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Her enjoying taking more control

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
  • Start date
  • #121
Again thank you STB for the insight into your life. You are right, in that I/we do get caught up in the story and forget about all of the other daily events that take place; that it isn't all about cuckolding. As I stated, I was just playing devil's advocate on some of the issues that I brought up. I would agree with you that the "in your face" episodes wouldn't fly with me either, but it seems that the denial theme keeps reoccurring. It is excellent that you are able to express your thoughts and desires with Sue. I think you two are perfect for each other and the lifestyle.

I look forward to hearing how it goes with Sue. Funny thing is that most couples don't even have sex 1 or 2 times per week :eek:, if you get her after she has been with Don on Fridays as your norm (kinda switch with Don) you could cum in her once a week and everyone gets what they are looking for, maybe. I don't even think you need to go beyond that but you could following the same guidelines. Neat, just neat STB! I wish you the best of luck!

  • #122
Far2 - I would say Sue is conflicted. That's a good way to put it. As I said, it's been incredible to see her begin to open up about this. I think she's conflicted about her sexual desires that I think are re-emerging after being suppressed for so many years as a wife/mother versus the sex-life we've had for so many years.

You are right, that maybe, eventually, that Friday - and hopefully Saturday too - as that is our pattern - can remain as our nights and I suppose if she wanted, I could cede her to Don for the rest of the week. It will absolutely drive me crazy if she's having him during the week but I'll have to wait till Friday night to finally have her. That may in fact be something I would like to try out! You really have my mind racing (and my cock rock hard!) at this whole thought. But as I've said all along - I want it to be something she wants for herself and not something she wants to do because it'll turn me on - which I still think is part of what motivates her.
  • #123
Glad I could help, kinda, I guess! Either way, I thoroughly enjoy reading your commentary. You know that you could casually mention this to her when you talk and let her know that you support her having Don throughout the week. Knowing that she may not be ready to give up your cum (maybe she is not opposed to abstaining from taking your seed, she just knows that you weren't comfortable with it "yet"), sharing your Friday and Saturday idea might work out for her so that she knows you are excited about it as well.

On a side note, as you are probably more than aware when you take Wednesday and Thursday off and don't give yourself release, you will find that your desire will shooooooot through the roof and so will your cum! HAHA! I would encourage you to try and save your seed for the Friday evenings as I find when I am edged it makes the sex mind-blowing! Oh yeah, run those scenarios around in your head...then share them with Sue and US! Also, keep in mind, if Sue wants to be ready for Don on Monday...Saturday won't work...:D keep spankin'
  • #124
Good points but as I said, I don't want to be telegraphing anything to her - planting ideas. I really want this to be something she comes to me with. As I said, she did mention something about this but I haven't heard about it since.

Actually, we're coming up soon on the week of July 11th when the kids will both be away. I already know that he's coming to our house sometime during that week - I'm thinking Friday (kids are gone till late on Saturday) will be when that happens so it'll be interesting to see what happens the rest of that week. I know how things would usually go when the kids are away - that we'd be going at it all week - it'll be interesting to see what happens this time 'round.

But I can tell you that at this point, I don't think I'm ready to be relegated to once-a-week on a full-time basis. I do know that the weeks when her period has ended late, that I've had to wait - and you are correct - the sex was positively explosive when I did finally have her. So yes, that is a consolation - that if it does go down to once-a-week, that it will be quite good!
  • #125
The dynamics are interesting none the least. Don doesn't want your cum. Sue wants it all (maybe) and you will eat it all! Do you think once the kids are moved out that Sue will go back to sharing her lack of inhibitions (which I believe you said she likes being with don) with you and this cuckold experience will end or is it going to generate into something more? I'd owe you a beer for all of your sharing!
  • #126
Maybe this has been brought up before and I missed it, but doesn't it seem as if Don is being cucked to a degree as well by Sue? He only gets it Friday nights, lol, then he's denied all week. I can see why he and sue want other days...he's sexually frustrated! :). I can understand your fantasy of denial, but seeing it from his perspective, I wouldn't want my lady (since he's not a cuck) filled with someone elses sperm even if it is her husbands.

You know though that without your subtle pushes she doesn't know how to proceed. That is why don and her had the brainstorming session which turned into something you might not be okay with. Sue loves you and wants you to be happy. Giving her the sexual freedom she has with don is probably perfect for her but she wants you to enjoy it too. Would this have gotten a start without your note and the condoms? But then again you know how to manipulate your woman, don't you. :)
  • #127
Far2 - we have 4 more years before our youngest is out of the house off to college. Honestly I doubt Sue will still be seeing Don after that much time but I really don't know. I suppose if they are still seeing each other after that much time, then things may have already begun to move in whatever direction they'll go in. Too early to speculate.

To be honest, I'm not sure how long I would want all this to go on for - not sure if it's something that will grow old, or that we'll grow out of. For now, there is still more that I want to feel and experience with all of this.

I suppose you could see things reversed - that Don is being cucked. I tend to not think that way because it's me that Sue doesn't have sex with in preparation for her to be with Don, not the other way around.

I know Sue mentioned seeing him more often, but I don't know how that would work given his work-schedule and locations. Unless that's changed, he's traveling during the week and was only available on Fridays and the weekend.

Until recently, I hadn't thought that it was all that common that "bulls" think this way - that they don't want other guys, even husbands, to be cumming in their women. I had long thought that this was more of an extreme stance and that most lovers would be happy with just that - being a lover. But I am since learning that this isn't all that uncommon. I guess my perspective on this is a bit colored since back in college I have always fantasized about sloppy-seconds. Still, I guess there are guys who are even turned off even by their own cum in their partner? I think I can go along with Sue being "clean" for when she sees Don - but I don't see her acquiescing to his phobia about me having her at all!

