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My first black lover.

  • Thread starterfunwife04
  • Start date
Thank guys gals an couples for you comments and support.

I find it fascinating how so many men who visit here are taken in by the false stories of 12 inch cock and rough sex with hundreds of men gang bangs etc. All fed by the porn industry and when you recount real events they dont want it. No wonder they are so dissolusioned with it all.

They get suckered into stories told by white men and miss the real encounters and things people get into. You just have to go to the chat room and see the names they give themselves all what they think is the hwite female fantasy and of course mainly fed by white men. Aki was big very big but he wasnt 12 or even 11 inches and in all the black men i have fucked only two were over 9 inches and only a few were 9 inches.

Thanks more to follow for the real people here the rest please go look elsewhere and get fed bullshit by fake men.

thanks again guys and gals.
Thanks, Funwife.....your comments imply some legitimacy for your IR lifestyle, which I generally find rare in most of the so-called "true" stories posted in the sites I have visited, like Dark Cavern and others. However, you do seem a little too "easy"...or is this typical for the white wife/IR scene?? Your photo certainly looks believable....and interestingly enough, is a very close match for myself....which gives me a little ego boost......ha
Thanks netanpetite but it is not about credibility but about recounting things and letting people enjoy them or not. As to easy perhaps yes but you have to be aware that there were long periods between some things and to tell all would need a whole book whci his not what this is about.

You could say I was easy. After some 30 years of normal boring sex I discovered something exciting and found a part of me that I was not aware of and of course after crossing one barrier white black sex then others happen and you kind of get into the lifestyle and it seems sily to not do them again if required besides why refuse things if they are fun and safe?

The idea of these experiences is to enjoy them not question or judge but just to enjoy. those who dont enjoy them that is their right and those who do good I hope you have fun.
Love that natural bush.

Would look sooooo good with a baby in that tummy!
Homer, you're positively insatiable. I've never seen a man so locked into the breeding scene....but believe me, if you had to experience the "results" from the other side, you might not be so anxious...
Obviously, I have not "experienced" pregnancy, but my wife did and asode form food averson for the first two or three months with our first, it did not seem bad. Both deliveries were easy.

And she was soooo sexy (althought she would not let me fuck her).

MY comment was from the POV of the male enjouing the "fruits of his labors."

I suppose I was off base for my last remark. I should have realized the deeper meaning of your thought. I can see how planting the seed can impart a huge turn-on for the guy, especially for the guy planting it.....now if he were only black......hmmmmmmmmm
Would love to see you layed out and well fucked Neat. :D
Blue Moon, I'll have to confess your suggestion has crossed my mind more than once in these past few months. Perhaps as I travel more deeply into the Dark Cavern Forum something "interesting" might develop.

I find Funwife's experiences especially enthralling. .....if it were only that easy...
I understand. And wait for the day. As a good cock slips into your pussy. :D
Well you go through life doing things that are and and seem exciting like i did fro 30 years, then something comes along an event a situation like cmine and you cross over a barrier and find something enthralling and exciting and enjoyable. Once you have crossed that barrier you become more aware and more susceptable to further things and you find yourself going down a new road. exciting but not always the way you want it but you are now much more free about things and so you are more receptive to advances you look see things you didnt see before and so it happens. It isnt easy but once you have gone down the road you meet others who want to help some for their own ends some just because they genuinely like you. Men once they have found a woman who is sexually receptive open minded and malleable, will always push the boundaries out, just look at the men who come her they all want to watch or take pics or share white women it is very common at all levels if you are receptive and keep safe, petite, it happens and you have to want it too. i didnt know i wanted it, until it happened and then the men in my life white and black made it happen.

Have fun all of you.

Thanks, sweetheart. Your thoughtful commentary gives me something more to think about. But crossing that magic threshhold into an entirely new sensual lifestyle seems like an almost impossible hurdle for this girl. I have to wonder if the reality of it would ever equal the fantasy that I go to bed with every night..

