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New National Anthem of USSA

  • Thread startermissouri_hubby
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Lovemilf's good luck trying to keep your beliefs for the next 4 yrs. To me his value's match a two dollar ***** on dolarr night. And yes I'm a dem and have been my entire life.
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As anyone who's read my posts knows I have no love for either candidate. However, the recent ravings, inconsistencies and smear campaign of McCain and Palin demonstrate clearly to me that these are people so desperate for power that they will stop at nothing.
I had enough of that with Bush, Cheney and Rove and certainly don't want to have another 4 years of it. You guys echoing slanderous nonsense that reflects nothing about policy issues nor reality just reinforce my opinion.

Thank you.
I am a 57 y/o Black Man (if it matters) and alas............. I see the racisim lives in many of the responses regarding the national anthem thread. Politics is a subject people will always differ on, so we should allow for those differences and accept that people have the right to disagree. It troubles me to hear the racisist tones of the disagreement I witness here. Black is no better than white and White is no better than black. Deal with the campaign promises and past political differences of the candidates and try to be color blind (if you can sit your racism aside) as you select the candidate for you.

When the Terrorists killed all the innocent Americans during 9/11, they did not segregate the whites from the blacks, hispanics, asians, gays, straights, jews or any other segment of society. They killed PEOPLE.

In closing I would suggest we all open our minds and hearts and start judging, hiring and promoting people based upon their skills and the content of their character rather than the color of their skin.

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It's sad to see the depths that this campaign has sunk to and how people's political opinions are formed.

Children singing, Obama is an arab/terrorist/socialist/hitler/muslim, he cohorts with terrorists, his terrorist buddy was the ghost writer for his books, he's going to raise taxes, nationalize healthcare, and he's going to talk with our enemies and give away the country.

On the Democratic side, they associate McCain with Bush and somehow Republicans reconcile name calling,fear mongering and just plain old lies because the Dems are 'smearing' McCain through this association?

Then the Republicans wonder why they're losing ground daily. The American people (except for the hardcore partisan voter) have had enough of this and that becomes more apparent daily. There is hope for the American electorate after all. Maybe they finally recognize that fiddling while Rome burns is just not a smart thing to do.
Will & Eve said:
I don't disagree that McCain's campaign people (who seem to be off the leash) are embarrassing themselves, but I don't see much better behavior on the other side of the aisle. Even the simple assertion that the current credit crisis is a result of "Bush economics" is dishonest on even the most casual observation.

The Repubs will do anything for power? Yeah, I imagine.

So will the Dems.

And the same goes for the Democrat power-brokers in the Senate and House.

If we want to just change the guard, that's fine...throw the GOP out of the White House and throw Pelosi and Reid (and Frank and Dodd and the rest) out of leadership in the Congress and I can deal with that.

I saw a poll recently that said 59% of people would vote, if they could, to replace the entire congress with new people - sadly, 59% of the people won't have the balls to apply that to their own senator and Representative.

Questioning Bush economics and associating mcCain with them is a legitimate political issue with reasonable arguments from both sides possible. Accusing someone of cavorting with terrorists, being an Arab/muslim/ hitler/ socialist/ terroriist/traitor isn't. It's just plain old fear mongering.

How you can equate the two completely escapes me.
missouri_hubby said:
All Hail Lord Obama!

YouTube - Glenn Beck presents the Obama National Anthem

And here's the words if you want to worship along:

All Hail the messiah, Obama, Obama,
The path to the new Socialist Motherland!
Our Savior, Our Savior, Obama, Obama,
The leader more famous than Lindsay Lohan!
Bow down and praise the One!
Give him your money and your guns!
Give us a country that makes your wife proud!
Lord Barry heal the bitter ones,
White and clinging to faith and to guns!
Hope for the change of the hope of the change!

"You're a dick!"
tileman said:
A lot of blacks think like you. I am a white man, and I have to problem with a black man being president. Get some one like Colon Powell, someone that will do right for America. I don't care if they are black, white, yellow, green or whatever, as long as they stand for the USA. Obama, has no use for your God nor anything this country stands for. Just like the statement that he didn't know his reverend stood where he stood. If a person believes that they are bad niave. I vote for the man. I hope you do to, Thanks Tileman

again you're assuming you know what's best for "this country". you represent roughly 1/300MILLIONTH of this country so please use a more specific argument than just some vague pseudo-patriotic b.s.
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missouri_hubby said:
Seems to be a lot of variations on this. Here's the one I found.


As I said: History repeats itself. And we know where it led last time.

you compare obama to hitler? wow, you must totally be running out of arguments...can u give me ur phone number so i can call u and laugh right into your ear with the most obnoxious laughter you've ever heard?? pretty please?
missouri_hubby said:
All Hail Lord Obama!

YouTube - Glenn Beck presents the Obama National Anthem

And here's the words if you want to worship along:

All Hail the messiah, Obama, Obama,
The path to the new Socialist Motherland!
Our Savior, Our Savior, Obama, Obama,
The leader more famous than Lindsay Lohan!
Bow down and praise the One!
Give him your money and your guns!
Give us a country that makes your wife proud!
Lord Barry heal the bitter ones,
White and clinging to faith and to guns!
Hope for the change of the hope of the change!

