Chapter 02

Jon's wife Ida wakes up feeling the effects of yesterdays adventure. How will the first rehearsal unfold for our wife? Will she be willing to walk down the road toward stardom or wither in the spotlight? I hope that you enjoy the fantasy that I am building for Ida's husband. You should be able to see the fantasy you want in your life in 4k color but if your wife won't play along then sometimes reading it is the next best thing.


Ida woke up early in the morning. She had tossed and turned all night and when she finally roused from her slumber, she noticed that Jon had already left for work. She laid there quietly and processed her dreams. She recalled dreaming about sitting on George’s lap as she was naked and looking out and seeing a sea of people as she was doing it on stage. She dreamed that he was clothed initially but as his arms reached around her waist they multiplied, and he was suddenly nude. As she recalled the dream, she allowed her hands to wander and found that in the night her teddy had shifted, and her breast became uncovered. She groped her own breast but found that she was uncomfortable. She sat up for a moment and removed the teddy before falling back into the bed. When she landed, she lightly bounced in the bed and her breasts bounced heavily on her chest then jiggled briefly before she once again grasped herself. Her fingers found her nipple and noticed it was already extended begging for attention. Her other hand snaked inside of her panties and she noticed that once again she was soaking wet. She slid her fingers through her lightly cropped hair covering her pussy and allowed those fingers to dip into her slick hole.

She returned to her dream as George recklessly fondled her with two of his hands while his other hands spread her legs and then another set of his hands appeared and lifted her up until his cock lined up with her waiting sex. As those hands lowered her, she orgasmed immediately and then suddenly they were in a bed in a cheap hotel where they were surrounded by clapping men and women finely dressed in gold and red dresses and Tuxedos. This is when she woke up and as she finished thinking about the dream, she found herself cumming. She looked at the clock on the dresser and wished that it would hurry to her rehearsals. She wanted to start right away, and she also wished that she knew how to get a hold of George. Then the remembered that she left her car at the theatre.

She reached over to the nightstand and grasped her cell phone. She looked at it for a moment then pressed her husband’s phone number which began to ring right away. “Hey babe! That was quite the night last night! You were sleeping when I got up and couldn’t bring myself to waking you up. You looked beautiful.” He told her as soon as he picked up the call. Ida felt immediately guilty about the dream she had and how she had just masturbated to the idea of that dream. Even now on the call she was thinking about George and her dream as she held the phone to her ear.

“Good Morning honey, I loved last night. We were so raw and so passionate, but I have to admit that I was a little *****. You know how horny I get when I get *****.” She told him.

“I’ll have to give the bartender a big tip if we ever meet because you were an animal last night. By the way, Congratulations on the part in the new play. When do you start rehearsals?” He asked her.

As she spoke, she sat up in the modest sized bed and placed both feet on the cool floor beneath her. She stood and felt the ache of the positions that Jon twisted her into the night prior and walked to the bathroom in just her panties. Ida pinched the phone to her shoulder with the side of her head as she reached down with both hands and looked her thumbs in the waistband of her panties. “That’s why I’m calling. I had to take a taxi home last night and I need to go get my car. Can you come get me? I don’t want to get another taxi. It’s too much money.” She told him through the earpiece.

Jon could hear the echo of the bathroom space and tried to imagine what she was doing. He thought of her being naked in their bedroom and bathroom as the morning light struck her body. Each morning he watched it happen it made him feel like he was seeing her for the first time. He closed his eyes as the echo and her words were filtering through the earpiece and hitting his brain int he right place. As he imagined her body, he found himself reaching down and adjusting his pants around his hardening cock. “I’m sorry babe, but I can’t leave work right now. I really have a tight deadline right now. Is there anyone else you can? How about Abby?”

Ida was looking at her reflection in the mirror as her panties sat in a pool of material at her feet. She twisted herself left and right on stationary feet as she regarded her form from different angles. “I’ll give her a call. Have fun at work. I love you.” She said and felt herself become angry at him as she hung up without waiting for his reply. She couldn’t believe that he would choose work over the chance to help her. Ida stepped out of her black panties at her feet and stepped into the shower and cleaned the excitement of yesterday off of her. When she got out, she grabbed her phone with the intention of calling her friend Abby for help getting her car. As she picked up the phone it rang in her hand.

She almost dropped the phone with the unexpected activation but held onto it tightly. She was still nude from the shower but had wrapped a towel around herself. The Caller ID on her phone registered a number but it wasn’t one that she recognized. She answered it with a tentative, “Hello?”

“Ida?” Came the reply from the other end of the call.

