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Wife has a boyfriend, keeps me in diapers

  • Thread startermsbevw
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  • #101
SquirmingSub said:
@msbevw - what have you and Linda decided on?
Linda and I have agreed to suspend our lifestyle of cuckolding by Linda and Tom and my baby status and return to a more normal life during our daughter’s (Kim) stay with us. She will be staying with us for 2 weeks. During this time, it is agreed that…

1. I will be diapered only at bedtime, not during the daytime while Kim is around.

2. I will return to sleeping in the master bedroom and the nursery door will remain closed.

3. I will refrain from any baby activity in front of Kim.

4. Linda and Tom will refrain from showing any signs of intimacy in front of Kim.

5. Linda may visit Tom at his residence during mornings.

Kim is in the habit of sleeping until noon and staying up late. This will allow Linda to be out of the house in the morning and not be observed or missed by Kim. At times I may be requested to go to Tom’s house also.

I think we have a working solution that will allow us to privately indulge in our lifestyle choices while keeping it out of Kim’s view. It will be interesting to see how well it works.
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  • #102
msbevw said:
Linda and I have agreed to suspend our lifestyle of cuckolding by Linda and Tom and my baby status and return to a more normal life during our daughter’s (Kim) stay with us. She will be staying with us for 2 weeks. During this time, it is agreed that…

1. I will be diapered only at bedtime, not during the daytime while Kim is around.

2. I will return to sleeping in the master bedroom and the nursery door will remain closed.

3. I will refrain from any baby activity in front of Kim.

4. Linda and Tom will refrain from showing any signs of intimacy in front of Kim.

5. Linda may visit Tom at his residence during mornings.

Kim is in the habit of sleeping until noon and staying up late. This will allow Linda to be out of the house in the morning and not be observed or missed by Kim. At times I may be requested to go to Tom’s house also.

I think we have a working solution that will allow us to privately indulge in our lifestyle choices while keeping it out of Kim’s view. It will be interesting to see how well it works.

Sounds like a workable temporary solutions for the 2-weeks.
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  • #103
SquirmingSub said:
Sounds like a workable temporary solutions for the 2-weeks.
I agree with SquirmingSub — sounds good to me also.
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  • #104
[QUOTE = "Custer Laststand, message: 1091365, membre: 516235"]
Je suis d'accord avec SquirmingSub - ça me semble bien aussi.

oui je pense aussi que pendant deux semaines
Cela devrait faire l'affaire

mais j'espère que tant que les deux semaines seront terminées, que Tom remet le bébé en place et dans les couches
pour tom et linda

félicitations à vous trois

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  • #105
sissybbstephanie said:
[QUOTE = "Custer Laststand, message: 1091365, membre: 516235"]
Je suis d'accord avec SquirmingSub - ça me semble bien aussi.

oui je pense aussi que pendant deux semaines
Cela devrait faire l'affaire

mais j'espère que tant que les deux semaines seront terminées, que Tom remet le bébé en place et dans les couches
pour tom et linda

félicitations à vous trois

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  • #106
msbevw said:

of nothing with pleasure
this is normal

but it and obvious to all of us that you have to get back in the diaper as soon as possible

for your own sake, and tom’s and your wife’s, it and easier for you 3 if you keep your baby diaper place

for their couple

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  • #107
@sissybbstephanie - Google Translate Worked Well On That One :)

Indeed, I think it will be a good of a strange feeling for the married couple to be back into the master bedroom for the two weeks although if going back to the perception of 'traditional' is what is needed for the short term, I believe that your correct in that when the two weeks are finished that Linda and Tom should put things back to what had become the norm.

Linda, Tom and BabyBev will also need to get back to their norm as soon as possible. On the flip side, this could be a place for a reset, although it is a bandaid for dealing with things now and gives everyone a little more time to determine if they are going to be more open in the future.
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  • #108
Linda and Kim stay up later then me. By 10:00 I'm ready to go to bed while they will sit up talking till midnight. That's when Linda goes to bed and Kim stays up for another hour or two and sleeps until noon.
When I head to bed, now in the master bed after months of sleeping my my baby bed in the nursery, Linda follows me into the bedroom and diapers me for the night. I stayed in the diaper until we hear Kim starting to wake up, then I get out of the diaper and shower and dress for the day. So last night I was in that diaper for 14 hours. It was really soaked and sagging when I took it off. Linda wasn't here to take it off because she went over to Tom's place as soon as she got up. She just can't stay away from him too long.
Tom is planning on coming over and having dinner with us so he can meet Kim. This should be interesting!
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  • #109
[QUOTE = "SquirmingSub, message: 1091616, membre: 589419"]
[USER = 709874] @sissybbstephanie [/ USER] - Google Translate a bien fonctionné sur celui-là :)

