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Valentines Day

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
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  • #141
A surprise

So, Sue and I were both surprised today. At least she says she was, I know I am and still aren't fully sure of what to say/do.

Like I said, they didn't get together last week and I wasn't totally surprised when she came to me this morning after breakfast and said she was going out this afternoon for a little while. I suspected and then confirmed she was going to see Frank on her way running her errands. That was okay with me, we'd had a heck of a time last night and I knew she'd come home raring to go for maybe a quickie later tonight, knowing she'll drive me crazy all afternoon and evening.

Well, surprise. She comes in about 3pm and I can see on her face that all's not well. Usually she comes in bounding with energy but this time there was clearly something on her mind. I was concerned and dragged her upstairs and got her to talk.

Turns out there's been a little miscommunication somewhere along the way. Here, we've (Sue and I) been thinking she's leaving on Saturday the 14t and coming back on Sunday. So she's all up tight and tells me that Frank was thinking that they were leaving on Friday!!! She said that he's invited to the rehearsal dinner and to go out for drinks afterwards. She says that's why he was surprised that I'd said okay.

So, I asked her what she said. In the end he said that he'd like to go on Friday but that if she or I wasn't okay with it, that he'd tell them to not expect them to be there.

I asked her what she was thinking and she said that at first she was like me, thinking that it's a bad thing and not what she wanted to do. Frank even said they could get 2 rooms if that would make it okay. But she said that in the hour+ (at the time) since finding out about the mixup, that she said she wasn't totally sure it wouldn't be okay. And that was when we talked about an hour or a bit more ago. I told her I needed to think about it and she said that she told Frank not to call me, but that if it would help, that maybe talking to him would help? I told her that I wasn't sure it was a good idea - two nights and all that. I didn't tell her that I wondered if she may have known for a while already... But don't think the thought isn't in my mind. Still, she did seem pretty genuinely concerned. Instead I told her that I wanted some time to think it over and that I wanted to talk to her more about it later.

I think she wants to go with him, but it may be that she doesn't want Frank to not go? And I don't want to ask her that because maybe she'll say "yea - that's it" so I don't want to put the idea in her mind. Anyway - I just had to put this down here as I'm still not so sure what I am even thinking right now.
  • #142
think about all that has gone on upto this point and i did say that it might happen before or after the wedding you have alot to look at and think about right now let us know how your talk with sue goes later on not one of us can tell you what to do now so think about it and you will find the answer you want .
  • #143
Wedding mix-up

Strange, I was under the impression from what you have written, that it would be a weekend event. I see now, that you have always mentioned it as "going to the wedding" without specifying how many days. I guess I thought it would be that they wanted to get checked into the hotel Fri. evening and be up and ready for the activities of the wedding on Saturday, then after the reception and dance go back to the hotel for the night, then leave Sunday morning. Now with the rehearsal dinner, it does change things a little. Would Sue have to take off work early to accommodate that schedule. If Sue is going away with Frank overnight does it really matter if it is one or two nights?
Sue is being very careful of your felling in all this. I do commend her for her concern.
Cheers, Harry
  • #144
The whole wedding thing is a bad idea. It was a bad idea before and it's an even worse idea now. You've already been relegated to a "weekend husband" and now you're in danger of having even less than that. I know you've shrugged it off whenever people say that she and Frank are becoming too close, but you should seriously consider it. You don't trust your wife that she didn't already know, which should be a gigantic warning flag. If something like this was a "little miscommunication", what else has there been miscommunication about? And what does a big miscommunication look like?

Sorry if I come off strong, but this situation has bad idea written all over it. It's clearly making you uneasy, and not in a good way.
  • #145
scared1 said:
The whole wedding thing is a bad idea. It was a bad idea before and it's an even worse idea now. You've already been relegated to a "weekend husband" and now you're in danger of having even less than that. I know you've shrugged it off whenever people say that she and Frank are becoming too close, but you should seriously consider it. You don't trust your wife that she didn't already know, which should be a gigantic warning flag. If something like this was a "little miscommunication", what else has there been miscommunication about? And what does a big miscommunication look like?

Sorry if I come off strong, but this situation has bad idea written all over it. It's clearly making you uneasy, and not in a good way.

So very right. I wouldn't say that Sue misguided you deliberately, but this has Frank written all over it. As Harry has put it that you shouldn't be bothered about two nights since they were already going for one. But I think, this would tantamount to Frank running your life (and your wife..I am not saying this in a bad sense) instead of you two. And if Sue is party to this, then god help you!

In fact after the mix-up it should have been Sue's decision not to go. In my view she is not concerned that the plans have changed, she is not concerned (It's what I think) that it would probably upset you, but instead she is concerened as to if you'd allow her to go.
  • #146
Just to clear the air while I have a few minutes.
I had Sue call Frank and I got on the phone with him and I called him on it and said "WTF is going on". He seemed both scared and honest on the other end (it was pouring rain out or I might have driven over there) when he said that he didn't know how either Sue nor I knew that it was 2 nights all along.

