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Getting what I asked for

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
  • Start date
"Her saying no to me last Tuesday was something that, looking back on it, is incredibly arousing to me - that she, knowing I wanted her, expressed her own desire to not want me! That was perhaps a first that I truly felt she'd taken that step on her own. I think my support and acceptance that night, plus what I'd let slip, may have set things in motion for the future.......... If she has now understood that if she wants that, then I will go along with it - then I'll be okay and will hopefully enjoy it as it plays out".
OK Now I understand, but as i have said before 'it's not my bag and would not agree to it' But if it turns you on, 'Go for it' I am sure Sue will 'back off' if you change your mind and want more in the future.

Mr Soon, it was very interesting to hear how Sue and Don discussed what you wanted out of all this. He must be a happy fellow. No pressure on him at all. It was also interesting how you and Sue felt the activity in the bar was a bit much and she felt sort of mean afterwards. However you also told us that when she "felt" your reaction she just thought "what the heck" and went for it. Perhaps she was not that uncomfortable with her behavior until you displayed some anxiety. I would submit to you sir that is the area you must challenge yourself in if you truely want a cuckold experience.

Your gracious wife is letting you experience the physical aspect of her and Don. You are comfortable with that. You are desiring a bit more denial and she seems up to providing you with that as well. You do not seem comfortable with her public displays of what very well might be her emotional connection with Don. If you want to see your wife desire another man, not just in the physical sense, I feel you must deal with this aspect of their relationship. She dosn't have to flaunt it. I dont think she was at the bar. She may have been happy with herself that she had a way to make "Don feel better" From what you have told us that is they type of woman Sue seems to be. Thank you.
SoonToBe said:
Well, I'm sorry if I differ in opinion with you - but to me, it is incredibly erotic to go down on Sue and to taste and lick another mans cum from her. It's not really something that I can say I even thought twice about - I just did it. But then again I have been long doing the same for her after I've cum in her - so the only real difference is that it's someone elses. I guess you could consider it gay or bi if you want, but I have no desire to suck Don's cock so when it is just Sue and I, I view it as something we are sharing and not something that involves Don (even though).

To be honest, if I think about it just as Dons cum, then yes, it is a bit of a turn-off actually. However, when I think about it being Sue's pussy that drew it out of him and the passion shared as he deposited it in her - then it becomes an incredible turn-on to see, feel, taste and experience.

As we were lying in bed last night she turned to me and said again that she hoped that what she was doing was okay and that she was only kidding earlier when she was ribbing me about wanting him more than me. I held her and told her that it was okay if it was something she wanted as long as she kept me in her heart and with that she hugged me and said I was crazy and that she loved me and then added that she was "very lucky" to have me.

So - that's it. She knows what I want from her and no I guess, as someone put it here, that I bought the ticket and I'm now on the rollercoaster ride. I just hope it's not too dark a ride!

This morning she reminded me that it'll probably be that time of the month again later this week and she joked that I should probably be sure I "have her before I'll have to wait". I didn't question it - just knowing she's horny enough to mention that to me is all I need to know!


long windy rationalization imho
duke9555 said:

long windy rationalization imho

Its not easy to explain almost everything in one short statement.
I don't know. I think Duke has shown he's capable of jumping to a conclusion with no facts at all ...
peakmb said:
I don't know. I think Duke has shown he's capable of jumping to a conclusion with no facts at all ...

In a half dozen words or less ...
Stb, dont worry at what the knockers say!
Thanks to the trouble you have been taking to describe your emotions and the vibes you give Sue, I understand you more and more. I understand what you are going through and the pleasure you must be getting from the turmoil that Sue's pleasure is giving you. I said so some time ago and I shall repeat myself " You must give her parameters and keep letting her know that you must be number 1, otherwise this may go bad." Anyway the rollercoaster is picking up speed daily now so enjoy your heady ride. I wish you a safe journey. and look forward to hearing more.
I agree!!

The message I read in STB’s posts is that Sue does have him as #1. She is very keenly listening to STB’s desire to experience ‘more denial’ and is ‘teasing’ him with it. Don (or whoever) is and always will be #2.
STB and Sue have a strong bond at home. He has said it many times. If anyone has missed that they are projecting their own experience into the story. Sue will always ‘bring it home to him, wet and full just like he likes it, but home none the less. If ever it gets uncomfortable at home, Sue will ‘back off’. She has promised him that and I, for one, believe it.
Cheers to you both, STB & Sue, You will have great memories!!
More thoughts

STB will still get the personal excitement of experiencing Sue’s passion for Don ‘up close and present’ and I believe the more often he does, the more pleasurable it will be for both of them. Sue has assured him that his presence is welcome and desired by her.
Although Don may not be comfortable giving her the ‘rough demanding sex’ she likes with STB present. They will just have to work that out.
It also sounds like Sue got quite the scare with how strong the feelings were that she developed for Brad. She likes Don as a sex partner because she knows he isn't an ideal life partner for her, and as such represents less of a threat to Sue and STB's marriage -- freeing her up to more greatly enjoy the sexual bennies of being fucked by Don.

