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How to get Christain wife to cuckold

  • Thread startertuppinsinmo
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You might suggest to your wife that the average woman has 5-8 sexual lovers before marriage, and the average man has 4-11 lovers. And you think it is only fair that she should have a chance to have a chance to catch up with the average, as a gift of love from you because she has been a wonderful wife to you.

You would have to convince her that you wish to remain monogamous.
cpl40fun said:
My wife and I are devote Christians but also experienced in the lifestyle. I know, may be tough for some to grasp. But we know our lifestyle experiences are in sin. We don't lie to ourselves about it. We acknowledge it and move on.

If you love each other, you are not committing sin when you swing with other consenting adults.

Sin can happen when a man fucks the Vicar's wife and gets her pregnant, and the Vicar brings up the baby as his own, thinking it is his own.

If the Vicar gave prior permission for the baby-making session, then it is not sin - you are just giving the infertile Vicar a helping hand to top the marriage up with children who can add to his happiness.

Sin is giving HIV to others by not wearing condoms and not telling them you are HIV positive.

If love is involved, it is not sin. LOVE IS GOD'S GIFT TO HUMANS to be spread around like cow manure.

Sin is when a Finance company accepts deposits of money, knowing it is technically bankrupt and depositors could lose all their money.
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Sin depends on the thoughts involved

cpl40fun said:
My wife and I are devote Christians but also experienced in the lifestyle. I know, may be tough for some to grasp. But we know our lifestyle experiences are in sin. We don't lie to ourselves about it. We acknowledge it and move on.

Listed in the commandments is - "Thou shalt not commit adultery". If a wife gives her husband permission to lie with another woman, or a man permission for his wife to lie with another man ( for any reason) then neither of them has committed adultery.

"Surely - if they can't control themselves, they should go ahead and marry. It's better to marry than to burn with lust "- 1 Corinthians 7:9. St Paul advised this because it is better for a man to have a wife to relieve their lustful thoughts than to commit sins by those lustful thoughts. As Christ said - "But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart". Matthew 5:28. Here we are commanded how sinful it is to have lustful thoughts, in a marriage where one partner is sexually unfulfilled they will be consumed by lustful thoughts for others ( husbands for women and wives for men) so it is better for a spouse to give consent to their partner to allow them this sexual release than to have them live in sin daily.

Indeed God even commanded a man to forgive and love again an adulterous wife when he said - The LORD said to me, "Go, show your love to your wife again, though she is loved by another and is an adulteress" Hosea 3:1.

Sex in itself is not sinful - only when it is carried out either mentally or physically outside of God's holy ordinances. Sex between a man and a woman when consented to by marriage or agreed to by the other spouse is covered by the marriage vows and therefore scantified. However if either spouse lies with a married person who is committing adultery then they too are guilty of adultery.

God bless.
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And Joseph was okay with it because he was no match for the other being.

My wife had three guys before me and I told her I'm fine with it.
One thing that is a fact The BIBLE is not fiction.Did you know that everything that is happening right now (economy world currency ext.) is in the Bible.Every prediction has happened.I do not want to get into debating the truth. As a wanna be cuckold I struggle with this very thing.Sometimes I am glad my wife would rather be faithful to me all the while knowing she is free to have sex with whom ever she chooses.I am not trying to start a debate about the Bible I am just stating how I feel.If this gets me bared from this forum so be it. I am not going to blind my self to the truth just so I can satisfy my lust.
x2 it is very noble that you follow the bible. By biblical standards I started sinning at about age 12 or earlier when I peeped on female relatives (thou shalt not see the nakedness of thy ....); when I masterbated ( though shalt not spill thy seed on the ground); when I fornicated with various girl friends.
(My quotes are not accurate)
Man, we are just proceeding further. Maybe it is wrong biblically but is it not better to do things openly & consensually than behind each others backs?
MacNfries said:
Even though my father was a Methodist minister, and I've heard many a sermon from him, I won't get involved in this conversation other than to say, if you are a God fearing believer, then you know in your heart that cuckolding is a sin and violation of the scriptures. If you aren't a believer, you won't be troubled in the least with cuckolding or any other sin that you favor pleasurable to you.
Only thing you got to worry about is being wrong if God does exist and you are sinning. Mac

