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New boyfriend?

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
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SoonToBe said:
Ugh, I guess the stress has gotten to me as I feel miserable and am running a fever right now.
Yes, he's supposed to come over tomorrow but this may now be changed. I feel like crap, not even horny despite all that's going on.
I encouraged her to do what she wants and to not let me stand in her way. That kind of turned me on. :)

Steve, Sorry for how you feel. I’m aware that the kind of ‘stress’ you are experiencing can present a heavy burden on your physical being as well your mental state of mind.
What to do?….. There are many of us that emphasize with what you are experiencing right now. we feel your stress and consternation brought on by the intensity of the current situation. It is easy to see from what you have written, that you are perplexed. There are many reading your posts, that have been where you are right now. You can feel free to be forthright with us.

Cheers, Harry
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I assumed you meant the stress at work got to you, although I think the mental switch in your head going from an alpha to a beta role must also generate some stressful (as well as exciting) feelings. Too much at once maybe. The great thing is you can take your time. I suspect Paul will mature better if taken into this new relationship slowly and Sue will come harder eventually if made to wait a little for her desires to be met. Take it easy and get the job done.
Harry/Peak - thanks for your support and commiseration. Yes, it was the stress at work that I was referring to - and to be very honest as I alluded to, in many ways it reinforced my desire to be the beta for Sue - at least for the time being. Not that I minded being the alpha for her but right now, as you pointed out, it's merely more stress. My god was it almost a relief that she went back to Paul's yesterday instead of them coming here. I'm feeling somewhat better today but still feel very tired mentally and physically.

However, things aren't as rosy as they'd been sounding or I'd alluded to. Sue came home from being at Pauls last night and came to me and said a few things that a part of me wasn't surprised at hearing. She's concluded that Paul isn't going to be the guy to give her this big affair type of thing. She said that she doesn't think that there's going to be all that much emotional bonding between them. She said that he's fun in bed and that he is most definitely fulfilling her desire to have another man sexually, she said it in such a way that it almost sounded like she was apologizing to me about it not being this big emotional thing she'd said she'd wanted.

When I pushed her she pretty much said that she just didn't feel the right "vibe" from him and that she doesn't feel that budding lusty feeling that she'd hoped she'd feel. Since we weren't having sex last night - I just wasn't up to it - it was easier to talk. She wanted reassurance (still after all this time? I guess it may never change) that I was okay with it being mainly a sexual relationship between them. I asked her a bit more and she actually said that it's something she feels but also is something that Paul had said to her, that she's "fun" but that he - either doesn't want it to become something more because of me - or that he's just not interested in that with her for whatever reason. She said she pushed him a bit but he didn't clarify it just that he said he was enjoying "finally having sex with someone fun" and that he intimated to her that he didn't really want much more than that. I asked her if there was another woman who he was seeing and she said no, that she's sure she's it for him right now. So I asked her what he was thinking when he pursued her and continued even when she said she was married. He admitted that if she weren't married, that it might have led to more but in the end she said that he seems happy "just to have sex with me".

We spent a little while talking about just that - how did she feel about that - did she want to be his girlfriend if that's what it meant. She said that he enjoyed taking her out and that they'd even danced a little bit before going back to his place yesterday and she's sure he'd want to do more of that. But at the same time, she doesn't see him asking her to go away with him, etc. She seemed a bit disappointed at times and said that she'd hoped she'd get to experience more with him in terms of feeling his desire and such. She said that she'd thought that maybe, over time, that she could have spent a night or two with him every now and then and, speaking abstractly she looked at me and asked me if I'd have been okay if she'd have even stayed overnight during the week with him. She said that was something that they'd talked about, what kinds of things she could and couldn't (or rather would and wouldn't) do with him.

It felt weird at first but I asked her how the sex was with him. She pointed out that they're still using condoms and she said that she thought that was a bit inhibiting for him, as we talked she said that she's going to tell him that if he gets tested that he can skip using them - and she made it a point to say "that might make things a little better" but she said that while the sex is good and she feels very relaxed/comfortable with him, that the sex isn't great-great. I asked her if the condom thing might make it better and she said yeah but I am not convinced that it's as fulfilling for her as I think she wants it to be.