En effet, je pense que ce sera un sentiment étrange que le couple marié soit de retour dans la chambre principale pour les deux semaines, bien que si je reviens à la perception du «traditionnel», c'est ce qui est nécessaire à court terme, je crois que vous avez raison en ce que lorsque les deux semaines sont terminées, Linda et Tom devraient remettre les choses à ce qui était devenu la norme.

Linda, Tom et BabyBev devront également revenir à leur norme dès que possible. D'un autre côté, cela pourrait être un endroit pour une réinitialisation, bien qu'il s'agisse d'un pansement pour gérer les choses maintenant et donne à chacun un peu plus de temps pour déterminer si elles vont être plus ouvertes à l'avenir.
oui je dois traduire mon texte désolé, je ne parle pas assez de desoles anglaises
Oui, je pense aussi que cela peut être bon pour les 3 personnes.
Pour qu'il puisse également être sûr de leur place dans la relation, mais à mon avis le rôle de bébé et assez clair pour Tom et Linda, il n'y a que le bébé qui n'est pas encore sûr de cet endroit mais à mon avis après ces deux semaines, il demandera à Tom lui-même de le mettre dans les couches et bébé, car il va le manquer pendant les deux semaines, c'est la couche
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  • #110
So true sissybbstephanie, so true!
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  • #111
[QUOTE = "msbevw, message: 1091617, membre: 699108"]
Linda et Kim restent debout plus tard que moi. À 10h00, je suis prêt à aller me coucher pendant qu'ils s'asseyent jusqu'à minuit. C'est alors que Linda se couche et que Kim reste debout pendant encore une heure ou deux et dort jusqu'à midi.
Quand je me dirige vers le lit, maintenant dans le lit principal après avoir dormi pendant des mois dans mon lit de bébé dans la pépinière, Linda me suit dans la chambre et me couche pour la nuit. Je suis resté dans la couche jusqu'à ce que nous entendions Kim commencer à se réveiller, puis je sors de la couche et je me douche et m'habille pour la journée. Hier soir, j'étais dans cette couche pendant 14 heures. Il était vraiment trempé et s'affaissait quand je l'ai enlevé. Linda n'était pas là pour l'enlever car elle est allée chez Tom dès qu'elle s'est levée. Elle ne peut tout simplement pas rester trop longtemps loin de lui.
Tom prévoit de venir et de dîner avec nous pour qu'il puisse rencontrer Kim. Cela devrait être intéressant!
Lui et voyant que linda veut vraiment avoir Tom comme homme et vous avoir comme bébé.

La chose la plus difficile pour vous sera finalement de demander à Tom d'être votre papa et enfin de vous mettre dans vos chaussures de bébé et votre couche, et de vous traiter comme un vrai bébé.

Parce qu'au fond vous aimez vraiment cet endroit et vous voulez que Tom le fasse et vous traite comme un bébé et mette vos couches
  • #112
@sissybbstephanie - I know the feeling, I do translation from French to English often for professional reasons as I work with some clients that are french only. Nothing to be sorry about, I personally like French - Google Translate is my friend :)

I would agree with you that Tom and Linda know how they feel about each other and it would seem that they both would prefer to be out in the open with their relationship as a couple. Even if they never open up about baby in diapers, they need to be free to be themselves.
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  • #113
[QUOTE = "SquirmingSub, message: 1091626, membre: 589419"]
[USER = 709874] @sissybbstephanie [/ USER] - Je connais le sentiment, je fais de la traduction du français vers l'anglais souvent pour des raisons professionnelles car je travaille avec des clients qui sont uniquement français. Rien à redire, j'aime personnellement le français - Google Translate est mon ami:)

