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Confused Cuck...

  • Thread starterdirtydoc30
  • Start date
And that's exactly why he should get out of it, before it overwhelms him and his family suffers further because of it.

That's the point I'm trying to get at--but there are a few who still hint that the doctor should be thinking with his cock and not his brain.
Vega, I get what you're saying, but read his posts, things are not as dire as you think.

Doc wrote:

I had begged her to cuckold me for years, but whenever it looked too "real," I would call it quits. But she told me that it was real, that if we were going to stay married I had to accept that I was her cuckold.

I agreed...obviously... Yet, she never went as far as she did that time until Bobby came into the picture. For the most part she made me a cuck the way I wanted, safe and doing pretty much everything that turned me on. But Bobby came along and swept her off her feet and she decided to live out her fantasy. So here we are, but she has amended some of her demands about Bobby coming back here,

He has wanted to be a cuck for years. This is what he wants. He has a small penis, he can't satisfy his wife. He likes her in control. He likes her fucking other men. Fantasizing about that stuff is easy and incredibly erotic. It becomes difficult when you really start living it. He is having a hard time dealing with the realities of a real man fucking his wife (particularly since the man is his friend).

But it was enough of a wake-up call to talk to Kristi. We finally had a sit down talk yesterday and we have continued to talk throughout the day. But things haven't gone the way I planned. I was furious and justified, but by the end of the conversation she had turned it around. Next thing I know her hand is on my cock and she is telling me that he is coming back. She tells me that she needs him, and that I need him. She needs him to be fulfilled and I need him to take of her in order to save our marriage. Right then I spurted all over her hand. She just laughed and took it as a sign that I had agreed.

His wife needs Bobby to be sexually fulfilled, Doc needs Bobby to take care of her sexually to save their marriage. If Doc didn't like the idea, I doubt, seriously, that he would be getting hard listening to his wife talking about it. His orgasm actually is a sign that he agrees with the arrangement. He needs to stop stressing over the reality of the situation. Is it better that he spend the rest of his life fantasizing about this stuff and never really experiencing it? Plus, I think he knows (from what he wrote) that while his wife loves him, she will not stay with him unless she is allowed to have a lover. Period. In this instance, the man of her choice is Bobby.

This morning, she presents me with a letter that she wants me to copy and send to Bobby. It was basically a letter where I admit that I need him here and that I'm their bitch.

Now granted, I'm not sure I can even handle this much, but not wanting an argument today I entertained the possibility. The deal was he'd always sleep in his bed, he'd have to have a job and staying here would only be until he found his own place. Furthermore, no more weird bullshit in front of the kids. Without even batting an eye, she said ok! Now go put this letter in your handwriting.

But instead, I'm posting here trying to stall...

He put his foot down, no more weird stuff in front of the kids. She agreed. End of story, end of worry about the kids. If the kids are younger, I can tell you from experience that if they fall asleep around 9:30, they'll sleep soundly through the night without waking up. Bobby and the wife stay in separate rooms, they watch the affection in front of the kids, they keep things quiet. As I said, if it was me, I'd get Bobby an apartment, but, that's up to Doc. He isn't going to let his kids be psychologically harmed.

Of course, he's entertaining the possibility. It's his nature. I'm sure he was rock hard thinking about writing that letter. He just needs to let his apprehension go and write the damn thing. Period. He wants to be their bitch, he wants his friend fucking her, he wants his wife fucking his friend. I'm sure, somewhere, he probably has a fantasy about sucking his friend off. Enough with the worrying, enough with the thinking, just do it, I say, or he'll spend the rest of his life fantasizing and wondering "what if?"

Vega, his fantasies aren't going to disappear. He has a cuck mindset. It turns him on to have his wife fucked by a good lover. He either needs to continue therapy and try and get rid of the fantasies or indulge in them and see if this is what he really wants. If he doesn't, even if this situation doesn't overwhelm him, then the next one will (and there will be a next one).
His kids are not at risk, according to Doc. And, let's face it, he's not going to be replaced. He is the father, nothing she can do, legally or otherwise, can destroy that. I would assume he would be strong enough to act in the best interest of his children if they (or his fatherhood) were either slightly threatened.

