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Fuck My Wife? First You Suck My Cock


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Beloved Member
Mar 26, 2013
Fuck My Wife? First You Suck My Cock.

Jim smiled a strange little smile and shook his head. “It's more than that. If you want to fuck her,” I saw his wife flinch when he used that word, “you have to be willing to suck me at the same time.”

When I did not immediately reply, he went on. “If you receive something wonderful from me in the form of my wife, I expect something from you to show good faith.”

I looked deep into his wife's eyes while I weighed this requirement in my mind. I had never sucked a cock, but in order to have her, I might try anything. And then he added the 'anything.”

“And you have to swallow.”

Fuck My Wife? First You Suck My Cock.

Written by EroticWriter on December 5, 2014

When we had gotten back to the motel room, we had sat on the couch and kissed, and then Cindy had reached in and pulled my cock out. Then we stripped and got onto the bed. But she wanted to talk first and tell me a story.

Cindy sighed as she told me what she had been keeping inside for years. “They were letting all the schools out at noon because of a tornado alert. The school buses were all lined up out front to take kids home, and the parents of other kids were in another line to take their kids home, the ones that did not ride the buses.

Since I lived just two blocks from high school, I walked it. I didn't bother to call mom since I knew that she sometimes takes a nap midday, so my friend Suzie and I walked together and I said goodbye to her at the corner.

Our house, since we have money, sits on a big lot and is shielded from the street by big hedges. As soon as I walked into our driveway I knew Momma wouldn't be napping because there was a strange car parked in front. As I got closer, I noticed it had a Missouri plate on it. That was strange because Missouri was almost a thousand miles away.

Something, I don't know what it was, told me to be quiet as I entered my house by the side door. Daddy was out of town on another business trip, he takes those every so often, and it was obvious that mommy was in there with someone else.

It was then that I realized. Momma was not aware of the tornado alert, or that the schools had been left out at noon.

I quietly checked the living room first, and then the den. No one. Now my heart started fluttering because there was just one place left to check. She didn't even have the bedroom door closed! Well, I guess there was no reason for her to close the door anyhow since no one was supposed to be there except…her. And I guess today, him.

Mom was on top of this strange man, I couldn't see his face since the bottom of her and daddy's bed faced the door and his head was at the other end. Mommy was down at this end, her upper body that is since she was in the 69 position and on top of whoever it was from Missouri.

I learned that day, at the age of 15, what a 69 is, and also what fucking looks like with a woman on top and then with the man on top of her, because I kept quiet and watched.

Then, after a while, she turned around so that her head was up next to his and I watched, and I couldn't believe what I was seeing, as she lowered her body, her pussy, down over that big cock. I heard her moan as he stretched her, and she seemed to be trembling it looked like, even from where I was watching. That might have been the first time she had him inside her, from the way she looked and acted.

All this time, their eating one another, and then her getting on top, I don't think they had said one word to one another. But they were sure making noises of another kind.

I was crying, but being quiet about it. Mommy though, wasn't being so quiet, and as time went by she got noisier and noiser. His cock was really big but at the time, since I had never seen a man's cock, either soft of hard, I didn't know if it was average in size or big. But at the time it looked big, and when I compared it in my mind later, with my husband's cock, I knew that it had been big.

I knew what fucking was supposed to be, and I knew that mommy was doing something that she should not be doing, allowing another man to know and do things with her body, but what hurt the most was that she was kissing the man, anytime their heads were in close proximity to one another, and all I could think of was that mommy no longer loved my daddy.”

Cindy looked up into my eyes, and although she was relating a story to me that had happened four years ago, I saw that she had tears in her eyes. It was hard to think about her tears though since she was sitting naked opposite me on the motel mattress with her legs folded into the Lotus position. I was sitting right in front of her with my legs folded up the same way, but I was able to maintain this position only because we were sitting on a soft mattress.

She was looking down and seeing my hard cock, and I don't know if that was giving her encouragement to keep telling her sad story, or making her think I didn't give a damn.

I tried to show concern, but mainly, my mind was on fucking her again, something we had been doing about three hours ago and now had the rest of the evening going into tomorrow morning to work on.

