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Her enjoying taking more control

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
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Could Sue be working all the details out for her plans before she talks to STB? She seems thoughtful in her planning and attention to detail. With talk of the nude beach dominating discussion as of late, perhaps as a trade off for getting Don to go as a threesome to the beach, maybe Sue has agreed to a few days there or somewhere else alone with Don? She could very well be working the details out in her head for the cover story that will be told to the kids.
I Agree

Mr Soon, I must agree with Jaxunman, Sue has something more significant planned than a trip to the beach. Remember her words " If it is not for you, let me know" Thank you.
Hey all - yes, what you are all saying/asking is correct - there is definitely something brewing that she hasn't told me about yet. She did say that she had to talk to Don more before she would bring it up with me and from the tone of her response, I'm just going to let it wait till Friday.

This morning she saw me looking at her as she was getting ready and she turned and said "go ahead, get your last look till Friday" and she then went over to her dresser and pulled out a pair of panties and made a big show of puling them up!

Over coffee just before we both went off to work I asked her about Friday and before she could really answer I told her that I was thinking that maybe I'd join them at his place and talk about the nude beach a bit and then I simply said that if they wanted the rest of the night alone together, that I would take off and find something else to do. She smiled and said she'd be speaking to Don tomorrow and would let me know - but she did say thank-you to me for giving her the choice.

Another thing that's come up recently was my suggestion that the Friday night thing may be difficult to continue through the summer with the kids off from school. She admitted that she too had been thinking about that and again, that it was something she'd also be talking to Don about.

I mentioned something from the other thread by Victoria, that maybe the every-Friday thing is a lot or too much or something like that and she answered that it was "all part of the same thing" that she wants to talk to Don about.

So, I guess I'm now waiting for more than just one thing for Friday night.

As I posted in Victoria's thread - there are times when I don't sense the same enthusiasm about her weekly time with Don. And some of those times I sense that Sue needs to psych herself up for her date. Usually that is where her teasing and other stuff come into play - so sometimes I wonder if I wasn't so "into" her being with Don whether this would be an every-week regular thing. Still, from how she is when she comes home and afterwards in general, there doesn't seem to be any sort of dislike or discontent going on.

So yes, this is going to be an interesting weekend coming up. Coincidentally, it's also Fathers Day.....
STB, it has been almost a year now since her and Don hooked up. It may simply be the "new" has worn off. That is not to say she isn't still enjoying it all. But like anything else, the level of excitement of getting to know someone new and in particular the highs associated with a new lover will eventually level off. Sue might be feeling that she has to keep the dating thing going to keep your excitement levels going. Perhaps you should plan something special a couple of weeks out that would fall on a night she would normally be with Don. Make it super special and all about her. It would give her the opportunity to see that your excitement is still centered in her and not only when she is playing with another.
Sue is up to something. Oh what a web she weaves!
KA just read me your last post and I felt the need to chime in.... First, Happy Father's Day weekend coming up... second, would you rather Sue found someone new? As I am still trying to figure out what the cuckold is experiencing and feeling - I may be a bit naive in this question. I admit I don't get your's or KA's side of this but have learned to trust that there is 'good' in it for all of you....

But what if Sue tells you she is tiring of Don? How will you react? Or what if she tells you that she wants more?

I know with KA and I, there is one 'bull' that is consistent (three times in 14 months.... but delicious, multi-day experiences) and perhaps when the 'right' opportunity presents itself a couple of one timers within that time period. I know that I could not handle more, I also know that KA couldn't either.

You sound like a very supportive husband in many ways, which is great... I just feel the need to reiterate what others have touched on..... make sure that Sue knows it is HER that makes your world turn, not only WHAT she is doing...

(and now I will step down from my soapbox... :eek:)

I hope it all goes well... you now know that I'm watching you too! :)

We are back in our Wednesday routine for sure. Sue has already teased me about "enjoying myself" later tonight - and true to form, she is sticking with the panties too. Just seeing her walking around the bedroom changing after work - knowing she's intentionally leaving the panties on drives me crazy with desire.

