Wife's College Reunion

L's College Reunion

by Don Jetman

I never tire of hearing about L's college days. The ten year age difference between us meant I was working when she was an undergrad. I'd visit her campus on weekends, devoted as a puppy. She was a virgin, at least for a short time when we started dating. I was her first, and it wasn't long, in spite of her sheltered childhood, before she wanted sex constantly. I was glad to oblige. She was so young, so sweet.

Years later, L eventually came clean about her college days. She confessed that she actually fucked three guys while in college, but not until after we had sex. She confessed that after we started fucking, she needed it sometimes when I was away, and it was convenient and easy for her to get it from each of three guys she hung out with. She just started spilling out the gory details.

Nick was pre-law. A pretty boy, tall, slim, and came from a family of lawyers. Very rich. He drove a Cadillac, and L and he used to fuck in the back seat. She liked this guy the most because he was going to be an attorney. She said this was the first time any guy brought out the submissive in her. He liked to talk during sex, which was new to L. He'd say things like, "You're my little slut, aren't you!". She told me it shocked her the first time, but almost right away it turned her on. She said she had to be in the mood, but when she was, he was the best of the three. He made her dance and strip in front of him, tied her hands during sex, and made her go out on dates without her bra or panties (which explains why she suddenly started going braless a while after we started dating). They started having sex in public places, which L loved. She told me that she could have fallen for this guy, but he told her that he was on track for bigger and better things - law school, and then a position in his family's Philadelphia law firm. He told her he loved to fuck her, but that he would eventually marry money, a woman of similar background. She said she jokingly told him, "You make me sound like a slut." He told her, "And you like it, don't you?" She told him she did.

So, the entire time I was dating her, she was fucking these guys when I wasn't around. Guess I had an idea she might have been doing more than she let on, but all three of them? I'd show up on campus, go to her room, and they'd be there, chatting in the hall, or sharing pizza in her room with a few of her girlfriends. I'd take L out, and we'd meet them at a concert - *****, swaggering, giving me those shit-eating grins, eyeing her like a tasty snack. Of course, I wasn't blind, or stupid. I'd get suspicious, even a little annoyed at the way they acted around her, so familiar, so many things implied when they talked to her, right there in front of me. She said I was silly, that they were just friends. Then she'd give me that dazzling little-girl smile and put her hand in my pants. She loved that I was jealous. She always told me so, while she was jerking me off. I hated it - and I loved it. And I fell hard for her - for all of it - like a ton of bricks.

Some time ago L received a call from her old college roommate. They were putting together a reunion, pretty much just the gang they knew in the old days. They'd go to the old campus to reminisce, which thrilled L to no end. L helped with the arrangements in her spare time, and I mostly forgot about how involved she was. It was a month before the reunion that I began to think about L's old fuck-buddies, but convinced myself they wouldn't be there. It really didn't push my cuck-button at first, but as the date approached, I began to build the old mental fantasies again. When I finally asked L if her old "boyfriends" would be there, she told me, "just one of them", and grinned. I didn't learn which one until a few days before we were scheduled to leave.


Nick made plans to stay over Friday night in our city, then continue the five hour drive to the reunion. He and L arranged to have dinner that night. I wondered if it would be much more.

I still recognized him when he came to the door, the same clean good looks, the same swagger, and the same look in his eyes when he saw L again. I expected it to be awkward, but apparently he didn't. He was cordial, even overly friendly to me, I thought. It seemed natural to him that he was taking my wife to dinner - just the two of them. I was the one who was stumbling over my words, trying to sound like there had never been anything between them. I had no idea whether he knew I knew about their intimate past. L was stunning, and very affectionate with him. They left, and I stood behind the closed door with a million questions.

L called a little after 11:00 to tell me they were at his hotel, and that she'd be staying the night. I'll admit I felt a familiar stab of jealousy, mixed with excitement, and told her to have a good time. I thought about them for hours. Would he tie her up, make her beg for his cock, call her his "little slut" like he did when they fucked behind my back years ago? Would she let him fuck her in a public place, take crazy risks of getting caught, swept up in feelings that he brought to the surface that wiped away all sense of reason and good judgement? It was a very long night.

