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Curious Wife

  • Thread starterAlexis
  • Start date
  • #141
lexxi said:
So, in your case, how did you START talking about sexual fantasies?
We started sharing our fantasies in a way very similar to slaved's post above. IMHO our brains are our most important sex organ. Once you and your husband start having these discussions, you can branch out to talk about some of your more adventurous fantasies. There are many sources of articles on the Internet than can help fire up your imagination. If it's difficult to share your own fantasies you could find an article to discuss that includes other people's fantasies. Here's an example of what I'm talking about. Top Ten Female Sex Fantasies
lexxi said:
Am I, or better still, are we weird because we don't really talk about sex that much?
No, absolutely not, sometimes people don't share their fantasies because of fear or the pull of other responsibilities. I'm sure that many married and unmarried couples do not communicate often, or at all, about sex. Maybe that's one of the reasons there are so many divorces.
  • #142
Here's a proposed plan of action for your week in Las Vegas.

Hi Ms. Lexxi,

Thanks for your update. You're gradually starting to provide a picture... although it's still far from complete... of the nature of your relationship with your husband.

lexxi said:
Many of you have made mention of the need for communicating, sharing fantasies and talking openly about sex with each other. One thing I've realized since I started posting here, reading your replies, talking via PM's and reading through other threads, is that my husband and I "REALLY SUCK" at that.

I agree with those who have emphasized that communicating with your husband is essential. It seems unlikely to me you'll be able to start him moving toward where you want him to be, so to speak, unless you begin talking with him in ways that cause him to recognize you as a sexual woman. At this point, it doesn't sound to me like he does. You're just the woman he's married to, and he's doing his job as your husband by making love to you in ways that neither of you finds "hot." He probably views it himself as somewhat routine.

lexxi said:
I cannot recall a time when we really even talked about sex other than when we were first starting out with it. It was just a matter of "no, not like that", or "that's it, just like that". Since we got "familiar" with each other in bed, I really don't think we've brought up sex in conversation at all. We just "have it."

There's no need for you to consider that "weird" or unusual in any way. Lots of married couples... the vast majority, I would guess... have sexual relationships essentially just like yours.

lexxi said:
I don't know if it's because we were both inexperienced and therefore maybe "embarrassed" about talking about it, or if it was something else, but this has to change if I'm ever going to succeed in entering this lifestyle.

Yes. Your view of what's required is realistic.

lexxi said:
One of the reasons I have not brought up the "size" thing is, quite frankly, I really don't know how to begin. Talking about sex at all is something we just don't do.

Here's a way to begin. Since today is Aug. 15 and you said you and your husband would be on vacation in Las Vegas this week, view it as a chance to do something new and different. Since you're away from your hometown and the context of your "usual and customary" relationship with your husband, and since being on vacation means it's legitimate to try "new and different things" by definition, you need no excuses. If your husband objects to the following or it seems to make him uncomfortable, or if he seems to consider it "weird," just jolly him along (i.e., don't get irritated or argue with him) and point out the above. In fact, I suggest beginning by pointing out the above.

Then, I suggest telling him that as a new adventure, you want to try pleasuring yourself with a dildo "just to see what it's like." (If you used to do that, say, before you got married, you could maybe not mention that.) Tell him you'd like to go to a sex shop with him and buy one. Try your hardest to inform him of this in a straightforward, factual way with a straight face. Do not look awkward or uncomfortable in any way. Rather, say this to him in a straightforward, factual way in the same way you'd tell him you'd like him to join you to go out and buy a newspaper.

If your husband looks uncomfortable and tells you, directly or indirectly, he doesn't want to accompany you to a sex shop, tell him in that case you're going to do it yourself ("because this is your vacation too, not just his)." You'll find, of course, there is no shortage of sex shops in Las Vegas. To locate one, use the phone-book yellow pages in your hotel room, or go down to the front desk and ask the clerk "straight out" where to find the nearest sex shop. Treat it as an exercise in expressing your new, more-sexual persona... ask the question in a completely straightforward way, using a normal tone of voice (not a whisper).