But he did say that he didn't want to mess things up at all and that if it was at all an issue, that he'd just tell his brother that he'll be down on Saturday.

I pretty much came out and asked him if he'd some how schemed all of this and he then said "no man, I just thought you knew .... Sue too" and he proceeded to tell me again how this was like an old family friend and that he thought he'd told us that the rehearsal dinner was part of it. And like every other word was "sorry man".

Either he's a great actor or he's telling the truth. Sue is like all concerned now too in that she's said she's not sure about it too. But she also promised me we'd "talk later". I have to say, I know her for almost 3 decades now, I'm pretty sure, as of now, that she didn't know this before today either, or just didn't realize it either.

So, I'm now biding my time till our daughter heads off to bed and undoubtedly Sue will try to ply me with her body. I'm sure I won't say no to that - but I'm not sure about anything else.

For Raks and Scared1 - you guys seem to put a lot of emphasis on the "weekend only" thing - but that is more of a teasing thing between Sue and I more than anything. She has and always will relent if I wanted her. But to be honest, it's kind of arousing seeing her and "knowing" I have to wait. Just that little bit of play between us keeps me horny all week.

As far as Frank scheming this - I don't buy it. He thinks we knew all along so what's there for him to scheme about. To be honest, I never really thought about it either but I guess it makes sense.
  • #147
The wedding

Like I said before, I had the impression all allong that it would include 2 nights, just considering travel time and the events that usually occur at a wedding, that he'd want to be there Fri. night. I would be as supprised as you and Sue that he didn't ask it that way from the beginning when he asked her and again when he asked you. Seems like he thought of it that way too and assumed she knew, but you know what ASSUME means: to make an ass out of you and me.
Obviously only you can judge the expression on Sue's face as to whether it was a supprise to her or not. BTW, did he 'drop' that on her after sex or before? Could make a difference you know!!
Cheers, Harry
  • #148
I think you are making too Big of a deal out of this STB!!! The assumptions are all out in the open now and I feel you are still trying to control Sue and you shouldn't as,after all,you are the cuckold husband!!!

To repeat,now that the assumptions are out in the open,if Sue wants to Enjoy a weekend with Frank (Fri-Sun) and that would make her happy then she should go and she should have your blessing and encouragement to go and enjoy herself!!!

On the other hand, if this is some kind of an insecurity issue you have STB,then perhaps you and Sue should drop out of this lifestyle and talk it out till it is cleared up one way or another???
  • #149
The Wedding

STB: I went back to post 10 in this thread. That is where Frank asked you if he could ask Sue to go to a wedding with him and was supprised that you said yes and added "even if it is overnight". (meaning one night)
So that was before he asked Sue and was getting your permission to ask her. Is it possible that the Fri. night rehersal dinner invitation came later and he just now realized that would mean 2 nights? The only question, then is if that is true, why didn't he clarify the change with Sue and you sooner?
Actually I think he is more nervous about this all taking Sue with him and how you will take it.
Cheers, Harry
  • #150

Sorry, I had to close it out earlier.
So to continue: ..... Nervous enough to have forgotten all the details, and thought he had asked about it being two nights all along?
  • #151
One night, two nights. Is it really that it of a deal? Sue and Stb clearly can end this at any time and their love for each other isn't trumped by a weekend romp. Heck I suspect that this stuff has actually brought them closer and deeper in love since it all began. They both pay more attention to each others feelings and attitude. This will go fine in fact I see a day in the future that they might take a friendly vacation away together...Sue and Frank or maybe a long weekend. This relationship has a lot more adventure left in it for all parties.
  • #152
The decision is clearly going to be yours and yours alone really. In spite of all the discussions you may have with Sue and Frank. In the grand scheme of things, this is one day and in reality, one day is never going to matter really.

But. It also sends quite powerful and underlying messages all round doesn't it. I mean, I'm sure Frank must have talked it through with Sue a little. Even a hint of a weekend must have appeared. Also, this isn't a close relation to Frank. It's an old family friend. If he misses the rehearsal, surely it doesn't really matter to the marrying couple? So, you could insist on drawing a line in the sand here and stick with the original day. Sue would understand I'm sure, the other guests at the wedding would too, and I'm sure Frank would be ok with it (he's probably worried about going at all now). The thing is, what would you really do that Friday night? All day, both of you would be thinking about what the alternative would have been, and how will you fill that sense of slight let-down. However well you make love to Sue that night, there will be a sense of trying too hard creeping into your mind and maybe hers, and if it is indeed, just a normal love night, what would really be missing by passing on it.