The next hurdle was seeing them together when he brought her home the next morning. They truly acted like a couple - her glowing with memories and satisfaction, he her bookend, but with an easy familiarity and swagger that I again recognized all too well. He was almost too friendly with me. He offered to drive her the five hours to the reunion, and said they could meet me there. L was busy lugging her suitcase to his car, gliding past me like I had known he'd take her. They both acted as though this had been the plan all along. It was his arrogance that bothered me, and that L was already swept up in submitting to it, so willing, at least in my eyes, to be his "little slut" again.

L stayed behind when he went to start the car. She kissed me, thanked me for being so understanding, and confessed she had told him the night before that I got off hearing about her fucking other men. She admitted she was surprised at how quickly he accepted it, and said it was as though he knew all about our relationship. She told me, "He thought you may have known about us back in college and just put up with it. He suspected that you would be too nice to bring it up, and actually, he didn't seem too surprised that you liked letting him have me." I watched her go to his car, get in, and saw him lean over to kiss her. They held the kiss a long time.

As intrigued as I was about how sexy they looked together, I confess I packed the car quickly and hit the road with more urgency than I had planned. The drive was super-angsty - thinking about how they would touch and kiss on the way, how L would be seduced with those old memories of secretly fucking him, and ultimately, I think, the real beginning of her sexual enlightenment. It was the first time she had cuckolded me. After me, he was the second guy to slide inside her, to make her come, and no doubt to hear her moan for more. More cock. My girlfriend, then my fiance. In her bed, where we fucked.

As I drove, feelings from the past revisited me like an incoming tide. Although now confident I wasn't losing her, I was even more excited. My hands clutched the wheel of the car the same way they did when she used to tell me he was just a friend, and then would tease me with her girlish grin. I pictured her bright eyes on me during those times when she swore she was faithful. I imagined her lips around his cock, sucking and moaning when they were together. Every minute of the drive seemed like hours, and by the time I arrived my underwear was soaked with precum.

I called L after I checked in to the hotel and found she was with Nick in his room.

"So, have you had sex with him already?" I asked.

"Um, no - we were taking a shower. Maybe if you hadn't called..."

I could almost hear her grin. I wondered if she was naked - if he was naked too.

"So, are you coming to the room to get ready?" I asked.

"Welll... I have my stuff here with me - Nick wants me to stay with him. Is that OK?"

With a lump in my throat, I told her it was.

"Great, Don. You're so sweet to me. We'll see you later downstairs. There's a banquet room to the right of the elevators, and a table with name tags. If you get there before us, take a tag and go in. Nick and I should be there in about an hour. Remember Allie, my old roommate? She'll be there at the table. Say "hi" and have her show you around. Um - you're OK with this, aren't you?"

I told her I was, but it took everything I had to make my answer sound enthusiastic. The angst was killing me.

"Oh - Nick says 'Hi'. Mmmm, he's all wet..."


Waiting alone in the empty hotel room was torture, so I took the elevator to the lobby and found the banquet room. Allie recognized me immediately, and asked about L two seconds later. I made a lame excuse about her taking a call from work at the last minute and promised she'd be down soon. She gave me a hug and stuck the name tag to my shirt. I hoped she didn't get close enough to feel the erection I was doing my best to hide. Once inside I found the bar and downed a cold Stella.

I imagined their entrance to be more embarrassing than it actually was. Would they show up holding hands, or with his arm around her waist? But they came through the entrance laughing, simply strolling together like two old college friends who were meeting again for the first time in many years. I knew absolutely no one, so any embarrassment would be in an anonymous sense. Still, the potential of others knowing, even if it was from hints of intimacy between L and Nick, amped up the angst and made my erection return again and again. I felt that delicious serving of excitement and anxiety I knew so well.

They found me at the bar, and L introduced me as though Nick and I hadn't seen each other since her college days. He played along, shook my hand, and said he remembered me. At the same time, his grin widened, and his look told me he didn't exactly plan an innocent evening. And then it started...

"I remember you could only see L on weekends, right? That must have really been tough, missing her all week, knowing she was missing you just as much. I mean, just look at her - all the guys were after her, even me. You probably wondered what went on when you were gone with so many wolves at her door - right?"

I admitted I did worry, and said I appreciated that he had looked after her like a big brother, from what L told me. I was sure a small group of couples were close enough to hear.

He laughed, glanced left and right to scan the space around us, and took a step closer to me. The nearby couples moved away.