The dildo you select should meet several criteria: it should be LARGER than your husband's erect cock, be realistic-looking, be a vibrating dildo, and it should be black. Also, buy the lubricant of your choice... say, astroglide. If your husband accompanies you, use the opportunity to look around the sex shop with him and comment on the various toys and other items. If they have porno DVDs, select one and buy that too (or tell don't ask your husband to select one he thinks he might like). If by this time you're feeling bold, give the items you've selected to your husband and, looking slightly mischievous and in a seductive voice, and tell him (don't ask him) to "purchase these for me, darling."

If your husband declines to accompany you to the sex shop, do these things by yourself. Then, when you return to your hotel room, tease him by asking if he "had a good time hiding here in the room by himself." Then, get out your purchases and show them to him.

Later, when you have an opportunity for sex... say, after you come back to your room from dinner, or early the next morning... tell your husband you feel like watching your porno DVD, and put it on. As you watch it, fondle your husband's cock, get him hard and keep him hard, but don't let him cum. If he starts to cum, say "not yet, sweetheart," and squeeze hard at the base of his cock to abort his orgasm.

After the DVD, tell your husband you want to try using your dildo now. Lube it generously, then instruct him to go down on you and suck your clit while he eases it into your vagina (with the vibrator turned on), then instruct him (if necessary) to work it in-and-out as if fucking you (or rather, as if a black man were fucking you) until you orgasm. If he stops too soon, instruct him to "continue, Mr. Big, until I tell you to stop." Finally, after you orgasm at least once (not before), tell him "that's enough now, sugarlips," then instruct him to turn over on his back. (Don't let him climb on top of you.) Then, give him a hand job until he cums. If you feel sufficiently bold, capture his cum in one hand and feed it to him... demand he swallow it "for me, pussylips." Regardless of whether you do this as the finale, tell him afterwards "that's enough for tonight, sweetiebuns." Don't let him penetrate you. If he tries, tell him "uh, uh, sexyboy, not tonight... I want to savor the feeling of the big dildo you just fucked me with. It was nice."

If your husband declines to fuck you with your new dildo, do it yourself, lying in bed on your back with a blissful look on your face and your eyes closed, while ignoring your husband as if he isn't even there.

During the week, the two of you will no doubt have plans to go to a number of shows, etc. As early in the week as possible, tell (don't ask) your husband you'd like to make a change in your plans. You want him to accompany you to a male strip show. (You can find out where they are by asking at the front desk.) As an inducement, tell him you're also willing to accompany him to a female strip show, since you're sure he finds that an attractive idea. (There will be more of those and they'll be easier to find.) If he acquiesces, try to get a seat with a good view and comment to your husband on the sizes of the stripper's cocks. (Don't expect him to say anything in reply... just continue mentioning how impressed you are.)

If your husband looks awkward and embarrassed and doesn't want to accompany you to a male strip show, and if he doesn't accept your "exchange offer" to accompany him to a female strip show (some men don't like to attend such shows, believe it or not), then inform him you're going to attend a male strip show by yourself ("remember, pussylips, this is my vacation too"), and DO IT. That's important. Afterwards, look visibly impressed when you meet him back in your hotel room, and comment on the impressive size of the stripper's cocks.

Throughout your week in Vegas, on every occasion when it's possible to have sex, tell your husband you want him to fuck you with your dildo while he sucks and licks your clitoris. Try to make sure he brings you to orgasm and express great satisfaction each time. Also, try to avoid letting him fuck you... rather, express a strong preference for giving him only hand jobs while you "enjoy the afterglow" of your dildo. Finally, about half-way through the week, tell your husband you'd like him to accompany you to the sex shop again so you can purchase a LARGER (realistic-looking, black, vibrating) dildo, and like before, tell him to make the purchase for you. (If he declines, look visibly displeased.)

Carrying out this vacation program, so to speak, should demonstrate to your husband that you're a sexual woman who likes cocks bigger than his and looking at buff, sensuously-dancing men with large cocks. AND you won't have to awkwardly "talk with him" about sex, something you've never been able to do. Rather, you will *show* him in ways that won't even require his participation if he finds that too embarrassing or awkward.

For the first time, your husband will realize he's married to a sexual woman and he hasn't been providing the sex you require.

