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A new page in our book....

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
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SoonToBe said:
She said Don's very upset about it and his brother is even more upset. He may be going back out next week again if things haven't gotten better.

I asked, silly question, whether they'd had sex - I wasn't sure and she just said "of course" and "he said it was the best part of the past week". I honestly felt good for him - that Sue could give him some of the pleasure she's so capable of giving. The way she said it too - let me know she was also upset by how Don was feeling.

As we got into bed she was quiet, not really into the teasing stuff so I didn't push it. As we got started she told me that he was very gentle with her but VERY passionate and that she really "felt" all of him. I was already in her and she told me how much he seemed to really need it the "first time he came in me". She told me how he seemed to need to be deep in her and how she liked feeling that from him (I guess at times he can be maybe too physical?). But then she said that the "second time, he wasn't quite so gentle..." and she proceeded to tell me how she knelt at the edge of his bed and let him "use me" to get his frustrations out.
It is very good that Sue (and you by extension) are helping him during this difficult time. Do you think that this is bringing them closer together? It will probably be a great experience for both you and Sue.
Well, she went off to work all stuffed up but feeling better after sleeping the day away yesterday.

As I said, it's not like I dislike or worse, hate Don at all - I know he makes Sue happy and if she's (and by inference, me) making him feel better, than I'm okay with it. AS far as bringing them closer together, I suppose it could - but it's not like she's seeing him any more than usual so I'm not sure. I guess Sue's maybe said he's more passionate or something like that if I think about it but can't be sure.

I know she exchanged Email with Don yesterday and last night she told me that his sister-in-law isn't responding and that they're not sure what they can/should do. They're from California and they're all into the "no artificial means" to keep someone alive and she said that apparently that sounds and looks good on paper until it happens in real-life. So I know that's on her mind now too.

And it's destined to be a long week as she also reminded that she's already starting to get achy and that it's that time of the month again soon.
You have my sympathy STB. Just a few weeks ago, things all looked so different and it really did look as though something new was going to be happening. We all got very excited (even Duke, although that looked different of course). Now a new reality is upon us for a while. Don is turned into a more real person, Sue must be torn (how do you offer support to a fuck-only lover, cope with the departure of another, worry about the menopause, and still support and love your husband), it's not as if she has a wide pool of people she can confide in with this. It's no wonder she has got a little run down and wheezy really. And now another period. Who'd be a woman. Excepting the lovers and the multiple orgasms it's a tough life !

I think all you can do at the moment is stay supportive, give Sue all the loving she needs and accept that the next few weeks are nor going to be the most erotic of your life. We'll all still be here in the meantime. You both have my best wishes.

Thanks for the clarifications.

I am kinda sorry for that post, as you have tried to explain those issue earlier which I didn’t read. Actually, I have still not read all your post (although trying :rolleyes:). Your style of writing is so very simple and yet very effective and the way your describe things piques my interest so much that I asked those questions.

I must congratulate you on being such a wonderful cuck …:D hehe. Another session of you reclaiming her after she’s with don……how exciting for you!

Your decade old marriage seems to be acting as buffer against a possible path of slippery slope, I guess a wife falling for the bull or the bull controlling the wife’s time is a much bigger issue for younger couples. Plus the fact that you mention somewhere that Don is unable to chase more skirts as his schedule doesn’t permit. So if he’s smart he will just enjoy what Sue if sharing with him. So very convenient for you I must add :rolleyes:. BTW, as I understand women or at least the once that I have known tend to be a tad bit emotional and Sue seems no different to me from your accounts. So does she ever get into fights (heated arguments) when she’s with Don or is she always the perfect GF around him in the club and then in the sack? and has she got into arguments with you over Don or the cucking/hotwifying thing? Am trying to understand what goes on into the lives of you two as a mature couple when sharing comes into play?

You have mentioned in one post that while getting married you two agreed to not cheat (so as to hurt the other one) but if things happen (sex with another person) you two would be okay. Umm…this is a bit tricky isn’t it….i mean if someone tried to seduce you or Sue on a business trip, then you guys needed to act upon that seduction for things to happen. So in a way you/Sue were actively looking to be seduced :p. Am I correct? The question of morality …….i mean while getting married you two were both playing the field so to speak…..so did the question of morality come in anyway? Am I prying to too much?......i hope not….hehe. Neither is judging you guys……just want to know what went through your combined heads.

You have also admitted that you would have sucked Don’s cock. Will this ever happen?

Has sue ever written any posts here. if not, can you ask her to write just so that we get her point of view. I am sure she would have a lot to say. How do you manage to avoid raising suspicion of your children about mommy’s coming home at odd times?
And how old are you guys. You can PM me on that one if you like. I guess that’s enough questions for the day.

More pics of the wonderfully demure yet open and delectable Sue please

@ Shidave …..you perv…….sue getting scratchy throat on don’s cock…..lolz……what a delicious idea….hehe

Thanks again for your insights and stay safe.
STB: California isn't a different country
they have traditional docs and medicine
just like the other 49 states ( USA has 50
separate distinct states )
Gee Duke, was that geography lesson for all citizens or just those from California ?
peakmb said:
Gee Duke, was that geography lesson for all citizens or just those from California ?


not all of the readers of this most excellent board
are from the USA .......dumkopf:mad:
Including me Duke. Perhaps you just didn't recognise a bit of British sarcasm ..

Dumkopt is German by the way (just in case etc..)
What a lovely bunch we are, cuckolds, pervs, geographers and linguists as well.
Hey all - well, it's just me and my right hand. I'd hoped that maybe we'd have some time on Tuesday night but it didn't work out. This time she says she's more tired than last month and she went to bed early last night so I had some fun.