"Come on Don. You and I both know there was nothing brotherly about the two of us back then. I think you knew it then too. You just were too afraid to say anything. L and I were a couple, Don. Everyone knew it - everyone except you."

I was at a loss for words, again scanning the room around us for anyone close enough to hear.

"I'm not sure how much she told you, but your fiance was no angel while you were gone. By the time we graduated, she was very, very popular, if you know what I mean. Just the hours and hours I spent in her bed, well, there were too many to count. Even if you suspected, I'm sure you couldn't have imagined how much sex we had. Or maybe you could imagine it?"

Nick hadn't changed. He had most likely used other men's wives and girlfriends all his life. The look in his eyes told me he still enjoyed it. We stood there in silence for a while, and then found an empty table near the back corner of the room.


Fortunately, throughout the night, during all the little games and speeches, L sat close to me, laughed with me, and seemed committed to showing everyone we were a happy couple who just happened to have an old friend of hers at our table. Nick would lean toward her now and then and whisper something in her ear, and they'd both laugh, but she didn't show any special interest in him. I was feeling much more relaxed, partly due to a few drinks. L had put away more wine than I knew she was used to, and eventually it began to show as she giggled and laughed longer each time Nick lingered by her ear and whispered another secret. He hadn't had a thing to drink, and I could have sworn he sat there studying us, constantly wearing his sly grin.

The latter part of the night was to be a dance, complete with a live band. Allie came to our table and told us that they hadn't been able to afford the band they wanted, but a few of the guys from their class had formed a band of their own and volunteered to play for half their usual rate. She and L chatted, mostly about old classmates. Nick flirted with Allie, but she did her best to ignore him. She seemed really uncomfortable around him, I guessed because she knew he and L were screwing while I was away back then. Finally, she made an exit not long after Nick began to hit on her with some innuendo not meant for old friends.

I've never been much of a dancer, and Nick picked up on it instantly. While he and L spent a lot of time on the dance floor, I sat and watched with another erection. This is what I loved - L and another man together in public, flaunting intimacy that may range anywhere from one to ten. I knew L had grown to like it too, no doubt icing on her secret fantasy of risking sex in public.

As the night went on I watched Nick put his hands on her, stroking her bare neck with the fingers of one hand while fondling her ass with the other. She'd smile up at him as they slow-danced, and I was sure I noticed her hips press against him now and then when they drifted close to me. No one else seemed to notice - except Allie. She slipped into L's chair beside me and put her hand on my arm.

"I'd keep an eye on those two if I were you," she warned me with a grin.

I told her I knew about their history, that L and I had no secrets between us. She seemed shocked and at a loss for words.

"But, look at them - that doesn't bother you?"

Nick and L danced almost directly in front of us, bodies glued together, L's head on his shoulder with her eyes closed. He played with the hair at the back of her neck and she was smiling, moving with his body to the music. I told Allie that L just had a bit too much wine, and that I was happy she was enjoying herself. Allie stared at me like she was trying to send me a message by telepathy and left me there as though I had refused a life jacket on the Titanic.


Later we had another guest at our table. Nick introduced Paul, and L added that he had helped her with her math and programming back in her sophomore year. He was on a break - the keyboard player in the band that night.

"You remember? I've told you how grateful I was that Paul was such a huge help to me?"

I remembered. Paul was one of Nick's gang-of-three who fucked L back then. And I remembered how she repaid him every time he "mentored" her. L had been very clear about what a gentle lover he was, a true romantic who pushed all her special buttons. He was her true boyfriend-experience, and I knew how many times we had pretended I was Paul when L wanted romance- sex with some kinky thrown in for fun. "Now and then I pretended he was you when you weren't around," she had told me. "You're so like each other," she had said, "except for the amount of time he spent with his tongue between my legs. He loved to give me oral sex."

Paul wasn't Nick. He was polite and mostly quiet, chatting with L only when she spoke to him. Nick tried his best to instigate heated talk, reminding everyone how much time Paul and L spent together in his room late at night "studying". No one took the bait, and Paul looked relieved when his break was over and it was time to return to the band. I was sure I was the only husband in the room with two of his wife's ex-lovers at the same table. I was also sure I was the only husband whose dick was hard thinking about it.

