
This is the true story of how I was converted to Black Cock. My other story " ***** Bound" is fantasy fiction. This is in essence an autobiography. Please make comments after ,good OR bad as either/or can only help my writing. Thank you and I hope you enjoy!!!!!!​

Saturday morning, 7 am April 2022.

It's a nice day, going to be anyway. Maybe winter is finally over? I am setting in a chair, looking out the bedroom window. I can feel the breeze coming in through the slight opening in the window. I can smell the pollen in the air that will sooner or later make me sneeze. (Note to self, take a Zyrtec!) Scanning the room I see my leather skirt, black bra, sheer black top, black boots, and a black thong laying on the floor... I am gonna have to do laundry, there is a hamper in the corner half full. I see myself in the mirror, naked, hair messy, no makeup, my small breasts still semi-firm, and nice legs. I think overall I look pretty good for 59.

I turn my attention to the bed and see two half-covered naked black men. The space between them is where I was lying before I woke for a pee. Staring at these two men who used me any way they wanted last night and probably will again today I smile and wonder how did I get so lucky? One of the men is my Bull, the man that introduced me to all this. Watching them lay there, breathing deeply, slightly snoring knowing that soon, I will be sucking both their cocks as a wake-up makes me tingle and that brings a smile... well, until then I will relax...

1956508I was born in 1963. Had your average upbringing. brothers, sisters. Loving mom and dad. Childhood was not too spectacular. I Played sports, was a cheerleader, I had my bumps and bruises. I have bad ankles, knees, and hips from it all, but nothing too serious.

As far as BFs, I started giving blow jobs to a boy I liked when I was 17. Lost my virginity to the same boy at 18. He joined the military after H.S., so that was it for my first time.

In college I had 2 men, one was a one-night stand, and the other we went on for a few years. As far as sex, blow jobs, spread legs, maybe doggie, nothing fancy.

I met a new guy shortly before graduating. He just got out of the Navy and was starting a contracting business. This man eventually ended up being my husband and the father of my children. it was a good marriage and a good job, We struggled at the start but ended up making out good. We have great kids, who gave us great-grandkids, I even like my daughter-in-law!! But, even though he was a great dad and a good man work was his great love, so after 25 years (In 2013) we signed the papers and left on good terms, still friends.

About a year later I met a guy, I slept with him one time but he wasn't for me? I Dated another guy, he started talking about marriage so that ended that. At this point I felt disillusioned and Figured alone was best.

Then Covid hit, I Couldn't visit my kids/ grandkids, everything was on lockdown, and I had nothing but work (I am a nurse). I was using the internet like everyone else for stress relief, and online porn as my treatment for the stress during these times. Since I quit the dating scene, I was always watching online stuff but it was only white women with white guys, vanilla large production cookie cutter.

Then I came upon homemade stuff, much better. Then one night I stumbled across this middle-aged Canadian woman that went by the name "Funlady" 11whose moaning, submissiveness, and willingness to please turned me on a great deal. This led me to other mature white women who liked being videoed. Their orgasms seemed deep and genuine. No inhibitions, Multiple men, No holes left untouched sexually. But one thing they all had in common was their partners were younger Black Men!

My orgasms became deeper and more enjoyable. I pretty much only watched homemade interracial stuff from that point on! I sometimes would wake early to get one in BEFORE work, LOL!! Then I thought, I am not getting younger, I haven't had sex in years, I'm still fairly decent looking and I am curious about this now. I not only want, but I need to orgasm like those women in the videos... I deserve it. so why not me?

Well, It had been a long time since I was in the " looking for a man" mindset. The two guys I dated after my divorce I had already known. One guy I knew from work and the other was a friend of a friend so they didn't count as finding a guy.

So the internet?! This is the new way to meet people, especially during a global pandemic. I searched different sites until I found a few that seemed interesting. I signed up here and there and signed out of most of them soon after.

A lot of these sites seem to be filled with either dirty old men, creepy kind of guys, and maybe some teenagers just wanting fun, etc. When a guy did seem interested, he just wanted pictures, some wanted phone numbers and sex that nite, and others would chat and then simply disappear.

Some sites seemed to be more geographically unfriendly, meaning no Black Men in the areas less than 3-4 hours away. Then I started chatting with a guy on one site. His profile said 50's, professional, 25-30 miles away, etc. Chatted online for several weeks until we exchange numbers. We talked, and he told me how he loved white women, He asked me why I had this new interest in Black Men? Eventually, we set up a date. He wanted me to wear a sexy skirt and heels. He was very demanding which seemed to turn me on a bit... Do I like being "ordered" around, I guess?

So I bought a nice skirt, a black top. That night I Put on my makeup (which I rarely do anymore because if I use too much it gives me a rash?) I did what I was told, I showed up and waited for him and waited and waited. I called him, no answer. Eventually, I went home.

When I got online his profile was deleted, asshole! It took a lot for me to work up the nerve to meet a man of a different race at my age and I got stood up, no actually jacked around by an asshole! He told me that I was going to have my first experience that night. My already fragile confidence and self-esteem we're even more shattered.

I signed out of every site and wallowed for a few weeks. Then in the early summer of 2021, I started googling sites and found one that was specifically for interracial sexual relationships, it had a verification process, and it had articles and stories from actual members so I figured it was time to get back out there!"

So there I was looking at this site wondering what to put in my profile. The site looks promising, pretty much mostly white women looking for Black Men for sex. Doesn't seem like a dating site but more of a meet-up and have fun type site? After 25 years of marriage and horrible dating life, I need some sex, and from what I have been watching, I want something new. So I went ahead and filled out the profile. I check every day for activity and only got minimal contact/views? The guys I did chat with were miles away, 75 years old, that kind of thing. I was sending pics, then chats would stop which led me to believe I wasn't appealing enough which again under minded my confidence and self-esteem.

Then I got contacted by a woman who was experienced with Black men, but through my almost daily update posts figured out my frustration and decided to help me with advice on how "online dating" works. When I dated before marriage, there was no internet or cell phones, some of us had "beepers" lol. She coached me on how to use the website. Profile photos, interests, searches all of that, she taught me how to catch the interest of men and figure out who was not serious from the start.

Then I came upon an ad. An Army man returning to the States getting stationed in the area. Was looking for a white female, mature, looking for a new experience to be with while he was here. both my friend and I answered the ad. He sent us a questionnaire type as a reply, 20 or so questions. Some simple stuff like age, location, experience, and then more personal things like what interested me in black men and BBC, and so on? I received a reply asking if I would be willing to meet for a face-to-face "interview" in a public place. My friend got a reply saying she was too experienced?

He said that he had 12 replies but narrowed it down to four and asked all to the interview. He also, stated that he was to be referred to as Sir and I was slut #4 for the moment. After making excuses about why not to, my friend convinced me to reply yes and ask when and where?

Chapter 02 - The Interview

SIR told me when and where the face-to-face interview was to take place and that from this point forward he was to be addressed as SIR! It was me and three other sluts. We had numbers 1-4, I was #4.

The Bull (SIR) was in the Army, stationed overseas. He was traveling back and forth from his temporary duty post to find housing as his next duty station was to be here, stateside. The interview was set up while he was apartment hunting.

I showed up, casually dressed, with no make-up as he said nothing fancy.

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SIR had us wait in cars in the parking lot. When he showed up, it was the first time I had seen him. He never asked me for "pics" on the site which was the first thing that made me think he was legit, and also made me feel comfortable.

SIR was 35 years old, about 6'1", maybe 220-ish. Years of nursing let me get it close as I found out, I was only 3 pounds off my guess…lol.

SIR led us into the diner and had us sit in the booth together. SIR sat at another table. There was me, a woman approximately my age, another with a lot of metal on her face, tattoos, etc, and a pretty younger married woman, in her 40s, I'd say. All white girls.

SIR came over to the table, addressed the one near my age, and told her to leave. She was wearing a Black Lives Matter shirt. SIR said he was looking for a slut, not a political statement! I thought, WOW, now only 3...hmmm?

SIR called us over one at a time. I'd say he talked for maybe 15 minutes with each of us, I was last. My palms were sweating, nervous, etc. When SIR gestured for me to come to him. I almost fell But made it to the table.

There were the standard pleasantries. SIR stated that this relationship if there were to be one, was going to be strictly sexual. We may go out to eat, etc., but the goal here was for SIR to teach me how to properly please a Black Man, while at the same time discovering new pleasures as well as discovering or learning about myself.

SIR then asked me what I've done sexually, what I like, how many partners etc. He was taking notes. It felt as though I was at a job interview. SIR was a take-charge guy, he expected truthful answers and handled the whole thing respectfully.

After I was done, SIR came over to the booth and joined us. We had coffee and as we talked he inquired "What is there to do around here? What do people do for a living in this area?" after a few more general questions about the area SIR called it a day and we all left.

Later that night, SIR called me and said it was down to myself and the married one. The tattooed one he said was just too much with the earrings, tats, hoops on her face, etc. SIR said "there would be one more interview, these would be one on one interviews the last few days of August 2021, Good luck.
A few days later we met, it was the same thing, casual dress, one on one this time. SIR asked a lot of the same questions but went a little more in-depth. He kept asking if my perfect( my tits were real? I kept replying yes SIR until I got angry and said if he asks again, I would leave! SIR didn't ask again, thank God? He did ask one thing that puzzled me at the time, "Did you know you were a submissive slut?" I said nothing as we left.

The next day SIR called and said I was his pick. (The longshot had won?!) SIR told me he wanted to meet one more time before he had to go back. SIR said he had found his apartment. It was about 20-25 minutes away from me depending on traffic? SIR wanted to meet and make it official? Before he went back to get his stuff, orders, etc,

We meet for pizza( he eats a lot of it) I was to wear something sexy. SIR said I could leave at any time and at times I wanted to. Sir is forceful and it scared me, but at the same time, it felt like this is exactly what I needed in my life, every time he referred to me as slut, it excited me.