What we did talk about before bed last night was about what might happen in the future. She said that because she isn't feeling everything she wanted with Paul, that she didn't feel as strongly about some of the other things we'd talked about. Obviously I pushed her and in the next few minutes she revealed that if she felt really strongly about Paul like she did about Robert and felt "that vibe", she looked at me and said "you know what I'd be asking your for soon". I pushed her to answer me as I didn't want any vagueness. She looked at me and said that because she's not feeling this lusty infatuation thing with him that she won't be pushing me regarding condom-use or more. When I was quiet for a moment she continued and said that when she starts going bare with him, that unless she starts to feel those deep kind of desires for him, that she wasn't going to insist about me using condoms or more. I guess I must have had some kind of surprised look on my face as I told her that "I'd just assumed that once he started going bare, that you were going to want that again". She smiled and said again that she didn't feel all that she wanted to make her want that with me - but a second later she smiled broadly and said "now, if it's something you want, then you can be the one to say so". Before I could say anything more she took a breath and continued and said in this really understanding voice "baby, if it's something that would turn you on, then that's okay with me if it's something you want to do..... really baby, it can be something you decide if you want" and she leaned over and kissed me.

We shared some more thoughts and she pretty much said that right now she's not feeling "the vibe" from him and that while she most definitely wants to continue having sex with him (she openly admitted "how much I missed it") and I told her that with how I'm feeling at work lately that I "welcomed the relief from him" which made her laugh. She repeated again at how she wanted all this to be good for me and basically said that if me using condoms would give me something more fulfilling, that it would be up to me to decide to do so for right now.

Of course things can and will change over time so much will depend on how things go this week. It looks like they've again settled into this Thursday routine and right now thinking about it, it would be pretty horny if she sometimes stayed over with him on Thursdays and then went straight into work on Friday.

Gotta run - need to finish a report showing expense variances by the end of this afternoon.
You seem more disappointed than Sue about this development. I suspect you are more weary from your job at the moment than you are of sustaining the alpha role with Sue. They say a change is as good as a rest but maybe not so much here. Cut your losses with Paul quickly if it's not working. I can see another Frank dragging on. You both deserve better when you get your energy back. Perhaps you just need a few days away in the sun when you can get the chance.
Peak - yeah - we are planning some time away in another few weeks - we'll be gone spanning the 10th-11th - made some plans to go away and visit some friends and see some fall foliage up north. Between things at my job and lately Sue's family's maintenance has been on an uptick, that it'll be good to go away. Even tonight she had to run over there for a bit so if it's not me, it's her. At least for the time being, both kids are content.

Sue's happy to have another regular guy that it seems to be easy with - that's the feeling I get. It's all somewhat low-key and now I understand more why. But I think she's learned from the past and I think she's happy to "use" Paul for the time being. I no longer feel odd thinking that she truly does enjoy having a boyfriend, or just a friend-with-benefits if that's all this turns out to be. In terms of disappointment, yeah, I am disappointed. I feel altruistic in that I truly did want her to have a lover she enjoyed and could let herself go with. I've been honest with her as well as here when I say that I truly did miss knowing another man was having sex with her.

Of course you're correct Peak. It's never really an effort to take the alpha role with her and make her moan as only I can, but I do miss ceding that role to another guy as for whatever reason, it turns me on like nothing else. So in that sense lies my disappointment.
Hi Steve,
Just when I think I understand what Sue wants in a boyfriend, I'm not so sure I do.
As I remember when Sue first started seeing Robert, she came home down in the dumps after she had a conversation with him about having a "Love Affair". From what I remember Robert told her he didn't want a love affair. He just wanted good sex, a "friend with benefits". Sue was pretty disappointed by that.
After Sue got over her disappointment she went on to enjoy him very much, maybe better than any of her previous boyfriends. His large cock might have something to do with that.
I think she might have fell "in love" with him, but he never did with her. I think he was just using her for sex until he could find the future baby making wife he was looking for.
I think Sue can have a "good time" with Paul if she can get past the "Love affair" and just enjoy the sex. Letting him go bare will improve the sex too.