It's extremely important, Ms. Lexxi, to take the lead in carrying out your "vacation program"... just as Ms. Cucktail did with her husband, only right now you need to tailor your approach to the LARGE opportunities available in Las Vegas. Also, as noted above, you need to tailor your approach to your husband being unable to talk with you about sex and you being unable to talk with him. Ergo, demonstrate your sexuality to him with your actions.

  • #143
Oops... I see you had to abort your Las Vegas vacation, unfortunately.

Ms. Lexxi,

Regarding your aborted vacation in Las Vegas, per this post:

lexxi said:
Hi everyone. I have some time to post tonight, and I'll get to some of your posts in a minute. First I might as well give the disappointing news.

Due to something that has come up within our extended family, and our obligations in this matter, we have had to postpone our trip to Las Vegas.

I had SO!!! many ideas on how to get the issue of size going in that atmosphere. This is definitely a setback, but to be honest, neither of us really have a choice in this matter.

I will continue to look for the right opportunity to get started. I promise to keep everyone informed.

Somehow I missed it, despite your PM. Neglecting to remember the post no. you referred to, I went back and reviewed your earlier posts, but not this far back. Sorry about that.

In any case, I would say the "plan of action" I suggested could be carried out, at least in part, in your home town. If you live in or near a large urban area, the whole "plan of action" could be carried out there just as if you were in Las Vegas.

You might give it some thought, since it takes into account what you described as a critical problem... your inability to talk with your husband, and his inability to talk with you, about sex.

  • #144
An idea

I find your thread interesting because I can't imagine a proposition like your that I would even consider without reciprocal freedoms(I get to fuck another woman). So I am wondering what you see in your husband that makes you think you could be successful selling him on this? Is he somewhat submissive? Does he show possible signs of bisexuality? Just curious.
As an idea, it sounds like you are having the most trouble getting started talking about this subject. Here's an idea for a playful way to get started: most couples have something called "the list". These are famous people that both husband and wife agree that it would be ok for the their spouse to have sex with, if they ever got the chance. You know, for him it might be Angelina Jolie, or someone like that, whereas for you, someone like Wesley Snipes. You could bring the subject up while watching a movie, asking about who would be on his "list" and then discussing who would be on yours. Just a real harmless way to break the ice. Hope that helps.
  • #145
To slaved, jojo, sptbj, Custer and Cuck Curious.....thank you very much for your posts in my thread since the last time I posted. I always like to comment on every post in here to show my appreciation for the time and effort expended by everyone here. This time, however, I am going to make an exception because I have BBBIIIGGG news.

After all this planning and plotting on my part, it came about quite innocently enough.

We were at the grocery store, and in the line next to us was a couple, a white male and a black female. They had one of those double strollers with two children in it and another child walking with them. My husband made the comment to me, "You sure don't see too much of that". After we left the store and were driving home, I said something to him about that. I told him I didn't know where he had been, but that I see lots of interracial couples. He kind of laughed and said that yes you do, but it's almost always the other way around. That's when I asked him, so what's the difference which way it is, it's still an interracial couple.

He was quiet for a minute, and believe me everyone, he actually blushed a little. He kind of stammered when he said that the other way, black male and white female, was much more understandable.

I had him on my hook and wanted to reel him in, so I didn't want to appear to know too much about this, but also didn't want to sound so dumb that it would appear phony. So, I just said "oh, you mean because of all the rumours about black guys"? This time he didn't blush a little, he turned a full blown crimson.

He didn't answer so I asked him if that's what he meant. He said "yeah, I guess so", and after a brief pause, and as we were pulling into our driveway, he added " by the way, they're not just rumours".
  • #146
After we put all the groceries away, we were both kind of quiet. I certainly wasn't going to let this go though. So, i said simply enough, "so the rumours are true, huh?" This got him going. He felt the need to explain to his "naive" wife all about black guys.

