Jon's wife Ida auditions for a new play called Oh! Calcutta! She gets the part but what else will she get? This story will be a slow burn. There will be sexual circumstances throughout the parts but the payoff will be at the end of the parts. Her Husband wants to be able to see it happening as we write and I think it will work out very well. If reading about your wife turns you on let me know. If you want to hear how the process works then ask lookinaround and he can tell you. Enjoy the story.


Ida stood quietly outside of the stage door. She had just auditioned for a new production of a controversial play called Oh! Calcutta! The last time this play was performed it made it through three performances before it was cancelled from the backlash. The play itself was fantastic. It was funny and sexy and quick witted and smart but the sex, and the nudity and the themes were too much for some audiences. As she stood there, behind the building, she recalled never actually having a chance to see it while it was out, but she remembered the urge to see it well.

Ida was a striking woman to see in the alley. She was shorter than average, but she held herself tall. Her short black hair was curly and seemed to bounce as she walked anywhere. When you gazed into her eyes, they held both blues and greens and you could see the creativity ooze out of them. Her body was compact except for her large 34D breasts and an ass that seemed to be trying to counter act the displacement caused by her those large orbs. Men were continuously drawn to her and women as well. The women seemed to either despise her or try to talk her into their bed as well.

She was wearing a cute red dress that had short sleeves, a V cut in the neck that hinted at just enough cleavage to draw your eye and ended at mid-thigh above where her fingertips could touch. The cuffs of her sleeves and the bottom of the dress both had the same light frill around the entire circumference. On the red dress was a random pattern of white, and pink blocks scattered throughout. She knew it was too short of a dress to be on stage in and not have someone look up, so she paired a pair of black tights with the dress and a cute pair of black Mary-Janes for shoes.

When Ida’s husband first met her, he was drawn in by those twin globes of male pleasure. Whether he was imaging suckling at her teats like a newborn is something that should be explored but not here and not now. Ida’s alabaster white skin stood in contrast to the red brick of the old theatre. As she stood there she looked around and the other hopefuls were all standing there walking around and quietly talking to each other. Many of the women were younger than her and that concerned her. Why would they choose a woman in her mid 30’s when they could have a young 20-year-old whose body; she felt; wasn’t heading south.

If Jon her husband would hear those thoughts, he would easily dismiss them as he regularly still had to find opportunities to jerk-off at work or while away on business trips because she always got him rock-hard and in need of a release. She pulled out her phone and texted Jon, “I may as well come home. They’re going to pick one of these vanilla wafer-thin girls over me. I know it.” She wrote before looking at it a moment then sending it along. After that she stood there a moment looking at her phone and waiting for a reply until she heard the door open and another person walked out.

She lifted her head and put the phone away, but it was another actor. This one was one of the young girls she had been seeing earlier. Blond hair, blue eyes, she was very beautiful, and she felt like that girl would get it. Ida noticed the girl reach up and wipe a shiny substance like drool or spit from her face with the sleeve of her shirt. The girl looked briefly at Ida then with a withering stare looked her up and down before sucking her teeth and turning on her heel and walking away down the alley they all stood in.

Ida stared back at her as she walked away and couldn’t help admiring her body and wondered what it would look like naked. She certainly thought it would look just as magnificent. Briefly she thought about other times that she had played with a woman. Her thoughts were interrupted as she watched the girl by the voice of a man. His voice made her realize her stare and that she was squeezing her legs together to feel the pressure on her clit and biting her lower lip. “She was just jealous because you were clearly better.” He said to her. She turned to face the man and noticed that his fly was down, and his clothes were disheveled.

Ida felt her face go flush and simply looked to the ground, placed her hands together in front of her and curled her shoulders over then replied, “Thank you.” Was all she could find to say. Then he turned to the others in the alley behind the theatre. They all saw him and moved towards him with hopeful expressions.

As Ida stood behind him and everyone gathered around him, he began to talk to the crowd. “This is a production of Oh! Calcutta! as some of you know this is a very sexual play and requires both determination, skill and a complete freedom to be naked. We will all see each other naked at one time or another so I suggest if you get the part then you start to get comfortable with each other as soon as possible. Now, I’m going to read out the names of those that have been chosen and if your name isn’t called then you weren’t right for us.” He then took a few moments to look at everyone and see if they understood before continuing.

Then he looked down at his paper and began to read names, “Raina, Mark, Katie, Bonie, Bill, Alan, Leon, Margo, Nancy, George…” Ida was feeling defeated. It seemed that he was done reading the names and she was still not mentioned. She saw other actors’ heads deflate as some of them became elated. “…and of course, the brightest of all of you, Ida! You all could learn a lot from her.” He told the group before turning to face Ida again with the same wide smirk as before. He then whispered to her. “Now don’t make me look bad!”

He proceeded to open the stage door and before disappearing he leaned out and made one more announcement. “Rehearsals start tomorrow. You’ll receive the script then, but tomorrow will be a bit of show and tell. TOMORROW, be here by 1900 and leave your excuses at home.” He then closed the door and the remaining people were either giggling or high-fiving while the others were dropping their heads as they walked away.

Ida stayed for a bit and did some giggling of her own and as she was about to walk away, she was stopped by a hand pulling on the back of one of her dress sleeves. She turned and was met with a man that she had seen earlier and was instantly attracted to him. She had made the concerted effort to avoid being near him because she was afraid that she would make a fool of herself. “Ida? Right?” He asked her.

“Yes, I’m Ida. And you are?” She inquired back.

“I’m George. A few of us are going to the bar around the corner to celebrate. Would you come with us?” He asked her and allowed his eyes to show his pleading as he tried to emote how much he wanted her there. Ida thought for a few moments about how much she wanted to go home and celebrate with Jon and tell him all about the play and what the Director had said about her performance on the audition then she looked at George and smiled a shy smile and nodded her head lightly.

Ida walked over to the group that was waiting at the mouth of the alley where it let out onto the street and greeted each of them one at a time. Once they all met each other they walked across the street as a group and into the little bar standing alone among empty storefronts and closed for the night businesses. The bar was an attempt at an Irish Pub and was called O’Callaghs. Inside the bar it was exactly what you would expect, there was a bar that ran the length of the business and chairs that bellied the bar. There were circular chairs and tables setup throughout the bar as well and an empty stage at the back of the bar. On the stage was an unused set of instruments. A drum, two guitars and a mic stand stood silently, waiting to be played. Behind the stage was the door to the backroom and beyond that was the bathroom.

On the door hung a sign, ‘I Don’t care if you got a dick or a cunt, piss in the bowl. Next to the door was another sign, this one depicted a man and a woman. It was understood by this sign that it was an omni-sex bathroom. Inside the bathroom were stalls. Enough for six people to privately do their business and a clean sink area. When the group entered the bar, they surveyed where they would take up space at and decided on the tables in the floor space.

