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He Fucked My Wife Good


Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Mar 26, 2013
  • He Fucked My Wife Good
Blow job outside.jpg
by EroticWriter

Then he said, "Take a good look at my cock. I'm telling you this because your wife expressed her desires to me and I think she's too shy to tell you right out. See how your wife is loving on it with her hand? It's a beautiful cock, isn't it? I already know it's much bigger than yours because she told me while we were dancing."

It had been a long time since my wife and I had been out on our own without the kids tagging along and tonight was Valentine’s night, a special night when we enjoy a romantic evening out. We booked a meal at our favorite restaurant and Claire as always had dressed as I love her to. She looked a picture in her blouse and skirt and as always I was very proud of her.

We arrived at the restaurant a little early, to find a queue waiting for tables to become available. Claire and I got chatting to a man of 30ish, somewhat younger than myself at 51 and a little younger than Claire at 36. He was about 6 feet Tall and of muscular build, dressed impeccably. He was intelligent and witty and soon Claire and Matt chatted like they had known each other for ages.

Their chat was interrupted when Matt’s Mobile began to ring. He answered and by the look on his face we could tell it was bad news before he even chatted back to the person on the other end. After the conversation had finished Matt said that his girlfriend wasn’t able to make it so he would cancel his meal and go home.

Claire stepped in and said “nonsense you can share our table, let’s have a meal and try to cheer you up.” I couldn’t believe it, tonight of all nights, it was St Valentine’s Day and my lovely wife was offering to share our time with this stranger we had just met.

Our table was back against a wall and was one of those booths with a round leather seat that allowed you to sit in a circle around the table. It also allowed people to sit right up against each other if so desired. Before long, Matt was pressed right up against my wife, who was seated on my left.

As a matter of fact, he was now seated closer to her than I was, and his right thigh I could see was against hers.

As the evening progressed and the wine flowed they both became a little tipsy which was a bit frustrating for me since I was staying sober so I could do the driving. Their subject of conversation soon became one that I had little knowledge of so excluded me and I had to sit and watch my wife getting on really well with Matt.

Claire was so relaxed and taken by him that she was drinking more than I had ever seen her do. Matt kept putting his hand on her thigh, very briefly at first before returning it to the table. He, I think, was testing me as, glancing across at me with a smile on his handsome face from time to time.

Seeing that I was either unwilling or unable to object he put his hand there for longer periods of time until it seemed to live there.

This was my loving wife, my faithful wife whom had been a virgin on our wedding night and who was the mother of our children. What is she doing? Claire was either oblivious to it or enjoying the attention, she was looking over to me less and less as their eye contact was more and more intense, but for some strange reason I felt powerless to intervene.

Matt’s body was now turned towards Claire and I could see his hand stoking her naked thigh above her stocking tops and playing with her suspenders, the ones I bought for her, the ones she wore to please me. This wasn’t like Claire, she never allows me to do such things to her in public. But here she was allowing Matt, someone she had just met, to caress her thighs.

In all the years we have been together we have never played outside of our marriage. I felt something stir inside my trousers and to my annoyance found that Matt and Claire’s display was turning me on. How could my inadequacy to intervene be a turn on? I just sat watching them become more and more friendly while I was waiting for the meal to end so we could get away from the situation we were in.

Unfortunately as the meal drew to a close Matt suggested we go to a night club to finish off the evening. I noticed he neither offered to pay for the meal, or even leave the tip.

Claire doesn’t dance so we don’t go to night clubs. But here she was eager to go with him. I couldn’t believe it, but went along with the decision and as I got up to pay for the meal felt a little uncomfortable in the trouser department.

Matt took hold of Claire’s hand as we left the restaurant and he guided her to the shop window side of the pavement making sure that there wasn’t room for me next to her. I walked next to Matt and looked across to my Claire, my beautiful Claire as they chatted quietly so that I couldn’t hear.

He moved his arm over her shoulder and rested his hand over her left breast on top of her blouse. She made no attempt to move it and after more chat she reached down and opened the top two buttons giving Matt possible open access to her magnificent breasts.

