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How to get Christain wife to cuckold

  • Thread startertuppinsinmo
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Slut Lover!
Beloved Member
Feb 17, 2007
How Do I Get My Conservative Christian Wife to Hot-wife?
This is a question I have been asked many times. I’ll do my best to add some insight on this issue. The denomination does not really matter because all religious groups share some things in common. Either they teach from the Bible or some other book of equal importance to their faith.
First and for most I often get asked as a part of the above question, can I still be a Christian and have a open marriage. The answer is simple yet complicated but must be answered before title question. The short answer is YES. The word Christian has two common meanings in the church world. The Bible, (which is the book I will use through out this article) says, “Acts 11:26 And when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.” The word Christian appears two other times in the Bible.
Acts 26:28 Then Agrippa said unto Paul, Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian.
1 Pet 4:16 Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf.
The usage of the word means, “a follower of Christ,” “or to be Christ like.” Now it is very important which way you interrupt the word, for if it means to be like Christ then one would assume the answer would have to be NO. I disagree, the reason is really easy if we look a little farther in the Bible and understand that some simple yet difficult marriage rules were given.
Eph 5:22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.
Wives submit (to present for the approval, consideration, or decision of another, to give over or yield to the power or authority of another, to yield oneself to the power or authority of another, to defer to another's judgment, opinion, decision, etc.) your self to your husband. I have said it often and hold to this with all my heart and mind that for a real hotwifing relationship to work the couple has to be very much in love. There is a great deal of difference between loving someone and being in love. That would be a whole subject in it self and I won’t try to go into that in detail now but will give a brief example. Love means to care, the degree of caring is the state of how much you love something or someone. To be in love is to be bound to them from the heart and there may not even be a rational reason for why you feel as you do. Some would say it is being a soul mate, in any case as I will point out later to be in love is to be one with the person you are married too. Wives are told to love their husbands as well. (Titus 2:4 That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children,) I would take this one step deeper for this conversation, love is trust. With out trust, which is knowing, this kind of life cannot work and will not work where both people are happy and fulfilled.
Eph 5:23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.
Eph 5:24 Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.
Eph 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;
Here is why I said I would disagree and say the answer is yes. How does Christ love the church? He loves the church in the same way a man is to love his wife and wife is to love her husband. How do I know this, because he says the church is his bride and he is the bridegroom coming again some day to do what, to be married to the church? I find his love to be very interesting, because if you do a bit of study you will find his love is unconditional. Christ chooses you to be a part of his bride he says while you were yet in your mother’s womb. You can not earn his love, buy his love, take his love, he gives it freely to those that accept it. This is very important in answering the question of above because it is what being love is about. If a wife and husband are truly one in heart then they are in love and love gives room to forgiveness when a rule is broken, it gives forgiveness when a partner has cheated (did not have permission to fuck someone else)it is there if they have a small cock or she has to have a breast removed. Being in love is not about getting fat or being skinny, if he goes bald or not, it is a bond that reaches past things and cannot be earned, or bought, stolen but can only be given freely by the giver.
Eph 5:26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,
Eph 5:27 That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.
Eph 5:28 So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.
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part 2