He explained about how white girls were so attracted to black guys because of the whole taboo thing, and also the "ultimate bad boy" thing that is so sexy to so many women. He also didn't hold back on the "rumour" thing. He said that while he couldn't attest to the "prowess" of black guys, he said that he'd seen enough of them in showers to know that the rumour about their size was true. "Wow", was all I said before the phone rang.
  • #147


I would say just do it. sit down and explain what you want to do, talk about it.
But, there is the kicker: (this is what makes or brakes you)
Do it slowly, You can not just put it all on the table like it was something small. Start off with what interests you and what turns you on about it. then move into suggestions and ideas and days/weeks/months you will get that bbc your looking for, right?
  • #148
POst a pic of yourself. You can block your face but lets see whos behind all this bbc curiousity.
  • #149
onelife said:

I would say just do it. sit down and explain what you want to do, talk about it.
But, there is the kicker: (this is what makes or brakes you)
Do it slowly, You can not just put it all on the table like it was something small. Start off with what interests you and what turns you on about it. then move into suggestions and ideas and days/weeks/months you will get that bbc your looking for, right?

Aha. You posted while I was taking a short break after my last post. It didn't go slowly, but it went well...unbelievably well.
  • #150
That night, which was yesterday by the way, when we went to bed, we started snuggling a bit. I whispered, "so, I guess I got the short end of the stick so to speak by marrying a white guy, huh?" I laughed and gave his back a rubdown to keep it light. "Well, yeah, kinda, I guess so, sorta" he said.

This was the moment of truth..."Honey, in general, black guys may well be bigger than white guys, but honestly honey, aren't you really small even compared to other white guys?"

"I don't know...yeah...maybe...yeah, I guess so."

"I mean, it's not like I'd know a difference. You're the only guy I've ever been with. If I wanted to try a big one I guess I should have thought of that before we got's too late now isn't it?"


"Isn't it?"

"Well, I guess, yeah."

"You GUESS?!!! What's that suppossed to mean?"

"I don't know."


"I can't."

"What do you mean you can't? OMG are you suggesting that we have sex with other people?"

"Not really, well not exactly."

"Honey, you either have sex or you don't...there's no not exactly." So tell me, what the fuck do you mean?"

Well, this probably won't surprise anyone, I know it didn't me. He started to cry.
  • #151
Congratulations! It sounds like you're almost there.

Hi Ms. Lexxi,

It's good to see you back again. I was hoping your family crisis, or whatever caused you and your cuckold-in-waiting to abort your Las Vegas vacation, had worked out OK and was wondering if I should post again re. your "project."

Regarding your most recent posts, beginning with:

lexxi said:
To slaved, jojo, sptbj, Custer and Cuck Curious.....thank you very much for your posts in my thread since the last time I posted. I always like to comment on every post in here to show my appreciation for the time and effort expended by everyone here. This time, however, I am going to make an exception because I have BBBIIIGGG news.

After all this planning and plotting on my part, it came about quite innocently enough. .... etc ....

Excellent! Almost inadvertently, it sounds like, you've taken giant strides forward! From here, you may have a few days to a few weeks remaining on your time scale, but very likely not months and almost certainly not years.

In one of my previous posts, I recommended a site maintained by Cherry Lee, Ph.D., and Ronnie West, Ph.D., that they recently re-constituted. Now that you have your cuckold-in-waiting "in place," so to speak, I'll make my recommendation more specific.

A complete C.L./R.W. Site Map for “Varietal Sex” (meaning, married women who take lovers with a large section on married white women who take black lovers) is here:
Site Map

Here are several letters that are specifically relevant to your situation.

“The Solution is Obvious,” from a woman:
The Solution is Obvious - From a Woman

“The Solution is Obvious,” from a man:
The Solution is Obvious - From a Man

Four white wives discuss their black lovers:
White Men Are Such Wimps!

My Husband vs. my [Black] Lovers:
My Husband vs. My Lovers

This whole site, and the individual letters, is — as I mentioned previously — very sane. It is not what anyone would consider "inappropriately pornographic" or even "pornographic" at all, although many of the letters are something of a turn-on.

I suggest that if you begin by pointing out the above individual letters by women (and 1 man) to your cuckold-to-be, he will not be offended... in fact, he's almost certain to be intrigued... and it will advance your cause. Then, you might point out the whole "varietal sex" site index to him. If the two of you begin reading your way through it (so to speak), it may very well be what's needed to break down your previous inability to talk with each other about sex. AND, it may very well be what's needed to bring him to acquiescence in the concept that it is your privilege and prerogative, as his wife, to date and fuck other men while it is his duty and obligation, as your cuckold, to remain faithful to you and provide you with the support you will need.

