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Confused Cuck...

  • Thread starterdirtydoc30
  • Start date
Same advice, Doc.

Your kids are YOURS. Do not let her try to take them from you because she wants sex. Don't let BOBBY try to take them because he has HER...etc.

If you think it's too much, then it's too much--don't agree and you're done.

End the marriage if you have to...because where does it go from here if it doesn't change?

How old are your kids, anyways?
One of the things that bothers me is how your kids have taken to Bobby.

Do me a favor Doc. Play with them. Get down on their level and give them attention. Be their friend for a while. It seems like that's what they want from an adult male figure.
My wife cuckolded me with my best friend, who also happened to be our neighbor. She fucked him for about a year and stopped just before we moved. Don't get me wrong...she and I would love for her to still be doing it, but he stopped. We both think because he might have started to develope to stong of feelings for her. My wife even told me that she didn't think she could love two men at the same time.

My wife and I have fantasized about him moving in temporarely, and the cuckolding continuing. Eventually with the thoughts of him taking my place in the bedroom...sexually. Then him moving into the bedroom, with me moving to the basement/guest room. We call him O.N. (old neighbor). Anyway, the fantasy even went as far as the kids making an easy transition to him taking a more active role in our life. In "real" life my kids love him...he is the Godfather to my daughter. But also in "real" life I/we would never let it go that far.

When it comes down to it, I love my wife cuckolding me, I love my wife, I love my children. My best friend (O.N.)...and I have a lot of respect for each other, and that is in part why we think he stopped with my wife. As much as I loved being cuckolded, and I love being submissive with my wife...I am still the man of the house. I provide for the family, and we (my wife and I) have an understanding that the kids are to never be involved.

Your situation is tough. Kids are not dumb...and they will eventually see through the curtain...and its not fair for them. As exciting as the situation is...I don't see your friend having enough respect for you, your wife, or your family.

Ok, just my opinion here, but I think a clean break from this guy is whats best for your family. Your wife will be mad, but its not just about her right now. If you two didn't have kids, or they are older and moved out...then it would be game on.

All in all, its up to you. Don't get me wrong...your story is very hot, but I can't help but feel bad for your kids. Good luck.
You said it really well, alsrx700...and you've said what I've been trying to.

I don't have the experience to back my opinion, but hopefully he'll take your words to heart, because you've hit on the heart of the matter.
You & your wife sound like candidates for a polyamorous household...


Given your comments about your wife's lover Bobby vis-a-vis your children; for instance:

dirtydoc30 said:
So yesterday was pretty rough, actually. My son has been asking when Bobby is coming back "home." To which I replied, I don't know. Too which he replies, "well, mommy says he is coming home soon, and I can't wait! Needless to say I felt like I had been kicked in the stomach.

Arguably, Bobby's presence in your home has been and could continue to be positive for your wife, your children, and for you as well. In one of your earlier posts, you said you work about 12 hours a day. Your profession, in other words, is very demanding (perhaps you are an MD, as suggested by your screen name?). On a daily basis, you are essentially "not there" for either your children or your wife.

Bobby, however, was "there" for your children AND your wife on a daily basis, particularly when he was unemployed. He satisfied your wife's sexual needs; as a well-rucked woman, she was happy. In addition, your children had a father-figure (described, euphemistically, as an "uncle") who apparently did not abuse them in any way and played a strong role in stabilizing your household.

The old saw, "When one's wife is happy, everyone is happy," seemed applicable.

dirtydoc30 said:
But it was enough of a wake-up call to talk to Kristi. We finally had a sit down talk yesterday and we have continued to talk throughout the day.

Hey, that's OK... nothing wrong with sitting down while talking with your wife...

dirtydoc30 said:
But, things haven't gone the way I planned.

"Predictions are difficult, especially of the future." —Yogi Berra

dirtydoc30 said:
I was furious and [it was] justified, but by the end of the conversation she had turned it around. Next thing I know her hand is on my cock and she is telling me that her lover Bobby is coming back.

