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End of summer

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
  • Start date
How interesting to hear that FRANK apparently suggested the anal sex. Considering his frigid wife who gave him limited sex and always with a condom....that seems a bit of a "cumming out" so to speak for Frank!? I knew you said that you both were a similar penis length but do you think Frank is on the slim side of average or are you on the thick side? I can't wait to hear buddy, you rock.
It's an awesome weekend, spent outdoors mostly so only want to spend a little while posting here.

First - since several mentioned it - her comment to me about maybe not telling me, to me, wasn't anything to worry about. Her only comments later on were that maybe I didn't necessarily want to hear "everything" but I assured her that I did and that I was okay with it. I did mention it again after she got home on Thursday and told her that I wanted her to know that she can and should tell me everything and that I thought it wasn't good if she held things back. She replied - and I think part of her reply was to really make sure I wanted to hear it all - but she told me in greater detail about how the whole anal sex thing came up. And as part of that with Frank, she made sure I heard again that she IS showing him everything - which she said clearly includes him knowing all about her pussy and her butt. She made it quite clear that it was her that showed him how to play with her ass in the first place - what she liked and didn't like.

I have to say that it made me feel great - in that a lot of what she shared with him was stuff that she and I had figured out over the years. Stuff like just how deep and when she likes me fingering her ass. I knew she'd told him about her college boyfriend who had the skinny cock and I also knew from what she'd said that she also must have told him that she had tried with me several times.

So - how did it go for them you all may ask. Well, her ass is still pretty much virgin territory. She said "he got it in me once but it started to hurt too much" and apparently that was it - after that she made him go back to just fingers. (at least that puts me ahead of him there - I did fuck her and got to cum in her ass once).

Nonetheless, she came home on Thursday night (or was it more like Friday morning as it was after midnight) she was quite messy. I helped to undress her and as always - what a turn-on seeing her. You can just tell she's been horny fucking all night - from how she smells, how taut her skin is, the reddened areas on her tits, her panties clinging to her damp pussy and then seeing how reddened and swollen she it. Knowing she's come home to me like that - to share what she's had all night. Damn, I was horny and I was glad it wasn't a night when she wanted me to wait. And no, she didn't...

When I went to kiss my way down her body, she pushed me away when I got to her pussy and said that she'd "had enough" earlier but I think that was her teasing me as she didn't fight me when I pushed her legs apart and began to play with her pussy. It was wet - and when I spread her lips apart where they'd been clinging together I saw and smelled what could only be Frank's cum.

I think from the day I met her when I knew she had slept with these guys I work with - I think from that day, maybe, that this was the moment I'd wanted all along. To know another guy had just fucked her. And there it was, undisputable evidence.

My cock was hard thinking how wet and open she must feel. I pulled her lips apart even more and opened up her pussy. I could see more cum in her and while I did want to jump right on her - honestly - at that moment - the thought of putting my tongue into her and sharing how hot and wet she must still be - I couldn't resist.

Dare I say - it tasted good. Sometimes she'll taste really tart or sharp tasting but not this time. I know, it was mostly Franks cum but knowing it was coming out of her pussy - and her own sweetness mixed in with it. I can't explain it but feeling her breathe deep as I licked at her and then feeling her body seem to totally relax as I licked upwards - it's a moment that when you share it with a woman - you know you've connected with her. I felt her hand on the back of my shoulder move up to my head and just almost "guide" me to keep licking and sure enough - I heard her moan and gently squirm and I could tell immediately she'd had a nice orgasm. At the moment she orgasmed her pussy seemed to suck at my tongue and then flutter around.

She lay back and it just seemed so natural to slide up her body and slip into her waiting pussy. I held her against me and felt her whole body as I slid all the way into her and ground myself against her. She put her own legs up on my shoulders and pulled her knees back and simply gave herself to me. As I felt how open she felt she told me stuff - about how big Frank had felt - and about how horny he seemed. She didn't have to tell me he'd cum a lot in her - it was obvious.

I was really getting into it when I opened my eyes, or more rather, looked down and focused on her that I saw she was looking at me. I asked her in a grunt if everything was okay and then she said "Yeah" and a second later she said "I wanted to watch you when you cum". I started to push harder into her - that seemed to turn me on that she was watching me. I was really close when she said "it was hot watching Frank too". That was it - I let loose like a friggin' fire-hose in her! She even squealed at how hard and deep I pushed into her as I squirted deep in her. A moment or two later when I'd regained my senses I rolled off of her and onto my back. She followed and rolled onto her side next to me and lay her head on my chest. I looked down over the back of her head at her hand gently stroking my now softening cock - from all the way down at the bottom all the way to the top and with it she drew out a big glob of cum that she took on her thumb and I guess, licked it off. It was erotic watching.

