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Denial part-2

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
  • Start date
If Robert had fallen in love with Sue where would this be going? Sue was wanting to fall in love here..... It would appear Robert's non acceptance of that "back story" is where this might have gone wrong because Sue's back story is not consistent any more. Robert is looking for one woman which generated a lot of the prior concerns.
manon said:
If Robert had fallen in love with Sue where would this be going? Sue was wanting to fall in love here..... It would appear Robert's non acceptance of that "back story" is where this might have gone wrong because Sue's back story is not consistent any more. Robert is looking for one woman which generated a lot of the prior concerns.

That was always a Very Big If. Maybe Stevie would be sleeping on My Sofa???? Hey What If You Hit the Power Ball??? What If Congress gets something done???
Folks - it's late here and we just got home.
I told Sue I thought her dad seemed off and sure enough - yesterday during the day he had some sort of episode at home and he's in the hospital and we were there yesterday and earlier tonight and then ran her mom back to their house before coming here.
Could be another stroke, could be something else - they're not ruling out some kind of infection, etc.
As you can imagine, things are crazy right now so there's nothing to report on.
I haven't even read the earlier posts - just glanced back at the last 2 pages and see a long post that I think I'll need more energy than I have right now to read through and take in.

Wish there was other news here but shit happens.
Funny how real life puts things back in perspective eh? Wishing the very best for you and your family, Steve.

sorry to hear about sue's father hope everything is alright with him. and that he get's better soon.

keep us posted.
Back to Real Life. Steve My thoughts are with You and Sue and Her Whole Family. I am not a Christian. But I will think a Good thought for You All.

You know you have Friends here. Whatever We can do.
Well, he's still in ICU. Elevated white blood cell count seems to indicate he has some kind of infection going.
But now his breathing is more labored and they're also thinking he may be malnourished.
Not good.

Also not good, our daughter announced she isn't going away next week - not with grandpa sick in the hospital - and Sue is consumed with helping her mom our again so I didn't see much of her last night till later.

So yes - real life has intruded on things once again.

What is good is that we're still pretty much on the "high" from last week and we didn't lose or drop the closeness we had last week - so that's been good.

Sadly, at almost 85 (or is he 86 already?), there's not a whole lot they can really do other than address symptoms and try to figure out what's going on. But time isn't on his side, and the longer he just lies there instead of being up and moving the little he could - it's not good for him physically.
Steve. We are here for You. If only to listen. But We are here.
Same as Will has stated. The crowd here have different viewpoints and opinions from time to time. At the end of the day most are concerned with your well being.

At times such as this it is very hard to offer words of comfort or solace with some of these realities of life, other then a lot of us do care and are here to offer our different takes so you can make the best decisions with your life from a well informed point.

I am sorry for this to have happened at this specific time. A lot of people here come to appreciate and come to know you thru your words.

Hope things work out for the better during this very draining period in your families life...,
Hey - thanks everyone for the well wishes.

I am both surprised and not surprised at the turn of events. I've been saying for a while that I've noticed a downward slide in him lately. What surprises me is how soon it happened.

With our daughter now staying home next week, if he stabilizes, it still rules out some of what Sue was hoping to do next week with Robert. She had hoped to spend one night with him after which she promised that when she got home she'd let me have sex with her so it was going to be something we both looked forward to.

She said to me this morning that she might see Robert this evening. For the first time since Monday I saw that sexy glimmer in her eye and she said she hoped I understood that she "needed" to see him. I know she wants to take her mind off of everything for a while if she can - and yes - I'm quite sure she wants him to fuck the heck out of her. It's okay - it sounds weird to say but I know that she needs that. Plus it'll give her time to discuss the changes in their plans for next week.

It's good that work is quite busy now for both of us (more me) as it gives you a place to re-focus onto when your mind strays. As I told Sue - since my own father passed away many many years ago, her father has been my father too for a long time now. Unlike some families, I like my in-laws.

sorry to hear that your father in law is so far down. we all here hope it is not his time to go and that he does get better very soon.

keep us posted.
SoonToBe said:
Hey - thanks everyone for the well wishes.

I am both surprised and not surprised at the turn of events. I've been saying for a while that I've noticed a downward slide in him lately. What surprises me is how soon it happened.

With our daughter now staying home next week, if he stabilizes, it still rules out some of what Sue was hoping to do next week with Robert. She had hoped to spend one night with him after which she promised that when she got home she'd let me have sex with her so it was going to be something we both looked forward to.