The bar was all but empty, save for the bartender, an old waitress that seemed to be nearing 60 but continued to dress like a 20-year old. Along with these two workers were three men sitting at the bar near each other and talking. When the group walked in, they stopped talking and turned to the newcomers. It wasn’t abnormal to have the actors from the theatre come into the bar, but the regulars still gave them a wary eye when they did. To them the actors were a strange brood. The women were either complete sluts or complete prudes and each man sitting at the bar had fucked at least one actor that came in at one point or another.

The men eyed them as they moved tables together and Ida helped by grabbing chairs and putting them together. One of the men saw Ida bent over to pick up a chair and got out of his stool and approached behind her as she was bent. “Need a hand with that miss?” He asked as he placed his hands on her hips and slid them down to the hem of her dress then back up again.

Ida froze at the touch and her eyes grew wide. She didn’t know what to do but not move as she felt his hands slide over her tights and begin their movement up back towards her hips. As his hands came up, so did the hem of her skirt. “Hey man! Fuck off back to your beer. That’s my wife your touching.” George said as he put down the table and walked between the man from the bar and Ida. He then grabbed Ida by the waist and turned her around. “Good thing about acting is that we can do this and know that it’s not cheating, it’s rehearsing. Plus, we need him to believe it right?” He said softly before leaning down to her and kissing her full on the lips.

His thinking made a lot of sense to Ida and as he kissed her, she opened her lips to receive his tongue. If she made this believable, then the men wouldn’t bother her anymore tonight. She raised her arms and wrapped them around George’s neck and kissed him deeply. George took his hands and slid them below her but and slid his hands up her skirt like the bar man did but he gripped the swell of her ass and lifted her off the ground. Ida wasn’t sure that his groping was needed but she didn’t want to spoil the lie they were creating. Plus, his hand was already there so she decided that it didn’t matter. He then lowered her gently to the ground and broke their kiss. “Here babe, you sit by me so I can keep those mongrels off of you.” George said loud enough to be heard.

Before she could sit down the ***** from the bar yelled at them from his spot on the barstool, “I’ve seen you actors lie before. If she really is your wife, I want you to dig in that sweet little dress of hers and grab them big tits.” He said to George. Without even a glance to see if it was alright, George reached out and pushed his hand into Ida’s top and over her bra and squeezed her well-padded breast hard.

Ida was surprised but knew that they needed to play this cool and so she playfully slapped at his hand. “You know I don’t like you doing that in public, you know it makes me so horny.” She told him as she pulled his hand from the top of her dress then turned and sat down. Truth was, she was already horny from thinking about that cute blond girl earlier and this stranger’s hand on her breasts sure didn’t help things. She could feel that her nipples had hardened from his press and she desperately wanted to run home and have her husband fuck her into a coma.

Once everyone was seated George went to the bar and got the first round. He brought back four large beers and the waitress followed shortly after with the remainder and lingered near George for a little too long. George seemed not to notice but instead toasted the upcoming play they were just cast in. As he did this everyone raised their glasses and the sound of the glasses clinking filled the quiet bar. Then they all drank together.

The night flew by as they shared stories and the conversation flowed quickly and easily. To Ida, this was the quickest that she had ever seemed to bond with a cast in her entire acting career. She felt the vibration of her phone and pulled it out of her bag and answered it. Her husband on the other line was asking where she was and that he was worried about her. “Don’t worry honey, I’m having drinks with my new cast. I got the part and I can’t wait to tell you about it when I get home tonight. Shouldn’t be much longer.” She told him then said her goodbyes and hung up and returned to the conversation.

The night was growing long and some of the actors had already gotten up and left. They were five beers into the evening and Ida could feel the effects of the large drinks on her small frame. The waitress returned with round six and after she put the drinks on the table and turned to leave, she let herself accidentally fall into Georges lap and wrapped her arms around his neck. Ida remembered that George was her husband for the night and suddenly became defensive and pushed the waitress off. “Get off my man! “ She screamed at the waitress.

She got off Georges lap in a huff and to show her ownership, Ida stood up and immediately felt her legs weaken from the drinking but was able to turn and sit on Georges recently vacated lap. She eyed the waitress with a gaze that warned her against approaching what was hers. Then she leaned in and kissed George hard on the lips. She let herself explore his mouth with her tongue and ran one of her hands through his thick dark hair while her other hand gripped around his neck to pull him to her more. She kept an eye on the waitress as she retreated back to the bar and once, she felt her message had been sent she pulled back from the kiss.

As she moved around on Georges lap, he held her hips and she was aware of a lump under her that was becoming more pronounced. Her state of arousal told her that his cock was getting hard under her. She chided herself and knew that she should get up but thought it was harmless because they were both clothed and she knew nothing would happen. Ida drank more of her beer and didn’t object as George had one hand on her hip and the other on his beer. When he finished his drink, he released his beer and allowed that hand to lie on her thigh.

“What do you think tomorrow will bring? What is Show and Tell?” Asked Mark at the other side of the table they were at. Of the 11 people that initially came over there were only five that remained, and this question seemed to occur to everyone.

“I don’t know but it’s very mysterious. Does anyone know anything about the play besides that it’s very racy?” An actress asked. This actress was named Margo she had red curly hair that was twisted and shone even in the dark. It cascaded down her shoulders and down her back. She was another woman that Ida instantly thought was beautiful. In fact, there wasn’t a single woman that she didn’t think was attractive. As she thought about Margo stripping in front of her she began absent-mindedly grinding on George’s lap. Her ass slowly sliding across his still hardening cock.

Ida spoke up after completing her short fantasy, “I had the chance to read the reviews from when it was last performed and there is a lot of nudity, a lot. In fact, by the end of the play, the entire cast will be naked on stage. I do recall that there were some scenes mentioned that involved forcing but beyond that I’m not so sure.” She said as she continued to slide innocently on his lap.

George moved both of his hands to her hips and held her in place then whispered to her, “You gotta stop grinding on me or I’m bound to bend you over this table and fuck the living shit out of you.” He told her.

She realized what she had been doing and turned to face him and mouthed the words, “I’m so sorry!” She then stood up and told the rest of the table that she needed to get home. As she was leaving, she noticed that George had gotten up as well. “You don’t have to leave George.” She assured him before looking down into his lap and noticed the impressive bulge in his pants. She then realized that there was a wet spot on his pants. ‘Did he cum or is that from…’ she thought and tried to stealthily move her hands between her legs. She quickly found out that it was her that was so wet that she left a stain on his pants.

“I don’t have a choice Ida; I can’t let my wife walk home at this time of night, now can I?” He told her and paid the tab for the bar and then approached Ida at the door. He wrapped his arm around her waist and they both waved to the remaining people at the table. “See the rest of you tomorrow.” George said as the door closed behind them. They walked together toward the parking lot and quickly reached their respective cars.

“Thank you for walking me to my car George. I didn’t mean to get you excited in there or grind on you like that. I guess I got a little carried away huh?” She asked as she bit her lower lip and looked up at him with does eyes.

“Would it be forward of me to get one last kiss as your husband?” He asked as he stepped towards her.