Well said. Your posts 44, 46, and 48 are very sane. You have the picture right (with respect to Doc), in my opinion.

Thanks, Custer. Now, for the $64,000 question, where is Doc and what did he do about the letter and everything else?

We're waiting for more, Doc, let us know. My guess is he wrote and signed the letter, but, we shall see.....
kevinsslave said:
Wow, I leave this place for a few months and all hell breaks loose. Not to mention, coming back here reminds me of going to a bar for years as a regular customer, not going for a few months, returning to the bar and seeing only a few familiar faces.

I tend to understand everyone's concerns about the kids. For me, personally, I never engaged in any of the lifestyle (nor did my wife) when my daughter was with us. Truthfully, I never even thought of the lifestyle at those times. But, since my daughter was/is only with me a few weeks each year, it was fairly easy for me.

The problem here is DirtyDoc wants to be a cuck, his wife wants to fuck other men and they have kids that live with them. How to juggle it all? We'll get to that in a minute.

Doc says in his first post:

Sure the reality makes you nervous, Doc. It's easy to fantasize about a guy fucking your wife, fantasize about them being close and romantic, leaving you to watch and listen. It's hard to actually do it. But you want it, you need it. All your wife has to do is grab your cock, jack it off a bit, and you'll do whatever she wants. And, let's face it, deep down, it's what you want. Don't deny it. You said:

You like seeing the crazy lust in her eyes and, I'm guessing, you like knowing that it's your best friend that's making her that way. Many years ago, I dated a girl named Kim for a short time. She was a really, really pretty secretary and I enjoyed buying her fine things like clothes and jewelery. She looked great in them. At the time, my best friend was an old high school buddy who, at the time, was working construction. I used to fantasize about her arriving at one of his work sites, bringing him lunch, dressed in an expensive skirt and shirt and dropping to her knees and sucking his cock. I used to fantasize about his rough, dirty hands grabbing the back of her head and placing her lips around his cock. When we were out with him, he and Kim often engaged in innocent flirtation, but, the reality was that unless I pushed it, nothing was ever going to happen between them. One night, while out with him, getting *****, he made some comment about how hot Kim was, but, I didn't, in any way encourage that kind of talk. He never mentioned it again and they never got together. The reality was that even though I fantasized about it, I wasn't ready for it. In your case, your friend continued to talk about it and become bold in his discussions with you. You didn't stop him or discourage that talk because, deep down ,you wanted him to fuck her.

Now he is and the reality of the situation is too much to bear. I get that, but, if this is what you want, go for it. Throw caution to the wind, let them have their affair. Be smart about it, keep it away from the kids. But, you know, so many in this thread talk about throwing him out, stopping it, he's trying to take your place, etc. This is a cuckolds forum. Real cucks can't stop their wives or events from happening. If they fall in love, they fall in love. I guess that means you and her were never meant for each other in the first place. I'm sure she does love you and you, her, but, she obviously loves you not as her husband and lover, but simply as her husband.

I'm really not trying to be mean, but, if this is what you fantasize about, why do you fight it? Let her have her fun, let him have his fun. Imagine the sexual ecstasy you will feel hearing them fuck every night. Imagine how great it will feel when she returns to your marital bed, having thoroughly been taken by this man, being disheveled and reaching for your cock with her hand to release your tension.

On the other hand, if this is not what you want, then quit the fucking fantasies and wise up and tell her that kind of lifestyle is over for you and her. If she wants to stay married, all of the playing around ends. Clean your mind out, too, about all those fantasies, as well.

Sorry Doc, but, it's one way or the other. Can't fantasize about it all the time, then panic when it becomes a reality. That's no way to go through life. If they continue on, you need to assert ground rules (and it sounds like you have) in terms of keeping it COMPLETELY away from the children. If you are a doctor, get him an apartment, let them have their trysts there. You need to quit avoiding things and stalling. Do you want to be their bitch? If so, sign the damn paper and get on with it. Maybe, just maybe, the reality of the situation will be fulfilling for you and her.