When a man is in love with his wife he loves himself, because they are two people that make a whole. If you take two colors and blend them together they make a new color. The two colors seem to no longer exist but the new color, yet if you look close you still see each color is still individually there.
Eph 5:29 For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church:
Eph 5:30 For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.
Eph 5:31 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.
Eph 5:32 This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.
This same mystery applies to us in understanding love and marriage. So this makes us take a look at something else. What is marriage?
Seems like we all should know this, but most of us do not truly understand it. Marriage has many shades of gray, it is not always black and white and for some people they only understand things that are black or white. There is the legal side, where two people are legally married love may not be involved at all, could be it was an arranged marriage, one that was done because you got some girl pregnant and seemed like the right thing to do. Sometimes they are done for finical reasons, or for family pride. Usually they are done because one or both people love each other or think they are in love. If you are not really in love (two that become one) then it is just a legal marriage and this kind will fail, or leave one or both people very unhappy. My opinion is the leading reason for divorce is almost all marriages or two people that start out loving each other but were never in love. The problem is simple they start our caring with all their heart but in time they began to see the bad side, they hear the snoring, they find they have little in common but maybe sex, or what food to eat. That kind of marriage is doomed and if you think a open life choice will help it, it won’t. If you wake up beside him one day and say God he is ugly and smells, having sex with Joe who is cute and clean will only make you despise him more as time passes.
When I bought my first car I wanted it more then anything in the world. I didn’t see the dents or faded paint. I didn’t care it had a few miles on it, and I was damn proud of it. As time went on I began to see the flairs and soon got rid of it for a better model. I didn’t like that old car any more. Do you know you have to work at loving someone, if you want your marriage to work you have to even like them? If your not in love that is a job and it is not a fun one, even being in love has enough hurt and pain along with the joy that it takes work.
One of the problems with religion is that it teaches people the words but not how to do. More times then not there is one huger down fall, the church teaches people to judge others. So when you do something that goes against the doctrine of that group, the memberships have been taught well on the issue of how to judge, condemn and crucify you. So you and your husband that are very much in love and he loves you with all his being comes to you and says baby I want to see you get fucked by Bob you look at him and think he wants me to go to hell for committing adultery. Be sure the good folks at your church when they find out and they will, that you fucked Bob, you will be called a harlot, slut, *****, and soon tossed out on your cute little ass.
Don’t be too hard on them, they do not understand what the Bible really says, or even what a real marriage is. In fact they don’t understand nor do I exactly how God looks upon sex or what he condemns or won’t. Yet I have a pretty good ideal, because if you’re in love you did not cheat on your husband and if you did you have gone to him and he forgave you. Because I smash the finger on my right hand, I don’t cut it off, so because my wife messed up, I don’t cut off that part of my heart. Adultery is taught to us from a young age to mean sex with a person other then your husband or wife. I would like to make a case to say that Adultery is when you have sex with a person other then your husband with out permission to do so.
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part 3

When Paul addressed the church in his letters he said the Old Testament was a schoolmaster for the church. That the church was to use those writing to learn from and to understand God. If in fact we try and do that we learn some interesting things about how God looks at sex outside the marriage.
Almost every kind of sex and fetish is talked about in some way in the Bible, I will not go into any of those but as to the ones that relate to hot wifing or cuckoldry. As a young boy I got in a heaping lot of trouble once for asking a simple question in church. Why was it ok for men not only to have more then one wife, but to also have sex with the wife’s hand maids? For many years I asked that question, got lots of angry words, dirty looks and told to shut up more then once. I was not satisfied with the answers I got. It would seem to me if Adultery meant what the church said it did then there was a awful lot of men of God that did it, and worse got blessed after doing it instead of punished. In one place the wife was told to go play the part of a harlot.
If you accept that Mary had a virgin birth then you accept the fact that the Holy Spirit somehow put the seed of Christ into her. Then isn’t that fornication? King David took another mans wife, and then a son from that woman became the next king. You can go on and on of the cases where men had sex on there wives but it was never called adultery and the reason is because it was not. It was acceptable at that time in history and in fact often approved of by the wife for her husband to have sex in order to bring more children or just for pleasure. Wives were not left out in the cold either if the family had money. Solomon had slaves that were castrated to look after his many wives and the way they did so was to use there tongue, fingers, dildo’s, etc.
To sum this up, when a wife and husband are in love they are one, a US. The husband wants to please his wife and she wants to please her husband. They may decide to explore sharing, letting wife date, have sex, come home and make love to her husband. This is cuckolding, they may decide for both of them to have a right to play, that is more hot wifing.
Is it sin, I think so long as both agree and keep, love, trust, honor then no it is not. You can love God, his church, believe in Christ love others and be a follower of Christ or to love like he loves and thus that would still mean you can be a Christian.
Last, Phil 2:12 Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. Husbands don’t push, or wives don’t push, show them the logic and let them work it out based on their own clear heart with you and God.
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Do what I do.

Tell her the Bible is entirely fiction and you want to watch her fuck.

In other words, tell her the truth.
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Tup - to the husbands of hesitant wives who are conservative but not particularly religious (if there are any - being conservative and being religious tend to go together), you might suggest they point out to their wives that their right to erotic pleasure and unlimited sexual satisfaction is asserted in the U.S. Declaration of Independence, which begins:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men [/women] are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

What, do you suppose, the signers of the Declaration had in mind when they wrote "pursuit of happiness"? Their right to play checkers --? Custer

Quite right Custer. My wife and I love to play checkers,and would resist any attempt to stop us. We are ,however,from the UK,and we dont have a constitution.
Yes, well... I meant to suggest that the authors of the U.S. Declaration of Independence used "pursuit of happiness" is a euphanism for pursuit of intensely erotic, steamy, physical, sexual love. If you and your wife are into checkers, though, that's cool... I didn't mean to dismiss that game, which I somewhat enjoy myself.