  • #152
Custer Laststand said:
Hi Ms. Lexxi,

It's good to see you back again. I was hoping your family crisis, or whatever caused you and your cuckold-in-waiting to abort your Las Vegas vacation, had worked out OK and was wondering if I should post again re. your "project."

Regarding your most recent posts, beginning with:

Excellent! Almost inadvertently, it sounds like, you've taken giant strides forward! From here, you may have a few days to a few weeks remaining on your time scale, but very likely not months and almost certainly not years.

In one of my previous posts, I recommended a site maintained by Cherry Lee, Ph.D., and Ronnie West, Ph.D., that they recently re-constituted. Now that you have your cuckold-in-waiting "in place," so to speak, I'll make my recommendation more specific.

A complete C.L./R.W. Site Map for “Varietal Sex” (meaning, married women who take lovers with a large section on married white women who take black lovers) is here:
Site Map

Here are several letters that are specifically relevant to your situation.

“The Solution is Obvious,” from a woman:
The Solution is Obvious - From a Woman

“The Solution is Obvious,” from a man:
The Solution is Obvious - From a Man

Four white wives discuss their black lovers:
White Men Are Such Wimps!

My Husband vs. my [Black] Lovers:
My Husband vs. My Lovers

This whole site, and the individual letters, is — as I mentioned previously — very sane. It is not what anyone would consider "inappropriately pornographic" or even "pornographic" at all, although many of the letters are something of a turn-on.

I suggest that if you begin by pointing out the above individual letters by women (and 1 man) to your cuckold-to-be, he will not be offended... in fact, he's almost certain to be intrigued... and it will advance your cause. Then, you might point out the whole "varietal sex" site index to him. If the two of you begin reading your way through it (so to speak), it may very well be what's needed to break down your previous inability to talk with each other about sex. AND, it may very well be what's needed to bring him to acquiescence in the concept that it is your privilege and prerogative, as his wife, to date and fuck other men while it is his duty and obligation, as your cuckold, to remain faithful to you and provide you with the support you will need.


Thank you for the links. I took a quick peek and they look very interesting. And no, I don't have years or months left, but I also don't have weeks or days! As I finish my story about last night, you'll see!
  • #153
Your latest post sounds even more promising...

Hi Ms. Lexxi,

Thanks for your update, which is very intense.

lexxi said:
.... I whispered, "so, I guess I got the short end of the stick so to speak by marrying a white guy, huh?" I laughed and gave his back a rubdown to keep it light. "Well, yeah, kinda, I guess so, sorta" he said.

Ah... this relates closely to "The Solution is Obvious" letter (above), from a white woman.

lexxi said:
This was the moment of truth..."Honey, in general, black guys may well be bigger than white guys, but honestly honey, aren't you really small even compared to other white guys?"

"I don't know...yeah...maybe...yeah, I guess so."

"I mean, it's not like I'd know a difference. You're the only guy I've ever been with. If I wanted to try a big one I guess I should have thought of that before we got's too late now isn't it?"


"Isn't it?"

"Well, I guess, yeah."

VERY good. You can consider yourself as having brought your cuckold-in-waiting to where you want him.

lexxi said:
"You GUESS?!!! What's that suppossed to mean?" "I don't know." "TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK YOU MEAN!!!" "I can't." "What do you mean you can't? OMG are you suggesting we have sex with other people?" "Not really, well, not exactly."

In this conversation you demonstrated outstanding assertiveness. In doing so you have, in a real sense, stepped forward and become the lead partner in your marriage. I'm sure you realize that in saying "Not really; well, not exactly," your cuckold-to-be was acknowledging, in effect, that he thinks you should satisfy yourself sexually by stepping up, stepping out, and fucking other men. More specifically, black men.

"Honey, you either have sex or you don't...there's no not exactly." So tell me, what the fuck do you mean?"

lexxi said:
Well, this probably won't surprise anyone, I know it didn't me. He started to cry.

In emotionally-trying situations men try very hard to avoid crying, and hardly ever do so. I'm sure you recognize his emotional breakdown signifies that you have brought your cuckold-in-waiting to where you want him, and now is the time to press your advantage and guide him to a verbal admission and acknowledgement, out loud and in words, that it is right and proper for you to fuck other men... black men, if you so desire... while it is his duty and obligation to remain faithful to you as your cuckold.

