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Aroused by being denied

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
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after reading your last post i think she has done what you wanted she took care of you. without having sex with you and then went to frank to take care of the itch she had. well it is wed. again is she going to do the same and denie you the pussy tonight and then go see frank to take care of the itch again. all so it is getting to the time in this that you are wanting her to need him more than you and . when she did the week with don things went bad. i know that frank and sue say it is nothing but sex. and after the wedding things have changed alot but i hope that you do. not tell her what you posted that you want her to fall in love with frank. i think it will happen no matter what they say . and i think it has already happened. frank will be the one to take her away from you so i do think you should tread like you are on thin ice. with this. i hope what i have read that you have posted you are about to get alot more of what you want. and i hope you and sue can ride out all the bumps. and i would like to read the letters the she sent to you if that is at all posable and something you are ok with. if i have said thing that upset you i am sorry. but this is what i have read in all of this so keep going on and keep posting and .i will keep reading.
Dana I'm not saying your wrong. But I have been "Frank" in a few relationships. Right now as I see it. Sue has fallen deeply, madly in Lust with Frank. Sue has discovered her sexuality and she is enjoying it. Believe me, I have seen this more than a few times.
you may be right all we can do is hope so. this is a very hot thread and i would hate to see it end in a ball of flames.
You and me both. I don't write on here very often. But I enjoy this thread.
I have been a bull for a long time. Believe me when I tell you women fall into lust. But if they have good mariage to begin with. They will stay in love. Sometimes it may appear strained. But they generally stay. Sue seem very determined to take care of Steve's needs and wants. If she didn't have feelings for him. Believe me she would just go off and do her own thing. I don't think she would make it such a production of the panties being on. Or draining him on the night before. This does not speak to me of a wife who doesn't love her husband. Thou I have no doubt she is craving Franks Cock.
Sue & Frank


Now that Sue is staying at Frank’s longer into the evening, Do they ever go out for dinner or dancing? Or even maybe watch a movie at his place between fuck sessions?

Just wondering, Cheers, Harry
I'm again interrupted just after we've gone to bed by some nonsense at work. So, while my laptop boots up, here I am.

Yes, it's Wednesday night and as now has become our new routine, I knew and hoped and expected her to want me to masturbate for her. Sure enough, after we said goodnight to the kids we adjourned to the bedroom and she locked the door which confirmed my expectations. Sure enough as we lay in bed about an hour and a half ago now she reached over and lay against me and ran her hand up my leg. When she felt my cock she giggled at how swollen it already felt and she asked me if I was looking forward to this.

I told her that it turned me on - just as I've said here - that I know that both she likes watching me as well as what it means for me tomorrow. As I started to stroke I asked her how she liked all of this. She paused for a second and then said that she hasn't felt this "alive" in a long time. She laughed and said "I never expected menopause to be so much fun". It was strange because all of a sudden I realized that I'd sort of taken control of our conversation for a bit. So - I actually asked her a question that I'd remembered from here and I asked her "how come you don't see Frank more than once a week? Doesn't he want more even if you don't?"

It just came out - not like it was any big deal as I've certainly asked her many other similar types of questions but she definitely paused for a moment before answering. Paraphrasing what she said - she doesn't want to see Frank more than once a week because she likes what they and we have right now and she also said she doesn't want it to become anything more than it is right now between them. I laughed and she knew I did so because of the wedding - but she quickly answered that "that's exactly why" and I asked what she meant. That's when she said something like "yeah, every now and then, but if it was more all the time, it'd get out of hand".

I answered and asked whether Frank would want to see her more. Which actually led to the answer to Harry's last question. She said that she knows he would definitely see her more if she'd let it happen. So I asked your question Harry - doesn't he ever want to go out? She said that she's asked him that and his answer was that if he only gets to see her alone once a week - she giggled and said "there's only one way he wants to spend it".

The whole scene seemed to get to me - we're talking about their new normal routine while we're mid-way through ours. I found myself wicked hard and pretty close to cumming. She was cooing and making other sounds at times like moans and such. It was hearing her saying, very casually and nonchalantly, that "he cums so much when we only see each other once a week" that really got to me and sure enough a second later I spewed my first load of the evening. She giggled as she knew her teasing had turned me on. This time she didn't even ask, she just scooped it up and put her fingers against my lips.

We watched Tuesday night's Leno show and just after the Jaywalking segment was over she got out of bed and went to the bathroom for a second. With Tivo on pause she like bopped out of the bathroom and knelt next to me on the bed and pulled the covers down. "Ready?" she asked me and my answer was revealed when I slid the boxers down. She reached down and started to stroke me and started to tease me with some of that same story that I guess she's turned on by. Hearing her tell me that it's too bad I'll just have to wait till Friday and how I'll just have to "waste it" seemed to get me going good again. But it was when she sat back on her knees and patted her pussy over her panties and said something like "you can go back in here on Friday" and "tomorrow this is for Frank" - oh man did that get me going. Sure enough when she pulled the panties tighter and showed me her camel-toe and said something more about it - that was it, I let my second load go.

