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Valentines Day

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
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  • #161
From everything you have ever posted from the beginning I don't think there is a snowball's chance in hell that Sue set out to deceive you in any way. You know in your heart that your relationship is above that and that if Frank (or anyone else) asked her to lie to you, she wouldn't do it. If there is any blame it is Franks. It was his message to give clearly and he doesn't seem to have done that. I suspect that he may not have even done that deliberately. After all, he must know that if he ever gets caught out in something like that, Sue would drop him like a hot brick.

None of that really helps you I suspect, but it may make the decision a little cleaner. You either do or you don't agree to it.

I'm glad the issue of an explanation won't cloud it either, that would have been a shame and would have left the issue of how to resolve any similar issues in future up in the air as well.

For what it is worth, I think you should give in gracefully from a position of strenght. You could say that the issue meant you considered cancelling it all, but that you know that Sue loves you enough that one more day cannot possibly matter. It puts the shot across Frank's bow if he did have any thoughts that way. It shows Sue that you trust her and it leaves you looking the big guy in the meeting. Of course it also gives you what you secretly want too. A one-off extended cucky angst. Very special.

I don't think you need any special rules about who Sue should spend her time with before and after. That smacks of weakness. You should Trust Sue enough to be with you enough both to support you but mostly simply because she wants it that way.

As for the rings, that seems to be an issue in a lot of stories, but should have no bearing in reality. Its a good plot twist but in truth, it doesn't have any significance except in your head, and you seem not to really mind either way. I wouldn't be. Leave it to Sue's good judgement. She could always text ROFF or RON couldn't she!
  • #162

STB: WOW! You won’t believe this until you go back into your story one year ago and read what happened.
April 9th (Sat.) 2011 Frank came over to your house for a BBQ. Frank and Sue had their first passionate kiss. He felt up her tit’s and pussy. They kissed again before he left.
Then on, check this out, April 14th. (Thursday) 2011 Sue went over to Frank’s Apartment and they fucked for the first time.

Now, maybe you can see the importance of their going to the wedding together and having ALL of the 14th (Sex in the morning when they wake up and then at night after the reception) to celebrate their FIRST ANNIVERSARY of sex together.
I don’t know how you feel STB, but it even makes me queasy reading it. I think it puts a whole new significance on it. I am sure Sue hasn’t forgotten the date, women are very good about those things, but she hasn’t told you that it’s their anniversary, has she?

I’m not saying that that should change anything, raise any red flags, or prevent her from going, just want you to consider how important this wedding thing may be for Sue. For her it may not even be about the wedding, but about her & Frank's 1 year anniversary.

What do you think???
Cheers, Harry
  • #163
We all know that Sue loves Steve, but at times even the people whom we trust our lives with think - "What they don't know can't hurt them". They feel confident enough to take small liberties and feel that they can get away with these little deceptions. I am not saying that Sue has deliberately misguided Steve, but there are chances that she may have thought the whole thing out, not with the intention of hurting Steve, but with the intention of experiencing the thrill of deception and the promise of an intense time ahead. While letting Sue do that is not very harmful, it might lead her to think that she can do it again. So my advice is cancel the whole damn thing - I know that you were looking forward to the "angst" that you were about to experience, but there will be moments like that later. Many more moments like that. But if you allow them, it'll be an acceptance of the fact that whenever you will be faced with situations like this, you will allow your little head to rule. Again I hope that it's a genuine misunderstanding and not something you are manipulated into.
  • #164
relate a little