As I mentioned earlier, your wife obviously understands you well. Sometimes you lose sight of the fact that in your household, she is the boss. But, she brought you back and began telling you how it's going to be...

dirtydoc30 said:
She tells me she needs him, and I need him. She needs him to be fulfilled, and I need him to [take care of her sexually] to save our marriage.

She said it like it is...

dirtydoc30 said:
Right then I spurted all over her hand. She just laughed and took it as a sign that I had agreed.

Nice... sounds like "yes" to me, as well...

dirtydoc30 said:
This morning, she presented me with a letter she wants me to copy, [sign] and send to Bobby. It's basically a letter in which I admit I need him here and I'm their bitch.

Your wife is moving you forward, leading you by your penis...

dirtydoc30 said:
Now granted, I'm not sure I can even handle this much, but not wanting an argument today I entertained the possibility.

Very good. It's always best to suck it up and refrain from starting arguments with your wife...

dirtydoc30 said:
The deal was, he'd always sleep in his bed .... Without even batting an eye, she said "Ok! Now, go put this letter in your handwriting."

Whatever (your wife was thinking). Obviously, if she is going to fuck Bobby regularly (that's the purpose of you sending him her letter pretending it's from you), either Bobby is going to do that in her marital bed while you stay in the spare room, or your wife is going to fuck Bobby in his bed in the spare room, meaning she often or usually will not be sleeping with you.

dirtydoc30 said:
He'd have to have a job, and staying here would only be until he found his own place. Furthermore, no more weird bullshit in front of the kids.

If your wife's lover is employed and makes appropriate contributions to your and your wife's cost of living, presumably that will reduce your (correct) perception he'll be living off you as a "guest" while taking advantage of you as a parasite.

The idea he'll be "moving out when he finds his own place" may turn out to be hypothetical.

"No more weird bullshit in front of the kids" sounds reasonable (whatever that was... I haven't gone back and reviewed your entire thread).

dirtydoc30 said:
Instead, I'm posting here trying to stall...

Hm... your wife may be losing patience...

A way to put all this in perspective and bring about a successful resolution may be to admit you are incapable of satisfying your wife in bed (as you have in your posts), and recognize that if you want her to refrain from leaving you (which would definitely be bad from the point of view of your children, and probably from your point of view as well), you need to accept that you're going to have to be one of your wife's two mates in a polyamorous marriage.

Historically, there are plenty of precedents for family arrangement of this nature — although usually, it's the man having multiple wives in a polygamous marriage, with polygamy justified socially by (if I may be so blunt) religious bullshit. In fact, polyamorous "husband plus live-in lover" households of the kind needed by your wife and you make a lot more sense, because women have almost infinitely higher capacity for sex with multiple men than men have for sex with multiple women. See, for instance:

Ley, David J., 2009, "Insatiable Wives: women who stray and the men who love them," 291 pp. (hardcover).

(Ley claims to be a clinical psychologist. His book is credible, well-written, and appears to be well-researched.)

I'm sorry, Custer.

But I don't agree with you at all. At all.

It's not good for his kids (and your attempt to say it IS a good thing for his kids would probably only make sense to a COMPLETELY self-destructive cuck) and it's not good for him.
Vega said:
I'm sorry, Custer. But I don't agree with you at all. At all.

No one is required to agree with me.

Vega said:
It's not good for his kids (and your attempt to say it IS a good thing for his kids would probably only make sense to a COMPLETELY self-destructive cuck) and it's not good for him.

I'm willing to leave it to "Dirtydoc" to decide how to weight the various comments in his thread. (He could, of course, assign a weight of zero to all of the comments.)
Dirtydoc, by what you have posted, your wife is encouraging her lover ( notice I did not say your best friend because that ship has sailed and the sooner you understand that the better) to interact and build a relationship with the kids because it will further isolate you as the only voice of reason. Afterall, she wants the lover there, the kids want the lover there and the lover wants to be there, so why can't YOU get on board with the plan? Your wife has basically stolen a man you THOUGHT was your best friend. A true best friend would have no part in this little game against you.