I was beat after that and my cock had that dull ache to it after it's had too much use but sure enough, not even 30 minutes later she said something about "it's getting late" and wanting to keep me happy (unprompted by me) and instead of her reaching in and stroking me - she smiled up at me and said "enjoy this" and she leaned in and started to suck me. And oh my, what an intense blow-job it was. I had this ache but at the same time her velvety lips and mouth were getting me hard. She moaned that she wanted me to cum soon so we could go to sleep and I grunted something about almost being there. Whatever she did next was heavenly - something about how it felt with her sucking me and stroking my cock - damn, even now an hour or so later I can still feel it throbbing. But an hour ago - she leaned in and seemed to suck me deeper and sort of let me fuck-her-mouth a bit such that a moment later I grunted that I was about to cum.

She sucked me till I burst in her mouth with whatever little dribble there actually was it still felt like it was huge to me. I felt her run her finger up the underside of my cock and draw out the last little bit of cum. I was a bit off in la-la land as she slid up towards me again and I immediately realized she wanted to snowball with me again. How could I resist or refuse. It felt so erotic to have our tongues dance together even if there was just a little dribble of very bitter tasting cum.

And now - I've just confirmed that the software on our server at work is now running properly, I can bid good bye for now.
STB great update post how things go with her and frank on thursday. look forward to the next post. well as you posted what she said to you about them. i was right if left un checked it would get out of hand very fast. so that means that they have talked and he has told her. that he does love her. at last. we will see where she takes this next. did he every tell you if he took any pics. of her at the wedding. and are the talking about going away togather again any time soon. if so that will i think wat may take tham over the top. all we can do is wait and see. keep up the hot posting.
Well I'll say this about Frank. He is telling Sue Everything I would be telling her if I were Him. As far as wanting to see her more. What red blooded bull wouldn't want to get laid more than once a week?
Dana - she insists that he's never told her that he loves her.
More later.
he is not said it yet but has been more in his actions with her. and yes she is in full on lust with frank.
Sorry folks - going to have to go into the office today instead of working remotely - too many problems to deal with....

Dana - I haven't asked about other pics but I will do so. Sue says she doesn't remember anything specific but again, not sure if she'd know if, like me, he'd snapped a few in secret. No word either about them going away again together but as I've already said, I am expecting it to happen - as if she's building up to it or something. Just a feeling I have, nothing concrete.

And yes, for Harry I think it was who posted that I am no longer enjoying creampies with her on Thursday evenings. That is true, but if that's the loss to gain the increased involvement of her in my fantasies and desires, then I think I'm okay with it. Besides, there will always be more opportunties for either the 3 of us to get together, or for her to see him some other day and share that with me.

Sorry, gotta run.
You know right now, Frank has every thing going his way. He has a woman who will do pretty what he wants sexually. Refuse him no part of her body. And its not costing him anything. Why would he do something stupid like fall in love? I addmit I'm a bit jaded. But right now Frank has everything a man could want. And with very little commitment. That what I love about being a bull. Frank does not have to declare his love to get what her wants.
Sounds like you both are enjoying you Wednesday evenings and its great that you take the time to discuss things while you are wasting your sperm for her. One of these nights she should edge you and not let you cum! Then wait until Friday! Probably would have to lock little STB up to prevent that though! Now that would make you crazy and fuck the shit out of her on Friday!
> And yes, for Harry I think it was who posted that I am no longer enjoying creampies
> with her on Thursday evenings. That is true, but if that's the loss to gain the increased
> involvement of her in my fantasies and desires, then I think I'm okay with it.
I'm sure if you asked really nicely, and promised you wouldn't try to have sex with her,
she would let you gently lick her pussy clean on Thursday after she gets home :)

> or for her to see him some other day and share that with me.
I sounds like you really want her to have sex with Frank more than once a week,
but she is afraid it would get out of control. Maybe she could do a Sunday/Saturday
nooner quickie with him, and you could wait until Sunday night? But only as a special
treat every now and then, and still keep things under control?

Since denial is such a big turn on for both of you, have you thought about playing
with a male chastity device? I know you stated earlier that you weren't interested,
but lots of time has passed since then and maybe now that it's out in the open
between you two, a device could be a nice new toy. Does Sue know that such
devices exist? Do you think she might find it fun to lock you in for a bit?
Enquiring evil minds what to know :)

well it is thursday and did she go have her.time with frank tonight if so how did it go. keep us posted.
While Sue is out visiting her father I had a little time to post here.

