have heard Huckabee say a " flat tax" the problem with a flat tax is the rich is against it. do a little reserach!! The rich is the ones for tax breaks for themselves, not us!! I made less than 30 a year and paid more than my fair share of taxes, I finally started making good money and stared getting it back at the end of the year. As for the economy, I don't know where you live but here the south jobs are hard to find, I see every morning on the news companys laying off "not hiring" oh wait a min your a Reagan fan, then yes there r many jobs out there at Micky D's!! But you r right about the person not the letter behind his name! The power is with the people, America you better wake up and take back the regins!! As far as the Federalized national health care my ex wife is from Canada where you pay for it on your taxes, its not that great! But hows money is worth more?? Thats right Canadas money surpassed the dollar!! And how do you see that Huckabee has run the sleaziest campaign?? He refuses to speak ill of his opponets!!!!! And with all due respect trickle down does not work!! But wait again your a Reagan fan so yes I guess it does cause we have fast food places everywhere!! My dad has his own small business so dont tell me about the trickle down!! There is very very few tax breaks for the small, you need to check to see how many small businesses there are in this country!! The big boys are all leaving, why they get tax breaks for going overseas!! Hell the shirt you are wearing was prob. made by kids in a sweat shop!! And you think the rich pay?? you rich? Im not!! Damn I guess it just hasn't trickled down far enough yet!!! 30 a yr huh, I doubt if that is even the avg. yearly salary here! But I think we do have one thing in common, well two, it would appear we both dislike Busy, and we both like blk dicks in white chicks!!!!!!
Johnkenn :::: Sir -- if anyone is living in fantasy land and drinking the liberal anti-american kool-aid it's you ! I'm not happy with Mr. Bush but over all he is one hell of alot better then either Gore or Kerry would have been . And there isn't one Democrat running now that i would trust -- not one . We need less Govt. -- less taxes ( both personal & business ) and alot less spending ( read gov't. giveaways for votes ) ! We need gov't out of our health care and not deeper in it . Oh --- i like my guns and believe in being able to protect ourselves and our familys ! Banning guns of any kind from law abiding people only helps the liberal commie loveing democrats and the people who commit the crimes . PERIOD ! I will vote republican no matter who it is -- yes i have a favorite but all are better then the lefties . Lefties think we shouldn't kill murders as punishment for their crimes but we should kill babies . One really messed up party . Go America -- support our troops !!!! Gray
I'm and Independent all the way but i have to say those that talk about less taxes, less government, trust,, killing babies and demand causing the high price of oil must live in another world. Especially after the last 8 years.
Eventually we have to pay for the deficits built up over the last 8 years BY REPUBLICANS. Guess what? Someone down the road is going to have to increase taxes to pay for it.
THe government bureaucracy has grown more in the past 8 years than in the past 25. Thanks in great measure to one of the most ineffective bureacracies of all - the Department of Homeland Security. Meanwhile the government is interfering and prying more into people's lives more than ever before and trying to protect the telecom companies that cooperate daily with this illegal intrusion.

Trust? After all the bullshit this admnistration has fed us on almost every issue, you're going to tell me you trust Republicans? Iraq, the prescription drug bill, the entire fucking Justice Dept., global warming, Korea, Israel/Palestine, Hurricane katrina, the attacks on Mccain and Kerry in the 2004 election; the corruption in congress - the list is almost endless. And you trust the Republicans?

Killing babies?? By all accounts at least 150,000 Iraqis died in a war that was based on bullshit. We did NOTHING about Darfur, Kenya and other slaughterhouses for the last 8 years. How many babies you think died in these places because of our actions and inactions? Oh wait, most of them weren't white,oh well.

If you kept up on the oil prices and why they're so high , it's not as simple as supply and demand. As a matter of fact, the price is so high because of speculators betting that the turmoil in the middle east will erupt and cut off supplies. Turmoil mosty caused by and inflamed by our policies of the last 8 years.

Would Kerry or Gore have been better, who knows? I don't have that kind of inside knowledge. I can tell you this though, NOTHING could have been worse than the administration of the last 8 years that managed to get nothing right.

That being said, I don't see a single politician in any party that I might vote for except Ron Paul. At least we'd have some laughs for the next 4 years,lol. I actually watched tonight's democratic debate and thought Edwards was the winner.

That's when I officially gave up on this election. When Edwards starts looking good, I know all hope is lost for a decent president coming out of the 2008 election.
Will & Eve said:
Me too. The GOP isn't far enough to the right for me!
Check that. By BOTH PARTIES. The Dems have been in charge for two years now - see any drastic measure to reduce the budget? Nuh-uh - nor will you. They are all buying votes hand over fist and as long as stupid voters keep selling their votes they will keep buying..