i am not a believer and i have never understood why anyone would fear the god they worship.
The proposition is faulty from its beginning:How Do I Get My Conservative Christian Wife to Hot-wife?" It s not YOU, it is SHE. She must want t become a Hot wife. Otherwise, you are trying her to be another person. No good can come from that.If she is a true believer of the bible...I think you are doomed. Personally, I do not consider the bible a manual for sex or sexual fulfillment, on the contrary.We cuckolds and slut women must be going to hell, according to the bible.I do not think a bit about that to be true. As far as you have a contract or consensus with your mate, and everything is done from mutual consent, I do not see a sin.Force your wife into something, or trying to manipulate her, is no good. I know, because I tried to do it. And it is worthless. If you want a sexual slave, seek for one that is submissive and likes that kind of stuff, or hire a ******. But Your Wife, is another matter altogether.
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bastanchury said:
My opinion is that Jesus never existed. He is a legend, like Hercules, or Achilles, or Superman. For an easy introduction to the scholarship I base my opinion on, I recommend the documentary The God Who Wasn't There..

As for the Bible, in my opinion it is a collection of writings, written by men and cobbled together. I find it disjointed, contradictory and some parts are really, really boring. Also, the translations are questionable. I think that if God were to write a book, He could do much better.

As for predictions in the bible coming true, I think people can look at the vague language and see in it whatever they want to see.

If there is a God, I think that He/She/Whatever is above caring about who has sex with whom on this little speck in the cosmos that we call Earth.

If you grew up in Christianity it is hard to shake the brainwashing. It is probably easier to think that I am The Devil. I assure you I'm not. I grew up Catholic. I love my wife very much and I like it when other guys fuck her. Luckily my wife and I share the same views about Christianity.

Omitting the last paragraph (and noting I did not grow up Catholic), I second this view. For those who may be interested, a good summary of many of the reasons for not being religious can be found here:

"Atheist Universe: the thinking person's answer to Christian fundamentalism," by David Mills (2006, Ulysses Press, 271 pp. [paperback]). Interestingly, Mills is a former—recovering, one might say—evangelical Christian.
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Why be hypocrites? I thought that all about being a cuckold was renouncing hypocrisy. Here is what IMHO I see going on the post that initiated this thread:

1) Manipulation: Poster intents to use Christian doctrine to convince a wife, and maybe even to find reasons to feel better himself. Why? why not just do what you do without having to find a justification? Because the woman in question is tough to convince? Women are sooo smarter than men, that sometimes they pretend they need to be convinced, so that if they "give in", it was because the man "convinced"them. That's why they so much love it when a bull sees through them and doesn't play their game. I acknowledge this is a subconsious game, so most times women play along with it, although it is possible to cut through it. Most times, women already know what they have their mind setup to do.

2) Delusion: Let's just suppose that for whatever stretch of the imagination, what cuckolds do, that is sending their wife's to fuck with other men, is (wow!) w-r-o-n-g.... then be it. Then it is, and then so what? then cuckolds are evil and lets just hope we all meet in hell (when there, I will lookup for some of the handles in this forum). What really matters is that we own our destiny, and if we chose to do wrong, at least give us the consolation to know that we know that we are doing wrong.

3) Deceipt: Using Christianity to manipulate someone else's mind, is sooooo old. 1,700 hundred years ago roman Emperor's Constantine (and his group) discovered this for the first time in a major scale, naming this discovery Christianity, and thereby geniously insuring the political and financial dominance of their kind until present day. Hopefully we have learned something in all this years, although human nature will forever remain the same. I thought cuckoldry was above this.
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Thanks for your post, in which you make some good points. Regarding your concluding comments:

KingDavid said:
.... Hopefully we have learned something during all these years.