Duke - my reference to California was that the whole "do not resuscitate" thing is much more prevalent out there than it is here - at least in my opinion. And while I don't like to dwell on this subject too much - lets just say that I'd never agree to pull-the-plug on someone unless there was zero chance for recovery. But as long as there's a chance - do whatever you can to get that chance. At least that's my opinion. Apparently Don's sister-in-law felt differently and apparently that's part of the argument now - her family wants her wishes honored but his brother doesn't think he can say to do it if it were to happen. But enough about that stuff.

KJ - I would agree with you that Sue and I having been together almost 30 years is certainly a buffer against things going badly. But I guess it also depends on how happy those 30 years have been and for us they've been great so there's no animosity between us and there's nothing that's driving her into his arms, so to speak. Dare I say that I am actually enjoying this time and adventure and seeing Sue experience things she'd never imagined doing.

Early on we did have some arguments about things. When she was with Brad there were times when we'd argue about things - I was very uncomfortable with just how close they were at times and it did lead to heated discussions. I expect that she and Don have their rough spots too - but I think their expectations are different. From what I can see - as you and others have said here - he KNOWS he has a good thing with Sue (what divorced guy wouldn't like a girlfriend who would fuck-regularly and not ask for more?!). But just as I tend to only post the positive or exciting stuff here, I think it's the same with Sue - she shares with me but only good stuff (although she did tell me when he wanted stuff she wasn't ready for).

We did tell each other that "things happen" when you travel on business. She knows it from her time before me for both herself and me. I know that on many occasions - under whatever circumstances - that both women and men will do things or let things happen that they wouldn't normally do.. Whether it's as mild as going to a nudie-bar and maybe getting to feel some bare breasts - or whether it's as wild as picking up (or getting picked up) in a bar and going for a 1-night-stand. The point we clicked on was that both of those are very different than a pre-meditated, planned affair where you clandestinely meet and at the same time, take that time away from the other person. Neither of us could condone the latter - it's cheating. But both of us understood that - and it was for both of us - that things sometimes happen and if you're hours away from home and that you're not doing it to intentionally hurt the other person - then just don't let it get out of hand. Granted we both "came of age" in the 70's when it was nothing to fuck on a first-date so that may have affected us a bit! You mentioned that you think you have to "act on the seduction" and what I'm saying is that sometimes you don't necessarily have to act, just not resist it. Neither of us have ever attached much morality to sex - to marriage and love for each other, yes, but not to sex itself.

My sentiments regarding sucking Don's cock haven't changed. It's not something I would want to do nor would I think either Sue or Don would want it. My reference to it was at that moment - a scene I will never forget - to see him behind her and then pull out still hard and with cum still dripping - even now I still get hard thinking of what he'd left in her and even now in my mind, that is like the only moment when I ever had the thought to want to suck him - more to feel and share the moment with Sue than anything else though.

I did find that Email that Sue had sent me long ago when she was with Brad. I have to re-read it to see if I am maybe more comfortable posting it now than I was back then. But other than that - Sue is not one to sit on the computer posting stuff like this. It's not her - talk on the phone yes, but she's not into email or blogs or twitter or Facebook so I don't think you'll ever see her online unless it's something I posted.

Our kids are older - 18 and 15 and they know that we go out on Friday nights - that either Mom goes out with her friends or that Mom and Dad go out together. I am sure that our son may wonder but since we are happy together and as a family, I am hoping they don't give it too much thought. Besides, they usually find places to go on Fridays more often than not (and we have their friends here on other nights). I'm sure later in life one of them will ask "what was up with you guys on Friday nights" - but they also know we are private about our own stuff and that we don't tell them everything. They respect the distance we give them and they seem to give it to us in return.

Gotta run.

you are indeed a very lucky man to have such a wonderful relationship with your wife ;).

Do you regret not having started earlier?


PS - off topic question, as a non american, i dont understand this celeb culture thing. Apparently mom of 8 Kate is the most famous american woman.....is it true?:confused:
KJ - I regret not starting all of this earlier as when the kids were younger (and we were younger) I suspect we would have done more sooner and faster, etc. But on the other hand, if waiting till when we did start is what's given us the happiness and fun we're having, then I have no regrets.

Life is a journey, not a destination. We've enjoyed our journey thus far so I wouldn't change anything even if I could. But 10+ years ago when we first started discussing "other men" - if things would have happened back then we might have been at a point when there was less stress in our lives...

I am with you on the Celebrity culture thing - we do not have any interest in this stuff and to be honest, I could walk into Kate-whoever and still not recognize her. I think the celebrity culture thing appeals to the age-group that is both younger than we are (which would mean 45 or younger) and also older than our son is - so I think the target age group is like 20-45 for that stuff. To me they're all losers looking for their 15 minutes of fame and then trying desperately to cling to those moments. But most, I pity the poor kids. Kate's 8 kids, The Octo-mom, Brangelina's kids, etc., they're all going to be messed up when they're older.... Sad.

Gotta run.
Harry - I've said it several times already that I suspect my son is aware of what's going on. I think when he and his girlfriend started having sex themselves that he may have realized (or at least consciously became aware of it) that his mom has her fun. And I've suspected that the reason he doesn't say anything is that we give him his space for his own relationship. It's actually our daughter that I'm concerned about and Sue is too - that she not get the wrong idea before she's old enough to understand all the consequences of her actions.

Anyway - I have a 4pm conference call to be on so - gotta run...
lifes a journey not a destination? lol
i read that in a fortune cookie 25 yrs ago
Were they fresh back then?
Seems you can't get a fresh fortune cookie these days...
Plus ça change, plus c'est la même, Duke. Or in your case maybe not.
Thanks for the update Stb. I can understand the concern for your daughter.
SoonToBe said:
Were they fresh back then?
Seems you can't get a fresh fortune cookie these days...


they're made stale :p

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