I will give you some advice, after years of living the fantasies, I realized that all that type of life did was leave me feeling empty and detached. In order to find that out, though, I had to live the life for a while.

For those that followed my posts from a few months back, let me just say that Rach and I are still together and doing wonderfully. Life for me is great.
Peace, all.

Rock solid advise!
You deserve everything you get but your kids don't. Be a fucking man for once. Protect your children or you will fuck them up for life. Throw this mother fucker out of your house for good and divorce this bitch who cares nothing about you or the children. Forget this cuckold bullshit and be a father. family comes first.
babyruthiezhubby said:
You deserve everything you get but your kids don't. Be a fucking man for once. Protect your children or you will fuck them up for life. Throw this mother fucker out of your house for good and divorce this bitch who cares nothing about you or the children. Forget this cuckold bullshit and be a father. family comes first.

I agree! Great advice! Lose the losers!
Hey everyone, sorry I have been incommunicado. I have been traveling and recently got smacked with the influenza, icky! I'm just now getting back on my feet. Unfortunately, I cannot respond to every comment that has been made since my last reply, just too much going on! However, I will try to respond in a general way.

First off, I'm not an MD, I have a Ph.D in environmental sociology. Which means, I work a lot for about half of what a well paid physician earns. So as Kevin suggested, getting an additional apartment for Bobby is outside my means.

Second, I want to clarify that its not like my wife and Bobby have been fucking in front of my children, making out or doing anything other than hugging, or a peck on the cheek. We have never directly ******* my children to any of our lifestyle, and I apologize if my post intimated as such. The only issues that arose to give me serious concern was the one night Bobby stayed in my bed and the night they made out under the mistletoe.

As I stated the primary problem was "me" knowing what is happening behind closed doors and then seeing them together during the day. I know, I am hyper-sensitive to everything that is going on. So for my own peace of mind, and to ensure that nothing truly out of the ordinary develops, I had to make a stand regarding them (my kids), before anything too intense emerged that might affect them.

As far as having another man live in my house, this is not a new occurrence. The sexual relationship that Kristi has with our "roommate" is new of course, but having an extra body in the house is not something strange or out of the blue for my kids. We have often let friends stay for extended periods of times, who have for one reason or another fell on hard times. And as far as that goes, Bobby has been another roommate, who happens to spend time with them, and who they have known since they can remember. Additionally, as it was already mentioned, my kids are in elementary school an are often in bed by 9-930PM and the DO sleep soundly through the night.

Bobby and Kristi's fucking keeps "ME" up at night because our room and the guest room are downstairs and divided by a thin wall. Plus, how many cucks actually sleep when they know that their woman is getting taken care of?What has bothered me is that I know what is really going on, and that Kristi has allowed her lust to cloud her judgment as to how far things should go with respect to our lifestyle, and the degree to which it spills over into our day-to-day living.

And finally the last thing that has bothered me, which I failed to mention in my original post is that it is nearly impossible to have a private conversation with my wife in my own house and I'll be damned if that continues. I will not be reduced to conversing with her via text while standing in the same room.

Now as far as the whole discussion of replacement and love between Kristi and I, I know she loves me. I am not in doubt about that. I know she doesn't love Bobby the same way she loves me. She has repeatedly told me that if it hadn't been for her getting pregnant this summer, Bobby would be just another cock to her. Additionally, he is my friend and she gives him a pass on a lot of things that would otherwise drive her insane. Kristi is not one to put up with people's bullshit, especially inaction and shirking one's responsibilities. He already has a daughter from a previous relationship and can barely keep up with his child support and this infuriates Kristi.

Of course, when she has a 10 inch cock as thick as my forearm shoved in her pussy twice a day (or more) then she tends to overlook a lot of bullshit, but even then she has kicked many men to the curb over the years. Because when the novelty of the sex wears off she realizes she is left with a fat cock and not much else.