Cindy was married and her husband was in the hospital overnight because he was having an 'episode' with his heart and they wanted to keep him over for observation until the next morning. That had left Cindy free, for the first time in her two year marriage, to be alone and intimate with another man.

I'll go back to the beginning. I was riding my motorcycle across the Midwest on my way to Sturgis for the annual rally. I was not really into the drinking and partying scene, but I wanted to see all the bikers and also ride the Black Hills since I had never been there before.

I never made it, or rather, I was no longer working on getting there. Instead I was working on Cindy, probably the most beautiful and best-built woman in history, or at least to me she was. Cindy was beautiful enough to have landed herself a husband with quite a fortune according to her, and the money must have been a big incentive for her to marry the man because he was almost 20 years her senior.

I had dismounted my motor and was sitting in a roadside cafe when they walked in. My eyes met hers as soon as they came in and we exchanged smiles. They sat down in a booth close enough to me to reach out and touch and after they had placed their orders I felt rather than saw them talking in whispers to one another while glancing in my direction.

I had already been eating when they walked in, so when I finished my roast beef sandwich served open face with mashed potatoes and brown gravy, a favorite meal of mine on the road, I placed a tip on the table and started to walk past them.

“Is that your Harley motorcycle outside.”

“The answer to that one was obvious since I was wearing leathers but getting a chance to stop and look over this woman at close range was being provided, and I stopped in my tracks. I was used to having people, non-riders usually asking about my bike, but this time I welcomed the interruption.

“Yes it is," I said proudly as I looked through the window at my ride. "I'm on my way to Sturgis for the rally.”

“Staying in motels?”

The question surprised me but I shook my head. “Just once during this trip probably which is over a thousand miles for me. I can put down a lot of miles in a day.”

The man, her husband I gathered since they were seated close together and she was wearing rings, then came out with a mind- blowing follow up. “It'll be dark in about two hours. So do you plan to keep riding or is this the night you get a motel?”

Alerted instantly that something was up, and it was partially my cock starting to tingle, I smiled, trying to appear to be as friendly as possible. “I'll probably be getting a motel within the next hundred miles or less.”

“We have a reservation for a motel in this town if you care to join us.”

I immediately, without being invited, sat down in the booth with them, and on her side of the table. Just six inches away from this lovely woman now, I looked into the face of her husband. “Do you mean join you in your room?”

He looked like it was killing him to say it, but he answered in the positive and then said, “Actually we already have booked the room and placed our luggage inside. We are just out having our supper.”

He gave his wife a quick glance and added, “There's two doubles in the room so there is plenty or room for us to stretch out.”

I already had a version of stretching in my mind but still, I had to make sure I was hearing him correctly. “Are you saying that I can sleep with your wife?”

She giggled and he managed a grin. “Actually, we had in mind something involving staying awake. But there is a requirement you must meet if you want to sleep with her.” He looked over into his wife's eyes, and she gave him a slight smile and then looked at me. I thought I could see hope in her eyes that whatever the requirement is, that I would be willing or able to meet it.

I thought that I knew what the requirement would be. “I don't mind if you watch. You can even join in if you want.”

He smiled a strange little smile and shook his head. “It's more than that. If you want to fuck her,” I saw his wife flinch when he used that word, “you have to be willing to suck me at the same time.”

I was stunned, and my growing cock quit growing.

When I did not immediately reply, he went on. “If you receive something wonderful from me in the form of my wife, I expect something from you to show good faith.”

I looked deep into his wife's eyes while I weighed this requirement in my mind. I had never sucked a cock, but in order to have her, I might try anything. And then he added the 'anything.”

“And you have to swallow.”

They waited while I mulled this one over. Suck his cock and swallow? This might be a trick, so I had to hear a bit more. Do I…” I cleared my throat, “suck and swallow before I get to fuck her, or during, or after?”

He smiled. “I understand what you might be thinking. There will be no tricks. We will position ourselves just so, and just before you enter my wife, you put your mouth on me. Then, after you have shown that you will meet the requirement, keeping your mouth over me and doing some tongue action maybe, you can enter her and keep sucking while you do the fucking. Hopefully you will take your time and not hurry things.

