1573234c64095f96308f000d7f40231a.27~2.jpgGloria had married Jake at the age of 18, as a virgin. Jake was a 49 yr old Canadian ex-pat working for an international engineering firm on govnt highways projects. They met at church. She was very religious, a good Catholic girl. He was less so but enjoyed the weekly open air services where there were always nice polite women to meet. He had hoped to find some frustrated spinsters or widows for some regular sex after a friend had found such luck.

Indeed it was so. His charm and good looks worked and over several years he found that even the most conservative Filipinas have a hot pussy just waiting for a big white cock to use it and fill. He managed to spread the legs of no less than 5 women before he eyed Gloria, a picture of innocent Pinay beauty. No more than 4ft 7ins, slim and angelic, she triggered that fatherly sexual instinct in many men.

Jake new she'd not be up for casual sex but he made friends with her in any case. In fact he fell in love and proposed marriage. He figured he'd like a family and someone to care for him in older age. Her father was delighted to have a secure future for his daughter with this 49 yr old Canadian who was 11 yrs older than himself.

Given she was a virgin, whereas Jake had been fucking around the flesh pots of Asia for 23 years, he became not only the master in their marriage but the teacher and master in their bedroom. Her mother had already instructed her that pleasing her husband in bed was one of her main duties and that she should follow his teachings and never refuse his wishes.

And so it was that Jake indulged in the delights of instructing a young girl into his sexual ways. She learnt to massage his penis and balls like an expert, give blow jobs like a pro. She learnt that Jake enjoys cumming across her face, a kind of blessing. All these things she became expert at and enjoyed, knowing that it pleased her husband. In fact she came to be fond of his penis and balls, often talking with them as playmates.

But when it came to fucking, Gloria entered another world. She wanted babies of course and she was looking forward to making some. In fact she would go on to produce 8. But she had never realised that sex could be so pleasurable for a woman. Initially it was a struggle for her small frame and pussy to accommodate Jake. He towered over her at 6ft 2ins and weighed 15.5 stones to her 6.75. But the biggest surprise for her was his cock. At 8.5 ins long and 2.5 ins wide it was a challenge for any woman but for Gloria it seemed a monster.

Nevertheless, Jake knew how to prepare a vagina for his cock and made love to her so well that Gloria was soon finding his cock to be source of endless pleasure orgasms. She couldn't believe how it filled her and how satisfied she felt submitting her body to Jake. She became convinced their sex was graced by God for it to be so good. She started to live for it, eager for the next opportunity for Jake to penetrate her pussy and fill her vagina with fertile sperm.

As the years went by and the family expanded she didn’t lose her desire. In fact it grew more intense. She started to hunger for sex. She'd wear sexy underwear for Jake and discovered the courage to say words in bed she'd never imagined.... Cock, pussy, cunt, fuck, cum. However, as she entered her 30s and approached her sexual peak, Jake was entering his mid 60s and starting to lose his sexual energy. Whereas before he could satisfy his wife twice daily, he could manage only once max and his cum was just a small trickle. By the time she was 41,he was 72 and his performance and endurance was not enough to satisfy Gloria's insatiable sexual hunger.

She was a good wife and never complained about it. Jake had taught her to masturbate as a show for him and as part of their love making. But her upbringing had instilled a belief that as a solo pleasure it was looked down on by the church. So her sexual pressure rose.

Jake was aware and appreciative of his wife's needs and frustrations. He loved her so much he decided to find a way ahead which would relieve her sexual frustration. He had a plan.... <contd in Chapter 2, soon>

Ch. 02

Jake had realised in recent years that whilst his sexual appetite and intensity of performance had been weakening with age (he was now 71), his wife's had continued to gather strength. Although a shy virgin on their wedding night 22 years ago, she had learnt to love sex with her husband, her master, her teacher. She bathed in the sexual aura of God's blessing, and eight births later had become a sexual being. She was as skilled as any ***** her husband had used in over 50 years and had multiple orgasms when riding him. The problem was, though, that whereas Jake was happy to fuck once or twice a week, Gloria felt hot for sex multiple times a day and was still fit and strong enough.

Gloria was faithful and endured her frustrations, keeping busy with chores and family activities. Jake however knew how she must be feeling and wanted to make his wife happy. He had thought it through over many months and finally satisfied himself that there was only one way. He would have to find lovers for his wife to keep her sexual energy satiated.

Jake knew that he would have to work carefully to make his young wife feel comfortable and secure with idea of taking another man into their bed. It was something he knew would fly in the face of every moral and religious value she had come to obey and believe in. Much more than his own re-assurance, and her own comfort, this would depend upon such a move being acceptable from her religion's point of view. So that is where Jake would start his plan - at church. Jake knew the local priest very well. He enjoyed a quiet drink with him on the odd evening, when they discussed charitable projects which Jake contributed his organizational skills to. Of course, he took confessions from both him and his wife. He felt this would be a safe place to start.