Claire's breasts are magnificent, like two large apples in size and shape, and designed to fit and fill a man's hands perfectly.

I couldn’t believe the transformation. My Claire was doing this in a public place, for anybody to see. Taking advantage of this he slid his hand inside her blouse and under her black bra cup, feeling her naked breast. He pulled her into a closed shop doorway and taking her into his arms kissed her fully on the lips.

I heard my wife whimper and then my heart sank as I saw that she was not trying to resist. Instead, she was responding to him. Then a feeling of excitement took over as she returned his kiss, their hands all over each other, kissing and fondling each other as I tried to shield their actions by standing in front of them looking out into the street.

I kept glancing back like a peeping tom watching his hands disappearing under her skirt as they made their way up her stocking clad thighs to fondle and caress her buttocks, as she was wearing her black thong tonight, he must have been feeling her delightful naked buttocks.

Keeping his hands under her skirt he moved them to the front as she started giving out sounds only heard in the bedroom before. He had Claire in ecstasy as his fingers went to work in what I can only imagine as being a very wet and inviting place.

My wife spread her legs further apart and leaned her body up against the wall. With her back against the wall now she was facing full front to the street. With his hand under her skirt it was being pulled way up which was resulting in her thighs, both of them being revealed all the way up to her panties. Sure enough, his hand was both on and under her panties.

Just then a couple came walking by and I could not keep them from seeing my wife as her lower half was being ******* in public. As they slowed and then stopped so that they could get a longer look I again turned my attention to my wife.

“Ooooooooh, Mmmmmmmm, Uhhhhhh!.”

I was in shock! Matt had her panties pulled completely to the side and her pubic hair, some of it was being revealed and my wife was shaking her head from side-to-side and thrusting her hips against his finger and having an orgasm in the shop doorway by a man she had just met.

If I was seeing her vagina lips stretched around his shiny with wet finger then they must be seeing it too! Claire was either ******* that she was out in public or didn’t care.

I wasn't even trying to block their view any longer. This was so hot, I strangely wanted to share this moment with that couple. I couldn’t believe that this was happening and I just stood and watched it without being able to do a thing to stop it. I wondered what they are thinking behind me.

Maybe he wanted me to hear, maybe not, but the male half of the couple behind me said, “He’s really banging her with that finger! I’ll bet that before long he’ll be banging her with more than just that.”

“He's just standing there. Do you think that is her husband watching,” I heard her ask, and my face turned red as I turned my head to see them and nodded 'yes.' I don't know what kind of face the man made but she looked shocked to see me admitting it. This was so hot I had wanted them to know what is happening.

When my wife had quieted, I heard the girl half of the couple saying, "I hope he gets to fuck her," and with her giggling as her eyes met mine for a brief second, they slowly moved on. I am pretty sure she meant for me to hear her wish.

She had said it so loud though, that I think Claire might have heard.

I was just turning back to watch my wife when Matt brought me back to earth by turning and inserting his fingers into my mouth and told me to taste her juices. My wife’s juices on his fingers! Three of them. I did as I was asked and licked his fingers clean. My cock was ready to explode as he took her hand and we carried on walking towards the night club area of town.

I was so glad that couple had moved on. What might they have thought if I had sucked his fingers in front of them?

A strange young girl had said she hopes this man gets to fuck my wife, and I was torn. Do I want him to? Does my wife want him to? Should I allow it to happen? Yet, I knew already, if my wife allows it to continue, I won't be able to stop it. Besides, Matt had already demonstrated not only his total control of my wife, but of me as well.

Claire’s body was now closer to Matt’s as I walked behind them trying to conceal my excitement. Matt had his arm around Claire’s waist as he guided her into a dimly lit entrance to a basement nightclub, pausing to instruct me to pay they then walked straight in, nodding to the doormen as they passed.

I paid for all three and had to hand him an extra fiver when he sort of thrust his hand out a second time. while knowing full well that neither I nor my wife were really interested in going into a night club. Not our thing.