I was to see a lot of that house over the next months. I was a bit sore after the first session but soon got used to his size and found it very exhilarating having sex with him. Aki was a big physically but very energetic and he loved to play games relishing in the fact that he was fucking me and would often embarrass me in company that he knew by making plain I was his mistress. He also wanted me to be smooth round the pussy but I was fearful Bob would notice and so we compromised with it being trimmed. We would meet when possible between children and school, family work for him and other things and Aki would push the limits taking me in all positions and outdoors, on the floor, the chair, the bath and even on one occasion at the beach. I found it exciting but stressful worrying if Bob could sense anything or when returning from an afternoon of sex and being again the wife and mother he knew where I had been but he never indicated nor made any reaction. Why or how he didn’t know I cant tell but his focus on work and other things made him a man who was not worldly aware which was good for me. I began to get men and black men getting very familiar with me and had to be very polite and keep them at bay and Chuck told me that it was because they all knew that I was fucking Aki as he told all his friends every detail about me. I tackled him over this and he laughed and told me not to worry our secret was safe.

The months passed and things settled into a routine which kind of took the gloss of the elicit sex and despite Aki trying things it did get a bit staid. I still got a real thrill form his monster cock and how it felt and oral sex was different.

Aki liked me to kneel between his legs as he laid back on the bed his legs dangling over the edge. I would suck his huge cock head and lick it and then push my tongue into the hole whilst massaging the root of his cock and his huge balls stroking the shaft with my other hand. He would lie back his eyes shut and let it build up inside him Then as he was close he would hold my head and I would then squeeze his cock shaft sucking hard on his cock head. I could feel his cock stiffen more and he would me letting out little grunting noises, which really turned me on. He would hold my head as I sucked hard and held his cock tight then he would grunt loudly and then I could feel his cock throb and the hot cum would gush into my mouth in long spurts. Aki was a prolific ejaculator and he would spurt four or five times into my mouth holding my head firmly. As his orgasm subsided he would release my head and let me pull back my mouth full of his cum some of which had gone down the back of my throat. He then liked to look at me as I faced him and swallowed his cum down. It was not very pleasant but it turned him on so much I did it for him.

I often felt that I should end it especially when at home acting the normal wife and mother. I would blush inwardly at things I may have done that afternoon on a bed naked being used by a huge black man. I would sit with my pussy still swollen from the sex talking to my husband (when he was there) and child as if I had, had a totally normal day but my mind was whirring and I felt a little shame at my antics saying to myself that’s the last time. But of course I didn’t and between childcare matters, friends, and other commitments I continued to meet Aki on afternoons or mornings when we could and we sometimes met for overnight sex when it was possible. Clarissa was a rock and any woman will tell you carrying out elicit sexually liaisons is not possible without trustworthy and good friends. I have to say I enjoyed the sex and in a relationship devoid of sex it was even more pleasurable. I also became very close to Chuck and his support and information and even encouragement was one of the things that made me keep going back. We often talked about how Bob was not aware of it and how he could fail to notice things. I could explain why he didn’t notice the change in my pussy how much more open it was as he never touched me but I had for a number of weeks had all the hair removed at Aki’s request and he had never even commented. Chuck put forward a theory that his sexual predilections lay elsewhere and the convenience of a marriage with child helped his career and so he chose not to notice so that he could keep it all tidy in his life. Perhaps and I have never asked him. Don’t get me wrong we got on very well and he was very supportive a good father and an excellent earner too he just didn’t want sex, well with me anyway. Chuck told me to just go for it and enjoy it all as it wasn’t harming anyone.

The months passed and on a hot January evening at a private party Aki introduced me to a very close friend of his, Gideon. Gideon was a tall slim black man of West African origin who had been at University with Aki and their families had associations going back years. They were very close friends but Gideon had remained in America and now ran a successful business there importing and exporting goods from West Africa. Gideon was over for a few weeks on business and pleasure and had arrived that morning. Aki left us to go and talk to someone and Gideon and I chatted. He was a very articulate man and interesting to talk to. We had been chatting for about 10 mins. when he looked straight at me and said “Aki has told me all about you”. I blushed and said “Oh yes good things I hope” which was a bit lame but I couldn’t think of a suitable response. “Yes he has told me you and he are lovers and that you are a hot bitch in bed!” I was shocked, as that was not a term I had heard used before but it was very American as I was to find out later. He looked at me intently and said “I hope to experience it one day and hope we can become close friends” I mumbled some sort of yes and looked down at my feet unsure of such a direct approach but of course he knew already I fucked black men so his approach was not so unusual really it just seemed so shocking to me at the time. He smiled and laughed and put his hand on my arm “Don’t be worried I am a discrete man” and he laughed and began to talk about other things, much to my relief!!

