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Confused Cuck...

  • Thread starterdirtydoc30
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New around here...
Beloved Member
Jan 22, 2011
I just wanted to say right off that this my first post, but I have lurked on this and other cuckold forums for years. My wife Kristi and I have been married 12 years. For nine of these twelve years, I have been an on and off cuckold. For the most part, this has usually consisted of her going out on dates while I'm left at home. But as the years have gone on she has continually sought to up the stakes and push my limits.

A few months ago she announced that she wants more, a lot more. While laying in bed one night, she confessed to me that she is in love with her boyfriend, and she wants him to move in on a permanent basis. Now, I would be lying if I said I didn't get aroused by the idea. She knows it drives me wild and I feel that she is taking advantage of that fact. But while I fantasize about the idea, the reality of it makes me very nervous. In fact the whole string of events that has occurred over the last 18 months to lead up to this point has made me extremely nervous.

I guess it would be best to give some context to my situation. Only my closest friends know about our lifestyle, one of those being my best friend. Well, 18 months ago my friend lost his job and then soon after that his ex-fiancee kicked him out. With no money and no home, I offered him a place to stay without a second thought. We have a spare room and plenty of space, so no worries.

For the first two weeks, I played therapist. He was completely shell-shocked from all that had gone on in his life. Most nights it was him and I, drinking a beer, while he talked. All he wanted to do was find a good, smart, sexy woman that he could settle down with and have a family. He added, a woman like my wife. As the days and weeks went on, he became more bold about talking about my wife. Going as far to say that she was unhappy with me and that he could fix that (wink, wink and so on). Of course, he already knows full well our situation.

I informed him of our "no close personal friends" rule. He just laughed and mumbled something about how she couldn't handle him or something. I left it at that. But later that night I was laying in bed with Kristi and she mentions she is horny. I of course get excited and begin to snuggle closer so I feel her up. But she brushes my hand away, and says she needs more tonight. Then grabbing my cock full force she stares into my eyes and tells me she wants to fuck Bobby, and that she knows he wants her cause she had been spying on us. I reminded her of our rule, and she tells me, just this once to let her break it. But instead of thinking through the consequences, I was focused on her hand on my cock and the crazy lust that was in her eyes. So I agreed and she left the room. At the time I was ******* that I was agreeing to a 3 month fuck-a-thon. But that night laying in bed I listened to my best friend bring my wife to a total of 8 orgasms!!! I had never heard her scream so loud in all the years as her cuckold.

I woke up the next morning, got the kids ready for school and me for work, while Bobby and Kristi were dead to the world. When I got home from work, everything was back to normal, well aside from the casual glare or brush by, things seemed pretty mellow. But once the kids were in bed, Kristi went to read her book, leaving Bobby and I to talk. Again, he mostly talked (I felt like I had been flipped on my head and spun), to make a long story short, he expressed his gratitude for last night, etc. I reiterated the no close friends rule, he quickly agreed.

Again, I went to bed... What do you think happened? Kristi was up and wanting more, again she talked me into letting her sneak over to the guest room, and again I was kept up all night by Kristi. This went on for a for a while, with me getting more concerned about the way things were going.

Here I was working 12 hour days, barely get to see my kids so that Kristi can stay at home and work on her art. Now, I have my best friend living at my place, hanging out with Kristi all day. Then I come home see the kids for a bit, listen to Bobby go on about his life, go to bed but only to have my wife exit as I enter the room. Then I sit in bed while Kristi spends the night with Bobby. At about 5:00AM or so Kristi will crawl back in bed before the kids get up, and then I finally fall asleep for a little bit and then start it all over again.

As time went on, I would come home in the evenings to find Kristi and Bobby being increasingly flirtatious, even in front of the kids, which began to call him Uncle Bobby. Not that this alarmed me, they have know him for their entire lives, but with everything else going on I, felt like I was in a free-fall.

I had to get real with Bobby, so I told him what was up, how I was feeling about things. And well he agreed it was time to crash somewhere else before I lost my mind. He thanked me for letting him stay as long as I did, that he was grateful for Kristi, and that if the tables were reversed he would have killed me. But before he leaves he whispers that owns Kristi's pussy, now and forever.

Once Bobby was gone, Kristi stopped talking to me. She was furious at me for doing that. But after a few weeks everything seemed to be going along nicely, she still wouldn't fuck me, but things were calm. Then we find out Kristi is pregnant, needless to say neither Bobby or I were very pleased. I'm not going to go into detail but it was a very stressful time, and then compounded by a miscarriage for Kristi, it was like an atomic bomb went off. Bobby left again, after he came back, and Kristi and I were left to consider what had almost taken place.

A few more months go by when I come home one afternoon to find Bobby with his stuff back in the guest room. The kids are ecstatic, Kristi is beaming, and there is Bobby looking apologetically at me as if he had no choice but to come back. Things resumed as they were before, but this time Kristi wanted me to watch them fuck every night. But this only amplified my fears, seeing and hearing them up close, it was clear he owned Kristi. He owned her like I owned her before I asked her to cuckold me. I started to freak out, there was no break from it.

