Chapter 03

Ida gets an unexpected call at night and goes to the theatre where she's left alone with the Director. What will he do to her tonight? Working with Ida's husband on crafting this story to closely mirror how she would react to this in real life has been a great experience and I enjoy all the attention he puts into inspiring me with the pictures and information about her to help you be able to imagine what she looks like through the story you are reading. Feel free to reach out to me if this is something you are interested in for yourself.


The week hadn’t been easy for Ida. She had been suffering from nightmares and wet dreams as she bounced from the fear of what the Director had in store for her and how hot she felt when George looked at her. George had called her a few times asking if she wanted to practice lines together which she was able to fend off. Ida worried that if she was alone with George for any period of time that he would try and make another move on her and that she wouldn’t be able to stop him, and she was also afraid that she could end up liking it.

She asked Jon to help her and even though he wasn’t an actor he was able to get her prepared pretty well. The next rehearsal was tomorrow, and she felt more butterflies for what was to come with this practice than she felt before last weeks. As she was trying to relax on before bed, she got a call from the Theatre directly. She saw the name of the theatre come up on her cell phone and answered it straight away. “May I speak with Ida?” Came the voice on the other side of the line.

“This is her.” She replied, concerned.

“Ida, there’s been a change in plans, and we will need to have the rehearsals tonight. We’re also going to do some promotional pictures for the show as well. Please make your way to the theatre now.” The voice was soft and feminine. She thought that it sounded a little fake, but she wasn’t going to put a lot of stock in that idea. Most of the theatre crowd was a bit odd. She told Jon about the call and he looked at his watch.

“Are you gonna go? And why couldn’t they have called earlier or just waited till tomorrow?” He asked her as he removed his arm from around her on the couch and stood up. Ida could tell he was frustrated but didn’t know what to do. On the one-hand she was comfortable and didn’t want to leave and on the other she really wanted to act, and she didn’t really care that they moved the rehearsals up. Plus, the voice had said promotional material and that usually meant that she would be the star of the advertising and also in the show itself. She knew she couldn’t miss this chance.

“Of course I’m going to go, honey. You know how fickle the theatre is. It’s likely that they can’t use the place tomorrow for some reason. Now, let me go get changed really quick.” She said as she stood up then walked to the back of the house. Jon stood in their living room and in a short time Ida came back out again. She had changed out of her long baggy shirt and into a simple black tank top.

Jon had only ever seen her wear it as an undershirt to another outfit and was surprised by this. As she stepped into a light, he was also struck by the fact that the shirt became nearly transparent in the right light. Her bright red bra became visible as well as the ample cleavage that was caused by the bra. On her legs she was wearing a pair of jeans that hugged her body just right and what little friends he had always commented to her how great she looked.

Ida walked to Jon and reached up and held his shoulders for balance as she leaned in for a kiss and as she did so one of her legs came off the ground. She kissed him lightly on the lips as long-time lovers are apt to do when saying goodbye. She then grabbed a light jacket, put it on and walked out of the house with her keys. Jon stood in the window looking out the front of the house and watched as she drove away.

Ida was actually happy about the change in plans. Yes, she was tired and wished that they could have let them know earlier in the day but the fact that they sprung it on her meant that she couldn’t dwell on the idea for too long. In fact, she thought that an impromptu rehearsal would really separate the good performers from the bad. As she allowed herself to be lost in the daydream of greatness, she barely noticed the miles pass by and before she realized she left her own house she was already pulling up to the theatre.

In the parking lot there was only one other car and if she recalled correctly, she was pretty sure it was the Directors car. She felt a chill run down her spine but dismissed it as a ridiculous feeling and that she was simply the first to arrive. She got out of her car then stood next to it for a few minutes and looked around for another actor to show up. As she stood there the wind picked up and it carried the cold chill across the street and straight through her clothes. She felt her nipples harden under her close and her skin begin to raise in goosebumps in respond to the temperature. She decided she was done waiting and walked into the theatre.