Ida recognized the voice, but she couldn’t place where she knew it from. She was sure that she knew it but just couldn’t place it. It seemed so familiar and new. Then she realized who it was and replied to his question. “George! How did you get my phone number? This is very strange.” She asked him as she stepped into her bedroom and gripped the edge of the towel around her tighter like he would be able to see her body through the call.

“I’m so sorry, it wasn’t my intention to scare you, but I pestered the office at the theatre for your number. I wanted to make sure that you got home safely. I was worried about you when I put you in the taxi.” He told her. Ida suddenly felt silly for her skepticism. George seemed like a really good guy and she chided herself for being so defensive.

“Thank you for the call. I’m sorry if I was short earlier. I just got off the call with my husband and he won’t come home to help me.” She told him. She wasn’t sure why she told him, but it was done.

“Maybe I can help. I mean I really helped last night. I was rewarded rather well for it too.” He said playfully to her. Then he heard her contagious laughter through the earpiece, and he wanted her in that moment.

“I couldn’t ask you to do that and last night was a mistake. That was the booze acting and you shouldn’t expect something like that to happen again any time soon. But if you’re willing to help me I want to pick up my car from the theatre before our rehearsals tonight.” She told him.

“If you like I could come pick you up and take you to your car or better yet I could just pick you up for the rehearsals and then you wouldn’t have to drive all the way to the theatre two times in the same day.” George said.

Ida thought about those options and then thought about how Jon seemed to dismiss her needs in getting her car. “What do you think I should wear tonight?” She asked George and let her towel drop to the floor. She now held the phone to her ear and walked around her room and felt the morning sun touch her skin and the breeze of the air tingle her flesh.

“If it was up to me? As little as possible!” She heard him say through her phone.

“I don’t think that’s allowed in town, but I’ll come up with something.” She then gave him her address and told him to pick her up an hour before the rehearsals. She then hung up the phone after saying her goodbyes and then turned to her dresser to decide what to wear. She wanted to look cute and sexy. She wanted to be desired but not slutty.

She decided to wear a pair of her jeans that she knew looked great on her. She could feel the fabric as it lifted her but and made it look fantastic. She knew the affect it had because she had caught her husband’s friends look at her in them. She then found a shirt that she loved but that usually showed to much cleavage. It was a white short sleeve shirt with thin blue stripes running vertical and spaced out 6 inches from each other than cross sectioned with thinner blue stripes running horizontally at a rate of about four inches. She regarded it for a moment and placed it on the bed as she looked for more choices.

She liked the shirt but worried it would be too much for a first rehearsal. With the loose neck line she was always at risk of spilling out of the top when she bent over. She decided to look through her underwear first then make her final decision about the shirt after that. When Ida opened her lingerie drawer, she was overcome with how many pairs there were. There were boring white and sexy lace. She wanted something that was cute but not racy. She wasn’t going to be showing anyone, but she knew she would feel the way she dressed more than anything else. She chose a cute tangerine bra and matching panties. There was a little padding to the cup and a small off-color strip of lace that edged the top of the bra cups and the panties as well. When she put them on, she felt that the choice was correct and absent-mindedly put the white shirt on the bed on and pulled on her jeans one leg at a time as she sat on the edge of the bed. Ida then stood up and easily buttoned and zipped the pants in place.

Once she was dressed, she walked into the bathroom once more and assessed herself in the mirror. She felt that the look was cute and young. She then leaned down, placing her hands on her knees. “And what do you think you’re looking at George?” She said as she looked down her own shirt at the massive cleavage pointing back at her. She then stood up and chided herself for her stupid thoughts. While in the bathroom she put on some light make-up. From her experience in the theatre she knew that even in rehearsals you needed a small base layer of make-up or you would look horrible in the light and she wanted to make a great second impression on everyone and look her best.

After she was ready to go, she went into the kitchen and thought about the director’s words. “Show and Tell,” were the words he used. ‘Oh God, what does that even mean?’ She thought to herself. She then got worried and decided that a little liquid courage would help settle her nerves. It had been a little time since Ida had performed onstage and she was afraid that she had lost touch with how to attract an audience into her scene. She emptied her drink then refilled it again. She then emptied it again and by the time she had refilled it once more the sound of a car door closing caught her attention. It was a sound that told her there was someone there at their house and she set the glass down on the counter and walked to the front door to look out.