I too am confused but not surprised. I've said since the start that I thought she either settled or rushed into this with Paul in the sense of her feeling he was "the one" and now to maybe her realizing that he's not the one to sweep her off her feet in terms of the kind of desire she wanted to feel from him. I don't want to put words into her mouth though.

I agree with you, there's a marked change in her playfulness (and patience with me over the past few weeks) since she's had Paul as her go-to-guy, so in that sense, I'd like for them to keep seeing each other even if it's nothing more than just sex between them. But you are right, she's very fickle about things and reading between the lines, I think if she can stay relaxed about it and not get herself too disappointed or concerned that it's not this end-all-affair that she wanted, that maybe things will work their way out as you suggest. You made me laugh with your summarization of the stages she went through with Robert. Ultimately it's up to her (she knows it too) when/if he gets to go bare with her but I agree with you that it would improve things for them no-doubt. All of this will be good fodder for tomorrow night.
Well it look's like thing's are not moving forward like you. both wanted it to.
it also sound's like that paul is having some trouble getting his head around, you letting Sue have a lover or boyfriend.
so all you can do is hope that Sue can change his mind and he can change some of how she feel's for him.
keep us posted.
It does take a very special man to fully understand, fully accept, and fully appreciate the gift of sorts while being able to become part of another couple in the way some of us couples would like.
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Cuck-Rick said:
Hi Steve,
Just when I think I understand what Sue wants in a boyfriend, I'm not so sure I do.
As I remember when Sue first started seeing Robert, she came home down in the dumps after she had a conversation with him about having a "Love Affair". From what I remember Robert told her he didn't want a love affair. He just wanted good sex, a "friend with benefits"...... After Sue got over her disappointment she went on to enjoy him very much, maybe better than any of her previous boyfriends. His large cock might have something to do with that.
I think she might have fell "in love" with him, but he never did with her. I think he was just using her for sex until he could find the future baby making wife he was looking for.

As I read it.
Of the men Sue has had a relationship, and sex with (outside of marriage) and Steve has written about, Brad may have come closest to her ideal, and her to his.

However Robert set a standard she is not likely to realize in any other man. I believe Sue cherishes the relationship she shared with Robert. Therefore, it will likely be that Paul, or any other, for that matter, will always fall short of deserving the feelings (and even love) she felt for Robert.

I think she's beginning to realize that, and that explains to me some of the thoughts she has shared with Steve.

Cheers, Harry
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Good point. Well made. I think those two benchmarks also illustrate the danger which could occur if Sue ever did find someone with the abilities of Robert and the bonding of Brad. I would agree that it would be unlikely though, no matter how she went about it.
Greetings to Steve, Sue, and all who read and respond to this 'journal.'

What follows is my own explanation of life as we know it. I do not wish to cast aspersions on any one or more characters within this journal or contributors to it. There is nothing ‘special’ about the timing of this post, It is something I have considered sharing but haven't put together till now.

I offer this as an explanation for the often complex and sometimes overwhelming situations we each find in our lives, and relationships with others.
As the old saying goes: “if the shoe fits, wear it.”

We each come into this life with attributes, and expectations, a purpose and a personality. We are not given to know what these are or how to use them, that is ours to learn and develop, but if we are able to figure it out we will succeed in life, fulfilled.

As an example, we will succeed in a career if we choose the one that matches our attributes & abilities, And fulfills our purpose. Also, we will have success in a relationship if we find compatability and trust in each other, and work together their preservation.

We each have unique desires and expectations that we desire to experience in life. We each will want relationships. friends and love in our life. Our relationships will always be unbalanced with one more 'In charge' than the other. One will be dominant, the other will be passive, but we would become ambivalent in a relationship with someone very much the same as ourselves.