Next Sunday after church, he told Gloria she could get on back home with the family (she still had six at home) whilst he wanted to discuss some projects with the priest. She agreed of course, understanding that the men needed to have their time. Jake shared a coffee with Father Michael and talk about a few mundane aspects of church and community life. Then Jake changed topic and asked Father Michael if he could raise a delicate personal issue. At first the priest reminded Jake that confession is the appropriate way to express any misgivings about his behaviors. But Jake re-assured him that it was not an issue of misbehavior - more like failed behavior. And so he explained that He was failing as a husband to fulfil his husbandly duties to his wife in the intimate sense, because of his age. The priest expressed his appreciation of how difficult this must be and re-assured Jake that it is indeed not an uncommon situation in the Philippines, when young woman marry much older men, for the marital bed to go cold at some point.

Jake nodded his appreciation of the comfortable words of Father Michael, but explained that he was becoming aware of the emotional and psychological effects on his wife, and therefore also on all the household who depend upon her emotional stability. He felt that this was not simply a matter of physical love fading away as a loving memory. Jake felt he wife could become ill as a result and was desperate to find a solution. He explained that he had visited the doctor and tried various medications and herbal concoctions, but to no avail - his virility would not return - whereas he knew that his wife had probably reached her peak of desire for carnal pleasure. Then he looked up at Father Michael, sheepishly, and asked if he had ever heard of couples coming to an arrangement to get help via a third person. There was a silence. Father Michael then placed his hand on Jake's shoulder and said "You are a very thoughtful and brave man my son. To consider sacrificing the sanctity of your marriage in such a way, so as to care for your wife's welfare and therefore your whole family." Jake was taken aback by the priest's compassionate response to his dilemma and looked up into his eyes. The priest had a warm half smile, a re-assuring and very comforting look. Jake expressed some confusion and hope in his eyes.

Father Michael then said: "My son, you know the Lord forbids either a husband or his wife to commit adultery. However, the Lord above all desires that you are happy and self-sacrificing in your love for each other. In that regard He passes judgement to his disciples on earth as to whether a husband or wife is genuine and self-sacrificing in his love, in order to maintain the security of the marriage and the family." Jake was wondering where this was going but felt a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe...... The priest then looked carefully into Jakes eyes and change the subject. "By the way my son, I wanted to ask you, with all your experience and training, whether you might be willing to offer some time voluntarily to oversee the design and contracting of our new community services hall. We now have raised an adequate sum to go ahead but unfortunately we can not afford professional services. I wonder, would you? Oh forgive me, I forgot, of course, if you feel your wife would also need some re-assurance on the matter you mentioned, then please invite her to consult me whenever she wishes. I will be pleased to explain to her how the church is always looking for compassionate women to offer their services to comfort lonely men in the community."

At this Jake's eyes widened in disbelief at what he imagined he was hearing. Was the priest offering himself as a 'third person' or was he indicating that he could find such a 'third person' who could benefit from his wife's charms? So he sought to clarify.

"Oh yes Father of course. So, you know of men whose loneliness is of a kind that would benefit from the closeness of a wife such as mine, who would feel fulfilled at being able to offer her companionship and compassion?"

A moment of silence, and then "Yes indeed my son. There are sadly many such men, and women in fact. Poor souls who have never married for one reason or another, yet still need the comforts of a close relationship. And other, younger ones who are outcasts because of their skin color, such as our black brethren. There surely are many such individuals who wish, need to both give and receive personal comforts. Jake's heart skipped a beat. The plan was taking shape.

Filipina wife serving the Lord - Chapter 3

On return home Jake took his lovely wife aside and could tell she was horny by the way she pushed her arse back into his hands and turned to kiss him. They kissed and felt each other up and found their way into the bedroom where, they quickly removed most of their clothes. But whereas Gloria was already wet, Jake had hardly a half erection. Gloria tried her best, going down on her knees to suck him and fondle her balls, telling him how her hungry cunt wants to feel him deep inside. But nothing worked - Jake just couldn't get hard. It seemed as if his apparatus was close to retirement. She was as sweet as always, telling him not to worry, that she loves him so much. He did lick her pussy and brought her to orgasm, but Jake knew she craved a big cock to fuck her hard and deep. He was worried that if this continued for long she could get ill. A woman as highly sexed as Gloria needs cock as much as a man needs pussy. He knew she was too loyal, devoted and religious to ever think of finding sex outside of their marriage, let alone do it. But as they lay there in the afterglow, Jake reflected on the priest's words and took the opportunity to initiate his plan.

He mentioned that he had spoken confidentially to the priest about his problem and his concern for her, and that the priest had expressed sympathy. Jake then told Gloria that maybe they should visit the priest together to seek advice and comfort. Gloria was confused at this. What is he worried about? Why should we talk about it with the priest? Why has her husband been talking with the priest about their intimate relationship? Jake explained that his concern was for her welfare. He loved her and wanted her to be happy. He had taught her everything about sex and knew how much she enjoyed it, needed it. But now he could not deliver on his marital responsibilities. Jake reflected that there are sadly many husbands who find themselves without a sex life because their wife has lost desire, and as a man he knew how damaging this can be for a man's prestige and emotional an physical health. So he knew that his wife may be in a similar situation, and so he wanted to look for a way to solve this threat to her welfare and even a threat to their marriage.

Gloria, being a respectful and obedient wife agreed with her husband's wishes. He arranged for them to meet the priest after mass next Sunday, and mentioned to the priest that he fully wishes the priest to introduce his wife to the concept of seeking physical fulfilment outside of their marriage, with the blessing of the church. Gloria was nervous as they sat in the priest's consultation room and drank tea. She had both of her master's present - her husband and God's representative in the church. There could barely have been a more intimidating scene for her .... in a very respectful way. She was nervous. Jake, on the other hand, was excited......