George was slowly walking up to her door and Ida suddenly felt flush and like a silly teenager getting picked up for her first date. She panicked momentarily and then tried to calm herself enough to open the door and act like she wasn’t freaking out. “Hi George, I hope you didn’t have any trouble finding the place.” She said as she stood in the doorway. “Hold on, I just need to get my things.” Ida continued before turning and walking barefoot back to the kitchen where she grabbed her full glass and looking back George at the front door waiting patiently. She lifted the glass to her mouth, “Bottoms Up!” She said with a smile before tipping the liquid down her throat and then set the empty glass back on the counter.

Ida then walked to the door and leaned over to get her shoes at the door. When she bent over George took the opportunity to stare down her shirt. Ida looked up in time to see him try and look away as quickly as possible, but she simply laughed at him. “You men are all the same. They’re just breasts, even your mom has them.” She said as she held her hand out to him to help balance her as she reached down with her other hand and slipped a shoe onto each foot before standing up straight.

“If my mom’s tits were half as good as yours then I’d likely still be nursing!” He told her as he stared at the cleavage caused by her position. She simply laughed at him again and stood up to make sure the shoes were on correctly. When she felt that they were she brushed past him and told him to close the door and that it would lock behind him. She got in the car and realized that maybe she was a little ***** from the drinks she had while she waited. Her faculties still all seemed to be there but she could feel the effects hitting her. When George started the car and pulled out of her driveway, he placed his hand behind her seat to be able to see what was behind them.

When he was turned Ida took the chance to look at the crotch of his pants and noticed a significant bulge exactly where she would expect it to be. She licked her lips then turned to face forward and reminded herself that she was married. During the drive they once again talked easily with each other like they were old friends. They found out that they grew up only a few towns apart and even knew of some of the same local eateries that they frequented in their youth. By the time they reached the theatre they were both at ease with each other and smiling broadly at one another.

George pulled his car right next to Ida’s and proclaimed, “Your chariot?”

To which she replied, “It is. Thank you for bringing me to my car. Now how about we go show these directors a thing or two?” Then got out and walked with George to the front doors. George reached in front of Ida and gripped the door handle and opened it then stood to the side to allow her to walk through the open door. Inside the door they joined back up and walked to the stage. On the stage they saw a large partition separate the stage in two parts. The left and the right were of equal size and the partition was a thin material drawn tightly over a small frame. At the bottom of the stage was the director alone.

“Welcome to the stage my dears. Please…” He said openly as he motioned for the both of them to climb the stairs to the stage where they then stood on one side of the partition. “If you would, Men on that side and women on this one. He motioned to the left of the stage for George and then in Ida’s direction on the right for her to stay. As more actors arrived the same process was repeated until the cast was complete. “Thank you all for coming. Now Strip!” He said in a matter of fact tone.

Ida looked around at the other actresses on their side of the partition and they all seemed to have the same blank expression that showed their lack of understanding at this order from a short-tempered man at the bottom of the stage. “This play is about ******** and truth and the first thing you need to do is to shed the idea that you have modesty. We are going to get comfortable with our nudity today and you are either going to do what you are told, or you can feel free to leave.” He told them as he then pointed at the door that they all just walked through to come up here.

She watched as one of the prettier women turned back to the stages stairs and walked down then turned to the door and walked out without uttering a single word. “In for a penny, in for a pound” Ida muttered to herself as she kicked off her shoes. She wanted the Director to know that she was a professional and she could hear the men begin to make a commotion and believed that to mean that they were indeed disrobing as well. The idea of so many naked men being so close excited her. She had seen a naked man in person in so long, besides Jon of course. Ida wondered if any of them could measure up to Jon. The other women on stage took after Ida and began pulling off articles of clothing.

The Director seemed disinterested in the women and the men undressing and simply stood tapping his finger against his watch like they were all wasting his time. Once she was undressed and had folded her clothes neatly to place at the edge of the stage she turned and assessed the other women on the stage with her. Each one of them were gorgeous in their own way. Their bodies were different forms of the same body. Some had large breasts like hers while others had small ones. She was amazed that most of them had shaved their pussies clean and wondered if she should do the same.

“Your breasts are fantastic!” She heard a woman say to her. “Hi, I’m Katie.” She held her hand out and shook Katies hand as she looked at her own breasts.

“Yours are beautiful as well.” She said sheepishly as she looked at the young girls A-cup breasts.

“May I touch yours?” Katie asked as she reached out and simply groped her without waiting for a reply. This girl held her soft globes in her hand. While Ida wished she wouldn’t have just groped her she also hoped that she would pinch her nipples. She could already feel the excitement from in her stomach and her body flush from her touch.

