ch. 04: The Company Picnic

During the next several weeks Mrs. Karen Saunders felt a twinge of fear every time the phone rang. "Would it be Michael Washington," she always dreaded.

Since her second Black Breeding session and her plant wide humiliation by the vengeful Black Boss she had many anxieties. The first, naturally, was the humiliation at the plant gate when she voluntarily surrendered her black lace panties to the domineering Black Boss. To be ****** to voluntarily take off her panties and with her hand outstretched being made to wait until Michael was ready to accept her gift. Karen could still see the total shock in her husband David's face. Her poor husband was not aware of either her first or second breeding.

What made her humiliation (and her husband's) was that David's co-workers had witnessed her submission. During the last two weeks the young newlyweds spoke very little to each other. There was little to say. How could Karen explain her slutty behavior; without telling her husband that she did it to save his job and dignity. Therefore the embarrassed and humbled young wife simply kept to herself.

But even more unsettling for the young wife was... remembering those two eventful afternoons. She tried... but failed... in forgetting the pleasure of Michael's long hard Black cock. Every time she remembered those two afternoons she felt a shiver travel throughout her tight desirable body. Every time, Every Time, she thought of those two afternoons she felt herself moisten between her lean tanned thighs. But each time these unwanted emotions presented themselves she immediately tried to erase them from her thoughts.

For my part, I, Michael Washington could not take my mind off the blonde vision of beauty. There was nothing before or since I had taken, that compared to her near virginal beauty. Her passion; her lust; her eagerness to explore new horizons was beyond normal comprehension. I had wanted to call the insatiable blonde goddess the very next day... but I realized that the more time I entered into the equation the greater my advantage. And besides, time was truly on my side. I could have the beautiful white wife at the mere cost of a phone call. Her desperate financial condition guaranteed it.

The phone gave it's shrill warning to Mrs. Karen Saunders. It was nearly six o'clock; time for her precious husband David to arrive after a weary day.

"Hello," she answered, her voice shaking.

"Mrs. Saunders, This is Michael," I softly spoke.

Her voice was even more unsteady as she replied, "Yes, Mr. Washington."

"Have you talked to Mrs. Smith in the last day or so Karen?" I asked.

"No," she quietly spoke.

"Mrs. Smith was of course the first white wife that I enjoyed. She is nearly thirty eight years old but she works at keeping herself in very good shape. Well, she called and told me that she is going to have my child......" I let the last statement sink in to the now terrified wife.

"She told it was mine because she has not allowed her husband to have intercourse with her since I allowed her to milk my cock. Have you missed your period yet Mrs.. Saunders?" I continued.

Karen hesitated......... then softly answered, "I don't have my period until the first of the month...." her voice fading.

"Well, maybe we need to get together before then. I think you need another injection of my Black syrup? Don't you Karen?" I questioned.

There was no answer on the other end of the phone line.

And then........... total anxiety. "Mr. Washington, my husband Dave just drove up. Can I call you back..... Please," she answered.

"No, Mrs. Saunders. I want to discuss this situation with you NOW. If you want you can put David on the other line. I am sure that he would be very interested in our close relationship," I continued. I realized this statement would put the young beauty totally off guard.

"No..I can't put my husband on the line. I haven't told him about the afternoons that we shared. He would not understand.... Please, can't I call you back," begged the blonde housewife.

I let the blonde goddess wait....... I heard the kitchen door open and her husband call out her name. I heard the beautiful young housewife tell her husband that she was on the phone. I hesitated some more....

"I liked the way your tight little pussy gripped my cock. When I came your little pussy seemed to squeeze my spunk out into your warm little hole. Do you remember when I took you on my desk two weeks ago Mrs. Saunders?" I sternly asked.

Karen was silent. I could contemplate that she was standing in her kitchen with her doting husband very near. I wondered what he was thinking?

"I am meeting two gentlemen from Japan this evening at the Park Hotel. They are very important to a deal I am working on. I want you to dress like a lady and meet me at the hotel at 7:00 PM, in the dining room. Do you have a cocktail dress Karen?" I asked.

Again.... there was silence..... and then a soft reply. "I cannot afford a cocktail dress.... Please don't ask me to meet you tonight. This is the first night that David will be home this week. He will be very suspicious if I leave for the evening.." she very softly spoke into the receiver.