In the meantime while I'm enjoying having your warm mouth on my cock, I will be watching you with Cindy, oh, by the way, that's her name and my name is Jim, and after I cum in your mouth you can finish up with her and hopefully make her cum before you do, maybe even before I do.”

He had came out with that so smooth and fast that it sounded like this was something they did all the time. “My name's Buck, and is that the way you usually do it?”

They both looked surprised. Then, after Cindy had given him a look of concern, Jim clarified his statement. “We've never done this before. Matter of fact, the only man Cindy has ever been involved with is me. This will be her first time with another man, and I'm doing this for her since she is curious.”

I knew how men think because I am a man too. “And you're curious also, about how she will act with another man.”

He nodded, “Yes. But to be truthful, I wish, personally, that she didn't have that curiosity. I'd love to go on being the only man for her, ever, but times have changed.”

I needed to know, plus, up to this point, I had not exchanged a word with Cindy, only her husband. I looked directly at her. “How do you feel about this? Did your husband pick me, or did you?”

She turned red and stammered. “I sort of pointed you out, and Jim wanted to know if I was sure. I had to say yes quick because you were getting ready to leave, but to be honest, I wasn't sure.”

“Do you mean about it being me, or just doing this in general?”

She answered right off. “Both. But now that I have heard you talk, I feel better about having chosen you to be…to be my first man.”

I raised my head and caught the waitress's attention. “Bring me another coffee please.”

Thirty minutes later, after I had followed them, we were in their motel room. “I've been riding on the dusty road all day, so let me know when it's my turn and I'll take a shower.”

“Can I watch?” Cindy had said that, and then she giggled. I could see now that she was becoming more confident after making her decision, or maybe, choice. I did not plan to disappoint her. At this point I was hoping that I had at least as much between the legs as her husband, and preferably, more.

I found out soon enough, when I came out of that shower, naked, but with a towel around me.

Actually, as it turned out, I had a lot more even though I am only on the upper side of average in size. His fully erected cock was small, a circumcised and slim four and one half inches it looked like. His balls? They were fairly big and the sac holding them was tight. I was seeing the cock now that I had to suck, and it was right beside Cindy's face.

He was propped up against the headboard of the bed with his back and with his legs spread wide, and Cindy had been positioned flat on her back and between his legs so that her head was lying on his right thigh. It looked like, by going back and forth that I could kiss her and suck him at the same time, but as it turned out, I was to keep my mouth on him and away from her,

Fucking was a go. Sucking was a go. Kissing was a no go, and he made it clear from the get go. “No kissing. That's more than just fucking. We keep it physical in nature only, that's the rule.”

“No problem” I said, smiling as I dropped the towel and put my hard cock on display. I saw Jim frown on seeing the size of my cock, and I am sure that inwardly, he breathed a sigh of relief that I was not one of those guys with a huge nine incher. My seven long by five and three quarter around was still, compared to him, huge.

Now Cindy was spreading herself out, and I was seeing what was positively the best body in Colorado. Except that she was not from Colorado, instead just visiting. Five six maybe a little more, C or larger cup tits with pink perpetually erect nipples, flat stomach and a pussy that was covered in soft fur that matched the brownish gold color of her head. And that hair? Almost all the way down her back, long and lovely.

That pussy, until now only having been tapped by one cock, and that cock I was seeing was quite small, was covered enough by the hair that I could not see inside. First thing I planned to do when I got close enough would be to open those lips with my fingers and have a look see.

Cindy's body was absolutely top notch, but her face was even more so, absolutely the loveliest creature in existence. Her bright green eyes that sparkled were the highlight, but it all was overwhelmingly beautiful. How this woman could be nineteen years old and never having been fucked except by one man was incredibly hard to relate to. And now I was to be her second man.

“Whoa! Remember? You have to put your mouth on me first.”

“Oh yeah, I didn't forget.” I had already crawled onto the bed, got up between her legs, and my very first time to touch her anywhere was when I paused to open her lips with my hands and take a look. So lovely and pink inside it was, and looking to be quite tight, like a pussy that has only had a little prick should be looking.

