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A new page in our book....

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
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Hey all,

Not much news from the weekend here. Sue's not having the best of times - she's even saying she may want to go get checked and see if she's into pre-menopause or whatever as she's not thrilled to say the least.

That's left me to my own methods for fun for the past few days.

No word yet on what's up for next week but we're talking about doing some college-visits in the next few weeks as our son gets ready to narrow down his choices for this September when he'll be a freshman. We're talking about heading up to Vermont (he's been accepted at U-Vt) maybe next weekend and staying till Monday and maybe checking out schools in Western Mass (he's also been accepted at UMass-Amherst).

Not sure what she's planning or told Don just yet - she's not in the sexiest of moods right now.

More later.

Jinxy - thanks for the well wishes and support. Aside of your beautiful face keeping me mesmerized with your video (not to mention the pics and videos on your website) you really seemed to speak to me when you discussed being open with your partner, so thank you very much.
Stb, hope all goes well for you & Sue, especially with her gyno problems. My wife became quite irrational; swinging from moody to frigid to sometimes hot; then the flushes when she did not want to be touched. You shall have to be very patient with her.
Hey all - several wrinkles here, most important of which is that Don had to go out of town suddenly - apparently he has a family situation, as Sue explained it. I didn't know but his family is actually from out in California where she says his parents still live. That's all she shared with me. The other wrinkle is that it's still that time of the month and again she's all up about having to go to the doctors - so there's been nothing happening there either. So I'm having my own fun tonight while she is already up in bed watching Desperate Housewives on Tivo.
Poor Sue, apart from the hormonal stress, she is probably worried that her new found sexual fun & games may be less enjoyable or even terminated should her cycle go belly up or if she really starts menopause.
There you go again. One rock in the pool is in danger of starting a mini avalanche !

Maybe you will look back on these few weeks and think that it actually gave you both time and space to talk about where you really want to go from here. One effect of Sue's mood (when she calms down a bit - and she will) may be that she can talk without her view being disrupted by carnal desire for either you or Don. Him being out of the picture for the moment can only help that really.

Be patient. If Sue is anything like my wife at that point, she will be a little wierd mood wise. She might at times think that if she's feeling a certain way and she knows its nothing she did, then it must be you. HRT might help too. Check it out with her.
STB....a suggestion

HI, I have been reading your posts and you and Sue seem like a great couple. Just a suggestion for Sue to discuss with her Dr. When we decided to get back into things I decided to go the route of an IUD. Found out from my Dr. that after a couple of months, no more period and I can change it out every 5 years until I am through menapause. I was so happy!! No interuption of playtime and I have some friends who have gone through menapause and sometimes their period lasted for 3 weeks! No thanks! It may be worth her looking into it. wife

Has Sue been checked out by her Gynecologist yet? I know you said she is using a type of IUD. Some of them become real problems for some women and have to be taken out. I hope she finds out soon, It's a 'bitch' to have long menstral's and be uncomfortable especially in that area.
It is an interesting thing that the people that have been 'cheering you and Sue on' are now concerned with Sue's health and not her next tryst with Don.
Cheers, Harry
Harry2614 said:
Has Sue been checked out by her Gynecologist yet? I know you said she is using a type of IUD. Some of them become real problems for some women and have to be taken out. I hope she finds out soon, It's a 'bitch' to have long menstral's and be uncomfortable especially in that area.
It is an interesting thing that the people that have been 'cheering you and Sue on' are now concerned with Sue's health and not her next tryst with Don.
Cheers, Harry


oft times there is a price to pay for a profligate sex life :(

"oft times there is a price to pay for a profligate sex life" DUKE

I'm Sorry Duke, I do not want to leave the impression that I am Critical of Sue's sex life. It is what STB & Sue have chosen to explore.
I am impressed that several, including me, are genuinely concerned with Sue's health.

Cheers, Harry
Shidave said:
Stb glad to hear that you and Sue are not into chastity devices. I find them a total turn off.
Maxnmona's definitions are interesting.Each of them would be exciting but could be expanded to sheer emotional cruelty. But that in itself is a turn on for some sometimes.

Chastity devices are still only a form of rollplay. If I were locked into a CB and the situation or rollplay got too much for me to handle, it would take me longer to walk over to my shop, than it would to remove it with a pair of cutters.