And even though I'm often filled with doubt due the emotional nature of this lifestyle, she has proven again and again that when its all said and done, she belongs to me. Even when I thought I lost her, she came back.

And just the other night we were laying bed before I was to take off on this trip, she told me that I don't need to be worried. That while she knows the cuckold fantasy turns me on, making it a reality for her has been the greatest sign of commitment and love that she could have ever imagined. She apologized for getting carried away with Bobby, and again, agreed that if he does come back, he would have to be in his own room, have a job and give her and I space to have our life without him.

Then she told me that, when she says she loves Bobby, she means she loves his sex and the way he makes her feel, but as far as anything beyond that he is not the man I am. He is a 30 yo boy who is still trying to avoid the whole growing up thing, and when it comes to a real mate, that is a total turn off to her. And then she told me something she has never said before. She said that it isn't all about the sex, she likes making me a cuck, she likes the control, she likes how I go out of my way to please her. She likes the WHOLE package, if it was all about the sex, she would have left years ago, but its not. To her, we have found a way for her to be sexually satisfied in way that also makes me hot, and that her commitment is first and foremost to her cuck, to her husband. She went on to remind me that Bobby will leave one day, and then someone else will come along, but what makes it work is that it is her and I.

However, she reiterated that the sex is a need for her that I can't fulfill and that I need to understand that this is for real. She is tired of me ignoring this fact, and that she threatened to leave in order for me to realize how serious this is for her, for me, and our family.

My back and forth over the years has caused so much stress and hurt for her that she is done playing those games, done with me controlling, done with my fantasies. This is about her needs, and thank god the man she loves is (mostly) willing to accept this, and love her enough to allow her to have her needs fulfilled by another. She went on to tell me that she ignored her sexual needs for years and resigned her self to a life of frustration as a "good wife" but I opened the door (I begged her) to this lifestyle, and once she got a true sense of what she was living without, she realized that she couldn't go back.

But it has taken her 9 years to wrestle with her own social hang ups about what a proper marriage is supposed to be, and the contradictions of her feelings and needs; she is way ahead of me on that one. And now, she has grown up to realize that life is too short, that she wants me as her husband, she wants to grow old with me, refuses to be like our parents, but only sees this working if we are on the same page about what is really going on here.

Anyway, I have some other things to post, but I need to pause for now and I'll come back shortly. But one last thing, Kevin, you have me pegged pretty damn good. Oh, and I'll get to the whole letter thing too.
Makes Sense

I will say you two are making real sense here. Now you two enjoy each other and dont sweat the small shit. Let her know she can have the 10" dick and any more she wants and that you do like her fucking other men. Looks like smooth sailing for all of you and some very happy men lucky enough to have big cocks. I for one like the way she talked to you she sounds very intelligent and like she knows the lay of the land. Best Wishes. okdeacon
Glad you're back, was getting concerned something had gone wrong at home.
Sounds to me as if dirtydoc needs to divorce his wife before she poisons him or kills him in his sleep.
Sounds to me as if dirtydoc needs to leave the house and divorce his wife before she poisons him or kills him in his sleep.
Kevin, you have me pegged pretty damn good.

Lol. Yeah, well, it's because I lived through similar experiences. Keep us updated, I'm interested to know where things are headed.
Well, I wanted to give everyone a quick update. So, I wrote Kristi's letter. Of course I modified it to some extent, but nevertheless I admitted my place and my shortcomings to both her and Bobby. That was last week, and Kristi has been like a giddy kid waiting for Santa Claus. It has been a long time since I have seen her this happy.

Anyway, Bobby and I have talked about it, and he seems just as excited as Kristi. So the deal is he will be coming back in about 2 weeks. And according to Kristi, I'm going to see what it is really like to finally be a "true" cuckold.
I think you've made the right decision.


dirtydoc30 said:
So, I wrote Kristi's letter. Of course I modified it to some extent, but nevertheless I admitted my place and my shortcomings to both her and Bobby. That was last week, and Kristi has been like a giddy kid waiting for Santa Claus. It has been a long time since I have seen her this happy.