Victoria, you asked several questions, but before that I wanted to confirm that you see your bull only 3 times a year and yet you do not use condoms with him? That to me is reason enough to encourage Sue to have one steady lover who we trust. I suppose the risk is most likely low, but it is an advantage to "Don" even if he has his quirks.

If Sue were to tire of Don, I'd merely encourage her to look elsewhere if she wanted to continue what we're doing. I am sure that now, 2+ years into an "active cuckolding" lifestyle like we seem to have adopted, that she is much more aware of men who she may desire.

I"m not sure if your question of "what if she wants more" is more men? Or more with Don? More men - I think that is a dream for most cuckolds, to see their spouses truly fulfill their sexual desires. I would encourage her to enjoy herself, but obviously, to be careful - not just health-wise, but also socially and with regards to our family. Like you, we have kids who - while they may think they know what mommy is doing - are not totally sure. They are too young to deal with this. In a few more years, that could change. You probably already know my answer if she were to want more with Don. Within limits - I am in favor of her exploring her desires. Depending on what she wanted, many things are possible and as I've said - on a short-term basis, I would probably encourage anything she wanted to try or do.

I have tried to explain to Sue what I want to feel and experience. As I said above, there is something incredibly arousing seeing Sue experiencing the sexual desires she has - I think after 18 years of child-raising - that women in general seem to shut out the physical sexual side of their being. Dare I even say that maybe this is what is behind so many unhappy marriages. And it's not just the woman either - its also the guy. But we see so many unhappy couples who are our age and it truly seems that they've lost their sense of self and their own desires.

It is like playing with fire, that is true. But if you are not threatened by the physical side of sex - and I have really never been. Then it is truly pleasurable (in the end) to see her let loose - and to then come back to me and let me share in her experiences. But I cannot really put into words how I feel other than to say that it gives me a sense of satisfaction that I have been looking for.

YOu also asked where Sue "confides".... She is not really into computers - she reluctantly Emails people often taking days or weeks to reply. I showed her a variety of stuff on the web, but she doesn't find it interesting. She also doesn't (or hasn't used it with me) know the word "cuckold" - it isn't something I've told her and it's not a term she's used. I know she has a friend at work who she's confided in and I know that her sister may have an inkling. I suppose that she could be on another website just as I'm here - but I don't think so. I can give you her Email address, but she doesn't know that I post as much as I do here so if you do contact her, please don't lead her here as that would definitely stifle my sense of freedom here. PM me if you want her Email address - and as I said, I'd tell her you were going to write to her - but from what I know, you might be waiting a few days or longer for a response...

Hey all - thought I'd post another of the more pg-rated pics I found of Sue.

This one is maybe 3-4 years old. Since hitting what she calls pre-menopause, she's put on some weight and she will NOT let me take a picture of her now. I keep telling her that sex isn't enough exercise - ha ha!!!

Anyway - I enjoyed looking at some of the other pics of her last night and eventually I'll work my way up to posting them here.

For now, enjoy.

She's not home yet but she should have heard from Don and maybe we can plan out tomorrow night..... I'm getting turned on thinking about it and want to resist getting online later - I'm too horny to deal with too much temptation!


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Thank you for explaining your thought processes and emotions here and in Victoria's thread. You are quite unique even in cuckoldry and can see why it works so well for you. Unfortunately in most marriages one partner is a control freak and if bith try to exert control there trouble.

ps Thanks for the pic. Let her know that maybe many men, not just Don go for heavier women!
oh please... "heavier woman"?????... how about phrasing it as.... mmm.... "Renascence Woman' or how about a woman that is 'real'.... 'heavier woman' is just so negative... honestly men have life so unbelievably easy... all of you, count your blessings...