Congratulations again, Ms. Lexxi! You have grasped your cuckold-to-be's balls and penis firmly, and are leading him forward. Keep up your good work.

Regarding your most recent post:

lexxi said:
Thank you for the links. I took a quick peek and they look very interesting. And no, I don't have years or months left, but I also don't have weeks or days! As I finish my story about last night, you'll see!

Awright... this sounds even more positive. (And, you're welcome.) I look forward to your continued narrative.

  • #154
When he started crying, I took him in my arms and hugged him. He opened up to me by spilling his guts about our entire relationship. How he had always known he was "really small" as he put it. He was so torn about it. He loved me so much and wanted me to be so satisfied, but he just knew that he couldn't give me the true sexual satisfaction that he wanted me to have. At times, he had thought about suggesting that I take a lover, but he knew he couldn't do that. He was too worried about losing me.

He also told me that if the day ever came when I was bored or curious, he told himself he would suggest a "dual" relationship, where I took a lover to satisfy my sexual needs, while remaining his "soul mate".

At that point, I asked him if he would want those two roles completely separated...where I had sex with my lover ONLY, but LOVED only him. He round about explained to me about how he has been feeling under so much pressure in bed...feeling inadequate and wanting so much to satisfy me and not feeling able to. He said he may actually like having someone more capable of satisfting me being the one to do just that.

This wasn't the time to back off, so I told him about the black guy at work. I said that I was curious, but didn't want to cheat on him. I also explained that I would never ever want him to be with another woman, which he readily agreed with.

I asked him where do we go from here?


Do you WANT me to fuck the black guy at work?


At that point I put my hand on his dick. Not only was it hard, it was hard ONCE AGAIN! He had cum in his underwear without even touching himself or rubbing against anything while we were talking! I held his little boner.....

OMG this is turning you on is!!!

Does thinking about me fucking him turn you on?


And you can live with not fucking me again?


And does that turn you on?


(why not go for the whole 9 yards)

omg you're a wimp aren't you?


Don't you mean yes ma'am, wimp?

yes ma'am

At that point, I removed my hand from him and pulled down his underwear. I took his hand and placed it on his hard dick. I put my hand on his and started "jacking" at which time I took my hand away. I said that he should get used to which point he came.

I rolled over and went to bed, excited about the next morning.
  • #155
This morning when we got up, I started breakfast. "Two eggs?", I asked. "Yes thank you ma'am." Did I want that when I was cooking breakfast? Sure, why not? Go for it.

"Honey, we need to talk. I've been thinking of some ground rules. I'll give you some input, but I think we both know who's in charge around here don't we?

yes ma'am

"OK. First of all, I want to talk about this right now. I think there is way more to this than you just wanting me satisfied. This REALLY turns you on to think of me with another guy doesn't it?"

yes ma'am

"Do you jack off when you think about it?"

yes ma'am

"Is it a black guy with me?"

sometimes...but always a big guy ma'am

"OK. Well, I'm going to fuck the guy from work. That's my fantasy. And to be honest, you being a little wimp about all this kind of turns me on too. So I'm going to tell you right won't be fucking me if there's any fantasies you have that I should know about that might help me get you off some other way you better let me know now."

(At this point I wanted to say things like "what about dressing like a sissy, what about watching, what about cleaning, what about BLOWING HIM, etc etc etc"...but I figured all in good time...I wanted to see what he said)

"Your feet ma'am"

"My feet?"

yes ma'am

I never would have guessed. He had really disguised that one well.

"So, you like my feet, huh?"

yes ma'am

"Hmmm. So do you want to suck my toes?"

yes ma'am

"And I imagine you want me to use my feet on your little penis?"

yes ma'am

"And make you cum?"

yes ma'am

"Well I see a problem with that already. I am going to have a husband and a lover, and I am committing myself to my lover's sperm, so I couldn't have yours on my feet now could I?"

no ma'am

"So you would agree to clean my feet?"

yes ma'am

"And so we understand each other, how would you clean them?"

with my tongue ma'am

"Good boy. I think we are on the same page here."
  • #156
So, today I went shoppping for some new clothes. I am excited as can be about what's in store for me. I can't wait to get to work on Monday. Everything seems to be working out wonderfully, and it seems my instincts couldn't have been more correct about my hubby.

