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Hormones for Hubby?

  • Thread starterLisa.Dom
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New around here...
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Jul 3, 2009
I am considering putting my husband on hormones. We both think it would be nice for his breasts to be enlarged so that his nipples are more sensitive, and he has more reason to wear the sports bra he sometimes wears now. While I will listen to my hubby's opinions, (he's all for it) the final decision is mine. Any suggestions?
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I would avoid the hormones. Too many side effects unless you are going to completely transistion to female. Get his breasts enlarged with implants.
I agree, no hormones. Feminization training and humiliation will gradually train him to be more of a sissy. Do it the old fashion way, emasculate him with petticoat tyranny!

Lisa.Dom said:
I am considering putting my husband on hormones. We both think it would be nice for his breasts to be enlarged so that his nipples are more sensitive, and he has more reason to wear the sports bra he sometimes wears now. While I will listen to my hubby's opinions, (he's all for it) the final decision is mine. Any suggestions?

It ca also be achieved a more natural way by increasing his natural oestrogen by havig him take natural soy suplemnts that women take in lieu of HRT plus at the same time taking DHT reducing drugs like Finasteride, usually for BPH. Thi shas the effect of de-activating the DHT in his body, one of it's main actions is to reduce the effect of oestrogen in the male body! When DHT is de-activated the male body is so much more reactive to any levels of oestrogen and if at the same time you increase naturally the levels of oestrogen in his body he will very much be feminised. Or just give him your birth control pills!
You can put him on Aldactone, this is a testosterone inhibitor. So he will be much more receptive to the female hormones than trying to battle the male hormones at the same time.
sissy missy
All medicine can cause cancers in the long term, even if they treat other serious health problems. Hormones are especially dangerous, as an imbalance can cause enlargement of the body's glands, which can develop cancerous tissues.
I would think very carefully about who you are asking advice from. It sounds like a horny and great idea to me but I know nothing about medicine. Tits could just be one of the side effects. And... what job does he do, one where he can suddenly develop boobs, he may just end up looking like a really silly guy most of the time (as many of us sissies ;) do in private - but in public???).

Take care out there - cris x
I would highly suggest against this, Hormones will jack his shit up. Seriously he wants bigger boobies get implants or stuff his bra.Go buy him the water/saline filled ones that go inside "wonderbras". But please don't put him on hormones go get him som small bondage clips and clip his nipples then they will get more sensitive.:rolleyes:
Lisa.Dom said:
I am considering putting my husband on hormones. We both think it would be nice for his breasts to be enlarged so that his nipples are more sensitive, and he has more reason to wear the sports bra he sometimes wears now. While I will listen to my hubby's opinions, (he's all for it) the final decision is mine. Any suggestions?
So you want him to have bitch tits!

iwantmature said:
You can put him on Aldactone, this is a testosterone inhibitor. So he will be much more receptive to the female hormones than trying to battle the male hormones at the same time.
sissy missy

Aldactone tablets contain the active ingredient spironolactone, which is a type of medicine called a potassium-sparing diuretic, not soething which binds DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) the active aspect of testosterone in a man's body. The drug suggested here is a directic designed to cause patient to excrete excess fluid!
It is a DHT binder you require if you wish to make your husband's body more amenable to the oestrogen in his system.
DHT is 3 times more potent than testosterone; testosterone is 5-10 times more potent than adrenal androgens.[1]

While DHT is best known for its roles in causing male pattern hair loss and prostate problems, it is crucial to virilization and is necessary to mitigate estrogen's effects in men.

DHT is produced by males in vivo and is responsible for the formation of male sex-specific characteristics. DHT is an important contributor to other characteristics generally attributed to males, including facial and body hair growth, and deepening of the voice. DHT may also play a crucial role in both sex drive and the growth of muscle tissue.[2][unreliable source?] Unlike other androgens such as testosterone, DHT cannot be converted by the enzyme aromatase to estradiol[3]. It, therefore, is frequently used in research settings to distinguish between effects of testosterone caused by binding to the androgen receptor, and those caused by testosterone's conversion to estradiol and subsequent binding to estrogen receptors.

So you need a drug which will bind the DHT in your husband, possibily at the same time increasing the natural aount of oestrogen by using a natural HRT supplement, like Ymea etc.
Read up widely and take heed of the advice given here about hormone alteration, also 'bitch' tits once achieved can only usually be removed surgically.

"Gynecomastia, or "bitch tits," as it's called, is a benign enlargement of the male breast tissue. The term comes from the Greek words gyne meaning "woman" and mastos meaning "breast. It can occur naturally or as the result of certain substances being in the system. Historical writings and artifacts show that gynecomastia is an ancient problem, as evidenced by statues of Pharaoh Seti I that have enlarged breasts. Aristotle reported encountering the problem, and the earliest description of the surgical removal of gynecomastia is found in the writings of Paulus 0f Aegineta, who lived from 636 to 690 A.D.
The incidence of naturally occurring gynecomastia is somewhere between 32 and 65 percent of reported cases. It may be familial, and in that case it usually occurs at puberty due to hormonal shifts. While several drugs have been linked to this condition, including marijuana, anabolic steroids have been found to be the leading cause. These synthetic derivatives of testosterone trigger a variety of other side effects as well. Gynecomastia occurs in steroid users because the male hormones they take undergo a process called aromatization, which occurs in varying degrees in different substances -- Anadrol and testosterone being the most aromatized. This process changes the configuration of the male steroid molecule to that of estradiol, a feminizing hormone. Those who have tissue sensitivity for this condition will begin to develop breasts.
Fortunately, gynecomastia is correctable with surgery, but be aware that so-called blocking agents like Nolvadex will not reverse it once it has occurred. Being a competitive bodybuilder as well as a plastic surgeon, I have developed corrective techniques that leave small, unnoticeable scars and allow the patient to quickly return to training. The chest looks normal at rest and when the athlete is posing. It's not necessary to have large, noticeable scars, indentations or deformities".

