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Niggerworship.com Withdrawal....

  • Thread starterluv2cuck2005
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I think the phrase is "take it with a pinch of salt"...
Then if something disagrees with you, you don't eat it...
Is Insanity Communicable?

pimpology101 said:
One of the most troubling, insidious and debilitating mental defects is the one of self-deceit. It’s an almost imperceptible erosion of reason brought about by denial and lying to one’s self. It’s like an alcoholic, steeped in denial, who refuses to accept the truth of his addiction. Like a Pavlovian dog that learns by rote memorization and repetition, a person can convince themselves that the most blatant and outlandish falsehoods are actually definitive truths. But, like the alcoholic who knows in the darkest recesses of his heart that he does have a problem, these individuals also know the “truth” they cling to is a bold-faced lie. It’s such an instance like this that have people like Restitutor and his ilk, for reasons of insecurity, inferiority and self-persecution, believing that another race of people is superior to another.

But the basic tenants of truth in such a matter is that white people are not superior to black people………black people are not superior to Caucasians, Latinos are not superior to Asians, Italians are not superior to Polish people, etc. You can invert whatever ethnic group you wish to into this equation and the truth remains that no one people is superior to another (especially for the mere reason of ethnicity). Do some possess skills or traits superior to the others? Of course; Asians historically score far higher than any other ethnicity in mathematical aptitude tests. Does this make them superior to the other races on or as a whole? I think we all know the answer to that(or at least those of us not suffering from mental defect do).

So all we can do, in cases like that of Restitutor, is consider the source and hope he seeks the help he so desperately needs. We can hope for the same for those individuals who would mindlessly buy into his constant perpetuation of a blatant mistruth; one that is insulting and dangerous. For they too suffer from the same mental defect that he so obviously does.

Oh, here we go again, little baby thumb sucking 'pimpy' dictator wake up from his own little make believe nirvana. And, is attempting to create a Manifest Destiny for all walks of life again. By establishing, that only his and his delusional dictator morons' morals or sexual desires or otherwise, are the only allowed free expression within this forum or otherwise. Now, you'll remember, to bow down and worship little baby thumb sucking 'pimpy' dictator and his stooges. Or, he'll or they will start crying like the little baby thumb sucking idiots that he and his supporters are.

As has been stated numerous time before. Little baby thumb sucking 'pimpy' dictator and friends, don't even have a slightest clue about what truth, divinity, or free expression is all about. Nor, is he or they capable of defining such for the whole human race!!! Unless, you'll think that little baby thumb sucking 'pimpy' dictator and friends, speak for the whole human race, that has existed eons before he, friends and their Manifest Destiny, presented themselves upon the plain of babbling gardens of Eden. Not to mention all those which choose to express their own point of views or desires in a forum designed to allow such free expression.

Don't worry little baby thumb sucking 'pimpy' dictator & friends. I'm here to remind you'll, that your delusions of grandiose dictatorship, will not go unchecked. The adults are always responsible for the little pretenders of adulthood. Which little baby thumb sucking 'pimpy' and friends try so hard to foist upon those of us exercising competent free faculties to claim adulthood. As being truly free adults, dedicated to fostering free speech against the backdrop of pathetic wannabes like little baby thumb sucking 'pimpy' dictator and friends.

Don't think that by forcing your pathetic beliefs or Mandates upon the the rest of us, it somehow justifies you pathetic excuse for a moronic baby thumb sucking brain. Truly ignorant beyond belief. Of course, people have been known to accept unbelief as a criteria for establishing their deluded beliefs. I think its called being dumbfounded. And this sure fits the pathetic drivel spewing forth from little baby thumb sucking 'pimpy' wannabe dictator and friends.

Simply because little baby thumb sucking 'pimpy' dictator and friends want to force everyone else to accept only their perimeters of doctrine, morals or acceptable expression of sexual desire, in which we mere mortals may only choose to express ourselves. By claiming everyone else is suffering from self-deceit, only shows that incompetency must be inherently hereditary and possibly communicable. As evidenced against the backdrop of the deluded which follow him.

