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shocked wife

  • Thread starterAlexis
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  • #161
Alexis, how important is penis size to you?

Has a Black man ever propositioned or made "a pass" at you?
Inquiring minds want to know...
  • #162
MichaelWills said:
Anna, after that post I wonder how you really feel about your husband? Or are you cheating?

My wife does feel special, and safe, and needed, and because she admitted a fantasy she had held since high school--for her I was willing to forgo my jealousies, my territorial inclinations (not with MY WIFE you're not!), and by her statement, "Give the gift of allowing me to live out my fantasy."

It too strength to allow that to happen with affecting our marriage.

And by the way I'm not a wimp, or cuckold by the online definition. My wife does have sex with other men, but it is with my full knowledge and consent.

As for being a pervert--that depends on how you define perv. To me a pervert is someone that cannot be open about their sexuality.

Well then for both of you it's a different ball game. But forthe wife who's not even remotely into this, this news comes as an outrage and a dissappointment. I love hubby and have chilled on the hole cheating thing, but I still love this forum. Is that ok?
  • #163
I search this site all the time . My wife would not try black for a long time . She has seen some on here and has since started talking about them. its a good start.
  • #163
Alexis said:
For those of you who may be interested, the last time I posted before today, I said that we had talked and things were going pretty good between me and my husband, and that we were going to take a long weekend to sort things out. Well, little did I know that the talk we had in which I thought he had told me everything was only a small beginning of what he is interested in. I had thought that we could work everything out, but the more I learned the more I (and he as well) realized that the "800 lb gorilla" was now part of our marriage.

So, today we finalized our decision to get a separation. Temporary, permanent, who knows. All I know at this point is we need some time away from each other.
I agree with you. He can have his fantasy, but this should never be the main focus of the sexual relationship between man and wife. Sure, added spice is nice, but it shouldn't be needed since You guys are as one(or were)

I used to heavily be in the fantasy, screwing others guys gals until I got a gal of my own and no way I'll pimp her out! (I'm only here because they delete my account and hey, it's free porn!)

But its to the couples decide. If a wife says hands down decide no, I believe it should be left at that. If she's reluctant, then eh. Do what you can.

It's unfortunate to hear about your marriage. Best of luck to you and your husband.
  • #164

You always need the last word don't you. I read some of your comments to others and your bullying tactics. Oh and the best only your opinion counts. Look my friend you need a reality check and a job to go along with it. The truth hurts doesn't it but take it like a sissy that you are end of story and end of Will.
  • #165
Old days

By the way Will the forum was never and still is not my thing really and I can see the small mind spinning this into something don't bother. I was around 18 yrs ago when Coco just started out. Put your energy into something good or at least try to.
  • #166
Alexis, about 1920 a book was banned because it had the words, "and that night they were not divided". It was declared pornographic.

My grandfather had the view that no girl should know anything about sex until she was married. It was her husband's right to be the one who taught what she needed to know.

An Australian Doctor went over to a Middle East country a few years ago to set up practice. A wife came to see him to find out why she was not pregnant after two years of marriage. She desired a son for her husband as rite of passage to being considered a breeding success as a wife. The Doctor examined her and discovered she was still a virgin, but he would have had his throat slit by her husband if he had told her anything about the correct way to have sex. Her husband had many wives, and he had anal sex with the ones he was not ready to get pregnant. The wife had an ecessively stretched anus, but her hymen was intact. (This is a true story). A girl grows up to please a husband,and she is not allowed sex education in the harem.

In the Western world there is a great curiosity about all sexual matters. For so many years, religion told everyone what their sexual behaviour should be.

Priests and Nuns are all vigins and have taken vows of marriage to God, so they should not know anything about sex, BUT THEY FORCE THEIR IDEAS ON SEX ON THE MASSES. The Pope should not know anything about condoms because he is in a relationship with God.

The first condom factories had to employ Roman Catholic woman to prick a certain percentage of condoms with pins to allow the sperm to leak out and get some women pregnant.

These days, the consumer protection acts forbid producing inferior condoms unless it is clearly stated on the label that there is a percentage of faults - it would be misleading to not point out the faults if they were deliberate.