She said to me this morning that she might see Robert this evening. For the first time since Monday I saw that sexy glimmer in her eye and she said she hoped I understood that she "needed" to see him. I know she wants to take her mind off of everything for a while if she can - and yes - I'm quite sure she wants him to fuck the heck out of her. It's okay - it sounds weird to say but I know that she needs that. Plus it'll give her time to discuss the changes in their plans for next week.

It's good that work is quite busy now for both of us (more me) as it gives you a place to re-focus onto when your mind strays. As I told Sue - since my own father passed away many many years ago, her father has been my father too for a long time now. Unlike some families, I like my in-laws.

No its not weird of Sue. And its no One's place to judge.
My sympathy to you, Sue and all your family. There comes a time for all of us, but that never helps. As Will says, no one can or should judge anything that feels right or helps either of you to cope.

As I recall, the last major incident had a similar outcome with Frank at the time. It helped Sue then, and there is no reason to believe that it will not help Sue with Robert now. It may even spark a slightly different relationship between them.

Good luck. Keep us posted when you can.
So sorry to read about Sue's dad. Not sure what to say to console you, Steve. You are much more aware of the situation, than I, but I still "feel for you" ans Sue in this trial of life. I work with some patients that have serious medical conditions, so can relate to the severity of his condition. I just hope the best for you and Sue, as well as your Daughter, at this time.

Cheers, Harry
Hey all - home here to pick up my daughter and drop her off at a friends before heading over to my in-laws to join Sue for some dinner and to join in a family meeting about next-steps. They never finalized the estate-planning stuff they'd begun earlier so now that's a more serious conversation.

Sue's become quite emotional at times as expected. She did see Robert yesterday and apologized to me when she came in for what she said was something like putting her needs above others - but I told her I understood totally and even said to her that she looked more relaxed, no doubt from having a few (pleasurable) hours without having to think about anything. She smiled and hugged me and then - later last night - came to me and said she wanted to make love with me. She said she needed to feel me (too) and thought I would also enjoy some diversion time. When we were in bed she said that she didn't want to "do all of this" (meaning denial and that stuff) for right now and that she wanted to share and be with me right then. She did ask that I not go down on her - not sure why but I didn't question it. She was incredibly responsive in bed and was quite eager for me to fuck her when the time came. Wow - it was heavenly - it's been quite a while since I've had her like that where she's let me get her worked up - and when I entered her, it was like her pussy was welcoming me - wet as it was!!!!! I can't describe how it felt to feel her again like this - so soon after she'd been with Robert. She did tease me that "he left me really messy" and there was no doubt to that - but I also know she was compensating a bit as I could feel her tightening her pussy at times. But after I'd brought her to orgasm two or so times, she gave up and simply relaxed. I told her that I loved how she felt and that i loved knowing what she'd been doing earlier. She pulled me to her as I kept my motion up in and out of her. It felt great to truly feel her close to me - but she knew that I wanted to feel all of her too so after a few minutes, she relaxed and let me up from her.

We both watched me plunge into her over and over until she knew it was my turn and she lay back and let me have her. For as much as she needed to cum when she was with Robert was as much as she wanted to feel me at that moment - I could feel it in her as she said "your turn baby".

She didn't see him today - just as well as the weather sucks.

Not much change in her dad - still in ICU and still not totally coherent. Vitals are improved but pulse and blood pressure in general are diminished. It's almost like he's in a semi-conscious coma kind of thing. At times he'll respond though - he'll smile when he sees someone the first time, etc. They're still hoping that antibiotics and such that they started him on will help. Kind of a crappy way to go if he's on his way out - all hooked up to machines and such in the hospital. Not how I want to go when it's my time....

Gotta run.
I am so sorry to hear about Sue's dad!!! Life can be very hard at times!!! All my heart felt best I send to Sue,her family,and your daughter and you,STB!!! And also to Sue's dad and what he must be going through!!! Not easy...T.
It is amazing how a hot hard Dicken's cider can make a woman feel better.
Whatever gets you both through. Spending even a little time with Robert clearly helped Sue reboot her head for a while. Nothing to feel guilty about. She is no use to anyone scrambled. Interesting that she needed you that way too. She obviously does not see the denied you as the 'normal' state. I wonder how what she has shared of her problems with Robert has affected him. He wouldn't be human if he didn't try to offer some degree of emotional support. Might trigger something more in him yet. Or confirm with Sue forever that nothing will.
Sorry to hear of the family issues and I hope what ever recovery that is possible happens. Best thoughts and wishes.

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