Take care Lisa girl!
A lot of good information! If you are serious about having your husband grow breasts I would recommend you go herbal. Much less chance of side effects, although they are still possible. Your husband should clue in his doctor if he is taking any medications.

I have had great success with Wild Yam cream applied topically to the breasts twice a day. Just recently I added Saw Palmetto which acts to restrict the testosterone as discussed above. The information I have jived with what has been said about the permancy of male (or female for that matter) breasts. Best of luck!

I do agree with lifelong, I also am a multiple trophy winning bodybuilder. Most bb's have to contend with gyno. I do not, I am fortunate that I have never had that happen to me. I do CAUTION YOU EXTREMELY about what lifelong refers to Anadrol. The full name is Anadrol 50. This anabolic has been proven to cause liver cancer. It causes ulcers to form on the liver, your eyes begin to turn yello, along with your skin. YOu begin to urinate blood!!! The old hardcore bb's saying, "you know it is working when you start pissing blood", is very discriptive and, of course, an indication of liver shutdown and massive trouble!! Stay away from anadrol 50. When going to my dr. he did a testosterone level test on me. The "normal" levels are somewhere between 300 and 800 nG/dL. Sometimes you see a level of 1,000. This is an 18 year old guy running around with an erection 24/7. Like we all used to do!! LOL. However, my levels were measured at 2470 !! He said the lab made a mistake and they are retesting it. They retested it, a different lab tech and different equipment. The levels were the same. So he did a digital and PSA on me, no BPH, no nodules,.no nothing. Absoutely normal, so it all depends on the person. Just be extremely careful.
sissy missy
Public drawbacks

Lisa.Dom said:
I am considering putting my husband on hormones. We both think it would be nice for his breasts to be enlarged so that his nipples are more sensitive, and he has more reason to wear the sports bra he sometimes wears now. While I will listen to my hubby's opinions, (he's all for it) the final decision is mine. Any suggestions?

Just putting this out here for you to think about.

If you have hubby grow nice little tits, how will you both handle it in innocent situations like going to the swimming pool or being on holiday at the beach!

I say this because most people are ******* how small my cock is until I get in a situation where people get to innocently see me. For instance a few months ago I was enjoying a week in a hotel with a spa and spent a few hours in the pool, sauna, steam room then went in to shower before dressing. A little boy said to his father as I was getting dressed, "why has that man got a pee pee like mummy's"?

So how would you/he handle situations where his little tits were on public display?
Again, I must mention the increased risk of cancer from artificially encouraging gland tissue development.
The best advice is GO ASK A DOCTOR. You will be given a bunch of reasons to help you figure out if this is a good idea or not. Asking a bunch of people a question as serious as this on an open forum with zero qualifications to answer just isnt the best way to go about it.
Based on the comments made here, and my research elsewhere (on the web) I am leaning against the hormones. Perhaps piercing his nipples would help make them more sensitive. Any thoughts about that?
Make it a ring that you can hook a leash up to.
I think piercing his nipples is a great idea. Whether or not they will be more sensitive is another question. They probably will become more sensitive if they are not very sensitive now. On the other hand if they have been trained to be sensitive by many years of rough treatment alternating with feminization, they are probably pretty sensitive already and may become less so due to scare tissue. The best thing about nipple piercings though, has nothing to do with sensitivity and everything to do with domination. It would be very difficult for a man whose wife has taken him to the piercing studio and stood there while someone pierced both of his nipples and placed jewelry of her choice in them as permanent decorations to every be able to stand up and claim to be anything other than a completely pussy-whipped sissy who craves domination and humiliation from his Mistress. The nipple rings are there to remind him 24/7 of his status as her cuckold sissy. Even during moments when he may be reminiscing about more masculine feelings, one brief look in the mirror will remind him that he is owned outright and will always remain the property of his Mistress, having no rights over her and no place in her sex life other than that which she choses to allow him (if ever).
Femdom supremacy

Lisa.Dom said:
I am considering putting my husband on hormones. We both think it would be nice for his breasts to be enlarged so that his nipples are more sensitive, and he has more reason to wear the sports bra he sometimes wears now. While I will listen to my hubby's opinions, (he's all for it) the final decision is mine. Any suggestions?

Not sure Lisa how much of this is for others to see you are the head of your household and your husband your property?

Here are two ideas I've seen other Femdom wives use, in fact the first was bought for the cuckold by his brother in law. It's a plaque which states, 'I'm the boss of this house and my wife allows me to say so'. It is prominently displayed just inside their doorway.

The second crosses over into the tattoo thread as well. A guy I know has a tattoo just below his belly-button which says 'Property of my Femdom wife'.

Maybe you'd enjoy these Lisa?
Hi Ms. Lisa.Dom,

Lisa.Dom said:
Perhaps piercing his nipples would help make them more sensitive. Any thoughts about that?

I think that would be a good thing to do, largely for the reasons mentioned by Pleaser.

You might consider a nose ring for your husband, as well. In the center; i.e., between his two nostrils, would display his status relative to you most clearly.


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