Filipina wife serving the Lord - Chapter 4

"So my daughter Gloria, bless you for following the guidance of your husband and coming here to discuss your problem."
"I understand that this is a difficult problem to discuss even with your husband, let alone someone else. But remember my child, we are in the presence of the Lord, to whom all things are known. It is his will that brought your husband, and now you, to seek the Lord's advice. I am here to guide you in receiving his wisdom, indeed his will. For let us not forget, we are all here to serve the Lord in whatever way he commands. Do you understand my dear?"
"Yes of course, Father, but ......... but ....."
"But what my child, what is concerning you?"
"Well, Father, I don't know what is this problem which you speak of? My husband and I are so happy, truly. I try to serve him as a good wife, always. Have I sinned in some way?"
"Oh no my dear, it is not that kind of problem at all. You have not sinned. Your husband has been very clear in his love and respect for you. It is because of his love that he has sought my help. You see Gloria, your husband fears that you are in danger to your health and wellbeing. And if this is so, then of course you will be unable to care for your family and fulfil the wishes of our most gracious Lord. Let me be sensitive but frank with my words. My child, it is the Lord's expectation that in marriage a wife fulfils her duty to her husband in many ways, in the home, with the family and with her husband's comforts, include his physical needs. Clearly you have fulfilled your duty in bring eight new souls into the world. However, it is also a husband's duty to meet the physical needs of his wife."
Gloria looked at Jake and back at the Priest - both were smiling. "Father, Jake is a good husband to me. He has has worked hard, earnt us enough money for comforts, fathered a family for us and .... loves me in every way. I am fulfilled."
"My dear, I have no doubt that you are telling the truth as far as you see it. However, the Lord intended that love in a marriage is expressed at the deepest level and that this should be the case so long as the husband or wife have a need for deep physical love. My dear, your loving husband has told me that, due to his age he is now less capable, maybe incapable, of meeting your deepest womanly passions, your physical needs. Furthermore he believes that there is a growing gap between your needs and his abilities to fulfil them. Gloria my child, be aware, you are in the presence of the Lord and so you must speak honestly as you would in Confession. Now tell me child, do you experience physical desires that go deeper and beyond the attentions of your husband?"
Gloria looked at Jake, who nodded his head with a smile. She looked back at the Priest, bit her lip and nodded. "My dear, please speak openly, don't be shy, there is no need to be embarrassed or ashamed. Now tell me about these desires. Do you feel them often, every day?"
"Yes Father, I do"
"And when child? In the morning, evening, night?"
There was a pause while Gloria considered not telling the truth and then recalled the Priests reminder that the Lord is present. She could not possibly lie.
"Always Father. Morning, afternoon, evening and night" She lowered her head in shame. Jake reached out for her hand to reassure her of his support.
"And my dear, when you feel this desire and it is not fulfilled, what do you do?"
"Nothing Father. I just turn my attention to my chores"
"This is not good my child. The Lord intended that these needs should be met by your husband and that each day, if necessary you should be relieved of the desire. Just as a man can be driven to violent behaviour if his carnal desires are not satisfied by his wife, a woman too can be inclined to madness and illness if these tensions are allowed to build up over time. My dear, do you feel stressed at night, do you have symptoms of stress? Headaches, cramps, emotional instability, shortness of temper, indulgence in sweet foods ..... maybe even have you found your attention drawn to male images on the television, or even handsome and strong men in the street or in shops?"

Gloria looked fearful and turned to her husband. Jake just smiled, nodded his head and held her hand firmly. "Sweetheart, please tell Father honestly, don't be frightened. I love you."

"Well yes, I do feel stressed and have headaches. And I am more ill tempered with family issues, sometimes shouting and I regret that,"

"I understand my child, I am sure you do not mean to act like that. But this is not good for you. And tell us also, do you find your attention drawn to other men sometimes? Be honest my dear, it's important to reveal all to your Lord and husband. There is nothing to fear. You are a woman and no one expects you to be perfect"

Again Gloria looked into Jakes eyes for help, for comfort, almost for forgiveness. He smiled.

"Yes. I do"

"My dear? Speak clearly please"

"Yes I do see others. Other men"

"Where do you see these men?"

"On television, in shops, on the street,,,, everywhere" Gloria looked down in shame and began to cry, sobbing into a tissue. Jake gave her a hug and stroked her hair.

"Gloria, my child, please don't be afraid or ashamed. These feelings you experience.... they are a sign from our Lord. We must understand them and then decide how to act upon what he is trying to tell you. Tell me my child, when you see men, what are your feelings, what are you thinking? Do you notice how they look in any way? How do they make you feel?"

"I, I .... don't know how to say. I just feel good inside. I notice their shape maybe? Their face. Sometimes I want to say hello, maybe.... touch"

"Touch my child? Touch how? Their hand)

"Just touch their face, their body. I feel warm inside, dizzy"

"My dear, when this happens, do you wish to spend time with your husband in your marital bed?"

"Yes, I do. But ....." She sobs again.