I gotta say this is a clever video! well done and amusing. but best of all it is a taste of what's to come from the Reps once Obama wins. since they have nothing to brag about and no solutions to offer other than failed policies, i suspect they will spend the remainder of the time between Obama's win and Bush leaving the office making all types of wild accusations...the wilder the better. then after bush leaves they'll spend the first year blaming obama for the remnant of bush's fu-k ups that obama hasn't cleaned up yet. yeah its gonna be fun fun fun.
Will & Eve said:
That's not the one I meant, I meant the marching column in fatigues chanting "Alpha! Omega!" as they come in the room.

Taught to do this by a teacher in their charter school.

Hadn't seen that one, but I'm going to look for it. Either way, the reason this sort of thing is distasteful is that kids are being taught to worship the leader, and thus the state. This is a tactic of every dictator of the past century... Hitler, Stalin and the rest, who have tried to abolish religion in their societies and set themselves up as God. I'm sure Obama did not instigate this, but his followers should learn from history and not repeat ANY of the acts that led to some of the world's bloodiest conflicts.
Yep, I believe you're right. Obama WILL win! Some people are so certain they've already redesigned the flag.

Billed as the flag of the USSA. HA! I thought I made that term up! Amazing what you can find on the internet.
RoSquirts said:
Questioning Bush economics and associating mcCain with them is a legitimate political issue with reasonable arguments from both sides possible. Accusing someone of cavorting with terrorists, being an Arab/muslim/ hitler/ socialist/ terroriist/traitor isn't. It's just plain old fear mongering.

How you can equate the two completely escapes me.

Actually, I think they're ALL legitimate political issues... as long as they're true. We know Obama is not a Muslim, nor is he Hitler, nor has he set bombs to the Pentagon or blown up airplanes. But his socialist leanings are well documented in his speeches, activities, and voting record, and it is a known fact that he has associated with people that are have set bombs and professed themselves to be "a Communist with a little 'c'." So if you have Socialist beliefs isn't it likely that you will try to implement Socialist policies once in a position to do so? And if you associate with a certain type of person, isn't it likely you agree with them on most things, and those beliefs might well color the way you govern? I'm guessing if he was a Republican that sat down to dinner with Jerry Falwell for 20 years and gave speeches full of religion and voted that way every chance he got, his associations and his beliefs would be a VERY big deal and Democrats would shit all over themselves letting us know it.

I've said it before, I'll say it again: I'm not a great fan of McCain either. But if I have to choose between Carl Marx and Groucho Marx, I guess my vote goes to Groucho.

AND by the way, for all those who may give a crap, the Obama Anthem that started this thread didn't play on "Faux News," as it was called, or any other Liberal outlet. It originated on CNN... the "Clinton News Network".
missouri_hubby said:
Actually, I think they're ALL legitimate political issues... as long as they're true. We know Obama is not a Muslim, nor is he Hitler, nor has he set bombs to the Pentagon or blown up airplanes. But his socialist leanings are well documented in his speeches, activities, and voting record, and it is a known fact that he has associated with people that are have set bombs and professed themselves to be "a Communist with a little 'c'." So if you have Socialist beliefs isn't it likely that you will try to implement Socialist policies once in a position to do so? And if you associate with a certain type of person, isn't it likely you agree with them on most things, and those beliefs might well color the way you govern? I'm guessing if he was a Republican that sat down to dinner with Jerry Falwell for 20 years and gave speeches full of religion and voted that way every chance he got, his associations and his beliefs would be a VERY big deal and Democrats would shit all over themselves letting us know it.

I've said it before, I'll say it again: I'm not a great fan of McCain either. But if I have to choose between Carl Marx and Groucho Marx, I guess my vote goes to Groucho.

AND by the way, for all those who may give a crap, the Obama Anthem that started this thread didn't play on "Faux News," as it was called, or any other Liberal outlet. It originated on CNN... the "Clinton News Network".

If someone voted 'that way every chance he got, we should be debating it and know about it. Again, you're equating real political issues with despicable drivel like accusing someone of mind control, being a new Hitler, Arab, Muslim, terrorist, or somehow being responsible for a video on youtube.

It's funny though that even the fucked up things that Sarah Palin has said nor ads run by the RNC and other official Republican interests are attributed to McCain, even though he's supposedly running the show. One of my biggest concerns is that if McCain can't even control his own campaign, how can he run a country?

I'm bright enough to understand that there are people on both sides that will lie, smear and do just plain stupid things to support their candidate. However, anyone with an open mind can see that some McCain supporters are completely out of control and desperate and their efforts far exceed those of Obama's supporters. Witness your baseless claims as proof.

Please, for once, back up your claims of socialist behavior with something akin to facts. Not ridiculous videos of obviously aberrant behavior.

