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Is my hubby's penis too small

Sexy Man

karenwf2007 said:
I barely feel his penis inside, and lakely I have a hard time having an orgasm. In the other hand, when I used one of my dildos I feel more pleassure and cum easely. I wonder, if his penis is too small for me and if size really matters. I am going to post some pictures of his penis. I hope you could share some insightful information on how to enhance my sex life. :(
You just probably need some black love along side..your husband has a sexy butt and sexy hairy chest....should post more photos.of him
Karen you have a body of a goddess, and yes you deserve the best, but you new this before you married your married your husband and his 'large clit.'. You were meant to give and receive pleasure. Find my pics, and see what you need and deserve.
poochpi69 said:
Karen you have a body of a goddess, and yes you deserve the best, but you new this before you married your married your husband and his 'large clit.'. You were meant to give and receive pleasure. Find my pics, and see what you need and deserve.

thank for your kind words
Wellll..... you're "ok".....

But your really not "all that." ok? Sorry....but you and little dick were apparently made for one another.

Yes, you need to find a man who has bigger. Then let him watch how another man can make you happy sexually.
yes you need to face the facts your husbands penis is to small for you find a lover that fits both your needs and you will be happier and he will too
It is a LAUGH!

You will never rest until you have tried a 'real' cock. That's just the way it is! Don't try to change human nature.

A bigger dick will reach deeper rubbing your cervix which WILL get you off EVERY time.

Since you are in the cuckold forum, you have obviously thought about fucking another guy or guys. You should let him know that you need to try out a bigger dick and he should find you one. He should be able to describe the 'new guy's' dick in detail so you know he actually knows what he's talking about.

I had the exact thing happen with a guy I knew in Los Angeles. We were both members at the YMCA and he saw me in the shower a couple of days a week. I had never noticed him before.

One day, he came up to me very embarassed and asked if I would come to a party he was having at his house. He gave me a good pitch and I did go. I met his wife who did look unusually eager...if you know what I mean...LOL.

After the party, I got her in bed. She told me that her hubby was insufficient (down there) and he wanted her to experience a "big" dick. She said he had seen me naked several times and I was single so he recommended trying to get us together.

Unbeknownst to me, she had him wait outside the bedroom listening to us fuck. She was hot and loud. She kept saying...OH GOD....YOU FEEL SOOOOOOO GOOOOOD!:cool: She really did put on a sound show for him!

I thought it would be VERY erotic to let him watch so she let him in.

She performed even better with him there watching. She fucked and sucked like a woman posessed! We kept up the relationship up for over a year. She just wanted a bigger dick to make her feel her entire vagina.

By the way, I did have him perform oral on me as well. She LOVED watching his head bob up and down on my slippery, stiff dick.
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What you need

I forgot to attach my dick pic to back up my story.


  • Biggun.jpg
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You are a peach who deserves bigger cock for satifaction. i realised that i couldnt satisfy my horny wifes pussy with my 6 inches last year. She now gets her pussy serviced and filled with cream by a Bull with 9 inches of black meat twice a month
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Sexual myths and misconceptions leading to anxiety are the most common sexual problems. The common myths relating to various aspects of sex and sexuality are handed down from one generation to another and many people imagine more problems than they actually have.


Q) What is the normal length of the erect penis to satisfy a woman?
A) Concern about penise size is as old as the human race. The width, length and erection of the penis vary from one male to another, as does the length of the nose, the depth and spacing of the eyes and the width of the forehead. The average sexual length of the vagina is about 15 cm. And only the outer third (5 cm) has the maximum nerve endings. The inner two-thirds (10 cm) is virtually insensitive. This leads to the conclusion that if a man wants to arouse his female partner he should concentrate on the area of maximum nerve endings i.e. the outer lips (labia majora) and the outer third i.e. the outer 5 cm of the vagina. Therefore, for female sexual gratification, the size of the erect penis could be anything from 5 cm plus. Penise size is unimportant for female satisfaction and the size of the penis seems important only to those women who harbor the myth that a man with a large penis can satisfy his woman better than a man with a smaller one!