Restitutor Lex Aeternae :rolleyes:
Gee, this is adult like behavior isn’t it? Does he respond to valid and sensical points by debating them or trying to address them with intellectual arguments or factual counterpoints? No, he resorts to what people without valid arguments and who are suffering from mania often do; the lame (and entirely predictable) avenue of insult and name-calling. It would be nice, if in the course of his all-over-the-map diatribe, if he actually said anything to support his own argument or combat the one against him. However he takes the course of action those without a leg to stand on always do. Totally expected.

No one has said I speak for all people. However I speak for the majority of people with common sense, good character and ably minded individuals who know the difference between right and wrong and whom also know the dubious distinction between persons of fortitude and those espousing manic dichotomies. Besides, you launch into counterpoints that further prove the argument against you; if I haven’t a clue as to what entails truth or divinity are, what makes you such an authoritative expert on such topics? Freedom of expression, or freedom of anything period, is not the license to act as one wishes but rather the responsibility to behave as one ought—within the bounds of good taste, reason and behavior which espousing or lauding one race above another is clearly contrary to.

Granted you are here. That much is true. One can only wonder for how long and hope the answer to that is only for a short time. You are also right that it is the responsibility for adults to check the behavior of those behaving as troubled juveniles which is precisely why your ballyhooed expressions of race worshipping will always come under fire every time they are made. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing—Edmund Burke. So rest assured that the sane and competent members of Dark Cavern, not merely myself but all of those knowing just how dangerous and disturbed your rhetoric and posturing is, will always call you on bad behavior. Your mania will serve not as a viable excuse.

Typical bigotry coming from the frothing mouth of a rabid dog. My beliefs (which are the same ones held by the majority of right-thinking individuals) are pathetic yet yours and those held by your minority extremist supporters are perfectly fine. Holy even. And you are right yet again on another point; people do indeed embrace and cling to unbelief as criterion for assimilating a mindset of dubious and insane thinking. You’re a perfect case in point.

No one is forcing you to do anything including forcing you to express your flawed and dangerous miscreant philosophy of race relations. It doesn’t take me or anyone else to point out the danger of your beliefs; it is clearly evident when they are made how troubled and disturbing they are. Your incoherent rants (which often include misspellings, words used out of context and tangents impossible to follow or decipher any lucid point from) illuminate just how dramatic your own mania is. As I said before…….such evidentiary madness would be laughable if it weren’t so clearly, sad, pathetic and somewhat frightening that one lone man could be so deeply disturbed.
Children should Not expect Adult answer to Child like behavior!!!

pimpology101 said:
Gee, this is adult like behavior isn’t it? Does he respond to valid and sensical points by debating them or trying to address them with intellectual arguments or factual counterpoints? No, he resorts to what people without valid arguments and who are suffering from mania often do; the lame (and entirely predictable) avenue of insult and name-calling. It would be nice, if in the course of his all-over-the-map diatribe, if he actually said anything to support his own argument or combat the one against him. However he takes the course of action those without a leg to stand on always do. Totally expected.

No one has said I speak for all people. However I speak for the majority of people with common sense, good character and ably minded individuals who know the difference between right and wrong and whom also know the dubious distinction between persons of fortitude and those espousing manic dichotomies. Besides, you launch into counterpoints that further prove the argument against you; if I haven’t a clue as to what entails truth or divinity are, what makes you such an authoritative expert on such topics? Freedom of expression, or freedom of anything period, is not the license to act as one wishes but rather the responsibility to behave as one ought—within the bounds of good taste, reason and behavior which espousing or lauding one race above another is clearly contrary to.