STB, I can relate a little bit with your situation, the first time my wife asked me how I would feel about her going "camping" with Willie over a Friday night thru Sunday evening caused a lot of conversation between her and I because alot of my enjoyment was either watching, listening and the sloppy seconds after he had left. Now he wanted her to himself for a few days and I could tell that she was a little unsure about how it would affect our relationship. We decided what we would do after a hot afternoon sex session- when the "little Head" wasn't doing all of the thinking and finally agreed that she would go on her own (it wasn't like we didn't know what they would be doing) while they were gone, and I would be getting a very well used pussy when she got back. There was one twist to how the weekend worked out, when Willie showed up Friday evening with a medium sized motor home he wasn't alone, he had his uncle Leonard with him (his uncle owned the motor home) and he told us that his uncle would only let them use it if he went along and Willie hoped that it would be O K with us. My wife wasn't sure that she wanted to go now but after she and I talked about it she did go. She had a great time (it turns out that Willie had told his uncle Leonard about this married white woman that he was fucking) and he and his uncle Leonard both hammered her little, married, white pussy from Friday evening to late Sunday evening before they brought her home. And yes I did get some well used sloppy pussy after they left Sunday night and all of the following week as she told me about her weekend of everything they had done with her. The point I'm trying to make STB is you know your wife better that anyone and I get the impression that there is a very strong, loving bond between you two and if you think that your dick can handle knowing what your wife will be doing- she should go and you can both enjoy the results. That's my two cents worth. GTR
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  • #165
STB, Buddy, I think every one of us are holding our breath waiting for you to "check in" and tell us what's happening!
We all emphasize with you to be sure. I hope the meeting is 'set-up' [or] has gone well. let us know when you can.
Cheers, Harry
  • #166
Spell checks a bugger sometimes isn't it Harry. I empathise with you ..

Jokes apart, I agree. Bated breath and all that.
  • #167
So - I took all of your comments to heart and essentially told her last night that before they fuck again, that I wanted us to all meet and get things out in the open. Later last night, at her initiation, we swapped Emails and are meeting tomorrow night, after dinner, to talk. Frank agreed with me that we should talk and clear the air before they are together again (which I suspect Sue's looking for on Thursday afternoon).

In the Email I pretty much said what others here posted - that I was a little concerned about the apparent miscommunication and that I felt all 3 of us should talk and be clear about what is going on and what we're all expecting, etc. Frank seemed happy to meet in his reply to me.

So - that's it for now.
  • #168
sounds great let us know how the talk goes and if you all work it out.
  • #169
Stb, have you ever considered telling Frank about being a cuckold, basically coming clean about the whole thing? It might help him understand and also let him know where the boundries lie. Do you think it is more Sue than Frank? I mean here is a guy that had nothing more than a warm pussy to cum into when he was married. I am thinking that a guy like that is probably not the type of guy to all of the sudden be taking charge and leading, just my 2¢. He seems like he will go along with the flow based on what you describe. Maybe then he can be just whatever Sue wants him to be and not interfere with your relationship since he knows be is just playing a role. Maybe then he can assume a dominant role with Sue and you won't have to worry where they stand.
  • #170
I hope the talk goes well and you 3 get your feelings sorted out :)
I'm inclined to believe that a true miscommunication has happened
rather than deliberate scheming with bait & switch.

If the weekend trip comes true, you could stoke the fires with
this one while waiting for her return:

Have you ever recorded the sounds from Sue and Frank? I was surprised
how arousing the above sound was!

  • #171
how did it go last night did you get all anwsers you were looking for.
  • #172
Only have a bit of time right now. But the conversation went pretty well. We both went over Franks after dinner. We did bring a bottle of wine as that just seemed like the right thing to do.

Frank was actually the first one to say anything and he started by saying that he was really sorry that he wasn't more clear with both of us - Sue and I - about the wedding. He said that after I'd said okay, that he'd RSVP'd for both nights and that he never thought there was a question. He did then say that it now explained a lot of thing he'd been asking - that it seemed like I'd said "okay" without all that much discussion - and only now did he realize why that was, and he agreed that 2 nights are a bit different than just one night.

Sue was quiet at first but as Frank continued she began to talk too. She said - and I believe her - that she too never realized what Frank was talking about, that is, until last weekend! She laughed about it and said that it also explained a bit about some of the questions that seemed to be there between them. She joked that "no wonder Frank's been so excited about this".