According to several sex mags the male avg is 5 to 5 1/4 and being 5 cm is about 1.5 inches and that is the part that the woman needs to have feeling size is not really the object. My wife is a bbw her first husband had only 4" the problem was with his gut and hers he could not get into a postion that really got more then the head in, that left her feeling very unsatisfied, as well as most females seem to want the long stroke therefore size does matter to a point.

Q) Is the width of the penis important?
A) Not really. The vagina is highly elastic. It can expand from the size of a little finger to that of a baby's head. The vagina distends according to the width and size of the inserted penis.

Q) Is there any relation between the size of the body and the size of the sex organs?
A) No.

Q) Can a smaller penis lead to conceptive inadequacy?
A) No.

Q) Is the penis usually inclined to the left?
A) Yes. This is true for a majority of men. This is so perhaps because the left testis is lower than the right. Therefore, while wearing under garments, most men adjust their penis on the left side as enough space exists on the left side as compared to the right.

Q) Does a slight curvature of the penis lead to any difficulty in penetration?
A) A slight curvature of the penis either to the left or to the right is common and does not affect penetration at all. It is a myth that an erect penis should always be at right angle.

Much of the advise has been get a lover, I would like to say a few things on that. If you get a lover then be prepared to get a new marrage or be single. This life style is not for everyone. In fact for most that are happy in this life style there is a few things they have in common. 1) they understand the difference between sex and making love 2) the level of trust in that love allows them to share, knowing that what they are doing has no effect on the heart relationship but in fact is a turn on to the partner 3) Many if not all enter this with a very frim agreement as to what the boundries are and if one wants it to stop they agree to do that, when one wants it to stop and the other does not want too, well that is usually the end of a marrage, 4) its not cheating if both people agree, but it sure as hell is if done in secert, 5) Usally people who are not in a sound happy relationship and try this to fix a marrage end up with out a spouse, If two people really are soul mates then the size of the cock does not really matter any more then a woman that has to have a breast removed. Last point I would make is this, if you and husband are in love and not just love each other, then talk to him about your thoughts and fantises, he may be very much turned on to the ideal, move at a pace you both feel comfortable with, this type of life style can be fun and exciting to everyone involved, be careful of who you hook up with, there are crazy people out here and you can bet some of them veiw this web site. If either you are he has any doubts, feelings of guilt, lack of total trust, then don't do it, just get a divorce and find what you want, don't hurt one another worse.
Recently an unidentified man was in the hospital
to have his wedding ring removed from his penis.
His mistress found the ring in his pants pocket
and was so angered by this that she
slipped his ring on his penis while he slept.

We don't know which is worse:

1) having your mistress
find out you're married.

2) explaining to your wife how your
wedding ring got on your penis.


3) having everyone find out your
wedding ring fits on your penis.
my tiny penis

Don't worry Karren my penis is only 3.5 inches and I am a sissy baby girl in pretty frilly baby clothes,not much of a man either.Is my penis too small as well?
here's a pic of me in my baby clothes and my penis.Please let me know what you think.I would be pleased to here your comments.


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Excuse For?

Hey Karen,
It's been established that you've got a great body, and you're attractive. Although Enser seems to believe that your vagina is big enough to charge admission for tours. There's a picture I'd like to see faked.
Is there any possibility that you're using your husband's penis "problem" as an excuse to display your generous portions of flesh?
If the problem is truly his penis then we really wouldn't have had to see so many pictures of you would we? Not complaining mind you, I like the pictures.
You want to get laid baby? Dressing like that on the beach should have given you the option to collect more then sea shells.
Maybe you're holding the wrong thing up to your ear.
Next time you and your husband are at the beach pull your husband's trunks down when you see a likely prospect and simply ask the same question you've put forth here, "Don't I deserve better then this?"
I'll bet it doesn't take more then two or three asks, before you get the "answer" you're seeking. Unless of course they happen to be gay, and then he ends up having more fun then you. Life can be such a bitch can't it?

When the minister said "for better or worse," you just didn't think he was talking about cock did you?

Good luck Baby

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