SIR explain what I would need to do, and what my role would be in our relationship. he used phrases like, when you are with me, when you are doing this, this is what you will be doing, this is how you'll do it, etc. He was very absolute, demanding, and as a matter of fact, in the way, he spoke to me and I have to admit I like the way he takes charge!

SIR said if I agreed to what was laid out to me we could go to his place for inspection(?) So we finished and I followed him to his place.

Chapter 03 - The Inspection

So! here I am, a 58-year-old white divorcee, mother, and grandmother, who up to this point in her life has had 5 sexual partners. One was my former husband of 25 years.

I'm on the highway following a Black man (who by the way, wasn't even born for my first 3 sexual partners…lol.) to his place, not only because I was told to, but also because I think, I wanted to.

I had no idea what was going to happen, yet I somehow trusted this man? Yes, he is an Army guy, but there was something about him...? The way he maintained eye contact when he spoke, the authoritative tone in his voice, the way he corrected me if I forgot to call him SIR all these things seemed to turn me on! Hell, I even wore a sexy outfit like I was told to without question and lipstick which I hardly ever wore!

Yes, of course, on the way to his apartment at every exit, I thought to myself take the exit and head home, block him off your phone, and delete your profile! But something kept me following him. It was then that I realized for the first time as I adjusted my seatbelt that my nipples were hard. I was aroused, horny!!

I stayed on the highway, it wasn't a long drive, but sometimes it felt like an eternity. I was scared, excited, and apprehensive, I had hard nipples, an aching pussy, and curiosity about all this and I was on the verge of a panic attack all of this in one car…lol!

We finally arrived. It was an apartment building. SIR told me where to park, then said "Meet me at the door." I got to the door "Follow me to your new life."

"Yes SIR."

SIR entered the security code to get into the building and then to his apartment. The door opened, and he let me enter first closing the door behind us. To the left was the bathroom, the Living room was straight ahead, the kitchen to right, bedroom to left. Not much here yet, but that's how a new place is. A couch, lazy boy, tv, tv stand, small kitchen table, 4 chairs, bed and dresser in the bedroom, crappy drapes( I'll get him some new ones), and one coffee table in between the couch and lazy boy.

We sat at the table. "There are going to be rules. The first one is this is the last time you will be beyond the bathroom, clothed." SIR was clear that On my next visit and anytime after that, there will be a table or shelf next to the door, I am to enter, either undress putting my stuff there or go to the bathroom wash up, do anything I need to do and then undress, Either way, I am not to go further unless I am naked.

Once I'm nude, I then proceed to do what I'm told. Sometimes, there may be something there for me to wear, use, apply, ETC, but for the most part, I will be naked.

When we are out in public, he will use my name, but here, I respond to "slut." Out in public, I'm a woman/GF in here, I am a slut. "Do you understand?"8967888002

"Yes SIR!" was my immediate, and to my surprise, reply.

SIR explained in a little more depth about my new life, my evolution, my awakening. I was told this is not just jumping in bed and there you go for him. It is about a complete change! Not only sexually, but mentally, physically, and psychologically. A complete rewiring of the way I think, feel, and express myself, A sexual lobotomy he called it. (I remember that because I found that term weirdly interesting?) This was going to be a step-by-step process. Certain things would have to be perfected before we moved on to the next and then the next and so on.

SIR stated that at any time I could stop and leave, but if I chose that route, I am to never come back. I stayed seated, oh, drinking the worst coffee ever (note to self, bring Keurig I don't use).

So, the do-or-die moment had come. He said since he doesn't have the shelf/table yet by the door, just fold my clothes and place them neatly on the floor……NOW! I just stared at him. This time he said, not yelling or shouting, but in a very stern voice, "Go to the door and either undress and display yourself to me, or go to the door, open it and leave. It's your choice."

I stood up grabbed my phone and clutch (for you men, it's a small wallet-like handheld purse ) went to the door, put my hand on the doorknob, looked down, and saw my "headlights" were on (lingo you pick up from having brothers), I took my hand off the knob and went into the bathroom, and applied some makeup.

When I came out, I slowly started to undress, trembling, almost crying, but yet somehow relieved. After each item I removed or unzipped, the next one was easier. He sat on the couch staring at me the whole time, which turned me on.

I don't know if it was because he was black, young, or both? When I removed my bra, he saw my "headlights, 58-year-old headlights, and said "OH, we ARE ready aren't we?"

"Yes SIR we are" was my reply. "Are your panties wet?"

"Yes." I wasn't lying, they were!

"Remove them!" I did as commanded. I had knee-high grey boots on that he said to leave on. He had me walk over to him, turn around, bend over, turn back then sit on the couch. He felt my breasts, rubbed my belly, working his way down to my pussy. He had me spread myself open. "It looks beautiful and tight,"

SIR commanded me to masturbate for him, and I did. "Let me know when you are going to cum?" When I did, he pulled my hands away. "You are only to orgasm when I tell you it is OK." I thought, what the hell?! but didn't voice my opinion since apparently, it didn't matter? SIR let me continue but had me stop again? When I was rubbing, he would whisper in my ear, " you cum when I tell you to" Eye contact was a must as this went on for a while, then he stop me. "Dress and go home... I will call you when I want you back here to start training.

I was so horny, that I was about to explode. Other than myself, I hadn't had an orgasm in 6-7 years with another person, and that was weak. I wanted to cum, but I also oddly enough wanted to please him.

So I got up and got my clothes, "No panties or bra, just the boots, and dress."

"Yes SIR." and pulled my dress on.

I would have done anything he asked me at that moment, but I balled my bra and panties up and left as he had instructed.

On the drive home, I was mad and irritated. I Found my hand leaving the wheel and moving down to my sweet spot, I Fought that urge hard as I was driving. I got home, and almost ran into the house, I went directly onto the couch and masturbated (I still had the dress and boots on.) When I orgasmed, it was the deepest and the best one I had had in years, I was sweating and tired!
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It was the beginning of September and still hot and humid. But GOD it felt good!!! I went along as normal the rest of the evening, showered, had a snack, bed, read a bit then sleep. I woke the next morning feeling like a new woman. Masturbated again, showered, donut and coffee, put on my scrubs and went to work. Any downtime I had during my shift, which wasn't a lot for a nurse during a pandemic, I wondered what my "training" would entail?

It wasn't until the next week after he was permanently moved in that I got a text asking if I could be at his place at 5 pm. "Yes SIR."

"Dress casual, bring lipstick."

"Yes SIR."

6561401722The rest of the day was somewhat of a blur until I found myself at the front door of his apartment. I don't even remember him buzzing me into the building. The door was cracked. I knocked and heard "Come in and close the door, you know what to do." I opened the door and closed it behind me and went into the bathroom. I put on lipstick and came out naked and smiling.

Chapter 04 - Blow Job Slut

1640133925~2.jpgThere I am standing outside the bathroom looking at SIR sitting on the couch ready for me to undress. I know the door is behind me, all I have to do is turn around, open it and leave. I can go back to my lonely, sexless life, filled with a lack of self-confidence and low self-esteem. Go back and live the life that generations of women chose, or had chosen for them. Social pressure in a male-dominated society convincing us (at the time) that it was better to be proper, unhappy, and do what is expected of us, that it was better to make someone else happy?!

I feared that someday I would be looking into my past wondering "What if?" So I started undressing for myself, knowing that I will do whatever he wanted and I will do it because " I " chose to!!

As I'm undressing, SIR stares and repeats "Good slut." When I'm naked, he tells me to walk over to him and kneel between his legs. He asks me "Do you want to suck my cock?"

"I do, SIR."

"Well, get to it!" I unbuckle his belt, unbutton and unzip his pants and pull them off. He is wearing boxers, I pull them off of him to find he is semi-hard. "Are you ready to put your mouth to work?"

"Yes SIR."

"Good slut, lift my cock and start licking my balls." He tells me to kiss his cock, lick the underside, lick the sides, and worship it like a slut. I'm trying to maintain eye contact but sometimes lose it. A nice repositioning of my head by a friendly hair tug gets it back. "Do you like it?"

"Yes SIR,"

SIR now tells me what to say and I repeat it. "I'm your slut." "I like your cock in my mouth." "I like Black cock!" "My mouth is yours!" Etc. He tells me slower, faster, more in my mouth. I can only go so far, he pushes my head a bit farther down, but not all the way just enough to make me gag. When I gag I try to pull back, an instinct to not choke. He tells me not to do that, to relax my throat because the goal here is to be able to deep throat his entire cock without his helping hand. I'm allowed to caress his balls with my hands but if it gets near his cock SIR slaps my hand "All mouth like a slut" I move my mouth from his cock to his balls, back and forth. This goes on for a while. He has me speed up by grabbing my hair and moving my head to his pace, I taste his pre cum, then he stops!?

SIR stands up, and pulls me by the hair so I am staring up at him, he masturbates until he releases on my face! I'm told to stay and leave it, that I am to lick it up if it drips near my mouth. "This is your new life slut, this is the way it's going to be from now on."

After a minute or so "Wipe it off with your finger, lick it off and swallow." I hate the taste of cum, always have and probably always will. I enjoyed giving blow jobs in the past and swallowing happened most of the time, pleasuring my partner always trumped the taste.

The last few years of my marriage, it became more of a 'going through the motions,' a chore. In my mouth, up and down till he cums, then run to the toilet and spit. Now it is over till his next birthday, holiday, etc.

At this moment, sitting here licking a Black man's cum that he just squirted on my face off my fingers. I can already tell I'm going to enjoy giving blow jobs again! It was the way he had me "serve" instead of "suck" him. It still didn't taste good…(lol) But the obedience he demanded and deserved made that not matter.

So, like anyone, I figured it was going to be my turn. My 'headlights' were on and my pussy was wet. SIR said, "We are finished, you can dress and go home, come back tomorrow, same time."


"Don't make me repeat things."