“Attention! Attention!” The Director commanded from the edge of the stage. “Now, we will take turns in shining a bright light behind each of your sides so that you get an idea of each other’s forms. You will need to understand that this is an exercise. We did this performance before and closed early because the actors spent more time actually fucking on stage than acting. I want this to be different.” He told them and then pointed off stage on the right side behind the women. All the ladies turned to see a stage hand wheel a lamp light on stage, then he turned it on a hum could be heard before a bright white light created an empty circle against the screened partition. She then noticed that a similar circle of light was cast further down the partition from the men’s side of the stage. “Now, one at a time we will have you present yourself to your opposite gender for comment and questions. Mrs. Ida, you first.” He told her and she tentatively stepped in front of the light.

She saw the outline of her form appear on the screen in front of her and she was embarrassed. Looking around the stage she tried to find a way to escape but finding no option that didn’t make her look like she didn’t belong she stayed in front of the light. “Ida, could you turn to the side please?” She heard a voice from the other side of the screen. She recognized George’s voice. Now it seemed so familiar and without thinking too much she turned the way he wanted and saw her breasts in side profile as they were projected to the screen. The shadow was so clear that she could see her nipples sticking out and looked down her own body to confirm what she saw on the screen. “Ida, how does your husband feel about you doing this play?” He asked her.

“He knows I got the part, but I don’t think he will have any idea what it’s about until opening night.” She answered.

“What size are your breasts?” Came another voice that she didn’t know. She recognized it from the bar but couldn’t put a face with the voice.

“Usually they range from 34D to 34DD depending on the bra or the time of the month.” She answered honestly.

“One more question before we move on.” The Director shouted.

“Ida, Are you sexually excited in this moment?” Georges voice carried through the screen.

Ida felt the slickness between her legs as she stood in the heat of the lamp and stared at the naked silhouette of herself. She couldn't deny that what she was seeing was very erotic and though she didn't understand what this was supposed to do for the play she defeatedly answered, “Yes, Yes I am excited George.” Then she stepped out of the spotlight and moved around the stage to allow the next girl in line to make herself the object of attention.

“George, would you be so kind?” The Director said as he motioned to the men’s side of the partition and the awaiting spotlight. Ida waited with a tightened fascination to what she would be able to see. Soon she saw his familiar form take the place of the lights outline. She could make out his muscles and she found herself wanting to touch between her legs again.

His silhouette stood tall and he looked strong. “When was the last time you fucked someone was?” Katie, the girl that groped her earlier, asked him through the screen.

“Last night!” Came the disembodied voice of George. His answer made Ida jealous and she told herself that the jealousy didn’t make sense because she fucked someone too and that she was married. She thought about how many times she had to remind herself of her marriage and as she looked down at the ring on her finger, she wanted to take it off and add it to the pile of clothes she left onstage.

“Is there someone in the cast you want to sleep with?” Another girl asked. Ida thought her name was Margo. She heard it last night but so much happened that she forgot a lot. She didn’t forget the body or the red hair. She watched as the red-haired Margo walked freely around the stage and almost seemed to flaunt her pale skin and thin strip of hair covering her pussy.

“OH YEAH! I wanna fuck someone her really badly!” Came the answer over the screen. At his complete honesty and inflection to his answer there was a laughter that dropped around the stage on both sides.

“Last question!” Came the order of the director.

“Are you excited?” Ida heard herself ask. She didn’t know where it came from and she wished she could take it back as soon as it was out.

“As a matter of fact…” George said before turning to the side. “…this is what seeing Ida’s body did to me.” He finished and the women all gasped in unison as his impressive cock shadow was on the screen. Nancy a bigger girl walked up to the screen and slid her hand the length of the shadow and Ida wanted to scream at her to get her hand off his cock.

The show and tell continued like that for the next hour until everyone had gone. Then the Director had everyone dress and leave for the day. “We’ll pick this up tomorrow with another rehearsal and exercise. Pick up your scripts on the way out and know all the parts and we will assign them come tomorrow.” He told them as they dressed then walked by him on their way out.

She couldn’t say if it was good timing or if George planned it, but he seemed to walk off stage at the same time as her and they walked out together. “Well that was unexpected.” He said as he walked next to her closely.

Together they walked outside not talking until they got to the car. “Can I see them without the shadow puppets Ida?” He asked her earnestly and without thinking about it he pulled the neck of her shirt down and in a single motion she pulled both breasts out of their cradle and they sat proudly on her chest and her nipples hardened in the cool breeze as they stood next to each other between the cars.

George licked his lips and reached out to her. She didn’t shy away from his touch but once her formed his hand around her ******* breast she said, “This is a mistake. I can’t do this.”