"My dear it is understandable. You need feel no shame." Then looking at both Jake and Gloria.... "So, it is clear to me what is happening here. Jake you are a good husband and made your precious wife pregnant eight times. You have done your duty and the Lord is proud of you. And maybe now it is time to rest. However, it is clear that the Lord intends for your sweet wife to continue to offer herself to the needs of others. This is why Gloria is feeling these emotions and physical attractions. The Lord intends that she uses her beautiful body to fulfil the desires of men. Since this can not be you Jake, then the Lord wishes for it to be other men whom Gloria serves in this way."

Gloria looked shocked, turning from one to the other, with a questioning face. What can the Priest mean? Surely not what she thinks?

Filipina wife serving the Lord - Chapter 5

Gloria waited patiently for the Priest to explain. What could he mean?

"My dear, normally at your age, after raising a family, the carnal desires start to retreat, along with your husband. But sometimes the Lord wishes our blessed wives to follow a different path, to use their beautiful, attractive bodies for a different purpose. He chooses only the most beautiful and holy women, those who are pure in the soul, for the pathway he has chosen for you requires a strong faith"

"What is this pathway Father?"

"Gloria my child, the Lord has given you strong desires for men, because he wishes that you care for lonely men in our community, emotionally ....... and physically. For you to do this, he is providing you with a desire deep in your body and soul, a desire to help men. This is why you are attracted to so many men - because the Lord wants you to help them. And so, to ease your tensions, to calm your life and bring harmony into your family, we must help you. We have known for many many generations that the good Lord works in many ways and this includes the pathway he has chosen for you. You are blessed my child. He chooses only the most beautiful women for this heavy responsibility, only those who have already proven themselves as honourable in marriage, already produced offspring for him and are our of heart and able to withstand the emotional temptations."

"Your pathway my dear is to use your kindness and your body to care for lonely men who have physical and emotional needs but no outlet, hence creating great stress in their hearts and tensions in their body. This is not good for them or the community. We must calm their tensions and the Lord is offering you my dear to channel their needs. In this way these men will not be tempted to go to the whores on the street for relief. By directing them to you instead, the Lord will be removing temptation from young women to go down that path instead pf marriage."

Gloria was looking shocked at the Priest's words and turned to Jake for help in explaing what he really meant. But no alternative words were forthcoming from her husband who just smiled.

At this point the Priest pulled open a drawer from his desk and withdrew a brown envelope. He took out what looked like some photographs and said "Gloria, I want you to look at these photos for a few minutes".

The photos were of a collection of men, dressed smartly, some with jackets. All were clean shaven, four with vey short hair, one bald and one with quite long hair to his shoulders. One of the men was a black man, a very handsome black man, maybe 30 years old. Another, with light brown skin, and long hair, seemed in his 20s. The others were white men and seemed to be in their 40s and 50s, maybe 60s, she guessed. After a few minutes she felt sensations run through her body. Her nipples were hardening. She felt a familiar swelling and dampness under her panties. She was getting turned on, and felt uncomfortable with it.

"What do you think of these men Gloria?"

"Well father, they are very nice normal men I would guess. Are they part of our community?"

"Yes dear, they are. How do they make you feel, honestly?"

Gloria knew how she felt, but surely she could not admit this? The Priest asked again and reminded her to be honest in the presence of the Lord.

"I, I .... I feel warm inside Father. I feel that I want to touch these men."

"Do they make you want the closeness of your husband? Or do they make you want closeness with them?"

Gloria felt deeply embarrassed in front of her husband and looked at him for support. He smiled, nodded and said "It's alright my love. You can, you must speak openly and honestly"

"I feel... I want to be close to them Father. Each of them."

"Then so it shall be my child. These men are all in need of your care. The black man has suffered isolation an discrimination because of his skin colour. Two of the older men have lost their wives in untimely deaths. Another older man has been without his wife since she ran away with another man. The young man with long hair has been saved from drug addiction. And one of the older men has been the sad victim of addiction with whores. They all need emotional care and love, together with an outlet for their physical desires. It is by helping these men that you can start to fulfil the Lord's wishes and his plan for you. Are you ready my dear?"

Gloria was dumbstruck but feeling an increasing wetness seeping into her panties and her nipples felt like marbles. The prospect of giving her body to these men suddenly felt natural and acceptable. If this was really what was expected of her then how can she refuse. She nodded, without expression.

"Very well. Let it be so. The Lord is already smiling on you my dear. You are blessed. I will make arrangements with your husband for you to meet the first of your patients next Sunday, after mass. God bless you my child."

Filipina wife serving the Lord - Chapter 6

The week felt long. Jake and Gloria tried to behave normally, working, doing chores. But both were thinking through the discussion with their priest and thinking about the forthcoming Sunday when Gloria was to meet and take care of the first of her patients, as the priest referred to them.

The priest had given them photos of the men so Gloria could get accustomed to their faces and so make first meetings easier. Gloria found she could not resist looking at the photos and wondering how it will be to get intimate with each of them.

On the one hand the whole idea of what she was being asked to do was abhorrent to her. It felt a betrayal of her love and loyalty to her husband and her faith as a good Catholic. But she had been assured on both issues.

