Chapter 03 - The Inspection

So! here I am, a 58-year-old white divorcee, mother, and grandmother, who up to this point in her life has had 5 sexual partners. One was my former husband of 25 years.

I'm on the highway following a Black man (who by the way, wasn't even born for my first 3 sexual partners…lol.) to his place, not only because I was told to, but also because I think, I wanted to.

I had no idea what was going to happen, yet I somehow trusted this man? Yes, he is an Army guy, but there was something about him...? The way he maintained eye contact when he spoke, the authoritative tone in his voice, the way he corrected me if I forgot to call him SIR all these things seemed to turn me on! Hell, I even wore a sexy outfit like I was told to without question and lipstick which I hardly ever wore!

Yes, of course, on the way to his apartment at every exit, I thought to myself take the exit and head home, block him off your phone, and delete your profile! But something kept me following him. It was then that I realized for the first time as I adjusted my seatbelt that my nipples were hard. I was aroused, horny!!

I stayed on the highway, it wasn't a long drive, but sometimes it felt like an eternity. I was scared, excited, and apprehensive, I had hard nipples, an aching pussy, and curiosity about all this and I was on the verge of a panic attack all of this in one car…lol!

We finally arrived. It was an apartment building. SIR told me where to park, then said "Meet me at the door." I got to the door "Follow me to your new life."

"Yes SIR."

SIR entered the security code to get into the building and then to his apartment. The door opened, and he let me enter first closing the door behind us. To the left was the bathroom, the Living room was straight ahead, the kitchen to right, bedroom to left. Not much here yet, but that's how a new place is. A couch, lazy boy, tv, tv stand, small kitchen table, 4 chairs, bed and dresser in the bedroom, crappy drapes( I'll get him some new ones), and one coffee table in between the couch and lazy boy.

We sat at the table. "There are going to be rules. The first one is this is the last time you will be beyond the bathroom, clothed." SIR was clear that On my next visit and anytime after that, there will be a table or shelf next to the door, I am to enter, either undress putting my stuff there or go to the bathroom wash up, do anything I need to do and then undress, Either way, I am not to go further unless I am naked.

Once I'm nude, I then proceed to do what I'm told. Sometimes, there may be something there for me to wear, use, apply, ETC, but for the most part, I will be naked.

When we are out in public, he will use my name, but here, I respond to "slut." Out in public, I'm a woman/GF in here, I am a slut. "Do you understand?"8967888002

"Yes SIR!" was my immediate, and to my surprise, reply.

SIR explained in a little more depth about my new life, my evolution, my awakening. I was told this is not just jumping in bed and there you go for him. It is about a complete change! Not only sexually, but mentally, physically, and psychologically. A complete rewiring of the way I think, feel, and express myself, A sexual lobotomy he called it. (I remember that because I found that term weirdly interesting?) This was going to be a step-by-step process. Certain things would have to be perfected before we moved on to the next and then the next and so on.

SIR stated that at any time I could stop and leave, but if I chose that route, I am to never come back. I stayed seated, oh, drinking the worst coffee ever (note to self, bring Keurig I don't use).

So, the do-or-die moment had come. He said since he doesn't have the shelf/table yet by the door, just fold my clothes and place them neatly on the floor……NOW! I just stared at him. This time he said, not yelling or shouting, but in a very stern voice, "Go to the door and either undress and display yourself to me, or go to the door, open it and leave. It's your choice."

I stood up grabbed my phone and clutch (for you men, it's a small wallet-like handheld purse ) went to the door, put my hand on the doorknob, looked down, and saw my "headlights" were on (lingo you pick up from having brothers), I took my hand off the knob and went into the bathroom, and applied some makeup.

When I came out, I slowly started to undress, trembling, almost crying, but yet somehow relieved. After each item I removed or unzipped, the next one was easier. He sat on the couch staring at me the whole time, which turned me on.

I don't know if it was because he was black, young, or both? When I removed my bra, he saw my "headlights, 58-year-old headlights, and said "OH, we ARE ready aren't we?"

"Yes SIR we are" was my reply. "Are your panties wet?"

"Yes." I wasn't lying, they were!

"Remove them!" I did as commanded. I had knee-high grey boots on that he said to leave on. He had me walk over to him, turn around, bend over, turn back then sit on the couch. He felt my breasts, rubbed my belly, working his way down to my pussy. He had me spread myself open. "It looks beautiful and tight,"

SIR commanded me to masturbate for him, and I did. "Let me know when you are going to cum?" When I did, he pulled my hands away. "You are only to orgasm when I tell you it is OK." I thought, what the hell?! but didn't voice my opinion since apparently, it didn't matter? SIR let me continue but had me stop again? When I was rubbing, he would whisper in my ear, " you cum when I tell you to" Eye contact was a must as this went on for a while, then he stop me. "Dress and go home... I will call you when I want you back here to start training.

I was so horny, that I was about to explode. Other than myself, I hadn't had an orgasm in 6-7 years with another person, and that was weak. I wanted to cum, but I also oddly enough wanted to please him.

So I got up and got my clothes, "No panties or bra, just the boots, and dress."

"Yes SIR." and pulled my dress on.

I would have done anything he asked me at that moment, but I balled my bra and panties up and left as he had instructed.

On the drive home, I was mad and irritated. I Found my hand leaving the wheel and moving down to my sweet spot, I Fought that urge hard as I was driving. I got home, and almost ran into the house, I went directly onto the couch and masturbated (I still had the dress and boots on.) When I orgasmed, it was the deepest and the best one I had had in years, I was sweating and tired!
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It was the beginning of September and still hot and humid. But GOD it felt good!!! I went along as normal the rest of the evening, showered, had a snack, bed, read a bit then sleep. I woke the next morning feeling like a new woman. Masturbated again, showered, donut and coffee, put on my scrubs and went to work. Any downtime I had during my shift, which wasn't a lot for a nurse during a pandemic, I wondered what my "training" would entail?

It wasn't until the next week after he was permanently moved in that I got a text asking if I could be at his place at 5 pm. "Yes SIR."

"Dress casual, bring lipstick."

"Yes SIR."

6561401722The rest of the day was somewhat of a blur until I found myself at the front door of his apartment. I don't even remember him buzzing me into the building. The door was cracked. I knocked and heard "Come in and close the door, you know what to do." I opened the door and closed it behind me and went into the bathroom. I put on lipstick and came out naked and smiling.
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