I'm aware you don't have a constitution in the U.K. I'd say don't worry about it. We have one here here in the U.S., but the current administration has trampled it into the dust - and no one seems to be too concerned about that. - Custer
Longkeel said:
Quite right Custer. My wife and I love to play checkers,and would resist any attempt to stop us. We are ,however,from the UK,and we dont have a constitution.

Well I'm from the UK too. And I seem to remember people enjoying fucking there just as much.

No "checkers" though, Only draughts.

God Shave The Queen.
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Hello everyone, this is the first time I post anything here...actually my wife and I are very new to this forum.

This thread really caught our eye because we are Christians. We are not however a cuckold couple as our name implies (sorry), but we are swingers and have been in the swinging lifestyle for over 5 years. As Christians we have had the struggle in our minds about whether or not what we do is right, but after a couple of years of talking to people and doing our own research we came to the same conclusion as you, and we agree whole heartedly with you when you say that as long as both agree and keep, love, trust, honor then no it is not a sin. However when I look at your original question, "How to get Christian wife to cuckold?" I have to say that it concerns me. If you have to ask that question I can only come to the conclusion that you might be forcing the issue with your wife...if this is the case then I have to say that love, trust, and honor goes out the window. If you truly love your wife, and you asked her to cuckold and she said no...then that should be the end of it. Another scenario could be that you have not asked her and you are trying to figure out how to ask her...if this is the case I think the same applies, if you love and honor your wife, you should be able to ask her and be upfront with her. I'm not saying not to build your case...I can tell you that swinging has done wonders for my marriage, although it is not for everyone. We are closer, we enjoy each other more, talk more, I find her sexier than ever, I could go on and on. But ultimately if your spouse doesn't agree and you really love your spouse, you will respect your spouses decision.

Just my 2 cents.

cuck_couple said:
Hello everyone, this is the first time I post anything here...actually my wife and I are very new to this forum.

This thread really caught our eye because we are Christians. We are not however a cuckold couple as our name implies (sorry), but we are swingers and have been in the swinging lifestyle for over 5 years. As Christians we have had the struggle in our minds about whether or not what we do is right, but after a couple of years of talking to people and doing our own research we came to the same conclusion as you, and we agree whole heartedly with you when you say that as long as both agree and keep, love, trust, honor then no it is not a sin. However when I look at your original question, "How to get Christian wife to cuckold?" I have to say that it concerns me. If you have to ask that question I can only come to the conclusion that you might be forcing the issue with your wife...if this is the case then I have to say that love, trust, and honor goes out the window. If you truly love your wife, and you asked her to cuckold and she said no...then that should be the end of it. Another scenario could be that you have not asked her and you are trying to figure out how to ask her...if this is the case I think the same applies, if you love and honor your wife, you should be able to ask her and be upfront with her. I'm not saying not to build your case...I can tell you that swinging has done wonders for my marriage, although it is not for everyone. We are closer, we enjoy each other more, talk more, I find her sexier than ever, I could go on and on. But ultimately if your spouse doesn't agree and you really love your spouse, you will respect your spouses decision.

Just my 2 cents.

This thread was written in response to a question asked by another reader. I am trying to help others that come here see that you can enjoy this life choice and still have faith in God. And to those that say Bible is just not truth, Truth is what you Belive truth to be!!!!!

The truth is something that can be verified. If your wife's lover comes to your home, fucks your wife and you watch them in action, you know you are a cuckold and that's the truth. If your wife spends a lot of time away from home and sometimes comes home late, but always has plausible explanations for her whereabouts (that do not involve her lover), you may suspect you're a cuckold but you don't know for sure. Ergo, you don't know the truth. But your wife and her lover do.
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But getting back to the thread...