Then I had moved up and placed my cock against that snug snatch, and that is when Jim had stopped me. First I had to put my mouth on his little cock. I got close and opened wide, then, realizing that was not needed, I closed my lips down to suck a straw size and wrapped my mouth halfway down his shaft. This isn't so bad, I was thinking. I can do this. But of course, he wanted to cum in my mouth, and I had to swallow.

"Now do it, suck me like you love my cock, and do it for a couple of minutes." I did, but all the while keeping my cock so close that I was still touching her on the outer lips.

"Fuck yeah Buck. First you suck, then Buck, you get to fuck. So far, you're passing the test. Now you can start sliding your cock into Cindy. Take your time," he said, "Take your time working it in and when you're sucking me use your tongue some and make it last."

'Make it last?' I planned to do just that, especially after Cindy gasped as my head parted her snug inners, and I felt how her warm and snug pussy struggled to open and accommodate me. 'Oh Cindy, you I plan to fuck for a long long time.'

Already I was thinking: 'She let out a nice gasp when I stuck it in. I wonder if she does that for her husband's little wanker?'

Fuck did she feel great. So very fucking tight. Best pussy ever to wrap itself around my hard prick. But it was also one of the hardest fucks I ever had to do. I wanted so bad to move my head over and kiss her, over and over kiss her, but I had to keep my mouth on his stiff little prick.

Stiff? Was he ever, hard as a rock it felt like. Granite rock. I even at one point clamped down on his shaft with my teeth, easy at first, and then a bit harder. I felt him tense up slightly, then relax when I released my tight grip. His shaft had barely sank in under my teeth he was that hard.

I fucked, I sucked, and in the process I used every trick in the book that I knew of while being limited to the missionary position. I fucked her in and out, up and down, side to side, and somewhere in there, twisting it all around.

But, hee hee, she was cumming, not just once, not just twice, but multiple times. Her legs were high up and around my ass, and her fingers were digging into my back, my ass, my shoulders. But she could not meet my eyes with hers, nor could we kiss. Bummer.

Just as I think Jim was getting close to cumming, he sort of placed his hand on my face and by pushing back, indicated that he wanted me to quit sucking, and maybe fucking, for a moment. But he was still holding my head and keeping my mouth on him.

Then Jim asked his wife. “Cindy? Have you had enough? It sounded like you came several times, and you've never done that before. I'd like to cum now and then we can quit if that's alright with you.'

I was not sure of what I had heard, so I boldly asked. “Cindy? Did he say that you have never came before, or that you have never came multiple times?

I had pulled my mouth off her husband's stiff little peter and she looked concerned. “Oh, I've had orgasms before, but usually after Jim eats me first to warm me up. This is the first time I have ever climaxed by straight fucking.”

I was feeling ornery now, confident you might say, and I had the biggest desire to cuckold this man good. Serves him right for marrying a gal so much younger than himself.

I wanted to ask her if all her orgasms, her first orgasms were because of my bigger cock or my talented ass moves, but Jim grabbed me by the ears and pulled my mouth back over his cock. He was pouring out some noticeable quantities of pre-cum now and I was getting mouthfuls big enough to have to swallow.

I wanted to cum of course and decided to take a chance. There was a possibility that her husband might cum and then shut me off before my orgasm, but I figured it would be easier for me to take his load and swallow it if I did so before I had my orgasm rather than after. So I took my chance.

“Jim, you cum first, and then I will. I think it will be easier for me to swallow your cum if I'm still hard and wanting to cum.”

“Fair enough. That's exactly what I was thinking. Now use your tongue a little more. Run it all around the head while you move your nice warm mouth up and down just a little.”

“Can I kiss Cindy, just once, after I swallow your load and before I cum? I'll enjoy my orgasm a lot more if I can kiss her before or while I'm cumming.”

Jim sighed. “Well, just this once, after you take my load and swallow, swallow it all. After, when you feel yourself getting ready to blow your load into Cindy, then you can kiss her while you are cumming.”

He looked over and down at Cindy's head. “I think my wife might enjoy feeling your hard peter throbbing while you are shooting a load into her and she is kissing you. Just this once we can do this.”