A couple of days passed and I got a call from Aki wanting to arrange to meet sometime. He had been away with Gideon and had just got back. His family were away in the USA and he was going around with Gideon meeting people and seeing their friends and family up country. I arranged to meet him the next afternoon as my child was going on a school trip and Clarissa was collecting the kids from school. The day started with the usual routine of child to school home to do a few things then I changed to meet Aki. It is part of the thrill to dress for such an assignation and I liked to look sexy. Sexy not tarty. I put on a blue summer dress of light cotton and some sandals with 3-inch heels. I wore no underwear but put some cotton panties in my handbag and some tissues as often I would drip long after we had finished so I liked to use the tissues as pads. I set off for the house and felt good. It was a hot humid day but the wind flowing through the car made it very pleasant and I love the sun and bright skies so I was in a very good mood and looking forward to some sex having not had any for about 4 days.

I drove into the yard and the keeper closed the gates behind me. I often wondered if he peeped through the window to see what was going on and it gave me a little shudder down my spine. The big Mercedes was parked against the wall and I walked up the steps and crossed the veranda. My heart suddenly began to race as I heard Aki talking to someone and as there was no phone at the house I knew he wasn’t talking into one. I passed through the big front door into the gloom of he shaded lounge and as I did so I saw Gideon sitting there dressed in blue slacks and an open necked white shirt his long legs stretched out in front of him and some soft brown Italian style slip-ons on. My heart was racing and I thought “Shit what is going on” but I smiled and said “Hello”. Both men stood up and Aki smiled kissing me on the cheek. “Yopu know Gideon he said I introduced him to you a few days ago” I nodded yes and offered my hand to Gideon who took it an pulling me to him kissed me on the cheek. “You look lovely my dear “ he said stepping back my hand still in his and looked me up and down. I felt myself colour up and thanked him my throat a little dry from my surprise and my rising concern.

Aki asked if I would like a drink and I noticed a bottle of beer on the floor by the couch. There had never been any drink here before unless Aki brought some wine, which surprised me even more. I needed to stall for time and asked what he had. He offered me beer and some soft drinks and I opted for a soft drink and he disappeared off into the kitchen area. Gideon proffered me a seat near him on the couch and I sat down my short skirt rising a little higher than I wanted so I crossed my legs an action that was closely observed by Gideon. Aki returned with my drink and stood in front of me as we chatted. The talk was a bit stiff at first as I was feeling out of sorts not sure what was going on and trying not to appear alarmed. The men were confident and relaxed and gave nothing away. I am not totally naïve and I was sure this was a set up and was thinking of some way to escape when Gideon placed his hand on my bare knee and gently squeezed it. “You are very lovely” he said in a deep voice and looking me in the eye asked “Have you ever had two men at one time?” I must have gone scarlet as my face felt very hot and I looked down at the floor and told him no I had never had two men at one time and now my mind was racing as I knew what was intended. I was angry, anxious and excited at the same time and these mixed emotions rooted me to the spot and I was lost for words. Gideon’s hand was now gently stroking just above my knee. I looked up at Aki hoping for some kind of signal or for him to stop what was happening but he was beaming all over his moon face with excitement and I knew I could not rely on him for rescue. I sat watching Gideon’s hand stroke my thigh pushing back my hem with every stroke and felt Aki place his hand on my head and I turned to see his huge cock out of his trousers semi-hard and he pulled my head towards it. I now resigned myself to the situation and although a little annoyed at not being asked before hand I admit I was excited. Gideon was pulling on my thigh to indicate I should part my legs and I obliged him as I took Aki or as much of Aki as I could into my mouth. Gideon soon had his fingers rubbing my pussy and had removed one tit from my dress his other fingers expertly stimulating my nipple. The sensations of sucking a cock and being played with was fantastic and I was soon dripping.