I have said nothing about what you would say to your children. Presumably, you already have an excuse worked out for the weekend and it could be extended by a day without them wondering too much.

As I said, your decision. For once, I don't envy you with it either. I can't really see a cool way out that you are really happy with.
  • #153
Hey all - just a few minutes before I need to be on a call at 11:30.

Well, last night, as I expected - Sue was incredibly passionate with me. I know she sensed and was well aware of the way I was feeling. She again assured me that she was as surprised as I was. The way she said it happened was that after they'd had their time together yesterday that Frank started to talk about more definitive plans and schedules and when he said "so we'll leave by about 4:30pm on Friday" was when she first realized what had happened. In talking to her more, she did say that there have been other things he's said but that she never really put one and one together. She even said that when she realized the mistake she'd made, that she was the first to say "oh, Steve will never go for that!" and that was when they both realized that it wasn't something we were clear on.

I guess I couldn't and still can't really blame her. As Harry well put about assumptions.

Peak - you're correct - it really won't matter much to anyone if they do or do not show up on Friday vs. Saturday. I think Frank is the one to lose out the most by not being there. Sue has said she does want to go on Saturday and would prefer that to nothing at all. But, it's sort of obvious that she'd want to go for both days if she could and if I'd/we'd be okay with it. I asked her how I was supposed to feel and she said "it's only one more day .... but I know that it may not be something you are okay with so it's up to you". As we were fucking last night, I thought of some of the thoughts you posted - about how we'll feel that Friday night if she doesn't go. Not totally sure about this just yet though.

Far2 and Harry - just like above, I've been thinking about this a bunch. On the one hand, you are right, it really it just one more night and is that really any different than anything else that's gone on? But on the other hand, it's 2 full days and nights of them being alone together. Part of me says - what more can they do together that they haven't done already - but again, the other part says that it's 2 full days of them being away, romance and the like and, well, despite what they both say, not sure I like the idea of pushing them together more like this. (although the thought of her being so sexual with him without much restraints IS very arousing!!).

Trying - yeah - I guess the cuck in me should just say "go and have a good time" but this is a first time this would be happening for real where it'd be more than just an overnight together. Again, there's a part of me that definitely would like to tell her okay. Shit, there's that same part of me that would still like to tell her to leave her rings home too! But then again, at times my head comes out of the cuck-clouds and I have to think a bit more with my other head.

I knew these next 12 days or so were going to be tough on me, I don't think I realized just how I was going to feel, especially now with this new question to be answered.

More later as the day goes by...
  • #154
I see it like this. She has a life with you, the guy that lets her fulfill her wildest dreams, you are the rock, frank is just a fantasy. Nothing more. She chooses you every time, period!
  • #155
The Wedding

Apparently this is a misunderstanding that Frank, in the heat of thinking of the opportunity of having time alone and “out of town” with Sue, was not careful to explain all the details up front. (you know how you can’t think of all the details when your cock is hard) On the other hand he may have thought he’d never get by with 2 night’s so asked you for the “overnight” with her, then once he got approval, changed it to 2 nights by adding that now he is invited to the rehearsal dinner.
BTW, If he was invited to the rehearsal dinner, he would have had to RSVP with [yes/no and if he had a guest] That usually comes with the wedding invitation, but it may have come by a phone call later.

Here’s what I think:
1)You and Sue should have an evening meeting with Frank No sex, just a meeting, to clear out all the misconceptions. He need’s to know that this has been a serious issue with You and Sue and has caused a lot of angst and discussion between you two. You should take him back to Feb. 16th. (when he initially asked you for permission to ask Sue) to reaffirm that there is no motive besides having her accompany him as a friend and, of course spending the night’s (2) together.
2)The three of you should lay out the schedule as to when they will be leaving, and when they will get back and Sue will be home. It can be verbal but at least an agreement.
3)You and Sue should also agree, and tell Frank at the meeting, that she will not go to see Frank during the week of the wedding. (April 8-13) That should be your time with Sue and a bit of “denial” for Frank to “ramp up his libido” for their time alone.
Cheers, Harry
  • #156
STB: One more thing, You know you have committed to this lifestyle and will have to expect issues like this to come up and be challenging decisions. That is the part you have to deal with as it comes with the territory.
Since you haven't told Frank all the reasons you do this, He cannot be allowed to believe that he is free to get anything he wants from Sue. That will only allow him to believe that he will eventually "win her for himself" Something he indicated he would do if she were his wife even while at the same time trying to assure you that he had no intentions to do it.
This issue is indeed a challenge to your relationship with Sue. You need to see that and make sure there are boundaries.
BTW I still recommend the gloves.
Cheers. Harry
  • #157
Harry, I'm inclined to go with Frank not thinking it all the way through. I'm not sure about the rehearsal dinner and RSVP stuff - that's a good question - but if Frank did make this assumption from the get-go, then I guess it answers that he probably RSVP'd for both.