As the night wore on the crowd thinned, and Nick kept a fresh glass of wine in front of L between dances. She and Nick became the couple at our table while I became the third wheel. She had moved her seat closer to him through the night and was touching him and leaning on him more and more. He was practically pouring the wine down her throat, and it was making me uneasy. I've seen the signs all too well when L gets ***** - it's very rare. All inhibition of public intimacy evaporates, and she giggles her way through conversations as though every word is a flirtation.

Eventually L grew tired and wanted to leave. She looked back and forth at Nick and me, and then asked, grinning, "Who wants to see that I get to bed before I pass out?"

Nick looked over at me and said, "I think we both know who gets to do that tonight, don't we?" L giggled and leaned against him.

"Maybe I get to decide," L told him.

She stood and motioned for both of us to help her, then took each of our hands and led us toward the door, swinging her arms as though she now had two lovers to play with. No one seemed to notice - except Allie, who just sat by the door and stared.

The three of us entered the elevator, and as soon as the doors closed, Nick ordered her to take off her clothes. She laughed at him and told him "In your dreams". He took her in his arms and they kissed. She was completely compliant, and didn't object when he lowered the zipper down the back of her dress. She let him unfasten and take off her bra, and leaned against the back wall of the elevator as he sucked on her nipples. I watched the numbers light on the panel next to me, wondering how far Nick was willing to take this.

The doors opened on our floor and I stepped out, staring as L struggled to pull her dress back up over her bare breasts. We stood in silence for a few seconds, Nick grinning his familiar grin as the suspense grew in my gut. L smiled at me where I stood in the empty hallway, mouthed "Luv you", and Nick pressed the button for his floor. As the doors closed, I heard Nick say, "OK - strip."


Back in our room I couldn't help imagine what extremes Nick might go to. Had she stripped for him in the elevator? Had she roamed the hotel halls naked with him before they found his room?

I opened the sliding glass door that led to a small balcony overlooking an indoor pool and stepped out to look up at the rows of balconies above me. There were almost too many to count, but somehow I imagined I might see them, naked on their own private balcony, Nick's cock plunging into my wife. Maybe I'd even hear her moan, or call out his name - or hear Nick insist she was once again "his little slut". Instead there was only silence, and the faint smell of chlorine from the pool below. Lights were still on in a few of the rooms, but I had no idea which one was his.

About 1:30 AM my cell rang as I was surfing channels on the TV. The call was from L's phone, but the voice on the other end was Nick's.

"I've wanted to tell you this since college, Don," he said. "I've wanted to tell you how hard my dick gets when I'm around L. I've wanted to let you know how many times I've fucked her, and how many times she came to me for more. There were times back then when I was so tempted to lay it all out for you, to just smack you in the face with it. But hell, it was much more fun to fuck your girlfriend behind your back. Oh, and then I fucked your fiance behind your back too. She especially loved that. She used to take her ring off at first, but later she just kept it on when we fucked."

I wondered if L had put him up to this, or whether he was now an even bigger jerk than he was back then. But what he still didn't understand was that this was our game, and this time he was the pawn. He didn't understand that L and I controlled the game now. He was just one of many players in L's history of lovers over so many years. But what fun would there be in reminding him of all that now? So I played the indignant husband and hung up.

At 2:00 AM my cell rang again. This time it was L.

"I wanted to tell you - he's fucking me, Don - right now."

She was breathing heavily, with a long pause after her words.

"He's inside me, Don...," she told me. "He feels so good inside me, just like he did in school."

I could hear Nick in the background. "You should see her face, Don. She loves this. Damn - her fine little body wiggling under me - she's just as hot as she was back then. Just as tight, too."

There was another long pause with some muffled talk between them I couldn't make out.

Finally, I heard Nick tell her, "You're my little slut, aren't you? You'll fuck me any time I want, won't you? Any time I want your married little pussy, it's mine."

Then came L's response.

"Oh god yes, I'm your slut, Nick. Any time you want - every time - I'm yours to fuck - always - yours to fuck - I want - I - I - "

I heard a long moan from L, maybe her orgasm, or maybe just the forbidden thought of Nick's semen pouring into her, the bad-girl breaking the rules, the drunken bad-girl risking everything in front of her husband.

