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While we're between lovers

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
  • Start date
Its is a shame that Don imploded like he did, but it was inevitable as someone pointed out when you were in the time leading up to "Don's Week". It seems as if they played it out as far as you could go... or as a bull, you reached his limit. Imagine that, you broke Don, STB! I wonder what would have lied in store for you if he could have kept his cool. I think Sue would have taken you way beyond that 10 day period and maybe even had other ideas in mind. Guess we will have to wait and see what lies beyond. I am glad to see that you 2 are still happy with each other! Keep dreaming bro!
Yes Sir

Mr Soon, thank you for the update. Your dear Sue has her Dad on her mind as well as probably you all's son comming home for the Hollidays. Her wanting to make you happy as well, whew, dear thing has a lot going on. I submit to you sir that Sue chose the Alpha she wanted in her life. The same Alpha male that has shared the ups and downs of the last 25 yrs. She may not truely understand what makes the whole "shared wife" thing so exciting for you but she goes along. Don may have very well pressed his desired dominance a bit too hard, a bit too early. It is a fact of all of the animal kingdom that the female, even perhaps unconsiously, is looking for an alpha to provide protection, child bearing capabilities and so forth. All except a Black Widow, but that is an insect, I am not certain that counts. They want sensitivity, compasion and so forth. But the fact of the matter is they all want, bottom line, an alpha. It is in the genetic code. Nothing to be done about it.

I believe Sue has always deferred to you. Always asking "If it is OK with you" or recognizing like at the bar her behavior was a bit too much. If that deferrence ever stops, she is breaking jail. Thank you.
Well said Jon. Sue is a rare woman indeed and Stb is a rare man. Despite the fact that it turns him, giving his wife space to have sexual adventures with others without being in control is is a special gift to her.
Thanks for the update Stb. I wish you safe travelling .
Frank & Joanne

STB, If Frank & Joanne have “"grown apart over the years””, It may be that one or the other has already found a “lover”, as so often happens in these circumstances.
I hope you are able to 'connect' to us here while you are out of town for the week.
Cheers, Harry
Hey all - I'm finally able to get the laptop connected here in the hotel. Turned out that the hotel only has a 10mbps internet link and my laptop was hard-set at 100mbps. Changed the setting to auto-detect and we're off...

No action at home yesterday or last night either. Today after work she's heading over to her parents and bringing dinner over there. Her dad has stabilized for now, still heading downhill but maybe the slope isn't quite so steep now - he's definitely got at least a few more months if not longer.

Far2 - I guess maybe she might have led Don on a bit. I'm not quite sure what she may have conveyed to him, etc., maybe he mis-read that week as something more. As I've already said here, I would have let them have another week like that at some point in the future and if it stayed under control, I would have been okay with more at times. But seeing how things blew-apart at the end, it's probably better that it's not him she's with.

I asked Sue if she'd thought about Frank any more and she said that she'd consider it but that she'd feel awkward - and she then suggested to me that "maybe you should invite him over if he's moving out".

So - I'm now thinking that I wonder if this could work out after all? Maybe invite him over for dinner after he's moved out and see what happens.

I'll have this week to think about it and feel out Sue on it a bit more. My mind is racing at this idea.
Whilst my instincts would say just leave well alone for the moment. Usually people take more time to get over even minor crisis in their lives. Time heals all and all that. I'm not sure either of you are ready yet. From your notes since Don, I don't think you have talked it through enough to agree between you which way to go next time - if at all.

However, you do appear to have a potential opportunity here. They don't come along every day. So. How to catch it.

If you know Frank at all, I would perhaps try to get a little closer to him before he moves out. Whatever the reason for his move, he will be feeling bruised and may welcome a hand of friendship before setting off into the sunset. After he goes, he may want to surround himself with single friends who will help him 'connect' in the future. In getting to know him, you can gain some idea whether he might be suitable, and possibly let slip (later) that Sue and yourself sometimes have 'interesting' experiences. The seed can be sown there. Then invite him round to your house and see if there is any chemistry.
Peak - thanks for the thoughts and suggestions.

I wasn't about to push this at all. Frank and I have known each other for as long as we've lived in the area, their son is the same age (I always thought he was older but Sue has corrected me on that) as ours and were in Boy-Scouts together for a while long ago. They've grown apart as friends and are at separate colleges now. Scouting was my thing with my son so she never really met him. We did back then share a few beers several times at one scout-related event or another so we do have some camaraderie.

He goes to the gym that's nearby as well as frequenting all the same local stores and places so we actually have seen each other in passing for a long time. My thought was that if he's moving out, that he'll want company and a hot-meal, so maybe a friendly barbeque could entice him over. I don't even know if Sue will like him if she gets to know him so there's a lot running through my mind.

I guess I'm jumping the gun here - he's not even moved out yet.

