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Christmas presents

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
  • Start date
I'm up watching something finish at work so I thought I'd jot down some thoughts and some more info on what went on.

I was in a rush earlier and didn't really mention that it's a sure sign of her comfort with Don that she was able to relax and climax from him going down on her. I remember it used to bother me that Brad would do that to her - his tongue, her pussy, my wife - the whole thing - but now hearing that she was able to let herself go for Don, it was really touching in a way - I mean how she said it to me, as if she was even a bit proud of herself. From the way she was beaming about it - all I could do was smile at her.

I think I've really turned the corner on a lot of things recently. I can even think back to when that would have bothered me - that she was able to do that - to let herself enjoy like that. But now - I can't really explain it but it truly turns me on to hear about it. LIke I said - maybe it's that you'd have to see it in her eyes or feel it in her touch - a softness, a satisfaction. I've put her there many times but it's just so nice to see her there no matter who put her there.

I actually like in a way - knowing Don knows the same as I do how her pussy clenches down as she orgasms. Thinking about his tongue there - knowing he's tasting her the way I've tasted her a thousand times - but it's him doing it to her and it's her loving it. I just makes me feel good - and horny.

They went out to dinner - I was surprised - she'd have to get dressed - and he still hadn't undressed at all! She spent that hour naked with him. What a way to start her night with him - she certainly left no doubt of what she wanted. And like I said - just to see her so bubbly when she'd tell me about it.

It was later last night when she told me more. They fucked twice after dinner - she giggled and said that the second time was in his den in front of his TV. She said she just knelt in front of him leaning on his coffee table till he got the idea. If she wanted me hard, she surely got her wish! So nonchalant about it too - that is until she told me how she felt and went into exquisite detail about feeling his hands on her ass and the cold table against her arms as she pushed back against him.

I was rock hard as she was telling me this. It was only topped by her telling me that they got into bed and messed around more and that they actually fell asleep with him still in her (or so she says - does that really happen?).

There was something about her pushing me on my back and then climbing up on me as she told me how she felt sleeping next to him. So wanton - so slutty and so horny! Watching her slowly descend on my cock was just intense as I wondered how she'd looked with him. I know it sounds crazy but just the thought that his cock was in her where mine was drove me crazy with desire. Even though it was 24 hours later I swore I could still feel her wet from him inside and she definitely felt warm and so so soft too. She seemed to take particular fun from being on top and I asked her if she'd done this with Don too. She gave me the most wicked smile and said "of course - he loves it too". What a fucking turnon!!!! I swear I could have cum just from thinking of it and I damn near did but I held off a little longer.

Puller - I was surprised that she was horny for me - definintely surprised as I too expected her to be sort of lifeless. But apparently she said she slept quite well "in his arms" as she put it. It was when she told me that they'd fucked again in the morning that was when I too finally came deep in her - but it wasn't what they did but how they did it. He was in a robe in the morning and she came down with just one of his button-down shirts on but not buttoned at all. She he was sitting at the table and apparently she's wanted to do this for a while - but she said she came down and pushed his chair away from the table and she sat in his lap and a second later she reached into his robe and guided his cock into her. And with that she said she sat there and had some breakfast - and that was when I squirted off in her - when she said "he was in me the whole time!". That was it - damn did I blast off at that - enough so that she giggled out loud and said "he did the same thing too". It took me a moment to realize that she was saying he'd cum just like that too, with her on his lap!

We lay next to each other in bed last night for what seemed like hours. She was gently stroking my cock but at the same time she told me she was "done for a while" and at another point she said something like "a girls got to get her rest you know!". I asked her if she'd liked sleeping with him and she was really honest and said it was very sexy and that she felt like a million dollars but that it wasn't so much the sleeping part - but more that it was that she could finally feel like she didn't have to rush through things to get home or whatever - she said that was the best part, well, in addition to the sex part.

I had hinted that I wanted to hear more about her night - I was still a bit horny and she was doing such a nice job jerking me off that I was almost hard again. She realized what I was getting at and she giggled and said "oh you want to hear more?". And then she started to tease me as she stroked me she asked me something like "do you want to hear more about dinner out?" and she must have felt me get a bit soft because she then said "or do you want to hear that I didn't have any panties on?" - and she surely felt me get harder. She then told me that they went out and he talked her in to not wearing any panties under her skirt - just some thigh-highs! I was harder and harder as she told me he would get a good feel of her at times during dinner (they say next to each other) and that it was a good thing the tablecloths were long so no one could see.