STB.. I bet you are counting your's everyday!!!
My Humble apologies. I adore renascence (I dont think we are spelling it right), real gorgeous women.
Easy, why easy, easy to manipulate?
Do you count your blessings Victoria? I do mine by the way!
Well - it is a beautiful day so that fits into plans for this evening. Don is going to cook dinner for both Sue and I and we're going to spend at least the first part of the evening talking about the nude beach among other things. I even told Sue that I'd pick up a bottle of wine and she thought that was a nice idea and that the time to do that would give the 2 of them a bit of time together before I get there.

She was very open and honest when she asked if I would then mind leaving so that the 2 of them could have some alone-time. I said okay - as I said, sometimes I feel like a 5th wheel when I am there and they are amorous. I did not ask any more about what she seemed to be pre-occupied with earlier this week that she needed to talk to Don more about.

More as it happens.

Renaissance .... proper spelling (yes, I just looked it up)

I am blessed beyond words... I know I am and yes I do count them daily.. :)

STB... have fun tonight, it sounds like it should be an entertaining evening...

KA and I were just talking about your evening tonight and it reminded us of last week when we were together with my 'bull'... Same thing how sometimes he feels like he's the 5th wheel and how it was strange when I would send him from the room, only to call him back in later when we were in the middle of some wild sex scene.. buttons... yes, I am loving finding and pushing them..:p

Shidave... the list of how men have it so easy is so long, I'm gonna have to take a bit of time to shorten it before posting... :D


Oh, and apparently me just getting out of the shower and sitting here naked typing to you is a button as well..... :D
That is a lovely thought of you at the keyboard.....
Have a wonderful evening Stb. Looking forward to the updates.
I'll reply to Victoria in her thread.
Bar B Q ?

Mr Soon, did you all have a grill dinner or did Don cook inside? I might think more highly of him if he grilled. No matter, did your Sue come up with something to really push your limits? Did she bend them or actually break them? Perhaps she told Don that they may have to roll it back a bit because of the kids. At least for the summer. No matter what she may be willing to do for you, I dont believe she, or you, wold do anything that may effect the kids. Thank you.
What is the latest STB? How did Friday night at Don's go? There seemed to be alot of talking to be done and possible issues to be worked out. Not seeing an update hints that maybe you had a great Fathers Day with the family. Has Sue come forth with what is preoccupying her mind as of late?
Hey all - sorry for the delays but since Saturday we've just been busy between Fathers Day and work is again crazy...

Before I discuss what Sue came out to me with I have to say that it has become much MUCH easier for me to deal with Sue and Don in general including leaving them and in general accepting their relationship.

That said, Friday night was kind of funny in some ways. First, I got there about 7pm - Sue had been there for a while and I honestly was surprised that she was still dressed when I got there. I have gotten so used to her enjoying being nude with him that it was almost weird to see her still dressed. Things were VERY cordial - almost friendly even. Maybe Sue being clothed took a bit of the edge off of things between the 3 of us. Don had the grill going and they were into a first bottle of wine when I arrived that I joined them in drinking.

Sue actually broke the ice by opening up the whole subject of the nude beach. I laughed myself when Don showed his true feelings by saying "I'm not getting naked with a bunch of fags around...." or something like that. That turned into a whole big discussion about just how innocuous the nude-beach is - how the gays hang at one end and how the other end is mostly normal folks (singles and couples) - and even how the back "edge" of the beach is very secluded. Sue was very open about how she was nervous at first when we went there but how she really loves it now. I joked with them about what everyone will think if it's the 3 of us. Don asked if we'd really bring the little pop-up tent - and he didn't come out and say it but he did look at Sue when he said that and she smiled and just said something like "oh yeah, we can have fun".

We were out on his deck most of this time and the steaks were cooking the whole time - between the wine and the talking - the mood was very "up". Dinner was friendly and cordial with talk of Fathers Day and such. Don never had any kids and his father passed away many years ago.