It was the last call they made that night. I didn't sleep much. Thinking back, I tried to recount the glasses of wine she had, but I had been too distracted, and there had been too many. I thought of their long kiss when she first sat beside him in his car, the way she dug her hips into him on the dance floor, her absolute compliance when he unzipped her dress in the elevator. I tried to remember how many condoms she brought with her and wondered how many times he'd fuck her - how many times she'd want him to fuck her. It wasn't the end of the world if he came in her - it was more that he had stripped away all her defenses. How far down the rabbit hole of her college memories had she fallen, and were her fantasies now indistinguishable from reality? That's what kept me from sleeping.


I found L sitting on the edge of the bed the next morning when I woke. I must have dozed off some time in the early morning, still in my clothes, in an exhausted, dreamless sleep. She was astonishingly fresh, her hair shining, her body the picture of suggestive innocence in pale blue shorts and the white cotton blouse tied just below her bare breasts beneath it. My eyes went to her smooth, bare belly, and I couldn't stop wondering if Nick's sperm had been swimming inside her before she came back to me - or was some of him still inside her in spite of efforts she may have made to make herself fresh for me.

She didn't have much to say, and I had too many questions to bring up all at once. She undressed me, and we showered together. Her body showed no trace of a long night of continuous, rabid sex. We fucked on the bed without even drying off. It was a mix of urgency, passion and love, probably an equal mix without thought or doubt. She moaned and I came inside her. Was I overwhelmed with the need to retake her, or the pure excitement of what had happened? Was she riding a wave of bad-girl sex and college sentiment, or confident pride from playing the game her way? On my part, I'm not sure I could distinguish the difference, and she later admitted it was a chaotic sea of emotions for her as well.

Nick was gone by the time we checked out of our hotel. L sat beside me in the car, still in her blue shorts and top, staring out her window at the scenery and passing traffic. I knew she was waiting for me to ask my questions, but there were so many I wasn't sure where to start. She looked pensive, lost in thought.

"So, was it good last night?"

She turned toward me in her seat, smiled, and placed her hand on my thigh.

"Mmmm, yes, it was amazing. Just like it was back then."

She went on to tell me the sex was good, but the raw emotions it resurrected were what made it special. Her confession of the conflict smoldering within her came easily this time. I could remember a time when she would have been reluctant to share something so deeply personal. She told me having sex with Nick brought back memories of forbidden sex, sex with another guy while we were dating, then engaged. She admitted feeling a newfound power when cheating on me back then, that she enjoyed taking control, even if it might have hurt me. In fact, the pain she may have inflicted was part of what made sex with Nick so memorable for her.

"I don't know why, but I can remember fantasizing how exciting it would be if you accidentally found us together in bed. I thought about that a lot when Nick and I had sex. I didn't really want it to happen - I knew I'd lose you - but it made sex with him so much hotter. I even imagined the look on your face, and sometimes just that made me come."

There was no apology for her confession, and I was proud of her for that. But at the same time, my quietly held reaction was a visceral one. It wasn't upsetting, but left me with a lingering inquisitiveness and angsty excitement I needed to explore at a later time.

L moved on to less serious details without my prodding. She put her hand in my lap and massaged my dick through my jeans.

"You want to know all the gory details, don't you?"

I said I did.

"How many times did you fuck?"

"A lot - three times, I think. I was too tired after that, but he was on top of me again when I woke up. You know how I like morning sex. But you usually want to know how big he was..."

She paused, but still played with my dick.

"So, how big was he? Bigger than me?"

"I don't think you've ever asked me that about Nick - but he was a little thicker, enough that I could tell the difference. But after the first time he took a pill, Viagra or something like it, that kept him really hard the rest of the night. Maybe that's why he felt thicker. Anyway, it felt great."

She had unzipped me and was stroking me faster. I could feel the precum lubricating her fingers.

"So, do you think I should do that - take Viagra to be thicker, to stay hard longer?" I asked.

I saw the corners of her mouth draw into the mischievous grin I knew all too well.

"Well, it wouldn't hurt to try it sometime - if you want to compete with Nick..."

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About author
We're a couple that loves role play, both hotwife and cuckold themed, for over 10 years now. We still spend time with L's very first lover, an accomplished Dom with an active imagination who has orchestrated some exciting and challenging scenarios for us. We do mostly hotwifing, but venture into the cuck theme when our needs lead us there.


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Don Jetman
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