But when she started to tell me about her morning I could feel I was close to cumming again. She told me how they'd woken up almost the same time and that she felt very comfortable waking next to him and she said "I even didn't mind that he saw how messy he'd left me the night before". I was on the edge when she told me how they'd showered together and I finally squirted off in her hands when she told me how they'd washed each other off - or as she said it, something like "washing away all the remains of our fun!".

And that was it. Dare I say that today felt like it was just another day. Dare I say that I seem to be really okay about it all? It seems so strange, sort of anti-climactic in some way - but it feels really good in every other way and I love knowing I did it for her and that she enjoyed it - and said thank-you more times than I can count. I don't think I feel about or look at her any differently though - she's still my Sue, my love.

Gotta run - past my bedtime - but all is well that ends well. At +48 hours, all I can is that it's quite a turn-on to think about.
And yes - Ballspanking - I have thought of changing my "name" here - I wish there was a way to do it but apparently I need to sign-up again or something like that but I'm too lazy to do it.
Hey STB,
Thanks for the up date. Whew….where did Sue come up with that rendezvous in the kitchen? Here she is sitting on Don’s lap, inserts his cock and proceeds to eat breakfast with him still inside her. I think she is drawing on some of her more slutty days before you met her. That is based on what you told us about Sue being an easy lay when you starting dating her.

What’s next? She has already hinting about spending two days with her lover. Then it will be an entire weekend. Can your ticker handle that?

I think it is time to step back and catch your breath. But, even if Don finds another woman in the traditional sense, she will just go for the next handsome guy that catches her eye. We’ll just enjoy the ride along with you and provide encouragement.
Larry D
Larry - the whole bit of Sue "sitting on Don's lap" at breakfast actually originated in a Penthouse Letter from several years ago. In that story the wife did that very act with her lover and both of us, Sue and I, found it very arousing. It is one of the "letters" we enjoy reading to each other as part of our foreplay. After she first started with Brad, at times when we'd read it she had, somewhat jokingly, said she'd like to be able to do that one day. I wasn't all that surprised when she said she'd done it - actually I was quite turned on by it. Once I got used to her liking to be naked with him, I knew it eventually would go from fantasy to reality.

I have asked Sue what Don does for "relief" when she isn't around and she has told me that he does see a few other women. Yes, it has raised questions and concerns about health issues but she swears she trusts Don implicitly and basically shushes my concerns. It is one of the points of issue we still have but she is unyielding in that she has said she could never (go back to) using condoms.

I do not have a good feel from Sue on what her hopes are for future times with Don - more overnights or more time on the overnights. At present, she hasn't said she wants anything other than the continuation of her weekly night out. I do suspect she'll want to have another overnight for the next "special occasion" such as his birthday or whatever. Depending on the situation at that time and the state of our relationship will determine my response to the request when/if it occurs.

I know it may sound like I am making light of all of this when many of you are reading a lot into what has gone on, but I know how our relationship works and I truly still do not see her losing control or desiring more than she already has. Could a longer weekend be in the cards - yes. And honestly, if it isn't something she asks for soon or frequently, I will probably say okay. Like it or not, I am still reveling in what she's done!

Your last paragraph is very true though Larry - if Don does move on, there is no longer a doubt in my mind that Sue will want to find another guy to fill his shoes (and her). And I'm actually okay with that - after 25+ years of monogamy, it's still refreshingly arousing to see her wanting these experiences - and also for her to share them with me on her return. You can say I am living vicariously through her for sure.

Tonight we're both busy with our own stuff and we've agreed that we'll be waiting till tomorrow night for some fun.....
"Yes, it has raised questions and concerns about health issues but she swears she trusts Don implicitly and basically shushes my concerns."

Risky!!!!!! :cool:
SoonToBe said:
I do suspect she'll want to have another overnight for the next "special occasion" such as his birthday or whatever.

Valentine's Day
Marys-pet - nope, Valentines Day won't be for them. Actually that is when we're all going away skiing up in Vermont for the weekend so Don will have to fend for himself...