"Yes Sir" and headed to the bathroom.

"Don't wash your face," HE WANTS ME TO DRIVE HOME WITH THIS STILL THERE? It was dry at this point since my finger wiped it off, although some could be in my hair. I went to the door, dressed, and left.

On the drive home, I could smell it as some did go up my nose. I got in, upstairs, undressed, got into bed, and masturbated until I was shaking from the orgasm. (Thank you for that at least SIR!) I showered, went down, ate, had some wine, and Netflix, I paid bills online, nothing different except for the fact that I knew I was now something that used to disgust me, but now I am content with it and hoping for more, I could not wait for tomorrow. I went to bed, fell asleep instantly, and slept until the alarm rang the next morning.

The day couldn't go fast enough, finally, here I am again at the cracked door. I knock and hear "you know what to do slut!"

I walk in, don't need the bathroom since no make-up. Too much too often gives me a skin rash. SIR knows that and is ok with it. I undress, walk over to him, on my knees, undress him, and start worshipping his cock. He tells me fast/slow, balls, etc. No hands, all mouth. He likes it mostly slow, with a lot of tongue/ licking. I stop only to admit I'm a slut, I love what I'm doing, I love his Black Cock, etc. When he cums, he holds my hair having me continue to suck. Then he holds my head down. I can feel his cock twitching in my mouth. The only thing is for me to swallow. Then he lets my head go and I clean up the last few drops.

"Your mouth was made for Black cock." I thank him. I get up, assuming I'm going to leave, "On the couch and masturbate." He stares at me telling me not to cum until I'm told. He doesn't have me stop but hold it. It's not easy. Then he stops me and goes down on me. He makes me orgasm with his mouth. It's great!

"Fuck me, please!?"

"You are not ready, yet. you have to earn that privilege." I lay there naked for some time. He lets me shower and watches me. Then says I'll call you tomorrow.

For the next 3-4 weeks, I showed up nearly every day to give him a blow job. On my knees, hanging my head over the edge of his bed having my throat fucked while SIR plays with my puss. He started to spank me as I'm blowing him sometimes, he straddled my chest pumping my mouth until he cums all the time looking up at him (my fave). Sometimes he lets me orgasm either by myself, with his mouth and or fingers, or a combination. but only when verbally allowed to.

He has me masturbate while I'm blowing him, only cumming when I'm told to. Sometimes it will be as he is cumming in my mouth. That feeling of oneness as we cum at the same time or nearly the same time!!!

On weekends I stay at his place. I sucked him whenever he wanted. When we would go out to eat I gave him blow jobs in his car, my car. I would wait for his call, looking forward to blowing him. I wanted more but SIR said I had to earn it the old-fashioned way, with my mouth.

IMG_20220627_205249_286.jpgI know, understand I'm being conditioned to not only please him when he wants but to please MYSELF when HE wants. I still look forward every day to making a "visit." I still don't like the taste, but that feeling of him erupting in my mouth, the sound of his moans, his convulsing, his cock twitching in my mouth, all that makes me want more. All of these things make me his slut!

The way he calls me slut, when he tells me my mouth is gold, it's all heaven to me. The fact that I'm 20-plus years older than him, that I can pleasure a man like that with just my mouth. The fact that a man of color commands me when I can and cannot orgasm and I obey willingly. I like it! All of this makes me happy, It makes me want to evolve more.

Eventually, he got the little stand by the door, one day I came in and there was a bag there. Inside was a series of 3 anal plugs, a training pack.
"phase II starts tonight." I don't know if I smiled, but I think I may have?

Chapter 05 - Anal Prep

I'm looking at these things thinking, hmmph, the first two I can probably fit now, but the third one is going to take a minute... Then what?

My Bull is larger than the third one... Then I realize what just happened. At that instant, I didn't think, 'no way, you aren't doing that to me! I've never done that!' That's disgusting. That's for "Those" girls, the things a woman my age SHOULD have been thinking?! But no, my first thoughts were even though the third one was a bit larger, it wasn't large enough to re-size my ass for him.

I am admitting to myself the fact that soon, he was going to fuck my ass! In other words, I was being "Conditioned" to be his, "Do whatever told to" slut... I was and am OK with it!

It seemed my submission was becoming my strength. Maybe I was destined to be a slut? In one month, I have been turned from a lonely white divorcee into a Black Cock Slut who gives almost a blow job a day, a damn good blow job I'm told?!

I feel a desire to please, but only when I think of Black Men? I see one in the store, at work, on TV, first thing is I wonder how big his Cock is? Does he like white women? Does he like older women? How long would it take me to make him cum? These are the things I think now.

I think I have a ways to go yet to become an official Black Cock Slut, but I believe I'm progressing? SIR is often telling me what a good blow job I am as he's patting my head while I have his cock in my mouth.

He converses with my friend from the site we met on, the one that convinced me to apply? She applied but was too experienced for his plans, plus she and her Bull are exclusive now. She thinks I'm fairing well.

I'm thinking all this while undressing, I am told to bring them and my ass over to the bed so we can start stretching my ass. I'm told I'm going to like it. I nod my head thinking anything he wants, he's going to get willingly.

I'm bent over on the bed, he starts slapping my ass a bit, rubbing my hole with his thumb(?) It feels good just being rubbed like that. He kisses my cheeks and starts playing with my clit with his other hand. Telling me to keep my hands away, this is his time. I feel my pussy getting wet, I'm getting hot from this. I feel my ass opening, and I want a cock in my mouth? (That will hopefully be later?) He asks me if I'm going to orgasm, and I say eventually? He says to let him know when I'm on the verge? he knows when it's going to happen, I'm a second away and his thumb penetrates my ass while he is still rubbing my clit and I cum like a horse, I shake!

He removes his hands and starts using his mouth to lick my clit from the backside right up to my butt hole where a tongue goes in and out. I've never felt anything like this. An orgasm so deep and long-lasting. that I'm bucking backward. He works the plug in, wiggles it around, in and out, and touches my clit. I cum again!

He tells me to roll over so my holes are on the edge, he is still working the plug but eating my pussy now. I can't spread my legs any farther. I'm cumming, I'm crying, I'm begging for him to fuck me, fuck me anywhere, I don't care!

Then he abruptly stops. I'm almost hyperventilating. I sit up a bit on the bed. He leaves the plug in and tells me to open wide, I do. I begin to give him my best blow job to date. He cums, I want to keep sucking, but he says he is spent, and for me to dress and leave.

I am to keep the plug in as much as possible. At work, at home, shopping, etc. He will be checking up on me. He travels to different reserve centers for work now, so he may be in my area and need a blow job? Where, when, I am sucking, I will be checked to see if the plug is in? Within a week, I am on the second plug. The sizes don't seem that much of a difference, or even that big unto themselves, but let me tell you, when you are a virgin back there, you can feel these things inside you. I find myself sitting and kind of grinding on the chair. It gets me a little excited!

My regular visits to him now consist of a blow job, being fucked by the plug while masturbating but still orgasming only when allowed to by verbal commands, having my pussy eaten, while communicating what a slut I am becoming, etc. Not always in that order and I do not orgasm on every visit. On the bed, couch, bent over a table, against the wall in a searched by cop position, on the floor, anyway he wants me. I leave a lot of times wanting more but I am told to have patience. I beg him to fuck me, but I haven't earned that right yet.

I finally get the third plug in, it was easier than I thought. It feels a bit painful but good at the same time, A painful pleasure. I know it's coming soon, so I read up on ways to evacuate oneself. Enema, laxatives, different diets. Miralax sounds like the ticket.

After a few more sessions with the third plug, an orgasm or two, and a few incredible blow jobs(you're welcome) he texts me and says tonight is the night. I'm scared, excited, horny, apprehensive, and can't wait to be at his door. I can't believe he made me want this!!! Whatever is happening to me, I like it. No, LOVE IT!!

The clock can't move fast enough, but I'm finally home, make my little cocktail, and within a few hours, I'm at his door, empty and clean for him, plug inserted, no bra, and yes lipstick. I go in, oh yeah, I have a code and key now. Benefits of being an obedient slut. I enter, and he says "hi slut." I undress quickly and go to the bedroom. He walks in naked and asks if I have something to say. I get on my knees and say, "My ass is yours." He grabs my hair and has me suck him until he is hard. I get up, turn around, bend over the bed and I hear, "Good girl."

Chapter 06 - Anal Initiation

1062455850I was just on my knees with his Black Cock fucking my mouth. When commanded I obediently got up and bent over his bed. I wasn't tricked into this or blackmailed. I am here because, for some reason, I want, need to be, I want to please him, I need to obey him, and I firmly believe I belong here!!

Here I am bent over his bed naked waiting to be taken, ass fucked. I feel his hands rubbing my ass, my pussy, his lips on my cheeks, I bend over more to give him full access to my pussy. He fingers me, I'm ready to cum and he can tell!


I obey and hold it. I don't dare move for fear he will stop and kick me out?! I'm his slut, I want his cock in my ass and I voice that. After weeks of plugs, his fingers don't hurt but there is discomfort. He leans on me, and I can feel his cock between my legs, against my pussy. I know I am neither worthy nor ready to have him fuck my pussy, but he does enjoy eating me, licking me, including my bumhole, and watching me squirm!

His mouth is to my ear "Tell me you want this Black cock in your ass?" I say it. I say it several times as I feel him spreading me and pushing against me. He's pushing and it hurts but he is not going in?! I'm so nervous and tense, he tries to relax me, a finger, a plug but then when he tries his cock, I slam shut! I start crying at the realization, he tries to comfort me, but all I can do is keep saying "I'm sorry." We lay there and after a while, I give him a nice long blow job.

I'm afraid now that he won't want me back but A few days later he texts me to come to him. This time he has me bent over on the bed, but lets me masturbate while he opens me up. That's the ticket as I feel him enter me and go in and out slowly working his way in a bit farther each time.