"Mrs. Saunders...I don't care what your husband thinks. You are my plaything........ and you are standing in your kitchen with your husband and your pussy is already sloppy; isn't it Karen?" I sternly asked.

There was nearly a minute of silence, then a very quiet response, "Yes...... it is."

"I will call the owner of 'The Boutique'. She will pick out an appropriate dinner dress.... And of course the soft under things that the dress will require."

"I don't know what I will tell my husband," Karen responded.

Laughing, I spoke the truth, " Tell David that his wife is going to meet his boss and two Japanese gentlemen at the Park Hotel. Let his imagination fill in the missing pieces. Mrs. Saunders, TONIGHT at 7:00 PM. Don't disappoint me."

Karen listened to the receiver as I hung up. She stood looking at the receiver as her husband stared at her with a questioning look on his face.

"Honey, I have to go out. I will be back as soon as I can," Karen told her puzzled husband. He did not ask any further questions. He did not want to know the answer.

After fixing her husband a hurried supper Karen took a quick shower and hurried out the trailer door. She felt her nipples harden and her thighs became squishy as she slipped behind the wheel of her car. She sped along the dusty streets to the women's store that was preparing her wardrobe for this evening. Once she arrived at the upscale store she timidly knocked on the door.

A red haired lady of forty gently opened the door and allowed Mrs. Karen Saunders to enter. The red haired proprietress inventoried the young blonde housewife. A slight smile appeared on her heavily made up face and she gestured for Karen to follow her to the back room. Karen meekly followed the exquisitely dressed older woman.

"Mrs. Saunders, Mr. Washington has told me to gather appropriate attire for your evening tonight. I trust that is satisfactory with you?" the older lady asked.

Nervously, Karen replied that it was satisfactory.

The older lady had picked out a tasteful black dinner dress that ended about three inches above Karen's dimpled knees. It was very elegant and Karen fell in love with the dress. She had also picked out sheer black hose; thin black garter belt; three inch black patent leather heels; and matching black lace panties and bra. Karen was very pleased with the tasteful; but sexy attire that the lady had secured for her "date" with Michael Washington and the two Japanese businessmen.

Once she had dressed the lady suggested that she help with Karen's make up which she applied with great finesse. As Karen admired her body in the full length mirror she wondered how her cruel tormentor would view her evening attire. As she walked towards the door the saleslady handed her a body wrap to complete her outfit. Mrs. Karen Saunders looked ravishing as she walked to her ten year old car.

When she arrived at the only hotel in the small town she was very self conscious as she walked to the dining room. The town where her and David lived in was small in size but large in noisy people. She could imagine the gossip train as she walked into the dining room in her sleek black dress showing her shapely calves and the swell of her small but firm breasts. She quickly spotted her husband's ruthless boss and his two Japanese dinner guests. In the Mississippi Delta it is not difficult to pick out the people that don't fit into the Norman Rockwell painting.

The three men gallantly rose when she approached their table in the back of the dining room. I was the first to speak as I took in the stunning blonde housewife at my fingertips, "Please sit here between Mr. Moto and myself, Mrs. Saunders." I intentionally mentioned her married title to ignite her nervousness and apprehension.

Karen's timid look made her all the more desirable. Although she was dressed for a night on Broadway in New York City; this eighteen year old blonde beauty was seated in the middle of three older men with but one thing on their scheming minds.

The first several courses of the meal went by delightfully. There was plenty of wine and each man insured that Karen would be amply taken care of. She began to become dizzy with the wine and the boredom of the negotiations of the trade that was to take place.

I was the first to notice the vacant look in Karen's worried face. She was not used to a great deal of alcohol and had already consumed far more that the eighteen year beauty was accustomed to. I let my large Black hand fall to her dimpled knee. The heat of my hand seemed to nearly scald the innocent girl. Although the wine slowed down her reasoning abilities the fact that I had my hand on her knee and was gently massaging her inner thigh she could comprehend the implications.