“I don’t see any harm in one more acting job here.” And she reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck as he wrapped his hands around her waist. Their faces met and they began kissing. The previous kisses paled in comparison to this one. There had been a buildup of passion during the drinks that now seemed to overflow as they kissed. Ida’s hands remained around his head and shoulders, but Georges hands began wandering around Ida’s body. At first, he ran his hands up and down the back of her dress then a hand slid lower and explored her ample butt while his other hand came around the front and slid effortlessly over her breasts.

Ida enjoyed the feeling and grew lost in the pleasure of the kiss. She was so lost that she also began sliding her hand around his body and found her hands stroking his cock through his pants. She realized her mistake and placed both hands on his chest and pushed him away. “That was a mistake, I’m married, and I can’t do this with you. It’s not fair to him.” She said. “I’m sorry, I’m *****, and I made a mistake. I need a taxi because clearly it’s not safe for me to drive right now.” She continued. Just then George noticed a taxi and without saying anything else he waved it down and placed her in it and waved as she was driven away.

In the taxi Ida was shaking from the kiss and how hot she was. She couldn’t believe that she did that but now she desperately needed a release. She was hoping that Jon would still be awake when she got home. Ida found her hands moving between her legs as she replayed the nights events in her mind. As she thought about the night her legs slowly opened which afforded the driver and unhindered view between her legs. Even in the dark he could see that she was sliding her fingers up and down her covered slit. He kept quiet and allowed her the pleasure of her fingers and just enjoyed the show. When they arrived at her destination, he told her the ride was free and that if she promised another show like that or better that he would always give her a lift at no cost.

Ida blushed and retreated inside the safety of her home. Jon was indeed still up, and she ran to him. Before she even kissed him hello, she fell to her knees and undid his belt and top button of his pants then pulled the zipper down. She yanked his pants down to his ankles and quickly gripped his flaccid cock in her hand and began licking the tip as she slowly jerked it awake. As he began growing in her hand, she stuck him in her mouth and began blowing him. Jon was confused about her forwardness but simply placed a hand on the back of her head and encouraged her to take him deeper.

As she sucked his thick cock, she thought about the feeling of Georges dick and she slid a hand inside of her tights and toyed with her cunt while continuing to force herself deeper on Jon’s cock.

Before she could climax, Jon pulled himself from her mouth which broke her thoughts and reached down to grip the bottom of her dress. In one motion he pulled it up and off. Ida undid the clasp on her bra and pushed her tights down her hips quickly. Jon pushed her over the cushions of the couch and positioned himself behind her. His manhood placed at the entrance of her well lubricated pussy and in a fluid action he slid into her.

Ida gasped at the sensation of satisfaction of finally being filled. She pushed back against Jon as he pushed in and out of her. He squeezed his hands between her body and the cushions and gripped her breasts in his hands and squeezed. She recalled Georges grip on her breasts earlier and bit her lip to keep from calling out his name now. Jon began making noises that she was familiar with and begged him to hold on longer, but he filled her pussy with cum then fell back from her and left her bent over the cushions. He saw his cum dribbling out of her pussy which still glistened and to his surprise she didn’t move.

Instead she moved her hand between her legs and started to rub her clit as her other hand found her asshole and began rubbing her finger in a circle around the rim. She moved her fingers faster and soon she was climaxing. She removed her hands then stood up. She realized that her tights had caught most of the cum that had come out of her and she removed them before walking to the bedroom where she showered and changed into her loose black slip, she slept in. Jon also found his way to bed, but he simply wiped his cock clean of cum before sliding on a fresh pair of boxers and sliding into bed next to Ida. They told each other that they loved each other than Jon congratulated Ida on the new play, and they fell asleep as Jon had his arm wrapped around Ida and resting it on her barely covered breast.

Chapter 02

Jon's wife Ida wakes up feeling the effects of yesterdays adventure. How will the first rehearsal unfold for our wife? Will she be willing to walk down the road toward stardom or wither in the spotlight? I hope that you enjoy the fantasy that I am building for Ida's husband. You should be able to see the fantasy you want in your life in 4k color but if your wife won't play along then sometimes reading it is the next best thing.


Ida woke up early in the morning. She had tossed and turned all night and when she finally roused from her slumber, she noticed that Jon had already left for work. She laid there quietly and processed her dreams. She recalled dreaming about sitting on George’s lap as she was naked and looking out and seeing a sea of people as she was doing it on stage. She dreamed that he was clothed initially but as his arms reached around her waist they multiplied, and he was suddenly nude. As she recalled the dream, she allowed her hands to wander and found that in the night her teddy had shifted, and her breast became uncovered. She groped her own breast but found that she was uncomfortable. She sat up for a moment and removed the teddy before falling back into the bed. When she landed, she lightly bounced in the bed and her breasts bounced heavily on her chest then jiggled briefly before she once again grasped herself. Her fingers found her nipple and noticed it was already extended begging for attention. Her other hand snaked inside of her panties and she noticed that once again she was soaking wet. She slid her fingers through her lightly cropped hair covering her pussy and allowed those fingers to dip into her slick hole.

She returned to her dream as George recklessly fondled her with two of his hands while his other hands spread her legs and then another set of his hands appeared and lifted her up until his cock lined up with her waiting sex. As those hands lowered her, she orgasmed immediately and then suddenly they were in a bed in a cheap hotel where they were surrounded by clapping men and women finely dressed in gold and red dresses and Tuxedos. This is when she woke up and as she finished thinking about the dream, she found herself cumming. She looked at the clock on the dresser and wished that it would hurry to her rehearsals. She wanted to start right away, and she also wished that she knew how to get a hold of George. Then the remembered that she left her car at the theatre.

She reached over to the nightstand and grasped her cell phone. She looked at it for a moment then pressed her husband’s phone number which began to ring right away. “Hey babe! That was quite the night last night! You were sleeping when I got up and couldn’t bring myself to waking you up. You looked beautiful.” He told her as soon as he picked up the call. Ida felt immediately guilty about the dream she had and how she had just masturbated to the idea of that dream. Even now on the call she was thinking about George and her dream as she held the phone to her ear.

“Good Morning honey, I loved last night. We were so raw and so passionate, but I have to admit that I was a little *****. You know how horny I get when I get *****.” She told him.

“I’ll have to give the bartender a big tip if we ever meet because you were an animal last night. By the way, Congratulations on the part in the new play. When do you start rehearsals?” He asked her.

As she spoke, she sat up in the modest sized bed and placed both feet on the cool floor beneath her. She stood and felt the ache of the positions that Jon twisted her into the night prior and walked to the bathroom in just her panties. Ida pinched the phone to her shoulder with the side of her head as she reached down with both hands and looked her thumbs in the waistband of her panties. “That’s why I’m calling. I had to take a taxi home last night and I need to go get my car. Can you come get me? I don’t want to get another taxi. It’s too much money.” She told him through the earpiece.