I was listening to most of this and when I thought I'd heard it all, it did sound to me like it was just an honest miscommunication. The look on Frank's face at times couldn't be faked showing his concern. But, nonetheless, I took my turn and aired my concerns. I told them both plainly that I had no problem with them having sex and repeated again that it turned me on to have a "hot wife". Neither of them said anything and Frank didn't look all that surprised, as I said, that's not news to either of them. But I did then say that "she is my wife" and that I'm not happy with anything that could affect that and I was clear and said that I wasn't ready for them to be away for 2 days together.

Obviously there was more talking that we did - but that's pretty much the gist of it. But after I said that last thing - where I said I wasn't ready for this, both of them, well Sue first and then Frank sort of asked "so, then we'll just do the one night then?"

My immediate response was "well, can't you see how all of this makes me feel? Like you guys maybe planned this or somehow conveniently overlooked it?". They both laughed at what I guess looked like paranoia. Frank came out and said openly something like "look, I love having sex with Sue but I don't want to cause any problems for you guys" he added "this is all great right now because it's working for all of us and I don't want to change that unless you do". Sue turned to me and put her arms around me and said to me that she loves me and that this is just fun and "friends with benefits" with Frank and she laughed and said that she can't believe she's actually enjoying this kind of thing as much as she is - but she added again that it's not something she'd ever consider as what she'd want instead of me.

Obviously the wine had made it a bit easier for us to talk more openly. Sue actually came out and said that "the sex is great with Frank but it is not the same as what I feel with you - I love you!" (she was saying that to me). That sort of made me melt a bit. Frank said something like "yeah, but it's not like I think of her as my wife or that sort of thing?". And Frank then asked again - "would it be better if we got 2 rooms and didn't stay together?". That was my turn to laugh at that - like that might happen!

We all stayed platonic last night though. I mean I know if I would have suggested it, that they'd probably have gone off for a quickie - but I didn't and after we'd killed the bottle of wine and we'd gotten everything out in the open, they both looked at me and sort of said "well?" Implying that they were both waiting for my decision.

I know what I'd said and how I'd felt when we arrived at Franks, but now after an hour or so and some wine, I didn't feel near the concern that I had. I mean yeah, I still cringe a little bit thinking of her being with him for 2 days like that, but with how they both seemed to be - both incredibly open and seemingly honest, a lot of my concerns seemed for naught.

In the moment I took before I replied - all of that stuff went through my head - but the other thing that also went through my head was the undeniable arousal I felt at thinking and even wanting her to go. It may sound crazy but in that moment, I literally felt like I'd spun 180 degrees in the opposite direction and without the concerns I felt - all I could think of was how I felt when I thought of her being his for the weekend like that. Even now typing this, my cock is rock hard at thinking of them together like that. Without the nagging concerns about what may or may not be going on, all I can think is that I definitely want this. I want to know that she's his sexually for a weekend and that I want it. I know I'll probably hate it next weekend (oh god, it's only like 8 days from now!) but at the same time, I know I cannot stop thinking about it whenever I'm masturbating. I watch videos - and when I find a "creampie" one, all I can think is that will be Sue next weekend. Needless to say, when the thought overtakes me, I spew like a fire-hydrant (Sue's even commented on how horny I seem lately - by how many sticky wads of tissues she's seen during the week).

So, in the end, what could I say other than "okay, I'm sure it'll be alright".

When we got into bed last night she was all happy with me and offered to "help me" if I wanted to masturbate. She leaned over and helped stroke me hard and then she told me calmly how happy she was and how horny she's going to be about it all. I told her as she worked to get me off that she ought to not see Frank next week until they leave. She smiled and said she loved me for thinking of her like that. A few moments later she surprised me and leaned over and sucked my cock. She pulled off and said I should think of her doing this to Frank. Needless to say, I came in her mouth a moment later.