Then we had an xmas party around Dec. 20th or something. After all the other guests had left, Bobby found Kristi under some mistletoe. In front of my kids, Kristi exclaims "Uh oh, I have to kiss Uncle Bobby," noticing the kids looking confused, she explains about the mistletoe. Then leans into kiss him.

From that point on things started to get more weird. Other than the fact that Kristi and I slept in the same bed, it seemed like I was the guest and he was her husband. He'd cook dinner clean house, fuck her, go pick the kids up, play with them, serve dinner, give Kristi a kiss, we'd eat, then I'd play with the kids, we'd put them to bed and then all three of us would go to our room where I'd sit in the corner until they were done fucking.

3 weeks ago Bobby landed a job where he will be gone for the next two months. Already Kristi wants him back, I want him to take care of himself and get his own place, and his own life. But Kristi says he that he is coming back and she is going to get what she wants, ie me sleeping in the guest room while she gets knocked up by him. When I press Bobby about it he is reluctant to say much, its all code as if he is waiting for me to invite him to come back. But I know he wants to comeback as much as Kristi wants him too. Yet, even with everything going on, he knows I'm his best friend and he knows this is my wife and when it comes right down to it, whether he comes back or not, is up to me.

So Bobby tells Kristi that he loves her, but can't hurt me. He tells her that he won't come back until I ask him to. He told me what it means if he comes back, there is no going back. Playing to my whole cuckold nature, he tells me that by asking him to come back I admit that Kristi belongs to him, and that he wants me to really think about this cause he loves Kristi and can't be treated like a yo-yo anymore.

Now, Kristi is becoming increasingly angry and irritated with me and then last week I come home to find all of my stuff moved to the guest room. She tells the kids that mommy cant fall asleep with daddy cause I steal all the covers and I snore. After putting them to bed she tells me that I'm a cuckold, jerks me off then leaves me to my room.

Then this morning, I wake up to find Kristi scurrying about making breakfast for the kids before school, but behold, Bobby is at the table too. Apparently, Bobby got a few days off and slept in my bed last night. The kids thought it was funny that Uncle Bobby fell asleep in mommy's bed. But Kristi was quick to point out that unlike daddy, Uncle Bobby doesn't snore or hog the covers. While the kids got a chuckle out of mommy's response, I was not amused. I was friendly but not warm either. When I looked at Bobby and gave him those eyes that said get the fuck out, he got the picture that I wasn't going to invite him to stay. He announced he was leaving, this time my son was crying that he was leaving and begged for him to stay with us. It took every ounce of energy not to freak out. Kristi wasn't very happy either.

Now, I just walked in the door and immediately Kristi is pressuring me to call Bobby, trying to turn me on, grabbing at my cock just so I will submit, and I don't know what to do. So I'm just hiding out (in the guest room) and writing this trying to figure out what the fuck has happened. I'm sorry I dumped so much, its just there is a lot going and I feel powerless to stop it, I'm conflicted by my intense arousal and the fear of losing my wife to my best friend for good. Its like a form of paralysis, but in a way just writing this down for the first time allows me to breathe a little.

I hope writing all this down gives you a chance to catch your breath and think without being too emotional. I know it's tough. My wife has a live in lover as well. If there is anything us cucks must learn from this lifestyle is that we cannot "control" our wives. She will ultimately make her own decision and it may not be a pleasant one for you. This is your opportunity (before she makes her own decisions) to sort out what role you want play in her life.

The way I see it from your post, your wife values her relationship with you especially because you are a good provider and father to your children. You indulge her by giving her the ability to be a stay at home mom. It would be very tough for her to give this all up. On the other hand, she obviously has very strong feelings for her lover. Just like my wife in my situation, your wife wants a relationship with both of you.

You are a cuckold. Your wife knows how to manipulate you and you may actually enjoy being submissive to her. Your options (as mine were) are limited. Somehow, you must create an environment for open and honest communication with your wife. You have to talk this out and make a mutual decision. Otherwise, one of you is going to get emotional and react poorly. When you have this communication (and it can be done in a fun (sexual) way), you must enter the conversation having thought out the consequences of each possibility.

1. You could go along and invite him to move in (this is the most likely possibility in my mind). He wants this. She wants this. You are the only roadblock right now. If you allow this to happen (as with me in my situation) you must be happy living in the guest room (as I do) and ultimately enjoy being a cuckold, listening to them have sex, watching them have sex, maybe participating in sex sometimes, and being a wanker most nights.

2. You could demand she end this with him. She values her life with you and may agree. This will lead to a very emotional time between you two. She may stop having sex with you. She may ultimately leave you which would be a horrible. But, marriages break down all too often.

3. You could just say to yourself that you are out of there and leave her.

This will be a very rough time for you. I hope you handle it better than I did (jealousy, envy, etc). Ultimately, my wife got her way as I am very submissive towards her. She had many lovers over the years. About six years ago a man came in to our lives and he was perfect for her (and us). Over the years they became exclusive and he essentially moved in. I tried to fight it from time to time. But my wife was absolutely certain that our future did not allow us to break up but instead it would include him. She wanted both of us. I appreciate the fact that she had such a strong will about this as there were a few times I felt I should move out.

Please figure out a way to have a conversation with your wife. You each should talk about how you see the future with him living with you. Can this lifestyle be a fun time for you? Would you be happy listening/watching them have sex?