Massive evidence, unfortunately, shows that this conclusion is wrong.

KingDavid said:
...although human nature will forever remain the same.

You have this right.

KingDavid said:
I thought cuckoldry was above this.

Wishful thinking. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your point of view), cuckold husbands and cuckoldress wives are homo sapiens just like all the homo sapiens on our planet. They have, however (as you imply, in effect), a willingness to pursue a style of sex not in conformity with the "official views" of the massive majority, even though cuckolding is a result of the evolution of our species and our homonid predecessors over about 6 million years of time. For this reason, those who think this form of behavior can be "stamped out" are also indulging themselves in wishful thinking.

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Claude123 said:
The proposition is faulty from its beginning:How Do I Get My Conservative Christian Wife to Hot-wife?" It s not YOU, it is SHE. She must want t become a Hot wife. Otherwise, you are trying her to be another person. No good can come from that.If she is a true believer of the bible...I think you are doomed. Personally, I do not consider the bible a manual for sex or sexual fulfillment, on the contrary.We cuckolds and slut women must be going to hell, according to the bible.I do not think a bit about that to be true. As far as you have a contract or consensus with your mate, and everything is done from mutual consent, I do not see a sin.Force your wife into something, or trying to manipulate her, is no good. I know, because I tried to do it. And it is worthless. If you want a sexual slave, seek for one that is submissive and likes that kind of stuff, or hire a ******. But Your Wife, is another matter altogether.

Sorry to throw spanners, but the most devout appearing religionists have the kinkiest tastes in sex practice. A huge number of Europes' nobility during the middle ages were born from incest and paedophilia. I expect that the same may be true in todays religion hierachy!
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bastanchury said:
My opinion is that Jesus never existed. He is a legend, like Hercules, or Achilles, or Superman. For an easy introduction to the scholarship I base my opinion on, I recommend the documentary The God Who Wasn't There.

Thanks for raising this fascinating point, Bastanchury, which is well beyond merely "interesting." The question of whether the central hero of Christianity, Jesus Christ, did or did not exist, and if he did exist, whether he was in reality as presented by Christianity in the New Testament, is definitely an important problem. I wouldn't assert bluntly that Jesus Christ never existed, but in my opinion this is an unsolved problem.

Some source material on the possibility that Jesus Christ may or probably did not exist can be found in these sources.

DVD: “The God Who Wasn’t There”
The God Who Wasn't There

“The Jesus Puzzle,” by Earl Doherty (1999?):
JESUS PUZZLE: Preamble - Part One

Short Synthesis of “The Jesus Puzzle,” by Earl Doherty:
Jesus Puzzle - Quick Assembly

The Christ Myth Theory (Wikipedia):
Christ myth theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Christ Did Exist Theory (Wikipedia):
Historicity of Jesus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Causes for skepticism include:

—Jesus Christ left no writings of any kind. [Editorial comment by “C. Laststand:” This suggests that if Jesus Christ existed he was illiterate, which would not be surprising since most people of that time were. But, would God (whoever that is) have sent a representative to earth who couldn’t write to create a permanent record informing the unruly citizenry what he expects of them?]

—No descriptions of Jesus Christ and his activities appear in the writings of the (literate) historians who left written histories of the period that included J.C.’s lifetime.

—Authorship of the first-written book of the New Testament, now considered to be Mark (not Matthew), was either shortly before or shortly after 70 CE. (Note: CE => Common Era. 0 CE is close to but has replaced 0 AD as a time datum to eliminate ambiguity.)

—Matthew, now considered to be the second-written book of the New Testament, is thought to have been authored between 70 and 85 CE.

—It is now generally agreed that Luke, now considered to be the third-written book of the New Testament, also dates from the decades 70 to 85 CE.

—The book of John is now considered to have been authored late in the first century or by 110 CE.

—For these dates see pages 339 to 342 of “Don’t Know Much About The Bible,” by Kenneth C. Davis (1999 / 2001, 533 pp. [paperback]). Davis, BTW, is an historian not a man of religion.