Granted you are here. That much is true. One can only wonder for how long and hope the answer to that is only for a short time. You are also right that it is the responsibility for adults to check the behavior of those behaving as troubled juveniles which is precisely why your ballyhooed expressions of race worshipping will always come under fire every time they are made. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing—Edmund Burke. So rest assured that the sane and competent members of Dark Cavern, not merely myself but all of those knowing just how dangerous and disturbed your rhetoric and posturing is, will always call you on bad behavior. Your mania will serve not as a viable excuse.

Typical bigotry coming from the frothing mouth of a rabid dog. My beliefs (which are the same ones held by the majority of right-thinking individuals) are pathetic yet yours and those held by your minority extremist supporters are perfectly fine. Holy even. And you are right yet again on another point; people do indeed embrace and cling to unbelief as criterion for assimilating a mindset of dubious and insane thinking. You’re a perfect case in point.

No one is forcing you to do anything including forcing you to express your flawed and dangerous miscreant philosophy of race relations. It doesn’t take me or anyone else to point out the danger of your beliefs; it is clearly evident when they are made how troubled and disturbing they are. Your incoherent rants (which often include misspellings, words used out of context and tangents impossible to follow or decipher any lucid point from) illuminate just how dramatic your own mania is. As I said before…….such evidentiary madness would be laughable if it weren’t so clearly, sad, pathetic and somewhat frightening that one lone man could be so deeply disturbed.

Little baby thumb sucking 'pimpy' dictator doesn't know that adults can't communicate with little baby thumb sucking 'pimpy' dictators as if such would be understood. So go back to your babified nirvana playground.

Where I'm sure, little baby thumb sucking 'pimpy' dictators will terrorize the innocent with the shit from their little dirty mouths. As they try to claim it its just the shit that they pulled out of their little baby thumb sucking asses. As if their is any possible difference. And no one has a right to claim any difference cause its coming from a shit for brains little terrorist. Like our little precious baby thumb sucking 'pimpy' dictator.

Frightening isn't it!!! How little baby thumb sucking 'pimpy' thinks by forcing his moralistic depraved will upon adults, is not and infringement upon the unalienable right to the free exercise of free speech in a public forum designed to allow such. But of course, we all most be wrong, if it doesn't fit into little baby thumb sucking 'pimpy' dictator's idea of the Universe, aren't we? And, when we learn to let little baby thumb sucking 'pimpy' dictators control our thoughts and deeds we'll be a lot better off. Won't we?

This is just a rhetorical response. Not and attempt to communicate with a child by referring to adult behavior we are all entitled to exercise!!! Even little baby thumb sucking 'pimpy' dictators. When they learn to respect the free expressions of others which seek to do no harm. PERIOD!!!!


I’m wondering if you realize that your constant overuse of “baby pimpy” and repetitive references to thumb-sucking genuflects a womb regression and an obvious edipal complex (Freud). It cautions one to wonder, if in your constant screaming of freedom of expression, that you have an interest in pedophilia and that you would, in your staunch defense of free expression, make allowances for pedophilia to be incorporated into the same blanket allowance of expression? Again, freedom of expression is not a license to allow any harbored abhorrent thought, fantasy, interest or illicit want to see the light of day. This is why, despite the perception of an inalienable right, many examples of all of the mentioned things have been banned. Because they are wrong, dangerous and detrimental. But then again, you would argue that all things, no matter how deviant and sick, are permissible under the umbrella of free expression. However sane and adult persons know far better.
Restitutor, really, you need to give it a rest.

1. You are making my brain hurt.

2. Even though I somewhat agree with your position, your method has me rooting for the Pimp.

3. Pimp and I already had this discussion. In about six posts.

4. You can't win. Why? Because I realized in our discussion that everything I was accusing him of ie overbearing, controlling, argumentive, know-it-all buttinski etc, he readily admitted to. HE SAW THEM AS HIS STRENGTHS! How do you beat a guy like that? You can't.

5. Now I respect his good aspects, ignore the bad, and look for another site.

You are beating your head against the wall Restitutor, Think about it. He is not all bad. You can have a discussion without making an enemy. Him and I did.