“You’re already doing it. Just a little longer. You’ll make me a happy man. I’d love to act like your husband again.” He told her and leaned into her. This caused her to be pinned against her car and what little fight she had she quickly lost. He closed his mouth around hers and as he kissed her, she didn’t want to disappoint him, so she opened her mouth and accepted his tongue as she fed him hers while he continued to grope and paw at her ******* breasts. She heard catcalls come from the parking lot around them and as they broke their kiss, they saw the other members of the cast staring at them.

Ida was suddenly embarrassed and desperately wanted to escape. She looked at George in the eyes and saw his desire and as he lightly held her pendulous breasts in his hands, he found her nipple on each breast and began to rub and pinch it. As he did this, she tried to open her mouth to ask him to stop but all that escaped was a low moan that betrayed her intention to stop. George leaned forward once more and kissed her with no intention of stopping. Ida didn’t want him to not like her for pushing him away, so she allowed him to play with her. She thought that Jon would understand that they were just rehearsing something from the play. It was supposed to be a very sexual play after all.

As he continued his deep kiss and the assault on her chest, she pulled him closer with her arms as they wrapped around his neck. She felt a hand remove from her chest and slide down her stomach and begin to undue the button of her jeans. She pulled back from the kiss but not far, “You can’t go further. I can’t go further.” She said to him quietly but made no effort to stop him. By the time she made her week protest he had her pants unbuttoned and the zipper moving slowly down. He then slid his hand inside her jeans and his fingers deftly found their way inside the waistband of her panties.

Ida looked around at the dark parking lot and her cast mates had all left and they were the only two left behind. “Please George. I’m married.” She said in his ear as his finger slid over her mons pubis with a small patch of hair. He slid further down, and she opened her legs slightly to allow him to feel her cunt. He was rewarded to find her extremely wet and so hot that his hand felt like it was in a furnace.

“I’ll stop for now but realize how you feel right now and know that I will have you. Soon!” He told her then pulled up on his hand and slid it slowly past her clit then through the hair covering it and finally out of her pants. He held his hand to the light and saw it glimmer from her juices coating it. He then brought it to his mouth. Before he could put his fingers in his mouth Ida grabbed his hand.

“Don’t taste me. Please.” She begged. Then he shrugged lightly and moved them to her own mouth. She looked up at him with pleading in her eyes, but he held his wet fingers to her lips and watched as she opened her mouth to except the taste of her own pussy from his fingertips. She hadn’t tasted pussy in some time and though it was hers and she was accustomed to the smell she was still amazed at how much hornier it made her to do this. Once she licked them clean, he removed the hand from her mouth and pulled back.

“I’ll see you next week for rehearsals. Be sure to run your lines. There’s no telling what that pervert of a director will have us do next week.” He told her then walked around his car and climbed in the driver’s seat and then drove away. Ida was left standing by her car as she tried to put her breasts back into her shirt. As she was just finishing, she saw that the director was standing at the edge of the building and had is cock out stroking it. He also had a camera on a tripod next to him. At his discovery he smiled a viscous smile and clicked a button on the camera. He then carried it inside and left her all alone.

‘Oh No, what is he going to do?’ She thought as she watched him go into the theatre and she climbed into her car. Her pants were still unbuttoned and unzipped as she started her car. It was late and she wanted to get home, but she couldn’t leave yet. She was too worked up to stop now and she thought about if George had wanted to, he could have bent her over the car and fucked her like the cheap ***** she felt like. As she had these thoughts, she found her hand dive into her pants and slide along her sopping wet lips and diving into her pussy and attacked herself with ferocity. She was so entranced in her own exactas that she was ******* that the ***** from the bar the previous night had approached her car and was standing outside her window.

When she opened her eyes, she saw him staring at her through the glass. She screamed and jumped in her seat. Her hand quickly exited her pants and as her heart pounded in her chest, she started the car and quickly drove away. Once she felt safe, she stopped long enough to button her pants and make sure that her top was in position. She knew that what she had done was very out of character and vowed to not lose control again.

Jon was there already waiting for her. He apologized for not being able to help and asked if she reached Abby for the help. She said that one of her theatre friends helped and he didn’t ask anything else about it. They ate dinner silently and though Jon asked about her day she didn’t know how to respond and instead just told him it was productive. She said how the cast really seems to engage with each other and that she really felt like they bonded today. She then excused herself from his company and showered before climbing into bed unsure what tomorrow would bring or what dreams may come for her this night.
Next page: Chapter 03
Previous page: Overview