After dinner - maybe about 9pm or so - things got a bit awkward as it became pretty obvious that they wanted to be alone. Sue came over to me and kissed me and asked me if I was okay about leaving and such. And this is what I was saying at the start of this post - this has become MUCH easier for me - to accept and even embrace that they want to be with each other. Still, I have to say that despite it being easier - there are still pangs of anxiety and angst knowing I'm leaving them to have sex the rest of the night. Don left us alone as we kissed a bit and she promised me she'd be home early (without hanging at the bar, they had more time together). I asked her privately then what she wanted to talk to me about and she said that she would tell me after they'd discussed it more. As we kissed again she reached down and felt my cock was pretty hard and she giggled, patted my cock through my pants and said "wait for me".

I didn't go straight home - I had a nice buzz from the wine so I stopped at a go-go bar that I knew of on the way home and spent about 2 hours there having fun slipping dollar bills and getting a few squeezes of the dancers tits and one even let me put my hand down her g-string to give her a dollar (it was pretty erotic - I could feel she was shaved bare!). Sue actually texted me that she was on her way home so I left then too and we both arrived home within maybe 15 minutes of each other. The kids were both long asleep but we were quiet anyway.

We talked a bit about the evening as we both undressed. She came over to me and asked me if I wanted to take her panties off (finally!!!!) and as I did so I revealed her wet and used pussy. She giggled (sorry Duke) as we lay back on the bed and she teased me about me "wanting to see her" after which she spread her legs for me. I can't remember everything that was said - suffice to say that she had me wicked hard and almost begging to let me have her finally. Between her teasing and the dancers at the bar - I was quite horny and didn't last long. As we lay there afterwards she said "Happy Day Before Fathers Day" (that I do remember!) as it was already after 1am on Saturday.

I asked her whether we could finally talk about whatever was on her mind and she asked if it could wait till Saturday - she said she'd be more comfortable and wanted to leave the evening as something nice. I was tired enough and had already waited enough that another few hours wasn't going to matter - besides, the wine and beer was getting to me.

I'll start another post for what we discussed on Saturday.
So - Saturday morning it worked out well for us to have time to talk because both kids had things to go to so we had the house to ourselves.

Rather than all the gory details - I'll try to be short about it....

Apparently over the last few weeks, Sue and Don have been talking quite a bit about me!!! Specifically, Sue explaining to Don that I wanted to feel more of the two of them. She said that once Don sort of got the hang of what I had explained, she said he started to come up with some things on his own too.

Sue was honest with me and said that she was actually leaning towards something that they'd discussed in the past too - that she (and he) would occasionally like to see each other outside of the "every Friday" routine. She said to me that Don was still as vocal as he has been about really disliking knowing that she'd had sex with me. I started to say something when she said "he just doesn't like thinking of you and me" and then she said that more specifically, that it turns him off as we all know already - that I cum in her. I started to respond to this when she said "but I told him that I wasn't ready for that yet". And apparently this is what their bit of discussion was about, instead of that, what did she/they want.

Now she did keep on asking me "are you sure you really want this?" I don't remember exactly how she asked me but instead of her fumbling with words I just told her something like "you know what I want to feel - you with him".

She said that she had been discussing with Don how I could maybe have sex with her after she was done with Don. She asked me if that was something that I wanted - to have her "right away" afterwards. I had to control myself from being so eager for this and kept myself calm as I said "yeah - I would love that". And that when she said to me that I may have to do something that I wasn't comfortable with to have that. I told her that I expected that I was going to again "feel" something. So she said that Don's not going to change how he feels about me having sex with her at his place. So she said to me "how will you be if we do it at our house instead?"

I wasn't necessarily ready for that question but Sue added that in July, both kids will be away for a week and that we could do it then. She said to me that she knew that the last time he was at our house that it bothered me that they'd had sex in our bed - and she looked at me and said (she later told me that this was something Don had suggested would push my buttons) that she would want to do it again in our bed. And then (she later told me this was her thought to tease me with ) said that "this time we won't be using rubbers either!".