Where'd they go? Where did he take my wife?

I couldn’t find them as I went into the main floor area as it was very dark, so I stood at the bar hoping that my eyes would get used to the lighting. The music was very slow and seductive, not at all what I had expected, and I had to admire Matt on his choice of club.

After maybe five minutes I caught a glimpse of them at the back of the dance floor. Claire was standing very close to Matt with her lips to his and her arms around his neck. Matt had his hands on her buttocks and moving them slowly up and down.

They looked like a couple that are very much in tune with each other. I could only stand and watch in a state of Jealousy mixed with feelings of inadequacy, but strangely enough sporting the same erection that had been with me since the shop doorway and seeing Claire in his arms made me even more excited.

They were dancing. My wife. Dancing now with a stranger when she supposedly doesn't dance.

I had paid good money so this man could use my wife any way it pleases him it seemed.

I didn’t know what he carried in his jeans, but I knew now that I wanted this man we had just met that evening to satisfy her like I could never do. Claire and I had been a good fit in the beginning, but after her having our children the fit was never the same. When my wife got good and wet I could barely feel the sides of her vagina at times, and I suspect it affected her the same way.

She had never voiced any concerns but I knew I was no longer able to give her that feeling of being stretched as before. She still climaxed with me, but it took more work and time to get her there. The orgasms, when she had them, usually came from me making some kind of contact with her clitoris only.

Plus of course, we are no longer new to one another and mysteriously exciting. Matt, it appeared, might be able to bring some of the magic back into our marriage, if only for a night, this night. Is he larger than my average length of almost six inches long and on the slim side of five around? I wanted him to be, but not way bigger.

I wanted Matt to match Claire sexually and leave her fulfilled. All the time we were in the club they never stopped dancing and never looked around for me, only had each other in their thoughts. Wanting to be sure to stay sober I nursed one drink the entire time.

I even took a trip to the head and had a healthy piss, returning to the front to see my wife still in chosen place, in his arms. At one point I saw Claire go to the lady's room, and Matt went to take his piss. I almost followed him in, wanting to see if I could get a glance at his cock over the urinal, but didn't.

Finally after an hour or so they left the dance floor and headed for the door. They didn't even look around to see if I was aware.

I left the bar and caught up with them as we left the club. Matt told me to lead the way to our car and for the first time since the restaurant I took the lead, but not control. Opening the car they climbed into the back and Matt told me to drive to a quiet spot where we would not be disturbed.

There was no doubt now, Matt is going to fuck my wife, and in front of me apparently.

As I drove I could see them in the mirror each time the car passed a street light. Claire was kissing and caressing him as his hands went under her blouse and skirt and my cock was stretching my trousers to the bursting point. He had her blouse open, kissing her nipples and fondling and cupping her breasts.

Blood was rushing to my head in the same way it was filling my cock, and I almost felt dizzy as I drove and had to use a lot of concentration on my driving while trying to concentrate on what is happening to Claire in the back.

I searched diligently for just the right place to park. No, not there, too dark. No, not there, too public.

Finally finding a car park in a wooded area on the outskirts of town I parked where a street light would be shining into the car and turned to watch as they continued their heavy petting session.

It didn't seem to bother either of them that I had parked near and under a light that was streaming into the car through the side windows. Matter of fact they might have wanted me to.

My cock was dripping so much in my pants that I had no choice but to pull it out and stroke it, but slowly so I wouldn’t cum. Two, then three minutes went by, and I gasped when I saw what my wife pulled out of his pants. She had wrapped the fingers of one hand around it, and it looked like he had another two hands worth above and below it.

His entire pubic area was shaved, something I had considered doing but had never dared for fear of what Claire might think. Claire moved her hand off his cock for a moment to move her hair out of place in front of her face, and at that moment Matt grasped his cock and displayed it for me.

Matt heard my gasp, and for the first time in ages he spoke to me, saying Claire wants his cock. “Look at her eyes. She felt it while we were dancing, had her hand on the outside of my pants holding onto my bulge and when she could no longer stand it she asked me to take her somewhere so she can enjoy it. You can see the desire in your wife's eyes."

