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Fun in our bed

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
  • Start date
Before I get to the stuff we discussed, I thought I'd answer/address some of the recent posts.

To Cleaner. Yes, I'm aware of the whole sperm-wars/penis-head-shape theories/facts. I suppose it's erotic to think of the "science" behind it or whatever. I would say that from what I've seen and remember - that Brad had maybe the most pronounced cock-head in contrast to his overall size where, if memory serves me correctly, it was larger than the shaft. Don and I seem to be more similar than different with I guess, somewhat smaller cock-heads that are more in-line with the overall thickness of the shafts. At least from what I've seen. I do suspect that perhaps at heights of arousal, that the heads can possibly swell more - I know mine does at times.

Joncondon - from what Sue has shared with me, and I have no reason to doubt this, the hushed conversations about "being nice" to me or whatever, were related to their thoughts on my being there while they had sex.

I did ask her about what happened in my son's room and she said that Don took advantage of her at that moment - that he knew she was horny and wouldn't resist his advances. She said that he thought it was a bit sexy that it was where my son may have had sex with his girlfriend, she said that she got caught up in the moment before the weird feelings became too much. I agreed that perhaps that was a bit too much and that it was a good thing I didn't know about it at the time.

About the only thoughts that either of us had on Don's sort of rapid departure from our room is that as I'd mentioned before, his disdain of my having sex with Sue is something he is more open about and vocal about with Sue. She said when she went downstairs to see him that he was already dressed and he was rather curt with her and that he didn't do anything sexual with her at all and just kissed her and they basically just exchanged "it was fun" and stuff like that. As I had thought, Don wanted no part of her after she and I had sex.

Now tonight she's already PMS-ing and she's off doing something at a neighbor's house. So it was fortunate that we found time for a little last-fling before her period as tonight she wants no part of it.

I'll split the post into two here.
Our discussion started in earnest probably Sunday or Monday after Don's visit. It took a little bit for it to become more of a memory for both of us rather than something so fresh. I mean we did say a few things but it was probably last Monday when we started to discuss things more openly.

Rather than try to remember specific details, it's probably easier to simply summarize what we talked about.

She started by asking me how I felt now that she'd/they'd used our bedroom and bed. I told her honestly that in retrospect, it really wasn't as big a deal or an issue for me as I'd thought it would have been. And soon I even acquiesced and told her that it was pretty erotic being there and watching like I did. She asked me if I'd liked having to wait until "he" was done? I told her what I'd said all along to her - that having to wait for her until she was done having sex with Don was one of the most incredibly exciting things ever. I told her how turned on I was by what they'd done and how I liked that Don had treated me well and not like he hated me or had some sort of ill feelings.

Our discussions continued and covered how I felt about her wearing panties at times when she was waiting to be with Don. She wanted me to know that she really did that as something that she thought turned me on and I told her yes - that it did turn me on and that just seeing her wearing them was very arousing to me and only made me want her even more.

But probably the most significant thing was that she came out and asked me how I felt about Don's issue about me having sex with her. I responded with a question of my own - that was - what did she think of it? I answered her a bit but told her that I needed to hear her side of it - I told her that it did turn me on that he wanted her all to himself. She said she was surprised that it turned me on at all and I said that him wanting her sexually is a huge turn-on for me.

She then asked the big question. I knew it was coming. She came out and asked me how I'd feel if she wanted to just be with Don for a little while - and she emphasized "a little while". I was really hesitant as to how to answer that so I asked what she was thinking about. And then it was her turn to be hesitant. After a moment we kind of just both started to laugh a bit at the "pink elephant" in the room. We almost started talking at the same time and I was saying something like "maybe for a few days or so" and she was at the exact same moment saying something like "just for a little while". At the realization that we were both saying the same thing I just asked her plainly - what was she thinking and then I quickly added - "is this something you want or is it something Don wants?".