And Restitutor, one other thing.

Did you stop to think that maybe ruining the NW threads with this argument plays right into Pimps hands. He hates these threads and you are helping him damage them.

He's got 3000 posts of practice against better than you or I. Thats why he is still standing and many of us are looking for another site.

Last edited by a moderator:
SaltandPepper98 said:
And Restitutor, one other thing.

....... and many of us are looking for another site.


Count me in as one of them. I'm sure getting sick and tired of all the carping and criticism that seems to proliferate the DC Forum. For me, friendliness and tolerance goes a long way....which was manifested so effectively in the NW Forum.

Thanks for all the compliments, Norm. You are a dear, as always.
Checking to Little PIMPY Dictator

SaltandPepper98 said:
And Restitutor, one other thing.

Did you stop to think that maybe ruining the NW threads with this argument plays right into Pimps hands. He hates these threads and you are helping him damage them.

He's got 3000 posts of practice against better than you or I. Thats why he is still standing and many of us are looking for another site.


I must say, that you make a very good point in respect to little 'pimpy's' good points. But I must 'Stand' firm as to his abusive behavior or against any other, who would deny such others their peace of mind to express themselves free of oppressive, mean spirited babified temperaments as espoused by little thumb sucking 'pimpy' dictator. Because, what he is doing, is saying that there exists within little baby thumb sucking 'pimpy' dictator's pee brain, some right to tell others that they don't have the same rights to express themselves without being demeaned or chastised if they don't measure up to his fascist viewpoints. As if all others should suffer at the hands of little thumb sucking 'pimpy' dictator's hands. Because he deems them unworthy of exercising the same equal rights, without abuse!!!!

I do not disagree with you about the endless effort he commits to abusing others. It is proliferous to say the least!!! But it must stop. Solely as stated. Upon the grounds as aforementioned!!! Can anyone see the justice in this Stand. If not, just ban me. I can accept this. I have done my best to Stand against abusive tyranny. And gladly leave if requested by the owners or their moderators. Because it would justify and solidify little thumb sucking 'pimpy' dictator's position.

But I will not leave without such express will of the owner or they which have been given charge to execute such orders. I have always stood in the field of honor, defending the oppressed in their equal right to express themselves. Especially, when no harm is done by them in doing so. The only harm being committed herein, appertaining to the subject matter hereto, is the abusive ill Will, committed by little baby thumb sucking 'pimpy' dictator.

Restitutor Lex Aeternae;)
And I will remain standing long after the Restitutor is just a bad memory. His kind, with their flawed thinking, never persevere because they are on the side of wrong. That's really the most simplistic way of saying it.

"Freedom means nothing if, I as I am, fail to use it to the productive good of all things." Cleteus

"Freedom of expression is the shield of the coward. He uses it as a tool to propogandize the deviancies he harbors and wishes to manifest." Seneca

"Tolerance should not be mistaken for bigotry. Neither should tolerance be misinterpreted for free license to engage in abhorent or destructive bahvior." Meinshellen

And Restutitor......you don't have the right to post certain things. Some things are actually illegal. Your mindless babble about racial superiority is not among those topics currently deemed illegal, but it borders on fanatical bullshit and is found to be just as distatseful to most of us as any illegal topic would be.

Maybe a blindling light is needed to be sent to you on your own Damascus road to get you to see how sick, twisted and utterly wrong you are for perpetuating such a flawed way of thinking.

And I don't care if Neat & Petite, Norm or anyone else thinks I'm too intolerant. If being tolerant means I am supposed to, in good conscience, accept any type of BULLSHIT, just because someone thinks they have the right to subject people to it, under the guise of freedom of expression, then they have another think coming. It may be politically correct to kiss the asses of everyone's spoiled inner-child but I'm never gonna pucker up.
Neat 'n Petite said:
Count me in as one of them. I'm sure getting sick and tired of all the carping and criticism that seems to proliferate the DC Forum. For me, friendliness and tolerance goes a long way....which was manifested so effectively in the NW Forum.