As I posted elsewhere, they've invited me to join them tomorrow night. I'd have thought maybe they'd take a week off after last weekend but Sue said she wanted to "have some fun" again before she figures she'll be getting her period. I told her I'd definitely join them and she asked if I was going to come back to Don's place afterwards. I asked her if he'd relaxed any about me joining them or if I was just going to have to sit around and watch (and I added "not that it would be so bad...." and she giggled at that!). She said she wasn't sure and that she'd try to ask him and let me know before hand - she said she'd surely be able to get a read on that while we're at the club tomorrow night though.

She went back to her usual request of no-sex last night and tonight but didn't go back to wearing panties - at least not just yet, though she did see me staring at her last night before I went off to have some of my own time/fun and I suspect she knew it made me horny to see her but to not be able to have her.

We also talked more about her time with Don last weekend. I told her she was crazy for what she did at breakfast with him and she just got this wicked smile on her face and said "I know but it was something I'd always wanted to try!". She also told me more about her morning - how she felt waking up next to him after spending the whole night with him. While I never explicitly told her, I suspect she knows that all of that really turns me on - she told me how she felt so comfortable walking around naked and how he was shaving in the bathroom in the morning as she got herself washed up. Somehow the thought of them both being nude in the bathroom together just arouses the heck out of me!!

Surprisingly I haven't had any misgivings or regrets about giving them their time together like that. Certainly nothing like I felt, and still feel in a way, when they were here and used our bed - for whatever reason, that still sticks with me. Actually, I'm quite comfortable with what went on - but as I said, there's been no lack of affection or emotion between us afterwards so that's really made it easier - I don't feel as if there's something hanging over us, it all feels quite comfortable out in the open.

More later...
Enjoy your ski weekend, STB. Family time can be something that's hard to come by in this lifestyle, so you have to make the most of it when you can get it.
So...tell us about Friday night whereas you were going to join your wife and Don. Inquiring minds want to know.
Larry D
Hey Larry and Marys-pet and others.

I believe we have turned onto a new page in our relationship. The events over the past month or so have resulted in this past Friday night being quite a wild time.

As I'd said, I did join them on Friday night. I met them about 8:30-9pm and they were already at this club near his place. Some of his "friends" recognized me and said hello and it took me a few minutes to find them hanging in the rear-room of the bar by the pool tables. I stood back for a few minutes and watched them acting so normal as a couple. From his leaning over her to help her with a shot on the pool table, to them holding hands when it was the other teams turn, to them in a deep embrace and kiss when she'd made a good shot.

After a bit she noticed me and waved me over. I think she was a little embarassed at knowing what I'd seen - them together. But it felt really good to hold her for a moment and exchange a brief kiss after which we both walked over to where Don was and he extended a hand and shook mine. It was a warm handshake instead of some of the coldness I'd felt in the past from him.

I stayed near them but gave them their space and Sue apparently appreciated that - at one point she was on his lap and I know I saw his hands all over her ass and - when they thought no one was looking - on her breasts too (outside her top!).

As I said, it was a much more friendly and warm atmosphere between us - to the point where Sue and I even danced a few songs together when she'd take a break from being with him. During one of these she asked me if I was coming back to his place. I asked her what she wanted and she said she wanted me to. I told her I didn't want to feel like a 3rd wheel or interrupt their time but she said that she'd talked to Don and that she wanted me to be there. I asked how Don was going to be and she said something like "...as long as we're not in his room, he said okay...". So she left it up to me.

When they were getting ready to go about 10:30-11pm she came over and asked me again and I said that I'd go as long as I didn't just have to stand there or wait for her. She giggled and said she'd find a way to let me enjoy, so I followed them over to his place.

After last weekend I had a feeling things were going to be a bit more relaxed and less awkward - if not between us all, then at least between them and I wasn't surprised. We walked in and he said he'd go get us some drinks and I stayed in the living room with Sue and she just turned her back to me and said "would you mind" and she held her hair up - I knew she wanted me to undo the top clasp on her blouse. She turned back to me and just said "you know what I like, I hope you're okay" and with that she just stood in front of me and undressed. She turned her back to me again to undo her bra and she slid it off as Don was coming back with our drinks. He smiled at her bare breasts and as he put the drinks down she just so nonchalantly dropped her panties and stepped out of them and then went to him for a kiss.