Good luck

Kids don't deserve any of that. Take the kids and leave.
im going to have to agree- she took it too far, and that is sad! cuckolding can be sexywhen all are in agreement sorta ... but if it goes as far as you feel disrespected, and it is hurting you, then you should just go find a woman who can treat you better. too many feelings involved here :/
Dirtydoc...Rereading your post......
Very in-depth post.... My take is this woman (hard to say 'wife') has no respect for you or the marriage. As Mac said " You've already lost her", very doubtful it you could get her back let alone trust her . At this point and if you stay/let this continue your roll will be that of provider and fascinator. The party of 3 will be no fun. You did not say how long you have known this 'friend' or how close the two of you are, I think it is safe to say you can call him EX-FRIEND. Look forward to your next posting.

If you like, please give some background about Kristi. TKS
Thanks for the responses. And you are all right, to me the kids are the most important and that has been my biggest frustration. It is has been sad!

I know I'm a cuck, and if they weren't in the picture I would submit. But regardless, they are in the picture, and I know that I have allowed things to go on as they have, for as long as they have. And while I should be furious at Kristi, I can't be. She has done nothing that I haven't fantasized about or shared with her. Granted she doesn't follow all my fantasies, she goes after the ones that turn her on too, but all things considered, she was content to be a monogamous woman until I introduced this idea of cuckolding.

And to your assumption, you are correct. He has been living rent free off and on at my place for the last 18 months, up until he got this job. And yes, I did get some perspective from writing all this down, thanks!

At this point it is clear that I must sit down with my wife and come to an agreement. I know she wants him here, but at least he would have to be working, he'd have to be in his own room, and the kids would not be ******* to anything strange between them.

But even then I'm not sure I could handle it. I have learned through this experience that it is critical that I have time with Kristi away from Bobby, just the two of us. For most the past 18 months I have gotten about 60 mins a night with her. 30 minutes to talk about our days and what the house needs etc, and then 30 minutes with her jerking me off trying to get me in a good mood so I wouldn't complain about things.

So it is time for us to have a heart to heart.

Luckily, Bobby didn't come back, and Kristi has been nicer today. I dunno, maybe I have been an asshole and now that he is gone again, I feel better. But she did back off on pressuring me today... if anything she was pretty playful considering the fucking roller coaster we have been on. All I know is that my kids need to be protected and he needs to stay away from her.

The fucked up thing is, and it is something I don't want to look at, but Bobby has been very responsive. It has been Kristi that has been so demanding, and that concerns me. And lastly, I have been told that my marriage was over, that she was a lost cause, etc. but Kristi has never ceased to amaze me. She has been lost before, and she has always found her way back home.

dirtydoc30 said:
I just wanted to say right off that this my first post, but I have lurked on this and other cuckold forums for years.


dirtydoc30 said:
My wife Kristi and I have been married 12 years. For nine of these twelve years, I have been an on and off cuckold. For the most part, this has usually consisted of her going out on dates while I'm left at home.

Sounds like your wife is an avant-garde woman, and you have accepted your proper role as her cuckold…

dirtydoc30 said:
But as the years have gone on she has continually sought to up the stakes and push my limits.

I guess you mean, “…. and pushed your limits as she extended her sexual horizons.”

dirtydoc30 said:
A few months ago my wife announced she wants more, a lot more. In bed one night, she confessed she is in love with her boyfriend and wants him to move in on a permanent basis. Now, I would be lying if I said I didn't feel aroused by that idea. She knows it drives me wild and I feel she is taking advantage. But, while I fantasize about the idea, the reality of it makes me very nervous. In fact, the whole string of events that has occurred over the last 18 months has made me extremely nervous.

I would think so…

dirtydoc30 said:
Here’s the context. Only my closest friends know about our lifestyle; one of them is my best friend. Eighteen months ago my friend lost his job; soon after that his ex-fiance kicked him out. He had no money and no home. I offered him a place to stay without a second thought. We have a spare room and plenty of space; it wasn’t a problem.

For the first two weeks, I played therapist. He was shell-shocked from all that had happened to him. Most nights he and I drank beer while he talked. All he wanted to do was find a good, smart, sexy woman that he could settle down with and have a family.

You began to sense a cloud on the horizon…

dirtydoc30 said:
He added, a woman like my wife.

The cloud grew larger and darker…

dirtydoc30 said:
As the days and weeks went by, he became more bold talking about my wife… he said she was unhappy with me, and he could fix that (wink, wink). Of course, he already knows full well our situation.

I'll have to say, at this point your “friend’s” friendship became dubious…

dirtydoc30 said:
I informed him of our "no close personal friends" rule. He just laughed and mumbled something about how my wife couldn't handle him, or something. I left it at that.

Given he was toying with his shelter… not to mention free meals from time to time, I would guess… one wonders if your “friend” had a secret agreement with your wife to the effect she would ensure that you would not throw him back out into the street…

dirtydoc30 said:
Later that night I was in bed with Kristi, and she mentioned she was horny. I got excited, of course, and snuggled closer to feel her up. But, she brushed my hand away and said she needed more. Then, grabbing my cock full force, she stared into my eyes and told me she wants to fuck Bobby, AND she knows he wants her because she had been spying on us.