Thanks for all the compliments, Norm. You are a dear, as always.

Any news regarding a new forum for former niggerworship members?
I finaly agree on 1 point little 'pimpy' made!!!

pimpology101 said:
And I will remain standing long after the Restitutor is just a bad memory. His kind, with their flawed thinking, never persevere because they are on the side of wrong. That's really the most simplistic way of saying it.

"Freedom means nothing if, I as I am, fail to use it to the productive good of all things." Cleteus

"Freedom of expression is the shield of the coward. He uses it as a tool to propogandize the deviancies he harbors and wishes to manifest." Seneca

"Tolerance should not be mistaken for bigotry. Neither should tolerance be misinterpreted for free license to engage in abhorent or destructive bahvior." Meinshellen

And Restutitor......you don't have the right to post certain things. Some things are actually illegal. Your mindless babble about racial superiority is not among those topics currently deemed illegal, but it borders on fanatical bullshit and is found to be just as distatseful to most of us as any illegal topic would be.

Maybe a blindling light is needed to be sent to you on your own Damascus road to get you to see how sick, twisted and utterly wrong you are for perpetuating such a flawed way of thinking.

And I don't care if Neat & Petite, Norm or anyone else thinks I'm too intolerant. If being tolerant means I am supposed to, in good conscience, accept any type of BULLSHIT, just because someone thinks they have the right to subject people to it, under the guise of freedom of expression, then they have another think coming. It may be politically correct to kiss the asses of everyone's spoiled inner-child but I'm never gonna pucker up.

I agree, bigotry should not be tolerated. So why doesn't little baby thumb sucking 'pimpy' go play in the center of the street on the way to Damascus. Maybe, just maybe, we'll all be bless by that same blinding light that blinded little baby thumb sucking 'pimpy' dictator to intolerance and Good Will, towards all walks of life that seek to do no one harm. Just because they choose to believe differently or otherwise.

I waiting for your decision moderators. I can keep this up as long as this infintile thumb sucker can!!!

Wanna bet? And don't look for any help from the moderators. They'll let this go as long as you choose to keep it up. I'm not infringing upon your right to say whatever you wish but I'm certainly gonna point it out when it's blatantly untrue or a misrepresentation of facts. And since that seems to be the only thing you're capable of sharing with us then it looks like you're going to be hearing a lot from me. You can keep on whining, name calling and infering I'm intolerant and that you and your kind mean no harm. You do mean harm by perpetuating a belief in racial superiority that is offensive and dangerous. That's the harm. If that makes me intolerant then so be it because I'll gladly wear that moniker and be your scapegoat because I'm not going to stop calling you on your misrepresentation of truth and fact. Ever.
King of the Forum????

pimpology101 said:
Wanna bet? And don't look for any help from the moderators. They'll let this go as long as you choose to keep it up. I'm not infringing upon your right to say whatever you wish but I'm certainly gonna point it out when it's blatantly untrue or a misrepresentation of facts. And since that seems to be the only thing you're capable of sharing with us then it looks like you're going to be hearing a lot from me. You can keep on whining, name calling and infering I'm intolerant and that you and your kind mean no harm. You do mean harm by perpetuating a belief in racial superiority that is offensive and dangerous. That's the harm. If that makes me intolerant then so be it because I'll gladly wear that moniker and be your scapegoat because I'm not going to stop calling you on your misrepresentation of truth and fact. Ever.

Whose facts???? Whose truths???? Whose Representations???? What expression of racial superiority???? And, as to what the moderators may do or otherwise. How can you presume to dictate what they will do or otherwise???? Are you the Owner of this Site. If so, ban me you little insignificant petty little thumb sucking 'pimpy' dictator.