She was quiet and then answered the second question first. She said that it is something Don has wanted for a long time and then she said it. I swear, I nearly came in my shorts. She said that it's something she thinks she'd like to try out. She then launched into a big effort to try to convince me about it - saying "it's really no different than the months when my period ends late" and that "my wearing panties will just turn you on even more". She also said that I could have more time to "have my own fun" - her way of saying I could masturbate more.

I listened to her and couldn't help but smile as the whole way she was saying what she was about trying to convince me left me little doubt that it was something she herself wanted!! She saw me smiling and seemed to relax a bit. I asked her again what she was thinking and she simply came out and said it. That she wanted to one week, not have sex with me after she see's him on a Friday and for me to wait till the following Friday.

I was actually speechless for a second. Inside I was a swirl of emotions and feelings. One part of me wanted to yell out to her "Yes" but another part of me was definitely scared to say that.

She came closer to me and kissed me and said that we could have other forms of sex during that week - she even promised to give me a blow-job. And every time she mentioned that "her pussy" would be for Don that week I swear, I nearly came in my shorts. If she would have reached down she could have brought me off just by mentioning it again.

I was almost ready to give in but I stood my ground for a moment longer and told her that she would need to give in on one thing for me. She looked and even said "okay anything - what is it?" And that's when I said "I want to take some more pictures of you". She started to say "no" that she doesn't like that but I said something like "I won't get your face if you don't want" and with that - she waited a moment and then giggled and said "okay - if that will make you happy". I said that I thought that would work and then asked her when she thought she'd want to do this. She reminded me of expecting her period this week and then just said "let me talk to Don and let you know".

So - I went through the latter end of last week with this hanging over me. I asked about when we'd go to the nude beach together and she said "sometime in August" we'd figure out a date but that she definitely wanted to do that.

Last night before we were going to have our fun she told me that she'd swapped Email with Don earlier in the day and she said that they were thinking that maybe we'd start after they see each other on August 6th. I asked why that week was good and she told me that Don was off from work the week of August 9th and that she thought they could possibly see each other, as she put it "a few more times" that week. Before I could say anything she promised me a night of "anything I wanted" on the Tuesday of that week - which I guess would be August 3rd. And again she promised that she'd give me a blow-job "to completion" during the next week.

How could I say no?

I thought about it last night and it's all I can really think about now - my brain is going a million miles a minute right now in all directions. How often will they see each other if he's off work? Will she be wearing panties around me the entire week? Will she let me see her and maybe masturbate while I look at her pussy that's off limits? I'm already horny thinking about it. The only problem is she's in a definitely non-sexy mood so I'm sort of stuck with all of this in my head for at least the next few days.

I know - a lot of you predicted this was going to happen. To be honest, at this point, I do want to see how this feels. It's maybe a bit more time than I'd originally thought would be where we'd start exploring but I guess it's okay - at least my cock thinks so from how stiff it is just writing this.

There was more we talked about but I guess it's all kind of pale compared to the big stuff I shared above. I'm sure I'll have more time to ponder this over the rest of this week.

All I can think of is that it feels like NASA now - waiting in the countdown for the launch.

Wish me luck.
Thanks Stb.
Well it looks like the bull is getting his way and the doe wants him to. Your thoughts must be in turmoil. I hope that it gives you pleasure and not too much pain.
As far as the pics- did you mean pics of her with Don? I cannot see him agree to that! Would be fantastic if you could.
Also, it seems that the conversations, "pillow talk", with Don have been more than you thought and more and more the prophecies from posters are coming true.
As you say STB, many have 'predicted' this. Many more have ghosted their own fantasies on your marriage. You stressed that this is something you want to try but if so you need to say it is also a one-off. Your choice. The prediction is always an inexorable slide in one direction. Logically, this cannot continue so at some point reality calls a stop or a retreat in some areas while other things are tried. You risk losing real intimate time with your wife. I'd advice against that as a permanent move.
Wow! One helluva conversation and update!!!!
STB, what we talking? Ten, maybe eleven days max? You can survive that man! I love how when Sue really wants to convince you to agree that she talks about it before you cum and are more likely to agree to anything. There is also always the possibility that with her getting together with Don "a few more times" that week, fulfilling something Don "has wanted for a long time" in cutting you off (if only temporarily), that she may not have the downtime herself she normally has to get super horny and thus not tease you quite as much as usual. That in itself may give you just enough relief to make it the duration!
Did she explain why it's "something she thinks she'd like to try out"? She seems to enjoy sex with you. Why would she want to cut you off, other than to please Don?
New Escalation

