Chapter 02 - The Interview

SIR told me when and where the face-to-face interview was to take place and that from this point forward he was to be addressed as SIR! It was me and three other sluts. We had numbers 1-4, I was #4.

The Bull (SIR) was in the Army, stationed overseas. He was traveling back and forth from his temporary duty post to find housing as his next duty station was to be here, stateside. The interview was set up while he was apartment hunting.

I showed up, casually dressed, with no make-up as he said nothing fancy.

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SIR had us wait in cars in the parking lot. When he showed up, it was the first time I had seen him. He never asked me for "pics" on the site which was the first thing that made me think he was legit, and also made me feel comfortable.

SIR was 35 years old, about 6'1", maybe 220-ish. Years of nursing let me get it close as I found out, I was only 3 pounds off my guess…lol.

SIR led us into the diner and had us sit in the booth together. SIR sat at another table. There was me, a woman approximately my age, another with a lot of metal on her face, tattoos, etc, and a pretty younger married woman, in her 40s, I'd say. All white girls.

SIR came over to the table, addressed the one near my age, and told her to leave. She was wearing a Black Lives Matter shirt. SIR said he was looking for a slut, not a political statement! I thought, WOW, now only 3...hmmm?

SIR called us over one at a time. I'd say he talked for maybe 15 minutes with each of us, I was last. My palms were sweating, nervous, etc. When SIR gestured for me to come to him. I almost fell But made it to the table.

There were the standard pleasantries. SIR stated that this relationship if there were to be one, was going to be strictly sexual. We may go out to eat, etc., but the goal here was for SIR to teach me how to properly please a Black Man, while at the same time discovering new pleasures as well as discovering or learning about myself.

SIR then asked me what I've done sexually, what I like, how many partners etc. He was taking notes. It felt as though I was at a job interview. SIR was a take-charge guy, he expected truthful answers and handled the whole thing respectfully.

After I was done, SIR came over to the booth and joined us. We had coffee and as we talked he inquired "What is there to do around here? What do people do for a living in this area?" after a few more general questions about the area SIR called it a day and we all left.

Later that night, SIR called me and said it was down to myself and the married one. The tattooed one he said was just too much with the earrings, tats, hoops on her face, etc. SIR said "there would be one more interview, these would be one on one interviews the last few days of August 2021, Good luck.
A few days later we met, it was the same thing, casual dress, one on one this time. SIR asked a lot of the same questions but went a little more in-depth. He kept asking if my perfect( my tits were real? I kept replying yes SIR until I got angry and said if he asks again, I would leave! SIR didn't ask again, thank God? He did ask one thing that puzzled me at the time, "Did you know you were a submissive slut?" I said nothing as we left.

The next day SIR called and said I was his pick. (The longshot had won?!) SIR told me he wanted to meet one more time before he had to go back. SIR said he had found his apartment. It was about 20-25 minutes away from me depending on traffic? SIR wanted to meet and make it official? Before he went back to get his stuff, orders, etc,

We meet for pizza( he eats a lot of it) I was to wear something sexy. SIR said I could leave at any time and at times I wanted to. Sir is forceful and it scared me, but at the same time, it felt like this is exactly what I needed in my life, every time he referred to me as slut, it excited me.

SIR explain what I would need to do, and what my role would be in our relationship. he used phrases like, when you are with me, when you are doing this, this is what you will be doing, this is how you'll do it, etc. He was very absolute, demanding, and as a matter of fact, in the way, he spoke to me and I have to admit I like the way he takes charge!

SIR said if I agreed to what was laid out to me we could go to his place for inspection(?) So we finished and I followed him to his place.
Next page: Chapter 03 - The Inspection
Previous page: Conversion
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