Don't be facetious. This argument that the Dems have been in power for 2 years is completely without merit and you know it. Unlike most people I'm sure you're aware of how our system works. So I'm not going to get into detail about threatened and actual vetoes, opposition party parliamentary maneuvers, the senate being split down the middle, etc. That nothing has been done in the past 2 years is a reflection on both parties. And now both are willing to grandstand and add 145 billion to the deficit for a measure that will do nothing to forestall an economic downturn. But it will give the masses a few hundred more dollars in their pockets for a week. Can we say 'bread and circuses'?

Will & Eve said:
Here's something you might not know though - you know WHAT is going to cause that tax increase?

Social Security and Midecare.

They will break us in about 40 years, if not less, unless radical changes are made YESTERDAY

Now, who was it that proposed to make radical changes a few years ago and got shot down by the opposing party??? Hmmm....name escapes me.......

The defiicit we have now has nothing to do with Social Security and medicare. It has to do with excessive spending, reducing taxes for people that didn't need a tax reduction. Things like the administration lieing to congress and the people that a prescription drug bill wold cost 300 billion when in fact the adminstration KNEW it would cost over 550 billion. ( I think the actual number is coming in at around 700 billion but don't quote me on that)Trust me, we're in the group that benefited most from Bush's tax reductions. I didn't need nor want them. They had no effect on how much I spend, invest or pay anyone. Just more 'bread and circuses'

Will & Eve said:
Exponential math, not something that happened in a vacuum, and not something that was done with the consent of only one party. when you have Democrats and Republicans so deluded they thing the only way to hold power is to out-democrat the Democrats, it's a race to the bottom...

You can't have it both ways. In one instance, the dems had power for 2 years and did nothing. But when the repubs had absolute control of legislative and executive, you blame both parties? The worst earmarking of all time occured in those years, the biggest deficit spending of all time occured then.

Will & Eve said:
People can have liberty or security - seldom both. most of your fellow Americans choose security (rightly or wrongly) and if you choose liberty, you are a victim of their poor decision. Politicians, do not be fooled, give the people what they want or they lose their jobs. When Clinton gets in - as she almost certainly will - she'll do the exact same thing or worse. (After all, her husband used the IRS as a political tool to audit EVERY YEAR those who criticized him - betcha never heard THAT on NBC)....

Comparing IRS audits to the internal threats to our freedom is another facetious argument with no merit. Just slinging stones. Assuming what someone will do in the future as an argument to defend what someone has already actually done in tha past has no merit either.
Fact is, our liberties are at stake, the present administration and party has been complicit in this attack upon them. To ignore that is to ignore the fact.

Will & Eve said:
Man-made global warming is a myth, you've been lied to..

I'll save debating that for another thread, it would need it,lol

Will & Eve said:
McCain didn't run in 2004...though he would have if Kerry had accepted his offer to run as his VP...

Thanks for the correction, I was too lazy to clarify that and you're aware that the smear tactics occured in 2000. Regardless, they occured.

Will & Eve said:
No....I I'd hope you're not naive enough to think that only the Republicans are corrupt..
I hope you're not naive enough to think that the incidence of ******* corruption of the past 6 years hasn't been mostly Republican and that a party in power for far more likely to be corrupt than one that is not.
To state that it's not only the Republicans is a weak defense of corruption.

Will & Eve said:
Which works out to less than 40K a year. Interestingly, Saddam Hussein was killing 100K a year of his own people before we invaded. If we're going to base our decisions on that kind of math, then our invasion saved over 200,000 lives so far.

Why do you dwell on the last 8 years? Why not go ahead and include Rawanda?
Oh snap! that's right, that was Clinton ignoring the death..

I used the most conservative estimates of Iraqi deaths in my statement, not the ones that I actually beleive to be true. But it's more than a matter of math to me anyway.
I suppose your math comparison would have some merit if that was why we invaded Iraq in the first place. But it wasn't even on our radar screen of reasons to invade. It was all about WMD's, wasn't it?

And why do I dwell on the past 8 years. Because seeing people in this thread talk about voting on strictly Republican party lines is what this is all about. How, after the past 8 years of mismanagement anyone can still hold the party line for the Republicans completely escapes me. Perhaps if I thought any republican candidate could uphold true Republican values ( and I don't mean the freaking christian right ones), I could accept it. But Republicans have lost their way. Any American who votes based on party any more is blind to what's going on in the world and this country IMHO.

Will & Eve said:
Yeah, and the fascinating thing is that liberals love globalisn and the U.N.....yet the U.N. has - with far more resources and legal athority - done fuck-all about the things you bring up. Why is it okay to bash Bush for that and not the U.N.?