I've heard of CFNM - clothed female, naked male - but this was CMNF for sure and seeing her butt in front of me as she embraced and kissed him gave me an instant hard-on. I thought back to them having spent the night together and I actually felt good about it. She turned to me and said "we'll be right back down" and she went upstairs with him to his room.

A few minutes later they came back down. I could tell they'd been kissing and more - her nipples were hard and her pussy looked a bit swollen up as if he'd been fingering her. She was still naked - and it turned me on to see how genuinely comfortable she was - and he was in a robe.

She came up to me and said she'd talked to Don and that he was okay as long as we didn't use his bedroom that I could have a turn with her. I smiled and she added something like "so, when we're done, you can have me". And she turned back to him and started kissing him and opening his robe.

For one of the first and few times, as Sue started to work her way down his body he spoke to me and said something like "she was incredible last weekend" and as she started sucking on his hard cock he kept going "she really took care of me and it was great spending the night --- even if we didn't sleep that much". She pushed him back onto his couch and kept sucking at him.

I felt a bit out of place but that feeling was nothing compared to how it felt to be there so close to her sucking his cock. She moved to one side and spread her legs and it just seemed so natural for his hand to go there and for his fingers to start to finger-fuck her. I know I'd freaked out at this in the past but not Friday night. Seeing her arch her back towards his hand and hearing her deeply moaning without taking her mouth off his cock was so incredible. I could hear how wet she was already.

The next 30-40 minutes seemed to happen in both slow-motion but also at the same point seemed to fly by. The lubricant came out and Sue stroked his hard cock until she seemed to not be able to resist and she climbed right up onto him. I don't think I'd ever been this close to her fucking and instead of feeling uncomfortable - quite the opposite. I actually found myself mentally rooting for them.

After one, two, maybe three orgasms, he turned her over on the couch and he knelt between her spread legs. I almost went over to hold them for him but they seemed to be lost in their own world so I just stayed behind them on a chair watching eagerly. I swear I felt nothing but pride and admiration and joy watching them. Between the lubricant and her own juices she was so wet and open that as I said - it made me feel really great that she was so into it. Each time she'd cum it just seeemed to take her closer to the next one that was that much more intense. One moment with her legs lewdly spread to the next with them wrapped around him as she shuddered through an orgasm - it was so beautiful. The look of passion on her face was unmistakeable.

As I said - it felt good being there - at times her hand would reach out and she smiled when I moved over and held it one time. It was extremely erotic when I felt her clench mine as she'd ride out another wave of pleasure.

Yes I did look at Don and yes I looked at his cock. At that moment I think I would have actually gone down and sucked him myself that's how close I felt with them. I finally felt like I was sharing Sue more with a good close friend than a competing lover. Seeing her roll her hips for him so she'd be more open inside - seeing him plunge into her till his balls were almost in her. I felt so alive and excited that I almost yelled out encouragement for him to fuck her hard and deep. I knew it was coming soon - from the few times I've seen them together I knew the sounds and motions. I wasn't mistaken either - he really started to go at her - for a moment I thought it might be too much for her but she held her own legs back at the end and I knew it was what she wanted too. Finally with a grunt and a deep thrust I knew he was cumming in her. For a moment I could see her pussy seem to flood and then he went deep and all I could see was them grinding and spasming against each other.

By now I'd dropped my pants and from masturbating myself I was so close to cumming. A moment later Sue's legs relaxed and went to the floor and Don pulled his body away. Maybe because I was there or maybe its just what they do but he straightened his body up and both of them - and me too - watched as he slid his now softening cock out of her. Nothing came running out of her at first and he turned to me and said calmly "your turn....". And Sue had this huge smile on her face and pulled her legs back and just said "come on".....

She felt like butter inside! So soft, open and wet. As if I wasn't on the edge already - seeing what I'd just seen and now feeling what I was feeling was so incredible. She put her legs around me and pulled me in welcoming me and I actually had to focus and try to last a little while instead of erupting immediately. I knew Don was watching and it felt good that I lasted long enough to bring Sue to one more climax before I'd cum myself. It may have only taken 5 minutes even with me trying to hold off. But in the end I let my mind go to what I'd seen and when I thought of his cock where mine was and his cum where mine would soon be - that was it - I let loose with at least 4 good squirts of my own cum in her. It was met by squeals and then giggles from her as she lay under me - her eyes closed tightly....