When she walked in the lights were all on and while it looked the same place as it did in the previous time she had been in here, it felt completely different. Where before it felt like the building itself was alive with possibilities it now felt hollow and alone. The building itself felt empty, quiet and cold. Ida dismissed these feelings and simply pushed herself deeper into the theatre as she shook off the cold of the outside. She walked through a set of double doors into the main performance hall and to the stage where she saw the Director standing on stage.

As she got closer, she saw a few different set pieces on the stage. There was a long lounger in an ugly green color and a stiff looking leather couch on the left of the stage. On the right there was a small collection of hay bales set in a small half circle as they were stacked three high. In the center of the stage was a single black wooden stool with four legs for balance but without the back. Ida walked closer to the stage out of shear fascination at what each piece could be used for. She was sure that she knew the script by this point but wasn’t able to put all the scenery into each act. As she climbed the stairs, she saw the Director walk out on stage.

“Ahh, Ida, thank you for coming on such short notice.” He told her with a wide smile on his face.

“Am I the first?” She asked him as she looked around. She knew the answer from seeing no other cars in the parking lot.

“The first and the last I’m sorry to say. I didn’t call anyone else from the cast down.” He told her. “Our rehearsals will still be happening tomorrow, but I needed you for a separate little project.” He said to her then pointed up at a booth above the audience and she heard noises from an unseen person moving items and pressing buttons. She then saw a line of light that seemed to grow as it got nearer the stage. When she looked to see what it was doing by looking at the back of the stage, she was horrified to see her own image shining back at her.

The projection from the sound booth was playing the video that she caught him making of her in the parking lot last week being molested by George. Her mouth fell open and lost the ability to speak but she instinctively began to walk backwards when she tripped over her own feet and landed on her butt hard which caused her to pause and stare as her breasts were ******* and George tenderly caressed them and made her feel wanted and a bit wanton.

“My investors are afraid of putting up the money for this show. They don’t think that it will last long or that the cast is dedicated to a believable and profound story. I showed them how charged the cast was by showing them this video and they told me that if we could take some promotional material that depicts how serious we were then they would still invest.” He said to her from the edge of the stage.

He then waved to the balcony and she looked up to see the unknown figure open a door and suddenly it was quiet in the theatre except for her own heartbeat pounding away in her chest, the sound of the projectors light buzzing and the breathing of both the Director and herself. She was looking past the director and onto her own image playing on the screen. She thought of how erotic the scene was and how voyeuristic it had been shot. It was clear that even from the long angle, that the Director was wonderful at framing a shot and had clearly done some cinematography before.

“I don’t know what you want from me.” She said to him with a question in her face as she began to stand up.

“Just as I told you on the phone. We are going to do some rehearsal and take some promotional material but strictly for our investors.” He answered. “Please my dear come up on the stage.” He gently opened the palm of his hand and slowly slid it across the stage to the stairs on the side as a welcome gesture. She felt her legs begin to walk toward the stairs he directed her to without her mind agreeing to any of this. She seemed to see herself climbing the stairs and joining him in the center of the stage.

“What am I to do?” She asked.

“First I want you to simply stand there while I start taking pictures of you.” He then positioned her directly in the center of the stage and in front of the solitary stool that was sitting there. He then backed up to the edge of the stage and readied his camera. As he began taking her picture, he was giving her directions. “Turn to face this way but turn your body that way." He would say or “Point your body to the video and turn back to me while you hold your index finger to your lips so we can see the secret that we share.” She was amazed at how quickly his camera moved from one thing to another and she began to enjoy the experience.

“Ida, take your jacket off please. We will need to have you undress quite a bit because of the nature of the show.” He told her. Ida felt herself clench up and want to run away again but recalled how badly she wanted to act in this play, so she dutifully removed her jacket. “Pants as well, I’m afraid.” He told her and as she dropped her head, but she followed his instruction and unbuttoned her pants. Before they could be pulled down, he stopped her. “Hold there my dear.” He stepped closer to her and snapped a picture.

