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Have any of you found yourself deep in regret?

  • Thread startermasterlover
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New around here...
Beloved Member
Oct 8, 2009
I'm wondering what kinds of situations cause a cuckold to come face to face with reality, as uncomfortable as it may be. What kinds of various realities have you woken up to and realized were now a part of your life, which at one time, you would have never tolerated, and still, to a degree, regret or disturbed by.

Sometimes it's a lover who may not be your perfect lover for her, but she loves him and you can't understand it, and so maybe you think, why is this happening and is this what I really want? But it's too late....

Maybe she got pregnant and decided to keep the child, and you both never discussed it or planned on it or it was not part of the agreement originally.

Maybe she invited her lover to move in, contrary to your desires and pleading.

The things that sometimes turn me on, involve finding myself in extremely humiliating situations where I actually don't want to be there, but my hornyness brought me there, regardless.

One of these situations that enters my mind constantly, is being fucked by her lover, when he desires, but maybe it's not the "right time" for me.

Maybe they both decided to make you into a girl for their pleasure and you actually don't enjoy it, but it pleases her and him.

Or perhaps, you invited her to get into this lifestyle, and now you actually wish you hadn't for some untold reason.

The hottest thing I can personally imagine is my girlfriend taking on a lover, and they really connect emotionally, and between them both, they decide I make a better female than a male, and I would suite them both better as a girl. My feminine side craves it so I go along for the fantasy, but when it becomes reality, my male side objects, but it's too late because the door is opened already, she is turned on for him, and the connection is already established sexually, and he keeps pushing her to transform me, so they can both enjoy me, sexually. My girlfriend realizes this is the best way to keep us both, so she decides in her mind to make it real. What's a poor gurl to do?

Anyone experienced the "point of no return" with your wife, and lived to regret it, somewhere deep down inside?

I'm sure we would all love to hear about it.
Mac, I have to say that you are a voice of reason on this board urging caution and stressing communication before entering the lifestyle. Unlike some of the more radical elements on the board who advocate and promote their own fantasies as the only way to true happiness.
90% of relationships wherein there is infidelity
fail and recriminations and rancor rule .....this cuck dynamic we write about here
is the rare exception ........and we all know this 2 b fact
On a Bell-shaped curve, two-thirds of men and women fit neatly into the norm. The other 33% are on the "outer" and of course, can act differently because they feel different. Their sexual desires won't fit the norm, so maybe it is okay for them to reach other for something a bit more adventurist?
Saraha said:
On a Bell-shaped curve, two-thirds of men and women fit neatly into the norm. The other 33% are on the "outer" and of course, can act differently because they feel different. Their sexual desires won't fit the norm, so maybe it is okay for them to reach other for something a bit more adventurist?


sounds like Bernie Madoff tryin to sell a prospective suc.. errrr customer :D
masterlover said:
Anyone experienced the "point of no return" with your wife, and lived to regret it, somewhere deep down inside?

I'm sure we would all love to hear about it.

Well... a while ago there was a guy at work who was a bit of dick to me, he'd hassle me and stuff, then after my wife came in to see me at work one day he started saying that he wanted to fuck her and that he'd show her what a real man felt like and stuff. Anyway, wife found out what he'd said and wanted to fuck him, I asked her not to but she thought it would be funny to do so anyway. Well anyway, I got real pissed and went out and cheated on her, she was really fucked off when she found out and threatened to dump me. I begged and pleaded and stuff, I managed to convince her not to but she still just fucks whoever she wants. Yeah, I probably should never have got us into the whole swinging/cuckolding thing.
Yeah, I probably should never have got us into the whole swinging/cuckolding thing.
You are caught in two worlds, and it is best to burn the bridge back to the old life so it stops you continuing to make comparisons.

Make the most of your current situation as "you can't go back to a boring old marriage".

Your brain has been re-programed to accept an explanded view of sexuality and wedding vows swept aside.

Once a wife has had a good taste of extra cock, she can't easily give it up.

Focus on the positive emotions of a swinging/cuckold marriage, and the Law of Attraction will bring you nicer stuff.
Yes, my wife now prefers the company of her Bull to mine.Just this last saturday with conditions perfect for a day with me on my boat, she choose to leave me alone to spend the day with her Bull. She has forsaken all other lovers and will no longer be invoved in threesomes. She will only spend time with him in private, and while giving lip service about ( my feelings ) she in fact has zero concerns re; the damage she is doing. She is self consumed and cannot hide her eagerness to run to him. It is very painfull, and while she swears she will never leave me, in her heart she already has.
we hvnt had any regrets....the only thing ive found is strange men deep inside of me! and hubbie and i like it that way ;)
Yes JOEY: Hate when that happens. Oh I'll love you forever, We'll still be close & We'll always be friends"!! Now haven't seen or heard from her in over "19 years". It still hurts & Sucks
In my case I didnt start the cuck thing, she started it by having an affair with a member of our wedding party, six months into our marrige. After him it was a black guy she worked with and soon it was a series of men. Once I found out about it and got over the rage, I realized I was sexually aroused by her behavior. This was the beginning for us, I was truly cuckolded for a couple of years before I knew anything about it.
Up till now and since the bad times she was never involved emtionally with her men, here is were the danger lies. I love her , but now I fear her.
Joey7890: Has there been talk or thoughts about divorce?
The burning question for me, is why did she marry you in the first place? Did she ever actually love you?
Saraha said:
You are caught in two worlds, and it is best to burn the bridge back to the old life so it stops you continuing to make comparisons.