Moreover, she found increasingly that the prospect was appealing physically. She found herself getting wet panties when she looked at the photos and even thinking about Sunday. She knew deep inside that she needed to be fucked and she missed that feeling of being penetrated.

Sunday came and mass went as normal. She was wearing her Sunday best. A pretty dress falling below her knees, with a bow in her hair. Underneath she wore black stockings and suspenders, lace panties and full cup bra. All through mass her nipples were erect and her pussy was swollen and wet in anticipation.

Filipina wife serving the Lord - Chapter 7

Jake and his adoring wife sat in the priest's consultation room and listened to his calming words before her first patient was introduced. He made it clear that this was all happening with The Lord's blessing. That Gloria should not indulge any behaviour which she is not comfortable with. On the other hand she should follow her instincts to satisfy the needs of her patient and hers also. She should feel free to enjoy his company.

The priest had made available one of his guest rooms for the two of them. He suggested that Jake should wait outside to allow them privacy, whilst being available should Gloria need him.

And then he introduced her patient. It was to be Arthur, a 56 year old man whose wife died three years ago. He had not been able to find harmony in life since with no female relationship. He is suffering from lack of confidence and has confessed to masturbating to relieve his stress... forbidden by the church. He is about 6ft, somewhat overweight and balding. However he has a pleasant smile. As Gloria listened and looked at his photo, she felt sorrow for him.

Finally the priest introduced him to the couple and they talked for a while. Arthur was spell bound by Gloria, petite and radiantly beautiful. He became erect instantly at the thought of seeing this beauty in her underwear, maybe even naked.

Gloria was already wet between her legs at the thought of feeling a man inside her again. She wondered how big his penis was.

Jake was feeling a pang of jealousy for the first time. He so wished it was his cock about to fuck her. But he knew it was for the best and shook Arthur's hand as he entered the bedroom with his wife and then closed the door. Jake took a seat by the door and waited....

Filipina wife serving the Lord - Chapter 8

With the door closed behind them Gloria and Arthur walked across the room towards the bed. They looked at each other nervously. Though both had strong sexual desires, hey were both shy individuals. Gloria could not look directly in his eyes and kept her head looking down, but eventually noticed the tenting in his trousers. It excited her so much. Arthur could not fix his eyes.... her beautiful hair, her still youthful expression, her large motherly breasts bulging through the dress, her round motherly hips and bottom - he could not wait to explore her charms. Could it really be that the Lord had sent her to satisfy his needs? Could it be that this delightful woman actually wanted to share her body with him?

Eventually, Gloria remembered her role, to 'care' for this lonely man, to help him feel better, to ease his frustrations. A combination of motherly instincts and female lust cam together.... "What you like Arthur? To talk a little? Or do you want to touch me?" She secretly wanted to embrace him but her natural shyness held her back.

Arthur could not contain his lust. "I'd like to see you, underneath you dress. Please lift your dress up"
Gloria looked him straight in the eye for the first time, as she bent down to pick up the hem of her dress and lifted it up to her chest, in doing so revealing her stocking clad legs, suspender belt and panties. She knew her panties were wet with lust and that the outline of her shaved pussy lips would be clearly visible. "Like that?"
Arthur walked over to her and nervously slid his hand up the back of her stockinged legs to her full arse. He grabbed both cheeks quite firmly and massaged them for a while, before stepping back to admire this piece of female flesh on display. He could smell her intoxicating female scent and licked his lips,

Gloria was feeling like a piece of meat in the market and loving every second of her seduction, waiting to be taken. But then Arthur walked over to her and knelt on the floor. He proceeded to sniff her panties. He pushed her legs apart and buried his nose into her crotch. He was incensed with lust for this beautiful bitch - which is how he now perceived her. Gloria was leaking juice from her pussy now, in a blatant show of lust. She was on heat and barely containing herself. Then Arthur stood up, stepped back and told Gloria to get on her knees and undo his trousers. She need no further instruction. In no time his trousers were off, along with his underpants and she was cradling a hard fat penis in her hands. Not so long as her husband's but a good 6.5 inches, and fatter, she guessed. This was only the second erect penis she had ever seen, let alone handled. She was beyond herself with lust. And his balls, hanging low and very heavy. Gloria leant forwards and proceeded to make love to these beautiful male genitals. She had crossed the threshold, from faithful wife, to slut.

Filipina wife serving the Lord - Chapter 9

Gloria was now intoxicated with lust for the first penis and cum balls she had ever been ******* to apart from her husband's. She made love to the penis like a cherished toy, applying all the techniques she had learnt under her husband's tuition. Sucking the head between her luscious lips, dipping her tongue into the tip hole where she knew his hot semen would eventually shoot from. Licking along the shaft like a lolipop. And then dipping underneath to lick and suck his balls, and even further under his perineum. She was lost in his smell and the sheer lust for his cock and balls.

Arthur had never experienced this before. His wife had been a conservative women, in life and in bed. Sex was usually in the missionary position and oral sex was brief and endured reluctantly. Gloria was introducing him to a world he had only glimpsed from his periodic viewing of pornography, which he always reported in confession. He assumed that the sluttish behaviour of the women he watched was not for real and resented it for raising his hopes and expectations. But this woman, this slut, was actually servicing his cock and balls as if she enjoyed it. He looked down to see her relishing every lick and suck. He recalled some of the porn scenes and dared to place his hands behind her head and pull her onto his penis. She responded immediately by taking his cock deep into her mouth and, amazingly into her throat. This woman was surely the Devil in disguise? But the priest had assured him of her purity.