Jon could hear the echo of the bathroom space and tried to imagine what she was doing. He thought of her being naked in their bedroom and bathroom as the morning light struck her body. Each morning he watched it happen it made him feel like he was seeing her for the first time. He closed his eyes as the echo and her words were filtering through the earpiece and hitting his brain int he right place. As he imagined her body, he found himself reaching down and adjusting his pants around his hardening cock. “I’m sorry babe, but I can’t leave work right now. I really have a tight deadline right now. Is there anyone else you can? How about Abby?”

Ida was looking at her reflection in the mirror as her panties sat in a pool of material at her feet. She twisted herself left and right on stationary feet as she regarded her form from different angles. “I’ll give her a call. Have fun at work. I love you.” She said and felt herself become angry at him as she hung up without waiting for his reply. She couldn’t believe that he would choose work over the chance to help her. Ida stepped out of her black panties at her feet and stepped into the shower and cleaned the excitement of yesterday off of her. When she got out, she grabbed her phone with the intention of calling her friend Abby for help getting her car. As she picked up the phone it rang in her hand.

She almost dropped the phone with the unexpected activation but held onto it tightly. She was still nude from the shower but had wrapped a towel around herself. The Caller ID on her phone registered a number but it wasn’t one that she recognized. She answered it with a tentative, “Hello?”

“Ida?” Came the reply from the other end of the call.

Ida recognized the voice, but she couldn’t place where she knew it from. She was sure that she knew it but just couldn’t place it. It seemed so familiar and new. Then she realized who it was and replied to his question. “George! How did you get my phone number? This is very strange.” She asked him as she stepped into her bedroom and gripped the edge of the towel around her tighter like he would be able to see her body through the call.

“I’m so sorry, it wasn’t my intention to scare you, but I pestered the office at the theatre for your number. I wanted to make sure that you got home safely. I was worried about you when I put you in the taxi.” He told her. Ida suddenly felt silly for her skepticism. George seemed like a really good guy and she chided herself for being so defensive.

“Thank you for the call. I’m sorry if I was short earlier. I just got off the call with my husband and he won’t come home to help me.” She told him. She wasn’t sure why she told him, but it was done.

“Maybe I can help. I mean I really helped last night. I was rewarded rather well for it too.” He said playfully to her. Then he heard her contagious laughter through the earpiece, and he wanted her in that moment.

“I couldn’t ask you to do that and last night was a mistake. That was the booze acting and you shouldn’t expect something like that to happen again any time soon. But if you’re willing to help me I want to pick up my car from the theatre before our rehearsals tonight.” She told him.

“If you like I could come pick you up and take you to your car or better yet I could just pick you up for the rehearsals and then you wouldn’t have to drive all the way to the theatre two times in the same day.” George said.

Ida thought about those options and then thought about how Jon seemed to dismiss her needs in getting her car. “What do you think I should wear tonight?” She asked George and let her towel drop to the floor. She now held the phone to her ear and walked around her room and felt the morning sun touch her skin and the breeze of the air tingle her flesh.

“If it was up to me? As little as possible!” She heard him say through her phone.

“I don’t think that’s allowed in town, but I’ll come up with something.” She then gave him her address and told him to pick her up an hour before the rehearsals. She then hung up the phone after saying her goodbyes and then turned to her dresser to decide what to wear. She wanted to look cute and sexy. She wanted to be desired but not slutty.

She decided to wear a pair of her jeans that she knew looked great on her. She could feel the fabric as it lifted her but and made it look fantastic. She knew the affect it had because she had caught her husband’s friends look at her in them. She then found a shirt that she loved but that usually showed to much cleavage. It was a white short sleeve shirt with thin blue stripes running vertical and spaced out 6 inches from each other than cross sectioned with thinner blue stripes running horizontally at a rate of about four inches. She regarded it for a moment and placed it on the bed as she looked for more choices.

She liked the shirt but worried it would be too much for a first rehearsal. With the loose neck line she was always at risk of spilling out of the top when she bent over. She decided to look through her underwear first then make her final decision about the shirt after that. When Ida opened her lingerie drawer, she was overcome with how many pairs there were. There were boring white and sexy lace. She wanted something that was cute but not racy. She wasn’t going to be showing anyone, but she knew she would feel the way she dressed more than anything else. She chose a cute tangerine bra and matching panties. There was a little padding to the cup and a small off-color strip of lace that edged the top of the bra cups and the panties as well. When she put them on, she felt that the choice was correct and absent-mindedly put the white shirt on the bed on and pulled on her jeans one leg at a time as she sat on the edge of the bed. Ida then stood up and easily buttoned and zipped the pants in place.

Once she was dressed, she walked into the bathroom once more and assessed herself in the mirror. She felt that the look was cute and young. She then leaned down, placing her hands on her knees. “And what do you think you’re looking at George?” She said as she looked down her own shirt at the massive cleavage pointing back at her. She then stood up and chided herself for her stupid thoughts. While in the bathroom she put on some light make-up. From her experience in the theatre she knew that even in rehearsals you needed a small base layer of make-up or you would look horrible in the light and she wanted to make a great second impression on everyone and look her best.

After she was ready to go, she went into the kitchen and thought about the director’s words. “Show and Tell,” were the words he used. ‘Oh God, what does that even mean?’ She thought to herself. She then got worried and decided that a little liquid courage would help settle her nerves. It had been a little time since Ida had performed onstage and she was afraid that she had lost touch with how to attract an audience into her scene. She emptied her drink then refilled it again. She then emptied it again and by the time she had refilled it once more the sound of a car door closing caught her attention. It was a sound that told her there was someone there at their house and she set the glass down on the counter and walked to the front door to look out.

George was slowly walking up to her door and Ida suddenly felt flush and like a silly teenager getting picked up for her first date. She panicked momentarily and then tried to calm herself enough to open the door and act like she wasn’t freaking out. “Hi George, I hope you didn’t have any trouble finding the place.” She said as she stood in the doorway. “Hold on, I just need to get my things.” Ida continued before turning and walking barefoot back to the kitchen where she grabbed her full glass and looking back George at the front door waiting patiently. She lifted the glass to her mouth, “Bottoms Up!” She said with a smile before tipping the liquid down her throat and then set the empty glass back on the counter.

Ida then walked to the door and leaned over to get her shoes at the door. When she bent over George took the opportunity to stare down her shirt. Ida looked up in time to see him try and look away as quickly as possible, but she simply laughed at him. “You men are all the same. They’re just breasts, even your mom has them.” She said as she held her hand out to him to help balance her as she reached down with her other hand and slipped a shoe onto each foot before standing up straight.

“If my mom’s tits were half as good as yours then I’d likely still be nursing!” He told her as he stared at the cleavage caused by her position. She simply laughed at him again and stood up to make sure the shoes were on correctly. When she felt that they were she brushed past him and told him to close the door and that it would lock behind him. She got in the car and realized that maybe she was a little ***** from the drinks she had while she waited. Her faculties still all seemed to be there but she could feel the effects hitting her. When George started the car and pulled out of her driveway, he placed his hand behind her seat to be able to see what was behind them.