He stops me from masturbating. It's more discomfort than pain as I feel his hips hit my behind. He is inside me and he keeps going working me in, out, in, out at a slow pace while adding more lube. He squeezes my cheeks pulling them apart, I can feel all of him in me. His hips bounced off my ass.


"Yes, Sir, Please!"

He pumps faster, squeezes my cheeks harder, and slaps my ass, I'm loving it. I find myself starting to buck backward a bit. He tells me to masturbate as he is moving at a good pace now. I'm being fucked hard now, I can feel his balls slapping my pussy, I'm loving it!

I blurt out "Make me your *****!?" as I'm cumming!! It's a deeper orgasm than I've ever had. he pulls my hair, and calls me a slut, "Who's ass is this?!" I say it's yours between grunts, he asks me where I want him to cum?

"I don't care!"

He's on the verge of cumming "On your knees." He pulls out, I turn around and get on my knees, and he pulls my hair, making me look up at him as he finishes on my face. I wipe it with my fingers into my mouth. I suck him clean, sucking every last drop. I can taste my scent on his cock. I don't want to stop, he turns and lays on the bed beside me, he is still hard, I want to suck him more, and he allows me.

"Next time I will finish inside you."

"I'm looking forward to it."

He finally goes soft. We lay there for a while and then he starts to rub my pussy, finger me, lick my tits. He goes down on me. I cum again. I'm exhausted, but I feel energized.

"Good slut."

"Thank you, Sir" We lay there until I go.

Later that night as I am laying in bed I was thinking how satisfying it was knowing, or hoping, that I pleased him? As I lay in bed, I remember every detail, everything I said. I know I want to be his *****, if he will have me? I don't care anymore, I love the way he is training me, I love being who I am now! I will do anything as long as he keeps me!

1728495814The next few days were rough, overtime at work, he worked late a bit, just regular life things that get in the way sometimes, I still wore a plug as often as possible because I want my ass to be ready for him! Finally, we get together. I show up, clean and within minutes I'm in position after sucking him a bit. I start to masturbate and he slips right in. After only a few strokes, I can feel him fully inside me. He fucks my ass hard and it feels good. I cum deep! A few strokes later, he pulls out and turns me over, with my ass on the edge of the bed. He lifts my legs, knees by my ears, and slips right back into me. He fucks me hard, I can see his face. I rub my clit and cum again!! I stop rubbing but the orgasm continues.

"Don't stop!" I beg him to cum inside me. I start bucking my hips and then I feel it, I can feel his cock pulse and begin to fill me with his cum. I'm trying to reach his hips to pull him in deeper as I am still having an orgasm. I can see the pleasure on his face. I know I pleased him and it makes my orgasm hang around a bit longer. I can feel his cock still pulsing and twitching in my ass. I wiggle side to side even further stretching myself, It feels good, he leans in and kisses me.

"I love it when you are fucking my ass."

"It is the best ass I've ever had."

I pull him inside me and kiss him again. He finally pulls out and rolls up on the bed next to me.

"Clean me."

I get a warm wet rag, wipe him off and then kiss his cock several times. I feel him oozing out of me and it makes me happy knowing he filled me up. I feel good about myself, with no shame, no regrets.

1296268665After this, he rearranges his schedule and ends up in my area every Wednesday on his rounds. We start meeting for car blowjobs. On weekends I stay at his place for anal sessions. (I am not quite ready to have a man at my house and he understands.) Sometimes I'm bent over the couch, the table, or against the wall watching myself in a mirror being anally sodomized to orgasm, and each time I love it more!
He pulls my hair, slaps my ass, and calls me slut while fucking it hard, deep, and rough, anyway, he wants my ass I like it. He cums inside me now most of the time, but occasionally in my mouth which allows me to taste myself on him, other times a facial so I do not forget my place or who is in charge.

The best part is I learned how to orgasm without masturbating!! Don't get me wrong, I want him to make my pussy his, but until I earn that privilege, I am enjoying this immensely. I have come a long way in a few months. He says I'm the best blow job this side of the Atlantic and my ass is the best he's ever had!!

During this time, my kids visited. It was my daughter who notices the "extra bounce" in my step, and asks me if I'd met someone? "Yes, you will meet him in good time... maybe Thanksgiving?" She doesn't like the answer, she wants to know everything… lol.

I invited him for Thanksgiving dinner at my house and to meet my children, but he already had plans to go home. "Even a Bull has a mother to take orders from," he tells me, so Thanksgiving came and went.

Wednesday blowjobs continue but instead of different places, we settle on my grocery store parking lot which is huge. We pull in next to each other, I get in his car, suck, kiss, worship, swallow, then go shopping. Depending on time, he sometimes will come in for things.

It's the thrill of maybe being seen, but also the thought that I'm sucking on a Black man's cock in his car, in a public place like a common ***** that sets me off and he allows me to masturbate and orgasm.

We are seen in public together now from time to time. I am usually braless and pantyless, but with the temps getting lower, that doesn't matter much. Weekends are for him to enjoy his ass. (Yes, it's his now.) A few people know about us, but not the details. We are just what we look like, a couple in public, but really, I'm his personal slut just some stuff needs to stay private, Letting people know that I'm a blow job slut and anal ***** to a Black guy over 20 years my junior is one of them as it may not be wise… lol.

It's maybe two weeks before Xmas now and he will be going on leave for the holidays. He was overseas for several years and missed out on many holidays so he can't say no to mom, no excuses…lol.

I decided that next weekend, the weekend before Xmas, I will invite him to stay at my house for the weekend, it may be the greatest decision of my slut life!!!

Chapter 07 - Best Xmas Ever!

Over the next several weeks we developed a pattern, a schedule. Wednesdays, I blow him in his truck at the grocery store, on weekends I go to his place for ass fucking and blow jobs. During this time, the use of me got rougher. Not violent, no hitting, or anything like that. But the ass slapping, hair pulling, relentless deep ass-pounding has gotten more aggressive which in turn made the orgasms I receive (when allowed) even deeper and more prolonged.

He calls me a "Nigger loving slut" or makes me say it while fucking. It makes me feel even more like his property which thrills me! I've learned to respond to "Slut" or "*****" in private, and "Wife" in public. I refer to him as "Sir" or "My man" in public. My breasts are now tits, my pussy is now cunt, my ass is still ass… lol, but it's all his property now.

I've learned eye contact is a show of respect. 7204321872Not to flinch or move while being facialed (Which is his way of "Marking his territory.) Having my hair pulled, and my ass slapped is a way to show my submissiveness to his Cock. My white holes are for his Black cock. I've been trained, conditioned to know my role and my uses to Master, his satisfaction is my pleasure, I am a nigger loving slut! My orgasms are not for me, they are his when he allows them. I'm his mentally, physically, emotionally and most of all sexually. He has broken me down systematically turning me into his personal Cock hungry slut in a matter of months and I am thankful and devoted.

I'm nude around him most of the time, but it's getting colder so he has allowed me a bathrobe since he keeps his place frigid? That is one of the reasons I finally invite him to my house. I trust him, I owe him, and… his place is cold 🥶… lol.

So it's the weekend before Xmas 2021. My kids and grandkids are coming next week, so this will be the last of our time together for the year as he is going home for the Holidays. It's Friday the 17th, he will arrive after work. It's a bit difficult giving directions to my house, one-way streets and all. So we decide to meet at the grocery store where I give him blowjobs on Wednesdays and where I can get my shopping done. I hope he wants a blowjob before we go in but he does not so we get the groceries, once the car is packed he follows me home.

I go in and quickly undress as Master brings bags in. I put stuff away and start supper under the watchful eye of my Black Cock Master. After supper, we sit on the couch and enjoy a beer then head up to the shower.

I wash him, he washes me. We kiss and fondle each other but he says later for the good stuff. So the night is uneventful for a start. He watches TV, I do dishes, pay bills, and read a bit. About 10 pm he says he's ready to go upstairs but wants his cock sucked first. I obediently crawl over to him and start worshipping with my mouth. He gets hard very fast and soon we head upstairs to my marital bed that I had only shared with my ex. It has a different mattress/box spring, but it is the same bed nonetheless.

We stand face to face, kissing his hands around my waist pulling me to him as mine are on his chest I can feel his strength, his muscles as he turns me around, and pushes me down so I'm bent over the bed. I feel him between my legs eating my pussy from behind while playing with my ass, which easily opens up for him. I'm on the verge of cumming when he stops, stands up, and asks "You ready?" I say yes, spreading my ass waiting to be sodomized. 2063499518 1But instead, he slides into me, into my pussy!!!

His first thrust goes halfway at least, and the second one goes all the way in. I'm cumming instantly! Master fucks me deep, fast, and hard. In my mind, I remember orgasming on every thrust! It's like I have a button inside me that every time he bottoms out he hits it and that sets off lightning bolts through my body. I think... I'm screaming fuck me!!?

My upper body is on the bed, but my feet are on the ground my legs are about to give out. He pushes me up onto the bed so my feet are off the ground and hanging over the edge and continues to fuck his white cunt. I'm crying, cumming, grunting, screaming, begging as my orgasm never stops! I can tell he is getting close by the way he's grabbing my ass cheeks. I beg him to cum inside but he pulls out "Rollover." I comply, spread my legs and welcome his nigger cock into my white cunt, his white cunt. There is no need for me to masturbate since I'm still orgasming on each thrust. He grabs me behind my knees and spreads my legs as far as he can and fucks me even deeper. Master is an animal now I almost pass out as he continues to pound on me and I just keep cumming and cumming until finally, he releases inside me. 1660880065061I can see his face as he does and it makes me cum even more!! I can feel his Black Cock pulsing inside me as he thrust and shoots his hot seed into me. I try to reach his hips to pull him in deeper but can't. It feels like a firehose inside me as he coats my walls.