Je serais d'accord avec vous que Tom et Linda savent ce qu'ils ressentent l'un envers l'autre et il semblerait qu'ils préfèrent tous les deux parler ouvertement de leur relation de couple. Même s'ils ne parlent jamais de bébé dans les couches, ils doivent être libres d'être eux-mêmes.
oui comme tu dis googler et mon ami oui je pense que tu as si raison, ils doivent aussi être libres dans la relation, le bébé le voulait aussi maintenant il doit aussi accepter que ça devienne réel et qu'ils veulent aussi qu'ils deviennent le bébé de la maison.
comme ça et cet endroit, et je pense qu'une fois que cela acceptea le bébé sera aussi le plus heureux dans cette relation, et que Tom et Linda seront également heureux

merci d'avoir compris aussi que je parle français
  • #114
et presque triste que tom ou linda ne viennent jamais au compte ou nous les comptons pour partager aussi leurs sentiments à tous les deux
  • #115

I would agree with you that Tom and Linda know how they feel about each other and it seems that they both prefer to talk openly about their relationship. Even if they never talk about babies in diapers, they should be free to be themselves.
yes as you say googling and my friend yes i think you are so right, they must also be free in the relationship, the baby wanted it too now he must also accept that it becomes real and that they also want them to become the baby of the house.
like this and this place, and I think that once that accepts the baby will also be the happiest in this relationship, and that Tom and Linda will also be happy

thank you for also understanding that i speak french
and almost sad that tom or linda never come to the account or we count them to also share their feelings to both of them
sissybbstephanie and squirmingsub

I'm not sure that I am ready for Linda and Tom to bet open to everyone about their relationship. I am not ready for people to know. I guess I will see what happens when they are around Kim and if she picks up on anything. I'm sure if she does she will say something to her mother when they are alone.
thanks for the input and replies.
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  • #116
[QUOTE = "msbevw, message: 1091639, membre: 699108"]

Je serais d'accord avec vous que Tom et Linda savent ce qu'ils pensent l'un de l'autre et il semble qu'ils préfèrent tous les deux parler ouvertement de leur relation. Même s'ils ne parlent jamais de bébés dans des couches, ils devraient être libres d'être eux-mêmes.
oui comme vous dites googler et mon ami oui je pense que vous avez raison, ils doivent aussi être libres dans la relation, le bébé le voulait aussi maintenant il doit aussi accepter que cela devienne réel et qu'ils veulent aussi qu'ils deviennent le bébé de la maison.
comme ça et cet endroit, et je pense qu'une fois que cela acceptera le bébé sera aussi le plus heureux dans cette relation, et que Tom et Linda seront également heureux

merci de comprendre aussi que je parle francais
et presque triste que tom ou linda ne viennent jamais au compte ou nous les comptons pour partager également leurs sentiments à tous les deux
sissybbstephanie et squirmingsub

Je ne suis pas sûr d'être prêt à ce que Linda et Tom parient ouverts à tous sur leur relation. Je ne suis pas prêt à ce que les gens sachent. Je suppose que je vais voir ce qui se passe quand ils sont autour de Kim et si elle découvre quelque chose. Je suis sûr que si elle le fait, elle dira quelque chose à sa mère quand elle sera seule.
merci pour la contribution et les réponses.

oui pour le moment il est clair que le bébé et les couches ne doivent rester entre vous que 3.
Il faut déjà avoir l'habitude d'être un bébé qui devienne Tom et aussi Linda.
La première a choisi de faire et de parler directement à Tom je pense et lui dis que tu veux être le bébé de la maison devant lui, mais que ça doit rester entre toi 3 pour le moment, et que si ça reste comme ça pour le moment vous souhaitez votre bébé et sa couche pour lui
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  • #117
One good thing that has come out of being back in our master bed is it has given Linda and I a chance to talk when we first wake up. We laid in bed next to each other, me in a wet diaper and her in a nightgown, and talked freely. She loves teasing me about being a sissy baby and wearing a soaking wet diaper while laying her bed, as she refers to it now.

We talked about what’s going on. She tells me she misses being in bed with Tom. I asked how open she wants to be with our lifestyles. She tells me that she plans on sharing her relationship progress with her friend Julie soon. They have been friends for over 20 years so it should be alright to let Julie in on her having a lover. She’s not planning on telling anyone else right now, but as she and Tom are more publicly open about being together it will become more publicly noticed and she might be ****** to let others in on it.

As for my baby lifestyle, that will remain private as long as I keep it inside the house. However, if I allow it to become something I do outside, like playing in the yard or going to parks or walking around wearing a noticeable diaper, then she says that she will feel free to also talk openly about it to others.