Very good. "If your wife is happy, you will be happy too" (as 'they' say).

dirtydoc30 said:
Anyway, Bobby and I have talked about it, and he seems just as excited as Kristi. So the deal is he will be coming back in about 2 weeks. And according to Kristi, I'm going to see what it is really like to finally be a "true" cuckold.

Also good. It sounds like you've accepted your wife's prerogative to take a lover and fuck him as much as she likes, even if it's in your own home, while you remain faithful as her cuckold. In doing so you are, in effect, allowing your wife to put you on the right track, and she and her lover are looking forward to their renewed relationship.

Congratulations to both you and your hotwife!

once more Custard Stand bloviates pontificates quotes and finally
delivers what was obvious to all ...as opposed to Mac n Cheese
who brings insight trenchant analysis & verve ........let us pray :D
duke9555 said:
Once more Custard Stand bloviates pontificates quotes and finally delivers what was obvious to all.

Thanks for agreeing with me. Regarding your "obvious to all" comment, though, I gotta say you must not have read the thread (note low-rent poetry). You seem to have missed posts 31, 34, 35, 36, 41, 45, 47, 52, 53, and 58.

duke9555 said:
As opposed to Mac n Cheese, who brings insight, trenchant analysis, & verve.

Hey... different strokes for different folks.

duke9555 said:
Let us pray. :D

Any particular reason? You some sort of religious guy, or what...?
Enjoyed the thread so far. I for one would love to see the actual letter.
How's it going...?


How are you doing? I noticed you posted in another thread, but have not updated this one recently.

It was good to hear you mailed your letter, as dictated by and required by your wife, to her lover informing him you've agreed to become her cuckold in a formal sense and comply with her conditions. It's important to obey your wife, do what she tells you to do and comply with her wishes. You've taken a big step in he right direction.

If you feel you are still having psychological problems with your required new role as your wife's formally-self-acknowledged-cuckold in her effectively-polyamorous household, as well as with your role in society as a cuckold, you might suggest to her that she read:

Male chastity advantages for women:
Making Him Your Dream Man: Male Chastity FAQ

then introduce you to wearing a male chastity device with her (of course) as your sole keyholder... perhaps introducing you gradually, to minimize the difficulties of your adaptation. If your wife — like many contemporary dominant wives — were to keep you in a chastity device, there's a good chance that would lead you to increased acceptance of her role as your boss and head of her household, as well as to increased acceptance of her lover's dominant sexual role in her life and household.

I suggest giving it some thought... then, more and more thought. You may gradually come to view the concept as potentially-valuable for both of you.

Would you men please for the love of sanity, put your hands down your pants, and grab tight!
Those two things down there are called testicles!
Next thing "very important"-- get some boxes from your local grocery store, and go into "your" room! Go through all of your closets and drawers, and pull out anything that belongs to your soon to be ex-wife!! Place everything in the boxes, and tape it up!!

Remove said boxes, to the most uncomfortable room in the house! Get a key deadbolt, and install it on "your" bedroom door! Next, go to radio shack, and get a digital tape recorder, and keep it on you running at all times.
Next "very important", call a fkn attorney and make an appt!

Have said attorney file a special set of papers( Its called a DIVORCE SUMMONS), and have your good for noting wives served with said papers!

After the papers have been served, pick up the phone book, and in a special area, they have these special ads, for people they call ESCORTS. While talking with these special people, inform them of your specific "needs", regarding your sexuality, and I am sure there will be plenty of offers to help!!
So basically what I am getting at, is you will find less? or more? of the same situation, that you are in now, but in the long run, it will cost you about half as much!!!

A lot of these posters, got stuck somewhere in between, fantasy, and reality, and what you really need, is a little self respect!

Just like any other relationship, as long as "both" of your needs are being met, then you are in a healthy relationship. If for whatever the reason the original status quo, changes, it is time to re evaluate your current relationship. The easiest way to do this(ask any ex-wife), is to file divorce papers! I know it will hurt, but it cant be that bad! If 75% of women can do it, so can you!

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