Hm… this too suggests communication between your wife and Bobby in advance of the evening in question. But, at least your wife had clear knowledge of how to secure and hold your attention while telling you what she wanted. She had no problem with “her husband (you) not listening to her.” (BTW, Lady Misato refers to your wife holding your cock firmly in one hand and your balls firmly in the other as the “power grip.” (Google “lady misato, rwddh”; read her chapters listed at upper left.)

dirtydoc30 said:
I reminded my wife of our rule. She said, just this once let me break it. Instead of thinking through the consequences, I focused on her hand on my cock and the crazy lust that was in her eyes.

Oh oh…

dirtydoc30 said:
So I agreed, and my wife left the room. At the time, I was ******* I had agreed to a 3-month fuck-a-thon. That night, as I lay in bed, I listened to my best friend bring my wife to a total of 8 orgasms! I had never heard her scream so loud in all my years as her cuckold.

Ah… so your wife WAS able to handle your best “friend.” Finally, you realized that despite not having sufficient competence to retain his job, your “friend” had talents in other areas… areas that appealed to your wife… areas in which she had been hoping, in effect, to identify a successful applicant…

dirtydoc30 said:
I woke up the next morning, got the kids ready for school…

Good… you did your job as your wife’s cuckold…

dirtydoc30 said:
…and me for work, while Bobby and Kristi were dead to the world.

Hm… are you the only “breadwinner” in your family-plus-one? Given your “friend” who seamlessly became your wife’s lover isn’t working and spends his days relaxing at home… your home… how does your wife fit into this picture? Does she also spend her days at home? If so, do you earn enough to easily support the whole shooting match including (presumably) your mortgage payments, multiple-car payments (possibly), and groceries for all…?

dirtydoc30 said:
When I got home from work, everything was back to normal… well, aside from the casual glare or brush by, things seemed pretty mellow.

Who was glaring at whom? You at your “friend”? Your wife at you? You at both of them…?

dirtydoc30 said:
Once the kids were in bed, Kristi went to read her book leaving Bobby and me to talk. Again, he did most of the talking. (I felt like I had been flipped on my head and spun.) To make a long story short, he expressed his gratitude for last night, etc. I reiterated “the no close friends” rule. He quickly agreed.

Your “no close friends” rule must have seemed, by this time, somewhat hollow. Another possibility, of course, would be that your “close friend” no longer views himself in that way at all. Rather, he views himself as… well… your wife’s lover, and you as someone he must manipulate carefully because you are his source of shelter, food, transportation (presumably he uses one of your cars?)… and income as well, to the extent he doesn’t have to earn money to pay for all those things himself. In addition, he benefits from having a family (yours) in the sense that your children are fond of him, he of them, and he has a wife he likes to fuck and who loves him (yours).

Your erstwhile “best friend,” in other words, is a textbook example of a parasite in the sense that he lives off his host (you) fully and in every way, while taking care to refrain from “killing” his host (you) because that would destroy him as well. An example of the latter would be instigating bad feelings between you and your wife to the extent you divorce her. If that happened, he would be faced with the problem of your wife expecting him to support her and her children. That would be a disaster, so he’s trying to make sure that doesn’t happen.

dirtydoc30 said:
Again, I went to bed. What do you think happened? Kristi was up and wanting more, again she talked me into letting her sneak over to the guest room, and again I was kept up all night by [my wife’s loud orgasms]. This went on for a while, with me getting more concerned about the way things were going.

An image comes to mind of a man sitting in his easy chair reading his newspaper, his house blazing around him, wondering whether he should call the fire department... but hesitating to do so, because he doesn’t want to inconvenience them.

I’m going to have to hang it up now… I may comment further somewhat later.

Doc, you are in a tough spot nd I can read th emotion in you from your second post. I know it's tough. But, please hold your emotions in check so you don't do something you will regret. ...more in a sec.

Custer, thank you for your comments. And I know that you understand highly submissive male cuckolds very well. You are much more understanding.

Some of the other comments seem highly judgmental. No one knows Doc's real situation. He needs to do what is right for him. Regarding the children, I did not read anything that showed they were ******* to anything sexual. Having two male figures around the house does not strike me as any more different than children with a lesbian or gay couple as parents, or children living in a nudist resort (I have visited several couples in this situation...kids everywhere and nude adults everywhere too). Doc's decision is whether he wants his children ******* to an alternative lifestyle or not.

Doc, my situation is extreme, to be sure. But, maybe it will help you out. In my case, I have always been very submissive (wimpy???) around women socially. Work, for me is a different situation. I am quite aggressive there. But the women I work with all know me as quite weak when I am near them in a co-worker/friendship sense. This is how women have always viewed me. Lots of respect for my intelligence, education and success at work. But, they all have figured out how docile (submissive) I am around women. They accept me for who I am.