Dirtydoc, your wife is lost in a fog of carnal lust and can only see wanting it to continue at any cost. Your former friend is thrilled that despite not being able to hold a job or keep a home , he can come into your home and steal your family. Guess that makes him feel like less of a loser somehow.

Some questions you need to ask yourself are about your kids. Do you want them growing up remembering Dad as a worthless wimp who couldn't defend his home and family against others? Do you prefer they grow up with a strong Dad knowing you always had their best interest at heart?

Future talks with your wife should not include her hand anywhere near your dick! You seem to become rather braindead easily in such instances. Another thing to keep in mind, you did come here seeking advice, but remember that only you are feeling the pain of this and not those that would encourage you to continue to stand by and do nothing while your wife finishes your family off.
Jaxunman said:
Dirtydoc, by what you have posted, your wife is encouraging her lover ( notice I did not say your best friend because that ship has sailed and the sooner you understand that the better) to interact and build a relationship with the kids because it will further isolate you as the only voice of reason. Afterall, she wants the lover there, the kids want the lover there and the lover wants to be there, so why can't YOU get on board with the plan? Your wife has basically stolen a man you THOUGHT was your best friend. A true best friend would have no part in this little game against you.

Dirtydoc, your wife is lost in a fog of carnal lust and can only see wanting it to continue at any cost. Your former friend is thrilled that despite not being able to hold a job or keep a home , he can come into your home and steal your family. Guess that makes him feel like less of a loser somehow.

Some questions you need to ask yourself are about your kids. Do you want them growing up remembering Dad as a worthless wimp who couldn't defend his home and family against others? Do you prefer they grow up with a strong Dad knowing you always had their best interest at heart?

Future talks with your wife should not include her hand anywhere near your dick! You seem to become rather braindead easily in such instances. Another thing to keep in mind, you did come here seeking advice, but remember that only you are feeling the pain of this and not those that would encourage you to continue to stand by and do nothing while your wife finishes your family off.

Thank you for being another voice of reason.

I only hope he listens to something like /this/ and not "You're a cuck. It's your role." Because that's bullshit.

He doesn't deserve to be replaced entirely in the family, as his wife and "best friend" seem to be trying to do. I don't want to see that happen, unlike SOME of the people on here.
dirtydoc30 said:
So yesterday was pretty rough, actually. My son has been asking when Bobby is coming back "home." To which I replied, I don't know. Too which he replies, "well, mommy says he is coming home soon, and I can't wait! Needless to say I felt like I had been kicked in the stomach.

But it was enough of a wake-up call to talk to Kristi. We finally had a sit down talk yesterday and we have continued to talk throughout the day. But things haven't gone the way I planned. I was furious and justified, but by the end of the conversation she had turned it around. Next thing I know her hand is on my cock and she is telling me that he is coming back. She tells me that she needs him, and that I need him. She needs him to be fulfilled and I need him to take of her in order to save our marriage. Right then I spurted all over her hand. She just laughed and took it as a sign that I had agreed. This morning, she presents me with a letter that she wants me to copy and send to Bobby. It was basically a letter where I admit that I need him here and that I'm their bitch.

Now granted, I'm not sure I can even handle this much, but not wanting an argument today I entertained the possibility. The deal was he'd always sleep in his bed, he'd have to have a job and staying here would only be until he found his own place. Furthermore, no more weird bullshit in front of the kids. Without even batting an eye, she said ok! Now go put this letter in your handwriting.

But instead, I'm posting here trying to stall...

Don't Don't ever do that!

There are fathers who would go to any length to save thier children from ills of life. It makes me wonder just what kind of father you are who is deliberately ******** his son to such debauchery. Let me tell you buddy if you do this you destroy your son. Take a firm stand. Enlist the help of friends and relatives. What will happen at the most - that you will be known as man who cannot satisfy his wife, but at the same time you will also be known as a man who didn't bothered about his humiliation when it came to saving his own son!

Stand up and kick the bitch! She and her lover are a parasite.
And yeah don't listen to Custer. He has destroyed many lives becauses he doesn't have any
Raks said:
And yeah, don't listen to Custer. He has destroyed many lives ....

Whose? If anyone on this forum told me I was personally responsible for "destroying their life," I would certainly take it seriously. But, no one has.