Go back in history to China and Greece and you will have your eyes opened up in a surprising way to the sexual stuff they got up to a 1,000 years ago.

Many men and women get into pornography from curiosity, and it grows from there. What is considered normal is changing rapidly.

If you visit the same web sites as your husband for several months, you will discover and probably feel a lot of the feelings that he is feeling.

Don't chuck your marriage. I bet a lot of your friends are checking out websites WITHOUT TELLING YOU ABOUT IT. It is not something that everyone can admit to.

Are there any fantasies that you would like to give extra energy to bring them into reality? Your husband will help you get your fantasies met if you help him with his.

Most of us women check out other guys, and guys check us out back. Sometimes the stresses of life can turn curiosity into an addiction, but it does not mean your husband does not want the best for you.

While you might be shocked and disppointed to discover the websites your husband is visiting, you obviously have no difficulty posting on Dark Cavern, so you have been looking at other websites of your own interest to GET THE EXPERIENCE TO POST.

These days, anyone who has not looked at a few pornographic sites to see what all the fuss is about, HAS PROBABLY HAD A SHELTERED LIFESTYLE and likely to be a living according to the rules of others (who are trying to tell you what is right and wrong). Each culture has its own interpretation of what is normal with sex.

Take the age of consent - meant to protect children from amorous adults, but it varies from 11 - 21 depending what country, culture or tribe you belong to. In the year 1700, girls did not get their periods until 18, so their were no restrictions on the age of consent. As soon as you got a period, you picked a guy and got married. Teenagers did not get pregnant (they did not need contraception).

Modern day, highly processed food with preservatives and chemicals has steadily reduced the age of puberty to 11-13, so young people are taking a huge interest in sex THESE DAYS because their hormones are making them very horny. There is a huge interest in cosmetics and clothes and "looking good".

I would be very disappointed if any wife dumped her husband just because he looked at websites she did not know about. A loving wife would try to "understand" her husband, and maybe sit on his knee and look at the sites together and discuss them.

A lot of men go through a mid-life crisis because of their falling testosterone. It peaks at 18 and drops to 25% by 60. Women peak their horniness at 35 and it falls much slower, so a mismatch of libido occurs after a few years of marriage.

A man who desires his wife to have sex with other men, often is trying to give his wife the gift of extra sex, simply because he realises he is short-changing her NEEDS as his sex drive falls steadily after a reasonable period of marriage.

Many wives enjoy the extra attention from having a lover of HER OWN CHOICE. She gets extra dates which she can buy nice clothes for, and having a better social life can pull her out of the boring routines of marriage.

A wife can often experience new types of sex with a "new man in her life" as he pushes buttons that she did not know she had. And there can be fun in going home the next day, after a full night with her lover, to tell her husband all about what she got up to.

Often a husband is so pleased that his wife had such a good time out on a date, that his cock will go rock hard and he will want to do some pussy polishing himself to "stir the other guy's porridge" by adding his sperm into the slot. If a husband likes doing this, a wife should let him do it ---and he is likely to be ever so grateful that he will lend a hand around the house on jobs a wife needs help with.

If money is not tight, a cuckoldress wife can skoot away for a naughty weekend with her lover, and hubby can run the house and do the chores while she is away (and mostly, hubby will enjoy this as he knows she is getting the sexual top-up she needs and deserves for being such a good wife.

But when a husband asks his wife to share her pussy with other men, he has to be sure he won't get jealous suddely when he experiences new emotions of seeing his wife ENJOYED by other guys. In fact she now has several husbands, and she needs the time to "grow these marriages" to her own agenda and time schedules. Sometimes, it means less time with hubby, but when she can be with him, it is more likely to be higher quality sex instead of volume.

And because hubby is getting less sex, he will appreciate his wife more and be less inclined to take her for granted. In fact he will experience emotional competition reaction which causes his sperm volume to double or triple.

A wife can benefit from the attention of both a husband and one or more lovers all FUSSING OVER HER.

A marriage is a partnership and each partner needs to help the other reach their genetic potential as a human being. Living out fantasies in reality can be a new exciting and beneficial gift to each other.