When he was turned Ida took the chance to look at the crotch of his pants and noticed a significant bulge exactly where she would expect it to be. She licked her lips then turned to face forward and reminded herself that she was married. During the drive they once again talked easily with each other like they were old friends. They found out that they grew up only a few towns apart and even knew of some of the same local eateries that they frequented in their youth. By the time they reached the theatre they were both at ease with each other and smiling broadly at one another.

George pulled his car right next to Ida’s and proclaimed, “Your chariot?”

To which she replied, “It is. Thank you for bringing me to my car. Now how about we go show these directors a thing or two?” Then got out and walked with George to the front doors. George reached in front of Ida and gripped the door handle and opened it then stood to the side to allow her to walk through the open door. Inside the door they joined back up and walked to the stage. On the stage they saw a large partition separate the stage in two parts. The left and the right were of equal size and the partition was a thin material drawn tightly over a small frame. At the bottom of the stage was the director alone.

“Welcome to the stage my dears. Please…” He said openly as he motioned for the both of them to climb the stairs to the stage where they then stood on one side of the partition. “If you would, Men on that side and women on this one. He motioned to the left of the stage for George and then in Ida’s direction on the right for her to stay. As more actors arrived the same process was repeated until the cast was complete. “Thank you all for coming. Now Strip!” He said in a matter of fact tone.

Ida looked around at the other actresses on their side of the partition and they all seemed to have the same blank expression that showed their lack of understanding at this order from a short-tempered man at the bottom of the stage. “This play is about ******** and truth and the first thing you need to do is to shed the idea that you have modesty. We are going to get comfortable with our nudity today and you are either going to do what you are told, or you can feel free to leave.” He told them as he then pointed at the door that they all just walked through to come up here.

She watched as one of the prettier women turned back to the stages stairs and walked down then turned to the door and walked out without uttering a single word. “In for a penny, in for a pound” Ida muttered to herself as she kicked off her shoes. She wanted the Director to know that she was a professional and she could hear the men begin to make a commotion and believed that to mean that they were indeed disrobing as well. The idea of so many naked men being so close excited her. She had seen a naked man in person in so long, besides Jon of course. Ida wondered if any of them could measure up to Jon. The other women on stage took after Ida and began pulling off articles of clothing.

The Director seemed disinterested in the women and the men undressing and simply stood tapping his finger against his watch like they were all wasting his time. Once she was undressed and had folded her clothes neatly to place at the edge of the stage she turned and assessed the other women on the stage with her. Each one of them were gorgeous in their own way. Their bodies were different forms of the same body. Some had large breasts like hers while others had small ones. She was amazed that most of them had shaved their pussies clean and wondered if she should do the same.

“Your breasts are fantastic!” She heard a woman say to her. “Hi, I’m Katie.” She held her hand out and shook Katies hand as she looked at her own breasts.

“Yours are beautiful as well.” She said sheepishly as she looked at the young girls A-cup breasts.

“May I touch yours?” Katie asked as she reached out and simply groped her without waiting for a reply. This girl held her soft globes in her hand. While Ida wished she wouldn’t have just groped her she also hoped that she would pinch her nipples. She could already feel the excitement from in her stomach and her body flush from her touch.

“Attention! Attention!” The Director commanded from the edge of the stage. “Now, we will take turns in shining a bright light behind each of your sides so that you get an idea of each other’s forms. You will need to understand that this is an exercise. We did this performance before and closed early because the actors spent more time actually fucking on stage than acting. I want this to be different.” He told them and then pointed off stage on the right side behind the women. All the ladies turned to see a stage hand wheel a lamp light on stage, then he turned it on a hum could be heard before a bright white light created an empty circle against the screened partition. She then noticed that a similar circle of light was cast further down the partition from the men’s side of the stage. “Now, one at a time we will have you present yourself to your opposite gender for comment and questions. Mrs. Ida, you first.” He told her and she tentatively stepped in front of the light.

She saw the outline of her form appear on the screen in front of her and she was embarrassed. Looking around the stage she tried to find a way to escape but finding no option that didn’t make her look like she didn’t belong she stayed in front of the light. “Ida, could you turn to the side please?” She heard a voice from the other side of the screen. She recognized George’s voice. Now it seemed so familiar and without thinking too much she turned the way he wanted and saw her breasts in side profile as they were projected to the screen. The shadow was so clear that she could see her nipples sticking out and looked down her own body to confirm what she saw on the screen. “Ida, how does your husband feel about you doing this play?” He asked her.

“He knows I got the part, but I don’t think he will have any idea what it’s about until opening night.” She answered.

“What size are your breasts?” Came another voice that she didn’t know. She recognized it from the bar but couldn’t put a face with the voice.

“Usually they range from 34D to 34DD depending on the bra or the time of the month.” She answered honestly.

“One more question before we move on.” The Director shouted.

“Ida, Are you sexually excited in this moment?” Georges voice carried through the screen.

Ida felt the slickness between her legs as she stood in the heat of the lamp and stared at the naked silhouette of herself. She couldn't deny that what she was seeing was very erotic and though she didn't understand what this was supposed to do for the play she defeatedly answered, “Yes, Yes I am excited George.” Then she stepped out of the spotlight and moved around the stage to allow the next girl in line to make herself the object of attention.

“George, would you be so kind?” The Director said as he motioned to the men’s side of the partition and the awaiting spotlight. Ida waited with a tightened fascination to what she would be able to see. Soon she saw his familiar form take the place of the lights outline. She could make out his muscles and she found herself wanting to touch between her legs again.

His silhouette stood tall and he looked strong. “When was the last time you fucked someone was?” Katie, the girl that groped her earlier, asked him through the screen.

“Last night!” Came the disembodied voice of George. His answer made Ida jealous and she told herself that the jealousy didn’t make sense because she fucked someone too and that she was married. She thought about how many times she had to remind herself of her marriage and as she looked down at the ring on her finger, she wanted to take it off and add it to the pile of clothes she left onstage.

“Is there someone in the cast you want to sleep with?” Another girl asked. Ida thought her name was Margo. She heard it last night but so much happened that she forgot a lot. She didn’t forget the body or the red hair. She watched as the red-haired Margo walked freely around the stage and almost seemed to flaunt her pale skin and thin strip of hair covering her pussy.

“OH YEAH! I wanna fuck someone her really badly!” Came the answer over the screen. At his complete honesty and inflection to his answer there was a laughter that dropped around the stage on both sides.

“Last question!” Came the order of the director.

“Are you excited?” Ida heard herself ask. She didn’t know where it came from and she wished she could take it back as soon as it was out.

“As a matter of fact…” George said before turning to the side. “…this is what seeing Ida’s body did to me.” He finished and the women all gasped in unison as his impressive cock shadow was on the screen. Nancy a bigger girl walked up to the screen and slid her hand the length of the shadow and Ida wanted to scream at her to get her hand off his cock.

The show and tell continued like that for the next hour until everyone had gone. Then the Director had everyone dress and leave for the day. “We’ll pick this up tomorrow with another rehearsal and exercise. Pick up your scripts on the way out and know all the parts and we will assign them come tomorrow.” He told them as they dressed then walked by him on their way out.