“The bitch is really on heat” that word again but I was not caring now and my legs were fully parted and Gideon probed me expertly and Aki was moaning as I sucked his cock. Group sex changes men as lovers. One to one they make love stroking, talking, ramming and concentrating on you wanting to receive as well as give. Group sex brings out the macho competitive element in their nature and their voyeuristic tendencies take wing with a vengeance. They fuck you in a way trying to show they can last, they can make you cum over and over again, they want to make you moan and groan as much as possible. They show off, put on a show and you are just the receptacle for their game. The sex is a little more cold, but you get a lot of it and it is in a strange way more intense. I was now laying back on the couch my dress round my waist my breasts out and my legs open as Gideon played with me. Aki had taken himself onto the floor his trousers removed watching the whole scene whilst stroking his very hard cock his eyes sparkling with excitement at what he saw. Gideon was now working my pussy with his fingers commenting on how open I was and that Aki had spoilt me for normal men stretching me too much. They were now openly discussing my pussy and me as if I wasn’t there commenting on the noises it made as he finger fucked me and enjoying my reaction to his administrations. I lay back just concentrating on the sensations he was causing to me, half listening to their banter. I was very aroused now and more relaxed about the whole thing excited to see what Gideon’s cock looked like. Gideon pulled on my dress wanting to remove it totally and I lifted my hips to assist him to do so. I now lay totally naked except for my shoes and watched as Gideon stood up and began to remove his clothes. Gideon was tall like Aki, dark skinned but with a very slim athletic wiry body, which is how I like my black men. He had tight grey hairs on his chest and his cock was black and hard, not huge like Aki but more than average and it was circumcised. He stood looking down at me then got onto the couch placing himself between my legs. “Pull your legs up bitch “ he growled and despite the harsh language it excited me and I lifted my knees to my chest as he placed his cock head against my open wet hole. Gideon rubbed the head of his cock along my slit as Aki watched from the floor and enjoyed my reaction commenting on how hot I was for cock and what a hot bitch I was. The words in my arousal were exciting despite their derogatory term and it added to the exhilaration of this new experience. I held my legs for him so he could enjoy my pussy and looked down at his black cock sliding along my slit the site of it making me even more excited. Gideon then held my ankles and pushing my legs up he guided his cock into he hole all the time watching my face then he just pushed in one long hard stroke making me cry out at the sheer pleasure of it entering me. The first entry when aroused is always the most intense. “Listen to the bitch scream she is made for cock this white lady!” and he began to fuck me furiously causing rude noises to escape from my sopping hole and making me cry out in pleasure and the competition was on as he used all the control he could to work me hard without him Cumming and he soon had me begging and thanking him as my orgasm hit me and I clung to him squeezing and hugging as the intensity of it overwhelmed my body. I have very good orgasms and Joseph and Aki had given me many such orgasms but this one was different it was mixed with a certain amount of humiliation at being watched in my most intimate moment by another man and the man filling my hole was a virtual stranger. Knowing I was being used by the men, the situation I was in all added to the excitement so it was very intense indeed. Gideon did not stop he just kept on thrusting enjoying my reactions and discomfort putting on a show for Aki, being the macho stud. As I came out of my orgasm that seemed to last for ages I could see Aki sitting on the floor his big torso resting against a chair his legs splayed his huge cock in his hand as he enjoyed watching me take his friends cock. He had a far away look of sheer pleasure on his face. Gideon kept pounding lifting my legs high and slamming his hips into my buttocks driving me into the hard floor which was a little painful but he would not be stopped and I resigned myself to his passion knowing my back would be sore later. I wanted to feel him offload into me but he was putting on a show for Aki and was keeping control of his release. I clung to him feeling his hard hips thump into me and his balls bounce on my taughtly stretched buttocks as he made every effort to make me squeal and moan and beg, and was very successful in his efforts.

“Hell this bitch was made for fucking she is so wet and silky and giving in there” he quipped to Aki. “She could take a bull up her after your monster Aki” he said and they laughed their banter going on as if I wasn’t there and my pussy was now making wet rude sounds as he pounded air deep into me with his cock. Finally he tired and pulled out his shining black shaft up hard as he knelt back on his heels. “Roll over bitch on your knees I am going to fuck you like a dog” I rolled over grateful for the release from the hard floor and my back. Gideon moved me round until I was facing Aki and he pushed me to him “Suck his cock girl he said” as my face was pushed into Aki’s crotch. I took Aki’s cock in my hand and began to suck the huge head. Gideon guided his cock into my hole and began to thrust fast and hard surprising me and pushing Aki’s cock own my throat hurting my jaw and making me gag. I am not good at deep throat and this huge thing was really too much and I thought I would choke as I couldn’t get back to release it as Gideon was pounding me from the rear. Finally, gasping for air I got away and my face was buried in Aki’s crotch. I could smell his musk and sweat and his hard meat was on my cheek. I was panting from being choked and the sensations in my pussy from Gideon’s hard cock.