When I did have an intimate relationship with a woman, it was usually brief. Typically, they would soon cheat on me and eventually leave. I figured out that my tiny penis was an issue for satisfying a woman. I lived alone for many years, fantasizing and wanking. I am married now for several years. I adore my wife but we live as roommates. She has a live-in lover who has a great cock. I listen to them fuck most every night from my room. I sniff her panties and play with myself (which I am not in chastity). Sometimes they invite me in to watch. He has no problem with my cleaning his cock afterwards with my mouth and then a hot washcloth. He leaves for work much earlier than me so I have coffee with my wife and she will usually let me worship her ass right before I go in the shower.

I am telling you this because I have adapted to being a sexually useless roommate. I cannot compete with her lover in any way. But, I know for a fact that if I left her I would regret it every day. I would be alone once again with my fantasies and my 3.5 inch penis.

Only you can decide what is best for you. But, before you make a decision, figure out how to have open and honest communication with your wife (of 12 years). What would each of you get out of having her lover live with you? Would you enjoy living this lifestyle?

Yours is a good description of an analogous cuckold marriage...


Ladynsniffer said:
Doc, you are in a tough spot. .... But, please hold your emotions in check so you don't do something you will regret.

I agree. Doc's situation is unusual, but not impossible... nor even, necessarily, unsatisfactory.

Ladynsniffer said:
Custer, thank you for your comments. ....

You're welcome...

Ladynsniffer said:
No one knows Doc's real situation.

Actually, he's quite articulate and has described his situation well, I would say. It doesn't seem difficult to see how his intense and thorough cuckolding (as he has described it) developed.

Ladynsniffer said:
He needs to do what is right for him.

Yes... I think that's why he wrote to this forum. He's trying to decide what would be "right" for himself, his wife and their children (some of whom, I gather, may have been sired by one or more of his wife's lovers, but he hasn't commented on that).

Ladynsniffer said:
Regarding the children, I did not read anything that showed they were ******* to anything sexual.

Nor did I...

Ladynsniffer said:
Having two male figures around the house does not strike me as different than children having a lesbian or gay couple as parents, or children living in a nudist resort (I have visited several couples in this situation...kids everywhere and nude adults everywhere too).

It's different, but it isn't necessarily negative and, in fact, is potentially positive (IMO). I'll say more about this when I reply further to Doc.

Ladynsniffer said:
My situation is extreme, to be sure.

I'm not sure it is. Your relationship with your cuckoldress wife, as you describe it (below), seems well within the range of cuckold-husband marriages described by other men in this forum who are married to more strongly-sexual women.

Ladynsniffer said:
In my case, I have always been very submissive around women socially. Work, for me, is different. I am quite aggressive there. But, the women I work with all know me as quite weak when I am near them in a co-worker/friendship sense. This is how women have always viewed me. They have lots of respect for my intelligence, education and success at work, but they have all figured out how docile (submissive) I am around women.

Sounds complicated. Now that it's no longer a "man's world" (if it ever was), most work... including yours, obviously... involves both men and women. Ergo, it isn't easy to see how one can be "always aggressive" with respect to one's work and "always submissive" with respect to one's female colleagues. But, I'll take your word for it.

Ladynsniffer said:
They accept me for who I am.

That sounds like a plus...

Ladynsniffer said:
When I did have an intimate relationship with a woman, it was usually brief. Typically, they would soon cheat on me...

Hey, nothing wrong with that...

Ladynsniffer said:
...and eventually leave.

But, those sound like less-than-optimal outcomes...

Ladynsniffer said:
I figured out that my tiny penis was an issue for satisfying a woman. I lived alone for many years, fantasizing and wanking.

Sounds like it would have been better, from your point of view, if your previous women had told you: "I can hardly feel your teeny weenie inside me and I've become preoccupied with that shortcoming (so to speak) on your part, so from now on I'm going to call you 'Teeny Weenie'... unless you prefer 'Pencil Prick' or 'Boy Weenie.' Please think it over and give me your preferred name tomorrow. Also, I've decided to begin taking lovers and fucking other men, Pencil Prick... a woman can only be expected to put up with so much absence of satisfaction in bed, and you, Boy Weenie, have surpassed your quotient. I hope you're willing to live with this, because your ability to earn money seems acceptable and you appear to have good cuckold potential. Speaking of which, please have a draft "cuckold husband / dominant wife" marriage contract ready for me by the end of this week, so I can review it and inform you of my required revisions. And from now on, Teeny Weenie, you will show increased respected by addressing me as "Ms. [my first name]." That would have got you to where you are now (essentially) in a much more direct fashion.

Ladynsniffer said:
I am married now for several years.


Ladynsniffer said:
I adore my wife but we live as roommates.

Do you sleep together or, as your wife's cuckold, do you have a separate bedroom?

Ladynsniffer said:
My wife has a live-in lover who has a great cock. I listen to them fuck most every night from my room.

Nice. Have you considered installing a baby monitor (a one-way intercom), with the "transmit" end next to your wife's bed in her boudoir and the "speaker" end next to your bed in your cuckold bedroom, so you can hear all the details of their fucking more clearly...? This seem an essential piece of equipment for cuckolds whose wives fuck their lovers in their homes...

Ladynsniffer said:
I sniff my wife's panties...

Also good. I presume your wife requires you to hand-wash her panties and other lingerie...? I assume she also keeps you pantied, to remind you every day of your status, and expects you to hand-wash your panties as well...?