As the primary predictor of this ‘New escalation’ in your adventure, I really have little more to add, except that you need to seriously acknowledge Don as the Bull in this trilogy. It seems that he is skillfully influencing Sue as he probably has other women. It would not be my choice, but obviously, You are wanting to try this. I hope it is not more than you can cope with, and I hope Sue is willing to stop it if it’s not. As has already been pointed out, This ‘roller-coaster’ is not likely to stop until someone, or something puts on the brakes. It’s what you expected to happen. I can’t criticize you for getting what you want. Just have fun carefully!
Cheers, Harry
STB: again, I'm not seeing the problem. You have wanted this more and more it's just that you wanted Sue to want it. Naturally, women want to be sexual with the man thY gives them the most pleasure. Don may be number 1 in the bed but you are number 1 in her heart! Women don't think with their pussies like guys think with their dicks. Everything will be fine...so you don't cum in her pussy for a week or two maybe longer next time and then who knows. You will still have the intimate time together just not soiling Don's pussy. To be honest, I think it is now close to being a true cuckold relationship. Before STB was fairly controlling, now he can just let it happen. You go STB!
All I know is that you will be eating a lot of creampie that week, hope your hungry! I am sure there have been plenty of times during your marriage that you have gone 10 days without Sue's sweet spot. I wonder how long you can go? Guess we'll soon find out. I bet you'll a more attentive to her needs. She will soon see that you like what's going on and that she won't mind not fucking you because Don is giving to her well. You'll love it! At least you are going to get to cum. Many are denied that and put in chastity, wonder what else they have planned for you.
Would love to see the pictures of Sue...do you mean that pictures will be taken of her pussy and or reddened breasts after Don uses her or after you fill her up??
Just wondering what do you think is the reason Sue wants to keep herself clean for Don? Is it that she just wants to make him happy and give him what he wants or is it that she just doesn't want to have to feel like she HAS to have sex with you (like a chore) after her encounters and wants it to be just for her? What are your thoughts on that? Also, it does seem as if Don is taking on the bull role. Are you prepared for that and what else might come out of it?
Hey all,

Near as I can tell from what Sue has conveyed to me (and today's not the best day to talk to her about this) is that she genuinely likes sex with Don and in many ways wants to please him. She"s also told me that on the days they've been together where he knows that we haven't been active with each other that she says he seems more attentive to her and overall more into it.

I do know that my desires are still a key motivator for her and that as she is enjoying it more and more for herself that her own desires are competing now.

I know she's wanted to do more with him but as I've posted here in the past, it's tough to merge schedules. So I suspect that this is like the stars all being in alignment that I am at the point where I actually WANT her to do this, she wants to do "a bit more" and now that Don has a vacation week - it just seems like it's meant to be.

The pictures I referred to were just going to be of her - mainly her pussy but could be her breasts or otherwise. I told her that since she'll probably be wearing panties most of the time (she giggled at that when I said it) that I wanted some pics of what I wasn't going to see much of for a few days.

I did tell her that just the thought of Don being the only one to fuck her for that week - coupled with my expecting her to be wearing panties most of the time - will absolutely drive me crazy.
I told her that she'd better be well rested for that last Friday because I will have a week's worth of desire to let loose on her!