“Go bitch eat his cock don’t leave him alone” I took the huge head into my mouth again and between gasping at the hard thrusting and being driven into Aki I managed to suck his head as he liked. Aki was moaning deeply and grunting in pleasure as he watched his friend take me from behind and enjoyed my cock sucking. Gideon fucked me hard from behind and to his delight I suddenly had an orgasm, which made me thrust onto him and let out a long moan of pleasure as it just took me by surprise. “Yes bitch you love it .. white women cant get enough cock” and he continued to fuck me hard which made me very jumpy as I had orgasmed and was still all electric down there..
That's extreemly hot. Please continue... I enjoy your stories imensely. ben
Gideon was now stroking into me with steady strong strokes and I was a lump of flesh quivering under him as his thighs hit my buttocks. Aki lay there just watching now, enjoying what he saw letting his friend fuck me deep. My knees were sore from the hard floor and I was willing Gideon to shoot into me so I could get some relief but he was not ready to let me go that easily and had other plans. I felt him part my buttocks as he stroked into me and felt him begin to feel my rear hole. “You had this used yet bitch” he said his fingers now pushing on my closed hole with some strength. I mumbled no and tried to move his hand away but he just patted me away and began to push his finger into me. “Very tight needs to be opened up” I tried to pull away but he just pulled me back then pulled out of my vagina and I felt his cock head against my rear. “No please don’t” I said weakly but he was pushing his head hard against my rear and holding my shoulder with his free hand so that I didn’t move away. I felt it push then my tight rear muscle just give out and I felt it pop and it was in me. Now I can tell all you men anal sex like this hurts a lot and I let out a cry as the burning sensation of his ****** entry hit me it was awful and I was not crying for real and sking him to stop as it hurt so much. Gideon told me to relax and not fight it and was not so lost in lust he was fucking me quite hard. I was really hurting but as he stroked a bit the pain got less and was replaced by an uncomfortable sensation inside me. I tried to relax as he began to get quicker and I knew he was going to cum at last. He thrust hard and with the tightness of my hole around his cock I could feel it pumping and he was grunting like a bull and saying “Yess yessssss yessss “ over and over again as he released himself into my rear hole. He stayed there deep in me until his pleasure had subsided then he pulled out. I got up and my hand went straight to my rear it had felt as if he had split me and my hole was all open but my finger found it was just all wet and slippery and tender down there. I thought to myslf my god what am I doing a married mother here on the floor getting fucked up the rear like a ***** by a black man I had only known for a few days. I didn’t have much time to dwell on it as Aki was now in need of relief and got me to straddle his huge cock and ride him hard. I pumped up and down madly my head spinning from the exertions and my rear burning slightly which seemed to add to the sensation I feeling and as Aki let go into me I felt my own orgasm coming and said “Yes, yes babe!! let me have it give it to me give it all to me” and I had a second orgasm feeling that huge thick black pleasure pole letting go inside me.

I collapsed on to of Aki breathing like and express train and we lay for a while all of us savouring the experience. “Hell lady you are one hell of a fuck” Gideon said “You were born for cock lady” I assume this was a compliment and whilst I had enjoyed it a lot I still felt a little used and abused and somewhat ashamed at what I had just done but I knew I would do it again.

Gideon got up and went to the bathroom and I got of Aki and sat on the floor looking at his huge glistening cock. “You enjoyed that darling?” Aki asked “Mmmmm” I said nodding yes feeling his cum dripping slowly out of my open hole and wanting the toilet as I had a weird pressure on my rear from the cum in there that I needed to attend to.