More later.
Thanks for clarifying Sue's remark; as long as you have the openness and mutual honesty all will be well. It is good that Frank does not get anything that you have not. Have you decided when you intend to approach Frank; the start to telling him?!
Well, we're back to work and Sue's already left to try to get in and then come home early to take advantage of what could be the last day of nice weather for some time.

I can share, and maybe bore you with how horny she's been since Thursday - but that isn't really anything new. So, while the sex over the weekend was awesome, I'm not sure I need to, or want to go through the details here.

What I would like to share is some of the conversations that we've had and some of the feelings that I'm having.

I think I get this way with every guy Sue is spending time with. I know that I definitely felt this way when she was with Brad and I know we crossed this line even earlier, I think, with Don. But again, I'm having this mental issue with the level of intimacy that she and Frank are sharing. I'm sure hearing her tell me how she's shown Frank every inch of her body - and how she's literally giving him sex-lessons - didn't help me. I mean at times I can picture her "instructing" Frank - so maybe it's my mind that's the issue because it's what I'm filling into what she tells me that is where my angst comes from. Just thinking of her spreading her pussy for him and pointing out where her is would be one thing but I know she's taught him more including where her cervix and g-spot is too - and now I know that she's been showing him about anal-sex.

But I don't want everyone to think that I"m upset by this. I'm not, matter of fact, when I am with Sue, all of this is incredibly sexy for me to hear and know, but when we aren't in bed together and it's not a sexually charged moment, I think it just kind of gets into my head that she's truly sharing everything about her with her lover. And it's becoming more obvious to me, with Frank and looking back at the others, that it is at this point in her relationships that the sex becomes something more than just pleasure for her - that in some ways I see her wanting the sex to be for the both of them. Just the way she describes it when she gives herself to Frank - and this last week how she wanted to really let Frank take his time and let him cum a second time. It's totally arousing that she wants it - and even now sitting here typing this - my cock is rock hard. But at the same time, I know that Frank is now looking at her a little differently - where I think he's less unsure about what their time together will be.

If anything though, it is making me want to get to know him a little better. Looking back, I can see that I passed through this phase when she was seeing both Brad and Don - and I know that both times it led to her really enjoying herself and that clearly spilling over into our time together. I wasn't able to deal with Brad back when this was happening - it was just too new. Don was a different story altogether - I never felt like I liked the guy and I think I always felt some level of contempt for him. But Frank is different and I do enjoy knowing that he has this level of freedom with Sue - I just think I'd be more comfortable with it if I knew him a bit better.

Or would that just tweak my inner cuck desires even more - to know that this guy I know well (or better) is fucking her?

Anyway - just sharing some of my personal issues here instead of the openly sexual ones.

Gotta run.
Hey I think you have every right to feel the way you do. At least with the other two, you were included, to a certain degree, in their relationship. Now you are relying entirely up to Sue to tell you what is going on. Curious minds would want to get involved, maybe it's time to let Frank in on what is going on between you and Sue. Intersting to see where this goes.
Wow - it's been some time since I've had time to post here. I actually thought I'd have time to post last weekend. I guess there's a bit to cover so here goes.

Last week our daughter wasn't home for dinner on Thursday as she was staying at school to help with play-practice as she helps out with stage-crew. Sue wasn't home when I got home but did come home a little while later. it was GREAT not having our daughter around as we went straight up to the bedroom where I wasted no time in getting her naked. She was a bit coy and teased me about having had to wait to take her panties off and I wasn't disappointed to pull them off her and find her really wet. She giggled that they'd "just finished" before she came home. It was what I said next that started our conversations... I told her as I started to kiss her and play with her a bit that "I wish I could see him fuck you".

We didn't talk about it much that night. She was too busy teasing me and I was too busy trying to hold off as much as I could till I couldn't any longer. She told me she loves watching me as she knows I am on the edge of cumming (she says she knows how my cock feels at that moment) and knowing she can tease me over the edge. But last week she didn't need to say anything as she was just so wet inside that my brain had all the arousal it needed. All I needed to do was to think that maybe less than 30 minutes earlier that Franks cock was where mine was. That and KNOWING he'd cum in her and that was what I was feeling in her - that was enough for me.