In your initial comments, Tup -- “The denomination does not really matter because all religious groups share some things in common. Either they teach from the Bible or some other book of equal importance to their faith.” -- you overlooked a powerful, indeed almost envious, benefit available to religious adulterous married women who are catholic. That is, of course, the confession ritual…. in which the adulterous wife, on feeling guilty because she suspects her amorous freelancing may not be strictly in accord with the teachings of her (patriarchal) church hierarchy, visits her priest and confesses her “sins.” In doing so, she feels erotic stimulation (perhaps, in spite of herself) as she relates her steamy experiences to a guy (the priest) who, she knows, must passively listen but is formally required to maintain her confidentiality. The priest tries to avoid breathing heavily. When she finishes, he says “you are forgiven, sin no more” (or words to that effect). She says “yes, father” (which sounds more sincere than “yeah, man…” in a sultry voice), and her sins, as they’re called, are reset to zero. But hey, she’s a cuckoldress. Is she going to let some guy who happens to wear church robes tell her how to live her life? Of course not.

This traditional custom benefits all concerned. The adulterous wife continues her steamy career as a cuckoldress which, she finds, makes her life -- which might otherwise be mundane -- exciting, stimulating and highly interesting. She is confident that if she is again overcome by guilt feelings at a later time, she can reset her “sins” to zero once again by repeating the confession ritual…. and she does. Her priest gains the satisfaction of an orgasm from masturbating during, or soon after, her confession (perhaps many times). Her lovers gain benefits that are obvious. Her community gains, if one or more of her children sired by her lovers turn out to be intellectually, artistically, or athletically talented. (Some of their genes may be superior to those of her husband, and the church hierarchy, of course, discourages birth control.) The only one who might not gain, potentially, is her husband – and he may gain as well, if he is enlightened and has a cuckold personality.

It’s a pretty good deal. AND, aspiring cuckold husbands can point out these clear benefits to their reluctant, conservative catholic wives, whom they hope have cuckoldress potential, much more briefly than if they attempted to lay the lengthy, convoluted, arcane three-part soliloquy on them at the beginning of this thread. I mean, there may be aspiring cuckolds who are capable of remembering all those biblical details, but I don’t know who they’d be. --Custer
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very good point

Custer Laststand said:
In your initial comments, Tup -- “It’s a pretty good deal. AND, aspiring cuckold husbands can point out these clear benefits to their reluctant, conservative catholic wives, whom they hope have cuckoldress potential, much more briefly than if they attempted to lay the lengthy, convoluted, arcane three-part soliloquy on them at the beginning of this thread. I mean, there may be aspiring cuckolds who are capable of remembering all those biblical details, but I don’t know who they’d be. --Custer
Very good point, and reminds me of a experince shared to me by a young lady. She remarked she had been in confession and was telling the preist of her having sex with a guy other then the guy she was going to marry. When she noticed through the dim light and curtain that he was jacking off. At first she was upset but as he continued to jerk his cock and telling her camly to go on she did, and opened her top and let her big tits fall out, and slipped down her pants and fingered her own pussy as she told him. I asked if the preist could see her, and she said she thought he could because he seemed to move up to the window and when she came said he at least heard her and she heard him cum as well.
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TRUTH is a provable fact.

Faith is the opposite.

It isn't a matter of what you BELIEVE at all.
TRUTH simply is or is not.

You may believe what you wish, of course, but it's not TRUTH unless you can prove it.

you may believe with all your heart that your wife is faithful
That's your BELIEF, your faith, if you will, in her.

but if she is in FACT cheating behind your back then your belief is not the same as the truth.
What you believe is of no relevance.
Very good point: re. the confession booth

Awright. I like it. I'm not catholic (perhaps that's obvious), but given the nature of the confession ritual I assumed something like that must happen at least sometimes. The "non-uniqueness principle"(1) suggests that practice is probably somewhat widespread. Both the priest and the adulteress, obviously, would be strongly motivated to refrain from mentioning it to others afterwards... thus it's a relatively well-kept secret. In any case, it's good to read that hypothesis is verified -- "verified hypotheses" not being an everyday sort of thing.

(1) The "non-uniqueness principle:" if a behavior is observed, or recounted credibly by someone who experienced it firsthand (as in this case), that behavior is unlikely to be unique.
LOL Custer u haandled that well !!
Well, it's interesting

Thanks Dazmo1. This is an interesting subject....

You got any religious (or otherwise) married adulteresses down there in western Australia to distract you from the tribulations of draught and wildfires? I understand it's pretty bad these days. --Custer

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