He waited for me to look Claire in the face, and she didn't look away meeting my eyes with hers and not trying to hide her desire as she again wrapped the fingers of her right hand around his shaft.

Then he said, "Take a good look at my cock. I'm telling you this because your wife expressed her desires to me and I think she's too shy to tell you right out. See how your wife is loving on it with her hand? It's a beautiful cock, isn't it? I already know it's much bigger than yours because your wife told me while we were dancing."

I sighed as I studied his cock, looking like maybe eight or more long and well over six around. "You're much bigger," I admitted. I think I unthinkingly ran my tongue over my lips as I added, "And that beautiful head on your cock is way bigger than mine. Twice as big."

I think I must have stared for a full minute or more while Claire stroked it slowly and placed her lips to his.

Matt pulled away from her eager lips to speak to me. "Now you've had a good look. You want me to fuck her for you with this cock, don’t you?”

I didn’t delay in responding this time. “Yes” I said. As I answered, I was again looking down at his cock, and I think he could see the worry in my eyes.

Matt then got a superior look on his face and said “Ask me properly. I know you're afraid of how much she'll like it but do it anyhow. Ask me to fuck your wife really good with my big cock.” All this time Claire never said a word but had his magnificent cock in two hands now as she stared into my face.

I took a deep breath.

“Matt please will you fuck Claire really good for me with your big cock?” I said, knowing that this was what he wanted to hear and was the final act of me giving my wife totally to him and becoming a cuckold husband.

I went further, expressing one of my fantasies to him and probably hers as well. “My wife's never had a big cock, only mine as a matter of fact. I am not sure but she is probably curious as to how a strange cock, especially a big cock would feel, and I am sure that she is craving yours. And me, I want you to stretch her pussy further than I could ever do.”

My wife merely smiled, a big smile, and gave his prick another stroke as pre-fluid dribbled out and down his shaft.

Then as I watched my wife stroking his dripping big prick, I added: "And I want you to fuck her far deeper than I ever could."

Matt grinned. "I plan to do just that, wider and deeper, all while you watch."

I nodded, and for some reason wanting to make this all the more exciting for him, and me, and admitting to my wife what I had suspected but never voiced out loud to her, I said it. "She only cums when I rub her clitoris in some way, grinding against her with my pubic bone, or using my fingers or tongue.

I think you might be able to give her something she's never had, a vaginal orgasm, inside from being touched by a big cock."

Matt had a big grin on his face, eyes wide when he turned his attention to Claire. "Is that true Claire, what he says about you never cumming on the inside?"

I think Claire was shocked at what I had said, perhaps admitted. Said it to this strange man when I had never broached the subject to her. Her face I think, turned red, but I couldn't be sure in the dim light. She nodded, "It's true."

Matt I knew, saw the look exchanged between my wife and myself.

“Sounds like you really want to see your wife being fucked good and it sounds like she really needs it. Stay here, because I want to take her standing while you watch her face,” he told me as he opened the door and guided my wife to the front of the car.

He bent her over the hood of the car in the doggy position and I could see her face looking into the car at me as he lifted her skirt up and pulled down her thong which he threw to the screen of the car.

Her eyes and mouth opened wide. “Ooooh shit!”

She said it loud, and I heard my wife right through the windshield as his huge cock opened her. Her face was a picture as he adjusted his position and thrust his cock deeper into her unprotected and fertile sex. Yes, unprotected. Pills make her sick so we had been using rubbers for most of our marriage.

Rubbers, hundreds of rubbers over the years. Matter of fact, I couldn't even remember what Claire's pussy feels like naked flesh to naked flesh, it had been so long.

Now Matt was enjoying what I couldn't. I wanted to say something, but I was watching my wife and knew that she might never forgive me if I interrupted now. She knows, and I guess she was so horny for Matt and his big cock she was throwing all cautions to the wind.