"Thank's Jim." I nodded and began pumping a slow, long and steady stroke into Cindy's delightfully snug snatch as I worked on getting her husband off. What I really wanted was to have Cindy cumming again while I was cumming into her, but first I had to take care of Jim.

Jim took it a step further. I think he wanted to really build his cock before blasting a load into my mouth. He looked down at Cindy, her head on his thigh. "Cindy, I know his cock is bigger. But it's the thicker part I want to ask you about. When he cums in you, it's possible that you will really be able to feel his throbbing, maybe at an intense level, since the fit between you two is tighter. I want you to feel it and enjoy it Cindy, what it's like, just this once."

Her eyes were big as she moved them from him to me and back to him. "Then Jim, if you want, we can talk about it later, how it all felt to me."

He smiled. "Yes. I'd like that."

She sighed and I felt her fingers dig deeper into my back as she answered her husband. "Thank you Jim, and I love you."

Now that decisions had been made, it didn't take long. I felt his little peter become less little as his orgasm approached. Hard to believe, but it actually grew harder. Then Jim put his hands on both sides of my head and raised his hips off the bed, taking Cindy's head into the air along with his thighs as he groaned loudly.

Just then his hot load began blasting into my mouth! That little fucker sure could shoot a load, and it was hitting way back in my throat as spurt after spurt came forth. I shivered, I quivered, but I kept sucking because I really wanted Jim to receive his reward for having shared his lovely wife with me.

Then he relaxed, and it all came tumbling down. Well, not really tumbled, but his hips were again on the mattress, Cindy's head was on his thigh, and my mouth was still on his slippery cock. Some of his cum had already shot so far to the back of my throat that it had gone down without me making the swallowing moves with my throat.

"Swallow it all, Buck, then you can finish your fuck."

It was all over now, his cumming, but I was keeping most of his load in my mouth because I had a plan. I sort of ran the huge blob to the back of my throat and under my tongue and smiled, making it appear as if I had swallowed it. Now I had to talk and not have the words come out with a gargling sound.

“Now I get to kiss Cindy while I cum.”

Somehow I had managed to pull it off even though my mouth had a huge load floating around between my lower teeth. Keeping my mouth closed so that none would pour out and hit Cindy in the face, I moved my head forward, and as her mouth opened to meet me, I placed my lips over hers and opened them.

She shivered, she quivered as she felt her husband's warm load pour out of my mouth and down into hers. But bless her heart, she kept it a secret from her husband and accepted the full amount of his cum into her mouth. Somehow, while we were enjoying that kiss, she swallowed it all.

Ever kiss a woman, running your tongue all around hers while both are being coated with another man's load? Try it sometime.

With a loud groan, I managed to reach my orgasm during that same kiss and blast a load into her that I am sure topped anything that Jim had ever given her. I really hated to end that kiss, and her eyes told the story as I slowly unlipped and raised my head. For a little while, we had been in love.

But she went right from me back to her husband. "Oh Jim," she said proudly it sounded like, "I could taste your a little of your cum from his mouth and I could really feel him throbbing inside me, just like you said."

They kissed, and I hoped that he would not be tasting some of his own cum.

When they quit kissing after a minute or so, they both looked at me and I knew it was time as I slowly uncunted.

It was officially over now. I was getting ready to bed down in the other double, since that was where Jim designated my body to be, when he clutched his chest. “Cindy, I think I might be having a heart attack!”

“Oh Jim, are you sure?” As she was speaking, Cindy had picked up her cell phone and was dialing 911.

She looked over at me after the call for help had been made. "This might be his second one. The first one was not bad. I mean, it did no damage, but he does have a weak heart.”

"Where is it, your bottle," she asked?

"In my left front pocket," he said, pointing over at his pants lying across a lounge chair. She dug into his pocket and opened a small bottle of what turned out to be Nitroglycerin. "Here, stick one under your tongue."

While Jim was still clutching his chest, Cindy hurried to drain cum in the toilet and somehow we managed to get dressed and Jim too before the ambulance arrived.

Two hours later Cindy and I were sitting out in the hall at the hospital. In a few minutes, the staff had said, they would be putting Jim into a private room where they wanted to keep him overnight for observation. Jim had experienced what they called an 'episode.' Not a full heart attack, but close.