If there was an awkward moment it was right then - I wanted to feel her close to me and enjoy the afterglow but at the same time I/we knew Don was right there and I suspected he wanted her again.

More later - after breakfast... I hear the kids and Sue in the kitchen....
Okay - had a few more minutes to finish up.

I really wanted to hold, hug and kiss her but as I said, I knew Don was still there and in someways I felt I should give her back to him for a bit. Actually, I was surprised as I pulled out of her and saw him still there - from the past experiences, I'd thought he wasn't one to want her after I'd just finished - but this time it didn't seem to matter to him. Sue and I had just about caught our breath and I just said to her quietly something like "... I don't think you're done yet!..." and I remember her giggling and just saying "I know".

I'm not sure how you'd describe the emotions I felt as I straightened up and pulled out of her - pride was surely one of them as at that moment it felt incredible to leave her like that. No other way to describe it other than "freshly fucked". Mind you she was totally comfortable being naked with him - matter of fact she seemed to even relish in it - not minding at all that her pussy was gaping open and bright red inside where it wasn't covered with our cum. I stood up with my own cock wet and with a drop of two of cum stretching from it and sure enough - Don was right there, gently stroking his own cock, seeming to be ready again (I would say that at that moment I was VERY envious as I surely wasn't going to be ready for another bout any time soon).

I moved out of the way and gestured with my hand as if to say "all yours..." and he smiled and said "thank you" very politely. At that point as he knelt between her legs again I felt like I was sort of intruding. I said something about going in the other room and their response was moans of "uh huh...". They were kissing and running their hands all over each other so I just backed up a for a moment and watched. Without sounding too wimpy I want to say that I almost felt a tear in my eye - not because I was upset, but more because I could see just how much Sue wanted him again. Her spread legs seeming towelcome him back in her. I went into the kitchen to get a drink and by the the time I returned they weren't fucking - they were truly making love. They'd moved to the floor and it wasn't sex that I saw but it was passion - no doubt about it. It wasn't hard physical sex, it was soft and sensual. His motions were slow and deliberate and even I was excited watching her respond to his actions. It was better than any porn flick - I could hear her quiet gasps and soft moans followed by louder screams as he'd push deeply into her - and then soft sighs as he'd pull out. Rather than bothering them - I stayed towards the kitchen in the shadows and just listened. I loved hearing her cry out as she'd cum several times and then I could hear her encouraging him "come on" and "oh god, in me again". His short grunts and erratic movement made it obvious when he'd cum the second time in her after which they lay there together kissing and hugging.

I was lost in thought (and in my hand on my own cock) until I realized he was standing next to me naked while Sue lay on the floor with his robe over her. He shook my hand and said thank you several times for what turned out to be a fun evening and he said Sue wanted me. I went to her lying on the floor under his robe and she pulled me close, kissed me and said she loved me, thank you and then that she wanted to ask me something. I said "what? anything...." and she asked how I felt it I were to leave and that she'd be home later on. I was sort of confused for a second until she said "I just want a little more time here and also to get cleaned up a bit" ..... "if that's okay that is?". She kissed me again and what could I say other than "okay - if that's what you want". She promised me she'd be home not more than an hour or so behind me. I was going to say something else but I just kept quiet - a part of me immediately figured they wanted to shower up or maybe mess around some more together.

When I stood up from her Don was already there. It was so strange to be standing next to him - both of us still naked and him with his cock just hanging there. I felt a strange feeling of excitement as I looked down at it and thought about it having been in her twice already. He said "well, what do you think?" and I just said "it's been a great evening, I'm going to go now and leave you two for a little longer".

I have to say - at that moment he took my hand in both of his and shook it with such meaning as he said "thanks - you're alright..." and "... I appreciate this". Neither of us really needed to say any more. As I sat on the chair and started to dress again he helped her up and he turned to me and said again "thanks" and "can you lock the door on your way out?" and with that he escorted her to the stairs. She turned and blew me a kiss as she turned back and went upstairs to his room.