His naked skin, bare and uncovered, so much of it now making actual contact with the warm and welcoming flesh of my wife's vagina.

"This fucking feels soooooo good! Everywhere inside me, places I've never felt before."

I guess Claire was enjoying herself. I knew now, my wife is going to experience that orgasm that begins within the vagina.

"Oooh Matt. I've been missing out for so long, thank you. Damn this is good!"

I could see the fingers of her hands opening and closing as they clawed for something to grab hold of but only found the metal of the hood. She tried to turn her head to look back at Matt but he hissed at her, "Keep watching your husband's face."

Her mouth open, Claire was looking through the windshield into my eyes and looked like she was in a state of shock as her entire body jerked each time he rammed into her. I took my cock out and jerked off and I think she knew I was doing so as they thrust their bodies to each other.

I wanted to see what he is seeing so bad but he had told me to stay in the car.

He not only owned my wife he owned me, denying me the right to see what he is doing to my married pussy. Making it cum, that's what he was doing.

"Matt, you fucker, you're making me cum in ways I've only dreamed about!"

He was grabbing at her ass cheeks and looking down at where his cock was fucking in and out of her as he took Claire to orgasm several times. I couldn’t see what I knew he was seeing but I was forming images in my mind as to what her stretched pussy must look like as Matt was pumping away. With those images in my mind plus seeing my wife’s face through the windshield, I came in my hand.

Matt was a master and seemed to last ages before he started to speed up to the final act and, still unable to shout out that he mustn’t come inside her, I watched as his face and body stiffened and he gave a final thrust into her body and came inside my wife.

He was giving her a big load, I am sure of it. He had waited perhaps two almost three hours to reach this stage, had been running his hands and fingers over the nicest ass and pair of tits in town, and he knew he was the first to ever fuck this married woman besides her cuckolded and watching husband. I mean, it had to be one hell of a huge turn on for him.

Claire was out of it and either didn’t realize what had just happened or didn’t care at that moment. She was laying her chest across the hood and seemed unable to move. I was wondering if the heat from the engine was making that hood a little too warm for comfort. No warmer, I am sure, than her pussy was feeling.

I could see that his orgasm was finished now, but he remained within her, grinning at me through the windshield and pumping slowly and draining all he had left in the tube into my wife. I swore to myself, no way do I want him to know she's unprotected.

I didn't feel that he deserved that ego boost, to know that he has just dumped a load into a wife whose husband always has to wear a rubber.

Then she said it: "Fuck that was great, and it's been so long since I've been fucked without a rubber I had forgotten how good skin to skin can feel, especially when the fit is so much tighter."

I saw his eyes grow wide. "Without a rubber? You're not on the pill?"

She told him, dammit. If there had been any cuckolding of her husband left undone, she was doing it now. "No, pills make me sick sometimes so I quit taking them years ago."

He smiled broadly as he continued to stare at their joined genitals. "Well, I haven't been clipped, so you're on your own on this one."

My wife laughed, a nervous laugh it sounded like to me. "I can handle it, I've already had three so what harm can one more do?"

I know she might be joking but it was no joking matter to me.

"If it's a boy," he joked back, "be sure to name it after me." Then with what looked like a smirk at me, he gave her a slight slap on the ass and she laughed.

They stayed in that position for what seem like ages before he pulled out of her and turned her round and without using much effort physically lifted her entire body and sat her upon the hood.

As she sat on the edge of the hood and kept her legs around him, they kissed, for a long time and passionately. I pictured cum draining out of her and onto my car and knew I would have to wipe it down later.

But not enough cum would drain out I knew. Not after how deeply he had placed it within her.

He picked her thong off the screen and handed it to me as he helped Claire back into the car; again they sat in the back just cuddling each other as I drove him back into town. I had driven in the direction of our home, and now had to go back the other way to drop him off.

“I want it again.”

I quickly turned my head and looked. Sure enough, she had his cock out and it was partially erect. That was my wife, and for the first time she seemed to be leading instead of following.

“You want it again,” I asked her in disbelief?