I did give him his "footjob" this afternoon, and true to his word, he licked off every drop. I'm not sure if he realizes or not that shortly, he may be licking up someone else's.

I will post again after I talk to my "work friend" on Monday.

Until then, comments are appreciated. Thank you all for accompanying me on this journey. I think it's about to get interesting.

Love you all.
  • #157
You are definitely on a roll...

Ms. Lexxi,

lexxi said:
This morning when we got up, I started breakfast. "Two eggs?", I asked. "Yes, thank you, ma'am." Did I want that when I was cooking breakfast? Sure, why not? Go for it.

Very soon (tomorrow morning?), I suggest your cuckold-to-be should be cooking YOUR breakfast in the morning and saying things like: "Two eggs, ma'am?" Then, not too long from now, I suggest making it clear to him he will also be cooking your dinners in the evenings.

lexxi said:
"Honey, we need to talk. I've been thinking of some ground rules. I'll give you some input, but I think we both know who's in charge around here don't we?" "yes, ma'am" "OK. First of all, I want to talk about this right now. I think there is way more to this than you just wanting me satisfied. This REALLY turns you on to think of me with another guy doesn't it?" "yes, ma'am"

Excellent! You got the conversation off on the right foot.

lexxi said:
"Do you jack off when you think about it?" "yes, ma'am" "Is it a black guy with me?" "sometimes...but always a big guy, ma'am." "OK. Well, I'm going to fuck the guy from work. That's my fantasy. And to be honest, you being a little wimp about all this kind of turns me on too. So I'm going to tell you right won't be fucking me if there are any fantasies you have that I should know about that might help me get you off some other way, you better let me know now."

Very good. That was blunt. Referring to yourself as fucking other men (not vice-versa) puts you in the role of "initiator of action"... aggressor, as it were... and that's where you want to be.

lexxi said:
(At this point I wanted to say things like "what about dressing like a sissy, what about watching, what about cleaning, what about BLOWING HIM, etc etc etc"...but I figured all in good time...I wanted to see what he said.)

Yes, that may have been "too much, too soon." You can lead him soon enough to those aspects of being your submissive cuckold.

lexxi said:
"Your feet, ma'am." "My feet?" "yes, ma'am." I never would have guessed. He had really disguised that one well.

That's an excellent fetish for your submissive cuckold-in-waiting to have. If you insist he bow and kiss your feet before you leave for work each morning (or before he leaves, if he leaves first), and again when you come home from work each evening, that will go a long way toward helping him maintain his submissive attitude and behavior toward you. It will also help you maintain your view of yourself as his boss and queen.

lexxi said:
"So, you like my feet, huh?" "yes, ma'am" "Hmmm. So do you want to suck my toes?" "yes, ma'am" "And I imagine you want me to use my feet on your little penis?" "yes, ma'am" "And make you cum?" "yes, ma'am"

Maintaining the upper hand in conversation by asking your cuckold-in-waiting questions, and expecting only "yes, ma'am," "no, ma'am" replies, and short answers like "your feet, ma'am" (and him complying), is masterful.

lexxi said:
"Well I see a problem with that already. I am going to have a husband and a lover, and I am committing myself to my lover's sperm, so I couldn't have yours on my feet now could I?" "no, ma'am" "So you would agree to clean my feet?" "yes, ma'am" "And so we understand each other, how would you clean them?" "with my tongue, ma'am" "Good boy. I think we are on the same page here."

Outstanding! You have already extracted, in essence, agreement from your cuckold-to-be that he will accept insistence from you that he must lick up and swallow all semen that comes out of his own penis, especially from your feet.

You are definitely on a roll.

  • #158
Congratulations on your big breakthrough Lexxi! Now that you and your husband are communicating, please keep him informed of your activities. The more you share with him, the more submissive he will become and you will benefit from his submission beyond your wildest dreams. Please keep sharing with us.
  • #159
I had been wondering if your husband is so small that it is even difficult to penetrate you. Is it short and thin, perhaps only an inch when hard?
  • #160
If lexxi doesnt post a pic, Im calling this thread bs and its probably a guy. Its starting to sound fake with this guy crying about his small dick and all. Sounds like horseshit to me.

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