Outwardly she tried to ignore my gentle circles from my long Black fingers. The shimmering black hose felt soft and inviting. My fingers slowly advanced to her upper thighs and her delicate hand dropped below the top of the table to impede it's progress. Although her hand settled on top of mine the journey to her warm and inviting thighs continued unabated. She tried to maintain eye contact with my two Oriental guests but the combination of the smooth red wine and the persistence of my probing fingers were slowly taking their toll on Mrs. Karen Saunder's ability to resist.

Mr. Moto, having imbedded far too much alcohol also understood the sexual tension at the small table near the back of the dining room. Several seconds later Karen felt his smaller but equally strong hands find her right knee. Smiling he rapidly slid his hand up the tender thigh until his fingers reached her fiery thighs above her black hose. He teased the garter clasps as Karen's embarrassment deepen.

The waiter arrived at the instant that Karen's warm thigh was being caressed by two different and distinct men. She tried to adjust to the gentle caress as her dress was being pushed further into her lap. The wine had rushed to her head and she tried to grasp her nearly hopeless position. She felt the first moisture coat the inside of her tight and nearly virginal opening. As her pussy lips became swollen and her clit started to throb the waiter interrupted her racing mind.

"May I get anything for the lady," the waiter asked looking directly into my hard Black face.

"No, I believe the lady has had enough. LEAVE," was my next simple command, a command that the young waiter knew to follow.

Mr. Moto's smaller fingers reached Karen's black panties an instant before mine. She noticeably gasped as the set of probing fingers converged on their target. Each of the fingers could feel the beginning of the liquid coating in the crotch of her black lace panties.

She wanted to run screaming from the table. Although most of the people in the small dining room were already staring at the unlikely group at the table they could not see the busy fingers exciting Mrs. Karen Saunders leaking chamber.

With her breath coming in irregular patterns Karen finally looked directly in my face. "May we please leave. You are embarrassing me......." her face pleaded as much as her spoken words.

Leaving my probing fingers at the entrance to her now sloppy chamber opening I softly asked the tormented young housewife, "Mr. Moto and his associate have a room here at the hotel. Would you like to accompany us to his room so that we can make the initial payment on our deal?"

Karen, with shock on her face understood that she, "Mrs. Karen Saunders" represented the first installment of the expensive contract. She turned and looked at the two grinning Japanese businessmen. Their skin appeared to have an oily tint but both understood that they would shortly be enjoying her tempting and over heated young body. There is nothing more appealing to the Japanese than a young blonde girl; especially if she is innocent to the ways of Oriental lovemaking.

My right index finger finally managed to slip between the elastic leg band of the black panties. As it brushed by the nearly hairless outer lips I finally let it come to rest near the elongated clit. Poor Karen nervously jumped as my fingernail scraped against the sensitive little bud of joy. She grasped and closed her pretty blue eyes.

"Mr. Moto is becoming impatient Karen, Do You want to accompany him to his hotel room?" I questioned.

As my finger teased the young housewife I felt her long legs slowly part. Her eyes were still closed as her previously tightened legs slowly opened; giving me ever greater access to the pussy I had already conquered on two previous occasions.

Mr. Moto's stubby fingers tried to enter the tight passage as Karen spread her legs but the angle that he was sitting at the table prevented him from accomplishing his vile objective.

"I believe it is best to retire to Mr. Moto's room before you make a spectacle of yourself Mrs. Saunders," I stated with a smile on my face.

As the two hands slid down her delightful inner thighs Karen fought to regain her sense of bearing. She was near her first orgasm of the evening. As her brain refocused on her setting she looked around the small dining room. Most of the attention was focused on the beauty who was being fingered in public by the most despised Black man in the county and two equally despised Japanese businessmen. There was no sympathy for the beautiful young white wife.

Smoothing her expensive black satin dress she meekly followed me out of the dining room. When we entered the lobby I went to the desk and asked for Mr. Moto's keys. Speaking loud enough for all the gathered guests to hear I merely stated another fact, "Please see to it that we are not disturbed until 9:00 o'clock in the morning."

A quiet hush fell over the room as Mr. Moto and his companion, myself and the beautiful eighteen year blonde housewife made her way to the staircase.

I glanced over my shoulder and seen the smug and self confident look on the two Japanese gentlemen as they stared transfixed to the back of Karen's exquisite thighs barely hidden under her short black dress. "I reasoned that this would be any easy deal to close from the tents appearing in the front of their dark blue slacks."