We've already said that Sue is going to see her old college roommate for a bit of a college reunion. Extending it for another day earlier won't be a concern if I don't act like it's a problem.

I'm honestly not sure what to think right now. At time when I think about it as a cuck - I want her to go for both nights. I know I'll probably eat myself up with anxiety if it happens, but I cannot lie - there is a huge part of me that truly wants to give her to him for the weekend. I've been through it all again in my head and it is an incredible thought - to give her to him for the weekend knowing they'll fuck all weekend and she'll probably have the time of her life. Of course - I am equally looking forward to her return to me. I'll even say that I've gone through in my head what I hope to feel with her when she comes back. I've maybe put on a little extra lube and let my mind go to how I almost know she'll feel afterwards - and almost more importantly - what thoughts go through my head at the time.

But I'm not all impulsive - at least not on this one. I don't know - there's definitely a part of me that says it's too much, or at least too much too soon under too iffy of circumstances? I'm not saying it could never happen - I think we all know it's bound to happen sooner or later that she'd want to go away with another guy.

Now the last thought I had just now is that - is it possible that Sue somehow orchestrated this? Could she somehow have kept it from coming up until she felt it may have been a better time to bring it up? I think she felt conflicted the last times she'd spent the night, maybe somehow she manipulated both Frank and I to this point? If I had to say it, I'm thinking that maybe the feeling I got from her is that maybe she's herself a little scared to do this? But if she's looking to re-live or improve on things that she didn't like when she was with Don or Brad, then maybe this is something she feels she sort of needs to do?

Either way, Harry, I think your idea is the best one - to have all of us get together and discuss it openly so we can get it all out in the open between the 3 of us. I'll get the ball rolling with Sue when she gets home. I just want to be careful how I word things to be sure I don't lead her on - I need to hear her true thoughts and not what she thinks will turn me on or something like that.
  • #158
you should get her to tape some of it for you! She will probably walk a little funny on Saturday at the wedding! You can bet that she will be at that wedding with a pussy full of Frank's cum! Man, I wouldn't be able to control myself! I would be jerking-off non-stop and too sore for her when she got back on Sunday...she probably will be worn out anyway too. I know I would have to lock my dick up to keep me in cuck-mode. Good luck, you know you'll love it.
  • #159
“[Now the last thought I had just now is that is it possible that Sue somehow orchestrated this? Could she somehow have kept it from coming up until she felt it may have been a better time to bring it up? ..... Maybe somehow she’s manipulated both Frank and I to this point? If I had to say it, I'm thinking that maybe the feeling I got from her is that maybe she's herself a little scared to do this? But if she's looking to re-live or improve on things that she didn't like when she was with Don or Brad, then maybe this is something she feels she sort of needs to do?]”

“[Either way, Harry, I think your idea is the best one’ to have all of us get together and discuss it openly so we can get it all out in the open between the 3 of us. I'll get the ball rolling with Sue when she gets home. I just want to be careful how I word things to be sure I don't lead her on - I need to hear her true thoughts and not what she thinks will turn me on or something like that.]”

Yes, I do think that is possible. It’s possible that they talked about the wedding before Frank asked you over to ask your permission, I think she made it his job to get your permission, then he was so nervous about asking you that he forgot all the details. I think neither Sue or Frank expected you to agree to (2) nights.
Sue has felt much more free to control both you and Frank of late. She has become the orchestrator of the events over the last several weeks and she is confident that she can get your ‘OK’ if she gets you “turned on”. You know Sue better than any of us and know more wow to interpret her expressions. I would have to advise that you ask Sue those questions along with requesting the meeting with Frank. It seems that she wants to go bad enough that she will be forthcoming with you. So you do have that leverage.
Even though you expected this to happen at some time (an overnight with Frank), you should not be left to wonder what you are really agreeing to.
Get it out in the open now. You will worry less while she is gone and love her more when she comes home.
1.A [non sex] meeting, the 3 of you. To get the details and uncover any deception.
2.Get the schedule, at least verbal, so you know when she will leave and come home.
3.Sue is yours from Saturday 7th, till Thursday night 12th. (or whenever you two agree on) Frank can be her “weekend hubby” at the wedding.
  • #160
STB, I would advise caution. While I agree with Harry that the air does need to be cleared, you also don't want to kill the new confidence and freedom you have given Sue. To make too many demands will undermine her freedom and may make things much less enjoyable for her. Simply clearing the air of any possible deception will make you feel better, and by leaving a lot of the rules and demands alone will give you the true cuckold feeling you have sought. To revert back to topping from the bottom may cause an early demise to Sue's fun with Frank. And bad fallout for you.

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