She couldn’t say if it was good timing or if George planned it, but he seemed to walk off stage at the same time as her and they walked out together. “Well that was unexpected.” He said as he walked next to her closely.

Together they walked outside not talking until they got to the car. “Can I see them without the shadow puppets Ida?” He asked her earnestly and without thinking about it he pulled the neck of her shirt down and in a single motion she pulled both breasts out of their cradle and they sat proudly on her chest and her nipples hardened in the cool breeze as they stood next to each other between the cars.

George licked his lips and reached out to her. She didn’t shy away from his touch but once her formed his hand around her ******* breast she said, “This is a mistake. I can’t do this.”

“You’re already doing it. Just a little longer. You’ll make me a happy man. I’d love to act like your husband again.” He told her and leaned into her. This caused her to be pinned against her car and what little fight she had she quickly lost. He closed his mouth around hers and as he kissed her, she didn’t want to disappoint him, so she opened her mouth and accepted his tongue as she fed him hers while he continued to grope and paw at her ******* breasts. She heard catcalls come from the parking lot around them and as they broke their kiss, they saw the other members of the cast staring at them.

Ida was suddenly embarrassed and desperately wanted to escape. She looked at George in the eyes and saw his desire and as he lightly held her pendulous breasts in his hands, he found her nipple on each breast and began to rub and pinch it. As he did this, she tried to open her mouth to ask him to stop but all that escaped was a low moan that betrayed her intention to stop. George leaned forward once more and kissed her with no intention of stopping. Ida didn’t want him to not like her for pushing him away, so she allowed him to play with her. She thought that Jon would understand that they were just rehearsing something from the play. It was supposed to be a very sexual play after all.

As he continued his deep kiss and the assault on her chest, she pulled him closer with her arms as they wrapped around his neck. She felt a hand remove from her chest and slide down her stomach and begin to undue the button of her jeans. She pulled back from the kiss but not far, “You can’t go further. I can’t go further.” She said to him quietly but made no effort to stop him. By the time she made her week protest he had her pants unbuttoned and the zipper moving slowly down. He then slid his hand inside her jeans and his fingers deftly found their way inside the waistband of her panties.

Ida looked around at the dark parking lot and her cast mates had all left and they were the only two left behind. “Please George. I’m married.” She said in his ear as his finger slid over her mons pubis with a small patch of hair. He slid further down, and she opened her legs slightly to allow him to feel her cunt. He was rewarded to find her extremely wet and so hot that his hand felt like it was in a furnace.

“I’ll stop for now but realize how you feel right now and know that I will have you. Soon!” He told her then pulled up on his hand and slid it slowly past her clit then through the hair covering it and finally out of her pants. He held his hand to the light and saw it glimmer from her juices coating it. He then brought it to his mouth. Before he could put his fingers in his mouth Ida grabbed his hand.

“Don’t taste me. Please.” She begged. Then he shrugged lightly and moved them to her own mouth. She looked up at him with pleading in her eyes, but he held his wet fingers to her lips and watched as she opened her mouth to except the taste of her own pussy from his fingertips. She hadn’t tasted pussy in some time and though it was hers and she was accustomed to the smell she was still amazed at how much hornier it made her to do this. Once she licked them clean, he removed the hand from her mouth and pulled back.

“I’ll see you next week for rehearsals. Be sure to run your lines. There’s no telling what that pervert of a director will have us do next week.” He told her then walked around his car and climbed in the driver’s seat and then drove away. Ida was left standing by her car as she tried to put her breasts back into her shirt. As she was just finishing, she saw that the director was standing at the edge of the building and had is cock out stroking it. He also had a camera on a tripod next to him. At his discovery he smiled a viscous smile and clicked a button on the camera. He then carried it inside and left her all alone.

‘Oh No, what is he going to do?’ She thought as she watched him go into the theatre and she climbed into her car. Her pants were still unbuttoned and unzipped as she started her car. It was late and she wanted to get home, but she couldn’t leave yet. She was too worked up to stop now and she thought about if George had wanted to, he could have bent her over the car and fucked her like the cheap ***** she felt like. As she had these thoughts, she found her hand dive into her pants and slide along her sopping wet lips and diving into her pussy and attacked herself with ferocity. She was so entranced in her own exactas that she was ******* that the ***** from the bar the previous night had approached her car and was standing outside her window.

When she opened her eyes, she saw him staring at her through the glass. She screamed and jumped in her seat. Her hand quickly exited her pants and as her heart pounded in her chest, she started the car and quickly drove away. Once she felt safe, she stopped long enough to button her pants and make sure that her top was in position. She knew that what she had done was very out of character and vowed to not lose control again.

Jon was there already waiting for her. He apologized for not being able to help and asked if she reached Abby for the help. She said that one of her theatre friends helped and he didn’t ask anything else about it. They ate dinner silently and though Jon asked about her day she didn’t know how to respond and instead just told him it was productive. She said how the cast really seems to engage with each other and that she really felt like they bonded today. She then excused herself from his company and showered before climbing into bed unsure what tomorrow would bring or what dreams may come for her this night.

Chapter 03

Ida gets an unexpected call at night and goes to the theatre where she's left alone with the Director. What will he do to her tonight? Working with Ida's husband on crafting this story to closely mirror how she would react to this in real life has been a great experience and I enjoy all the attention he puts into inspiring me with the pictures and information about her to help you be able to imagine what she looks like through the story you are reading. Feel free to reach out to me if this is something you are interested in for yourself.


The week hadn’t been easy for Ida. She had been suffering from nightmares and wet dreams as she bounced from the fear of what the Director had in store for her and how hot she felt when George looked at her. George had called her a few times asking if she wanted to practice lines together which she was able to fend off. Ida worried that if she was alone with George for any period of time that he would try and make another move on her and that she wouldn’t be able to stop him, and she was also afraid that she could end up liking it.

She asked Jon to help her and even though he wasn’t an actor he was able to get her prepared pretty well. The next rehearsal was tomorrow, and she felt more butterflies for what was to come with this practice than she felt before last weeks. As she was trying to relax on before bed, she got a call from the Theatre directly. She saw the name of the theatre come up on her cell phone and answered it straight away. “May I speak with Ida?” Came the voice on the other side of the line.

“This is her.” She replied, concerned.

“Ida, there’s been a change in plans, and we will need to have the rehearsals tonight. We’re also going to do some promotional pictures for the show as well. Please make your way to the theatre now.” The voice was soft and feminine. She thought that it sounded a little fake, but she wasn’t going to put a lot of stock in that idea. Most of the theatre crowd was a bit odd. She told Jon about the call and he looked at his watch.

“Are you gonna go? And why couldn’t they have called earlier or just waited till tomorrow?” He asked her as he removed his arm from around her on the couch and stood up. Ida could tell he was frustrated but didn’t know what to do. On the one-hand she was comfortable and didn’t want to leave and on the other she really wanted to act, and she didn’t really care that they moved the rehearsals up. Plus, the voice had said promotional material and that usually meant that she would be the star of the advertising and also in the show itself. She knew she couldn’t miss this chance.