Oh, and BTW, the death in the nations you mention is as a result of secterian fighting - the EXACT SAME short of shit that is making Iraq so troublesome. so if we supposedly can't wipe our ass in Iraq, why on earth would you want us to NOT be there but instead go to some other fucked up place?.

I'ts OK to bash Bush because we're not discussing an election of UN officials. We're discussing a US presidential election and I'm debating people that insist on taking party lines in determining their vote even in light of what the controlling party of the past 8 years has accomplished, or not accomplished.

Will & Eve said:
And all that's beside the point that this ain't got a damn thing to do with abortion.
I seem to recall the left was telling me the only reason for the war was to control the price of oil....where did that particular fairy tale end up?

Gosh, how come no one thought of that when they were spewing the "blood for oil" bullshit?.

WMD, democracy for the middle east, fighting terrorist over there instead of here. Want to discuss 'bullshit'? Come on, that blood for oil crap is inconsequential compared to the actual bullshit given us as reasons for going to war,lol.

Incidentally, have you noticed oil company profits? or stock values?

Will & Eve said:
This assumes, without evidence, that there would have been no instability without the war. Saddam was being embargoed (supposedly, while liberal crooks in the U.N. were lining their pockets with under the table deals).

While you assume without evidence there would have been instability without the war. What's the difference?
The fact that the food for oil program was corrupt has not bearing on the stability of the mideast, WMD's or any of this. It's a red herring to avoid the real issues.

Will & Eve said:
No Crazy man in Iran, or Venezuela....no new dictator on the rise in Russia ....all would have been sweetness and light if we had just left Saddam alone.

And I say all this as someone who is, for the most part, an isolationist - but I can still recognize a weak argument..

Although I feel Russia is in actuality not much of a threat, now we're closer to the real foreign policy issues of import. Not crazy men in Iran or Venezuela, but the rise of powers, nations and cultures that we have to learn how to deal with in the near and long term future. Our neglect of real policy in South and Latin America, our weakened position, militarily and diplomatically in the middle east, the growing influence and flexing of China's economic muscle.

To me, these are the issues of real import going forward.

Anyone who votes party line (democrat or repub) in these times with the impending and REAL issues facing America does themselves and this country a disservice. Those that blindly argue for repubs after the past 8 years are only kidding themselves. Those who argue blindly for the democrats who can't reach a consensus on anything but try to be all things to all people are only kidding themselves. It's really time to shed this party crap and vote for the best people in govt., if you can find one,lol.
This is a great thread and Will already knows the high regard in which I hold him. But I have to tell you Ro that I also admire you greatly. I don't normally agree with you all that much but I respect your arguments and passion.

Gorgeous and a brain. God, other women must hate you Ro.

Will & Eve said:
And yet we forfeit 100 million barrels a day because the loony tree-huggers have enough influence to keep us from drilling in a tiny fraction of ANWR....nor can we drill for coastal oil, nor can we build Nuke plants, nor can we build modern refineries with higher capacity.

Now, we are getting what's coming to us for our poor choices.

"The opening of the ANWR 1002 Area to oil and gas development is projected to increase domestic oil production starting in 2013.(note from me: this is assuming we started in 2005) In 2025, the coastal plain of ANWR is projected to reach 0.9 million barrels per day under the USGS mean oil resource case, and 0.6 and 1.6 million barrels per day under the low and high resource cases, respectively. "


I'm not sure where you get 100 million barrels a day. Sounds good but has no basis in fact.
Further estimates in the government's reports are that in 2025 it would reduce our dependence on foreign oil from 70% to 66-67%. ANWR is not even close to being a solution to our oil needs.

Do I think ANWR shold be opened to drilling. Yes, I do. Because the Prudhoe Bay oil supplies will be dwindling to nothing by then and ANWR can replace that production. But as a cure for oil prices near or long term, ANWR drilling will have no measurable effect.

Disclaimer: I have substantial investments in oil and will benefit from ANWR drilling, assuming I live long enough and maintain those investments,lol.
SaltandPepper98 said:
This is a great thread and Will already knows the high regard in which I hold him. But I have to tell you Ro that I also admire you greatly. I don't normally agree with you all that much but I respect your arguments and passion.

Gorgeous and a brain. God, other women must hate you Ro.


Thanks Norm :)

In actuality, I'm quite passionate about politics and very hesitant to post here about it. Most men don't care for women who take stances on issues either, trust me. Honestly, women are much more accepting of it.
Don't forget to mention "Carnivore". That was the other info gathering system created by the FBI during Clinton's terms.

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