It was afterwards as we lay there - laughing at how big a wet-spot there was on the bed - that she asked me if I really wanted to "be there" and "to watch". I told her that I didn't want to mess stuff up with Frank but that given how far things have gone with them, that I would kind of like to be able to be there or, at least, to some how have it come out and be less clandestine. I know we'd discussed this before, but she knew that it was something that needed to be brought up again from how I was talking.

I was open with her though - I mean why not... I told her that I wasn't worried about things but that I thought I'd maybe deal with just how much she shares with Frank a bit better if there was a way that I could maybe be a part of it. I told her that although I didn't always feel comfortable or welcome, that I did enjoy being there with her and Don - especially being able to hold her hand or be close to her as she/they came. She hugged me at that point and held me really close and said that she'd love to be able to share that moment with me too.

We talked I told her what I'd been thinking of how to bring this out into the open with Frank. She was intrigued at what I'd cooked up in my head. Some of it is as we'd talked a while ago but she thought my idea of sharing her nudie pics was a good one and might work. And last Saturday we started to think about whether maybe to invite Frank over for the Giants game on Sunday or maybe even the Jets game on Monday night.

Needless to say - just talking about all of that kept us horny through the weekend including her wanting to hear what I thought I'd say to Frank and her wanting to hear how I'd tell Frank that I'd want him to fuck her. But we also realized that the timing wasn't going to be good as we had a family birthday party to go to on Sunday (fortunately they had the game on) and Monday was busy w/work and that's been crazy for both of us.

But she/we have kept up our weekly routine and she knows that I find it incredibly horny that she keeps herself covered up from after we've finished having sex on Tuesday night until, well, until later tonight!!!! This past Tuesday after we'd had sex she stood in front of her dresser and picked out a pair of panties and she turned to me and said "do you want to put them on me?". Even though we'd just fucked - damn if hearing her ask me that didn't get my cock all hard again! She giggled and said "uh huh - you've had your turn". I swear my cock was stiff and bobbing away as she lifted one leg and then the other as I pulled her panties up. I heard her say "Say goodbye" as I pulled them up. She pushed me back on the bed and knelt next to me. The cameltoe in her panties looked awesome. She stroked my hard cock and said I should "take care of it" since she was now "Franks".

I love masturbating for her - especially when she's in a sexy mood like that. She knew it'd take me a bit to cum a second time so soon after the first. But it didn't take as long as it could have as I was helped along by her smiling at me and then suddenly reaching over for a few tissues and then watching her pull the waistband out and seeing her reach in and wipe up the cum that was dribbling out of her. Between that and her teasing me at "how wet" she was and "how much cum" was still in her - that sure enough, a few minutes later I came again.

I usually cum a LOT during the first time - but seconds for me are usually just maybe 2 or 3 little spurts. Still feels awesome but just not that much cum. She giggled and helped milk the last out of my cock. She did also say (and I haven't talked about it any more) sort of calmly that "Frank cums a lot more his second time". That didn't really bother me - I KNOW that's something she likes (when I was younger....) and I'm cool with that (it actually confirmed what I'd been thinking based on how she feels when I have her soon after she's come home).

So - I'm sitting here today (working from home today) now with a raging hardon.

She IS seeing him this afternoon. I'm hoping she'll be home before our daughter gets home so I can have her freshly fucked - she knows I really enjoyed that last week.

And - no - we haven't figured out when we'll try to approach Frank. In the meanwhile she says he's sometimes curious about how she "gets away" with things but she explains (and as I've also said to Frank) that my work is totally crazy and that I "barely pay attention to" what's going on.

Anyway - gotta run.

Till later....
Stb, it seems certain that you will be watching them before long. Frank should take things well once you divulge to him that you have this arrangement and wish to keep him as a friend. Why not? He will be a friend with benefits and maybe even have Sue more than weekly.
I agree with Shidave, if it works out with frank in the circle-of-trust, then maybe he will have Sue more often and you may get to enjoy watching and more extended denial? Maybe Sue would like to be with Frank "just for a little while" again, hmmmmm.
Far2 - no news really. Status quo on Sue and Frank - and they skipped this past week so no horny sex even for us! Plus, this freak snowstorm messed up the weekend where we had both thought we might go by and visit Frank together - but that never happened either.... Maybe this week - Sue's itching already to see him again.

More later but things are quiet as work has ramped up for both of us lately.

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