Show me your evidence, Rakman. Put it out here where all of us can see it.

Thanks for your support, such as it is. Regarding:

MacNfries said:
.... What makes this cuckold site so interesting and different from other cuckold forums I've been in, is the diverse opinions and writing styles that exist here. It's why I've stuck around, as Custer, for so long. ....

I assume you meant: "It's why I've stuck around, as HAS Custer, for so long", because I am definitely not a disguised version of you nor anyone else.

That is, I have only one screen name on this forum. Also, any "reason" for my participation in this forum stated by you or anyone else other than me is speculative, and should not be interpreted as "true."

"As Custer has" also works.

Custer: lighten up. Seriously man.
Custer Laststand said:
Also, any "reason" for my participation in this forum stated by you or anyone else other than me is speculative, and should not be interpreted as "true."


Really makes me wonder about the reasons. I am happy that you did not took shelter in what Mac had to offer. I used such strong words because, your post made me think that everyone must become a cuckold at whatever the cost is. I tend to disagree and strongly. Life is not only about cuckolding or being cuckolded - there are far greater things in life that deserve more importance - like respecting yourself and your family, your self worth and instlling self confidence and self esteem in your kids.

I don't have any right to say that you should stop giving useless advice to people, but I can hold on to my opinion that your answers often border on stupidity.
Doc all she wants you for is to provide for her and the boy toy!!!!She has no other use for you!If that's enough for you great,stay!Other wise you might want to take care of yourself and more importantly your children!!It would be very easy for you to find someone else that would treat you so poorly,no reason to stay where you are for that!
This has to be one of the most controversial post of the forum

We could agrue for a year and never toch all of the basis here. I feel Dirtydoc is a cuckold of the first order. Doc you seem to be ok with the situation, or at least were, and that is fine, but the children surely do not need this type of thing fostered unto them. I wonder what they are telling their friends, teachers, councelors at school. You may receive some very hard questions to answer.

I hate to say this but I do not think the arrangements you have told us is suitable for the children. You obviously consider yourself an inferior lover and your wife mistress is in controll of you, and her lover seems to have influence over her. You have not said how old the children are, but must be young, and it seems you have been pushed aside.
Wow, I leave this place for a few months and all hell breaks loose. Not to mention, coming back here reminds me of going to a bar for years as a regular customer, not going for a few months, returning to the bar and seeing only a few familiar faces.

I tend to understand everyone's concerns about the kids. For me, personally, I never engaged in any of the lifestyle (nor did my wife) when my daughter was with us. Truthfully, I never even thought of the lifestyle at those times. But, since my daughter was/is only with me a few weeks each year, it was fairly easy for me.

The problem here is DirtyDoc wants to be a cuck, his wife wants to fuck other men and they have kids that live with them. How to juggle it all? We'll get to that in a minute.

Doc says in his first post:

she confessed to me that she is in love with her boyfriend, and she wants him to move in on a permanent basis. Now, I would be lying if I said I didn't get aroused by the idea. She knows it drives me wild and I feel that she is taking advantage of that fact. But while I fantasize about the idea, the reality of it makes me very nervous.

Sure the reality makes you nervous, Doc. It's easy to fantasize about a guy fucking your wife, fantasize about them being close and romantic, leaving you to watch and listen. It's hard to actually do it. But you want it, you need it. All your wife has to do is grab your cock, jack it off a bit, and you'll do whatever she wants. And, let's face it, deep down, it's what you want. Don't deny it. You said:

Then grabbing my cock full force she stares into my eyes and tells me she wants to fuck Bobby, and that she knows he wants her cause she had been spying on us. I reminded her of our rule, and she tells me, just this once to let her break it. But instead of thinking through the consequences, I was focused on her hand on my cock and the crazy lust that was in her eyes. So I agreed and she left the room.

