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While we're between lovers

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
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Beloved Member
Jun 27, 2007
It seems that Sue is actually becoming hornier the more time goes by without another guy in the picture.

I would say that I have gotten my wish for all of this as she is now, mid-month, seemingly horny all the time. Just yesterday afternoon when we were in the kitchen with our daughter downstairs - she pulled her jeans away from her body and pushed my hand down her pants. What I found was her pussy feeling incredibly wet and open! She said she'd been like this all day and had even had a really sexy dream on Friday night.

Last night over a bottle of champagne she teased me at first, lying in bed next to me with just a pair of skimpy panties on. I'd lean over to kiss her and suck at her breasts but she'd push my hands away from her pussy - claiming that it was for her lover only!. She knew what she was doing because all the while one of her hands was gently stroking my cock. She would tease me that I won't be fucking her until she finds a new lover who will. I swear, the way she sounded, it almost sounded like she was serious!

I got her very worked up - at one point she said "okay, I don't think my lover will mind you rubbing his pussy through my panties" and a second later she said "but you're not getting underneath them!". I played along - honestly - at that point I didn't care if she was serious or kidding about it - one way or another I was going to cum - either in her or on her.

I could feel just how wet and open she was under her panties and I knew that they would be coming off soon. And I was right, but before she'd let me go down on her to taste her sweetness, she reached into the drawer next to the bed and took out Jim, her favorite dildo. She looked at me with this deep look in her eyes and just said "I told you, Jim is going first" and with that she handed me the dildo.

For the next 15 minutes or so I knelt next to her while she held my cock in a death-grip as I helped "Jim" fuck her. I knew she'd had a huge orgasm after just a few minutes from how firmly she seemed to clench down on the dildo and then how smooth and deep I was able to plunge it into her. She screamed two more times as I rotated the dildo in her pussy.

As she calmed down she lay back and let me slide Jim out of her and then she just said "NOW, it's your turn".

Oh - she knew what I like - that's for sure. The feeling entering her at that moment was intense. The lubricant combined with her own juices had her slick and open and it again confirmed that I do love to fuck her second - after she's had an intense orgasm or two - her pussy just feels so silky and smooth.

She pulled her knees back for me and said "this is Jim's favorite position" and in that moment I slid all the way into her balls deep and she was still gaping open deep inside. "Jim" is at least 3 inches longer than I am and a bit thicker than me - the feeling in her was incredible.

She started to moan as I rubbed her clit and a moment later she wrapped her legs around me and pulled me in. All that was moving was the tip of my cock deep in her and it was awesome. All I could think about was that both Don and Brad had surely felt her like this and at that moment the urge took me over too and I let my own cum fill her deeply. She squealed one final time - she say she can always feel the heat when I (or anyone else) cums in her and that she almost always has one final orgasm at that moment.

We lay together for a while and as we kind of hugged and kissed she said she wanted to ask me something. I told her to go ahead and she asked me - if she was "careful" whether she could act impulsively and have sex with someone without having to check with me ahead of time. I asked her who she was thinking of and she said - no one in specific but that she was thinking of maybe keeping a condom or two in her purse so that - as she put it "if the urge strikes". I looked at her and asked "are you serious?" and she said back "Yeah" and she explained that for the last week or so, she's been VERY horny and that she's "had thoughts".

I told her that I thought it was very horny that she was thinking this way and that as long as she was careful, that I would be okay.

She didn't say anything more than that. I asked where or who she was thinking or whom she'd seen - but she just said that "the thought has crossed her mind" and that she just wanted to be sure of how I would be. She giggled and said "Not that I already didn't know, but I wanted to be sure!".

That's all I know for now. The other thing I do know is that she's already hinting that she's horny today too! Maybe its' the sunny weather, I don't know, but I'm surely not complaining.
Wow Stb! What a wonderful time you are having. I wonder what is making Sue so horny?
STB, What on earth is she going to get you for Christmas that is better than that ? I think the great thing about that note was the feeling that Sue got just as much out of pushing your buttons as you did. A result for both of you I'd say.
Maybe she wants to relive her escapades with her lovers. STB, you are lucky to be on the receiving end of it! Wow! Way to go man!
Maybe she got the man in her sights already.
Maybe she decided that she doesn't want you to know how far she is getting involved with this other guy. Maybe she wants to experience sex without cucking you or really cucking you? Hmmm...
Or perhaps she wants to cuck him without him really knowing whether she is or isn't? Sue could be trying to add a spicy element to things without investing so much of herself emotionally.

Mr Soon, Thank you for keeping us in the loop during this break in the action. Perhaps your dear lady knows that you need something to keep the fires stoked, thus her alluding to keeping a couple of condoms handy I still believe she had a hand in engineering the Don blow up. She was very "in his face" about you all having some fun, knowing it might well set him off. She gave you what you needed during you all's experiment but maybe having spent so much time with Don she realized she didn't like him all that much. Conjecture on my part of course.

I have no doubt she will do whatever it takes to make you happy. I look forward to new adventures that may be around the corner. How is her Dad? Thank You.
Jax - you may be right about her orchestrating the issue with Don as she's shown relatively little remorse about it all.

She hasn't really brought anything else up about it.

I do know that I'll be going away myself on a business trip the week of October 17th so if there's anything that she's thinking about, that may be when it happens.

Otherwise I'm quite content at where we are - especially with how horny she seems to now be!!! That was one of my hopeful goals for all of this - to re-ignite her desires....