Gideon returned and smiled at me as I got up and went to attend to myself and clean up a bit. I washed and expunged my rear of his Gideon’s juices. When I came out of the bathroom the men were not in the lounge and I could hear them talking in the bedroom. I wanted to go as I had to get back and looked round an found my crumpled dress and shoes I then went back into the bathroom and suing my ‘sex kit’ I put on a pad to absorb some of the cum that was still dripping and then tried my best to make my face look fresh as it was all flushed and red from sex, my mascara had run from my tears of pain at the anal sex and my hair was a birds nest all tangled. I repaired myself as best I could and went through to the men who were lying on the bed talking. I went over to Aki to kiss him good by telling him I had to go but he grabbed me and said “Hey darling you cant go now the fun has just started” and he ran his hand up my leg stroking my thighs. I tried to pull away but he held me hard and pulled up my skirt pushing his hand under my pants and probing my pussy “I have to go babe I will be late please” but he was not in the mood to let me go and soon my pants were pulled down mid thigh and his fingers were probing my still open pussy. I sighed and parted my legs a little to let him finger me and insisted I had to go but realised I wasn’t going to get away that easily. Aki removed my pants and got me to kneel on the edge of the bed he pushed my dress up at the back and I felt his harness on the mouth of my open hole and then he was into me in a huge thrust and I couldn’t stop myself from crying out at the pleasure it gave me. Aki began to thrust into me pulling my hips back onto his cock with every thrust. I looked across at Gideon who was watching with real pleasure as I was taken from behind by this monster cock. It is a little humiliating the first time a man watches you in you most private moments and I felt a little embarrassed at him looking at my face and as I took cock from behind so I dropped my head to the bed and tried to cover my face as much as possible from his gaze. Aki was really enjoying himself and was in no hurry, which was very worrying as I was going to be really late and we had guests coming over for dinner in the evening. Gideon now got on the bed and patted my head until I lifted it and he then pushed his cock into my mouth fucking me from the front as well. (I have since been told it is called spit roasting by men). I was not getting well rammed from behind and with cock in my mouth I couldn’t really do much anymore but go with the whole thing.
They fucked me like that talking to each other commenting about what a fuck I was and how I felt to their cocks as if I wasn’t there. I was just the toy for their pleasure. All men once they find a woman who is compliant will push the limits of their fantasy and Aki and Gideon were no exception and after a while they repositioned me with Aki under me his huge cock buried in my pussy then Gideon climbed on from the rear and pushed his cock into my pussy along with Akis’. DP is ok but it is not as good as a real fuck with strong ramming as one of the men cant move and it is very restrictive in how you can fuck but it turns men on and it enjoyable as a variation. The two men fucked like this for a while with us all laughing at how I took both of them and every time one slipped out they cursed. Gideon decided after it had slipped out once too often to take me from the rear again and telling me to relax he wet my rear with his spit and began to push into me. I tried to relax as it pushing into me and whilst it still burnt a bit it was not so bad and soon he was deep in me and both men began to fuck me slowly. It is a strange feeling the cock in my pussy felt really sexy as all my nerves are there and the one in my rear felt sort of dull but I could definitely feel it in me and I could feel them rub through the membrane separating my rear passage from my vagina. It was strange but sexy at the same time and I was soon getting close to an orgasm as both men pumped steadily into me careful not to slip out.

I felt my face flush and my neck get hot and my nipples went hard and I then had a tingly sensation that this time seemed to run deep into my anus along Gideon’s cock and my clit felt like it was 10 times its size. I really moaned it was soooo sexy but weird and I had never felt that before and the men said “Go baby go, you like that, go yes, yes let it go” I clung to Aki trying to squeeze my thigh the pleasure was so great and then I felt Gide3on go stiff and he was grunting his pleasure as once more he filled my rear. I lay on Aki with Gideons cock still in me until Gideon got cramp in his thighs and pulled out of me then Aki rolled me over and his huge bulk got between my legs and with a passion and ferocity I had not seen with him before he rammed my sopping hole like a mad man, making my pussy make wet farting noises and taking my breath away with every thrust and finally with a huge bull bellow he let go into me and once more I was dripping cum.

We lay getting our breath back but I was now agitated about home and I jumped up and gathered my things quickly repaired my face and hair and with sopping knickers from cum I rushed off saying a quick good bye and drove as quickly as I could home. I got home an hour late and was really worried but Bob was in his study doing some work and never even noticed me. That evening as we sat round the table talking to our guests I had a strange moment as I looked at the guests and Bob and thought if only you all knew that I was naked just a few hours earlier spread and taking African cock in both holes it was sort of worrying and sexy at the same time and I felt myself flush up with the thought and Bob asked I felt ok as I looked all flushed. I said I was fine and got up to make coffee thinking that was the last of my adventures but of course I was kidding myself.

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