Finally, he stops and collapses on top of me. Now I can grab his ass and I pull him up into me and keep him inside me. We kiss while his Cock twitches inside. I'm out of breath, I'm speechless, I'm crying, I'm still cumming, I'm in Heaven!! I'm thanking God, I'm thanking Sir, I'm thanking myself for making the leap that has brought me here.

In time, he rolls off me and we climb up fully onto the bed and lay side by side. He says I have a good white cunt. I thank him. I lean down and taste myself on him. It's a feeling I won't even attempt to describe. As he starts to fall asleep, I lay there smiling, my cunt still tingling. I can feel him inside me, some oozing out which I wipe up and lick off my fingers.

I watch him breathing, looking at him knowing that this man here just officially made me a Black Cock Slut. I've swallowed his seed, had it on my face, on my tits, and in my ass, and now my cunt. In 4 months I've evolved into something I've never dreamed of. I'm happier now than I have ever been.

I think about waking him with a blow job and then hopefully he will allow me to climb on top. I already want him in me again! As I start to drift off, the last conscious thought I have is, this is by far, "THE BEST XMAS EVER!!!!"

Chapter 08 - Re-sizing continues

The week after my cunt was Blackened for the first time, my Bull spent every night at my place for reconditioning his white cunt to only receive Black Cock from now on.

My Blacktism was on a Friday. We woke up Saturday morning and brushed our teeth (unlike television, real-life morning breath is after I was finished brushing, I was on my knees getting my mouth filled with Cock while he brushed his. When he finished, we returned to bed where I rode him grinding his Cock deep inside me, Up, down, side to side. I bucked and fucked till he came in me again. I orgasmed continuously, convulsed, kissed, moaned, and rode him for some time even after he painted my inside with his nigger seed till I finally collapsed on top of him spent!

I was more emotionally drained than physically. He could have fucked me ten more times right there, but I think my brain may have fried. Laying there on top of him, feeling his sweat, smelling his odor mixed with mine, hearing his heartbeat and breath as his chest moved up and down. If this is Heaven, take me now God. After a few minutes. I went down and licked him clean of his juices as well as mine.

Not even 8 am yet and already an eventful day 😀😀😀😀!!

Every nite until Thursday, the day he left to go on leave, and head to his mother's, he used one, two, or all three of my holes. I was on my knees, doggy style, bent over the kitchen table, up against a wall, on the bed, on the couch, and the floor, all over the house essentially.

He came inside his cunt, his ass, his mouth, wherever he wanted. For almost a week, I was his cum dump. He made love to me, fucked me like a *****, wham bam thank you, ma'am, etc. It didn't matter, whenever or whatever he wanted, I served.

I waited for him at the door every day like an obedient dog waiting for her Master. 1471877511~2.jpgEach time I loved it more, he was going to be away for 10 days, so filling me with enough Cock to last me was a priority. I went through a lot of chapsticks.

The nite before he left, my daughter and one of my sons arrived with his family. My other son got denied leave so his dad drove down to see him so none of us was alone during the holidays. My daughter was concerned about the age difference but said as long as he makes me happy(I had not told her yet that I'm his personal *****.) My son and he hit it off, they talked sports and the military, so all good there, you know, the important stuff.

So that nite was a bit quiet for us, that was one of the quiet love-making sessions. Mutual oral, he entered me slow and sweet, pumping me slow at first, holding my head down by my hair, kissing, squeezing my ass. Pumping me faster, I was grinding him in perfect rhythm, pulling him in deeper. I was taking all of him, trying to hold off my orgasm, it wasn't easy.

I had one release, he slowed, letting it subside then fucked me to another one where we released at the same time. I asked him to stay inside me as long as he could or wanted, he felt so good inside of me.

After a few minutes, he rolled over onto his back. He was getting up early, I asked him if my mouth was his alarm? "You need to ask?"... lol.

It was around 6:30 am when he came down my throat with a hand on my head, a finger in my ass, and a gentle moan. I think I'll be good for ten days now I said after I had his entire load in my belly.

In general, the holidays were great. Got to cook for the kids, have a few wines with daughters ( consider son's wife my daughter also), and spoiled those grandkids. The key here is to buy them noisy toys but not to forget a year's supply of batteries for them! Then tell them they work better in their own home…. payback a bitch son…
But all good things come to end. Son and family left on the 30th. The daughter left on the 2nd. So had 2 days till Bull got back. We chatted in fone every day, e was having a good time. His brother was on leave also they hadn't physically seen each other in a few years, so that's good. He talks me through masturbation, which is wonderful that he can make me cum from 5 hours away!! I tell him, I can't wait to see him again. He tells me the first thing he is going to fuck is my mouth. I tell him I can't wait!

Bull comes back tomorrow so now I lay in bed and reflect on 2021. Started the year as an overworked, exhausted nurse (wrong job during a pandemic), a sexually repressed woman without a lot of confidence or self-esteem, no aspirations for a relationship, but yet, video training aids to help me masturbate, a growing curiosity about this Black Cock thing.

Halfway through the year, I signed up for some sites, started chatting with Black guys, and finally met with one. From then until the end of the year, I was trained to worship Black Cock with my mouth, take it deep into my ass without complaint, and eventually, my white cunt became the property of a Black Bull, Master.

I learned words and phrases like cunt, Black Cock Slut, blow job *****, eager for Black Cock, etc. I learned I like to be dominated, ruled, and controlled by Black Cock. I surrendered my body and mind to his Black Cock. I learned to submit to his needs/wants which come before mine.

But ironically, I became more confident and felt better about myself, my emotional and mental states were much improved and my cunt, ass, and mouth were all very well taken care of. I was in a good place, a place I belonged and I feel deserved. I knew my purpose now and went after it with a storm of intensity.

After work, I went right to my Bull's house to welcum him home in style. I cleaned up a bit, got something made for supper, showered then hit the couch, watch some TV and wait for him. When I heard him outside the door, I instinctively got on my knees in front of the door and got ready to give him a nice hot mouth or anything else he wants.

He was content to sit down and enjoy a nice long blow job. It had been 2 weeks, so when his cum hit my throat (I was in LaLa land!!) I swallow it greedily! I got on the couch and sit next to him with my head on his lap, I believe he is glad to be home, I know I am!!!!

Conversion, Chapter 9 "New Friends"

Conversion, Chapter 9 "New Friends"​

It was a long cold winter last year (2201-2022)🥶, incredibly cold for long periods and horrible ice storms. People couldn't get into vehicles in the mornings because ice froze doors/locks shut. Driving was dangerous. Sometimes the ice was inches thick.

Blow job Wednesdays were canceled sometimes😭We would go days at a time without being together, which I think made the times we were even better. If I could make it to his place, it was always planned to be for days as he did when he came here.

Driving wasn't worth the chance. But it was nice to feel a hot body next to me, in me, on top of me since it was nearly 8 years since I had that on those cold nites.

On the days, and nites😁, he stayed at my place, He met several of my neighbors while we were out chipping ice. He got along well with the men, most are veterans, sports fans, pick-up truck owners, etc. the important stuff to guys.

The wives were gracious and polite, but I would see some looking, liking, and interested maybe more than normal. My next-door neighbor, who is from Ireland, (I always thought England…lol,) got right to the point, she came right out and asked, "Is it true what they say?" No explanation was needed, I nodded yes and smiled.

Sometimes we would have wine and the girl talk would get a bit more graphic. With the guys in the cellar watching game, us upstairs, me explaining the feeling of a Black Cock hitting my backbone sending orgasmic tremors throughout my body!!! Some details I don't talk about are the incredible anal sessions, the grocery store parking lot blow jobs, the fucking me like a *****, the submission, the cock worshipping, the ass slapping/ hair pulling/name calling, the part where I yell "Fuck my white cunt!" "Fuck me nigger!" "I'm a nigger loving slut!" etc, those things are private.

Do I tell them I spent a few months on my knees orally worshipping his cock, swallowing his cum, and another few months bent over being sodomized, all to earn the privilege of him fucking my cunt? No. Do I want to? Yes. I also don't say that it pains me that I can't carry his seed. Again, some things are better left unsaid.

But these cold months drag on. He tells me about his blacked wives in Europe with his 2 buddies he was stationed with, both Black. I meet these guys on 'zoom' calls. One is very similar to my Bull in size( yes, cock size…duh) and stature. Pretty much could be brothers. Another guy was average in overall appearance except for the tree trunk between his legs!!! I show off for them while they masturbate or they would show off their latest white wife conquest.

What's nice about masks is no one can ever really be positively sure it's you with the Black Cock in your mouth on a live zoom call. They were impressed with what they see in me and tell me how they would love to have me serve them, I said I'm here to please.

So around the start of February one nite during a group video chat with us, twin Bull and Tree Trunk, throw out that they are both up for orders and coming back to the states. Twin Bull was going to Fort Eustis Va, and Tree Trunk Fort Dix, NJ.

They are leaving Germany together, both going home to visit family. Then on the way to their new duty stations, they will stop here and have this white slut show them what she can do!!! I am asked if I'm ok with that. "Definitely!" I then have my Bull's cock in my mouth to show my compliance. I greedily swallow his seed. I'm asked several questions after that and hopefully give the correct answers. Tree Trunk asks if my holes will accommodate his enormous cock. My reply was something like, "I'm sure you will see to it that it does."

"Good answer slut."

So, we watch gang bang porn exclusively for the next few weeks. All the same genre, mature white female pleasuring multiple Black Men. Mostly homemade/amateur with a sprinkle of the incredible Nina Hartley thrown in. Blow jobs, anal, vaginal, DP, spit-roasted, submissive, airtight, etc. During the movies I would masturbate and suck his cock, afterwards he fucked me like a slut and used toys to fill other holes.

He did buy this double penetrator thing. It's a dildo with a ring on the end. His cock goes in the ring and slides down so now there are in essence two cocks. One for my cunt, the other for my pretty asshole. So it's like I'm being DP'ed, but still not the real thing. It was difficult to manipulate. I was getting used to it, having something in more than one hole at a time, but somehow realized 2-3 Black Cocks in those holes will be a different world, A world I can't wait to enter.