“Of course I’m going to go, honey. You know how fickle the theatre is. It’s likely that they can’t use the place tomorrow for some reason. Now, let me go get changed really quick.” She said as she stood up then walked to the back of the house. Jon stood in their living room and in a short time Ida came back out again. She had changed out of her long baggy shirt and into a simple black tank top.

Jon had only ever seen her wear it as an undershirt to another outfit and was surprised by this. As she stepped into a light, he was also struck by the fact that the shirt became nearly transparent in the right light. Her bright red bra became visible as well as the ample cleavage that was caused by the bra. On her legs she was wearing a pair of jeans that hugged her body just right and what little friends he had always commented to her how great she looked.

Ida walked to Jon and reached up and held his shoulders for balance as she leaned in for a kiss and as she did so one of her legs came off the ground. She kissed him lightly on the lips as long-time lovers are apt to do when saying goodbye. She then grabbed a light jacket, put it on and walked out of the house with her keys. Jon stood in the window looking out the front of the house and watched as she drove away.

Ida was actually happy about the change in plans. Yes, she was tired and wished that they could have let them know earlier in the day but the fact that they sprung it on her meant that she couldn’t dwell on the idea for too long. In fact, she thought that an impromptu rehearsal would really separate the good performers from the bad. As she allowed herself to be lost in the daydream of greatness, she barely noticed the miles pass by and before she realized she left her own house she was already pulling up to the theatre.

In the parking lot there was only one other car and if she recalled correctly, she was pretty sure it was the Directors car. She felt a chill run down her spine but dismissed it as a ridiculous feeling and that she was simply the first to arrive. She got out of her car then stood next to it for a few minutes and looked around for another actor to show up. As she stood there the wind picked up and it carried the cold chill across the street and straight through her clothes. She felt her nipples harden under her close and her skin begin to raise in goosebumps in respond to the temperature. She decided she was done waiting and walked into the theatre.

When she walked in the lights were all on and while it looked the same place as it did in the previous time she had been in here, it felt completely different. Where before it felt like the building itself was alive with possibilities it now felt hollow and alone. The building itself felt empty, quiet and cold. Ida dismissed these feelings and simply pushed herself deeper into the theatre as she shook off the cold of the outside. She walked through a set of double doors into the main performance hall and to the stage where she saw the Director standing on stage.

As she got closer, she saw a few different set pieces on the stage. There was a long lounger in an ugly green color and a stiff looking leather couch on the left of the stage. On the right there was a small collection of hay bales set in a small half circle as they were stacked three high. In the center of the stage was a single black wooden stool with four legs for balance but without the back. Ida walked closer to the stage out of shear fascination at what each piece could be used for. She was sure that she knew the script by this point but wasn’t able to put all the scenery into each act. As she climbed the stairs, she saw the Director walk out on stage.

“Ahh, Ida, thank you for coming on such short notice.” He told her with a wide smile on his face.

“Am I the first?” She asked him as she looked around. She knew the answer from seeing no other cars in the parking lot.

“The first and the last I’m sorry to say. I didn’t call anyone else from the cast down.” He told her. “Our rehearsals will still be happening tomorrow, but I needed you for a separate little project.” He said to her then pointed up at a booth above the audience and she heard noises from an unseen person moving items and pressing buttons. She then saw a line of light that seemed to grow as it got nearer the stage. When she looked to see what it was doing by looking at the back of the stage, she was horrified to see her own image shining back at her.

The projection from the sound booth was playing the video that she caught him making of her in the parking lot last week being molested by George. Her mouth fell open and lost the ability to speak but she instinctively began to walk backwards when she tripped over her own feet and landed on her butt hard which caused her to pause and stare as her breasts were ******* and George tenderly caressed them and made her feel wanted and a bit wanton.

“My investors are afraid of putting up the money for this show. They don’t think that it will last long or that the cast is dedicated to a believable and profound story. I showed them how charged the cast was by showing them this video and they told me that if we could take some promotional material that depicts how serious we were then they would still invest.” He said to her from the edge of the stage.

He then waved to the balcony and she looked up to see the unknown figure open a door and suddenly it was quiet in the theatre except for her own heartbeat pounding away in her chest, the sound of the projectors light buzzing and the breathing of both the Director and herself. She was looking past the director and onto her own image playing on the screen. She thought of how erotic the scene was and how voyeuristic it had been shot. It was clear that even from the long angle, that the Director was wonderful at framing a shot and had clearly done some cinematography before.

“I don’t know what you want from me.” She said to him with a question in her face as she began to stand up.

“Just as I told you on the phone. We are going to do some rehearsal and take some promotional material but strictly for our investors.” He answered. “Please my dear come up on the stage.” He gently opened the palm of his hand and slowly slid it across the stage to the stairs on the side as a welcome gesture. She felt her legs begin to walk toward the stairs he directed her to without her mind agreeing to any of this. She seemed to see herself climbing the stairs and joining him in the center of the stage.

“What am I to do?” She asked.

“First I want you to simply stand there while I start taking pictures of you.” He then positioned her directly in the center of the stage and in front of the solitary stool that was sitting there. He then backed up to the edge of the stage and readied his camera. As he began taking her picture, he was giving her directions. “Turn to face this way but turn your body that way." He would say or “Point your body to the video and turn back to me while you hold your index finger to your lips so we can see the secret that we share.” She was amazed at how quickly his camera moved from one thing to another and she began to enjoy the experience.

“Ida, take your jacket off please. We will need to have you undress quite a bit because of the nature of the show.” He told her. Ida felt herself clench up and want to run away again but recalled how badly she wanted to act in this play, so she dutifully removed her jacket. “Pants as well, I’m afraid.” He told her and as she dropped her head, but she followed his instruction and unbuttoned her pants. Before they could be pulled down, he stopped her. “Hold there my dear.” He stepped closer to her and snapped a picture.

Ida looked directly down the lens of his camera and had her thumbs tucked into the pockets of her pants as she was preparing to lower them down. The Directors view was resplendent as her panties were just peeking out from the space that was vacated by the top her pants and now, he could see a small pink ribbon of material topping the rim of her panties that was barely visible. On top of that the sheer top she wore allowed him a view of her large breasts encased in that evil bra.

“Alright Ida, please continue but go ahead and remove everything now.” He told her without it being a request but rather a demand.

She was a little concerned but with the demand in his voice she obeyed his direction and removed all of her clothes. The entire time she was removing her clothing he was taking her picture and circling her on stage like a hungry predator. She hung her head in shame as she neared the completion of her strip and tried to look sexy and alluring but inside, she was battling with herself.

“Now, I’d like you to sit on that stool and open your legs. You can put your hands on the inside of your legs to protect your pussy from my cameras lens if you like.” He told her and she turned to see the stool standing behind her. She tried to simply sit-down on the stool, but it was raised to high and she found that she needed to climb slightly in order to get onto it. As she sat down, she felt the cold of the stool on her butt and she turned to face his camera once more.