Ida looked directly down the lens of his camera and had her thumbs tucked into the pockets of her pants as she was preparing to lower them down. The Directors view was resplendent as her panties were just peeking out from the space that was vacated by the top her pants and now, he could see a small pink ribbon of material topping the rim of her panties that was barely visible. On top of that the sheer top she wore allowed him a view of her large breasts encased in that evil bra.

“Alright Ida, please continue but go ahead and remove everything now.” He told her without it being a request but rather a demand.

She was a little concerned but with the demand in his voice she obeyed his direction and removed all of her clothes. The entire time she was removing her clothing he was taking her picture and circling her on stage like a hungry predator. She hung her head in shame as she neared the completion of her strip and tried to look sexy and alluring but inside, she was battling with herself.

“Now, I’d like you to sit on that stool and open your legs. You can put your hands on the inside of your legs to protect your pussy from my cameras lens if you like.” He told her and she turned to see the stool standing behind her. She tried to simply sit-down on the stool, but it was raised to high and she found that she needed to climb slightly in order to get onto it. As she sat down, she felt the cold of the stool on her butt and she turned to face his camera once more.

Ida felt her breasts hang slightly in front of her and she slowly opened her legs and made sure that her hands were protecting her modesty as much as she could. She looked down and saw the wisps of her hair that led the way to her secret place and decided that this was one of the most erotic things that she had ever been a party to. She felt excited and daring and looked back up with a determined look and stared directly at the camera. She wanted to be the best actress that the Director had ever seen, and she was going to be the star of the show. She wasn’t going to allow herself to be demure.

“THAT’S IT. THAT’S THE LOOK WE WANT!” She heard him scream from behind his lens. “Now move one hand behind your head, Now move it to your lips and lightly put it in your mouth, now move it under your breast. Now move both hands so they are lifting your breasts for my attention.” He directed her into each new position. As she began moving it felt natural to continue to do so. She even lost attention for a moment and realized that her hands were no longer protecting the view of her pussy and when she tried to move it back down, she saw him drop his camera from his eye in exasperation.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” He asked incredulously. “We were doing so well and now you disappoint me. This show is about the raw untamed sexual nature in all of us. Both sexy and hilarious and you ruin it by freaking out about your pussy?” He continued before saying, “Nudity is not that big of a deal, look.” He finished saying before putting his camera down on stage and quickly disrobing himself. Once he was completely nude, he once again picked up his camera. Ida laughed because of how uncomfortable she was but did think that it was a good show of faith that he was willing to be nude on stage with her. In her experience the Director of the show kept as much distance from the actors as possible and always simply yelled at them from across the room.

“Now can we get back to it?” He asked her. She simply looked down at herself again and nodded meekly. “Now grab your breasts and invite me in to touch and feel them.” He said as he pointed his lens at her. She did what he demanded and held her breasts out towards him and in her mind, she invited him in. She knew the only way to exhibit the correct expression on her face would be to feel it and mean it inside. Even if she didn’t actually want to, she knew this was the only way to show it. As he continued to pose her in new directions she forgot about her state of dress and began freely moving around the stool and eventually around the stage.

He moved her to the left of the stage first and had her lie on the green lounge chair that seemed more like a bed with a back. She could tell by the feel and the age of the piece that it had been used many times before. Her naked skin against the fabric felt warmer than the stool but still sent a tingle of chill down her spine. When she was comfortable, she looked at the director and noticed that he was staring at her and as she looked down his body, she saw his erection standing there as well. She once again giggled an uncomfortable laugh at the situation. “You think this is funny girl? Forget it. I’ll just find a new star. I bet Margo would love to play the lead.” He told her as he stood staring at her.

“No, no. I’m sorry. Let me be the lead please!” She begged him and sat up on the chair towards him. She clasped her hands together and held them under her chin in a pleading manner. This caused her large breasts to squeeze between her forearms and he brought his camera up and took pictures of her like this. Her legs slightly apart, her face contorted in a plea and her breasts squeezed together and ****** slightly down.

He stepped closer and his cock seemed to get harder as he approached. She moved slightly back on the couch to give more distance from him. “At this point my dear you have two choices. You can either get dressed and head home and leave this show or you can dedicate yourself to me and this play right now.” He told her as he stood directly in front of her. Their feet were only separated by inches and she could smell his scent even as she was trying to lean back away from him.