My wife smiled so sweetly at me that no way could I say no. “I’ve been waiting a long time for something like this,” she said, “and now I’ve got it.”

Then Matt kicked in. “You didn’t get enough?”

Claire shook her head and at that moment went down on him for the first time. As he watched her sucking his cock, he looked at me and said, “Obviously your wife has a craving for more of my big dick. Park somewhere private.”

Matt pulled his pants part way down and as I glanced back over the seat, I saw that now he was fully erect as Claire loved on his cock with her mouth.

This time, by golly, when that thing enters her married pussy, I plan to see it.

I wanted to hear my wife express it. “How do you want it, Claire?”

It took her a few seconds to get her mouth off enough to answer me. “I want to be on top.”

I had brought the car to a stop, no one around, but there was a street light shining in, and luckily I had spotted and brought the car to a stop in just the right place.. Matt grinned at me as I turned to watch and hear my wife groan as she mounted facing him and that light was shining right where it needed to be.

His thick and long cock was doing just what I had imagined it would do as I saw my wife’s formerly tight lips being stretched to accommodate him. The sight of his big pink in color head opening her wide as she eased down almost made me cum, right then.

At last I had reality to add to the imagination already stacked up in my mind. I was not only seeing it, but seeing it flesh to flesh. From just a couple of feet away.

Unable to resist a view like that, I had my cock out in a flash. Never before had my cock grown so hard so quick after my already having cum once.

What was funny or maybe strange was that as my wife spread her legs wide in order to straddle his thighs, I saw her dangling inner lips open up and a blob of previously deposited come oozed out and landed on Matt’s left thigh.

She was soaking wet and went down, all the way to the bottom, and I could see her tightly stretched inner lips sort of widen and flatten out against his pubic bone. She held herself there for a few moments, pressing downward and taking every possible millimeter she could cram of his cock into herself. Then she began to move.

His prick was glistening with reflected light as my wife groaned with pleasure while she rode him and took him deep, her strokes becoming more rapid as orgasm approached. I could feel the entire car shaking.

Curious as to how intense her orgasm would be, I reached over the seat with my left hand and lightly touched her anus with the tip of a finger. I left it there, my hand rising and falling along with her ass, and since she didn’t seem to notice or care, I slowly eased the tip in. She was soaked there from his previous come so my finger slid easily in.

I gave it to her deeper each time she buried herself on his cock, and had my entire index finger in her by the third stroke.

Stroking my cock with my other hand, I waited and watched. When my wife started coming, I was going to come with her, and also be counting her throbs. She began moaning. Matt clutched both her ass cheeks and came with her and their combined juices I could see were running down his shaft past his big balls and fortunately, soaking into the back of his trousers and not my car seat.

Another hot load deep into an unprotected vagina.

I was counting and not believing what my finger was telling me. I had already throbbed eight times, matching her, but she kept going when my orgasm had ended.

Nine, ten, eleven, and then a last strong throb at number twelve. And then, as she kept moving, some additional little twitches. I waited while she kissed him for over a full minute, her body shaking, before I eased my finger out.

Fortunately, I had a hankie on me to catch my come.

“Do you love me?”

‘What? Did I hear him right? Matt asked my wife if she loves him, and in front of me?’ Talk about pushing things to the limit.

Apparently, in her present state of mind, my wife wasn’t thinking too clearly.


She had allowed this to go beyond just the physical, with no apparent concern as to my feelings. Yet, strangely, I wasn't too bothered. After all, in a few minutes he will be history.

She stayed on Matt while his cock shriveled and kissed him passionately. I took delight in seeing another big blob of his cum ooze out of her and land on the rear of his trousers below his balls when she rose off of him.

A few minutes later I was dropping Matt off near the restaurant where we first met. He came to my window and handing me his business card he said “You guys can talk it over and decide who hangs onto this card. When she gets horny again one of you can ring me up.” and then he laughed.

“Thank you Matt” was all I could say. Then I watched as he walked away, and laughed inwardly at how all that cum must feel in the rear of his trousers. His cum.