Ladynsniffer said:
...and play with myself (when I am not in chastity). Sometimes they invite me in to watch. He has no problem with my cleaning his cock afterwards with my mouth and then a hot washcloth.

All good. It's important for cuckoldress wives who keep their cuckolds in chastity devices, for which they are (of course) sole keyholders, to allow them to beat their weenies from time-to-time — although probably no more frequently than once a week — and it's generous, certainly, of your wife to allow you to watch on occasion while she fucks her lover. This too, I would imagine... along with your practice of cleaning her lovers cock with your tongue after they've fucked... helps keep you reminded of your status in her marriage.

BTW, did your wife obtain an appropriately-colored chastity device... pink, for instance... for you to wear?

Ladynsniffer said:
My wife's lover leaves for work much earlier than me, so I have time for coffee with my wife and she usually allows me to worship her ass before I take a shower.

Excellent. Part of your role as your wife's cuckold, of course, is to be her asskisser and be highly competent at that, so she finds you a satisfying asskisser. I assume, BTW, that by "worship her ass" you mean the full nine yards, with your face between her cheeks, your lips kissing her asshole, and your tongue giving her deep analingus. (Perhaps your wife is among the women can orgasm in that way.)

You might consider asking your wife if her satisfaction with you would be increased if, when you leave for work each morning, you were to bow down fully before her and kiss and lick her feet... and, of course, do the same when you return home each evening (in the presence of her lover, if he's there) (that is, if you aren't doing this already). Kissing your wife's feet twice daily, in addition to kissing her ass, would seem most appropriate in your role as her cuckold, as opposed to expecting her to kiss you on the lips which your wife may find distasteful.

Ladynsniffer said:
I am telling you this because I have adapted to being a sexually useless roommate. I cannot compete with her lover in any way. But, I know for a fact that if I left her I would regret it every day. I would be alone once again with my fantasies and my 3.5 inch penis.

This is a cogent statement of the desirability, from your personal point of view, of your submissive-cuckold relationship with your more-highly-sexual and more-dominant wife.

Ladynsniffer said:
Doc, you are in a tough spot and I can read th emotion in you from your second post. I know it's tough. But, please hold your emotions in check so you don't do something you will regret. .

Unlike most of the other posts Ladynsniffer, advice is excellent! His life style, parallels my lifestyle, what I can clearly see with dirtydoc's post is that Kristi view of life and marriage is not what Mac sees as a cuck relationship, with his lifestyle both his wife and himself discuss together their lifestyle and make joint decisions, which suit their relationship. But in my lifestyle which is the other side of the coin, my wife has always done as she wants, irrespective of me. Mac would say as he did about Kristi that my wife has no respect for me, that is true, but only that she does not need or want any input from me on her lifestyle, I am her husband NOT her lover(s). I see Kristi following that same path in making her satisfaction paramount.

My wife has over the years had had many live in lovers. Most of them I did not like, and had nothing in common with them. But I have had to accept them because they are her choices not mine. If I chose them they would be similar to me, have the same values but they would not satisfy her sexual and emotional needs. Over the years I have been and I am still today being constantly faced with seeing someone that I love deeply, being treated with far, far less respect than I would give her, watching her being constantly abused and used sexually ( Non Violent) for their satisfaction with no thought whatsoever for her feeling.

They all have had many, many different profiles over the years, but all of them have had the same arrogant attitude which she obviously adores. This lifestyle has so many different facets, each one suiting the individuals concerned.

There is no "Workshop Manual" for relationships, we are all complex individuals, each with our own idea on how to save the world, and live within the confines of a relationship, none of us can be always right ( Except my wife) or be always be wrong! Every person entering this or any other forums should use them as a mixed bag of views, to see differing views, and cherry pick what suits you.

In closing if dirtydoc continues to accept Kirsty's relationship in her way, they will flourish together, him always knowing knowing his place, they will in my opinion look forward to a long and painful relationship ( for him) together. Good luck to you both.

Mickle :):)
Apologies Mac, If you think I did not do your posts a service.I did not think there was any point in re quoting what you and others had written, I used the general swing of your comments. with your long held view that your cuckolding was an agreement between you and your wife.

Where as my wife's view was/is that she does what she wants, when she wants and with who she wants!. Which is more in line with Marcus and what Kristi is doing.

I did not bother repeating line by line, as Custer had already done an excellent job of this.

You stated " I've bold typed them to make it easier for forum readers to get the jest of this stupidity without requiring them to read dirtydoc30's lengthy post or a couple of the even lengthier, less thoughtful responses" :rolleyes: You have made your feelings known very forcefully in response to this and other posts on similar themes over the years.

I did not quote your emotive use of words in your last paragraph, because they have been adequately replied to by other since, and I did not feel that they deserved any further comment! :(

I know many acquaintances and friends who have taken in students as lodgers, during their children's formative years, University town would be lost without this alternative to campus life.

I am sure that these students have on occasions brought girlfriends or boyfriend home for the night or week end, surely you are not saying that there should be no sexual activity undertaken whilst the children are within the walls or only none between Mummy and her Boyfriends ?.