She did see Frank yesterday evening. We had dinner together after which she used the excuse of going to visit her dad, but really went over to Franks. It's been very stressful for her recently as the care options and decisions are falling on her and her siblings, so, I understand her "need" to as a guy might put it, to "go get fucked". I can see it in her face and how she acts that the release she gets from her once-a-week with Frank does wonders for her. I know lots of you are reading more into this - but I am thinking (hoping?) that Will2112 is more on target with his assessment of Frank as it matches the vibe that I get from him.

Sue and I are planning some time for ourselves and are tossing around a variety of places for us to go and get away from everything. Other than the furtive times when we have the house to ourselves and she's not dealing with family times - taking her away is when I'll get a chance to have her full sexuality directed towards me. But until then, it is such an erotic feeling to know she is so freely giving herself to another guy like she is.

I know everyone here is thinking that I should want to jump her bones when she comes in after being with Frank. But I can honestly say that for me - knowing beneath her jeans and panties that her pussy has been pounded on and left full of cum - I can't really explain how both turned on as well as satisfied/content I feel about it. I'll see her walk down to the kitchen or the laundry room and damn if, even after jerking off like a madman the night before, doesn't my cock get hard thinking about her swollen pussy lips slipping back and forth lubricated by his cum. Or the wet-spot that I can see on her panties as she gets changed into her night-shirt. It's weird, but somehow, it turns me on incredibly to know she's well-fucked under there.

Tonight - I"m on the edge of my seat as I'm typing this. Both kids are out till late and I have a bottle of wine and a light dinner waiting for when she gets home about 7pm. I can't wait to undress her and have her. I've said it before, but it is true, it is almost like a first-date every time we are together after she's with Frank. She's said she feels a different and very erotic type of arousal too so I know its not just me. There is even a sense of excitement - like when I unclip her bra and I see and hold her breasts and know that Frank had free access to them just as me.

Hiki - sorry - the whole chastity thing just doesn't work here. Its just not something either of us is turned on by. I say that because we've read some Penthouse Letters stories in the Domination section where stuff like this has been mentioned and she's always been kind of put off by it. I suppose if I had an interest in it, she might acquiesce. But honestly - I am growing to be aroused more and more by our Wednesday routine. In many ways it really fulfills a lot of my desires - she knows that after I cum two or three times that I am definitely unable to "perform" for at least 24 hours or maybe more. In my head, that she wants and now encourages me to do so on Wednesdays is in a way, similarly arousing to me in that in my head, twisted as it may be, her encouragement of me jerking off like that is her way of denying me - by "wanting" me to be unable to perform while she is with Frank. In my head, it's much like the arousal I get in general from her denying me - I think I tell myself that she wants me to so that, when she wants sex the next night, that she'll go to Frank. It's a twist in my head but it turns me on so. Her feeding me my cum is like the frosting on a cupcake. I think I posted here that she was surprised that Frank didn't mind it either - that she thought I was alone in that. I know it turns her on to see me do it, it always has.

Far2 - yeah, it was hard enough when we didn't do anything on Wednesday much less if she'd bring me to the edge and then not let me cum. But that's not what she's into, or at least not now.

I will say, I have thought and wondered what would/will happen when/if this ends with Frank. I'm sure it will. Rather, I'm sure he'll come to a point where he will want a closer relationship where he'll want a woman as a larger part of his life. Since Sue can't fill that role, my prediction is that sometime maybe in another 6-8 months, that he will find someone else he is interested in. I've shared that thought with Sue and she says that I'm right - that at times when he's said he wanted to see her more that she's felt he wants more of a presence in his life. So far, as I've also shared, she doesn't feel that in return. But I will say that is also why I am convinced that there's another long-weekend away in the future for them. I think that may be her way of keeping Frank's desires in check and in my head, may be why she was so insistent on going with him to the wedding - that maybe she felt this kind of desire building in him. Just a guess....

Hiki - that last thought was also in response to your post about more time for them. I think Sue knows that I would join them at anytime for another 3-some. She seems to be very comfortable about that. If it feels the same for her as it does for me - it is far more erotic now and so much less anxiety-filled. But she also knows that I would rarely say no if she wanted to see him more. And that's where I am also somewhat troubled in a way - yeah, I'd like to see her do it more - but she's not comfortable in seeing Frank more so I"m reluctant to share it with her. Perhaps she knows it and the whole panty/denial routine is a way to alleviate my desires for her.

All I know is that as I am about to hit submit - all I can think of is seeing her pull in the driveway and having her back to being mine.

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