Ida didn’t want to do anything, but she also didn’t want to lose this chance. She thought about Jon at home and she thought about her past in acting. She remembered all the times she had heard of stage managers and other actors being sex crazed and she decided that maybe she could please him and that he would let it go. She reached out a trembling hand and grasped his cock. She was surprised at the girth from a man with such a small build. She looked up at him with soft eyes. “Is this what you wanted?” She asked in a young girl’s voice. She still felt herself battle with the feeling of absolute betrayal to Jon but felt that he would understand and that this was part of the show too.

“Yes Ida, Now stroke it.” He told her as he raised his camera and took pictures of her begin a slow slide of her hand up and down his shaft. She slowly began picking up speed and he noticed that she even began to moan as she stared at the head of his cock. He decided to be daring and took a hand off the cameras housing and placed it around to the back of Ida’s head and pulled her forward. “Be a good girl now.” He told her before pressing the head of his cock against her lips.

She found herself opening her mouth and licking the head of his cock as she held it and though she still felt that this was wrong she also felt like she had come this far and she couldn’t find much of a difference in the magnitude of cheating between a hand job and a blow job. Especially if it meant she got to get the part. She began to lick around the entire head of his cock and allowed it to enter her mouth. She thought to herself that Jon always told her how great of a cocksucker she was, and she wanted to prove that to this man in her mouth right now.

Ida lowered herself to the ground on her knees and began working on his cock in earnest. She began to treat him like she would Jon at home and even imagined that he was Jon because the thought of cheating on him was making her feel ill. With her eyes closed she knew the difference in the size of his cock as it slid in and out of her warm wet mouth, but she let that sit in the back of her mind as she performed her duties as an actress. As she continued to manipulate up and down his shaft, she felt his legs tighten and a groan emanate from inside of his core. She knew that she was near the end and began stroking him hard again as she extracted his cock from her mouth and sat back on her heels in front of him as she stuck out her tongue waiting for her reward.

He continued to shoot pictures as he looked down at her and though he found it hard to keep it going he knew that it was important to capture her willingness. He needed it to show his investors as well as if he ever wanted a repeat performance, he was sure that he could use it to coax her into more compromising positions. He released his cum and let it shoot across Ida’s face and through her hair. Most of the cum landed on her but some landed on the stage and the ugly green chair. Ida smiled up at him and he got a close picture of her smile and the cum covering her face.

He then removed her hand from his cock and walked to the end of the stage where he grabbed his clothes and walked off stage as he said, “Be here tomorrow and don’t be such a fucking prude. This was a great first step but it’s only going to get harder!”

When she heard him say it was going to get harder, she immediately thought of his cock and she wanted to reply that she didn’t think it could get any harder than it already had been when it was in her mouth. She looked around her for a towel or a napkin or something to wipe the cum from her face on but after she found nothing, she used her hand to try and clean the ropes of cum that began sliding down her face and lightly dripping onto her chest. As she scooped up the wetness, she thought momentarily about wiping it on the chair beside her or throwing it on the floor, but she felt that this would be a selfish move that would cause more cleaning for someone else.

Instead she took the fingers of scooped up cum and simply put them in her mouth and swallowed them. She continued to do so with each new scoop she was able to gather until it was all gone. Sitting alone on stage she looked out at the empty seats and wondered what an audience might think of her little one woman show. She imagined an entire audience staring back at her then she imagined all the men standing and jerking off at the sight of her body. The shiver that she felt earlier once again ran down her spine and this time was so forceful that her entire body shook.

She finally found the energy to stand and dress before driving home. When she got home she raced to the shower and when Jon poked his head in and asked how it went she tried to tell him how difficult it was and that there was still going to be a rehearsal tomorrow but that today was more about individual performance and ensuring that the adequate motivation was there. Jon didn’t know what that meant and found it strange that she would get in the shower so quickly after getting home but decided he didn’t want to think about it and instead he got ready for bed and then they went to sleep together.
Previous page: Chapter 02