In reality, it is as other indicated - it's really just 10 or so days - and yes, there have already been times that I've had to wait that long as when her period ends late and she sees him first afterwards. This will be different though in that mentally I know she's not on her period - AND that this time, Don will most likely be with her several times that week. Even just typing this, I'm thinking about her coming home nightly and wondering if she'll have had an afternoon meeting with him. The idea that he could possibly cum in her maybe 7 or 8 times before I get to again is just incredibly arousing to me.
Stb, you are certainly a cuckold and experiencing more of the cuckold experience. Sue still wants to please you but she wants more for herself and is eager to please her lover because he is demanding and he gives her more in return that way.
We can see how turned on you are and that is so exciting.Enjoy. However, please be careful. The parameters have shifted miles since you started this lifestyle and you are coming to dangerous territory.
Do you see this becoming the norm like Wednesday and Thursday or have you made it clear it is a one off like others suggested? I know that it's special due to Don's schedule but I have a feeling once Sue sees how much Don likes what he has and I bet he will lush for more, she will ask for it to become the norm. STB, I would he prepared for longer denials in the future because Don sees that Sue is his to control more and more. That "yet" is on it's way my friend! Her pussy is going to be clean for him all the time in the not to distant future. If you don't want that...you had better start talking to Sue about that...time is slipping by and Don is going to get his way.
Hmmm, I fear that you may be right far2easy.
Shidave: I don't know if I would "fear" it. I for one think that STB is wanting this to happen. Again, I don't think that he has anything to worry about in regard to losing Sue to Don (divorce) or anything remotely close as they have a bond that Don will never have. I think we are seeing Sue begin to separate her sex life from her married life (day to day life). Hence, she wants to make her pussy (when she has the time) feel the best...which is with Don. I guess we found the answer out to who she likes fucking the best. Not that this should be offensive to STB, its just with the freedom to choose, she wants to go get the most pleasure, the hottest time! I try to see it from Sue's perspective as well. If you are driving a Ferrari, hopping in Chevy Malibu (nice car btw) just doesn't give you the same feeling. At the same time, STB is an incredible man in allowing Sue to experience all these extra pleasures (something Sue isn't taking for granted...she is going to make it up to him in other ways). What a wonderful relationship you have. I think it is a great time to allow this short period of denial to occur. With Sue teasing and taking care of you, you will love it (maybe not every minute), but you will love it. I am just saying that letting Sue and Don control her pussy is a good thing for you. It will drive you mad with passion, so hopefully this coming week will go well and I encourage you to allow Don exclusive access for a longer period, if you can swallow your fear and his loads :) . Betcha Sue give amazing blowjobs and you will be getting more and more of those, now isn't that a good trade?!
I Agree

Mr Soon, I agree with far 2's evaluation of the present situation. 30 yr marriage, kids, house, family, I don't see her blowing up any of that. In not too many years you all may be at the "Scooter Store" together. Sue indulges you and seems to know, thanks to good dialoge, what your "Buttons" are. However, I am a bit troubled by the fact that Don tried to play with Sue in your son's bed. I think he was displaying, perhaps unconsciously, a bit of dominance to see if she would go for it. You voluntarily allowed him the Master Bedroom but I think this may have been something he wanted to see if he could pull off without any pre arrangement by you and Sue.

Have fun, but I encourage you not to do anything that may adversly effect Sue's long term perception of her "Man". Thank you.
Scooter Store, LOL that is some funny right there! I can picture Sue, STB, and Don all scooting down the hall at the retirement villa...on their way to Don's room! :)
STB: Man, I was just thinking...if her period runs long you might only get to feel her pussy 1 or 2 times before it is all Don's. You know Sue the best, are you thinking what we are thinking that this is gonna happen more often? Think of the hard-on you have now and then think about how it will be all the time? Not so bad as long as you 2 masturbate and connect on that level together. Are you starting to feel better about this into the future?

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