You may be right about your second paragraph. I think what I"m thinking is that I'm going to hold off on initiating things with her or saying/suggesting things of my own direction - but as I've said all along, if she says or suggests things that I like, I respond favorably - which I guess is as much guidance as she may need!

Gotta run and get ready for a 3:30 meeting.
  • #128
That isn't too surprising...


SoonToBe said:
Until recently, I hadn't thought that it was all that common that "bulls" think this way - that they don't want other guys, even husbands, to be cumming in their women.

For "bulls" you could substitute "men." I think it's safe to say that's an evolutionary imperative. Only by keeping the sperm of other men out of his woman's vagina can a man be confident that he and she are propagating his and her genes, not her genes and those of some other man. If the latter occurs, it's at very large expense to the cuckold if he doesn't have enough discretionary income to easily support children his wife bears sired by other men, in addition to his own — or worse, instead of his own. And people without discretionary income, living in poverty or near-poverty, have been the vast majority of all people throughout all time.

Since your wife uses birth control, as do most other modern hotwives (presumably), you could say considerations like that are irrelevant. But, it isn't so easy to dismiss human characteristics that have evolved, in the case of we homo sapiens, over about 600 thousand years; or — if one includes pre-hominids (is that the right word?) — over roughly 6 million years.

  • #129
Makes sense Custer, hence the stigma of being a cuckold.

Stb thank you for sharing your evolving thoughts. I do feel that Sue wants this rollercoaster ride to continue. She also would be apprehensive of where it will take you and her, but it seems like it will reach a stage where she will succumb to this pull of the dangerous unknown. Maybe after the "ultimate?" peak of the ride she may end it with Don? Hopefully all will end well.
  • #130
Again thanks for all the insight and foresight about your unique situation. I will patiently and anxiously wait for your storyline to continue. Hope everything is well with sue and you have time for your talks.
  • #131
Hey all, no news to share here as Sue's still on her monthly. She's confident we'll be back in the sack by Sunday though so that's a plus to look forward to, especially with a holiday on Monday. She informed me that Don has gone away for the long weekend with some friends so they won't be together till the end of next week. And the following week is when they will be coming here to our house. Time is flying by, that's for sure!
  • #132
The time is certainly approaching! I envision and exciting 2 weeks for you and Sue. Do you think the talk of seeing don more often is due to a change in his work schedule that they haven't told you about? That once you agree, that then they will tell you. You know that I am pulling for your cuckold advancement but just watch out if they start spending more and more time together. Not cumming in sue is one thing but not having her is another... Good luck brother!
  • #133
Hey far2easy, that is an insidious thought. I wonder if Sue has that in her?
  • #134
I truly don't think she does but it's an interesting thought :) either way, it will start out innocent enough and as Don gets more and more...pussy and control...it will be interesting to see what happens. I think that is what STB is looking fo himself, minus the losing Sue part. Running right to the edge of giving it all away and then shutting it down. I would gladly trade for an opportunity like STB has!
  • #135
One must admit that Don does get alot of alone time with Sue to convince her of things. I have wondered if Sue and Don talk alot on the phone or text back and forth. Until recently, I think Don was probably just happy to keep getting this good thing he is getting. But once Don witnessed STB going down on Sue after he fucked her at his place, and then Don and Sue having conversations about how to make STB feel their relationship more, I think Don now feels a sense of security and will become more bold in what he wants. Don has Sue having feelings for him, the fantastic sex he is giving her, and her admittance to wanting him more often working in his favor.
  • #136
The one drawback I can see of Don and Sue getting together more often as it may lead to the end of their relationship faster. In private conversations with STB, it is apparent that Sue would not let Don come between her and STB's marriage. Sue will allow herself to be led by Don to a point I am sure. STB will allow them both to pull him slowly outside his comfort zone. I think Sue is forever chained to STB. Just the feeling I get. Sue and Don's relationship has a limit it will reach. In seeing each other more often, that limit will be reached faster. STB will reach a point where he is feeling more pain than pleasure or Sue will sense a threat to her marriage and things will shut down.
  • #137
I completely agree Jax with it burning out faster but then again it might lead to something else... Or someone else which starts a new thread! All I know is that if this goes on for another 4 years given where they have been in the past 2 years...who the hell knows what twisted lives they will lead. I for one am looking forward to reading about it though!
  • #138
That is the sense I get from STB's posts also, Jaxunman. Sue has her priorities right and her head on straight, and she realizes that Don is a good fuck but would make a poor life partner. When push comes to shove, Sue will side with STB over Don, and Don will wind up out in the cold.
  • #139
So many possibilities.

Any of the above opinions are valid and could happen. If I were Stb I'd be walking around with a hard one minute, then trembling in anxiety the next. The way things stand I doubt if Sue would give up on her marriage, but a lovers whispering in bed or out of bed is very powerful and we know who is likely to be the majority lover, especially when the other man in her life her husband does not seem to object and seems to be pushing for her to further her contact with her lover.
  • #140
Shidave, not so long ago, I shared your exact line of thinking and thought STB should be having major concerns. I have no doubt that those lovers whispers you are speaking of are getting more plentiful as time goes by. Anything could happen as you rightly say. In talking privately with STB, when he seemed less than enthusiastic about what Sue and Don had planned, Sue reacted in a manner which suggested that she is still doing this mainly for STB's pleasure. Sue has it pretty dang good with STB. She is getting all the extra cock she wants while maintaining a uniquely special marriage with STB. Both are very lucky!!

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