I started to hem and haw as it brought back all sorts of ill feelings from when they'd done this the first time and it bothered me. Sue saw this, I guess, on my face and she came to me and it was maybe the first time I'd seen her really take on the role of cuckoldress. She came close to me and took my hand in hers and literally talked me into it - she said while this was Don's idea at first that the more she'd thought about it, the more she liked the idea. She did say that if I was really against it, that she'd simply tell Don that they'd/we'd just use our guest-room/office - but as she held me tightly and kissed me she cooed in my ear things like "just think how messy I'll be afterwards" and "you can have me right after he's done if you want". As she did this she reached down and undid my pants and she was still talking as she started to stroke me. She told me that she knew it had bothered me that they'd used our bed that first time and she said how silly I was and that she thought this would be something fun and that might get me over my issues with it. She giggled at how my cock kept getting harder and harder and starting to drip pre-cum as she kept talking. I asked her how Don was going to feel when it was my turn and she just said "he'll be okay if he's had me first - he doesn't care about it then".

I think if she would have kept talking and stroking that I'd have cum in her hands, instead she pulled me down onto our bed and told me that we should "practice" a bit. I was so horny that I didn't need to be asked twice. But when I thought I was simply going to start to fuck her - she sort of pushed me to one side and said "oh no - remember, you get seconds" and with that she reached into her night-stand and pulled out "Jim" her jelly-dildo and said "Jim goes first". For the next few minutes she proceeded to fuck herself silly with the dildo - at the end I took over handling it so she could more easily get to her orgasm. Needless to say - it kept me on edge as I fucked her with the dildo till she screamed. I love seeing her orgasm like that and I could tell it was an intense one because for a few moments there the dildo was clamped in place by her pussy tightening on it as she orgasmed. Finally she relaxed a bit and let me slide it out of her. I put some lubricant on and as soon as I pulled it out of her I just said "my turn" and I pushed into her. I was already worked up enough but as she said stuff to me - it didn't take me long to orgasm myself which brought a squeal of delight from her. As we lay there still together she looked up at me and said "are you going to be okay with that? or is it too much?" As I'd caught my breath I just told her that I thought it would okay. She asked me if it was something that was sort of in-line with what I was wanting? I told her that it was and that while it wasn't something I'd thought about, that now that it'd sunk in a bit more, that I thought it would be okay.

Now, 3 days later - I am a bit torn on it. A part of me says I should be okay about this and even look forward to wanting it. But another part of me still has this thing about doing it in our own bed. I guess maybe I'm concerned that if it doesn't work out good for me that it might bother me in the future when it's just Sue and I and I can't forget about it. But on the other hand - I know that as a cuckold, it's something that I will probably be okay with and may even come to like.

So - that's the whole "big thing" that was hanging over her head. She knew how it had bothered me last time they did this - but that she also knew from what I'd told her that I wanted to feel and experience, that she (and Don) thought it was something that - afterwards - would be something we would all enjoy.

I guess maybe it's not a big thing to others here - but this is another of those things that are on the border of my comfort zone but nonetheless, I think I still want to experience.

Gotta run. It's going to be a busy week - kids graduations from 8th grade and high-school on top of craziness at work.

I think your and Sue's relationship is going to take on an interesting twist with this. I'm predicting it's going to be very hot for you. When I first posted about KA and I's first time with our mutual friend, it was in our bed. We haven't done it since then, and of course we were all three together the entire time, but it makes for some interesting memories.

I know I enjoy telling KA about how I want my bull (he lives in another city) to come and stay at the house with us for a couple days. Explaining that he and I will be in our bed, and KA will be staying in one of the guest rooms. Of course I would allow him to come in and watch, perhaps participate every now and then. ;-)

We have discussed using a baby monitor so he could hear us having sex, you might want to consider this?

Now of course we've not done that yet, but I understand how Sue was able to 'talk you into it' on Saturday... I seem to have the same effect on KA.. This past week, although we were in a hotel with my bull, there were a few scenarios that were similar and I need to tell you STB, KA was tormented just enough, and rewarded highly for it!

Enjoy and embrace your week, it sounds nuts!


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