Are you even aware thet the community board that Obama and Ayers served on was started by and financially supported by dedicated republicans? That the board was concerned and involved in education? How does serving on this board make Obama a socialist or communist ? Because Ayers was on it ?

That leap of logic is far too wide for me to make.

What socialist/communist policies "are well documented in his speeches, activities, and voting record"? You keep making statements of this nature with no facts to support it. I'll be glad to concede it's true with facts. Just saying it doesn't make it so.

I have serious issues with Obama myself but certainly not based on this kind of baseless attack. I've stated them before. Basically I think he's inexperienced and just another politician promising America another bill of goods that he can't, won't and doesn't intend to deliver. But he remains level headed and has demonstrated effective leadership throught his campaign. John McCain has demonstrated the exact opposite. Once you discard all the bullshit (like this socialism, communism, nazi, muslim crap) my vote goes to Obama only because those are the attributes needed to perform the most basic duties of being president, IMHO.
Incidentally, someone needs to understand the differences between Fascism, Socialism and Communism. Of course, if it's just time to throw labels against the wall and hope they stick, guess it doesn't matter.
RoSquirts said:
What socialist/communist policies "are well documented in his speeches, activities, and voting record"? You keep making statements of this nature with no facts to support it. I'll be glad to concede it's true with facts. Just saying it doesn't make it so.

OK. Here's a good place to start. Wonderful thing about the internet; anyone who really WANTS the truth can generally find it.

Barack Obama’s Stealth Socialism (Not really so stealthy) « Don’t Get Me Started…

And don't stop there. Google it... follow the links... READ... That's what I've done. Golly Gee! You mean backwoods beer-swilling hicks can use a computer too? This one can, at least when I'm not too busy swilling beer or clinging to guns or religion. Here's a few definitions too, for those of you that went to public school and therefore missed them:




Just a start. Do your homework. BTW, Ms RoSquirts, DAMN YOU'RE CUTE! I'm sure if I met you in person it would be a great pleasure to know you. Polar opposites sometimes become the best of friends.:clap:
My research does not consist of links to blogs and editorials. If You're going to post 'proof' that he's a socialist/communist/fascist, try posting something besides other people's opinions. Are you not capable of formulating your own or do you just echo other's opinions? I don't read Obama propoganda and am certainly not goinig to start reading Mcain's either.
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here's more for you tube for the literally challenged

Since editorials and you tube videos seem to be the only fodder some here can comprehend, here's one for you.

It contains children, men in some kind of uniforms and a 'reverend' calling upon our god to beat their gods in the upcoming election.And this isn't some video of kids in a classroom somehwere. This is at a McCain rally in Davenport,Iowa.

YouTube - Rev. Arnold Conrad at McCain Rally - Jesus versus Obama?
ONE good thing about McCain, his IQ is double the overall average of those voting for him, vs Obama might be about one fifth over his constituency. I know all u reps probably disagree and think its closer to triple (such fans u are)...but ehhh i'm feeling generous today.

RoSquirts said:
If someone voted 'that way every chance he got, we should be debating it and know about it. Again, you're equating real political issues with despicable drivel like accusing someone of mind control, being a new Hitler, Arab, Muslim, terrorist, or somehow being responsible for a video on youtube.

It's funny though that even the fucked up things that Sarah Palin has said nor ads run by the RNC and other official Republican interests are attributed to McCain, even though he's supposedly running the show. One of my biggest concerns is that if McCain can't even control his own campaign, how can he run a country?

I'm bright enough to understand that there are people on both sides that will lie, smear and do just plain stupid things to support their candidate. However, anyone with an open mind can see that some McCain supporters are completely out of control and desperate and their efforts far exceed those of Obama's supporters. Witness your baseless claims as proof.

Please, for once, back up your claims of socialist behavior with something akin to facts. Not ridiculous videos of obviously aberrant behavior.

Are you even aware thet the community board that Obama and Ayers served on was started by and financially supported by dedicated republicans? That the board was concerned and involved in education? How does serving on this board make Obama a socialist or communist ? Because Ayers was on it ?

That leap of logic is far too wide for me to make.

What socialist/communist policies "are well documented in his speeches, activities, and voting record"? You keep making statements of this nature with no facts to support it. I'll be glad to concede it's true with facts. Just saying it doesn't make it so.

I have serious issues with Obama myself but certainly not based on this kind of baseless attack. I've stated them before. Basically I think he's inexperienced and just another politician promising America another bill of goods that he can't, won't and doesn't intend to deliver. But he remains level headed and has demonstrated effective leadership throught his campaign. John McCain has demonstrated the exact opposite. Once you discard all the bullshit (like this socialism, communism, nazi, muslim crap) my vote goes to Obama only because those are the attributes needed to perform the most basic duties of being president, IMHO.
toni said:
O'Bammy will lead us down the path of Islamic righteousness and a socialist society Hitler would be proud of.

One problem moron...Hitler's Germany was actually fascist, not socialist. And I'd say that "righteousness" as a negative connotation more accurately belongs to the far-right, Republican bible-thumper Christians who have misled this country to ruin the past 8 years.

Try again.
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