Make the most of your current situation as "you can't go back to a boring old marriage".

Your brain has been re-programed to accept an explanded view of sexuality and wedding vows swept aside.

Once a wife has had a good taste of extra cock, she can't easily give it up.

Focus on the positive emotions of a swinging/cuckold marriage, and the Law of Attraction will bring you nicer stuff.

Good advice, as always, Saraha and thank you. It continues to be hot for me to have my wife sleep with other men, require me to wear a chastity cage etc, it just sucked at that time (years ago now) when she didn’t show any respect for my wishes. Nonetheless, you take the good with the bad, I certainly realize how lucky I am to have her.
Good question

AngleBaby said:
Joey7890: Has there been talk or thoughts about divorce?
The burning question for me, is why did she marry you in the first place? Did she ever actually love you?

I dont know, I was warned by my sister she was not to be trusted. But I was quite the player myself back in the day and didnt believe she would play me.You see I had not intended to marry her for 2 or 3 more years, but her emotionally disturbed mother was creating hell for her at home so pushed up the date. I worked in high rise construction in NY and paid her way thru college. She left me within a year of graduating. She was gone for 2 years. I always wondered why she returned. There is no talk of divorce, we have a challenged 10 year old child neither of us would ever hurt.
..be a man and show us your wife...
joey7890 said:
Yes, my wife now prefers the company of her Bull to mine.Just this last saturday with conditions perfect for a day with me on my boat, she choose to leave me alone to spend the day with her Bull. She has forsaken all other lovers and will no longer be invoved in threesomes. She will only spend time with him in private, and while giving lip service about ( my feelings ) she in fact has zero concerns re; the damage she is doing. She is self consumed and cannot hide her eagerness to run to him. It is very painfull, and while she swears she will never leave me, in her heart she already has.

I went thru similar feelings at the beginning, but eventually she got tired of him and went to another, think it initially a attraction that lasts for awhile..I just occupy a different place in her world, maybe it will be the same for you give it time, then if she doesnt come around or you cant stand it your going to have to cut your losses
joey7890 said:
Yes, my wife now prefers the company of her Bull to mine.Just this last saturday with conditions perfect for a day with me on my boat, she choose to leave me alone to spend the day with her Bull. She has forsaken all other lovers and will no longer be invoved in threesomes. She will only spend time with him in private, and while giving lip service about ( my feelings ) she in fact has zero concerns re; the damage she is doing. She is self consumed and cannot hide her eagerness to run to him. It is very painfull, and while she swears she will never leave me, in her heart she already has.

These are the kinds of things that happen when a couple goes in to the life style weather it be cuckold, hot wife or swinging without clear set rules in the beginning. I'm sorry for your obvious pain Joey but you let this happen to yourself as so many other men do here. As I read the forums here it seems to me that cuckolds have this problem more often than swingers or hot wife relationships. Most Cucks seem pretty unhappy to me. I think because this whole fantasy seems hot to begin with and then the disrespect gets old. Cucks tend to roll over and let themselves be controlled by the wife. Once they realize it's getting of control and they really don't like being treated like a piece of shit it's too late. Then they start whining about about the whole unhappy situation rather than take charge.

The only way to reel her back into reality is to step up and be a man. When she decides to dog on you to be with her bull or what ever you want to call him you need to tell her to pack her fuckin cloths before she leaves, take her car keys away from her and to let her bull know she will be moving in with him. He needs to provide for her from now on because your done paying her way so he can fuck her and treat you like shit. If she cares anything about her home, family, friends, nice boats and cars and the life style you have provided for her than she will make the only choice she can to save all of those things. If not than you have lost her for good.

I would have told her that when she fucked your friend at work just because she thought it was funny.

I don't mean to be cruel here Joey but if any of what you say is true you need to stop whining and take action. Either get her back or stop wasting another minute of your life on this women but do something.

babyruthiezhubby said:
These are the kinds of things that happen when a couple goes in to the life style weather it be cuckold, hot wife or swinging without clear set rules in the beginning. I'm sorry for your obvious pain Joey but you let this happen to yourself as so many other men do here. As I read the forums here it seems to me that cuckolds have this problem more often than swingers or hot wife relationships. Most Cucks seem pretty unhappy to me. I think because this whole fantasy seems hot to begin with and then the disrespect gets old. Cucks tend to roll over and let themselves be controlled by the wife. Once they realize it's getting of control and they really don't like being treated like a piece of shit it's too late. Then they start whining about about the whole unhappy situation rather than take charge.

The only way to reel her back into reality is to step up and be a man. When she decides to dog on you to be with her bull or what ever you want to call him you need to tell her to pack her fuckin cloths before she leaves, take her car keys away from her and to let her bull know she will be moving in with him. He needs to provide for her from now on because your done paying her way so he can fuck her and treat you like shit. If she cares anything about her home, family, friends, nice boats and cars and the life style you have provided for her than she will make the only choice she can to save all of those things. If not than you have lost her for good.

I would have told her that when she fucked your friend at work just because she thought it was funny.

I don't mean to be cruel here Joey but if any of what you say is true you need to stop whining and take action. Either get her back or stop wasting another minute of your life on this women but do something.

Wow, Thats alot to take in, I am thankfull to you for takeing the time to and showing the interest. I in fact told her the last time she went to him to tell him she needed a place to stay that nite. She just blew it off. I wish I could say more but Iam afraid I am at a loss for words.
Babyruth, Every word of it true, thers more I hesitate to go into the finer details as it would certainly appear to be a fiction.

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