My personal opinion is that it's good she had that experience with Brad, as now she will be on the alert herself to the possibility of it happening again in the future, and will be more likely to steer clear of that trap.
I hear you guys and I hear Stb. I am delighted and excited for him that all is going splendidly. I was just expressing some of my deep seated fears which I hope never happen and the way they are at present seems unlikely.
Shidave said:
I hear you guys and I hear Stb. I am delighted and excited for him that all is going splendidly. I was just expressing some of my deep seated fears which I hope never happen and the way they are at present seems unlikely.

I'm sure STB appreciates your advise, just like I do. It's what being a concerned friend is.
STB will soon suffer his most delicious humiliation
as Sue falls for a new man ..........yes the L word
LOVE .........STB will cream in his pants at the prospect
poor Sue will not be able to help herself ......L is not volitional
Its a bit late now for the Ides of March speech Duke ...
So STB, how is Sue doing now?
Well, it's most definitely "that time of the month", complete with moodiness such that it's been a pretty-much non-sexual few days around here. But given that it started earlier, perhaps there's hope for the end of the weekend. Funny that we watched Two And A Half Men last night on Tivo from Monday and if any of you watched it, you'd know that we both had a laugh at it ourselves.

Now that things are moving in this direction, I find that I am very excited about seeing what she and we will do. I do hope as Harry suggested, that I WILL be joining them on Friday nights more often but I will also confess that there in some ways I like waiting for her at home more. It was very physical and VERY in my face when I was with them and that was incredibly exciting but also a little draining too - there were so many points when I felt I would lose it waiting for my turn with her. That, compared to the anxiety and anticipation of her coming home to me. I can honestly say that I like the combination of both experiences, and even more, maybe, to choose when I want either of them.
Stay in the game

I am getting the message from you that with all you have in your life to be responsible for: Work, Home, Family Etc. Ballanced with the wonderful romance and closeness You & Sue share as a part of your life together, That you are beginning to feel that “this is Sue’s party”.
It is 'Sue’s party' and you can be satisfied with Sue's teasing, and what she ‘brings home to you’ after the party. It’s fun to join the ‘party’ now and then, but just too demanding on your emotions to do it frequently. Am I right?
You mentioned way early in your posts, that you were both in the ’40’s’ age group. You haven’t said exactly, but I expect you are closer to 50. That’s when it starts ‘tapering off’ for us men. It’s good that Sue keeps it ‘exciting’ for you, because that will keep you ‘up and in the game’ much longer than most. Lounge chair quarterbacks get fat and lazy. I know you don’t want to be one of those!!
Hey Harry - you are an astute observer as you have most things accurately summarized.

I don't know that I'd agree that it's Sue's party though - sure she's the one that gets to play with the party-favors and such but I do definitely feel part of it even if I am not there all the time for their fun.

Yes to your question about age too - and I will repeat what I've already stated here in the past that all of this has definitely revved up our own sexuality and our own sexual energy. While many of our friends and family who are of similar ages are complaining about this or that - they all look at us in marvel at how "fun and young" we seem to be. I am convinced that an active vibrant sex life is behind it for sure. I will say too that I still get wicked hard at the drop of a hat (or dress or panties) - but I will also say that the amount I am able to cum these days has definitely dropped off. And I believe this is also what Sue is definitely enjoying with Don - he's a few years younger than we are and I would say that is clearly an area that he surpasses me in. If it's been a day or so, I'll get a few good sized squirts off - but if I've been active within the past 24-36 hours or so, then while the orgasm is still as intense and satisfying as always, the quantity I seem to be able to squirt definitely drops off.

I am no lounge-chair quarterback though, that's for sure - I work out several nights a week and can honestly say that I can pretty much keep up with my 18 year old son - be it out biking around or skiing - so I think that says a lot for a guy like me pushing the upper 40's...

Gotta run.
Sue's Party

"I don't know that I'd agree that it's Sue's party though - sure she's the one that gets to play with the party-favors and such but I do definitely feel part of it even if I am not there all the time for their fun".

It's Sue's party because she is the one bringing the party favors. It's your party in as much as you enjoy (and have encouraged) her to go. What I'm suggesting is that her libido exceeds your ability to satisfy her on your own, considering all that you do, and therefore are OK with her enjoying other young virile men.
I have advised you and you agree that you should be 'present' as much as you and Sue want. I compliment you for doing just that even though it is sometimes emotionally draining.
Harry - I honestly can't say that I agree that right now her libido is such that I can't satisfy her. I think it is more that I want to see her satisfying it in a way she wants to and right now, at my encouragement, she is getting that from Don. I don't see it as something that I can't fulfill and I don't think Sue looks at it that way either.

I will say that when I am with them and watch her and Don that it is definitely exciting and arousing that's for sure - lord knows I watch them with eagerness and excitement that's for sure. But I also feel as if I am watching a private side of Sue that maybe should be kept private. There is something about hearing her moaning and seeing her, naked as she likes to be, clinging to him and letting him have ALL of her that gets to me. I honestly don't mind that she shares all of herself with him - he probably knows her pussy as well as I do now - but there is a part of me that also believes that this stuff should be only between them. On the one hand seeing her arch her back as she orgasms so easily with him is incredibly arousing - but it is equally, and maybe even more arousing for at the moment she will come home and let me undress her. I've described it like a first-date when she comes home - never knowing what I'll find under her clothes and that to me is just incredibly exciting - when I can pull off her clothes and know that just a few hours earlier that she was as intimate with Don as she is with me. It turns me on to know that she's sharing all of that with him.

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