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Niggerworship.com Withdrawal....

  • Thread starterluv2cuck2005
  • Start date


Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Oct 25, 2005
Anyone else experiencing this?? I miss that site! it was very organized and easily layed out, it was also very easy to spot the fakes there. Everyone is pushing for that "suckywanda.org" but I find it pretty unorganized, no definative pic or video section, its all kinda over the place. Is there any way to get NW.com back?

luv2cuck2005/AKA: UGLYBABYDICK
For the love of fucking Pete!!!!!! That makes about seven fucking threads all about the same damn site. Can't you NW loving people keep it confined to one friggin' thread at least??? Criminy!
Sorry, I haven't been on this site in a while, so I didn't see all the other posts-but if there are already several posts about NW.com, I guess that means people are missing it!!
I have been missing the site as I had really grown quite fond of visiting it.
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Hello to everyone... especially to ALL the Moderators that worked on Nigger Worship, i was Edith 26 on that forum , i greatly miss the NW web site, it was outstanding in its many features : Profiles: i could view instantly the last 10 members who visited my profile, click on THEIR Profile and visit their numerous friends, add on my profile as many friends as i wished, instantly know WHERE any member was on the site ( as it was indicated on the profile ) like Dark Cavern easy messaging system, tracking, etc, etc.
i met very interesting people tru NW site, i found the Moderators were true to themselves, available, quick on replys, vigilent and FAIR...
i TRULY miss the shadowy reddish picture of : Vanilla applebooty, and so many others that i had left some messages on their profiles...
I wish i could have SAVED my own profile and my private messages...
Nigger Worship.. i miss you... always will...
Hey try to register on "http://suckywanda.org" , there are many of nw members there plus the movie sharing section !!!
I just counted. There are FIVE seperate threads about NW. Do you "fans" of that site think you could confine your pining to just one, singular thread? Please?!!?
am missin it too :( it was my FAV site in the whole world! loved all the movies
I think I'm going to create a sixth thread...
I only took a look at that site a couple times recently, but that KristinaSlut! oohhhwiiee! Gotta know where she posting now!

DeepLover said:
I only took a look at that site a couple times recently, but that KristinaSlut! oohhhwiiee! Gotta know where she posting now!

She just joined suckywanda.org as Curvy Kristina.
Cock & Pussy Worship

For many years I have experienced the sheer pleasure of mental masturbation from the belief that All Walks of Life should be free to worship something of their own free will. Whether they choose to worship something untouchable or otherwise, very touchable.

Over the course of my life have watched others sit in judgment upon those who choose to exercise their free spirit in different forms or another. The only scruple which I might have, relates to the ill will exercised against the unwilling and under-aged. As many, I believe such behavior should be severally punished.

In addition, I wish to take this time to express that because of my own personal beliefs aforesaid, I have been able to find the inner strength to face the outer bigotry with peaceful resolve to live and let live. Because I care for them as much as I care for those of like mind, who may share my own beliefs. As long as each, is willing to honor their agreements in whatever relationship they may choose to engage in and no one is harmed against their free will, I believe each of us should be free to exercise our on desires to the fullest. Even if it is as mine, to worship Cocks and Pussy of every persuasion.

Furthermore, I have remained single for many years solely due to the fact that I have never been able to find that someone special who would love and cherish me as much as I do her. My expressions of love are not based upon control but agreement to build a future in which my loved one could if she chose, any such mental, spiritual, and physical expressions of love as she was willing to share with me. Even if it was worshiping Cock and Pussy as I do. Of course, this may be the reason I have not found that someone special yet. Due to the fact that this kind of wonderful lady is a very rare breed. And my public works require and unbelievable belief system based upon the idea of the individual sovereign right of self-determination for All Walks of Life seeking Good Will, in the interest of Universal Peace.

In conlcusion, I find myself truly enjoying the wonder of the internet . Because it has opened the door to so many who secretly desire the same thing I do. Just in different measures or possibly more. This is their free will to do so. And it should not be and opportunity for others to sit in judgment against those who choose to do so. So, for all those who miss the website know as NIGGERWORSHIP, I want you to know that I mourn its passing as well and hope those responsible for it creation and demise will one day find the fortitude to persevere. In the interest of Universal Peace for All Walks of Life which may choose to worship according to their own conscience. Exercised to harm no one against their own free will. And not by the standard dictates of bigotry which has led to so many being unmercifully hung or burned at the stake!!!

Restitutor Lex Aeternae:feedback:
What a load of drivel. Worship is a term used far too loosely in this thread. It should never be given or prescribed to a race, a a person or an idea. Deities are the only things worth yof true worship. All else is idolatry and asanine. If that is the way some people wish to lead their lives then they deserve the emptiness and frustration they'll surely find.
Hey Dark Driver... you create a sixth thread... I'll create number seven... NW RULED and it IS a damned shame it has gone away. All good things must end and so it is with NW. I joined SW.org, and it IS tough to navigate. Perhaps, with time, it will get the bugs ironed out.

Pipmology101... take a chill pill man. If you don't like the NW comments... just skip over the topic and continue on to your personal nirvana.
Cock & Pussy Worship

For all those that require others to worship according to their GOD DAMN!!! MANdate!!! FUCKOFF.:nutpunch:

I answered your violation of the self-evident principles which I believe all are equally endowed with in a NEW THREAD, entitled, 'Cock & Pussy Worship.' Now mind you. Don't go getting mixed up and think that when we say that all men are endowed equally and think I'm referring to their COCK size. We all know that isn't true. Just ask the ladies who used to visit the website NIGGERWORSHIP. Am I wrong ladies?:lick:
Any persons who ascribe God-like status or connotate worship with a mere human being are disturbed individuals. Human beings are flawed and fallible and not worthy of worship, especially merely because of their skin pigmentation. It's merely a luck of the cosmic draw that one person is brown and another fair. There are no universal differences between any ethnicities that suggest one should be lauded above another nor ascribed a holy reverence of. People who do so, place another human being above another for any reasons, particular due to race, are deeply troubled and suffering from serious personal issues of their own (poor self-esteem, inadequecy, persecution complexes, self-flagellation, etc). It would be laughable if it weren't so sad and pathetic.
SaltandPepper98 said:
She just joined suckywanda.org as Curvy Kristina.

Good lookin out SaltNPepper. I'll be hustlin on over there now! :D
I can see why they call it nigger worship. Not for the racist terms meant to degrade us blacks, but the whole site is filled with ignorant people.
See, I knew there were people actually in touch with reality on this site. While seemingly infested with cast off fanatasists from an extremist and delusional site (like rats in New York City), clear headed adults are still here to combat the lunacy.

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