As for you finding them a total turn off, I personally find them a turn on,,,,,, thats what makes this world so great :D
You seem quite good at dropping comments that quite frankly are as welcome as a pork chop at a jewish wedding. You have absolutely no evidence for your statement. It is opinion stated as fact. I could just as easily say that there is a great price to pay for sexual repression, or for the frustration of no sex life. Look at the current trouble with celibate priests and tell me all is ok with them. To then link it to Harry's comment as if one view supported the other is only making it worse. Wise up, think more and print less.
peakmb said:
You seem quite good at dropping comments that quite frankly are as welcome as a pork chop at a jewish wedding. You have absolutely no evidence for your statement. It is opinion stated as fact. I could just as easily say that there is a great price to pay for sexual repression, or for the frustration of no sex life. Look at the current trouble with celibate priests and tell me all is ok with them.


you'd be right if you said any of this^

ask any physician about the coefficient correlation
between unbridled sexual activity and STD's
case closed .............sometimes reality trumps
fantasy ...sorry :confused:
Harry2614 said:
"oft times there is a price to pay for a profligate sex life" DUKE

I'm Sorry Duke, I do not want to leave the impression that I am Critical of Sue's sex life. It is what STB & Sue have chosen to explore.
I am impressed that several, including me, are genuinely concerned with Sue's health.

Cheers, Harry


as well you should be
there's a reason the vast preponderance of physicians
advise the use of condoms for sexually adventursome

UNPROTECTED sex can result in DISEASE
I would rather hear from STB as to what Sue's situation really is before jumping to conclusions of disease. There are also unfavorable Stats. on IUD's (unrelated to STD's) on record.
I just want STB & Sue to be happy and well!!! No doomsday thinking here!
STB has the best thread with the most 'hits' for a long time now. We all know that!

Cheers, Harry
This is truly a FORUM; everybody venting opinions;great, but I also am seriously interested in STB & Sue's progress.
I'm new to this site, but not the concept, as I was unknowingly invited into this years ago as I've mentioned in my blog. As I also mentioned there, I didn't know or understand until I stumbled onto the shared wife & cuckold topic on the internet.

Since then, and having digested large amounts of writings such as yours, I have come to believe that some of the most courageous people in relationships are those that open up and actually share all there is to share with their partner. Bravo and my congrats to you and Sue and your perpetual pursuit of happiness. May the two of you never stop your exceptional level of communication and joy.
Hey all,

We just got home - after Sue was feeling sort of depressed with Don going away and leaving her so suddenly, we decided to get away and went up to Boston to visit some good friends of ours. Sorry for just dropping out of sight like that but it was best for her mood and it did the trick. She did hear from Don and it is his sister-in-law that is ill. That's all she shared with me but apparently his brother is quite upset and that is the reason for his sudden trip - from what Sue shared, his brother is the only immediate family he has as his parents passed away several years ago.

Her period did finally end on Thursday and we did have our fun that night. She teased me mercilessly for a while, at one point lying back against our headboard with her legs spread and knees bent showing me her pussy but telling me that I would "just have to wait" and that before I had her that she needed to have a bit of fun with a friend. She pulled out her favorite dildo that she named "Jim" and told me that I "should know better" that it is a special treat for me to have her on a Thursday but that I would just have to wait. So - I knelt there at the foot of the bed and watched her plunge the dildo in and out of her till it glistened with her sweetness! It wasn't quite as exciting as watching Don do her but seeing her close her eyes and lose herself in pleasure was nonetheless quite exciting. My cock was throbbing as I watched her bring herself off several times.

At one point she looked at me and said that I "might want to start jerking off" as she may not want me after all!!! Damn did that get me going! But ultimately she seemed to exhaust herself and she finally slid down flat on the bed and said "okay - I you can have your turn now". She handed me the lubricant she'd used with her dildo and said "you should use some of this - I'll feel like I usually do on Fridays and I know you like that". Sure enough - she did feel incredible and as we got started she wrapped her legs around me and pulled me in deep when I was close. All she needed to do was whisper in my ear "it's your turn now" and that was it...

For Peakmb - HRT is not really an option - unfortunately cancer runs in her family and just as she didn't want to be on the pill or be on a hormonal IUD, she doesn't want HRT. She may try out acupuncture as that's been reported to be helpful and she's looking into the herbal stuff, but in all reality, it's only a few days out of the month she's not doing that well so all in all, she's more into waiting and seeing what happens. But thank you all for your concerns for her health.

Wife-Hubby - she's already started to use an IUD - and so far, she's had few if any problems and from what she discussed with her doc, this is much more apt to be just pre-menopause than any IUD issues.

Cuckoldinpanties - to each his own. If chastity devices turn you on, go for it. It's really not something that either of us finds at all exciting. That plus any "feminizing" type stuff isn't in our repertoire - so there won't be any of me wearing panties or other similar things.

Duke - I don't mind your postings. As Shidave says - this is a forum - everyone is welcome here.

Anyway - it's late and I'm beat from the trip home. Sue thinks I'm just checking on work stuff so I'm going to bid adieu right now.
Thanks for the update. I feel safe to say that all your readers were concerned. Glad that things are OK for now and despite her feeling a bit down Sue wanted to play even though she let you know that she was thinking of her Thursday boyfriend. Cheers.

STB Thanks for the update. Sounds as though Sue is getting comfortable in testing your denial levels. Should prove interesting. How in the world did you manage the quick getaway? Work, kids and so forth.

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