Finally, when you chuck a marriage, a second marriage can be chucked even quicker. When you live with a man for many, many years and discover you don't really know him, it is time to start doing more things together, so you both come back on track. Growing apart is natural because of the pressures of life, but chcucking a marriage is a last resort when all other avenues to make the marriage more exciting have been explored.

Many couples explore pornography to expand their minds and try new things. At first we all get shocked at what we discover on the internet, but after a time, we align with websites that are feeding us with what is missing in our lives.
  • #166
Just go with it and enjoy some big black cock in the process.
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  • #167
Josetta, Outstanding post....Thank you.:clap::clap::clap::clap
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  • #169
Great, Outstanding, Awesome and Sane post Josetta.
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  • #170
Josetta said:
The first condom factories had to employ Roman Catholic woman to prick a certain percentage of condoms with pins to allow the sperm to leak out and get some women pregnant.

Take the age of consent - meant to protect children from amorous adults, but it varies from 11 - 21 depending what country, culture or tribe you belong to. In the year 1700, girls did not get their periods until 18, so their were no restrictions on the age of consent. As soon as you got a period, you picked a guy and got married. Teenagers did not get pregnant (they did not need contraception).

Modern day, highly processed food with preservatives and chemicals has steadily reduced the age of puberty to 11-13, so young people are taking a huge interest in sex THESE DAYS because their hormones are making them very horny. There is a huge interest in cosmetics and clothes and "looking good".

Nothing against the rest of your post, but I think you should take a long, hard think about these and check your sources.

Early condoms were unreliable as hell, but that bit about having to hire people to poke holes in them is ridiculous. There's no documented evidence of this anywhere. Someone's blowing smoke at you.

And not only were child brides common in the middle ages and earlier, there are many, many documented cases of wives in their young teens having children. Processed food has nothing to do with developmental issues, what you're trying to talk about are hormones primarily given to animals that produce milk and meat. And even that data is scarce and shaky as hell. The average age a woman hits puberty is shifting slightly earlier (on the scale of months, NOT 6-8 years) in the scant time we've been measuring these kind of things scientifically. But we're pretty far out from being able to draw any clear conclusion, and a lot of what you see is the kind of nonsense hype that they use to promote organic food and the like.

So please check into things before you start shouting out stuff like that. Unless, of course, you're one of those wack jobs that likes to believe in nonsense like that. In that case, you're probably too far gone to be helped. Just do world health a favor and don't buy into that anti-vaccination garbage as well. Those morons are setting medicine and health technology back decades.

Done derailing now. I just couldn't let those slip by.
  • #171
Hello everyone. Thank you for all the replies here, good wishes and advise. It's been a couple of weeks since I've posted, but I have stopped in a couple of times to see your posts. Once again thank you.

I think I should explain some things. I probably should have before, but just didn't feel like it at that time. Some of you have been so kind, I feel I should elaborate on WHY we separated. I may have caused some misunderstanding about that by not giving more information before and I apologize, but I just wasn't up to it at that time.

My next post, later today, will have the whole story.
  • #172
OK. Here goes.

I had posted that we had talked and that everything seemed to be OK, and that we were going on a long weekend to talk things out. Well, at that time, my husband had told me that yes, in fact, he did fantasize about me and other men, black men specifically, but that he never really expected to live this out. He knew I wouldn't want to do it, and that was OK, he just liked to think about it. Well, at that time, I thought that would not be a problem to us, and we could deal with that easily enough, maybe even spice things up a little with some roleplay and the like as long as it involved only the two of us.

Then came our long weekend.

I will be writing this in parts. It still upsets me and I'll need a break here and there.
  • #173
So yes, he told me that my suspicions were true and that he did want to see me with other men, but that was not all of it. He unfolded the whole story to me of how he got into this and where it had taken him.

To start with, I mentioned that I have never had sex with anyone except him. Well, at the time we first started dating, that was VERY important to him. It seems he had two previous encounters with other girls. Both were experienced sexually before he met them. One had sex with him but left him for a friend of his who he knew was better hung (was that the reason she left him, who knows?), the other actually mentioned his size and told him she saw no reason to keep dating because of it. These two things had a great impact on him so when he found his virgin he clung to me for dear life, figuring I wouldn't miss what I never had I guess. He was somewhat jealous and possesive whan we started out, which I thought was cute, and a sign that he really loved me.