If we expect love to fulfill some imaginary dream, we will find only disappointment. For to know love, we must first ‘love ourselves.’ If we seek acknowledgment in the words of others, there will never be enough, for we must first acknowledge to ourselves, our strengths and achievements.

The ‘inverse’ is also to be considered. If we expect another to preform for our pleasure we will find that he/she will eventually do it begrudgingly however pleasant the task may be.

In fine, we are in this life as individuals where we will intentionally and inadvertently meet and have varied relationships with other individuals. How we ‘value’ ourselves, will have a great influence on how others react to, and respect us, and how pleasant or difficult relationships with others will be.

It matters little what variations, or lifestyles we have chosen, the same applies but the reactions may be more profound.

Cheers, Harry
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Cheers Harry
Well said, yes thanks Harry.
STB hope things went better with Paul eonight than on sunday.
keep us posted.
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Yikes - so much to catch up on.
Briefly now and then more details later.
Wednesday night we had our fun and some fairly revealing conversation (if you want to call it that).
She had a date planned with him for Thursday night and all was good with that until mid-morning when I first had to run into the office to then be told that I needed to travel to our other office for a meeting on Friday. I barely had enough time to get home, throw some clothes together and meet with the others who were also going.
When I called Sue she at first was going to cancel her date when I asked her why she wouldn't still go out with him. She thought I wouldn't be comfortable with that. I joked with her "are you going to spend the night with him?" and she said no and then agreed that there was no reason she should cancel just because I was going to be away. I asked her if they were maybe going to come to our house and she said no, that she didn't feel right about that and again said that she wanted me to be there for that first time at our house (when they'd have sex here).
She called me about 1am Friday morning and told me she'd just gotten in. She asked me if I was horny and wanted to have some fun "phone-sex" and instead I told her that I was going to be quite horny knowing what she'd done by the time I got home.
Unfortunately, I had my work-laptop computer with me which I can't use to post stuff here, etc.
I got home about 7pm last night and after dinner she came to me and said "do you want to re-claim me?" and over the next hour or so we fucked while she told me about her evening.
One thing she told me that I'll post now is that last night she told me that when she was with him on Thursday that she told him if he'd take a health test (she remembered that they sell HIV test kits right in CVS) that he could go bare with her. She said that he liked the idea and that he would likely do that before they meet again. In her mind, if not for real, after she told him that, she thought the sex got a little better/more intense.
Lastly before I end this short post, he IS coming here tomorrow.
Hope all is well with you and Sue, have you reclamed her yet, and is all set for Paul comming over today. hope thing's go better with him today.
and Sue and him get so she can let go with him.
keep us posted.
So, it's like 1:30am and I'm wired. I'm horny as hell thinking about tomorrow as well as other things and she knew it and thought it was funny. She giggled that I should be sure and not jerk-off when she kicked me out of the bedroom. Just as well as she was snoring a bit! lol

Even now she hasn't told me everything about her time with him. She's told me that she's very comfortable around him and that he's getting used to her liking to be undressed when she's with him and again told me that he's very surprised at how relaxed she is sexually. I told her that it turned me on to think of her with him like that and she told me he's a lot of fun What she didn't say was that the sex was great. I thought about what's been posted here as well as what I've received in PM's and I told her that she should relax and let things happen when they do on their own and for her to enjoy herself and again I asked her sort of comically "he gets you to cum, right?" and she giggled and said yes and I said to her that "maybe it'll just take some more time". It was just after that when she told me about doing the HIV test. I thought it was good that she was, finally, being cautious and I told her so. She asked me if that turned me on, knowing what it meant and without a moment of hesitation I told her yes. It wasn't long after that when we worked ourselves into a frenzy as she teased me that "Paul was right where you are now baby" amongst other taunts until she felt my own cock swell in her and she moaned deeply as I got into an intense rhythm with her. She would moan loudly as I'd pull back till I'd almost be out of her and then drive back into her deeply and grind up against her as I would pull her knees back and apart. I pushed up onto my elbows and I looked down at my cock pushing into her and all I could think about was Paul in my place and him feeling her body surrender to him. I pushed deeply into her and I let go. I stayed buried in her until I'd felt the last of the big spurts and I was still hard and I knew what she wanted.