So the time was getting near, they were days away from leaving Europe and flying home. I continued to chat/zoom with them, show them what they are going to use, show them I'm a slut that knows who is in charge, etc. Expressing my need to have Black Cock own my cunt, ass, and mouth any way they see fit. To know that your holes are owned by Black Cock is a pleasure in itself. A deep seeded instinctual knowledge that that's what I'm here for.

In these zoom sessions, I'm told what will be expected of me. Most I've done with my Black Bull, but some things will be new. One of the guys likes his asshole licked and rimmed. Sounds disgusting, but I didn't say no. Titty fucked, although I'm not Dolly Parton, I'm sure he will find a way to make it work.

Possibly earn money with my mouth, but that may not happen this time. But I'm hoping eventually I will be a *****, even for just one night.

The almost nightly fuckings I'm getting come to an abrupt end when the guys get to the USA. Even though it won't be for two more weeks till they are here, my Bull will only use my mouth till they get here. He wants my holes to tighten back up. I don't know if that's possible, but yet again, I don't say no.

To me, it seems like the calendar didn't move, but after one nite with the Bulls on zoom, I realize the one(Twin Bull) leaves tomorrow. He will be driving to the other's (Tree Trunk) house, staying a nite, then they follow each other here, I'm excited, and I masturbate for them on zoom. The next day at work, I was asked if I had too much coffee because of my "Perkiness?" I just said I was getting a visitor I haven't seen in some time and was excited… lol, I didn't lie, I just forgot to pluralize "visitor," an Easy mistake.

1534314707~3.jpgThe next day, Thursday, I took off as well as Friday and Monday. Already planning on giving up my holes all day long. In the morning, scheduled a spa day. Hair, nails, feet, facial, etc. Want to look my best. Already have some slutty outfits. My Bull and I visited an adult store and got a rather large plug for my ass which I have been using regularly. It's near twice the size of the largest one in the set I already have. I'm nervous enough and the last thing I need is the embarrassment of not being able to take a Black Cock where it belongs.

So I was home by 1 pm, I cleaned the house a bit, made some small things to snack on, etc. Then about 2, my Bull called and said they were at his place. They were going to drive down and be here about 3. I was told to lipstick, be on my knees at the door to show his friends how I respect him, and don't be nervous.

I had an hour, I gave myself an enema, showered, careful not to mess my hair up, and put on this slutty outfit we bought, and red lipstick. I had just gotten done throwing snacks on the table when a little after 3 my Bull called and said they were coming up the street.

I checked my lipstick 656140172~3.jpgreal quick, unlocked the door, and got on my knees. I heard the cars pull in the driveway. A bit of talking and laughing. I was shaking, my palms were sweaty and nervous. I was thinking, "What if I'm not good enough, what if I embarrass myself and him?" all these thoughts were going through my head when the door opened.

They came in, and my Bull said, "Let me introduce you to my slut." I crawled over to him, unzipped his pants, and pulled down his shorts, maintaining eye contact, but had not realized the kitchen door was wide open.

Conversion, Chapter 10 " The meeting"

Conversion, Chapter 10 " The meeting"​

So there I am, in my kitchen, on my knees with my BULL filling my mouth with his cock. His Two friends on either side pulling their Black Cocks out. One grabs my hair and holds my head so my BULL can hit my throat. The other says, "There is work for your hands."

I'm getting my mouth fucked, and I can feel a cock in each hand getting harder. My head is twisted to the side, and another cock is in my mouth, after a minute, it's twisted 180 and the third cock is in my mouth. This one is TREE TRUNK. My head needs to be held very steady to get him in my mouth. This goes back and forth and then they find their rhythm and the cocks are like pistons in a motor in and out of my throat, I can hear comments being made, but I'm more concerned about pleasuring them.

They stop and lead me into the living room and take seats on the couch. My pussy is wet, I ache but I can see that is going to have to wait. BULL says, "Finish us off," BULL first, My BULL shoots his load down my throat. TREE TRUNK, I slide over to finish TREE TRUNK. I tell him I want him to stretch my BULLS' cunt(My cunt, but we know it's BULLS' property). I fit as much of TREE TRUNK in my mouth as possible. Even with him pushing my head down, it all won't go. But I can get enough to his liking. He eventually cums like a horse. I couldn't swallow it all and choked a bit, but I lick up any left over. TWIN, I shift over and start to suck TWIN. I suck, kiss, and lick until TWIN pulls my head up by my hair and finishes himself on my face. I tell him I love his cum while I continue to kiss and lick his cock. He pats my head and says I am great, not good, cock sucker!!

Eventually, I get up to go get a kitchen towel to clean us up with. I walk into the kitchen and that's when I realize the kitchen door is wide open. I'm standing there in a thong outfit, cum dripping off my face staring out the door. I turn around and see there is a clear line of sight right to that couch. I hurry over and close the door wondering if anyone had seen inside?

I return to the living room with wet towels, everyone cleans up. They tell me they knew I would be nervous meeting them and thought to calm me, meeting them with blow jobs would help. My BULL says "That was a beautiful sight, seeing your mouth filled with multiple Black Cocks."

"I feel much less nervous and well-filled." BULL, tells me to get naked and sit on the couch, it's my turn to be pleased. I comply and BULL gets down and starts licking, smacking, fingering, and rubbing my pussy. He lifts my legs and works on my ass. Back and forth, eating my pussy, fingers in my ass, I am working up to a tremendous orgasm.

We are all naked now and they are semi-hard. While BULL is taking care of his holes, the other two take care of my breasts. Licking, sucking, flicking, pinching my nipples. I reach for their cocks, one in each hand. TWIN immediately gets hard, TREE TRUNK takes a second. Each one grabs a leg and spreads to open my pussy fully for BULL. Their cocks are on my face, in my mouth. I'm starting to tremble until I let out I think a loud moan and orgasm hard.

I'm bucking my hips, I start to beg to be fucked, filled with Black cock. " What are you?!"

"I'm a slut, I'm a Black cock slut!"

"What kind of cock do you like?"

"I love Black cock!"

"No, what kind?"

"I love nigger cock!! I want nigger seed in my mouth, in my cunt, In my ass!!"

"Good, girl." BULL stops, my juices dripping from his chin.

"Good slut huh?!"

"Fuck yeah!!" Treetrunk and twin say in unison.

I lay there naked, with a wet pussy, shaking, "When will you fuck me, am I good enough?"

"Hell yes!!!"

BULL says, "First you wash us in the shower, you shower, then pizza... lol."

So my BULL is first. We get in the shower, I soap him up and then down, wash his genitals, etc, and we make out, my God is he hard? I turn and lean against the shower wall, opening my legs, welcoming his cock into me, but he says not now, this next couple of days is for my buddies to enjoy you, treat them right. I pout, he gives me a gentle kiss on the forehead, gets out, grabs a towel, and leaves.

Next up is TWIN, the same thing, I wash him and kiss him, but no fucking. He is hard, he tells me how he can't wait to get in my ass after I eat his ass(Uh, oh) he loves a sweet ass. He then gets out, grabs a towel, and leaves.

Last, but def not least, TREE TRUNK gets in, he is an average guy, but his cock is unbelievable!! It's as long as my forearm and thick as my thigh it seems!! It's only semi-hard, but every time he shifts around, it hits me in the hip or side. It's like getting hit with a bat?! "Can you handle it?"

Like I said before, "I'm sure you'll see that I do." He gets out, towels off, and leaves. I finish showering, get out, wrap towels around myself, and head into the bedroom.

TREE TRUNK and TWIN are sitting on my king-sized bed, they are going to watch me get ready, I drop the towel. "Spin around."

They both say in unison that they love what they see. I think I may have blushed. I start to dress, I'm ready to put panties on "They say no, no bra either." I think I may have gotten wet right there. I put on a garter to keep my nylons up, a nice button top with a casual skirt. a little makeup, 490053169.jpgred lipstick, and a pair of "fuck-me" boots. We leave, but I run back for a second to grab the lipstick, never know.

I don't wear makeup much, makeup, in general, is not good for my skin, but I think, I'll need it for these guys. We decide on a place and head out. TWIN drives since he was the last one to pull into the driveway. TREE TRUNK gets in the back, BULL opens the door for me to get in.

"Can I sit in the back with TREE TRUNK?" He nods yes and winks. We aren't down the street and I was getting fingered in the back seat. I start rubbing his crotch area and can feel that thing through his pants. It's still cold out, so if my skirt or shirt does get wet, I'll keep my coat on.

It's about a 25-minute trip, but I come very close to orgasming, he stops when we arrive. So here I am, a middle-aged white woman, in high heel boots, a short skirt, a button shirt, and nipples that can cut glass, walking into a pizza place with 3 young Black Stallions. If it was a joke, the punchline would be, "No, all 3…hahaha!!!!"

We sit, order, and TWIN gets his own pie because pineapple on pizza is, I'm sorry, but just not right!! He's from Michigan I think? Do they even have those things up there??? Lol. But, as I sit between TREE and TWIN eating my pizza, an occasional hand brushes my belly, rubs my private area, maybe brushes across my tits reaching for garlic salt or hot peppers. I don't know which hands, and I don't care. We are nearly done when TREE and TWIN put their hands in front of me and play 'rock, paper, scissors' TREE wins 2 out of 3, and now I am confused. TREE leans over and says, "I'm first, to stretch out those holes tonite," I give him a quick peck on the lips.

TWIN says, "Save some for me TREE... lol" I give TWIN a peck on the lips. I see BULL across the table, I stand up and lean as far as I can across the table BULL leans from the other side, and I kiss him. Before I sit back down, I open my legs a bit and give anyone behind us a bird's eye view of my soon-to-be-filled and swollen sweet spots. Oh, the looks we got are etched into my memory. We finish eating and boxed up what was left. (I didn't care if we left the pineapple pizza behind, lol) paid the bill, and headed out.