Sorry - forgot to answer about her dad.
They took him off some medication and it seems to have helped.
He still has a heart condition that cannot be cured but the removal of this medication seems to have helped in the sense that he bounced back a bit and no longer seems to be on the steep decline that he had been on.
I suspect that has eased the heaviness in her heart and may be also what's behind some of her energy and desires.
Thanks for asking.
STB, thanks for keeping us fans updated and good luck with the 'next phase'
What a wonderful marriage you have Stb. Sue certainly knows how to stoke your fire. the dull moments do not stay dull for more than a moment. The lady is horny and I feel that sparks will fly while she stokes the fire. Enjoy.
Well, it's another Friday and she just went out to the mall.
I swear I need to find her another lover so she doesn't spend all of my money!!!

But seriously - she gave me an intense kiss and whispered in my ear that I should "be ready for later" before she left.

I hinted that maybe she'd use the opportunity when I'm away to have some fun. She giggled and said "hmmm - maybe....". So, if she has someone in mind, that's about as much of a go-ahead as I can possibly give her.
You are still one lucky SOB, STB! One of these days you'll find yourself back into another adventure, I'm sure of it. Sue is just too hot. Would it be okay with you though if she got here side dicking without telling you about it? You would know that it is going on but not the details other than a sloppy seconds or 4th's or 5th's in most cases :)
So you mean would I be okay if she didn't tell me all the details like who, when or how, etc.? I guess that would be okay in the beginning but I think I'd want to know more if it became something more than a one-night-stand for example. I don't know how "sloppy" she'll be as I know she'd want to use condoms at first too.

But I do still want her to do what she wants. From what I've seen over the past few years now, in general she seems much happier, content and maybe even more-stable when she's fucking another guy. I get it - he becomes something she can focus all that energy that would otherwise go into making my life crazy... And she does now know that I do love knowing that she is fucking someone else. So, what's that saying... whatever floats your boat... All I know is that her sex-drive at home is still way up there and for that I'm equally happy.

I think you might have missed my last post because it was on the thread you just closed. So I am re-writing it here because I am curious of your thoughts:"

“STB, I think you’ve said that Sue loves to dance. You should take her out to a nice dancing club, perhaps once a week, Friday, and let her ‘loosen up’ She may find some guys to dance with besides you. As she loosens up, she will naturally dance more ‘Sexy’, especially with a stranger. This is not to line her up with a partner just yet, but to keep her mind fertile to the thought.”
“Just for the Hell of it, you could go to the bar that Don likes to frequent and see If he has a new woman yet?”

Cheers, Harry
Stb, methinks the lady is hot to trot and is on the lookout for someone to trot!
Harry - I did miss that last update/suggestion. It's a good one - but to be honest, we haven't had that much time to go out like that recently. Perhaps this Friday or Saturday might be good but I'll be going away for all of next week, leaving on Sunday and returning late Friday night.

I don't think Sue's the type to pick up a guy in a bar and we really haven't done the "you go in first/separately and have fun" thing in a long time either. I've given her plenty of suggestions that she should go and enjoy next week but I don't get the feeling that she has anyone in her sights just yet.

I wish she had a single/divorced friend or someone she could go out to the bars with, but that's not the case in our social circles - although we did just hear of a couple we're acquainted with who may be splitting up. I asked what she thought of Frank (the husband who's splitting up) and she smiled and said he "seemed pretty nice", but then she added that she didn't want to be involved as a cause of their breakup. I asked what about "after they're separated?" and she giggled and then just said "maybe" with a smile on her face. We're not that friendly with Frank and Joanne, I'm actually more friendly with Frank - guy stuff, football games, etc. - than Sue is with Joanne who's really just an acquaintance.

So, we'll just need to play it by ear for a while now. But as I thought about it more, this could be a good answer as Frank isn't really the ladies-man type so he'd be safe health-wise. From what we've heard, their split-up has been a long-time in the making as their kids are older (in their 20's). From what I know about Frank, he's an okay guy and I'd be okay if he was fucking Sue. But we'll have to see how it all plays out - but there is a potential here.

Mr Soon Thank you for the update. Respectfully, I get the feeling your lady is just not quite ready to jump back in. I think she is giving you enough of a "tease" to keep your motor reved but I think Don left her with a very negative set of emotions. I have no doubt she wants to keep you happy but she may be in a "self protective" "healing" stage. She is your wife and I dont want to appear presumptious, but maybe you shouldnt "worry" her too much about what you want. I believe she will deliver when SHE feels the time is right and it is the right guy. If you leave her with the feeling she has to get busy while you are out of town it may put a lot of pressure on her that she just dosnt feel comfortable with. Thank you.
Jon - I think you're right. I've relaxed on any sort of pressure on her. When it happens, it happens. Next week is an opportunity for her to figure things out or more if she wants.

On the subject - Sue did get an Email from Don. She didn't show it to me but in it, apparently, he said that after having her as he did for that whole week, that he said he couldn't deal with her still having sex with me and that he felt it all came to a head that Friday night. I asked her how she felt about that and she just said to me "it's over" and "that wasn't going to be what I could do with you" (meaning me). I hugged her and told her that he was a jerk and that he didn't deserve her and she smiled and hugged me back and said I was right.

I did run into Frank the other day on the way home from work, in all places, the food-store. I asked him what's up with him and Joanne and that I'd heard they were having problems. He told me that he's just about ready to move out and that they've spoken with a lawyer. I didn't pry much but it seems to be a pretty friendly split-up thus far. All he said was that they've "grown apart" over the years. I told Sue all of this when I got home Wednesday night, it was the next day that she told me of Don's Email to her - not sure if there's any connection here or if it's my mind running away...

So, I doubt anything will happen next week while I"m away, but I can still hope, can't I....

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