BTW, all things I am posting now about his feelings and experiences were first told to me during our weekend break. I never knew of any of this earlier.

Time for a short break.
  • #174
So... After we got married the jealousy faded and pride took over. He had won me in spite of his inadequate feelings about his endowment. So, now his feelings about other men changed. If he saw one looking at me he didn't feel jealous anymore, he felt more like "honored" (his words).

He loved me very much and wanted the best for me. Over time, although he didnt fully realize it at the time he started wondering if he was "depriving me" of the best things that life has to offer. Namely, good sex. After all, although I enjoyed sex with him very much, since I had never had anyone else, how could I know if it was good or not. Hadn't the two other girls left him for "greener pastures"?

Somehow, this led him to feelings of guilt. The thoughts hadn't quite come together yet, but he just thought he had somehow let me down.

  • #176
Alexis, all of this is perfectly normal i think. I think your tapping into a common reason for men getting into this fantasy and for couples getting into this lifestyle.
  • #177
Once again, I appreciate the thoughts and concerns of everyone, but when I finish, everyone will then know exactly what has happened.
  • #178
to continue...

So now he had different feelings whenever he saw a co-worker or friend "check me out". He even remembers certain instances in particular that started to turn him on when other guys looked at me.

And then came the wedding.

I was a bridesmaid in a good friend's wedding. My partner as an usher was a young, good looking friend of the groom. Although nothing more happened between us than what happens between partners at a wedding, as we spent time together, my husband started thinking "what if something did happen"? The bridal dance was his waterloo. As my partner and I danced together and he watched, he got an erection. That night after the wedding in our own bed he did something for the first time that he's done countless times since...he jacked off thinking of me with another man.

  • #178
From then on, he was hooked. He thought about it at home, at work, even when we made love. He LOVED the fantasy, but was SCARED of the reality of me knowing what he was thinking. So, he kept it all to himself, and utterly 'lived' for the occasions when I even so much as talked to or even smiled at another guy.

Then...car problems.

One day at work, a girl from my husband's department called and said she'd be a little late. She had some car problems and said her boyfriend would bring her to work when they got her car in to a shop. My husband just happened to have a sales call that morning and was leaving the office as they pulled up. He saw her lean over to kiss him and then get out of the car. She said good morning and smiled to my husband as they passed. Her boyfriend pulled away, and then my husband got into his car, and just sat there for awhile...her boyfriend was black.
  • #179
Here was a little white girl, just out of college, dating a black guy. My God everyone knows what they say about black guys! This obsessed my husband. Maybe he's not that big........but what if he is?..........then how could this small girl take it?.........and if SHE can, then............OMG could my wife?.........and if she could...........OMG I have been so unfair to her..........how could I have ever been so cruel as to ask her to live a life deprived of REAL sex.

He had to know, he had to. So, he befriended the girl, showed some interest in her work, and got to know her a bit. His opening came one day when they were talking about good places to eat, and he mentioned one. She said she knew where it was because she and her boyfriend belonged to a fitness club right by there. My husband then said he needed to join a fitness club one day, and she told him theirs was really good and that he could join them anytime.

  • #180
That was one invitation that he wasn't going to turn down!

He went one evening and met them there. They showed him all the machines and how to use them. They all had a good workout, and he thanked them for the tour. The one day pass he bought entitled him to ALL the facilities. So, after the workout, he and the boyfriend headed for one locker room while she went to the other. It was time to hit the showers. NOW, he would find out!

The way he described it to me was that he didn't want to get caught looking so he had to be very careful. That fear was taken care of as soon as the boyfriend entered the showers. He had his back to my husband when he was turning on his water, so my husband could look at him with out him knowing it, but he couldn't see what he wanted to see with his back to him. Or could he?

My husband couldn't believe it! With his back turned to him, you could actually look between his legs and see the head and a few inches more of a penis that was as thick as a wrist hanging down in front of him!
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