Gloria was relishing her new role of giving this poor, lonely, sex starved man some pleasure, as he deserved. This was her calling. No man should have to suffer as he had. She relished the opportunity to serve him and use her body for his pleasure, as God intended. She reached out with her tongue and licked his balls as he thrust deep into her throat. And suddenly, with no warning, Arthur groaned and unleashed a flood of semen into her throat. Gloria was well practiced at swallowing semen from her husband and didn't flinch. But Arthur was intent on fulfilling another porn fantasy - a facial. He pulled out after two spurts and spayed his remaining load across her face as he held her by her hair. She looked unbelievable, a beautiful mess of semen and sweat, streaked across her face and hair. There was silence for at least a minute as he stared at her. Then Gloria smiled and said "Arthur do you feel better now my dear?" "Oh yes, thank you" he replied.

Gloria had done her duty, She felt proud, She knew the Lord would be pleased and her husband proud. She felt happy and content with her new role of serving men and serving the Lord. Slut Gloria had arrived.

Filipina wife serving the Lord - Chapter 10

Jake waited patiently outside the Priest's guest room where his wife was entertaining Arthur, a widower who was suffering emotional and health problems following his wife's premature death. Entertaining, of course, meant offering her feminine charms to satisfy his physical needs, the need to use a woman for pleasure. Although Jake was jealous, as any husband would be, he was pleased that his much younger wife would be able to find her own sexual satisfaction, which he could no longer give her due to his advanced years. He was proud that she had been called by the Lord to fulfil this role of serving lonely men. Proud that the Priest was offering her a way to serve.

He heard nothing from inside though and so he was a little surprised when Gloria and Arthur emerged, rather sheepishly. Gloria still had some semen in her hair from where Arthur had ejaculated. They all went downstairs, as agreed, for a thanks prayer with the Priest. He smiled and asked if the lord had graced them with his presence ... "Did you feel him guiding you my son?" he asked Arthur. "I hope he gave you confidence to receive your sister Gloria's loving kindness without hesitation?" Arthur looked worried, as if he was being asked a trick question. The Gloria spoke up: "Father, the Lord did indeed grace us and Arthur was guided". Arthur concurred: "Oh yes, yes indeed, He was certainly with us and we felt him guiding us". "Then let us all pray in thanks to our Lord for his love and gift of pleasure".

As they all left, the Priest asked if Arthur would be needing more care from Gloria, and of course he accepted the offer. The priest indicated to Jake that he would be in touch to arrange Gloria's next appointment, with Sean, a young black man who had experiencing racist exclusion from the community and whom every local woman had shunned because of his colour. He passed Jake a photograph of Sean so that he could share with Gloria during the coming week, in preparation for her next appointment, after Mass next Sunday. "Thank you Father. I am sure Gloria will look forward to helping Sean in whatever way he needs".

As they walked home, Jake and Gloria talked about the experience and if Gloria was satisfied. She was a little shy still but opened up to her husband her one true love. "Oh dear, yes I am satisfied and happy to do this for our Lord. Arthur enjoyed very much.". Jake turned to her with one eyebrow and asked: "How was it for you my sweetheart - your first man other than me to enjoy sex with. Has he satisfied your urges and needs for a while?" Gloria was quite for a while and then said: "Well not really. We did not have sex. He only used my mouth. Of course I gave and enjoyed - you know I like always. And I gave deepthroat and he cum across my face, nice But dear..... he did not fuck me!" Jake realised that Gloria was still in need of penetration.

" Oh sweet heart I am so sorry. I guess that means you still have the hunger in your pussy? "

Gloria nodded and frowned. And so it was that she spent one more week in constant arousal and frustration. Every man she saw or met was a cause for arousal. She fantasised about Sean, the young black man she was to serve next Sunday. She looked at his photo. A strong man, good shape. She wondered about his penis.... was it true what they said? Her panties were always damp.

Filipina wife serving the Lord - Chapter 11

The week after servicing Arthur with her mouth passed so slowly for Gloria. Having been worked into a sexual frenzy she desperately needed to be fucked but Arthur indulged his lust for abusing her face instead. Her panties seemed constantly wet and she so wanted to masturbate but knew that the Lord forbade that as means of relief. It was either intercourse with a man or nothing. She was so looking forward to meeting Sean the second lonely man that her Priest was introducing to her.

Meanwhile, her husband, Jake, had been to visit the Priest to reflect on the previous weekend, to hear any feedback from Arthur and get some guidance regarding the next man, Sean. The Priest asked Jake how was Gloria, is she comfortable with the experience last weekend, is she happy to continue? Jake confirmed that Gloria was happy to have fulfilled Arthurs desires and the role the Lord had for her. However, he also indicated that Gloria's own desires were not satisfied because there had not been full intercourse. At this the Priest look surprised and a little concerned. "Oh, I am sorry to hear that my son. She must feel disappointed? Hmmm I am also concerned if that means that Arthur did not also fulfil the Lords expectations. It is intended that men spill their seed inside a woman, not outside. Arthur did report that his tensions were relieved and that your wife served him well but he did not explain this aspect of their interaction..... of course, I did not ask."