Ida felt her breasts hang slightly in front of her and she slowly opened her legs and made sure that her hands were protecting her modesty as much as she could. She looked down and saw the wisps of her hair that led the way to her secret place and decided that this was one of the most erotic things that she had ever been a party to. She felt excited and daring and looked back up with a determined look and stared directly at the camera. She wanted to be the best actress that the Director had ever seen, and she was going to be the star of the show. She wasn’t going to allow herself to be demure.

“THAT’S IT. THAT’S THE LOOK WE WANT!” She heard him scream from behind his lens. “Now move one hand behind your head, Now move it to your lips and lightly put it in your mouth, now move it under your breast. Now move both hands so they are lifting your breasts for my attention.” He directed her into each new position. As she began moving it felt natural to continue to do so. She even lost attention for a moment and realized that her hands were no longer protecting the view of her pussy and when she tried to move it back down, she saw him drop his camera from his eye in exasperation.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” He asked incredulously. “We were doing so well and now you disappoint me. This show is about the raw untamed sexual nature in all of us. Both sexy and hilarious and you ruin it by freaking out about your pussy?” He continued before saying, “Nudity is not that big of a deal, look.” He finished saying before putting his camera down on stage and quickly disrobing himself. Once he was completely nude, he once again picked up his camera. Ida laughed because of how uncomfortable she was but did think that it was a good show of faith that he was willing to be nude on stage with her. In her experience the Director of the show kept as much distance from the actors as possible and always simply yelled at them from across the room.

“Now can we get back to it?” He asked her. She simply looked down at herself again and nodded meekly. “Now grab your breasts and invite me in to touch and feel them.” He said as he pointed his lens at her. She did what he demanded and held her breasts out towards him and in her mind, she invited him in. She knew the only way to exhibit the correct expression on her face would be to feel it and mean it inside. Even if she didn’t actually want to, she knew this was the only way to show it. As he continued to pose her in new directions she forgot about her state of dress and began freely moving around the stool and eventually around the stage.

He moved her to the left of the stage first and had her lie on the green lounge chair that seemed more like a bed with a back. She could tell by the feel and the age of the piece that it had been used many times before. Her naked skin against the fabric felt warmer than the stool but still sent a tingle of chill down her spine. When she was comfortable, she looked at the director and noticed that he was staring at her and as she looked down his body, she saw his erection standing there as well. She once again giggled an uncomfortable laugh at the situation. “You think this is funny girl? Forget it. I’ll just find a new star. I bet Margo would love to play the lead.” He told her as he stood staring at her.

“No, no. I’m sorry. Let me be the lead please!” She begged him and sat up on the chair towards him. She clasped her hands together and held them under her chin in a pleading manner. This caused her large breasts to squeeze between her forearms and he brought his camera up and took pictures of her like this. Her legs slightly apart, her face contorted in a plea and her breasts squeezed together and ****** slightly down.

He stepped closer and his cock seemed to get harder as he approached. She moved slightly back on the couch to give more distance from him. “At this point my dear you have two choices. You can either get dressed and head home and leave this show or you can dedicate yourself to me and this play right now.” He told her as he stood directly in front of her. Their feet were only separated by inches and she could smell his scent even as she was trying to lean back away from him.

Ida didn’t want to do anything, but she also didn’t want to lose this chance. She thought about Jon at home and she thought about her past in acting. She remembered all the times she had heard of stage managers and other actors being sex crazed and she decided that maybe she could please him and that he would let it go. She reached out a trembling hand and grasped his cock. She was surprised at the girth from a man with such a small build. She looked up at him with soft eyes. “Is this what you wanted?” She asked in a young girl’s voice. She still felt herself battle with the feeling of absolute betrayal to Jon but felt that he would understand and that this was part of the show too.

“Yes Ida, Now stroke it.” He told her as he raised his camera and took pictures of her begin a slow slide of her hand up and down his shaft. She slowly began picking up speed and he noticed that she even began to moan as she stared at the head of his cock. He decided to be daring and took a hand off the cameras housing and placed it around to the back of Ida’s head and pulled her forward. “Be a good girl now.” He told her before pressing the head of his cock against her lips.

She found herself opening her mouth and licking the head of his cock as she held it and though she still felt that this was wrong she also felt like she had come this far and she couldn’t find much of a difference in the magnitude of cheating between a hand job and a blow job. Especially if it meant she got to get the part. She began to lick around the entire head of his cock and allowed it to enter her mouth. She thought to herself that Jon always told her how great of a cocksucker she was, and she wanted to prove that to this man in her mouth right now.

Ida lowered herself to the ground on her knees and began working on his cock in earnest. She began to treat him like she would Jon at home and even imagined that he was Jon because the thought of cheating on him was making her feel ill. With her eyes closed she knew the difference in the size of his cock as it slid in and out of her warm wet mouth, but she let that sit in the back of her mind as she performed her duties as an actress. As she continued to manipulate up and down his shaft, she felt his legs tighten and a groan emanate from inside of his core. She knew that she was near the end and began stroking him hard again as she extracted his cock from her mouth and sat back on her heels in front of him as she stuck out her tongue waiting for her reward.

He continued to shoot pictures as he looked down at her and though he found it hard to keep it going he knew that it was important to capture her willingness. He needed it to show his investors as well as if he ever wanted a repeat performance, he was sure that he could use it to coax her into more compromising positions. He released his cum and let it shoot across Ida’s face and through her hair. Most of the cum landed on her but some landed on the stage and the ugly green chair. Ida smiled up at him and he got a close picture of her smile and the cum covering her face.

He then removed her hand from his cock and walked to the end of the stage where he grabbed his clothes and walked off stage as he said, “Be here tomorrow and don’t be such a fucking prude. This was a great first step but it’s only going to get harder!”

When she heard him say it was going to get harder, she immediately thought of his cock and she wanted to reply that she didn’t think it could get any harder than it already had been when it was in her mouth. She looked around her for a towel or a napkin or something to wipe the cum from her face on but after she found nothing, she used her hand to try and clean the ropes of cum that began sliding down her face and lightly dripping onto her chest. As she scooped up the wetness, she thought momentarily about wiping it on the chair beside her or throwing it on the floor, but she felt that this would be a selfish move that would cause more cleaning for someone else.

Instead she took the fingers of scooped up cum and simply put them in her mouth and swallowed them. She continued to do so with each new scoop she was able to gather until it was all gone. Sitting alone on stage she looked out at the empty seats and wondered what an audience might think of her little one woman show. She imagined an entire audience staring back at her then she imagined all the men standing and jerking off at the sight of her body. The shiver that she felt earlier once again ran down her spine and this time was so forceful that her entire body shook.

She finally found the energy to stand and dress before driving home. When she got home she raced to the shower and when Jon poked his head in and asked how it went she tried to tell him how difficult it was and that there was still going to be a rehearsal tomorrow but that today was more about individual performance and ensuring that the adequate motivation was there. Jon didn’t know what that meant and found it strange that she would get in the shower so quickly after getting home but decided he didn’t want to think about it and instead he got ready for bed and then they went to sleep together.
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