I sensed, in fact knew, that Jim would not want me to be spending the rest of the night with his wife. “Tell him that I got a room in that motel we saw down the road, and then, if you want, we can spend the night together.”

She smiled at me. “I want.”

We had followed the ambulance in Jim and Cindy's car, and that's how we got back to the motel.

Jim was snug as a bugger in his hospital room, and I had Cindy to myself. What was a bigger deal though was that Cindy had me to herself. A man, all to herself for the first time ever. That was when she had sat facing me on the bed before we began fucking again, and this time with lots of kissing, was telling me about seeing her mother fucking another man.

Cindy had never told her mother what she had seen, but she had checked the computer, 'My mother didn't bother to use passwords,' and discovered that her mother had met that man in a chat room. She had saved every letter back and forth, a long string of them, and at one point, near the end of the string, it had came out, about how big his cock is, and it was then that mother had invited him to come and see her.

He had driven almost a thousand miles to see her when it was confirmed that her daddy would be out of town for three days.

Cindy had watched from around the door and actually inside the room at one point while her mother had ridden that big cock to orgasm, then had rolled onto her back and enjoyed that cock from the bottom.

Cindy had watched, listened, then left when it was almost time for her to be coming home from school. When Cindy had 'came home' the man of course, was gone.

Her mother had 'gone out with the girls' later that day, and Cindy figured that she had gone to a motel to meet up with her well hung lover one last time. Mom had not returned from her outing with the girls until almost nine in the evening. She seemed to be happier than usual, plus she looked freshly showered.

A few weeks later her mother had been killed in an auto accident. The insurance money had been added to the already sizeable estate that had accumulated from her side of the family. Now Jim had it all, for now until Cindy reached 21 and got half, the amount of her half already set into place. Until then, Jim had control since he had to maintain her using funds from his half of the money.

Buck was thinking something about her story sounded strange, but he was more interested in Cindy's body than her history and wasn't really listening.

During our hot and passionate night, with lots of kissing, the truth came out. “Jim's not my husband. He's my father.”

“What? Say that again? He's your father? What gives?”

"My father started fucking me no more than a month after mother died. I never told him about mom fucking that other man, though I was tempted to tell him just to get even for him taking my virginity.

I knew right away, when he started doing it to me, why Momma had invited that guy to come and see her. Daddy has a small cock. There might have been more than that to it, but when I was watching her, she was really enjoying being fucked by that man.

I always pretended that Jim's cock was big enough, but after having seen my mother with that man, I knew there might be more to be had." She had turned her lips to mine and kissed me, and added: "And you proved it tonight.

We slept together, always, and I think that I might have actually been in love with Jim, in a not fatherly way. When I turned 18 daddy sat me down and we had a talk. He knew that I wanted to get out and explore the world so he made me a deal.

If and when I decided that I wanted to try another boy, he called them boys at that time, that he could be there with me and help me choose. That way I would be safe and he actually said it, he wanted to be there to see me take a strange cock for the first time.”

Cindy cleared her throat. “I didn't want that, so I held off for almost two years. Then I saw you, today, and I knew that I wanted you to be the first, my first. I think Jim knew right away that I had chosen you and he didn't try to argue his way out of it. I'll give him that, he played honest with me and kept his word.”

“So why were you two pretending to be married?”

“It was easier that way while we take this vacation trip together. Our driver's licenses have the same last name, just like they would be if we were married. It felt easier to get motels, without questions, things like that.” She paused. “Also, I think, Jim likes the feeling that we are married.”

“So now you have chosen a man, and experienced a strange cock, and technically, you are free. So what now?”

She smiled, a big smile. "Well, tonight you and I have lots of fucking and exploring to do now that I have no one giving directions. Then after that…” she hesitated as if thinking.

“I'll stay with daddy of course until we know he is healthy and we can finish this trip. Then when we get home I might move out, or stay, I don't know.”

She looked at me. “How about you, what's your status?”

I smiled, and already my mind was doing 90. “I'm free, I earn a good living, and I am very interested in getting to know you.”

I think we might have something going.
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