If it is only the latter then for 20 years plus, Mummy has to use Hotels/ Motels, back seat of cars or any other of the nefarious places used in teenage and dating years, none of which are suitable for a married couple where mummy has a lover(s).

The problem today is that we are attempting as a society to sterilise children's lives, to save them from the reality and upbringing that we all had. This doesn't work and causes more problem than it ever saves!.

Providing the children are given a warm loving environment to grow and nurture in, they will generally grow up to be stable, mature persons who ultimately will choose a lifestyle of their own, to suit their personality and aspirations.
These are the principles of life that most of us adopt and do not need someone calling down the wrath of God/ Social Services or any of the other protection agencies to complain because their lifestyle does not mirror yours.

Today we have a myriad of sects and militant religious and lifestyle advocacy groups, that will do far, far more harm to family life and children's mental and physical health than mummy doing the boyfriend.

I have over the years in professional capacities dealt with children and adults who have gone off the rails, there are always other factors that come in to play, normally none of them are due to their upbringing, but a lifestyle change on their part.

Forums are great diffusers of ideas and different choices, lurkers, regular posters and occasional posters all have their place, but everyone must respect newbies and give them the answer to their question. This always has been one of the better forums dealing with the wide spectrum of cuckold lifestyles. respect others even trolls :D

Listen Doc,

I'm not going to tell you what you should do as a cuck. Because, honestly, no man deserves what you've been put through. Your wife has shown her ability to take it too far--to use your own kids to manipulate you into getting her own way--and to justify it to them and herself.

They are your kids. She shouldn't be trying to replace you in their eyes and it's unfair of her to do so. And don't give me the "cuckold's role" bullshit--as a man--as a father, it's your duty to make sure you remain that to them. You are their father. Their mother should not be trying to make you seem any less.

In regards to your relationship--there are boundaries that she should be respecting. She refuses to do so--and he constantly seems to check your boundaries, crossing them and maintaining his "dominance" (re: just being an asshole for the sake of it). In regards to this: he should be bounced. And if she wants to leave for him? You tell her as much.

"This is my house. These are my kids. If you want to be with him so much, get out."

Be a man, step up. Kick her out. I'm sure you could win the kids in court if you could argue her delinquency (especially in FRONT of the kids) and her manipulation, using them against you towards her own ends.

And like I said. I'm not talking to you as the cuck. I'm appealing to you as the man--the father. When kids are involved, my mind is always on them. (I'm a kid-minded person, so sue me. They're the ultimate concern in my opinion, fetishes be damned. Once you have kids, your job is to protect them. (But I don't have any and I'm still young enough to be nieve, so I could be wrong. I'm not. But I could be.))
Okay, so let's see if I get Mac and Vega's advice right. Doc puts his foot down. He says the kids are confused and no more boyfriend. Wife kicks out boyfriend. Doc is cut off from sex entirely. Wife begins cheating on Doc privately now so kids are not disturbed. Kids think everything is normal again. Wife waits for a year or two and then divorces Doc. At this point, Doc pays hefty child support and gets weekend visitation with the kids (meanwhile, every weekend while watching the kids, wife is with boyfriend). Then wife marries boyfriend. Doc moves on with his life (as all divorced dads do) and visitation drops off to zero with the kids.

Gee, by golly, you are right. This is exactly what Doc needs to do to protect the kids.

Nationwide statistics show that visitation by divorced dads drops to ZERO by year three. Been there and done that.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot...whenever kids arrive the screaming orgasms must stop. Otherise Child Protective Services will show up. Gesh...

Strawman arguments will get you nowhere in life, Marcus.

Doc puts his foot down. He says he's had enough of her bullshit. He gives her the option to back the fuck off or leave. The boyfriend isn't even in the picture anymore, if I remember correctly--he hasn't come back.

Doc is cut off from sex. Gee. A handjob and manipulation with wife-screaming-moans later was so much better.

Wife cheats on Doc privately. She was cheating on him publicly before. So yes. The kids are saved, at the very least.

Wife and Doc get divorced. This has been an option the entire time. If I were Doc, I'd move for custody and cite her manipulations, willingness to use them to get her way, and willingness to put them in "dangerous" and irresponsible circumstances as evidence against her. Surely a parent wouldn't do this to their kids (in the legal court, that is. It happens all the time in the real world.) Hell, you could even attempt to spin the wanton "NEED" she has as an addiction--something she was willing to fill regardless of the well-being of her kids...something arguably proven through her actions.

I came from a divorced family. I saw my dad at 17 just as often as I did when I was 7. Your argument is invalid. If Doc is aggressive in his willingness and want to be in his children's lives? He will be. But thanks for speaking from experience and not just half-assed statistics. Oh...wait...

But at the end of this, Marc, you've proven yourself to be a grade-A jackass to me. I don't care what the fuck your fetish is, it's my belief that the kids come first and nothing you try to say'll convince me otherwise. It's not "politically correct" bullshit. It's not misguided morality BS. It's a legitimate kids-in-psychological-danger situation.

And in the meantime, Doc needs valid advice. Not just "submissive" bullshit.