And so that was it. I felt great about it all and from the dreamy look on her face, I felt good about leaving her with him. It just seemed appropriate. The drive home was quiet and calm with nothing but good feelings and thoughts in my head. I took a scenic route and stopped for gas. The house was quiet when I got home well after 1am - and surprisingly, Sue texted me not more than a few minutes later that she was on her way home too. I stayed up for her till she got in and we talked, kissed, washed up a bit before crawling into our own bed by about 2am.

We talked a lot yesterday and I'm sure more today but I am loving the changes in how things are going and I've told her that more than once already.

Gotta run now but I"m feeling such a high from all of this, it's crazy wonderful.
as *thinking* of something is the first part
of actually *doing* something your thinking and admitting
you'd suck Don's cock is the first step towards doing it.
Funny guy Duke.... It was the height of the moment and what can I say - it looked good. But the key is "at that moment" - it's not something likely to happen as m-m sex is a definite turn-off for all of us involved (especially Sue who is surprisingly homophobic when it comes to guy-guy).
SoonToBe said:
Funny guy Duke.... It was the height of the moment and what can I say - it looked good. But the key is "at that moment" - it's not something likely to happen as m-m sex is a definite turn-off for all of us involved (especially Sue who is surprisingly homophobic when it comes to guy-guy).


all the same Ilse one day you'll lie to Lazlo
and suck Don's cock .............don't worry STB
i'll be there to comfort you down from an extraordinary
high :)
Funny guy Duke.... It was the height of the moment and what can I say - it looked good. But the key is "at that moment" - it's not something likely to happen as m-m sex is a definite turn-off for all of us involved (especially Sue who is surprisingly homophobic when it comes to guy-guy).
SoonToBe said:
Funny guy Duke.... It was the height of the moment and what can I say - it looked good. But the key is "at that moment" - it's not something likely to happen as m-m sex is a definite turn-off for all of us involved (especially Sue who is surprisingly homophobic when it comes to guy-guy).


deja vu?
No - more like internet fantasy.

But seriously, it was a momentary thing - believe me, I certainly do not fantasize or think of that as something of desire.

Sue has said several things to me today - including several times thanking me and complimenting me on how well and smoothly everything went on Friday - and especially on how cordial and comfortable things seemed for Don and I. I had to agree and even tell her that he's an okay guy.

She then asked me how I was when I left her there and I said that it took a lot for me to say okay to it but that I was also very excited that it was something she wanted too. She smiled and giggled and asked me if I'd remembered her asking to maybe go back to him on some Saturdays after she'd come home on Fridays. I gave her a moan of dissatisfaction at that and told her plainly that I really liked our time together when she gets home (I remembered that she had said she'd want to go back with him the next day and for me to not have her in between). She said that the little experience on Friday night gave her a taste of what that would be like and she wanted to know if she could plan something like that for next month?

I stopped for a moment and told her that I would be okay with it if it followed a Friday night like we'd had - the 3 of us. She grinned and said "that may just work". So who knows, maybe this will turn into a regular thing. I think I would like that.
I was curious STB, in all your wonderful tale so far, you and Sue seem to have talked it all through (pretty much) before proceeding. Here you went with the flow a little but didn't seem to be given the choice upfront (in the same way) before facing all the choices you had. Do you see more of this happening in the future, it clearly raises all sorts of possibilities even if Don was equally being dragged by the flow rather than directing it. Its certainly an interesting development.
it's obvious Don and STB were in an ad hoc
competition Friday and Don was the clear winner
so much so sue wants not only Friday but Saturday
as well with Don ............he's a much better lover than you STB
Sue may love you more BUT she is in lust with Don (Jaun ? )
Duke - I don't see it as a competition at all, but perhaps that's my viewpoint or perhaps my naivete (did I spell that correctly?). I suspect at times - and certainly in terms of being able to go more than once, Don does have me beat. But I do not believe they have or feel the same type of emotional and deep connection that she and I feel. Deep otherwise, yes, but unless she is lying to me in words and behavior, if it is a competition, it is not one for her heart. Lust may be the correct word, that I will not deny.

Peak - you are correct in your observation, Sue is taking more control of these situations. I am encouraging her to do so - I am very much enjoying it thus far. In some ways, I suppose I have felt a bit of guilt for pushing her into this lifestyle - her open desires are satisfying in that she is getting out of it what I'd hoped she would.

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