I have to also admit right now that I every time we have sex that in the back of my mind we are likely one fuck closer to her restricting me again. And at that moment the thought of not feeling her at that moment, of not feeling her pussy welcoming my cock - and of not feeling her body just lose control - was something that drove me wild and kept me rock hard as I kept thrusting until she went limp beneath me.

At that I will end this post by sharing some of what we talked about on Wednesday night. She again brought up the thought of me choosing by myself to begin using condoms with her. I remember asking her when she was going to let Paul have her bare and, at that time, she said she didn't know when other than it will happen one day. She then again shared with me that she didn't know if he was "the one" and that she didn't know if she'd feel the desire to be exclusive with him that way. So again she asked me if it turned me on so much, is it something that I'd ever choose by myself to do with her. Now I know I could have said yes but instead I told her that yes, it would turn me on, but then I added that knowing she wanted it was also something that was very much involved in how I felt. She hugged me and teased me and asked me if I'd ever do it once in a while with her. I was curious where she was going so I said something like "maybe, what did you have in mind". She slid down and kissed my ear and whispered whether maybe once in a while I would use one "you know, if you really needed to have me when I first get home" and I immediately realized she's talking about the future when she's going bare with him. She tipped her head up and looked at me and said "it'd be pretty hot if you ever did that" and after a second she added "it'd really convince me that it did turn you on".

I groaned back that it turned me on and she slid back up and cooed in my ear that "maybe it'd help make it better for us..... you know, maybe if it was only his stuff in me......". Oh man she was really laying it on. I remember being kind of frantic stroking my cock, too horny to think too much about what she was saying other than it did make me horny. She leaned in again and said "you'd do that baby, once in a while let me just enjoy being his" or something like that and just the way she said it (it was something like that) that really turned me on and a second later I grunted and let my load fly. I remember her cooing about how wonderful I was.

She started to clean me up a bit and she leaned in and we shared a kiss and one of her wet fingers and she told me that I didn't have to do anything I didn't want to. I told her again that part of enjoying it for me was knowing she wanted it. She smiled and told me she understood and, I forget her exact words, but she did repeat some of what I'd said about just relaxing about it and letting what happens happen.

So - I guess I ought to go to bed soon, I'm starting to feel tired finally. But I just had to share the thought that I just had that if that home-test kit is quick, that she might let him go bare tomorrow. Damn, if I wasn't hard already I am now!!!!! Even if that doesn't happen, she told me she'd handle everything conversation-wise if she needed to. So that's the main thing that has me wired - that even if he doesn't go bare with her, that they're very likely going to have sex here for the first time. I'm not sure what to think, in some ways I feel like an anxious father almost. I did ask her if she thought we'd maybe all 3 be together. She said that if it's really comfortable, that she would be into that and that if it's not, that she hoped I'd give her some alone-time with him first.

Well, that's all for now. I"m quite sleepy now as it's close to 2am. G'night all.
Well, he's due here in about an hour from now. Sue's been primping all morning including freshly shaving her pussy - when I peeked in on her squatting as she got into all the nooks and crannies she smiled up at me and said "Paul likes it when it's really bare" and she continued to tell me that he has only been with one other woman who shaved bare like Sue does.

I have some beer and wine for us. Sue got some shrimp and cheese and crackers and we have burgers on the menu for dinner. She again told me that she will guide things and that I should just be nice and feel normal with him. She said she swapped emails with him earlier today and he said that as long as things felt comfortable, that he definitely wanted to have sex with her here at our house.

Knowing it's likely to happen this time, I am strangely nervous contemplating seeing her in the arms of a new guy for the first time.
Hope you enjoy your day and it goes well. Can't wait to hear what you think!
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