"Jake, my son, this is not right, if your dear wife was not allowed to serve properly, as the Lord intended. We must pray that he is not offended. But we have to conclude perhaps that this really is what he intended. If this is how Arthur needed to relieve his tension, then surely the Lord knew and allowed it to happen. However, in future I shall encourage others to act on their desires in accordance with the word of the Lord. Please advise your dear wife that she has done well. I hope that this Sunday the Lord will bless a real union when she offers herself to care for the needs of Sean. He is a charming young man, only 30 years. He is an athletic sort, who plays many sports. He is a polite young man and came to brother Joshua in a state of serious panic. He confessed to having thoughts of visiting a woman of the street. But he did not. Thankfully brother Joshua reached out to me to enquire if I knew of a women blessed to care for such men. The Lord works in wonderful ways for he had only recently shown us the path he has chosen for Gloria. And so she will have the opportunity this Sunday to serve the Lord again, by caring for Sean and meeting his needs, thus saving him from the Devil's clutches on the streets."

And so it was that Jake and Gloria sat through Mass that same Sunday in eager anticipation of meeting Sean. Gloria, as always these days, sat through the service with increasingly wet panties, she was so excited at meeting the handsome young black man and giving herself to him. On this occasion she was wearing a smart, tight blue dress with white stockings and suspender belt and bra and panties. She was dressed for the Lord, dressed for a man, dressed for sex, and ready.

Filipina wife serving the Lord - Chapter 12

And so Gloria found herself sitting in the Priest's consultation room after Mass again, for the second time, with her husband Jake. Gloria was excited in anticipation of being introduced to Sean, the 30 year old black man who the Priest had invited to share time with Gloria, to help him overcome his emotional trauma at being shunned by many people in the community. In particular Sean had wanted to find a wife, but the absence of a woman from his life was causing emotional stress from the sexual frustration he was experiencing.

The priest had agreed to introduce him to Gloria who, the Priest had determined, had been chosen by the Lord to serve and care for such lonely men and keep them from straying of a righteous path. An inevitable consequence of this chosen path was that Gloria, who had learnt to enjoy sex hugely by her husband, had been blessed with a continuing and increased desire for sex. The priest was sure her horniness was the work of the Lord, to ensure she was receptive to the idea of serving men in this way. This was in contrast to her husband Jake who, at 71 was 31 years older than his wife and rapidly losing his sexual virility - he could rarely get a full erection these days and was unable to satisfy his wife, other than through manual or oral stimulation. But Gloria had grown accustomed, addicted you might say, to the joyous sensation of being filled by her husband's huge cock. He knew how to use it to reach her G-spot whilst simultaneously stimulating her clitoris. Combined with the amazing sensation of feeling his cock stretching her tight vagina so much, she experienced the most mind blowing orgasms. She missed them so much.

As they sat there, Gloria was all too conscious of her wet pussy and panties and had to re-assure herself that the Priest could not possibly be aware. As he talked to her and Jake about the meeting with Sean, she found herself thinking increasingly about the young black man she was soon to lending her body to. Most of all she wondered about his penis- was it true what she had heard from girlfriends? That black men were often endowed very generously? At 30 years of age, she was also excited that he would hopefully have a very hard penis and would be fit and strong enough to use it like her husband used to. Then she looked at Jake and remembered the good times, and felt sorry for him. He had taught her everything knew about sex - she was a virgin in their wedding bed. But now he had approved her role. He knew she needed lots of sex and was missing it. He loved her so much that he was happy for her to entertain other men with the Priest's blessing .... with the Lord's blessing. Gloria reminded herself of all this, as she clutched his hand tightly, as Sean entered the room.

Filipina wife serving the Lord - Chapter 13

Sean was well dressed, in a T shirt and smart casual trousers, with a jacket. He was about 6ft 1in and well built. Muscular, unlike Jake, with no sign of any of the flab that Arthur, her previous 'patient' had. He had a very sweet smile and a twinkle in his eyes. He was a very very dark brown in colour, with very short hair, recently shaved she thought. She looked at his trousers and noticed already a prominent bulge. She felt quite a shiver of excitement run through her body, centring on her nipples and swelling pussy. She clutched Jake's hand more tightly. He knew she was excited.

The priest welcomed Sean and asked him to take a seat. He introduced Jake and Gloria and all shook hands cordially. He reminded everyone that this meeting, this therapy session was all the work of the Lord and that they should pray in thanks for His loving kindness and forgiveness for any failures to meet his expectations. Then the Priest spoke to emphasise something following Gloria's experience with Arthur. "I want to remind you both that any therapy offered by Gloria, should be accepted and enjoyed without breaking the Lord's will regarding the spilling of seed. I expect you both to do your best to honour that". They all knew what this meant and nodded accordingly.