She IS seeing him tonight and joked as she sucked me last night that "this will keep you happy and I'll be all clean for Frank".

What can I say.
  • #173
The meeting

All very good. I am glad that it went well. I expected that you would agree to the 2 days since there was no intended deception. I wonder, though did it come up in the discussion that April 14th. would be their 1 year anniversary? and what do you think of it being a whole year that they, Sue and Frank, have been fucking? Is that longer than She was sexual with Don or Brad? I do remember that Brad came back into town for one last Fling, after she had already started with Don. Am I right that that would have been about one year from the beginning with Brad ?
Anyway, Congratulations for showing strength in calling the meeting and clarification of this issue. I think you established a new level of respect from Frank and devotion from Sue by doing so.
BTW, you aught to start a new thread entitled The Wedding [or] First anniversary
Cheers, Harry
  • #174
Harry2614 said:
All very good. I am glad that it went well. I expected that you would agree to the 2 days since there was no intended deception. I wonder, though did it come up in the discussion that April 14th. would be their 1 year anniversary? and what do you think of it being a whole year that they, Sue and Frank, have been fucking? Is that longer than She was sexual with Don or Brad? I do remember that Brad came back into town for one last Fling, after she had already started with Don. Am I right that that would have been about one year from the beginning with Brad ?
Anyway, Congratulations for showing strength in calling the meeting and clarification of this issue. I think you established a new level of respect from Frank and devotion from Sue by doing so.
BTW, you aught to start a new thread entitled The Wedding [or] First anniversary
Cheers, Harry

Frank doesn't know that Steve Knows it's their 1 year anniversary. Steve couldn't bring that up!
  • #175
i guess that you are happy about letting her go for the two days and as you said in your post YOU want her to be his for the weekend and are you going to ask her to leave her rings with you for the wedding yes frank is so happy becouse in his mind he can take her as his own for that time he may not say it but he is thinking it as most of us would so keep s posted.
  • #176

Cuck-Rick said:
Frank doesn't know that Steve Knows it's their 1 year anniversary. Steve couldn't bring that up!

Rick: You are right. He couldn't bring it out in the discussion last night, and I didn't expect him to bring it up with both Frank and Sue's in the room, however, He can ask Sue and when he does, her reaction will let him know if it was already in her thinking as, at least, part of the importance of the wedding 'date'.
She may have pointed it out to Frank even before Frank asked Steve if he could take Sue to the wedding. It's not likely that Frank kept track of how long he has been having sex with Sue, but women remember things like that. So if Steve asked Sue if the 14th is an important date, she would know.
  • #177
Well, she's at Franks now and I'm home horny as hell even with her blowjob last night!

Dana - I haven't decided on the whole ring-thing yet. I've sort of cooled on that idea. But I can't say that it doesn't turn me on to think about....

Harry - I don't want to really mention it to Sue as I don't really want her thinking that I'm keeping track of all of this stuff. She hasn't mentioned it - and definitely as Rick said, so far, their prior time together hasn't come up, fortunately.

Gotta run - getting the bbq revved up for when she texts me that she's on her way.
  • #178
Other than the bj yesterday did she keep herself clean all week?
  • #179
When she denies frank next week will she make you wait too?
  • #180
SoonToBe said:
Harry. I don't want to really mention it to Sue as I don't really want her thinking that I'm keeping track of all of this stuff. She hasn't mentioned it, and definitely as Rick said, so far, their prior time together hasn't come up, fortunately.

I understand.
At some time in the future, (their prior time) is bound to come out in some way that you knew before the 3-some stage. It could be explained that at sometime before then, to avoid you finding out and being mad at her, Sue confessed to you about her affair with Frank and your response was to ask to be included. That would bring it up to when the 3-some started. He understands now, that you like sharing Sue as a "hot wife," so then it all would be in the open. Then Frank would not have to worry that he had caused Sue to "cheat" on you back then.
Just a thought of how you could ease Frank's mind even more than you have already.
Cheers, Harry

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