I was in the back seat again with TREE and had his cock in my mouth before we left the parking lot, again. I tried to get at least a quarter of his cock into my mouth. I did my best and got some lovely tasting pre- cum as a reward and my signal to stop. I wanted to swallow his load, but also wanted him inside me, so I had to let up. I did hike that skirt up and let him bury a few fingers in my holes, like a bowling ball.

When we got home, I ran out of the car unlocked the door, and was inside ripping my skirt and blouse off before they got out of the car. Remembering that TREE had told me to keep the garter, nylons, and boots on. The guys came in, closed the door (This time), and went to the living room, I got beers for us and a glass of wine for TWIN. (Always different?)

BULL sat in the recliner, TWIN in the rocker, with the TV on some sports thing, and I and TREE were on the couch. I was cuddled up next to TREE enjoying my beer and anticipating the fucking of a lifetime as TREE and I started getting hot and heavy!!

BULL and TWIN were occupied with whatever sports thing was on the TV. As I and TREE were making out I told him I wanted him to fuck me, eat me, cum in me, etc. He said, "Before that, I would like your pretty mouth on me again." A split second later, I was on my knees licking his balls. I tried to get as much as possible in but had to apologize that I couldn't. He said it was ok, I sucked a bit more, and started to masturbate when he said, "Bedroom."

"Yes" and led him upstairs. The other two were cheering, but I don't know for what team?

Conversion, Chapter 11 "Tree Trunk"

Conversion, Chapter 11 "Tree Trunk"

I was in front of him, holding his hand as we climbed the stairs. I was on the second to last or last step, when Tree Trunk stopped me, "Look straight ahead and bend over," I bent over as he instructed, 2063499518 (1).jpgspread my legs, and could feel his tongue lick up the back of my thigh, then the other one, he licked my butt hole a bit which almost made me collapse then started on my pussy.

Getting eaten from behind is a different feeling, a great feeling, but doing it on the steps is a bit risky. He licked me hard while rubbing my clit, I became very wet and excited my legs started to shake. I didn't want to fall down the steps so I crawled forward until I was face down on the landing, legs over the edge. He was still rubbing my clit, but with the angle, it was hard to get to my pussy so he went back to my butthole. It didn't take long but with the tongue flicking in and out and the rubbing on the clit, I orgasmed. Not a hard, deep defining one, but enough to know that my pussy was going to welcome that cock. I got up, barely, leaning against the wall when he scooped me up and carried me to my bed.

We lay there, I loved tasting him on my lips. He started to play with me again, I begged him to fuck me. He laid back and said, "Get on top and ease me into you at your pace." and I got on top of him, guiding him into me. He didn't thrust or move, just kept saying go at my pace. Even his head was huge. I got him in but trying to get more in only caused him to pop out. Each time I'd get a bit more inside me until Finally enough of him was in me that he stayed and we work our hips in rhythm. It took I don't know how long, but each time I would grind down I could feel my pussy open even more until I was sitting on him.1711572827~2.jpg

I leaned forward, my chest on his, kissing and saying it's your turn to fuck me now. He started slow, spreading me with his hands, deep kissing, each stroke he gave me every inch. Faster, faster until he was fucking me. I was kissing him to stop myself from screaming. I gyrated my hips as he pumped into me. I reached the point of orgasm, but couldn't, I told him, he brought one hand to my mouth and said wet his fingers. I covered them with spit and he started to rub my asshole as he pumped me. It got me closer, but I couldn't cum. It felt as though I had to pee, but something was blocking it and the pressure was building. I said, "Maybe you should be on top?" when he pulled out, there was an audible wet, very wet, suction-like "pop" sound. It was as if my pussy was holding on, it didn't want to let it go, but no worries, on my back, legs spread1201176244~2.jpg and back in, he pumped me hard and deep. Pinched my nipples, kissing me, etc. I was bucking my hips up into him meeting his downward thrust. He was hitting places inside of me that may still have remnants of virginity. It felt great, I was on the verge, but stayed there. He lifted my legs and hit even deeper, he had to be past my cervix, that supposed A-spot. But as near as I would get, I just couldn't get over the edge until I said, "Maybe, "fuck my ass??!"

Because the bedroom door was open, I know they heard downstairs. Well, he kept me in that position, got my plug and K-Y on the dresser, lubed it up good, and started the loosening up of my ass. I asked him if I could taste myself off him first. So we got into the 69, me on top licking my wet off his cock, him on the bottom again licking my clit while widening my ass with the plug. I almost came but stopped him, I wanted to cum with him inside me.

So, back on the edge of the bed on my back, legs up, 1990988943~2.jpgholding my cheeks open when he started to insert his Man into my ass. It was easier than I thought it would be because I was so fucking wet, excited but relaxed, safe, and God-awful HORNY!!! It wasn't long before he was hitting again virgin parts inside me. He told me to masturbate which I was planning on anyway. It didn't take long, but when I was on the verge yet again, I stopped masturbating, put my hands on his chest, and said I was going to cum, which I did deeply. It took him a bit longer, but my orgasm never stopped until he stopped. My feet cramped from being curled, I was quivering, sweating, pulling him in to kiss. I felt every hot drop shoot into my ass. I still felt him twitching and swelling inside me until all this was ruined by cheering from the peanut gallery.

We both looked and there was Bull and Twin in the hallway looking in high 5-ing each other and cheering. Pretty much in unison both Tree and myself, legend has it, both yelled "ASSHOLES" at the same time!! ….lol. Speaking of which, because there was no more thrusting, he was still hard and my orgasm finally subsided, my butt started to feel his size and it was hurting a bit. He pull out slowly until only the head was in. He thrust slowly a few times and was welcomed inside again, but all good things ended. He pulled all the way out slowly and what followed was a flow of his cum coming out. I'm not worried about my bedspread, sheets, etc, they are washable, but my rug.

Tree said, "Don't worry," he had already had a towel down that I never noticed. That's what Black Cock does, it puts blinders on so you are oblivious to your surroundings.

Bull and Twin were back downstairs. We lay there a minute, my head on his chest, his heartbeat still a bit high. We kissed deeply and I said let's get in the shower, I'll clean you up. In the shower, we washed each other, I apologized for not giving him a vaginal orgasm which I so desperately wanted, but he said it was nothing new. His size makes it difficult for some, but it will come. We stood there hugging, and kissing. It felt great. I felt great and more importantly safe, just as I do with Bull. Twin I worry about, it's that pineapple on pizza thing. I ask, "Would you want to try again?"

"Maybe in the morning, but I would settle for a blow job?" He also added that Bull was right, no one gives head like me!!

"I will do anything you want."

Time to get out, dry off and head downstairs. He watches some of the game with the other two, I wash dishes, and tidy up a bit, nude of course! Later Tree and I head up to bed, we go lights out instantly. I wake up early, watch and listen to him breathe. It's not long before he starts that waking-up process, which is a signal to me to get my mouth to work. When he is flaccid I can get it all in my mouth, but once he starts getting hard. He stops me and goes to the bathroom. On return, he is soft again which I kind of like. I like the feeling of him getting hard in my mouth. As I continue to worship his cock, I start to masturbate. Each time I get close, I slow down, I want us to cum simultaneously, which we do in time, as I am ready to orgasm, I feel him release, and my mouth fills with his seed as my pussy explodes. He lies there smiling as I clean him up almost as if it's my duty, we lie there a while until it's time to get up.

We go downstairs, TREE wearing boxers and myself nothing. I start breakfast when I hear the other two. enter the kitchen TWIN is naked, as he will be most of the rest of the day. BULL has sweats on.

Bull asks "How was it?"

"Unbelievable!!!" I also added that I did orgasm deeply from anal, but couldn't vaginally. I think it was because of the size, my pussy wasn't familiar with something that big.

That's when Twin added, "Well, that's why we call him TREE TRUNK!!"

Conversion, Chapter 12 "Twin"

So after a nice breakfast, TREE cleaned up. I told him he didn't have to but he insisted after the blow job I had given him, I blushed and kiss him. He says go to TWIN now, you are his for today.

I go into the living room, TWIN is sitting on the couch, and I sit next to him, within seconds, I'm giving my second blow job of the morning! It was quick, he grabbed my head and pumped my mouth till he came. "I couldn't wait." He said, "After my "Welcome to my place" blow job I got when we arrived, I couldn't wait to GET MY cock in your mouth again." This time he had me swallow, he gave me no choice actually, I thanked him as I was cleaning up any excess cum.

It was still before noon when BULL took them for a ride to show them around the city, I'm sure it would be a 'She sucked my cock here, and here and there kind of tour.' They mentioned pizza again (There were still leftovers in the fridge.) I said, "I'll cook, I think, I'm pizza'd out. They left, and I threw the laundry in and started supper. A roast, potatoes, diced carrots, etc.

They returned a bit later, lunch was the leftover pizza… I had a salad. They all laughed and went to the television. It was still a bit chilly, so I did have a shirt and things on. I would venture into the living room on occasion, snuggle up to TWIN, kiss, let him touch what he wanted, probe, etc. Eventually, the day went on, and more TV, nothing spectacular. Supper, more of the same. My pussy was aching though, even though still swollen from TREE, I couldn't wait for TWIN to get in there. Finally, he instructed me to get naked and on my knees. I couldn't move fast enough, I was stripped and between his legs in a second. He was fully hard in my mouth when he said to start licking his ass. I licked his asshole until he told me to climb up and ride his Black Cock. I rode him up and down,966304595 sideways, back and forth, every which way but loose. I needed to orgasm badly, I was nearly there when he got up holding me, turn me over on the couch, legs up high, and pounded my pussy like a pile driver. When I came, he fucked me harder, he punched my clit while orgasming. I went wild, I bucked my hips back up to him which made me cum even harder!! He stopped, and it took a minute for my orgasm to subside. "Up to bed, let's take care of that ass."