You like seeing the crazy lust in her eyes and, I'm guessing, you like knowing that it's your best friend that's making her that way. Many years ago, I dated a girl named Kim for a short time. She was a really, really pretty secretary and I enjoyed buying her fine things like clothes and jewelery. She looked great in them. At the time, my best friend was an old high school buddy who, at the time, was working construction. I used to fantasize about her arriving at one of his work sites, bringing him lunch, dressed in an expensive skirt and shirt and dropping to her knees and sucking his cock. I used to fantasize about his rough, dirty hands grabbing the back of her head and placing her lips around his cock. When we were out with him, he and Kim often engaged in innocent flirtation, but, the reality was that unless I pushed it, nothing was ever going to happen between them. One night, while out with him, getting *****, he made some comment about how hot Kim was, but, I didn't, in any way encourage that kind of talk. He never mentioned it again and they never got together. The reality was that even though I fantasized about it, I wasn't ready for it. In your case, your friend continued to talk about it and become bold in his discussions with you. You didn't stop him or discourage that talk because, deep down ,you wanted him to fuck her.

Now he is and the reality of the situation is too much to bear. I get that, but, if this is what you want, go for it. Throw caution to the wind, let them have their affair. Be smart about it, keep it away from the kids. But, you know, so many in this thread talk about throwing him out, stopping it, he's trying to take your place, etc. This is a cuckolds forum. Real cucks can't stop their wives or events from happening. If they fall in love, they fall in love. I guess that means you and her were never meant for each other in the first place. I'm sure she does love you and you, her, but, she obviously loves you not as her husband and lover, but simply as her husband.

I'm really not trying to be mean, but, if this is what you fantasize about, why do you fight it? Let her have her fun, let him have his fun. Imagine the sexual ecstasy you will feel hearing them fuck every night. Imagine how great it will feel when she returns to your marital bed, having thoroughly been taken by this man, being disheveled and reaching for your cock with her hand to release your tension.

On the other hand, if this is not what you want, then quit the fucking fantasies and wise up and tell her that kind of lifestyle is over for you and her. If she wants to stay married, all of the playing around ends. Clean your mind out, too, about all those fantasies, as well.

Sorry Doc, but, it's one way or the other. Can't fantasize about it all the time, then panic when it becomes a reality. That's no way to go through life. If they continue on, you need to assert ground rules (and it sounds like you have) in terms of keeping it COMPLETELY away from the children. If you are a doctor, get him an apartment, let them have their trysts there. You need to quit avoiding things and stalling. Do you want to be their bitch? If so, sign the damn paper and get on with it. Maybe, just maybe, the reality of the situation will be fulfilling for you and her.

I will give you some advice, after years of living the fantasies, I realized that all that type of life did was leave me feeling empty and detached. In order to find that out, though, I had to live the life for a while.

For those that followed my posts from a few months back, let me just say that Rach and I are still together and doing wonderfully. Life for me is great.
Peace, all.
Did you read all of his posts, Kevin?

Because it's not just about an affair anymore. It's evolved into what seems to be a kind of replacement.

She's been having the affair pretty much in front of the kids--letting the kids attach to the new man--and giving them minor reasons ("because Daddy steals the sheets at night and snores, but he doesn't") why she likes the new man better/wants to sleep with him instead.
I did read all the posts and maybe it is about replacement. Doc says he put his foot down regarding keeping it away from the kids. And, yet, he again allows the affair to continue. He's presented with a document to sign saying that he's basically their bitch and he stalls. He protests about this stuff, but, keeps going along with it. And, let me ask you Vega, if his wife has fallen out of love with him (I'm not saying she has and, in fact, Doc seems to suggest that, in the past, she's strayed near the point of no return) and in love with Bobby, tell me exactly what Doc can do to stop it. You can't make people love you, stay in love with you, whatever. You can prevent your wife from "replacing" you as the father of your children and, if that's what's going on, then he should forget about his cock and his fantasies, and get away from her. Except, I don't think that's what this is about. I think this is about a wife and friend who have been overcome with lust. Truthfully, fucking a friend's wife/gf is one of those taboos that a lot of men dream about. I'm sure it's a sexually charged atmosphere in the good doctor's home.

Read between the lines of his posts, he likes this (not the stuff about his children). It's what he fantasizes about. He just can't live with the reality.

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