After finishing their tea and coffee, the Priest ushered the three of them into the back hallway where the stairs would lead them to the upstairs bedrooms. Jake led the way up the stairs and along to the same bedroom where Arthur had used Gloria for face fucking and sprayed his cum across her face and hair. He shook Sean's hand and kissed his wife on the cheek - perhaps acknowledging that at this point he already transferred ownership, temporarily, to the good looking young black man whose hand Gloria then took as he led her into the bedroom. Jake closed the door and sat outside to wait, knowing full well that his wife would soon be pleasuring a black cock for the first time in her life. They had watched inter-racial porn before and undoubtedly he had noticed her thrilled at the site of big black cocks sliding up inside the pussies of smaller white and Asian women. Oh what he'd give to be able to watch this seduction. But he knew this was their private time, time when Gloria needed to focus entirely on giving 'therapy' to her patient. Time that her patient needed to feel was his to spend alone with her, when he could explore his feelings and desires free from the intruding presence of another male, let alone her husband. For the next hour he needed to feel as if he owned Gloria for his pleasure.

Filipina wife serving the Lord - Chapter 14

As her husband, Jake, closed the door, to wait outside, Gloria stepped cautiously into the guest bedroom where the handsome young black man was waiting by the bed. She was both cautious and indescribably excited to be in the private presence of a black man for the first time, a man whom she knew already, was starved of female company, friendship and a physical relationship. She knew he had been shunned in society because of his colour - a disgraceful thing in her mind - and she remembered her calling by the Lord was to alleviate this man's pain and to offer physical comfort to him. But she was so intimidated by his physical presence that she was temporarily frozen, unable to speak or move.

She looked across at this man, a fine looking man, a fine specimen of a male, a strong man. She could not help wondering about his penis. Soon, soon, it will be revealed, soon she will be allowed to hold it and serve it. She was so looking forward to feeling a man pumping his cock deep up inside her hungry pussy. It had been so long since her husband had the hardness and strength to give her the workout she needed. And now here was this gorgeous black man, physically strong, and only 30. Jake was already 49 when he took her virginity. Sean would be even stronger and fitter by the looks of him. Her pussy was already on fire and dripping into her panties at the thought of him taking his pleasure between her legs.

Sean looked across at this gorgeous, petite, delicate and sexy woman. He knew she was 10 years older than him and that she was married and given birth 8 times. This excited him tremendously. Although he really wanted to find a wife of his own, to make a family, he had always had a fantasy of having sex with an older woman. They turned him on hugely. It probably went back to when he was seduced 17 years ago but two older women in their 30s whilst in care in America. Although he enjoyed his early introduction to the joys of female flesh, it had imprinted on his brain a bias for the mature touch. Those women had fed their breasts to him, in turn, while the other had ridden his huge black cock - even back then, at such a tender age, when he was only just starting to mature into a man, his erect cock was a serious tool to fill a woman's cunt. Gloria was still breast feeding her youngest two and evidently had large breasts. He wondered how big her nipples would be and even whether he could suck milk from them.

Sean sat on the bed and called over Gloria, patting on the bed ..... she came and sat down, feeling very conscious of her wet pussy, whose sex fluids had now soaked through her panties and were trickling down her thighs into her stocking tops. The way Sean was looking at her, it was almost as if he could see through her dress. Suddenly Sean was swept by an uncontrollable urge to touch her, to feel her, to see her. He placed his hand on her dress, which had ridden up above her knees, and rubbed her thighs. "You're beautiful" he said in a warm American voice. "Thank you" she said, as all Filipinas do when you give the slightest compliment. "May I see you? Under your dress?" Gloria was surprised at both his directness and his politeness. As excited as she she was, she would not have minded if he'd ripped the dress off her and ****** himself upon her! But the option of her doing a little strip tease, a sexy show, for him, suddenly appealed to her. She had done so many times for her husband Jake and had that common Pinay ability to sway her hips and dance so seductively. She got up off the bed, stepped away and proceeded to entertain Sean with a strip tease dance.

She faced away from Sean towards the window so that the light would silhouette her somewhat, a trick that Jake had taught her, which presents an enticing outline of her curves as she dances. Sean watched in awe as this little temptress started to sway and writhe in front of him. As she twisted this way and that he was captured by the overt sexiness of her moves, emphasising her curves. The she reached behind and lifted the hem of her dress, raising it slowly over her stocking tops and above her sexy white panties. She held it there as she swayed more, emphasising her arse moves more now. The she allowed her hands to roam over her arse, caressing along the tops of her thighs and over her buttocks. Then she bent over, leaning on the window sill, and pushed her arse up higher , as she secretly unbutton the front of her dress down to her panties.

Then she stood again, allowing her dress to fall back over her panties as she turned around to face Sean - the front of her dress undone to reveal the cleavage of her milk laden breasts. Sean was captivated and Glory new she was giving him a good show, perhaps the best of his life. She continued the swaying, gently humming a Latin style tune. She reached down her thighs and pulled her dress up above her suspender belt, revealing her wet panties. She reached down and gently stroked over her mound, moaning gently. Then she reached up and pulled the dress off each shoulder, allowing it to slip off her to the ground as she continued to gyrate. There she stood, a voluptuous nymph, in white bra, panties, suspenders and stockings. She walked around to the other side of the bed so that Sean could see her in the full light. Her breasts were almost spilling out over the top of her bra, the tops of their large dark areola clearly visible, her nipples like bullets. As Sean took in the sexual goddess in front of him he noticed how translucent her panties were between her legs and how the insides of her thighs glistened with pussy juice smeared across them. He was transfixed. Whose move now?
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