((I mean Goddamn. I'm not the most dominant person in the world, but have a backbone. Don't just settle into some stupid "cuck" social role. Cuckolding is a fetish. FETISH.))
MacNfries said:
Ladynsniffer, to misquote what someone writes is quite a bit different from misquoting what someone says. It's easy to just go back and read, if you are capable, what was written. Or, possibly you are one of those that likes to leave the bedroom door open when you and your woman have sex, so the kids can watch ... oh yes, something to do with being a "learning experience" right? So, which is it for you ... can't read or learning experience?

You know what my point was. You can take what I wrote and fragment it, like a Republican, to make your scarcastic, misleading point, if you wish. It only makes you look foolish to do so. I clearly stated my 2 primary concerns, of which you choose to misstate. :)

Like I said, Straw-man arguments. They get you nowhere if they're as baseless and non-compelling as his use of it was.

My point and my advice is pretty in line with yours--and I think it's a valid one. Of course, it requires him to stand up for himself, which I think he's capable of doing. He just needs to do it.

If you want to play cuck when it comes to your sex-life, that's one thing. But when it comes to your family--when your kids get involved? That's when the "playing" ends and you have to stand up for yourself. Because it isn't a game anymore, then. It isn't just about sex. It's gone past that.
Sorry for the delayed response. life has been pretty chaotic the past few days.
BTW, thanks for all the responses, Things have settled down here, so for now, things are pretty much back to "normal."

Despite the little arguments on this thread, I can read, and I understand what you are all are saying. For me, as I stated previously, the kids are what is really driving my angst in this situation. At the same time I love my wife, and she isn't doing anything we haven't discussed before.

I know I'm a cuckold, my cock is 4 inches and a little wider than my thumb. I also know she is only happy when she is fucking other men. When I'm not playing the role of the cuck in our relationship (ie she is only fucking me) she tends to be more edgy, depressed and all around less enthusiastic about life and our marriage. As soon as she is getting good sex again, her attitude and general state of being is transformed. She is not only nicer, but she is nicer to the kids as well. She is more attentive, cheerful and loving.

And just to clarify, our bedrooms are downstairs and the kids are upstairs, so they cannot hear what is going on and we often have friends over late at night and they never knew they were there. Like I said, the problem has been during the day time when she is being affectionate to Bobby. Its like she got great sex, and rational thought went out the door. Perhaps, if she had/could show some restraint then I wouldn't mind as much. And I'm not sure I can trust her to have any, and as far as Bobby goes, I think he knows this about her and knows he has stolen her. At the same time, playing best friend to me and my kids (my son) especially.

See, Bobby is the only man that knows "everything" and that makes him threatening. He knows our dirtiest secrets. In fact, he has been one... But six years ago Kristi and I split. This was when she realized that she wasn't going to be happy unless she made me a cuckold for good. Up until that point, I pretty much called the shots, more like a hotwife situation. While I had expressed my cuckold desires I was still to afraid of what it would mean for us, and I guess she was too. But then she met someone that changed that for ever.

She still recounts this as one of her hottest experiences. Essentially, she found a man that could fuck her the way she we wanted. I freaked out because she became totally consumed. I asked her to take a break (controlling) and she refused. We split up for 6 months and I stayed at Bobby's place on his couch. This time he played therapist, and I finally told him what was going on with us.

Eventually, Kristi broke it off with the other guy and we started to reconcile. She told me that she loved me too much to not be together and I still felt the same way. However, she was not willing for things to go back the way they were. I was too controlling about the sex life. I had begged her to cuckold me for years, but whenever it looked too "real," I would call it quits. But she told me that it was real, that if we were going to stay married I had to accept that I was her cuckold.

I agreed...obviously... Yet, she never went as far as she did that time until Bobby came into the picture. For the most part she made me a cuck the way I wanted, safe and doing pretty much everything that turned me on. But Bobby came along and swept her off her feet and she decided to live out her fantasy. So here we are, but she has amended some of her demands about Bobby coming back here, but I will post that in a bit.
So yesterday was pretty rough, actually. My son has been asking when Bobby is coming back "home." To which I replied, I don't know. Too which he replies, "well, mommy says he is coming home soon, and I can't wait! Needless to say I felt like I had been kicked in the stomach.

But it was enough of a wake-up call to talk to Kristi. We finally had a sit down talk yesterday and we have continued to talk throughout the day. But things haven't gone the way I planned. I was furious and justified, but by the end of the conversation she had turned it around. Next thing I know her hand is on my cock and she is telling me that he is coming back. She tells me that she needs him, and that I need him. She needs him to be fulfilled and I need him to take of her in order to save our marriage. Right then I spurted all over her hand. She just laughed and took it as a sign that I had agreed. This morning, she presents me with a letter that she wants me to copy and send to Bobby. It was basically a letter where I admit that I need him here and that I'm their bitch.

Now granted, I'm not sure I can even handle this much, but not wanting an argument today I entertained the possibility. The deal was he'd always sleep in his bed, he'd have to have a job and staying here would only be until he found his own place. Furthermore, no more weird bullshit in front of the kids. Without even batting an eye, she said ok! Now go put this letter in your handwriting.

But instead, I'm posting here trying to stall...
Dirtydoc, You do have options if you care to use them, some have been given in this thread. Do what you think is best, hope you think using the 'larger' top head, not the 'smaller' lower head. All the best.......

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