—In other words, none of the earliest books of the New Testament were written by Jesus Christ’s supposed disciples nor by anyone else who lived contemporaneously with J.C. and knew him personally. A long time period elapsed before the first New Testament books were written that ostensibly give a detailed account of his life, or rather, of the short time period during which J.C. ostensibly preached then met an unfortunate death.

—As pointed out in “The God Who Wasn’t There” DVD and as noted by Bastanchury (above), Jesus Christ appears to be a composite hero presented in the New Testament with characteristics almost, if not exactly, the same as a number of earlier god-like heroes... i.e., walking on water, performing miracles, etc. The earlier heroes vanished in the sands of time after the shift to belief in one god instead of many gods. Most people today who consider themselves religious know nothing about these earlier gods and their supposed attributes long known to have been mythical, and the close similarity of these mythical attributes to Jesus Christ's supposed attributes.

To the extent I've looked into it (I have not looked into it extensively, admittedly), it appears to me that those — including the most widely-respected biblical and archeological scholars — who have set out to prove that the central hero of Christianity actually existed have found it somewhere between exceedingly difficult and impossible to do so "beyond a reasonable doubt." ("Proof beyond a reasonable doubt" is, of course, the standard [well, ideally the standard, anyway] formally expected for jury determinations of "truth" in U.S. courts of law.)

I have verified that all of the above links are "live." If you're interested but find you can't connect to these links from within this cuckolds.com software system, I suggest copying and pasting them directly into your browser.
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My take

I just decided to look into this whole life style a little closer and from my Religious background I think I could definitely conclude that at the very least anyone who engages in this and in Christianity, Judaism, or Islam would be leading quite a interesting and contrasting life.

I don't think the best way to go about this is to even try to justify it through religion, but through seduction. Remember, cuckoldry is about contrasting light and darkness. Both metaphorically and literally.

We have : White women, black men. (That's visual, not to imply other races don't contrast but none do as visually as this).

We have : Religious hot wives who would go to church with another man's semen in their panties.

We have : Men who seem like the dominant high powered career orientated kings of industry that go home and lick the stiletto heels of their insatiable wives and the seed from their respective well fucked pussies.

It's not about justifying it with Biblical verses or any text, it's about the contrasts. Next time you look at that perfect christian couple, realize that they too have a dark side. The lighter the picture, the darker the negative.

Now, it's not for us to sit there and judge them for hypocracy, because what's the point, this game wouldn't be fun if it was all out in the open. It's hott because the very women that could be teaching sunday school could be the same one's with multiple lovers and husbands who haven't fucked them in ages.

I don't know about you, but I love that thought.
Layer, you have a point, the reason that I am here is probably due my childhood; watching. observing eavesdropping on sunday school type teachers and aunts who I surmised were doing "naughty" stuff.
However, this thread is about a wife who does not want to play because her religion forbids it. I suppose it is a case of who wins the argument(comscience) : husband or God!
u r on shaky grounds when you try to modify a person's core beliefs, better to accept that there is room for tolerance of each other. Sex has to be consensual between two people.

A wife who takes a lover against her better judgement (to please her husband's kinkiness) might end up dissolving the marriage simply because her husband seems too flaky around wedding vows.

She can struggle with her husband's hidden reasons for sharing her body with other men, and her lover may be a lot better in bedroom activities.
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Yeah, I agree

It's repugnant to force someone in a moment of duress to do anything. I mean, this life style could potentially fuck a person's life up beyond recognition.

I think the original poster really means, how can I misuse a text without context to lull my wife into fooling herself into going and indulging in something she probably wants anyway because shes a human and humans aren't monogamous at all.

As far as the evolutionary chain goes, women are programmed to have one mate provide for them and their offspring, and several to provide DNA. Religion is really the only thing that prevents that from taking over I suspect.
@ layer five 'As far as the evolutionary chain goes, women are programmed to have one mate provide for them and their offspring, and several to provide DNA. '

whats your reference for this source?

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