The next thing I knew, I was upstairs bent over my bed taking his cock deep in my ass. Again, I think a second G-spot is hidden in my ass. I came hard and deep once again. Finally, he said he wanted to cum in my pussy. I only need to be told once. I flip over spread my legs and even spread my cunt lips open for him. He was all the way in on one stroke, grabbing me behind my knees, and spreading my legs even further apart. My pussy opened naturally for him and Swallowed him up. I learned to squeeze it on his outstroke, kind of like holding a pee in. When he came, it was deep in me, I could feel it. I had a slight orgasm. I say slightly so as not to offend, but I had several massive ones already, I may have been orgasmed out…lol? We lay there a minute before I showered, my pussy was again swollen, tender to the touch, and feeling so good. His seed started to run out a bit, so I instinctively wiped it with my hand and licked my fingers clean. I still, even today, do NOT like the taste, but the feeling I get when I know I'm swallowing it far surpasses the taste.

We showered and I was asleep next to him in minutes. But before I did, I was told tomorrow is when I become a true 3- hole slut. I may have fallen asleep smiling. I slept damn well I must admit, waking before TWIN.
I arrived downstairs to get things ready for breakfast, checking outside, usual morning stuff.

Returning to the bedroom TWIN was just finishing brushing his teeth. I went in and started to brush when he came up behind me, I could see him in the mirror, and feel his presence hitting my ass. I dropped my robe off and bent over, I know TWIN is an ass man, and he let me know it right there. He invaded my ass, pulling my hair back and forcing me to see myself in the mirror. The look of pleasure on my face with each thrust made me cum quicker. I weakened at the knees, but he held my hips, fucked in a nice quick steady rhythm until he released. I already had my assgasm well before him.

In the shower, I washed us both, as we were in the bedroom dressing he asked, "Are you ready to be stuffed like a turkey today?


"I hope so." We go downstairs, I start breakfast and wait patiently until my holes are called into action. I look at the time.

"I'm like the old Army recruiting commercial, I do more before 9 AM than most do all day… lol."

BULL replied, "That also goes for all the Cock you'll be taking tonite… more than most women in a lifetime." I smile, walk to him and kiss 💋 him.

"Thank you."

We head out a little after breakfast. The Guys wanted to get a run in. They say fucking me is a workout, but nothing like running. They hit the dike and I walk around. Things starting to bloom a bit I notice. Also, my pussy was still a bit swollen and tender, I can feel my pants and underwear being filled with its lips.

I'm thinking, hope I can accommodate everything they want me to do. I'm hoping I can cum vaginally from TREE. He is a quieter gentle type of man, but his size makes it difficult for some women which must bother him, I'm hoping I make him feel good.

I think about the outfit I will be wearing for them tonite. It's kind of a corset bodysuit top, black boots, black nylons, and lipstick. I'm sure that I will get a good reaction…lol. Originally, I was just going to do this to make BULL happy, but now, since meeting TREE and TWIN in person, feeling them inside me, and seeing how good I make them feel, I think I'm doing this for all of them, but myself the most.

My pussy may be swollen now from the fucking, but I think the anticipation and excitement may have something to do with it. My pussy gets wetter now than it has ever gotten, him pinching my clit the other night was a feeling I've never felt, it was tremendous. I'm thinking about how I'm going to present myself, display myself to them, for them to use me tonite, I'm hoping I don't let anyone down.

Conversion, Chapter 13," No Holes Barred"

1667444993566We are all fed and relaxed when I'm told to go get ready for tonight's festivities, shower, dress, etc. Don't forget to ensure my back door is clean because TWIN likes my ass. I kiss all three and go upstairs. The guys clean up. As I'm in the bent-over position letting the enema do its stuff, I hear dishes clanging together, the door opening and closing for trash, I even hear the vacuum. I think I'll keep these guys. If they do windows half as well as they do white pussy, then hired on the spot… lol.

A few minutes later, after I have evacuated myself, I'm in the shower. As I'm washing, I can feel my pussy is still swollen, although not as much. I'm sure (hoping) it will be even more swollen tonite. I wash every nook and cranny, shave legs, and pits, trim pussy ( don't shave completely, sensitive skin will rash), and wash my hair. I'm out now, dry off, apply my various creams and powders, blow dry/comb hair, a bit of makeup, put on my outfit, a tuck here, nip there, nylons and boots.

I was getting wet, and as I am getting ready my pussy was throbbing before I went downstairs. From the landing, I can see all three on the sofa waiting. BULL calls to me that when I enter the room, I'm to crawl to them. I do, I crawled to BULL first, never losing eye contact, I unbuckle and remove his pants and boxers, then TREE, then TWIN. I slide back over and start kissing Bull's cock, the underside of it, licking the underside. When I feel it start to grow, I hungrily go all the way down. His moaning makes me want to suck harder, but I want this to last so I stop slide over, and repeat on TREE. The only difference is I can only go down to a point. But I can tell he still likes it. He gets the same treatment until again, I stop and slide over. Same thing with TWIN. When I stop on him, they all stand and there I am, on my knees with three young hung Black Cocks in my face!! 😁😁 My head is grabbed and held by the hair, a cock fed to me, pumped in my mouth, pulled out, head twisted another one, then another, back to the first one all similar to the initial meeting in my kitchen, but this time, my hair is pulled, cocks slapped across my face, and fed to me all with more aggressiveness and fervor.

I'm told to get up on the couch and bend over. It's not against the wall, so my mouth is still able to be fed by TWIN while BULL penetrates my pussy on one hard deep thrust. I cum instantly trying not to bite down.

This isn't as easy as it looks in the movies, so my concentration on not biting may have taken away a bit of the quality of the blow job. So basically I let my mouth get fucked, I can always enjoy the full-quality blow job later. My pussy is now empty until TREE gets a hold of it. When he is inside me, every single square inch of room is taken. But no matter how big he is, I can feel my pussy pulling him in deeper on every thrust.

The fucking is so intense, I don't even know how BULL is in my mouth now. The urge to cum with TREE is incredibly close, but it just won't happen, but God he feels Good? He has to be past my cervix now.

He pulls out and I know TWIN is next, but he goes right for my ass. I tighten up at first because I wasn't ready, but I quickly open up for him. He is way more able to go from zero to a hundred than the other two. He's almost immediately pumping my ass? I'm still being fed BULL's cock. I'm told at the end of this first session, I will have cum in each hole, I almost cum from hearing that.

Everyone pulls out and I'm told to stand up. I need help because my legs are like Jell-O. I'm on my back now, hanging over the edge. Each takes turns on my pussy and ass one at a time, when one is fucking, the other two are holding my legs open, pinching my nipples, TREE likes pinching my clit….😀😀😀. BULL always has an indication when a hard cum is coming my way and that's when he tells whoever is inside me at the time to stop.

TWIN is sitting on the couch, on my knees again with his cock in my mouth and another in either my ass or pussy. I'm being fucked to the point of orgasm, then all stop. Start over, all stop. It doesn't matter which one's cock is in which hole, but I'm getting close, begging to cum, then my head is pushed back. I'm lifted now in front of TWIN and he says, "Turn around and sit, you're about to be double stuffed!"

So again, these positions are not easy, but doable, I'll get better each time. Yes, I plan on doing this again….lol. so I sit on TWIN's cock, all up in my ass. I lean back on him, I can feel his breath in my ear. In this position, he can pump my ass a bit. It's not total penetration but feels good. Between the three of them, my legs are up and spread, cock in my ass with TREE about to enter the pussy. Again, even with his large size, my pussy welcomes him in easily. He's pumping deep almost immediately. TWIN is still moving around in my ass. I'm trying to control my breathing. I have no fear of sliding or falling off since I now have total trust in these guys. they are both fucking at a good pace now, BULL is pinching my nipples, kissing me. I'm so close to cumming, but can't. My pussy is so filled, I still have that "gotta pee" feeling. It's like the size is stopping it up. I'm crying, "I want to cum!!" I Beg. TREE does that pinch the clit thing and slaps my pussy. Pinches, fucking it, TWIN fucking my ass harder. It's getting more aggressive until on an extremely deep stroke, TREE hits some kind of button in the back of my pussy that combined with the sodomization and various pinching, I feel like a shock in my body when FINALLY, my pussy lets loose and I squirt for the first time. It's not a firehose, but just enough to hit TREE in the belly.

Each stroke from him is a new orgasm, a new squirt. He pauses for a second for a kiss. I feed him my tongue, he feeds me his. Right back to fucking, right back to a new series of orgasms. He rearranges my body a bit and lets TWIN fuck my ass at his rhythm now. My legs are shaking, toes curled, pissy still drawing TREE in while my ass is getting pounded then, filled with TWINs cum. As far as time, I don't know how long this went on, but it can NEVER be too long.

We re-shift again, TREE sits on the couch now while I taste myself off not only his cock, but my juices I lick off his belly. BULL is going from one hole to the other every few strokes. Oh, I'm still having orgasms. BULL and TREE switch spots. BULL tells me he wants his cum in my belly while TREE starts fucking my pussy again. He's fucking slow so I can concentrate on the blow job which doesn't last long, I'm gulping down Bull's cum within a minute and that's the signal to TREE to make my pussy his. I can feel how swollen and sore it's getting, but the overall filled feeling is tremendous. He starts fucking at his rhythm and it doesn't take long, but I'm orgasming again. I can feel his cum shooting into my cunt. I think I may have squirted again, but that may have been his cum being squeezed out as he is still thrusting deep. He lays on top of me for a minute and then climbs to sit down.

I'm still on my knees, over the couch. I can see myself glistening off Tree's cock. I want to suck it, but I really can't move. I kind of collapsed on my side. Upper half on the couch, lower on the floor. TWIN breakers the silence," how do you feel after that?" He asks.

I reply "Like a well fucked slut… no holes barred!!!"
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