Matt had just fucked my wife almost senseless and better than I could ever hope to do, and I had said ‘Thank you.’ Apparently in my present state of mind I wasn’t thinking all that clearly either.

Claire never said a word and remained in the back of the car as we drove home. I think she fell asleep. I, quite frankly, could not think of a thing to say that would fit the moment in any case. There were so many things I wanted to ask her, both physically and mentally but not right now. I knew that now was not the right time for me to be asking.

I wanted to fuck her now, tonight, right after him while he's still soaking her insides, but if I do, it'll have to be with a rubber on so we can be certain who, if.

Dammit, I wanted to experience sloppy seconds with my wife so bad, but couldn't. Maybe I can just slip it in for a little while and not cum...

It needed to happen soon as we get home, but then I remembered, the babysitter.

When we arrived home, Claire went straight upstairs as I paid the babysitter and took her home. Luckily she was eighteen and didn't have to be home early, because it was almost midnight. I gave her a few extra bucks. I think she could tell something was going on with Claire and me, but she said not a word.

As I drove, I was thinking, 'what if she had been there, seen all that? And his cock, how would this young gal have reacted upon seeing that cock? Is she still a virgin? I didn't know, and of course no way did I dare broach the subject.

When I got back I thought Claire would have showered but she hadn’t, she had gone straight to bed and naked. She had even been too tired to pull the sheet over herself.

‘Did she even sit on the toilet and drain him?’ I was wondering because I could see the shine of wet stains on the insides of both of her thighs.

'My wife. There she is, no longer innocent,' I was thinking as I removed my clothes and stared down at her nakedness. It all ran through my mind like a movie scene. I had paid for his meal along with ours, had paid for his admission, and ours to a nightclub we had not planned, then I had provided transportation and a location for a strange man to use his oversized cock on my formerly shy and innocent wife. Not just once but twice he had used it on her.

I mean REALLY used it on her.

The meals and the nightclub plus drinks had came to well over three hundred dollars, and of course the overtime charges for the sitter, all so a man could enjoy my wife. I know, it was for her enjoyment of course, but I can't help it, I keep thinking in terms of what it means to be a man and fuck some other man's wife.

To have her ask for it more than once and fuck her while the poor husband watches as you feed her superior meat, and even have her say she loves you in front of her wretched little husband? Tonight, I knew, had been quite the evening for a man named Matt.

"Claire?" I wriggled her body a little bit in hopes of maybe being able to climb on. Not cum, just feel her pussy as Matt had been able to do, and left her for me.

My hard cock was throbbing, craving sex like it had gone unsatisfied all night instead of having cum twice. She wouldn't budge. stayed asleep. So finally I opened her legs and my body shaking as I stared down at her soaked inner lips, I slid on and in.

'Oh fuck yes. Feel how wet and stretched she is.' As she continued to sleep, only occasionally showing signs of life, I fucked Claire for perhaps fifteen minutes, enjoying the feel of Matt's cum bathing my cock. Then, as my thoughts went more to what he had been feeling as I tried to imagine myself being able to stretch my wife as he had, I began to lose control.

Time to pull out!

For the third time inside of an hour or two, I masturbated as I stared down at my wife’s naked body. Uncaring as to whether it would end up staining the sheets, I shot all over her stomach and breasts. I was surprised to see how much cum I produced, third time out.

I think that she felt my hot blobs landing on her because she moaned, but she might have thought it was a dream. Since, in a way, I was thinking of my wife in terms of her being a slut, I didn’t bother to clean her up. Instead, I kissed her gently on the cheeks as I looked at my lovely sleeping wife, the mother of my children, the lady I love more than anything in the world.

I whispered “I love you” in her ears as I finished undressing. I was still wearing my socks. I climbed into bed and cuddled up to her and surprisingly, drifted right off to sleep.
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Reactions: zzwanda, barbie1955 and SquirmingSub
JamaalMbofwe said:
So want that for mine...
Not sure what you want Jamaal. Going to have to express yourself a little better.

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