And, nothing happening with Sue at home. Apparently while I'm away, some bad-grades surfaced. Actually our daughter probably planned it that way so I'm not there to be annoyed and it all falls on Sue. Nothing like real life to be a mood killer. Maybe I'm glad I'm away.
Stb, to me much of life is like gambling. If you have a good or exciting run at poker it is usually followed by a quiet spell or a lull in the run of the cards or the way the bets are made. During this lull if one tries to force the play, the losses can be expensive. A good player takes maximum advantage of the good runs and minimises his losses in the lulls. What you and Sue are having now is a lull. Forcing a new relationship could be messy. Take it as it comes. The surprise will be worth it. I mean with Sue's previous lovers were found were they not? Not hunted. Take it easy. A hot lady does not go past a man unnoticed.
Patience, STB. Patience. Hahaha
Back in the hotel room for a bit between events/meetings.

Shidave - believe me, I know better than to force something. I actually sorta like Frank anyway and it's a good opportunity for us to improve our friendship. I'm not going to push anything - I think it'd be better if he and Sue became more friendly as a natural course of things anyway. I don't think Sue is going to be anxious to do anything until they have their issues sorted out anyway, she wouldn't want to be a catalyst for them breaking up altogether - but if it happens on its own....
Good luck Stb.
Good luck and all the best Stb
Any thing new STB?
Far2 - nope, nothing really new - or at least nothing of worth to post here.

With the absence of another guy, I am seeing a bit of a decline in Sue's sexual desire though. We're back to our usual 2-3x a week where we'd been up at 4-5x in the weeks just after Don's departure. And to be honest, I expected it. The intensity is still there though when we do get going as she will still tell me things to get us both going - her favorite seems to be to tell me about how 'wet' she would be when she'd come home after being with Don.

Regarding Frank - no movement there. I have seen him a few times and I've asked "how's it going?" and his latest reply to me was that he's hoping that it'll be sorted out by Thanksgiving. But who really knows. I don't want to do anything to tip my hand...

Actually, the next few weeks for us are pretty packed already so waiting until after Thanksgiving - or maybe even Christmas or New Years might actually be better for us. So, in the meanwhile, I'm still here lurking at times, commenting in other threads at other times - but I don't think the folks here really want to hear about the relatively vanilla-sex that we are now having (outside of the teasing and such).
Vanilla is good Stb for a while. A constant diet of exotic flavours dulls the palate and starts to taste ordinary.
"With the absence of another guy, I am seeing a bit of a decline in Sue's sexual desire though. We're back to our usual 2-3x a week where we'd been up at 4-5x in the weeks just after Don's departure. And to be honest, I expected it. The intensity is still there though when we do get going as she will still tell me things to get us both going - her favorite seems to be to tell me about how 'wet' she would be when she'd come home after being with Don."

STB, Seriously, there are not very many husbands that can truthfully say that they have sex with the wife 2-3 times a week after 20+ years of marriage. There are not very many Husbands (after20+ years) that still get an erection from looking at his nude wife.
I think you and Sue have an uncommonly good sexual relationship. It is interesting to note however, that if the details were given to a Phycologist or Councelor, They would state that you have an uncommonly dysfunctional marriage. What do they know!
It appears, by Sue's teasing you about Don again, that she has healed the emotional pain of his 'bullish' 'self serving' attitude. Good!
Keep on having a wonderful time and don't think that we, who read and live through your words, will be 'bored' by your current 'vanilla' sex life. Quite the contrary. Keep it coming.
Cheers, Harry
SoonToBe said:
So, in the meanwhile, I'm still here lurking at times, commenting in other threads at other times - but I don't think the folks here really want to hear about the relatively vanilla-sex that we are now having (outside of the teasing and such).

Ohhh..why not STB! Why not!
Harry - I guess I'm happy that we're not normal and are uncommon. Even with having Sue usually 2x a week, I still usually find it desireable to masturbate usually twice a week too. I guess we're both in sync that way. I don't really have much to compare our relationship to as none of the couples or guys in my circles really talk about their sex life too much.

I do find her to still be very sexy! She's kept he shape over the years - maybe a little extra around the middle now, but she's back to working out (running mainly) to keep that at bay. Her breasts are the best part though as they are as perky as ever and truly show no sign of sag yet - however she is small - only a 34b/c - so that may help there. And she still does the things that turn me on - she knows I love her bald pussy and she keeps it that way for me now (she used to tease me that it was that Don liked it that way and that's why she did it).

We also have moved back into our former routine of scheduling more passionate long evenings such as tomorrow when our daughter will be at a halloween party from mid-afternoon until 10pm or later. We've already agreed - screw the trick-or-treaters - we're going to screw each other. I'll be picking up 2 bottles of champagne and Sue's even suggested we try out some of that "warming lubricant" that we see advertised on TV.

Needless to say, I'm abstaining from anything today to get my ire up even more for her tomorrow. She's already teased me that some of her "friends" will have to come visit - meaning her 2 favorite dildo's - the thicker silicone one she's named "Jim" and the other one she seems to like of late - the more slender that she enjoys in her butt which she's named "Greg" (which I suspect was the name of her boyfriend in college who also used to fuck her ass).

Raks - I'll be home for a while Monday morning - since you sound interested, I'll try to find time to post an update about how tomorrow goes.
Thanks stb, I think all your readers are interested.
Yes..STB..go on! Let us know what happens "While we are between lovers"

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