She is not planning on telling our kids about either of these things. However, if Kim picks up on her relationship with Tom when he is around, she feels that she will need to be honest with Kim and tell her whatever Kim wants to know. This scares me a lot. I’m afraid that Tom will try to sneak in a kiss or touch that could be witnessed by Kim and then it will all come out. A part of me thinks that Tom would love to have it discovered so he could be open with Linda in front of Kim. Linda agreed with me that she could see Tom doing this as well. And if Tom was able to be totally open about his sexual relationship with Linda, how long would it be before he started showing him being a daddy figure to me in front of Kim?
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  • #118
Il y a une bonne longueur d'avance pour dormir dans le même lit que votre maman, c'était bien que vous soyez dans votre couche, il n'y a aucun risque que vous essayiez des choses pour adultes qui ne sont pas votre âge de bébé.
Et comme ça, Tom doit également être satisfait que cette petite amie ne soit pas dérangée par le bébé poule mouillée de la maison et de la chatte et reste libre et propre pour Tom

il est normal de penser que si vous sortez avec vos canapés et faites des choses comme un bébé, Linda doit avoir le droit à la fin d'en parler et de montrer que vous êtes le bébé poule mouillée de la maison en devenant Tom ou autre les gens là-bas, c'est vous maintenant qui pouvez décider si vous voulez vraiment ça pour vous et Tom et Linda Je pense que Tom serait plus qu'heureux que vous choisissiez finalement le lieu de bébé poule mouillée de la maison et deveniez Tom et je pense que vous voulez vraiment

  • #119
So far Tom has only been over here once since Kim has been back and staying with us. However, Linda has gone over to his place almost every morning to be with him. this morning she woke up and slipped a dress over her naked body and was out the door in under 2 minutes.
There's been talk of him coming over this afternoon and staying until bedtime as I grill out and we party on the patio. That would mean Kim being around Tom and Linda for several hours while the beer is flowing freely. I'm afraid of how they will act when they loosen up.
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  • #120
As previously posted, it would seem that that three of you have found a temporary solution although it is clear that it is not a solution that could be a permanent solution. Even as a temporary solution, while it has had some positives, it is shown that Linda and Tom can not restrain themselves for two weeks.

It was good to head that you and Linda have had more chances to speak in the morning when you first wake up. I am sure that you have enjoyed the fact that you and Linda have integrated the diapers and that you are both comfortable with them being part of your norm together. It is good that she seems to love teasing you about being a sissy baby and okay with you having a wet diaper in the morning when you wake in the mornings.

As the relationship has evolved between Tom and Linda, along with their acceptance of your role within the marriage; it is understandable that Linda would have a growing connection with Tom as her lover, her primary partner. I remember the day when my prior wife come out to me that she wanted to come out to her close friend about her having a regular lover; so I can understand Linda's desire to open up to her long time friend Julie about Tom. While you said that Linda isn't planning on telling anyone else right now, you are on point that the more open that Linda and Tom are more publicly open about being together, being open with others will come naturally, not ******. While you say that Linda is not planning on telling your adult children, it could eventually become inevitable and it would be best for them to hear it from her than from anyone else.

As you mentioned in your post, Linda has acknowledged that she would be honest with Kim about her connection with Tom if she wanted to know. Kim may not ask her mom directly, especially if she believes that her mom, your wife is having an affair without your knowledge. You say that it scares you a lot, what should scare you more is that Kim would not go to Linda, instead she may seek counsel for others (ie others outside of your immediate circle).

With that said, it would seem that Linda and Tom have already set forth a scenario were it is possible that they would be witnessed by Kim, essentially forcing the issue of coming out as a couple. Yes I think your correct in that NOT only Tom, but Tom and Linda as a couple would love to be discovered so that they can become more open about their relationship. I know that your concerned about Tom openly showing a role as a 'daddy figure' in front of Kim; your mentioned that Linda was the one that did not want to come out about your Baby Bev side, so while it is possible that Tom would begin to display as more head of the household as Linda's primary partner/lover; it is possible that the three of you could continue to keep your baby lifestyle as private as you three desire.

You have mentioned a few times about playing out in the yard, going to the public park and generally walking about without hiding the diaper. Deep down, do you desire for the Baby Lifestyle to be more public?
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