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Just Out and About ....July 2020

  • Thread startersubhub174014
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  • #201
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Reactions: MyWifeWntsaBlkM
  • #212
well subchard…...won't be long now...…...this fall maybe....definitely sometime this winter...…...I have maybe 600 vids left to post...…..I used to gather enough hardcore pics to post the next day and have some left over...…..now it takes me 2 days to gather enough...have to pull the rest out of storage.....just lacking interest in looking! and a matter of time and out of pics...….I still look everynight…….for about an hour...…..used to be several
  • #213
thanks for all the posts subhub, and if you do retire from this do so with the knowledge that your work has been much appreciated! (especially so when I saw my wife on here!) but as long as you keep posting I'll keep commenting, as I'm sure will LikesMMF
  • #214
subchard said:
thanks for all the posts subhub, and if you do retire from this do so with the knowledge that your work has been much appreciated! (especially so when I saw my wife on here!) but as long as you keep posting I'll keep commenting, as I'm sure will LikesMMF

not going right away....and don't know when......just know I am bored looking for pics...burned out.....and have been using what I have in storage about twice a week.....those won't last forever
  • #215
I agree completely with subchard's comment
  • #216
thank you subchard
thanks LikesMMF…...never thought I would just get burned out......one or 2 nights a week I don't look for anything....just watch tv.never did that...………..but I have a huge assortment of pics in storage....so see when...probably fall...definitely winter

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