And, yes you are infringing upon the rights or others by being disrespectful. No one should be subjected to your petty pathetic rantings while exercising their freedom to expression which infringes upon no one directly or otherwise. Bad form little baby thumb sucking 'pimpy' dictator wanna be.

Go back to the infantile crib containing such delusions which you crawled out of. And get some proper mental rest. Until you can come out and play with some humility and virtue of respect. For others rights to express themselves. Just because you want to dictate what is acceptable to believe in, whatever delusional manner you may choose, does not give you the right to demean or denigrate those who choose to exercise their right to express such desires or feelings. When no one directly can claim harm. Unless, you somehow believe yourself appointed as the master of all you survey. Including the free expressions others choose to express not directed specifically toward your little thumb sucking infantile 'pimpy':pimp: dictatorship crib of plantation!!!

Restitutor Lex Aeternae:whatever:
What makes your facts any more valid than those I present? Opinion? Obsessive mania to dictate yours are the only credible and factual opinions? I speak of universal understandings of societal function. You banter about a vast minority held belief that is so abstract and miniscule that it barely registers as a viable viewpoint if it does at all. And I can speak to the moderator’s lack of involvement from experience. I’ve been here from the start and can tell you without recrimination that they never enter issues such as this even when members (me included) ask them to do so.

Do you think calling me little baby pimpy or making thumb-sucking references bother me? That just makes you look like a fool and a diaper wearing idiot who borders on having pedophilia. Your rights are no more infringed upon than mine are. You infringe upon my rights to not be subjected to trash. If your sense of infringement is valid then so is mine. I shouldn’t have to be force-fed such swill. You continually miss the point that freedom of expression is not an entitlement to post any abhorrent or divisive viewpoint that you hold. You’re a hate-monger wishing only to cause dissension and friction between the races.

You have no such right, under the guise of self expression, to you use your veiled agenda to propagandize such abhorrent and despicable mentalities. No one does. Freedom of expression comes with an asterisk; an asterisk that qualifies expression to be used in good conduct, form and taste. You exercise none of the above in espousing one man’s superiority over another by virtue of skin tone. You’re a snake oil salesman, a charlatan, a fraud, a disease.

It's painfully obvious that you misinterpret freedom of expression as license to speak and act in any way you choose. But freedom of expression is not an excuse to behave in any ill manner you wish.

"Freedom of expression is the shield of the coward. He uses it as a tool to propogandize the deviancies he harbors and wishes to manifest." Seneca
Whose talking About FACTS!!!

pimpology101 said:
What makes your facts any more valid than those I present? Opinion? Obsessive mania to dictate yours are the only credible and factual opinions? I speak of universal understandings of societal function. You banter about a vast minority held belief that is so abstract and miniscule that it barely registers as a viable viewpoint if it does at all. And I can speak to the moderator’s lack of involvement from experience. I’ve been here from the start and can tell you without recrimination that they never enter issues such as this even when members (me included) ask them to do so.

Do you think calling me little baby pimpy or making thumb-sucking references bother me? That just makes you look like a fool and a diaper wearing idiot who borders on having pedophilia. Your rights are no more infringed upon than mine are. You infringe upon my rights to not be subjected to trash. If your sense of infringement is valid then so is mine. I shouldn’t have to be force-fed such swill. You continually miss the point that freedom of expression is not an entitlement to post any abhorrent or divisive viewpoint that you hold. You’re a hate-monger wishing only to cause dissension and friction between the races.

You have no such right, under the guise of self expression, to you use your veiled agenda to propagandize such abhorrent and despicable mentalities. No one does. Freedom of expression comes with an asterisk; an asterisk that qualifies expression to be used in good conduct, form and taste. You exercise none of the above in espousing one man’s superiority over another by virtue of skin tone. You’re a snake oil salesman, a charlatan, a fraud, a disease.

It's painfully obvious that you misinterpret freedom of expression as license to speak and act in any way you choose. But freedom of expression is not an excuse to behave in any ill manner you wish.