I allowed Karen to enter the large suite of rooms first. She walked over to the large windows and looked at the dreary, dusty town below her. After Mr. Moto and his associate entered I closed and locked the door. Karen stared at me as I put the key in my pants.

Karen had a frightened look in her eyes as I approached. Walking behind her I put my hands on her delicate neck and softly caressed. I then kissed up and down the sweet tasting neck. My finger then found the zipper in the back of her black dinner dress. The sound of the metallic closure sliding down reverberated throughout the room. Demurely she crossed her arms so that the front of the dress would not fall off her tender shoulders. The two Japanese businessmen stared with their mouths gaping open. Their trousers were still tented and I could hear their heavy breathing.

"Gentlemen...... The contracts are on the table in front of you. May I suggest that you sign them so that we can proceed unhindered for the rest of the evening?"

Mr. Moto, staring intensely at my slow and deliberate debasement of my newest toy, quickly fell to his knees and signed the three copies of the contract. A small amount of dribble fell from the side of his mouth. His partner quickly followed suit.

When the two were again standing Mr. Moto spoke in a forceful tone. "We have certain desires to fill. We are sure that you will have no objection.... in fact you may choose to stay and watch."

I felt Karen tremble...... and then I placed my hands at the top of the back of her dress and slowly pulled the black dress from her shoulders. She tried to hold the dress up with her crossed arms. Licking her neck I then gave my next command to my plaything, "My clients want to see your tiny little titties. Don't disappoint them or ME."

Karen dropped her arms and the black dress fell to the floor. There was a noticeable gasp and I could see that the two oriental cocks twitching in the constricting dress pants. "I have not completely trained Mrs. Saunders in the art of pleasing her masters. However, Mrs. Saunders is a passionate young woman and she looks forward to serving you. Isn't that right Karen?" I asked.

Karen, her eyes focused on the carpet and her arms hanging limply at her side merely nodded. The vision and gentle movements of Mrs. Karen Saunders made the constricted cocks twitch even more. She was now clad in only her matching black bra and panties; and sheer black hose held up by the thinnest of garter belts.

Mr. Moto was the first to shed his pants. Once he pulled the pants from his surprisingly muscular legs he looked at my little beauty. "You may suck our cocks now Mrs. Saunders....." was the simple statement.

Karen turned towards me with pleading eyes. "Obey your Masters.... If you perform well I will reward you later.." I stated.

Karen took one small step forward when she heard the harsh command. "CRAWL...... You must realize your status for this evening.." Mr. Moto explained.

Hesitantly Karen dropped to her knees and then looked up; and crawled on hands and knees to the waiting lofty Japanese businessmen. Once she was directly in front of Mr. Moto she looked up with her light blue eyes. Mr. Moto removed his shorts and his six inch thick cock flopped forward. Karen, reluctantly opened her small mouth and allowed the manhood to slip between her red coated lips. The somewhat pungent odor nearly overtook the young bride. Diligently however she sucked on the less than awesome appendage; bringing her small hands up to cradle the small nut sack. Her tongue caressed the small slit in front and wrapped around the foreskin until the full member was completely embedded in her willing mouth. As Karen sucked and teased the throbbing small penis with her pointed tongue she felt the nutsack contract and immediately flood her mouth with salty tasting discharge. The overexcited Mr. Moto blew his entire load into the sucking oral cavity of the beautiful girl at his feet. Karen continued to cradle the nutsack squeezing every last ounce of cum from the soft testicles.

As Mr. Moto's manhood shrunk it slipped out of her sucking mouth she turned her head to the second squatting businessman. His head was pulled back and a dark wet spot was rapidly growing on the front of his pants. His entire body was shaking and drool was dripping from his mouth.

Karen hoped against hope that this would fulfill the twisted Orientals fascination for her tight young body. But alas............

Mr. Moto, having finally regained his bearing turned sharply and walked to a dresser at his right. When he walked away a small rope like string of cum hung from Karen's lips and followed the squat Japanese man's steps. When he reached the chest he pulled open the top drawer and retrieved a black scarf and several sets of coarse rope. Turning to the now frightened young housewife he merely smiled...........
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