"Freedom of expression is the shield of the coward. He uses it as a tool to propogandize the deviancies he harbors and wishes to manifest." Seneca

Now little baby thumb sucking 'pimpy' dictator is crying aloud about what he demands should be trash....way to much!!!!

What's that old saying, i.e. 'Ones Mans Trash, is another Man's Treasure.'

But I guess. No one has a right to anything he rejects??? Somewhere over the rainbow, I recall a tall stature which shown on the horizon. As a symbol of hope for the down trodden and hungry huddled masses. Seeking to free themselves from tyrannical and oppressive dictators like little baby thumb sucking 'pimpy' and his plantation crib of delusional nirvana. Oh, thats right, these were the masses which believed in the idea of freedom of speech. And the shield, which was established to protect such self-evident freedoms such as free speech. I guess the delusion has come full circle for another insignificant useless little dictator. ******* for what they are.

Genocidal maniacs. Seeking to destroy the freedoms so hard won. Which many have paid the ultimate price. Upon that precious divine altar of freedom. To pass the touch so to speak. By giving unto others, with their all. The continued unalienable right down the concourse of history, the ability to freely express themselves when all in all, such expression does no one harm.

Restitutor Lex Aeternae:love:

In addition little baby thumb sucking 'pimpy' dictator is condemning the freedom of expression. As a shield of a cowardice. Boy is this the white kettle, calling itself by any other means possible, to hind behind such behavior which only exposes the delusion embedded deeply in a psychotic disturbed infantilism?????

Little baby thumb sucking 'pimpy' dictator seems to be crying about illusionary statements or presumed facts.

Little baby thumb sucking 'pimpy' dictator should review his mental breakdown of postings. The only one stating infantilistic delusional behavior. Are those which purport to support beliefs that anyone has a right to deny free expression which tends to harm no one. PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now go back to your little baby thumb sucking delusional crib, 'pimpy' dictator!!!! . Until you can respect others by playing In the interest of Universal Peace with All Walks of Life seeking Good Will. Who believe people should have the right to free expression in forums designed to allow such expressions. For all equally with out harm toward one another choosing to avail themselves of such forums!!!!!!!!!!

Redditor Lucis Aeternae:hump:
You are a self-righteous, self-aggrandizing, self-important and self-promoting blowhard. The unmitigated gall you display in appointing yourself as the spokesperson for an entire race of people is incomprehensible. And you did so without their asking. You haven’t their backing, support or consent to do so. The unbelievably disrespectful audacity you show in assuming that these people cannot or will not speak for themselves is an embarrassing affront to them.

Even your user handle is an affront to most. Restitutor (not even a word) is a hybrid form of restitution. I would like to know who made you the head of the reparations movement? What makes you think that these people would even accept such from the very hands of the ancestors of the people responsible for their oppression? Everyone alive has experienced discrimination and oppression to a degree (granted not to the magnitude of a black person 150 years ago). Should all of us therefore begin crying and whining about injustice or victimization?

People like you are a dime a dozen and there is never a shortage of examples of people like you. People like you, with such an inflated opinion of themselves, talk, not to offer anything productive or beneficial but rather out of the sheer love of their own voice. Such grandiose love of self and pompous arrogance is unflattering, not to mention a tell-tale sign of mania. It is also a sign of self-importance that you think you are so superior intellectually that the rest of us cannot determine who you are as you think your multitude of user names disguise your identity. Wrong. Most of us know exactly who you are and the user names you’ve used in the past.

It’s high time you give up the act and are knocked from the high horse no one other than yourself has placed you on. Maybe the fall from your lofty pedestal will knock some sense into your clearly disturbed head. I doubt that very much but one can always hope.

Restitutor, I for one TOTALLY agree with you 100% and the winnie pimpology needs to stay in his own yahoo group, where by the way people are leaving in droves, that has him all upset also.

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